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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  April 4, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT

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make american dream. allen to restore the confidence and that the leaf and the american dream. >> martha: is he going to campaign for you and support you. >> like all the voters in district 3 i will have to earn their support. >> martha: and are you a time supported? >> as a grassroots campaign any support would be welcomed, you know, we need all the help we can get on the ground come and say so if he offers support i would except with open arms. you'd be an idiot not to take a former presidents support. >> martha: alright so you will go back and tell those guys you are serious after all. >> know they know i am serious. [ laughter ] >> martha: thank you're stopping by. that is the story for today we will see you back here tomorrow have a great afternoon. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> stocks rocked and i need really rocked. u.s. relationship with israel feared to be on the rocks. the dow, nasdaq and s&p 500 up so much earlier in the day all finishing sharply lower by the end of the day. that follows the tense phone call between joe biden and ira -- is really prime mr benjamin netanyahu failing to tamp down tensions from ramping up and oil prices from rocketing up. in case you're counting oil prices now the highs they've been in 6 months. all of this as it looks like the u.s. might type further support for israel to steps to protect civilians in israel. them what if they don't? former israeli ambassador denny is here to respond he is worried. peter doucette another white house representative dealing with this. and israelis dealing with a backlash from all of this in tel aviv, welcome everyone. i am neil cavuto let's get right to a. let speak with peter at the white house sending a worrisome message to wall street and i
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guess you could extended to main street the world over. sir,. >> and neil president biden didn't discuss this on camera at least not yet. it's been coming from a paper statement about israel's quote unacceptable actions in gaza. but that's the kind of thing that has former obama speechwriter john favreau liking the following on next. he said the president doesn't get credit for being privately enraged when he still refuses to use leverage to stop the idf from killing and starving innocent people. these stories only make him look weak. there are also 180,000 more anonymous letter writers appealing to the president with notes dropped off at the white house gates. you can see the boxes and boxes and boxes of them here. white house officials today not ready to announce a policy change but the things they are saying today are different than
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october 7th. president biden had said than israeli -- israel support was unwavering. >> how is his support unwavering but also reconsidering policy choices? >> both can be true. >> they cannot be true. they are completely different things so, no, no. i'm sorry. >> he is wavering. >> come on. >> how is he not wavering? >> come on now. >> but both things are true. our support is ironclad and consistent, it will not stop and it's not going to waver. but we'll there perhaps be policy changes we may have to make if we don't see policy changes out of israel quick. >> if israel does not announce concrete steps to alleviate suffering in gaza in coming hours or days, u.s. military aid further or against hamas could be pulled back. neil. >> neil: that would be the first time in the history of our relationship, are they actually saying outright that they either coolant on these civilian attacks or all bets are off? >> they are not saying at that specifically and they are looking at the bigger picture
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where there are threats israel faces from iran and the u.s. it sounds like you still trying to -- going to try to help israel protect itself from iran. the specific problem is the way israel is conducting itself in gaza against hamas, particularly as they keep saying they have to go into rafah with more than 1 million innocent palestinians that have all been funnelled to this 1 place. president biden does not want to see that happen unless there is a plant publicly announced about how all the innocent people are going to be kept safe. and he's been saying that for weeks. the israelis just have not come up with it and now there is this very diplomatically worded but serious, they insist not an ultimatum pack but some morning they need to protect these innocent people in gaza are else president biden's policies going to change. neil. >> that's historic to put it mildly. peter great reporting is always. peter do see at the white house. keep in mind senator chris koons
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was open to putting conditions on the 8 israel. we'll export about soon. he's coming up of humans from not. in the meantime reaction at this point the former ambassador to tray inks first in tel aviv with the latest there. i'm sorry about that tray how are they responding we. >> yes no good afternoon following this 45 minute phone call between president biden does biden and is really prime mr benjamin netanyahu, israel is focused on a broader threat and that's a threat from iran. the country bracing for the possibility of a response following a strike earlier this week in syria killing 7 members of iran's ir gc including 2 top generals. we understand overnight is really forces actually called up reserve soldiers for the air defence unit and also this morning the israeli military
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cancelled leave for all combat forces. the funerals for those 7 members that died in syria are expected to be held tomorrow in iran. retaliatory strikes could happen after that. local media reports israel is preparing for the possibility of increased fire from lebanon and potential missile fire from iran. like which mack. >> idf is employed well and all layers of defence and ready for all scenario. we should not be overconfident but in the same note it is important to note changes to the homefront command direction if and when there we'll be changes we will keep the public updated. >> the rising tension comes as the israeli cabinet met tonight to discuss these threats from iran and the ongoing war and gaza. israel is under new pressure to define their plans for the conflict after striking a convoy of aid workers monday killing 7 people. the founder of the world central
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kitchen chef says his organization had clear-cut organ -- clear organization with the military on the incident took place. we understand at this hour neil the israelis are briefing reporters about the details that they found in the investigation and we understand those details we'll be made public. neil. >> neil: tray think he appeared you and your crew be safe my friend. if we get any more out of tel aviv we will keep you posted. meanwhile denny datum always good to have a. to call things tense right now probably would be an understatement, sir. but between the u.s. and israel even more so, what do you think we. >> well we are focused on what's coming from iran. we heard the threats they're threatening to send missiles into israel tomorrow, friday. we are focused on that. but you know you see at this time who your true allies are.
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now it's becoming harder when we the pressure from different countries against israel, we expect our allies to stand with us. >> neil: it looks like that might be increasingly conditional in this country, sir. that if you don't limit nor cool it on these attacks that often take civilian casualties, that might end or be cut back. are you concerned? >> first of all we have no intention to harm civilians. our goal is to minimize civilian casualties and we proved it during the six-month without fighting in gaza. hamas will do the exact opposite. we regret the tragedy of the workers who are co- but in doing -- during more time those accidents happen. unfortunately we had many israelis killed from friendly fires and even unfortunately killed 3 hostages who were able
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to run away from hamas. we regret those tragedies but our intention is to eradicate hamas. i think for the better of the people of gaza these sooner we do it it will be easier for them. i think we made a mistake because a few month ago president biden and leaders pressured israel as a slowdown with operation in gaza. and because they slow down now they are come to us and saying it takes you so long you have to stop. we cannot stop until we finish the job. the usl is entering germany almost berlin then someday will tell you don't finish the job, you have to stop. we will not stop we will do whatever is necessary to minimize civilian casualties. but at the end of the day it's either us winning the war or hamas winning the war. >> neil: so that will not change right. you think about it president biden has tied further u.s.
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support for israel on new steps your country takes to protect civilians. you have senator chris koons a key surrogate for the white house and president biden himself. he is open to putting conditions on aid to israel. i don't believe i've ever heard that in the history of our relationship. does that concerning? >> indeed. but we are open relationship with these kinds of issues with washington and we are open to hear their concerns. we have an open dialogue about the military operation. we hope to have a deal hostages coming back but unfortunately we feel hamas is playing with us and playing with the u.s. envoy. playing with qatar and egypt. there we'll be no deal in the next few days we will operate ourselves and complete this mission. we haven't forgotten what happened on october 7 and it's an important test for us.
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if we don't eradicate hamas imagine what our enemies in iran, lebanon, syria come against us. that's why we are determined to win this war. i would advise iran to look vary carefully before the attack. >> are you afraid the present is not as big a supporter as before and the pressure will come at your expense. >> first a bit -- i believe president biden the war against evil and hamas, it seems now we have some kind of disagreements about how to achieve the goal. you know, even when we started the war we heard concerns about the military operation but we prove that we are capable of moving the population from northern gaza to the south and to fight hamas. that's exactly what we will do in rafah. >> neil: no doubt, but that
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was before the central kitchen 8 attacks. i know the prime minister indicated it was a horrible misfire and mistake and they are looking into it but it is what it is. that was partly a colonizing point, to change not only this administrations posture, but the view of how long this war has taken. dew you think you are losing support globally now? now includes possibly the white house itself. >> definitely becoming harder for us. people have forgotten what happen here but we haven't forgotten. we haven't forgotten the 134 hostages being raped and tortured as we speak. we haven't forgotten what happened to the communities on october 7th and we know if we do not finish the job, hamas will come against us again. having to choose between supporting the community for our
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survival, we have no choice but to stay alive and we will be determined to win this war. i hope people would understand where we stand today and with israel. it's vary important to understand the clarity of the fight we are fighting. we have no desire to fight in gaza, you know, i don't want to send my son or friends and family members to fight, but we realize if we don't fight back against hamas, they will come to tel aviv and jerusalem and they will commit those horrible massacres all over again. >> neil: you know, donald trump has declined on a number of occasions to stay -- to say he stands 100% with israel. does that where you? >> i think anyone who sees what's happening here realizes that we have to win the war. but some people say do it faster , but when you actually
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fight the terrorists hiding behind civilians, you have to take your time. there is a contradiction. in 1 hand we get pressure to finish it fast but at the same time there civilians there, you cannot operate there. i chose the moral clarity of the leadership in israel that we operate solely. a texas us longer than expected but we are doing everything we can to minimize civilian casualties and finish the job. and we are successful. as we speak we almost eliminated 80% of the capabilities of hamas. even today when they're sending rockets into israel we saw that they were in very limited capabilities sending rockets again. >> neil: we'll watch a closely thank you ambassador. >> thank you very much neil. >> neil: alright he might have noticed in the corner of your screen you're probably rubbing your screen if it's right?
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indeed it was. all prices of oil hitting a high right now. talk of instability in the middle east and maybe the u.s. and israel and their relationship itself has become not welcome news as these continued peers over and is really counterattack. peter tuchman following the crosscurrents and joins us now. peter we have these foreign developments sometimes come and go, they sometimes are big impacts sometimes not. the amazing thing about the six-month war is that it's not been a big factor there. i'm not here to judge whether it's good or not just that it's not been. today, you know, some impact probably more having to do with the course of interest rates and where they go, but this is a new worry now. what do you think we. >> today, obviously the past couple days we've seen the marker, we had a great first
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quarter. the last couple days, a few days of april we are seeing a bit of a pullback. i think it's really a function of what's going on with the oil market. obviously the oil market is a manifestation of what's happening in the middle east and it's affecting the yield, giving us a bit of a slight pullback in the market. today's selloff was a bit of a fast and furious 1. i call situations like this the perfect storm when we have wondered if economic data or 1 geo- global situation come at us at a time the markets can usually handle those kinds of things, but when they come back to back like what happened today, the first thing that hit the tape was basically the news of maestro and a number of other governors talking about the fact the market seems to be trading sideways and perhaps we may not that really spoke -- spooked the
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markets severely. there is the news that came out about iran's attempt and promise that within the next 48 hours they were going to a -- attack israel. so these 2 bits of information are really what started to break the market down. once we started careening off a cliff there we ended up closing down 70 handles. at 1 point. so that was the main thing. the interest rate story was the biggest part of the day. >> neil: yeah, inflationary tape. all of a sudden it reared its ugly head again. so good having you peter be well and thank you. by the way any time you have oil prices and fed governors saying, you know, interest rates they come down but they might not come know right away. and bb not at all this year. stocks going down, way down. but of course the friction
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between our country and israel has never been more pronounced right now. we never hinted of tying aid to israel based on what it does to meet some of our demands. we will talk to kirby about all that after this listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa! progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at
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we are told both leaders joe biden and benjamin netanyahu were pretty frank with each other on that phone call. what we also know is president biden to say much of the u.s. support ending edit the treatment of civilians in gaza. let's get more from the national communications supervisor. was at that blunt john? >> it was a very drunk conversation neil. the president's frustration has been growing over the number of casualties and the risk to humanitarian aid workers and quite frankly over the locker progress in increasing volume of humanitarian assistance getting into gaza. so the probe -- president made it clear to benjamin netanyahu there will need to be some changes. how long was a conversation? >> the conversation was 30 minutes or so, a good proper length they covered a lot of ground in that time. >> neil: so what was benjamin
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netanyahu's response to the president saying for the u.s. support for israel depends on new steps to protect civilians? is. >> i want to be careful i don't speak for the foreign leader here i think it's fair to say the president's message was fairly received that present -- prime minister benjamin netanyahu understood where he was coming from. >> neil: so the reason i ask is senator chris koons is open to putting conditions on aid to israel if protections for civilians are not met. what do you think? >> i've great respect for senator koons of course but i would point to the line in the presidential readout of his call where it's made clear that our policy with respect to gaza in general is very much going to be dependent on our assessment of
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the changes that israel makes about the protection for aid workers hacked the additional volume of humanitarian assistance that need to get in, and efforts to stem civilian casualties. so we're going to watch and see what israel does here. we expect in coming hours and days they will make announcements of changes they'll make. i don't want to get ahead of them. but will need to see is more a getting in, more effort applied to keeping humanitarian aid workers safe and any change to our policy we'll be sort of hung on our assessment to the degree israel complies with all that. >> neil: so what happens if more civilians are killed or aid workers are killed? all that softly reassessed? >> i don't want to get ahead of where we are right now, it's a terrific question but it's also a hypothetical 1. >> but it certainly implies that, if that happens again,
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something like this, all bets are kind of operate. >> the president was very clear that we need to see some changes in the way israel is prosecuting these operations and that pending those changes in our assessment of the efficacy of those changes, our policy may need to change as well. >> part of this coalition government was established after the attacks. it's now calling for elections the next 6 months. this follows similar calls of a host of others even sooner. where does the president stand on this? >> the president knows israel is a vibrant democracy and he knows these kinds of decisions are left appropriately to the israeli people and their elected representatives in the cabinets. >> neil: chuck schumer must know that as well write? and others like him must know that as well.
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were hearing that from a wider group of americans right? >> there is no question the sender schumer feels passionately about this and he lay that out as the president noted he speaks for a lot of americans who feel the same way he does. all i can say is as commander-in-chief the president understands israel has a democratic institution and we will respect that. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is the fairly elected prime minister for the state of israel and he's the individual that we are dealing with. >> neil: but it looks and sounds like the coalition government itself could be fraying. i only mention it because that was 1 of the late joe lieberman's greatest fears. use really critical of chuck schumer increasingly on the part of prominent democrats to state their difference from israel right now. and forget about dealing with the sovereign country and meddling in their affairs are
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sing at different signal to the world and groups like iran and hamas that seem to be emboldened by this. >> senator schumer said himself he didn't make that spate -- speech or those comets in a cavalier fashion are lately. that he thought about it deeply and thought about it hard and certainly we respect his right to express those feelings. as the president noted there are a lot of people who noted that message resonated with. all i can tell you is we are committed to supporting israel in itself defence against hamas and a range of other threats. we talk a lot about hamas today and that is appropriate. but they're facing a range of other threats. the present made it clear to benjamin netanyahu the elected prime minister for israel today that american support for the defence of israel is solid and it will -- will change. >> neil: all right this is orien confused. i apologized. we -- we give 3 and a half billion dollars each or to
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israel. is a your sins if they continue to conduct the war it has connected that that number is going to go down? >> it's hard to say right now neil. it's a great question and it's a question and it's a question. i' lots of times today but i don't want to get ahead of policy decisions the person hasn't made. we've made it clear unless we see policy changes on the israeli part, we might have to make some policy changes on our part. were going to watch and see, they're expected to make announcements in the coming hours and days of the ways they will approve the efficacy of their targeting process and ways they will improve humanitarian assistance and ways they are going to protect aid workers. the want to see those changes are too many civilians have been killed. if we don't see those changes than we're going to have to make some changes and decisions of our own. that doesn't mean, this is an important point, it doesn't mean our soup work for the state of israel is going down or that we don't support israel's right to defend itself against these threats.
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but how they defend themselves against these threats, particularly hamas, really does matter. we want to see some changes in how they are executing those self defence operations. >> alright john kirby thank you for taking the time we appreciate it. >> thank you. in the meantime no labels is no more. at least this election year. what happened to that third-party shafter this ♪ on medicare? have diabetes? when enjoying life's special moments, are you left guessing which foods are right for you? with the freestyle libre 3 system, you'll know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. freestyle libre 3. manage your diabetes with more confidence... and lower your a1c. so you can focus on those special moments.
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>> alright no labels not exactly no more but no more search for a third-party option to the established candidates.
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repeat of the last election featuring trump and biden. joe gunning -- cunningham the national director on what happened joe what happened? >> hey neil let me say is not for lack of trying. that is for sure. the short answer is that the -- no labels was looking for a hero and a hero never emerged. weeping very straightforward and upfront and honest with american public saying we would field this ticket if 2 conditions were met. number 1 if americans wanted another option which is definitely box is checked. and number 2 we find candidates that we believe have a pathway to victory. that's where we ran to the trouble, at the end of the day we weren't able to find candidates we felt had a straightforward path of victory in this. >> martha: >> neil: they said some of them go on the record there didn't seem to be much of a chance you can get on all the
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state ballots. on by 1 the seem to drop out looking at the herculean test that would be for them. chris christie comes to mind, joe madden comes to mind, a host of others. they also render the respective contest so maybe there was just a feeling they weren't up to that. but what happened, what fell apart for them, for you? >> 12 neil first off i respect lee disagree that we had issue with the ballot access. we were on 21 states as of today. getting the bow access in all 50 states plus dc was not going to be our challenge. that brings me to the second point, as you pointed out at the end of the day pushing the back against you're respective political party is difficult. the establishment does not reward dissent. so we found it difficult to find that we use to step up with occurs to be able to say okay we are putting our country first and down the concert was his within our respective parties.
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at the end of the day that's essentially what were running up against. also some had concerns about what may be the unintended consequences of the third ticket running. smack and restrictions. -- that was a tough sell there were a lot of republicans on the list and covering -- including nikki haley and that they wanted to protect their options in remaining republicans in future elections. >> i'm more concerned about their putting cool feature neil. this is an noble concept but there, we are in difficult times right now. americans are craving another option. millions of americans are disappointed to learn about this news. the commonsense majority that needs a voice. no labels will continue to be a voice. you mention a lot of names and
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there are a lot of potential candidates that have been thrown out there but we've only spoken to and made offers to only a fraction of those leaders. weeping very pragmatic. >> the couple i mentioned among them? >> some of them did have discussions, you know, with leaders with an organization but i'm not going to get into talk about which candidates rejected or which ones we rejected. >> and you whispered in meyer or some thing like that? [ laughter ] >> just between us right now listening to now soulful it will change is he that type of guy or no? >> the discussions will unfold with robert kennedy and again there is a lot of discussions with a lot of leaders and as you mentioned earlier and we've been
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around 14 years and we will continue to serve the commonsense majority but this whole process has been done in a thoughtful, pragmatic and careful way. we are mindful of all these cuts quinces unfolding. >> neil: who will you vote for? >> when no labels itself as organization that advocates or are against political candidates, you know, we were merely securing ballot access. >> neil: patricia momo's for you as a person what would you do? >> me as a person i would vote for. >> neil: of course we watch a closely. jim cunningham thank you. we don't know exactly where no labels goes after this year but never say never with third-party attempts. in fact there is 1 prominent 1 going on right now as we speak. in the meantime getting a sense
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of donald trump's legal troubles that suddenly seemed to be hitting a brick wall for him after this ♪ moving piles of earth. towing up to 4,000 lbs. cutting millions of blades of grass. nothing compares to experiencing it for yourself. you just have to get in the seat. (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there. viking. exploring the world in comfort. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day...
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[ ♪♪ ] >> and not so fast on that bond donald trump has posted 75 million-dollar bond in that civil, you know, at the front trial april 22nd the attorney general's office now saying they will hold a hearing into that and preventing the firm behind it they want to go to annie mccarthy and what he makes of all this. this is 1 of several disappointing decisions and legal matters for the former president but this 1 is kind of interesting, it sort of like a revisit on the bond itself. what happened? >> well, it looks like, neil, there were certainly information the bond company was supposed to supply. my understanding looking at some of the reporting and had to deal with statements of financial
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conditions of his i doubt that's going to end up being a major problem. it's pretty aggressive for leticia james to call this into question. i happen thank the bond even at 175 million is unnecessary. it seems to me trump has substantial assets in new york not going anywhere. his company is under a monitor so it's not like you can transfer the property. she will have plenty to execute against if she prevails on appeal. so i think this ought to be much ado about nothing but we'll keep an an eye on it. >> neil: a lot of it has to do with if the bond has any connection to new york itself and if it doesn't she's using the argument there is no bond. >> at the same time as long as
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the funds of their -- funds are there and again i don't mean to be a dead horse but trump has got a lot of property in new york. every business is different and every fortune is different. if his fortune was bags of money you could put on a plane and take some place that would be wanting, but he's got new york real estate. so, you know, i don't know why she's complaining about because there we'll be plenty there for her to seize if in the end she ends up prevailing. i must say i expect there to be a substantial decrease in the disgorgement penalty imposed here. >> let me get your take on 3 other cases that didn't go his way, the documents case losing his bid to have that dismissed. the georgia case he wanted that dismissed based on free speech looks like that will not be the case and finally end their judge refusing to delay the hush money trial.
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so rarely has he faced this many disappointments illegally. that could change but these certificates of these 3 matters. >> i think, neil, the thing you marshall there is the most important thing perhaps we haven't spent enough time on. which is when you look at these cases 1 at a time when they come up, the cumulative effect of all this is what's hardest on trump in terms of due process. animal defendant and a big case might get over a year to prepare for trial and be looking at only 1 indictment. trump has these 4 complex cases that have been dropped on him and, you know, these are democratic prosecutors who strategically time the cases to take place during the campaign calendar. so that's vary difficult for him politically but i think it's even more difficult for him in
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terms of due process. >> neil: we shall see. always good catching up on a lot of legal matters with you andy. always fun thank you very much in the meantime travel disarray castle -- cancelled flights all because of nasty weather throughout much of the majority of the u.s. after this personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. i can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about.
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sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this.
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>> alright a lot of wind and a lot of rain. don't say you weren't warned or a lot of folks may be stuck at airports. 1 is is going to end ray? >> neil i can hear you i don't know i can hear you but i know it's my turn to talk. i will start talking of. a big event happening for us and monday, this at clips. overall, the weather we'll be a bit couple medic. some laypeople have made travel plans for this event and we will be pretty good across the midwest at parts of the northeast but areas in the south i would put my money on as a good place to go for the event. places like dallas and little rock experiencing trouble with severe weather. you need to understand if you travel there, you need an exit plan if you need to get out of their.
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another strong we've watched, 2e have had all winter and it's happening in april. also a lot of rain on the southern side of this. brooklyn new york over 6 inches the last few days from this and it's been so windy. a lot of people without power. a little bit of snow left to be had across much of new england that's going to be tapering off at least by the time to get to tomorrow. 1 last story neil quick today the first forecast for this coming hurricane season came out. colorado state 1 of the best forecasters, an average, forecasting 23 storms. 11 hurricanes and 5 major hurricanes. we expect to see a very active hurricane season. now is the time to make all your plans, hurricane season begins 1st of june neil. >> martha: man-to-man scary stuff. little more right after this.
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she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be.
1:56 pm
so i hired body doubles. 30,000 followers tina in a boutique hotel. or 30,000 steps tina in a mountain cabin. ooh! booking.yeah ♪ ♪ >> neil: all right, trade schools are hot right now. overall acceptance rates and activity and enrollment up 16%. they are barely budging come inspect in fact going the other way from typical four-year schools. mitch daniels is a former purdue you present, former indiana governor, give a couple of good reasons why. governor cuomo is good to see you. college costs out of control.
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you kept the freeze, don't know how you did that. a lot of them didn't, so this is not difficult math to figure out. >> i think it was very healthy and really a very predictable development, neil. we got a young people encouraged to go to four-year schools, expensive four-year schools, for whom that probably wasn't the best choice. word is out now, there is some tremendous careers for people with skills and you don't need four years and a lot of student debt to achieve those skills. >> neil: yeah, i look at my plumber, when he comes to my house, his people have people, it's a s.w.a.t. team and he arrives like elvis when it is time for him to do things. but we don't appreciate that, to your point, governor, like foreign countries do in germany where they are practically praised, electricians and mechanics, in italy and elsewhere. we don't treat with the same respect. why not? >> well, we haven't, but let's hope that that is changing, and i think it is.
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again, these enrollment figures, i think these trends are going to accelerate. the numbers of young people, first of all, have flattened in the country. we are seeing a lot of schools close or consolidate. meanwhile, our community college, especially those that embrace or may be reembraced the vocational mission, as opposed to the college preparatory commission. i think have so much to offer. again, i think we have probably overemphasized the four year business, and certainly realizing now that that ought not be a prerequisite to employment. a lot of factors moving the same direction. >> neil: you know, governor, your name had come up a lot with the no labels folks looking for an alternative candidate,
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repeat candidates, we are seeing come of course it is a moot point because they have given up the fight, no-labels no more, what do you think of all of that? >> i think they are admirable people. i think they had high motives. i think many of the attacks on the more shameful, really, and misrepresented what they were doing and why. they did a lot of really good work to get qualified on a lot of ballots. that line is still there and maybe it will go vacant now, unused in the future, but i think they were responding -- there's all sorts of data that proves they were responding to a very widespread lack of enthusiasm in the country for the two established parties, as each become more and more the prisoner of its edge. i think what they were trying to do was, again, had the best of intentions, and they should at least be thanked for the citizenship that underlay it. >> neil: you know, governor,
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we don't have much time but my staff, you got to ask about the final four, purdue and north carolina, but since my son's school, clemson, missed out on being in the final four, i don't care. but i am very happy for you. there's a lot of pressure versus north carolina. how do you feel about that? >> you have to admire what north carolina state has done. nobody should be taking them lightly anymore, and i hope our folks -- it's a great thing for purdue university. we are hearing from people, neil, who have no connection to purdue, are rooting for us because i think of the character and values in the program, you know, this is a program that does at the right way. >> neil: but you do feel that clemson was robbed, right? to i understand you feel clemson was robbed? okay. >> well, clemson has had an awful lot of athletic success -- >> neil: all right, all right. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone.


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