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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 4, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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before apoquel chewable for allergic itch, giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh maria, i'm wise to your foolish game. is it gone? totally gone. itch relief just got easier! apoquel, the trusted #1 treatment for allergic itch is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day. do not use in dogs with serious infections. may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers and serious infections. new neoplasias have been observed. do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel chewable. do it! >> brian: it's 8:00 on the east coast, thursday, april 4, this
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is "fox and friends." dhs agents, look at this video, rearresting three migrant squatters who were out on jail because some idiot judge. one is still on the run. what we're learning about their criminal past. >> lawrence: another squatting showdown. a texas homeowner confronts one entering the home through the window. >> there will be no help. he's damaged well over south of $2000 in damage in the house. he kicked in a door to a ba bathroom, broke windows, illegally tapped into electricity. >> steve: their story coming up. a brutal brawl, new york rangers and new jersey devils coming to blows two seconds into the game. how it ended and how many people were on ice. >> brian: then and there tla tha played hock. >> ainsley: "fox and friends" starts now and remember,
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mornings are better with friends. >> lawrence: fox news alert. migrants in a raid at a known squatter house in new york city. >> steve: the suspects are among a group of eight arrested last week on gun and drug charges only to be released without bail. we've heard that story before. >> ainsley: we have, here is what authorities found in the home. >> the neighborhood there is outraged those three migrant squatters were again arrested at the bronx home. authorities found guns, drugs, ammo and scales during that raid. one of those was a 24-year-old from venezuela. he prompted the initial raid last week, where eight were arrested after he was seen with a gun outside the home. he was pointing the loaded gun
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at someone when police arrived and being taeled him. last august, he was charged with attempted murder. he shot another migrant in the leg over an argument, the victim refused to cooperate. ice has confirmed four of the eight migrant squatters arrested had previously been caught at the texas border by border patrol and then released into the u.s. only to skip out on their processing appointments. with the three suspects rearrested and being held pending deportation, ice said it placed detainers on four others and there is one who was still on the run, guys. >> lawrence: the one with the gun. >> brian: why were they let out? thanks so much. why were they let out? the d.a. said put them on bail and judge eugene bowen, the same who said the two upon cos that got beat up at time square and
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flipped off the camera, he is the same one that let them out. ice had to spring into action. nypd is angry, these guys with illegal guns out on attempted murder and everything. ice is saying, why do we have to go back since nypd risk their lives to grab them. >> lawrence: the community was warning the cops about this. cops were not able to do their job because of sanctuary city policy. you have gangs with drugs, they claim they do not have money. they have money. >> ainsley: drugs, scales, a on child inside. they will squat in the same house. >> steve: what about the bag of ketamine? it is mixed with cocaine. we don't know. you remind us of the migrant who
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flipped off the cameras and cop in time square. remember the migrant influencer on tiktok telling people how to squat? a story in the "new york post" that apparently the bureau of tobacco and firearms is contacting ice, on one of his social media accounts it shows him with guns or a gun which according to the story is illegal given his past. >> lawrence: steve, can we talk about now the policing business is based off media reports? until we shame -- >> brian: social media. >> lawrence: until we take reports and show what these people are doing and then the cops are able to do their job. that tells me the white house is only responsive to reporting in the press. c cops want to police everyday, it shouldn't be based on us covering stories and them
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reacting to i think thises they have known for a while. >> ainsley: lawrence, you have done squatting stories. you even knocked on the door. they said, i have the right to be here, they show receipts. we were talking, i don't think this would happen down south, law enforcement would say, you are not paying rent, get out, it is not your house, you are not living for free. ron desantis is trying to do something about it with legislation in florida and in texas this is happening, too. we interviewed a family in san antonio that bought a fix er-upper, they wanted tile in their bathroom. a guy is entering their house and living there, squatting in the house. the door is locked, so now he goes in through the window, he did the tile work and signed a
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lease that said he could live there for a few days while he does the work. the bathroom is in shambles still. >> steve: he broke the contract. >> ainsley: police came and said there is nothing we can do. here is his girlfriend or someone, she comes in, bag of food. >> brian: be proud, picked a real winner. >> ainsley: this is the front window. >> lawrence: initially they are filming this happening, he's filming the owners, as well. the guts of these people. they feel they are -- >> the owner said, why are you live nothing our house? she said, i have a right to be here. >> brian: here is the interview. >> little by little showing that it was a house he wanted all along and with our trust, he abused us. i've been asked, what is your
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warning to other homeowners? just knowing, there is no good deed going to be returned with good and you don't know, you could screen them, do credit, go through contracts, you don't know what state or whom the idea they will hit. >> it is really sad, we don't have protection. >> there is legislators, governor desantis is making headway, we need headway to proticket us, the homeowners. >> steve: they need to change the laws, in texas, in florida, change it here. the states all did what they thought was a good thing. they wrote laws to protect honest tenants from greedy landlords, unfortunately, particularly with this wave of migrants, migrants have figured out how to game the system and we're been talking in so many
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different categories and this is how they do it now. >> brian: who is coming across the southern border? if you look at fiscal year 2024, in april, 28,000. what is wrong with colombia? that is infected by chaos coming from venezuela and brazil. china, this is biggest mystery, 22233 and last year 24,000, we couldn't believe that. this year we could possibly double that. mexico 18,000, there was a time that was zero. brazil 8700 and ecuador with 7700. these failed countries are coming here, they think it is their one time to get here, border patrol is overwhelmed and all the administration says, we have legislation republicans don't want to pass it. >> ainsley: those numbers are from this fiscal year. >> brian: chinese is coming across, they have roller bags. >> lawrence: the number
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skyrocketed, go back to the numbers of chinese from year to year. this really shows the story, go to the beginning, please. you got 21, in '21, 342. fiscal year '22, 1900 and it goes up to 24,000 and in 2024, just now, up to now only 22,000. >> ainsley: that is joe biden's office. >> steve: here is what is going on, for years chinese would get temporary visa to come into the country and united states would allow that. in 2016, year of the presidential election, united states issued 2.2 million visas to the chinese, that is why so many people came in. they were not arrested, as they are being now. in 2022, 160,000 -- >> brian: through a visa system? >> steve: the legal visa system, that is why they are coming in
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illegally, they are allowing 160,000 legal and five years earlier it was 2.2 million. that 60 minutes story showed how so many are flying to tijuana and going through that gap in the wall. if you are deported in the united states and you are chinese, china will not take you back, there are 36,000 chinese ordered to leave the united states and beijing said, will not take them. they are home free. >> lawrence: why is china allowing this? what is the plan here? you don't leave china like this unless the government allows it to happen. >> brian: here is mike pompeo on that question. >> the chinese communist party knows they are here. imagine 1% of those tens of thousands of folks here on nefarious mission on behalf of the chinese communist party
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working on fentanyl, and working on cartel assistance and funneling money through the chines is, this is eshg normous national security risk to the united states to have hind chinese nationals coming here, it will be a bad day and we don't have our hands around who is coming in, where they are and president biden doesn't give a rip about it. >> brian: come up on the conversation they had yesterday, president xi and president of the united states. i guess fentanyl came out, a lot of issues didn't come out. >> lawrence: why have the call if you do not talk about the top issues facing our country. >> steve: so many people are leaving china, they say, we are going to canada or ecuador or we're going to mexico, they are really coming here. >> ainsley: it is mind-blowing these are policies in america right now.
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you can live in someone else's house and squat. our southern border is completely open to anyone, we are not even vetting them. >> lawrence: direct result, you have activists running the country and academics believe that only read books, they don't look at theory anda practice, white house is influenced by it, mayor offices, d.a.s and judges influenced by it. republicans have a push for federal judges, has to be a push for local officer, more republican mayors and d.a.s, it is local issues that are impacting us most and it is a crisis. >> brian: they need money, you barely have enough money to finance u.s. senators, the president and rnc has to finance all the way down. battle on the ice. nhl rivals getting into a
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knock-down drag-out brawl because the whistle went off. everyone forgot to grab the puck, it was a brawl. todd piro brawls, we want to bring him in and he says, get over here. >> todd: i will explain what happened. >> brian: james cagney. coming for you, brian. gloves came off and took on devils and rangers, all 10 starters began throwing hay makers. watch. >> five on five. mcdermott and rempe exchanging blows. >> todd: eight players four from each team ejected and all 10 received five-minute fighting
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penalties. carley challenged me to a fight, i messed up that line. no doubt matt rempe was going to fight yesterday. these teams met less than a month ago, that move got him ejected and suspendd and in hockey, you police your own on the ice, the devil trading for that guy, 23, curtis mcdermott for this very moment, they traded for him for this moment, the two fought longest during yesterday's brawl. i have to read this, last night's game end with rangers winning 4-e 32. who said yea? you want to go? conchear concho, pirro and let's settle this and go. >> brian: like "anchorman." >> todd: don't touch the head or
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face. >> brian: battle of the sexes. >> steve: guy from pbs shows up. >> ainsley: you can't hit a girl. >> todd: you can bring a proxy m male. >> ainsley: i will bring sean han hannity. he trains everyday. >> todd: my contact at ice, i'm going after him next. he texted me from the gym where he works out two hours a day. this devils-rangers rivalry is serious and i represent, go devils. >> lawrence: should we be offended? ainsley didn't mention us. >> steve: we have to be in good shape. >> ainsley: any of y'all would do better than me. sill silv /* what about st
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stallone. >> steve: todd is appearing with carley, he battles with her everyday. >> brian: stop here first. toss across. >> ainsley: he is crossing. >> carley: my gosh. >> steve: did a hockey game just break out? >> carley: producers are telling me to take it away, i will. battle on the side. >> lawrence: only on morning tv. >> brian: are you losing to todd? >> carley: todd, pick up your teeth. we do have more news to get to, including this shocking video of a deadly elephant attack in africa, massive wild animal charging a group of tourists on a safari.
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>> hey, hey, hey. >> carley: six people onboard that bus, a woman died from her injuries. eight passengers who were stranded are back on their cruise ship. they were on a guided tour that was delayed. after being left on march 27th, they stopped in seven koushs before catching the ship. nor weejgian will reimburse the for their cost. rejected trump's request to delay the trial until the supreme court rules on immunity. gregg jarrett joined us earlier. >> all thes cases have one denominator, they are politically motivated.
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right to speedy trial is right of the accused, not the accuser. >> carley: the hush money trial is expected to start on april 15th. uconn men's basketball team touching down in phoenix after a plane malfunction left the defending national champs delayed. nba superstar lebron james offering praise for players like caitlin clark for record ratings. >> much different between the men and women's game, popularity comes in. >> carley: monday nieft night's lsu and iowa game was the most watched in history. and shedding pounds after retiring from the n.f.l. >> i've played my whole career 295, trying to get down to
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250-260. >> it does not just have to do with weight, you want to slowly decrease the fat and increase muscle mass, that is the key thing. do not have to lift heavy, that is key thing. remember, certain age you start getting into wear and tear of the joints, it is not necessary, you are not competing. >> carley: that is something jason kelce could handle, he wants to lose two pounds per week by monitoring proteins and fats, good plan, guys. >> brian: could do a movie deal or something. >> thank you, carley. >> steve: we were talking about that, i said, i wonder if that motivated him to lose weight. i was photographed in front of the building with world cup soccer team and i did what? >> brian: took your shirt off.
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because brandi chastain did. she had a sports bra on, so did steve. >> ainsley: did she send you the picture? >> steve: my wife framed it, trying to get permission from people magazine and sports illustrated. we don't have permission. >> ainsley: we don't have permission? >> steve: we don't. i am skinny. >> ainsley: see your ribs. >> brian: i'm a good sketch artist. there you go. >> lawrence: all skinny. >> ainsley: go to the camera and show it. funny. >> brian: right there. that is steve. >> ainsley: back up. >> steve: i'm a stick figure. i started swimming and gained muscle mass, that is arnold's advice to kelce. >> brian: you got to know taylor
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swift and so did jason kelce. >> ainsley: you were backstage with taylor. he wanted to be 250-260. >> brian: what does that mean for astrology? >> steve: we had susan miller on, an astrology jer. >> ainsley: catholic and it is all about numbers, not a fortune teller. >> steve: she talked about how eclipses will accelerate you to the future. we asked her to read our charts. >> lawrence: we have our own leprechaun. >> steve: is that in the montage of susan miller talking about us. >> brian, your birthday is may 7th. >> oh, you are the lucky leprechaun. everything you are touching is turning to gold. he has it going on right now.
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every 12 years, it comes up, you will lose it next month, no tears, jupiter is moving into your house of money. are you married or single? >> lawrence: single right now. oh, love is coming to you. >> brian: there you go. need an erclipse for you to geta woman. >> lawrence: and love. >> ainsley: leprechaun cupid. >> lawrence: that was good, though. >> brian: you get a lot of women, see how many women you get. >> lawrence: you calling me a player now? >> brian: the stars called you a player. >> ainsley: lawrence, carley can back me up, when you started to work at fox, we were all no babies, traveling a lot and you find your mate, get married, get a puppy, you did that. you need a mate and then babies, it will happen right here.
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>> lawrence: our leprechaun will make sure he babysits when the children come. >> ainsley: make him the godfather, he has a lot of money. >> brian: a lot of free time. >> ainsley: two kids out of the house. >> steve: 6 p.m. on sunday, we'll have coverage of the eclipse. >> brian: are we still on? >> ainsley: get back to news, biden campaign is hiring new pollsters. >> steve: kayleigh mcenany will come in and talk about that next. what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts
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>> ainsley: back with headlines, giant mounds of trash are being removed from a los angeles home after months of complaints from neighbors. city workers tried to convince him to clean up his property. a texas mom is hit with an arrest warrant over late library books and has to pay a fine of $600 or jail time. she revealed she was at the dmv
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when she got the news. >> she says you have a warrant out for your arrest. this ordinance needs to go. people say it could have been done without dramatics. it wasn't. >> she said she returned the books, the system was down. combined value of the books was $60. >> steve: and she offered to buy the books. the judge said no, pay $600. thank you. dismal approval numbers have biden campaign nervous as they have hired new pollsters to help the campaign. new polls show the president lagging behind donald trump in six key swing states. former press secretary for donald trump kayleigh mcenany joins us live.
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the polls are terrible for joe, for the most part. things could be stabilizing for him. they have new people onboard, what is that about? >> kayleigh: it is about shoring up the base. some pollsters are progressive and some court black vote ares. he is underwater with black voters compared to 2020. these pollsters shore up the base. they came up with the maga republican differentiating, that is what they are shoring up, thes base and bring in new voters. >> steve: they have looked at all the pollsters and people involved in campaigns during 2022 when democrats did well in midterms. it is like, we'll hire those
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people, what they did beat republicans and that is what they want to do. >> kayleigh: yes, the pollsters need to tell him, fix immigration. >> steve: 100%. fox news poll came out and the most popular major candidate, is r.f.k. jr., approval rating, favorability rating of 47 followed by two points by the former president and joe biden is six points behind him. >> kayleigh: yes, i've looked at swing state polling, it is mixed bag. sometimes he hurts trump, sometimes biden. one line is half of republicans view r.f.k. jr. favorable, quarter of republicans. r.f.k. jr. is a democrat, you
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heard former president trump say he picked a democrat and next week when trump announces abortion stance, he would be smart to talk about his stanca abortion. he said maga welcomes him, clear on that. >> steve: what do you make of this headline from msnbc, trump's preoccupying, they said donald trump is desperate to participate in prejudicial debateses, joe biden can turn him down. >> kayleigh: i laughed at this, presidential debates are desperation on part of trump, he wants a debate, that is what people get. fox polling shows 64% of voters say it is important to see a debate and 72% said it is a sign
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of weakness if someone does not debate. >> steve: will they debate? >> kayleigh: i don't think so. i hope so. >> steve: it would be great to watch. watch "outnumbered" originating in this studio, coming up in three hours and 27 minutes. thank you. meanwhile, the golden years may get downgraded to silver years, americans rush to save more because of inflation. charles payne on how to prepare for retirement coming up. the earnhardt family has always trusted bass pro shops for all of their outdoor needs, and i continue to be a proud customer. i grew up shopping here, and now i love bringing my family here to gear up for all of our adventures together. and now, bass pro shops club members enjoy special savings
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>> ainsley: as the cost of groceries, gas and housing remains high, americans approaching their golden years say they need to save more for retirement to account for this inflation. charles payne, host of making money is here to break down the numbers. let's talk about how much we need to retire? >> this survey by northwest mutual, they asked how much they thought they needed? folks saying, i need 1.46 million. what is crazy about this, you can see back in 2020, it was 951,000, up 53%. this is huge, people are struggling now and have little hope about the future and you have things like doom spending. a lot of people have given up, who thinks they can make up this distance? >> ainsley: i remember someone
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said you are making no money in college, start a 401(k), i did that. how much do we need to save for retirement, charles? >> we're way behind. average person has 83,000 saved up. if you break down more than that, gen-z has 22,000 saved up, they think they need 1.6 million. one third think they will live to be 100. they started saving at 22, boomers started saving at 37, they went through stagnation. these youngsters are starting to save, 22,000 and goal is 1.6 million. >> ainsley: average age to start saving is 31 years old, start
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earlier. start in your 20s. tax date is april 15th, most young folks did not know that. go to the irs website, 1-4 need a therapist to do their taxes, it is stressful. it is stressful, i will give gen-z a break on this. when i get a text from my accountant, i cry. arthur just called me, i need to come see you. 54% of crying, that is me every single time. i don't understand it, i'm paying and paying and paying and paying and absolutely nuts. we were talking about the retirement thing, people are in a jam, they have 401(k)'s and don't realize they have to pay taxes on that, too. what people feel now is
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legitimate stuff. the irs does have a website to help you out, tips to take stress out of paying taxes. >> ainsley: go to the irs website. >> that won't work, i tried them all, i have the form, mailed it, forgot stamp, they don't care. they are ruthless, rougher than the mafia. >> ainsley: making money, fox business today 2:00 p.m. one colorado county is threatening fines if migrants are dropped off where they live, that is next. and since i get 5% off every day with the mylowe's rewards credit card, we can get it today. no waiting for a sale. wait, we could have got this yesterday at 5% off? or the day before that? or the day that it broke? he broke it. - we'll take it. the mylowe's rewards credit card helps you save 5% every day. apply today. hi, i'm tali, and i lost 85 pounds on golo. all my life i struggled with my weight. i tried every diet, and i even had weight loss surgery. but, after complication,
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>> lawrence: a colorado county putting all the bus companies carrying migrants on notice, warning them do not stop here. the buses could face crimes up to $1000 per passenger and be seized. george teal joins us now. george, it seems like there has been a turn in the tone here. there used to be a message of welcoming migrants into the areas, but now looks like no more sanctuary or freedom and no more free leading.
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>> yeah, no more free loading, denver got on the bandwagon of the anti-trump fad of declaring sanctuary city early among democratic cities across the nation. we're not a democrat county, we're a community that is mostly republican. we were never going to be a sanctuary county. now they are rethinking dedication to being a sanctuary city, we thought this ordinance was required to make sure we can keep our community safe. >> lawrence: this was in response to the left wanting to get rid of after being a sanctuary city, county, wanting to push migrants over to you guys, right? >> that's exactly it. there was an expose done over the weekend by a local television station, we see a
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denver city employee telling migrants, telling illegal immigrants hey, you can't stay here, we're running out of resources, you got to go. it is just a matter of time before denver diverts buses here to douglas county, between denver and colorado springs. when that happens, we're prepared. >> lawrence: do you think a message need to be sent from the top of the president of the united states to his party, no more sanctuary cities? >> i do. the whole sanctuary city process was a fad, an anti-federal immigration push against policies of president trump. i'm sure as we've all checked and found out, president trump
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is not the president right now, it is president biden, one of their own democrats and yet they still continue these policies, they are starting to regret. >> lawrence: unbelievable. hope they learned their lesson, you can't just say something without having to deal with co consequencer. commissioner george teal, thank you for joining the program. and carley has news for us. >> carley: news trending on social media, hgtv stars erin and ben napier ripping trolls for making nasty comments about h homes they have done. if you can't think of something nice to say about these people's homes, then what do you say? >> don't say anything at all. >> caller: criticism of this home's green striped anning, so
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social media. tiktok with 14 million views is sparking debate. it points out how women speak to each other face-to-face and men avoid each other head on. girls speak face-to-face, they desire to connect. guys do side to side, they desire companionship. another suggesting face-to-face is confrontational and side by side and team mentality. i think they are like dogs, it is awkward to make eye contact. over to you, janice. >> janice: you and i always speak face-to-face. >> carley: we're good buds. >> janice: especially ordering online breakfast. we have a big event coming up on monday, eclipse. we have a storm system that
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brought damage. in new york city, rain gone and wind calmed down. cold air behind it, 10 to 20 below average and area of low pressure across the great lakes, energy is transferring, making this stronger, this coastal low. that is a problem for upstate new york and parts of new england. we could certainly see airline delays with winds and the fact we have that energy cranking across the coast, winter weather alert, we could get over two feet of snow for new england. that is something to watch. the eclipse, there is potential for showers in the forecast, fox, has everything. i am going to little rock, arkansas. >> lawrence: you get the best assignments. more on the solar es clips
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eclipse. first it is hemmer time. >> bill: texas has a governor fighting biden administration everyday. greg abbott is here in the studio to take questions. don't miss this. people of dalton, illinois, revoting against their mayor and we'll find out why. county in michigan target of a crime ring, a mystery they cannot solve. dog's day is saved by his best friend. we have that video to prove it to you. see you top of the hour, seven minutes away.
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>> steve: we're back to talk about america total eclipse set to take place -- take this path when it crosses the united states monday afternoon. >> ainsley: we have more on why this eclipse is such a big deal. >> good morning, ainsley. the eclipse monday stretches along a large swath of the united states including texas. let's look at the path of this eclipse stretching from san antonio, dallas, little rock, southern illinois, indianapolis, cleveland, anyone along lake
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erie, maine and not help melt the snow. for anyone traveling along that route monday it might be best to stay home seeking accommodations. hotels are packed along that route. these are some of the airports that will be in the path. little rock, chicago, indy, boston, kansas city, buffalo, cleveland. planes need navigation lights on and runways lit up. nasa is scrambling wb57s to study the sun's outer atmosphere. if you miss the eclipse monday you have to wait a while. it won't happen until 2044. you might want to book the hotels in montana and north dakota now. you guys will need sunglasses and strong to watch the eclipse. stronger than this. >> brian: i'll make it myself. his retina is safe. >> we have an arrest happening now. this is ice removal officers


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