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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 4, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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>> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. on the east coast brian can't get
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in his chair. >> brian: i know. i got the bad chair. >> ainsley: whatever, you were late. you were late. >> brian: i got the worst one. [laughter] >> steve: bad chair. >> ainsley: steve, what a gentleman. brian, pull it in a little. get on up here. come join the show. >> brian: am i on my mark. >> lawrence: favorite putting the cushions on top. because i don't have the long torres so of a because they don't make phone books anymore. where were we? take two. >> ainsley: president biden reportedly hiring new pollsters. he didn't like the old ones, as the first lady comes to his defense. >> he is losing all the battleground states -- >> no, is he not losing in all the battle ground states. >> all but one. >> is he coming up. once the people start to focus in it's obvious joe will win this election.
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>> lawrence: plus more rules for thee not for me. california governor gavin newsom fast food chains while luxury restaurant pays less. >> brian: doesn't sound like the gavin newsom i know. the man who once held newsom's job arnold schwarzenegger shares why he credits america for his success. >> america is the greatest country in the world. there's a lot of people didn't want to come to america to take advantage of america. and i am very vividly against that. >> steve: hear more from arnold in a moment during the second hour of "fox & friends" which starts right now and remember mornings are better with chairs that work. >> brian: yes. [laughter] >> ainsley: the biden-harris campaign hiring new pollsters now, according to politico. >> lawrence: and in a few hours vice president kamala harris will campaign in north carolina in her fourth visit to the state
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this year. >> steve: mark meredith is live on the north lawn of the white house where it's a much drier day than it was yesterday, mark, good morning. >> steve, ainsley, brian, lawrence good morning. it is much do i haver. we'll don't have a share here. we are already losing exart to you guys. as we heard many times president biden repettedly says that the press is not highlighting the right polls only highlight the polls show him trailing former president trump. the biden campaign is trying to staff up to understand this poll better. this is the poll that the "wall street journal" had which showed the former president beating president biden in six of seven swing states. the biden campaign telling politico it's staffing up now because it's building infrastructure to put us on the path to victory this fall and bringing together a battle tested world class data and polling separation is an essential step. now, the president is going to be heading to a battleground state. is he going to wisconsin next week to talk about the economy. and one of his most high profile surrogates, first lady jill biden told cbs she thinks his path to re-election is sit.
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>> no, he is not losing. >> all but one. >> he is coming up. is he even or doing better. so, you know what? once people start to focus in and see their two choices it's obvious that joe will win this election. >> today vice president kamala harris will be in north carolina. a state democrats lost in 2016 and 2020. the biden campaign reportedly set to open at least 10 offices across the tar heels state. so much focus has been on the fundraising campaign effort. this weekend former president trump will be hosting a big fundraiser down at mar-a-lago. chairs for that event are expected to cost quite basis money. expected to rake in $40 million for that event this weekend. democrats still have that cash advantage. we are seeing the republicans trying to play catch up at this point. >> steve: i liked the way you ended chairs at that events. usually described at dinner plates. >> i'm the one serving usually. i don't get a chance to sit down and enjoy.
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>> steve: listen to you. >> brian: thanks, mark. what about those pollsters, so he linda lake. pollock, murphy. they are coming in with new ideas. and the question is they are going to do polls. and they got to come up with a strategy to start winning people over. one of the big problems is a lot of the groups the president was dominating in with the black vote, with the under 30s, hispanic vote, not saying dominant hispanic but majority he is sucking wind on all of them. >> lawrence: doing this thing that they did in 2016, again, where they are shaming voters. saying oh, it's just such an obvious pick. you can hiring all the pollsters. if you are shaming they are not going to be honest with you. in 2016 silent trump vote. people didn't feel comfortable going on the record and saying hey i'm supporting candidate donald trump because they were shamed. >> ainsley: you have to reach a threshold in order to be considered legitimate if you are a pollster. or if you run a poll. like, ipsos or gallup poll or
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real clear politics which is the average of all of the polls. >> brian: or fox news. >> ainsley: fox news. >> steve: our favorite. >> ainsley: does this mean donald trump can hire his own pollsters and put out his own polls. >> steve: he just hired. >> ainsley: will they be considered legitimate polls included in real clear politics? >> steve: no. those pollsters do polls for the campaign. >> ainsley: just for the campaign. >> steve: that we never see. what is interesting about this is what they are doing is because the democrats won big in the midterm elections in 2022, essentially they are bringing in all these pollsters who polled the audience back in 2022, when the democrats won, and they said okay, what messages do you do in your races all across the country that resonated with the audience and why did you win? so, essentially, a couple of the pollsters were the people behind joe biden now talking about maga republicans. they think that that is very
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effective. some of the pollsters specialize in black and latino voters. so what they're doing is bringing them on board as part of the big data operation to figure out in 2024, what are the messages that we can say to get you to vote for joe biden? >> brian: how interesting that they are doing this now. what a degree of panic. that all plays into why president obama evidently was calling and saying what are you doing? you are not building out your machine? where is your staff? he was concerned. and that's why he was going right to the chief of staff because one thing president obama knows how to do, he knows how to. >> lawrence: mobilize. >> brian: win election and mobilize. get into detail. the "wall street journal" poll yesterday, the president had 91% of the black vote. now he has 68. he had 63% of the hispanic vote, now he has got 48. for voters under 30, he had 61. now he has got 50. so, i don't have to be a pollsters to know that's where i should be focusing. >> lawrence: brian to your point, sorry, ainsley. would. >> ainsley: i was going to ask you a question. >> lawrence: brian made the
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point about barack obama being able to mobilize. that was a campaign that was built around the candidate. >> steve: you worked on that. >> i did back when i was 15 years old. it was built around the guy. the problem with joe biden and this is the struggle, is you can't build a campaign around him because, first of all, he has nothing to run on that is going to attract voters and, number two, he can't be, as president, he is not that alert guy. this is a change. because joe biden used to be the guy that could fire up a crowd. he is not that guy anymore. >> ainsley: why do you think, lawrence, when you hear those statistics barack obama got what 99% ever the black vote. >> brian: in 2020 joe biden got that 91. >> ainsley: what is it now 68? >> brian: yup. >> lawrence: the economy black folks flourngd under the donald trump economy. personality aside, people care about the money. the number two, and we done a lot of conch on this, what is happening with the migrants. american citizen -- forget black america.
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american citizens don't like outsiders being able to come into the country illegally and get benefits when they're struggling. and i just think it's a bad message, also the religious stuff as well, ainsley, when you have got the president with -- i don't know the pro-trans message whatever you want to call it on easter sunday? how are you going to go to a black church now after you did something like this? when you just bashed the number one holiday for the believers there. i don't understand how any pastor can stand next to him in a traditional christian church. >> brian: he didn't know he did it. he signed it. that auto pen must have been working overtime. >> lawrence: so true. >> steve: one of the other things the pollsters are going to work on and we were all in these chairs. you were in a different chair at that point. >> brian: i got into the chair late. >> steve: your chair back in those days worked very well in 2016 and 2020. the pollsters, you know, notoriously were inaccurate. they got 2016 wrong. they got 2020 wrong. so what they are doing is now they are mobilizing this
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gigantic big data operation in wilmington, delaware, to try to figure out okay. exactly what works and what doesn't? >> brian: i think they would say they got 2020 right. wouldn't you say democrats felt as though they got it right? did anyone have donald trump winning before the election? i thought it was very close. >> steve: it was close. but, as that turns out, with the exit polling and the audience participation stuff fox and others did it was okay. we didn't see that coming. >> ainsley: let's talk about what is happening with the restaurants in california. the law is now in effect. we have been talking about this law. you have to pay an employee $20 an hour if they work for you, a franchise. left's say you buy a chick-fil-a in california, you now have to pay your workers $20 an hour because there are 60 or more of those restaurants, chick-fil-as around the country. if it's a big operation, a big franchise. even though you might have only bought one store in california, you have to pay more. the average -- the overall minimum wage is 15.50 there.
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one of the highest states in our country. >> steve: now they are bumping it up $4.50 more if you are part of a franchise. >> brian: unprecedented. >> steve: here is the reason we are showing you this. if you run a fast food place, which has -- and the other caveat, ainsley, you have -- you cannot offer limited or no table service. one so, in other words, you can't make tips. the governor of the great state of california, it turns it out, actually is co-owner of a couple of facilities out there, a couple of restaurant wine/bars that are not paying 20 bucks an hour. and technically, when you look at the small print, okay, well, they don't have 60 locations. that's right. but, for instance, from zip recruiter, here is a job posting for a busker at plump jack cafe for $16 an hour. they have another one for a hosts a well. it just does not a good look where the governor is saying
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okay, every eatery in the state, fast food place has got to pay 20 bucks except not mine because we don't have all those locations. >> brian: there he is. >> lawrence: fake smile. >> brian: little less gel. [laughter] >> steve: he put his in a blind trust. i don't know if he has got any control over it but it's bad look. >> lawrence: whether it's a blind trust or not. >> brian: or blinders. >> lawrence: or blinders. you have to be living under a rock to understand the restaurant business, a food business is a low margin business. and, also, the people that are working at these restaurants are young people, most of the time. and i understand everybody wants to make money. i was outcome and precocious and wanted to make more money but you don't give the kids anything to look forward to if you are trying to pay them wages that are unreasonable. >> ainsley: what going to happen the restaurant owners are either going to have to close shop or have to charge more for their food. or. >> lawrence: lay them off.
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>> ainsley: going to have to lay people off because they can't afford. this some of these are small families. small little local businesses. >> brian: pizza hut already laying off a ton of people. if you bake bread you don't have to bake so many -- of course because it's so easy. i can't give them $20 to bake bred. it's too easy. like panera bread, big donor. i was watching his state of the state address. doing a press conference because they are buried in debt. i have an ice cream shop do i have to pay $20 an hour in the answer is we think yes. ththey are not even positive. 11th grader sitting there scooping chocolate chip ice cream all of a sudden they get their money doubled. the ice cream shop owner says why am i in business? >> lawrence: who is going to pay 13 bucks. i love ice cream that's the one thing i a. agree with joe biden about ice cream. i'm not paying 12 bucks for ice cream cone. >> brian: in california you are now. >> steve: ultimately if you read the fine print as ainsley did, if they have tables in there, for instance, brian, the pizza
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hut, they wouldn't have to pay it because they have table service at pizza hut. if you have limited or no table supervisors then have you got to pay it andrew gruel last night out in california said pizzato hut has laid off hundreds of workers and they are reacting that way. >> ainsley: gavin newsom saw the picture of plump jack cafe and you got that ad. plump jack group specializes in wine and high end. >> brian: calls it his babies. >> ainsley: operates four bars and restaurants under this group because it doesn't have the 60 restaurants is he exempt. >> steve: other thing is if you are working, i believe if you are serving wine have you got to be at least 21 years old. >> brian: do you have to prove that the person is drinking the wine? >> lawrence: inspectors. >> brian: one of the questions was to gavin newsom in a time like this, when you are buried in debt is this the right time
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to raise the minimum wage $20? it's not my decision, it's a trigger. wait a second, you put the law that set up the trigger. >> lawrence: he is so clueless and never takes responsibility. speaking of california, the last republican to run california was armed schwarzenegger, terminator. jason kelce just recently retired. he has a podcast are. arnold stopped by to talk about the greatness of america and how he owes a lot of his success to the country. watch. >> for me, coming to america was the key to my success. america is the land of opportunity, even though people criticize it. and politicize it and it doesn't matter if the democrats are in charge, if the republicans are in charge, america is the greatest country in the world. and it has given me all the opportunities in the movie business and in body building and making millions of dollars. and, you know, and my family and
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everything. >> what do you think it is that makes america so unique? >> it's just a place where foreigners are welcomed. this is the key thing. if you are willing to contribute to america. there's a lot of people that want come to make to take advantage of america. and i'm very vividly against that because everything is a two-way street. i mean, i come to america and i see that i'm being welcomed, and received with open arms, then i want to make sure to do everything i can to give back to america. >> steve: that's curious. i wonder who he is talking about when he says there are a lot of people who want to come to america to take advantage of america? >> ainsley: i think we know. >> steve: i think we know too. jason talking about, now that he is retired, he wants to put a focus on his health. i played my whole career at 295. i'm trying to get down to 250, 260, my goal is 2 pounds a week
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but maintain my muscle mass monitor protein, cautious, fats to make sure i'm doing well. >> steve: arnold gave him advice. >> ainsley: around the model for weight loss and success and body building, he said the most important thing is that you slowly decrease the body fat and increase your body muscle. he said so you just switch. it doesn't have to to do just with the weight. of course, you want to reduce your weight because it's much healthier, you can get much faster and more energetic but slowly decrease the fat and increase the muscle mass. >> lawrence: is that your routine, brian? >> brian: arnold takes a lot of my principles and incorporate into california. i will say this. have something to judge him by. we did see jason kelce without a shirt on at the buffalo bills game. hopefully when kansas city plays the bills in the playoff. jason, do you mind having two dozen beers and taking your shirt off next year when you watch your brother in playoffs. >> ainsley: can't have the beer now trying to reduce his fat.
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>> brian: didn't say no alcohol. don't overreact. you are retired. so. >> steve: so have you got to wonder whether or not that famous picture of him at the kansas city chiefs game, if he wants to lose all the way weight. >> brian: you think he is getting blow back? >> steve: yeah. >> brian: we know he was an iny bellybutton. [laughter] >> ainsley: isn't it true for any athlete you are jacked when you are playing and leave and see them a year later and look completely different. >> brian: offensive linemen especially it's amazing and keep usually the same suits on like a shell of themselves floating in their suits. >> steve: brian, do you remember and this was probably. >> brian: take my shirt off. >> steve: when i did. when the women's. >> brian: you were crazy. >> steve: women's u.s. soccer team that won the world cup came on fox square. >> brian: brandy chastain had taken her shirt off. >> steve: famously went like that with her shirt. >> brian: what did you do? >> steve: i took off my shirt showed up on "people" magazine.
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look on my wall. >> ainsley: completely bear? >> steve: completely bare. not beer belly man that guy is skinny. so i started swimming for 10 years and i put on some amazing body mass. >> brian: all we need women to win another world cup and take their tops off. >> lawrence: i was telling ainsley during the commercial break i'm in operation summer. operation summer that means i'm working to get my 6 pack back. >> steve: i don't have a 6 pack i have a keg. >> lawrence: can you could that married for 30 plus years. >> brian: can you let yourself go is what you are saying? >> ainsley: a restaurant we were talking about. >> lawrence: where there is a view. >> ainsley: go outside and sit outside in the back of the hotel and there is a pool right there. >> steve: palm beach. >> ainsley: eating and watching people sun bathe, also. but the pool is like right there. it's amazing place. >> lawrence: i want to be able to go out there and i want to be
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correct. >> brian: i will say, this steve, you do not have to go to your office to see that picture. lawrence has the same shirtless shot in his office of you. so it's on display. >> lawrence: how i show my love. [laughter] >> ainsley: before the show is over, can we show this picture? >> steve: technically we probably don't have the rights. >> brian: steve has the rights and he is not giving them up. >> steve: can i show it to you but we can't show it on tv. >> brian: we will reenact it. >> steve: nah. >> ainsley: carley has more headlines for us. >> carley: i certainly do. operation summer for all of us is officially on. we have a fox news alert to get to here starting with. this we are learning more about several of the illegal immigrant squatters who were arrested in new york city last week only to be released without bail. one of them was arrested last august for attempted murder. but the charges were dropped because the victim refused to comply. three of the migrants were rearrested by the feds yesterday and are now in custody. one of the migrants is still on
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the run. authorities found guns, drugs, ammo, and scales during the initial raid. outraged texas homeowners confronting a squatter climbing through the window to enter their home. the owners joined us last hour. >> do you know how he has already damaged well over south of $2,000 in damage to our house. he kicked in a door to get access to a bathroom. broke windows. he illegally tapped into electricity. >> carley: the homeowner saying they called police and when they did they were told that the squatters are considered residents. extrump special prosecutor nathan wade is being sued by his wife. court filings say he failed to pay for her urgent medical procedures. wade is also accused of not paying over $4,000 in child support. this comes just weeks after he resigned as lead prosecutor on the georgia election case against former president donald trump. wade was accused of having an
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improper romantic relationship with d.a. fani willis. now to a heated town hall. some residents in a chicago suburb condemning scandal ridden mayor tiffany heniard while others protested outside. watch this. >> you are not what we need for dalton. we don't want you here! you or your administration. you need to go. >> mayor, you need to step down. because you have disgraced this village. they say that you are the worst mayor in america, i agree. >> carley: here is why they are angry the mayor is under an fbi investigation for allegedly weaponizing the town's police force. the democrat is also accused of spending taxpayer money on luxury trips. and check out this video here. a man grabbing a bite to eat at a subway sandwich stop in indianapolis taking action to help a worker who was getting attacked. gabrielle pit would you have low joined "fox & friends" earlier
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to explain what happened. he also shared his message to young boys as i had him on the ground look back you should call the cops. stand up for innocent people, people in your, you know, local neighborhood you know, that's kind of what i take from it. >> carley: that high school wrestler used those skills to take down the bad guy. he was able to hold the suspect down until police arrived. that suspect is set to appear in court today. and the future of the chiefs is now a bit hurricaney. voters in kansas city rejecting a measure that would have backed a proposed renovation to arrowhead stadium. dallas mayor eric johnson pouncing on the news. he is now suggesting that the super bowl champ should go back to their roots as the dallas texans. for those who don't know, the franchise changed its names from the texans to the chiefs after moving to kansas city back in 1963. those are your headlines, guys,
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a little bit of sports history. >> lawrence: i love the mayor. >> brian: genius. he is getting a world championship team. wins playoff games. >> lawrence: dallas cowboys are america's team. >> steve: we don't want them to lose kansas city. >> lawrence: this is political suicide. he just became a republican and he already blew it. >> brian: taylor swift is now in my town. yeah. in come the kansas city chiefs, excuse me the. >> steve: smart guy. >> brian: new texans. >> steve: we will never let them go from kansas city. >> brian: u.s. border patrol arresting chinese citizens for illegally crossing our southern border on tuesday. a former nato ally supreme commanders joins us next. i know who it is. with new poligrip power max hold & comfort. it has superior hold plus keeps us comfy all day with it's pressure absording layer. time for a bite!
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if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip.
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her uncle's unhappy.
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i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. bribe brian cbp agents apprehended another 182 chinese citizens crossing into the united states on tuesday alone. lucas tomlinson has been looking at the numbers and what it means. >> this happened in san diego. home to the u.s. navy's third fleet which includes the vincent strike group and a number of west coast seal teams. it's one of the largest all
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things officials say the chinese would like it see upclose. since president biden took office the number of chinese nationals entering the country illegally skyrocketed by over 6,000 percent in the past six months. the number has already approached last year's total. former secretary of state mike pompeo says this is no coincidence. >> when a chinese national travels here and if they are from china they're traveling here are they not at the expressed permission of the communist party of china, correct? absolutely certain. we know for sure we don't know who they are. not only are they mostly got-aways. but even the vetting as i remember questions and then we release them. january a 26-year-old petty sphrer california was sentenced to over 2 years in jail for getting sensitive military information total of installations to a chinese intelligence officer in exchange
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for cash and another reason why officials are warning that these chinese nationals crossing the border need to be watched, guys? >> brian: all right. thanks, lucas, appreciate it. put in perspective. big mystery. authoritarian regimes causing. warplanes around taiwan after a phone call or simultaneous lay phone call between president xi and president biden. there you have china has a huge problem with taiwan. i think you might have heard of that guess what they are looking at. they are looking at how we are treating ukraine. are we going to back our ally or just wirth. then you have got the challenge of iran, and they are supporting hezbollah and hamas. and then, of course, in syria, they have two of their quds force officers taken out in a strike by the israelis. how are they going to respond? they pledge to do just that. and then we have the ukraine draft soldiers they are running short of equipment and ammo war they should be winning for some
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reason america has decided to stop financing. hopefully that changes in the next couple of weeks. a myriad of challenges. nobody better in america to discuss it. our next guest explores this question in his new novel "2054" written with decorated veteran angerman. admiral is in our studio. great to see you. >> great seeing, brian. i don't have to tell you anything on that map. you think about it all the time. out of those challenges. again they buzzed taiwan this week. are they doing this to harass or is this a dry run for something? >> it's both. and the big date to watch is 20 may. that's when the new president of taiwan, william lye will be inaugurated. what china is trying to do, number one desensitize the taiwanese, it's a training opportunity for them. and number three, it's a show of force. it's all of that, brian.
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he. >> brian: taiwan ready? >> ready but require more assistance. unlike ukraine, taiwan has money. it's the 20th largest economy in the world as a scandal. so they have got the money to buy the high end equipment from us. we have to open that spigot now that will deter china. >> brian: they pay they write checks. they are waiting on delivery. can we meet give it to them and let them fight their wars. what is your take on this? we don't really know what is going on. take a look full screen fiscal year 2021, 342 chinese coming across our southern border. it increased astronomically, 2,000 in 2022. now 24,000 last year. we are up to 22,000 already plus this year. is it -- how are they coming here? why are they coming here? what are they up to? >> first and foremost, i'm with secretary pompeo, who is a very
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smart guy for west point graduate. >> but, secretary pompeo. >> brian: annapolis. >> got it right which is to say oh my gosh, those numbers are skyrocketing. it is inconceivable that within that threat stream of say 20,000 in round numbers, there are not hundreds of operatives of the chinese communist party and by the way, no coincidence as lucas pointed out. a major flow point is across the southern border to san diego, california, the largest concentration of military force in the united states. >> brian: all our officials are saying exactly that. when are we going to take action and was that brought up on the phone call yesterday? meanwhile, always excited to read your books. novels are based on everything you know and projections forward for years in the military. you probably have the best resume in america. tell me about "2054". >> "2054" is set in that year. in that century, brian. it looks at the race for
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artificial intelligence, which is the most important race of the 21st century between the u.s. and china. if china gets there first. particularly as quantum computing comes online, china will be able to leverage military force, their economy will gain massive productivity. we have got to stay in front of china. we package all that into this novel. it's a page turner about geo politics, artificial intelligence. if you want a snapshot of the challenges of mid century take a look at "2054." >> brian: i'm sure cyber commands is going to look at this book about how we win the war in ai. last question real quick would ronald reagan be giving arms and ammunition to ukraine? >> mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. reagan was able to say that and win the cold war because he had the nato alliance at his back.
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ronald reagan would see the credit cattle of giving the aid to ukraine. he would have done it at least a year ago. >> i think speaker johnson realizes that and hopefully get that done. admiral thank you so much for what you do for the country and your book is fantastic. thank you. straight ahead a person infected with bird flu in texas. what you need to know next. chicago health officials confirming tuberculosis cases in that story coming your way. sl'n and all i can think about is all the green ♪in c
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♪ >> ainsley: back with new fears about the bird flu, the cdc confirming a human case of bird flu in texas. this comes as the nation's largest producer of eggs shut down production in michigan and texas. the bird flu was found in their
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facilities. one scientist saying this appears to be 100 times worse than covid or it could be if it mutates and maintains its high case fatality rate. once it's mutated to infect humans, we can only hope that the fatality rate drops. but as fears over the virus grow, the white house is tracking the situation. so far there are only two reported cases here in the u.s. each in different states. lawrence, over to you. >> lawrence: what a mess. thanks, ainsley. chicago health officials confirming a, quote, small number of tuberculosis cases in migrant shelters across the city. they are not saying how many. >> this comes after 56 known midievmeasle cases are reportede windy city. chicago alderman raymond lopez joins us now: raymond, you warned them this was going to happen. they wouldn't listen to you. are they listening now? >> you know, lawrence, good morning. i don't know how much our department of public health and other officials are listening to the alarms that we have been
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raising since august of last year. and even in september when we had receipts from our ambulances showing that we had individuals testing positive for tuberculosis. this is a crisis we could have avoided just like with the measles, if we had simply instituted the american standard of vaccines upon all those migrants being shipped to the city of chicago. many of these individuals come with children. they are in our schools and all of those vaccination requirements that our kids are responsible for are waived for the migrant asylum seeker children. and that is putting people, families and communities at risk. >> lawrence: you know, raymond, i have been so perplexed because i have been out there reporting, talking with the folks, they are upset. i know your district. and the people there are minorities. they are also -- you got immigrants there as well that it seems like the mayor has tried to paint those that are critical of this sanctuary city policy and not having a response to the people there as anti-immigrant. >> without question. we have seen where efforts by
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this administration to put migrants on a toxic dump site were labeled as racist when people like myself and community opposed it saying it wasn't healthy for them or the neighborhood to have all of that dust kicked up. even when i brought this issue about tuberculosis, measles and mumps to the forefront, i have have been told i'm anti-immigrant and xenophobic even though i'm the great grandson of immigrants. they can gaslight all they want but at a certain point the truth is going to come out we are seeing it come out slowly and steadily now as we saw with measles and seeing now with tuberculosis. >> lawrence: real quickly, do you think people in chicago, because of this issue, because i haven't seen people at these city council meeting like this in a long time. do you think they will start voting differently just based on this issue alone? >> well, as you mentioned earlier, americans are fed up with seeing themselves being leapfrogged over by those coming to this country just to get service and support. and i think that at some point this is going to drive a wedge, particularly for the democratic party, my party with our core
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base of african-american and latino voters who feel as though we have not invested in them the way we are investing in migrant asylum seeker. >> lawrence: such valid point. raymond lopez ever want to know what is going on in chicago. visit raymond. thank you so much. >> thank you, lawrence. >> lawrence: getting ready for the total solar eclipse. an astrologier is here to tell us how it could change our mood. that's next. ♪ ♪ at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ ) ♪ limu emu ♪
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>> we are back with some business headlines. omni holts and resorts says it was the victim of a cyber attack that caused the company to shut down its systems last week. the hack disrupting reservations and digital key systems. that's not good. the company saying as our team works diligently to restore the remainder of the system to full functionality we continue to welcome our guest and accept new reservations. it is unclear if any customers' data was compromised. apple is reportedly looking to develop a personal home robot. people familiar with the research team tell bloomberg that apple wants to develop a robot that can follow you around your home. the news comes after apple announced in february it was
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abandoning its decade old electric vehicle project. and monday's total solar eclipse expected to cause a lot of trouble on the road. at least 30 interstates across 15 states are expected to see heavy traffic. and the d.o.t. issuing a warning to drivers. telling "time" magazine having a solar eclipse pass through the u.s. is kind of like having 20 or 30 super bowls happening all at once. and those are your headlines. janice, it's going to be a big deal. >> janice: it is. there are signs all across new york saying solar eclipse take mass transit. let's talk about the solar ellipse broadcast. i'm headed to little roll arkansas. 1:5 is i'm going to happen. as we go into monday, yes, some rain, some cloud cover in some of those areas, including the dallas area and that's going to
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kind of linger, unfortunately, so, just be prepared and listen to your local forecasters, here is the cloud cover forecast. by the way, which is really hard to forecast especially this many days out but it looks like clouds in the forecast for the south, maybe parts of the northeast. and the potential for severe weather including the dallas area. so, that's going to be tough. people are going to be outside. a lot of these locations and we're going to have to make sure that weather forecasters are warning them of the possible dangers are severe storms. i will be out there and doing that, too. don't forget your glasses. steve, ainsley, brian, l.j. over to you. >> ainsley: thank you so much, janice. let's talk about the solar eclipse. how will it effect our moods on monday. >> steve: let's ask susan miller the author of the year ahead 2024 and the stunning calendar as well. she joins us live here on the couch. good morning to you. >> hi. >> steve: how does the solar eclipse impact our mood. >> it's not just your mood. it's everything if it touches a planet in your chart.
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and on astrology zone which is my website astrology i delineate how specifically a solar eclipse is actually a new moon. i know it should be a full moon but it's not. it's a new moon, always. and it will effect you for six months or more. >> steve: all right. have you looked at our birth dates. mine is october 19th. what does -- >> -- it's all about your partner that could be either your marriage partner or your agent, public cyst. >> steve: co-hosts. >> your team. [laughter] one of them probably has very good news for you. maybe your book agent has good news for you. yeah, collaborative kind of thing that's going on right now. and your agent it entrepreneurial, listen to him or her. steve fantastic, okay. >> it's a good thing. it's pretty exciting. >> steve: what about brian? >> yes, brian. brian, your birthday is.
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>> brian: may 7th. >> brian: coming up. >> you are the lucky little leprechaun i know. everything you are touching is turning to gold. he has his emerald year going on right now. >> brian: really? >> yes. every 12 years it comes up. you will lose it next month, no tears on your pillow because jupiter is moving into your house of money. and you know what the tarsus do on a friday night they poor a glass of wine and look at bank statements. look how well i'm doing. wise investments. >> brian: in fact we have a clip of it. [laughter] >> this eclipse won't effect you as much, unless someone has held a secret from you and it comes out. >> steve: oh my goodness. >> maybe it's a surprise party it. could be a good secret. >> brian: there won't be any surprise parties. >> ainsley has the most amazing chart. i wish the camera could see it. she has all these planets, we call this a crown of stars. atellian, it makes you very
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prominent in life. the thing is with atell i can't, when it is good, it's better than any of us experience. but when she goes through a hard time. it's tough. right? because it's like fire crackers in a box. so we have to help her. >> ainsley: god has blessed me so much when i go through the hard time, i lean on him. >> yes. yes. >> ainsley: catholics i was asking her how does it coincide with your faith. >> totally. god talks to me, actually. >> steve: we have less than a minute lawrence? >> dear lawrence lost his wallet and found it recently i'm really happy to hear that here it is. and he is a sage tear just. he needs to travel all the time. are you married or are you single. >> lawrence: i'm single right now. >> love is coming to you. [cheers] >> he is going to have to just swat them away. too many girls. too many. >> brian: do you know what floor she is on? [laughter] >> it doesn't give initials
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either. but i have no doubt -- i am not worried about you one bit. >> brian: finally. >> steve: okay. brinhe lng on the eclipse. chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at
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