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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 4, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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>> this. >> i challenged their parole program which is what they want to refer this to. we won both dimes. what does biden do when he can't release at the border in mass numbers the way he wants to increase this new program where he flies people directly here. we are challenging it in court. we are taking it up on appeal. this is unlawful program. and you are finding out these numbers, we are finding out these numbers, too. you better believe we are going to fight like heck to stop it. >> carley: that's why the governor's office is saying florida is making the state an undesirable destination for anyone in the country here illegally. thank you so much for joining us. >> good to be with you. >> carley: good to be with you as well and you todd. >> todd: how to flight crime why do the opposite and allow the insanity we see here in new york and other cities. >> carley: maybe the other 49 will pick up the program. have great day everybody, "fox & friends" starts right now. >> steve: thank you very much, todd and carley. 6:00 here in new york city where
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it is currently 39 cold degrees on this thursday, april 4th. >> ainsley: not really raining. not like it was yesterday. >> steve: not like yesterday but it's a cold rain. >> brian: good job. >> steve: welcome to "fox & friends" for this april 24th, 2024. we start with this. dhs agents rearresting three of those migrant squatters but one of them still on the run. they don't know where that guy is. this, after they were released without bail on gun and drug charges. tonal return to the house that they were squatting in. >> ainsley: and speaking of squatters, wild video of a texas homeowner, look at this, confronting someone in their home who enters through the window. >> steve: not normal. >> lawrence: that was bound to happen. the new york rangers and devils come into blows and brawl seconds into the game. how tended. >> brian: wow. i don't know if that was in the script. "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪
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>> steve: all right. we start with that fox news alert. federal agents here in new york city rounding up three migrants in a raid at a known squatter house in new york city. >> brian: yeah. where was the nypd. the suspects are among the group of eight arrested just last week on gun and drug charges only to be released without bail. >> ainsley: chanley painter joins us with what authorities found inside that house. >> that neighborhood there is outraged that three migrant squatters were again arrested at that bronx home where the authorities found guns, drugs, ammo, and scales during that initial raid. one of those rearrested was hector day sue we ole that, 24 illegal immigrant from venezuela. he is the one who actually prompted the initial raid at the squatter home last week where 8 were arrested after day sousa was seen with a gun outside the home. he was pointed the loaded gun at
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someone when police arrived and tackled him. last august he was charged with attempted murder. police he shot another migrant in the leg. the victim refused to cooperate in that case. ice has confirmed 4 of the 8 migrant squatters had previously been caught at the texas border by border patrol. but then released into the u.s. only to skip out on their processing appointments and now, with these three you squatter migrants rearrested and being held without deportation hearings. ice has placed detainers on four others who are still in local sanctuary jurisdiction custody and there is still one who is still on the run. guys? >> steve: all right. thank you very much. by the way the guy who owns that particular house, he says he rented it at one point to a guy named edward dough but apparently he disappeared. and now he is trying to -- the poor landlord trying to evict
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the people in the basement illegally. if you are a squatter and in the house hard to get you out. >> ainsley: you have judges and no bail laws. the ones last week six of them guns and drugs they were let out without bail. it's the same judge that let the guys out who were beating up cops in times square and flipping off the camera. must be a very liberal judge. >> brian: judge eugene bowen is the guy destroying the city as best he can keep up the great work, pal. arrested the three squatters on wednesday. but they didn't get any cooperation from the nypd because they are not allowed. they are not allowed. they knew it think about the people in this neighborhood. they know the problem. not only that, everything they fear. these are guys up on attempted murder, on larceny. multi offenders and they don't belong here.
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>> lawrence: couple things. number one we know based on the reporting that we have done so far that they had court appearances that they didn't show up to given in thes to appear and not going to their court dates. >> ainsley: you mean the processing. >> lawrence: why do we continue to give them these notices if they don't abide by them. brian, you are exactly right when it comes to the cooperation, someone tipped off ice. there may not be official channels being because of sanctuary city policies but there is someone within the nypd tipping off ice agents because they are on the move now. i hope this is some signal to change in policy working maybe in unofficial way, until these sanctuary cities they are not going to be able to work with ice in the open. >> steve: ultimately this is the ultimate problem that is this: the biden administration is
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letting tens of thousands people into the country each and every month. when you come into the country, you can't work up to wait five to seven months to get a work permit. if you can't work, how are you going to pay for a house? that's why some people squat. that's why some people have turned to crime. the crime tourism taking place across the country. these are the rules. they can't work and, yet, they are in the country. so what are they going to do? as we are seeing they are squatting and in some case there's is crime. >> ainsley: this discourages americans from ever renting out one of your houses. if you try to make a little extra money. bought a house. want to upgrade and buy a bigger house, someone breaks into your original house that you are trying to rent tout make some extra money, you are paying the mortgage on that house. someone squats and they get to stay for free. >> brian: i could have no job and i think almost everyone we
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all know would not be would not be up on weapons charges and robbing stores. we give them three meals a day and housing and experiments program giving them debit cards 350 a week. get more if you have kids. i look at chip shell, two days after detective's murder we have the same situation all over again. these two people in the car, violent felons, this house was full of violent felons up on weapons charges. they are walking into a house they have no idea what they're walking into, and then they find out the judge lets them go. this video was from yesterday because they let them go and ice went and rounded them up. >> lawrence: one of the guys with the weapons charge, ainsley still out. that's one of the guys on the run. me and chris were looking at each other. steve, you were talking about them not working. >> brian: i saw that guy on video. >> lawrence: look at those guns. they are getting the money somewhere. i don't know if they are involved in drugs or whatever they are getting the money somewhere to pay for guns.
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>> ainsley: saw scalings in the house are they dealing drugs. drugs, guns found ketamine and ketamine with cocaine are they dealing drugs? we don't know. we just know that they found that stuff there. let's move this forward this way. we are learning that the judge, who we were just talking about. who released six of those migrant suspects without bail is allegedly the same judge who released two suspects accused of attacking a new york city police officer greg g-8 joins us now. what do you make of this? you used to live in the city. >> steve: you got out smartly. >> lawrence: it's not just the d.a.s, it's the judges too, right? >> yeah, it is. and you are right, i fled like
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many people. >> lawrence: smart man. >> progressives have a death griff on new york. they elm grace crime and disorder in stead of law and order d.a.s politicians they don't care about the safety of cops or innocent civilians preyed upon by gangsters and thugs. no, they only care about helping and dee dee funding criminals, not protecting innocent people constantly being victimized so is it any wonder that new york is now this dystopian hell hole of crime and violence, felony assaults continue to skyrocket those numbers came out today and sadly residents are to blame, they're the one who's elected these far left progressives who dominate in new albany and city council and new york. they're the ones who enacted the insane no cash bail law so now
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it's just a revolving door. criminals rule that's why it's allowing the inmates to run the asylum. >> brian: because the mayor has said hey, listen, we have got to rein this in on bail reform. i can't process the crime. i can't even do my discovery in a short amount of time. i'm letting people go. judges in some cases don't have discretion. left wing activists the speaker carl heastie and others still there to say defund the police. crazy city council way to the left of the mayor. people think the mayor and governor have control, they really don't, even though they are in the same party. how crazy is that? is it is craze. >> 23% voted in the last election. and those were the very rabid far left progressives who continue to pit these people in office who, as i say, came about
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criminals and they embrace crime and disorder and forget about law and order and innocent victims. >> ainsley: greg, we are waiting on the supreme court to decide the immunity case for donald trump, he is saying you have presidential immunity they haven't made a decision on that. yesterday a new york judge in hush money trial, he rejected trump's request for a delay. trump said let's wait to hear from the supreme court and he said no what's your reaction? >> judge merchan claims trump didn't raise the immunity defense soon enough. you know, waiting until last month. that is simply not true. trump's lawyers first argued immunity in may of last year literally 30 days after the indictment by alvin bragg. the judge was put on notice from the outset, yet, in his order yesterday, juan merchan pretends oh, this is something new and therefore it's untimely.
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well, it's not. and, remember, it was only a month ago the supreme court agreed to resolve the issue of immunity. and because of that, days later, trump's lawyers then renewed the immunity argument in the manhattan prosecution asking merchan let's wait until the high court decides. that is imminently reasonable and any fair judge would simply wait. but merchan is not that kind of a judge. >> steve: it sounds like the trial is going to start within the next two weeks. greg, i saw -- i'm sure you saw. i think i saw it on drudge, saw a headline driewmp go to jail over this? is that possible? >> sure. i mean, i think the standard would be upon conviction about four years here. and, you know, look, the judge and alvin bragg want to rush this case to a conviction in advance of the election and
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doing it by depriving trump of all legitimate defenses, including immunity that the law allows. you know, this is sort of the antithesis of justice. and, in many ways, it's quite shameful because all of these cases against trump seem to have one common denominator. they are politically motivated and intended and timed to interfere with the presidential election. >> brian: but, gregg, is he not going to jail. i don't know anyone who really thinks that he is going to jail if he is convicted on this, do you? >> oh, i don't rule anything out. i mean, given the participants here prior restraint on free speech it's presumptively unconstitutional. protects grunels criticism or immediate family members who
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appear to have a vested interest in the case here merchan's daughter is a political allege at this vista, run a consulting firm clients raised millions in campaign donations by citing her dad's case. i mean that, is a severe conflict of interest judge donated to biden's campaign and wife might have been actually working for letitia james. >> lawrence: never seen a judge as well as a d.a. or prosecutor want to speed up a trial. normally it's the defendant being wants to steed speed up the trial they are locked up and not on bail and want to clear their name. now you have a prosecution justice speed up the process. can you only say that's because of the election, right, gregg? >> yeah. i mean right to a speedy trial embedded in the constitution
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accused not the accuser, d.a. are or judge to speed this along. as i say this conflict of interest involving judge merchan at the very least prohibited by the code of judicial conduct. merchan doesn't care. he ignores those rules. >> steve: sounds like the trial will start in about 10 days. thank you for getting up early today. >> you bet. >> ainsley: u.s. border patrol agents arresting another 182 chinese citizens for illegally crossing our southern border on tuesday. this is part of a concerning increase of the chinese migrants encounters at our border. fox news contributor and former secretary of state plomp says the ccp is aware. >> absolutely certain, we know for sure that we don't have any idea who they are. not only are they mostly got-aways, but even the vetting that we are doing of them is
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just a handful of simple questions and then we release them more than are chinese nationals arrested at the southern border. that's more than 6,000% of an increase since president biden took office. now to some shocking video of a deadly elephant attack in af africa. massive wild animal charge ago group of tourists who were there on a safari. hey, hey, hey, hey. hey. hey. hey. six people were on board that bus and including an 80-year-old american woman who later died from her injuries. 8 passengers who were stranded on an african island are back on their cruise ship, passengers say-that's right, steve.
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passengers say they were on a guided tour. it was delayed, leading them to missed all aboard call after being left on march 27th, they made stops in seven countries trying to catch up to the ship. a norwegian cruise spokesperson saying in part we'll be elm bursting these next guests for their travel costs. critics calling out california newsom two restaurants he partially owns paying less than the new $20 minimum wage for fast food workers. here's a look at two job listings at one of newsom's businesses near lake tahoe. plump jack cafe offering $16 an hour for a part-time busker and a host. the new law does not apply to newsom's restaurant because they aren't chain restaurants. former california governor arnold schwarzenegger travis and jason kelce body builder turned actor turned politician
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crediting america for his success story. >> to me, coming to america was the key to my success it's just a place where foreigners are welcomed, this is the key thing, if you are willing to contribute to america. there's a lot of people that want to come to america to take advantage of america i'm very vividly against that. >> ainsley: terminator star floating a theory on why the kelce brothers are together in los angeles now you are together because you are in holiday. >> that's right. holiday, baby. >> i'm not stupid, right? there is all kinds of introduces for movie parts. >> you got any parts for us? >> no you guys are lined up. you don't want to give it away right now. >> okay. >> ainsley: schwarzenegger calling the brothers fantastic
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interviewers. the new york rangers took on the new jersey devils. all 10 starters slugging it out as you can see on thize, just one second, one second after the puck was dropped. >> on 5, mcdermott exchanging blows. but everybody has gloves off at the garden. >> ainsley: four players from each team were ejected but all 10 received five minute fighting penalties. the rangers got the win 4-3. >> brian: one great thing about hockey, five minutes to think about it and then you get to play again. most interesting fight is that one. 6'7", sea rookie, he can play but most of all everyone is testing him to see if he can fight. i think the answer is yes. >> ainsley: weren't they trying to plan a fight before the game? >> brian: the last time they played i guess they had some bad blood so why waste time?
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>> steve: let's have the fight earlier in the game the guy says no, let's have it later. as it turns out. they dropped the puck and the actual melee started. >> ainsley: gentlemen, this is why we should turn to women's sports. >> brian: perfect transition. [laughter] >> lawrence: women like it too. they love it. >> ainsley: lsu, iowa game the highest it was most watched men and women's college basketball game on espn. >> steve: listen, without a doubt, women's basketball at the college level has captivated the country. and lebron james yesterday said and we got a soundbite. >> lawrence: incredible. >> steve: he says essentially there are now these iconic role model women who people really admire. here is lebron james talking about these super stars on the hard court. >> i don't think there is much difference between a man and
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women game when it documents college basketball. i think the popularity comes in is the high in look at angel reese, juju, caitlin clark. you look at paige, look at the young girl iowa state the freshman there. you look at. brink, i believe her last name is at stanford. and that's just to name a few. freshman at notre dame you are able to build like a real like iconic legacy at a program. and that's what we all love about it. that's what we all love. >> brian: i really think number one it's going to help the wnba know someone in college where are they? are they playing in your town or your city? i thought women's basketball lisa leslie and rebecca lobo and generally ziady coaching now in 96. they went to the olympics in '96 they lit it up. came back as stars. they launched the wnba.
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there seems to have been a lack of marketing. >> lawrence: can i take an unpopular point of view? i'm all for civility in sports and people. >> brian: combining both stories? >> lawrence: because i think. >> steve: should not be fights in basketball. >> lawrence: there is something to that. i don't like that in women's sports the young women have been encouraged not to be who they are. and be spirited. that's why we watch. and people have criticized the rivalry between angel reese and caitlin clark how they are in each other's face and talking to the crowd and getting in the officials' face. guess what? it's the highest rated game ever for women's sports. >> brian: a what are they saying calm down? >> lawrence: saying calm down the rivalry is too much. i don't think that's fair. >> steve: that's why people are watching because of the rivalry. >> ainsley: i want my daughter to see these kinds of games i support both of them angel and kaitlin. >> lawrence: i'm all for tea parties i do it with my
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goddaughter. this is not a tea party. these are competitors we should encourage the young women on the court. again, that's what the fans want. >> steve: putting it all out there? >> lawrence: they are now, their personalities being criticized. for example when it came to the men's hockey, okay, they shouldn't be fighting, if you talk to any sports fan there and people that go to hockey games. they go to see the fights, but we are not supposed to say that because we are supposed to be civil. we don't want this to happen. but the fans pay the bills. and they want to see the action. >> ainsley: it's a game not a tea party. >> brian: why bring a puck to the game? let them fight and. >> ainsley: different court. >> steve: imaginary ball or something. >> brian: we forgot the puck, let's fight. let's just fight it out. [bell] >> ainsley: reese anno announcen vogue she is entering the wnba draft. she did it through vogue.
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>> brian: that's interesting. i also would think, too, show up for the national anthem. they said they couldn't figure out a way to get to the national anthem. >> steve: govegovernor has madee they do steve. >> lawrence: to be fair kim milky. it wasn't a slight. >> brian: it's always been a slight. >> lawrence: a huge conservative. loves the country. they should get it in order. >> brian: take the sweatpants off before. >> steve: the governor is fixing that switching gears. hard to watch. a biological male juries a injures agerbil in a high school basketball game. >> brian: next guest was hurt in the volleyball game by transgender player. she's next. ♪ those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days. but we're better than that, my friends. i'm john o'hurley, and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15
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>> ainsley: president biden will speak with prime minister ben nej since the strike in gaza killed seven aid workers including america. idf chief of staff has issued an apresident obama saying it was the result of misidentification. here at home president biden's response to the war between israel and hamas is hurting him in the polls. nearly 50,000 people voting uninstructed against biden in wisconsin. politico is reporting that the
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biden-harris campaign is hiring new pollsters. a senior adviser for the president saying, quote: team biden harris is building infrastructure to put us on a path to victory this fall and bringing together a battle-tested world class data and polling operation is an essential step. it comes as the "wall street journal" poll shows president biden trailing former president trump in six out of the seven swing states. the meteorologist for good morning america is now one of the victims of oakland's crime crisis. ginger xi posting this photo after her rental car was broken into and her message to the thieves she writes: i hope you know you stole things that are very meaningful to me, too. items my kids made me. i travel with, et cetera. that is so unfortunate. scientists at nsa are getting ready to take in the solar aclips recon entrance. in the path of totality watch
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our special coverage counting down to the solar eclipse beginning sunday afternoon at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. brian, janice is telling me she is going to arkansas because she is going to be in the total eclipse line. >> brian: let me ask you, when we watch our eclipse special when l. we have to watch special glass ofs? >> ainsley: i t >> carley: i think. so you have to overt your eyes or retina damage. eye doctors must be very concerned. >> brian: stay indoors and not look but watch the conch and the channel. >> carley: sounds like a good plan, brian. >> brian: you might remember this viral video. biological male in the circle. his student, he is playing on a girl's basketball team. he is caught on camera injuring an opponent. that video was outrageous enough, you got a new report alleging the same student kicked off the rogue team making lewd comments in a girl's locker room
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in 2022 how is that teen allowed to continue playing on women's teams. that kid is playing in five sports. next guest was seriously injured by transgender athlete when thee played high school volleyball in north carolina. i want us to look at this video again together. what is your reaction to this incident? evidently they gold on to forfeit the game when two other girls were hurt. >> yeah. it shouldn't take two other girls to get hurt. and watching this video, it is a hard watch. but this guy is like a tornadoes. i mean, he is destroying everything in his path. he has taken opportunity away from girls and i mean we are seeing it over and over again. he is not only damaging these girls physically but also emotionally. are and, you know, he thinks he is entitled to every opportunity in every space that is supposed to be just for girls. and then whines because it's
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been hard for him. does he not think it's been hard for the girls also? and he is the one that is causing all of these issues. to me this is the definition of as far as simple and misogyny. >> brian: absolutely. where are the adults in the room to say it's not fair? let girls play with girls. decisions you make in your life that's up to you. no one is judging you. don't screw up women's sports in the process. you should be ineligible to play. don't you agree? our sport should not be getting damaged because you have a false reality. >> brian: peyton talk about what happened to you. playing volleyball, you got the ball spiked into your face by a transgender. how did it effect you and in your game your team was so freaked out, how did it effect them? >> yeah. the reps of my team was terrified to continue the game, which why wouldn't you be? i mean, what happened to me was completely avoidable. and because of what happened, my life has changed, it's been
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changed forever. and unfortunately, i don't know if i will ever be back to the way i was before. you know, it's really unfortunate. but that's just the way it is. i'm having to live with that. >> brian: lastly, what is lingering from that game? >> so, the headaches are still really bad. my cognitive issues are probably the worst. i'm in college right now. and i'm having to get extra help in school, which is something i have never had to do before. so, yeah. there's a lot of different things that follow that my body is still in shock. i have other health problems because of the trauma to my brain. and it's really unfair. and this should have never happened to me i should have never been put in this place by north carolina's high school athletic association. >> brian: right. stand up for women's sports. i thought that was a given. now i think you should probably join riley gaines organization and start making sure this doesn't happen to anybody else.
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good luck with your issues. thank you so much for sharing your story peyton mcnabb. >> academy declined to comment on the new report. they at this point in time to go away sadly it continues now this wild video shows a squatter entering the home through the window. the homeowners are next. ♪ i tip my hat to the constitution ♪ for the new revolution ♪ select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at
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parent low is going to transfer over this to this coastal low, this neither, that's bringing a lot of snow to upstate new york and new england. we could see upwards to over 2 feet of snow. very windy conditions and blizzard potential here. here's is your airport delay forecast. definitely upstate new york and new england you will see some travel delays. here is the snow forecast. holy moly, if you like spring skiing in the mountains, that's going to be great for you. the winds are going -- was that, brian kilmeade, walking behind me? >> brian: i apologize. >> janice: what? serious forecast here, brian just strolls in. >> brian: live television. >> janice: it is live television. that's true. wrapping up forecast for winds and there is today's weather across the west coast new system moves in and talking about the weather for the ellipse on monday. big deal here we could see some cloud cover and also see some severe weather in the path of totality. stay tuned the next hour i will be talking about that and hopefully brian kilmeade will
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not disrupt my weather. >> brian: i thought you would be on time. >> janice: did you see that? >> ainsley: i heard it. you said what was that? and you called him out. who is always the culprit. >> janice: he is the only one that does that. >> brian: toss? >> ainsley: brian, get it together. not your time, brian. outraged texas homeowners confronting a squatter climbing through the window to enter their house. look at that. >> squatters break into ohio house again through the window. squatters break into my house, interrupting my work and recording me. >> i can show you. >> go ahead. >> you are breaking the law. >> those texas homeowners, abraham mendez and his wife join us now. good morning to both of you. >> hi, good morning. good morning "fox & friends." >> we saw you or we heard your voice. you are recording this guy who
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is breaking into your house, i guess the front door is locked. he doesn't have a key, so he has to use the window. tell us what happened. >> i mean, a long story but, yeah. when we secured our home for he to not access to the house, he kept getting through the window. i was recording him to have some proof of what was going on. we called the police and we didn't get any help from them. instead the police told me that he he has the right to stay at the property and the police consider him as a resident and then gave us -- didn't give us any help because they said [inaudible] >> looked up this law to give him the right. the police did not read that
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right. it doesn't come for three more years. after 30 days comes something similar as far as that they could stay but nowhere near what the police were explaining to him. the accused. constable's office. they explained us the right to tell to the police that it is a trespassing matter. we explained the law. the letter and how to enforce it and the police did not want to do anything. in fact, the police, the next event, which was an attack, as you see here, this is me, i'm running in to get between the aggressor and my wife and natural, you know, any husband would do. and the police instead said that it looked the opposite that. >> that it was my fault because i got in his way. >> ainsley: that does not make any sense. >> money to brexit our property. >> ainsley: you all bought this
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fixer-upper. you hired this tile guy he said look, i want to finish of the job quickly so you can all move in and use your house. let me live there a few days. i will do the tile in the bathroom. made him sign a little contract. now he is staying and it's been 30 days. has he finished the job? what is this guy's story? is he homeless? >> he must be homeless. he never even worked in the restroom. the first few days he was complaining of his gout. then after i was trying to get a work schedule from him, he would just give me run arounds oh i have yet to get the tools. yet he has all these other in the house and stuff. and there is just little by little, showing that there was -- it was a ruse, it was the house he wanted. with our trust he abused us. i have been asked in prior interviews what you wanted to heed to other homeowners is trust no one. there is no good deed that's
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going done returned with good. there is no -- there is not very much silver lining to this. you don't know. you could screen them through the credit. you could go through contracts. you don't know what state or whom the idea that they will hit. they are just. >> it's really sad we don't have any protection. >> we don't have any protection. >> from law enforcement. >> there is legislators that are out there such as governor desantis, who are making headway. but we need more headway across america to protect us, the homeowners because there is very little. it's really a gimmick, i think more the municipalities across america to make money. because we are already out almost $500 just in court fees to file. and overy sparse advice from the police and the constables to help us get these things
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mitigated and there is going to be no help. damaged well over south of $2,000 in damage to my house. he kicked in a door to get access to a bathroom. broke windows. he illegally tapped into electricity. we called code compliance to try to get him to get out. and there is just so many different options and we were given by law enforcement in our local law enforcement, but the fact of the matter is there is little education knowing what the law is the problem. >> ainsley: i'm so sorry this is program to you. i know san antonio, i used to live there hard-working people. you bought this house, dream home going to fix it up. this guy is taking advantage of you. this is unbelievable. hopefully our congressman, your congressman in the area are listening to this and change the laws. because this should not happen in america. god bless you. everyone say a prayer that this is resolved soon for this
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family. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> ainsley: thank you so much. a texas mom issued an arrest warrant over late library books. she is next. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... ♪
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>> steve: listen to this. a texas mom is hit with an arrest warrant over late library
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books. now she has got to pay fine of almost 600 bucks or face jail time. and the combined value of the books that were missing $60. that mom of five, kayleigh morgan joins us now from texas with 3-month-old mollie on her lap. good morning to you, kayleigh. >> good morning. >> steve: okay. what a story. so you go in to the dmv, you're going to get a new driver's license, and what do they tell you? >> well, we load up the kids. i loaded them up. that's how i do life. i home school them. we sit through all of the dmv and they were very lovely to us. and she tells me i can't give you a renewed driver's license because you have a warrant out for your arrest. >> steve: you started to laugh, right? >> i did. i really did laugh at her. >> steve: right. because you didn't know what it was for.
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they said call the court. and you found out that it was for library books. but here. >> correct. >> steve: you returned the library books, right? >> i did. i did. i for sure did. so there were five to six books that we had. we were doing a study on vincent van gogh. and i was pregnant with this one and having some complications. >> steve: right. >> i knew they were late. my husband returned them into the drop box. there was one that didn't fit correctly. so he had to come back to it. he was working in houston at the time. >> steve: right. >> so, it didn't fit in the drop box. we finally, my stepson ran it in. i watched him run it inside. and they said that the system was down. >> steve: so did the library lose them? is that the problem? >> i have to assume that it just never got input into the system or taps clerical error. >> steve: right. in the meantime, there is a warrant out for your arrest. you have got this -- you have
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got to pay $600 worth of fines. you are not going to be age to get your driver's license. i know you started a go fund me page and you are up to about $2,000 because you say this is unjust. and you want this taken off of your record. and so, you know, we're going to see where it goes. but, you know, ultimately, if you knew into the library people were watching right now, what's your 30 second message to them? >> i would say that this ordinance needs to go. i have had people say that it could have been done without all of the dramatics. but it wasn't. i have had other friends that this happened to before me say that they canceled their library cards over this and they didn't do anything about it. this ordinance really just needs to go. >> steve: right. we did contact the library. they said they had no comment. we talked to the city manager. they have not returned our call. the judge, nobody is returning our call. let's see if you get justice. kayleigh, keep us posted on what is going on with your case.
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>> i will. >> steve: okay. now mollie by the way a very good baby. did not squawk during that entire segment. meanwhile coming up, bad optics, critics calling out gavin newsom as his restaurant pays workers less than the new california $20 minimum weighs what's up wits h that,il governor? governor? goodle, morning , phillyr mission is governor? goodle, to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like. this is a community of just complete and utter love. it's the people that lift you up when you're down. people on tiktok do that on a daily basis, and i've never found a community like that ever. keep tiktok.
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>> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. on th


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