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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 3, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> why isn't federal immigration law top round border crossers that are accused of serious crimes? >> are you speaking of a specific case? >> in new york a crew of border crossers found with drugs and guns six are out on bail. does present but i think policies like that are making the country safer? >> i'll be careful that's an active case so i don't want to comment on an active case. anyone found guilty, we have been very clear about that, anyone found guilty of a crime should be held accountable. >> that was our own peter doocy. the best efforts to press them white house moments ago on what it has become or is becoming one of the biggest political weak spots for president biden and his reelection bid. the open border belief that former president trump can handle this crisis better. i'm sandra smith a new york welcome. >> john: good to be with you for another hour on john roberts in washington this is the
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"america reports," the governor santos claims that over 300,000 migrants have been flown into the state under a controversial federal government parole program and he is demanding -- >> sandra: and playing out right now in court in new orleans we start with matt finn live in el paso for us with the latest in the battle between florida and the biden administration. migrants have been flying into where you are and others, matt. >> today florida governor rhonda santos insists he will fight the biden administration program which he says is secretly flying migrants into his state without fair warning. >> they are not coordinating with state government at all. if they throw six people on a commercial flight coming from a foreign country, there is no
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acknowledgment at all. >> he is referring to the chnv program standing for cuba, haiti, nicaragua, and venezuela. these numbers show in the fiscal year 2,023,184,000 migrants from those countries flew into miami alone. that is a dramatic increase from just 1500 migrants in the previous fiscal years. thousands more like here in texas and california that they say the biden administration is quietly bringing in migrants without informing the states making it nearly impossible to track those migrants. now in a statement to fox today the white house denies desantis claim of secrecy writing in part this is a process that cuts out smugglers seeking to take advantage of vulnerable individuals considering migrating and has successfully decreased irregular migration from these countries. to save this program is secret is laughably false.
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now the program's public website says they have a list of security background checks they must have a u.s. citizen sponsor them who is willing to pay expenses including possibly an airline ticket. once in the united states the poor old migrants apply to work after two years they'd biden administration says there is a full range of existing lawful immigration pathways. now the biden administration is letting in at least 30,000 migrants per month under this program and they say there is no limit to how many may end up coming into the netted states. florida is fighting it as a lawsuit and republicans have demanded the president and this program. >> sandra: it's a lot happening for sure. matt finn in el paso for us, thank you. >> john: center boston is now moving hundreds of migrants into a facility that used to house veterans. molly line's live in chelsea, massachusetts, a suburb northeast of boston following this, molly, what do we know about the repurchasing of this
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facility? >> yes, this shuttered aging soldiers home in chelsea, massachusetts, as he mentioned had recently been home to many, many veterans who have since been moved to a new state-of-the-art facility as of the end of last year so now it's being repurposed used as a shelter to help in the system that has been overwhelmed partially because of the many, many arriving migrants getting here crowding the shelter system in massachusetts. however with an estimated 500 plus veterans in the bay state experiencing some kind of homelessness this latest selection has highlighted critics complaining how money could be better spent. >> there should be prioritization that folks who have been had the longest should be the first once served. that would help us to get the homeless veterans who have been home was quite a while and other residents who can't afford housing in the commonwealth of massachusetts and are driven into our shelter system. >> state officials note this site was slated for demolition and now has a plan for use as a
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shelter will not impact those who at the new veterans home at chelsea. facing financial realities they have announced a 30 day limit on homeless families staying in state run overflow shelters while they await placement in an emergency shelter systems requiring them to reapply monthly to show they are seeking work or new housing. >> massachusetts is providing services and those who want to participate in the program need to be participating seeking jobs attending esl classes, the whole idea of this is to divert people from our emergency shelter to system. >> these state legislators now exploring a variety of different caps to put in, i senate proposal for nine months allowing extensions however in particular and extensions would apply also to veterans, john? >> john: cities are trying to cope. thank you. more on the border crisis coming up with congressman henry
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cuellar of texas. his district spans a large swath of the southern border very and we will see what he has to say on the fifth circuit court appeal picking up sb4 and everything else happening everyday. speech a very interesting to get a democrat's response which is so heavily in this crisis, john. but you can just imagine how that makes the veteran community feel when they have so many problems that they are dealing with themselves. to now have this happen, have those migrants moving into those veteran shoulders, that is happening a lot. >> john: when you consider you have the population of los angeles that has moved into this country in the last four years, if you are not sending them home they have to go somewhere. >> sandra: somewhere, yes. [chanting] >> allowed them to deny
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coverage. [yelling] >> shame on you, joe biden! shame on you! shame on you! you are funding in palestine >> sandra: during the wisconsin primary more than 47,000 people voted on instructed over biden's handling of the israel/hamas war. they had set a goal of around 20,000 votes similar campaigns have been waged in other battleground states looking to send a message to the white house ahead of the november election. mark penn is here a former clinton advisor and sean duffy former wisconsin congressman and cohost of "the bottom line" on fox business so what is the bottom line here, sean? the fit though my president is facing a lot of backlash as we get closer and closer to election day. >> the bottom line is you have an internal food fight in the democratic party. you have a humpty dumpty where
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you have the egg falling off the wall and you have a group of your voter base which are young kids you spent decades radicalizing and now you can't get them back in the tent. and you have the jewish community part of your base and the muslim community part of your base as well. you have no place to go you're going to make someone angry and joe biden has decided there are more people in the muslim and youth vote than there are in the jewish vote. i think that is why he is placating hamas and the palestinians and going to sean the jewish community. again, is it good politics for the independence? i don't know. but one last point, sandra, i think everyone is going to come home in the end. unless there is a full party candidate like rfk, all of these on instructed voters will come home and vote for joe biden unless they have the rfk jr. vote. so joe should do good policy and not worry about the politics of
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this right now. >> sandra: i mean because heller is telling people to get over themselves, listen. >> right? >> get over yourself, those are the two choices. one is old and effective and compassionate and has a heart, and really cares about people, and one is old and has been charged with 91 felonies. >> the voters, a lot of them, tens of millions of them out there by the way don't care what he is going through right now. nobody wants to hear that from hillary rodham clinton at this particular moment in time because especially if you are joe biden, what are you really worried about right now? you are worried about folks coming to the polls, you are worried about them showing up to the polls. >> that was steve naismith's response to hillary clinton's words, get over yourselves, what are your thoughts? >> look. i don't think this protest vote has amounted to a very significant protest at all. if you go back to when there really was a split in the democratic party, eugene
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mccarthy got 42% in the primary. not 50,000 uncommitted votes. these votes will go for joe biden. i didn't see a lot of american flags in the demonstrations. i don't know how many voters there are there. i can tell you it's the swing voters, not the edge of the party, who will really make the difference here. they are looking for leadership on this issue. they are looking for joe biden not to waffle in his support for israel. so i think if you are looking for a big democratic split i don't think you will see it. there are legitimate protesters and protests about his policy. i don't think he should play politics with israel or the problems for the middle east. i think straight down the line and i think when it comes to the ballot box they will not vote for donald trump. >> sandra: and what we heard from hillary clinton it was so
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good the view had to react to it. >> protest vote before the cease-fire kind of votes in michigan, they were more than the margin of victory than joe biden won michigan so it's very real. >> these people on the fence, what are you thinking? this is what hillary is trying to say to people. what are you thinking? there is no choice here. >> at this point it is get over yourself. >> those foyt's votes will matr and i think joe biden is listening. >> sandra: just a thought but what is it always seem like they are telling people they know better than you? >> well that is the philosophy of a left-wing liberal. especially ones who live in the city of new york, sandra. of course they know better than you and get over yourself, just vote for joe biden. what this really does, though, as it makes people angry. these ladies on the view and hillary clinton, they are not living the average american life. they are not trying to figure out how to they pay their bills,
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how did they buy gas, how did they send kids to school, are they concerned about crimes on the street and illegals in the communities? they are not concerned about those things. when they say to the american voter get over yourself i think they are saying no, you get over yourself and why don't you have a little more respect for the american people who will make the decisions about the next president and we consider things that are not on your plate, ladies. >> i appreciate the discussion, mark, sean, thank you very much. sean? >> john: sandra, an american institution becoming the go-to place for folks to get quick cash. how the humbled pawn shop is helping people cope with the higher cost of living. plus this. ♪ o say, can you see ♪ ♪ by the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed ♪ ♪ o say, can you see ♪ >> sandra: so you probably heard about it by now the
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controversy on the court after the lsu women's basketball team missed the national anthem, now louisiana governor jeff landry wants consequences. he will join us live. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. >> john: the biden administration has abruptly canceled its plans to refill the petroleum reserve despite announcing last month the plan to purchase up to 3 million barrels of oil. white house press secretary cream jean-pierre had this to say when pressed on the issue by our peter doocy in the last hour. >> you guys started draining this petroleum reserve to try to help with the boudin price hike a few years ago. said he would refill it but now it doesn't seem like that is happening. why? >> i believe the department of energy is responsible for that
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particular component of refilling that so i would refer to the department of energy. i know there were certain components to that and how they were going to move forward in refilling it. >> john: okay, what did the department of energy say about the decision? they said this "keeping the taxpayers interest at the forefront we will not award for the spr site in august and september we will continue to solicit available capacity as market conditions allow." which is a roundabout saying folks will freak out if we spend $270 million on oil right now. sender? >> sandra: that is a fascinating development for sure. meanwhile president biden says the economy is getting better but pawnbrokers across the country say business is booming with americans desperate for cash. what is going on there? fox business caddies to bury his life at a pawn shop in chicago for us, kelly, what are people parting with? >> yes, sandra, it's a bit of everything and it's evident here
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as they are bursting at the seams with inventory i have randy: the owner of oriole pond with me to talk about how he is helping people through these tough times. randy can you explain what a pawn loan is for those who don't know? >> a pawn loan is someone needs money fast. you go to a bank you cannot get a loan. say for instance your credit is bad, and it takes a long time. like you are out in 15 or 10 minutes, give me your item, i look at it, i write you up you're on your way. but let me explain to you the most things i am seeing now is the economy. the economy is falling apart. i am seeing it. there is so much stuff coming out of pawn that rolexes are coming out, chains, diamonds, i've never seen stuff like this in my life that they are not picking up. they are just not in getting the stuff out anymore. they even slowed down bringing in stuff because they are running out of stuff to bring
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in. the economy i feel is really going down a little bit. quite a bit, actually. and i mean they come in, they get smaller loans, 20-$30 loans to help get medicine, stuff like that i am seeing, they pick them up with checks at the end of the month, but it's definitely getting tougher out here. times are getting tougher and tougher. i don't know. >> randy has a very unique and a special look at how the economy is doing. as he gets very personal with a lot of his customers and, sandra, the inventory he has shown me is really blowing up here. speech a really interesting as you know i am from chicago i was looking at where exactly the royal pawn shop is. right in the heart of the city that is a remarkable statement. people are coming in and pawning some of their items to buy medicine? >> exactly. it's items that he has never seen before coming in. people from all walks of life.
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>> sandra: wow. kelly sadberry on that lie from chicago for us, thank you, john? >> john: a unique perspective from the front lines of the economy, president biden's legal fight with texas in the louisiana court as three judges heard oral arguments on the constitutionality of tex's immigration law. texas says the laws needed to help secure the border but our next guest is concerned with it stretching local police too thin. henry cuellar for the 28th congressional district in the great state of texas. you have proposed, congressman, sb4 because you don't think police and law enforcement have the resources to enforce but do you argue in the basic construct of the idea that you can't just let all these folks come across the border without doing something about it? >> certainly i am with you on that end i have been on this decision that we need to work together and i certainly want to have the state work with the federal government along with the local government. i understand how the state can
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be frustrated. i have been frustrated also myself with the past. but again, enforcing immigration laws is a federal responsibility, not a local or state responsibility. but should we be working together? absolutely. should what happened in el paso where you have that right a couple of weeks ago and those migrants assaulted, dps, texas national guard? i stand with dps and the national guard and it is wrong. those people should be prosecuted and they should be deported. they don't have the right to assault any of our men and women whether it is state, federal, or local person's. >> john: congressman a lot of the folks involved in that we have it up on the screen right now, you can see how violent they were in trying to get past the texas national guard. a lot of those folks have been released. show they have been released or should they immediately have been sent back? >> i don't know exactly besides
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what we are seeing there but again, i have been very clear. anyone who assaults a dps officer, a texas guard, i stand in the guard send used to be for 27 years and i stand with those good men and women. those people, and i'm talking to the migrants, they should be prosecuted. they don't have the right to assault anyone. they don't have the right to say we are going to get past you and ask for asylum. they don't have the right to do that. from what we are seeing right now we are on the same page. they should be prosecuted because we cannot send a message that they can come in and do whatever they want to. we have laws in the books and we should enforce those laws. >> john: as all of this is going on the white house continues to play the same one note song on all of this. that is that donald trump and the republicans are to blame for the border. listen to what cream john pierce said yesterday. >> what we heard from the last
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administration from president trump and you heard me say this over and over again, you all reported this, that he told republicans to reject that proposal because it would hurt him and help the president. so we will continue to urge congress republicans to come back, right? come back to the table, move forward with that proposal. >> john: she keeps saying on the president keeps saying we need congress to fix this but take a look at the statistics. donald trump during his presidency 2.4 million people crossed the border illegally. 7.4 million under biden. is this a matter of congress having to do something or is this presidential policy to handle what is going on with the border? >> it is both president -- presidential and congress. i am one of those where if you look at it, look, there is enough blame to put on everybody. if you look at the last of two appropriation bills for homeland, every single republican except for two that
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are still in congress, except for two voted against adding $1.4 billion. this last appropriation bill only 100 republicans or so voting in favor. yes, we can put the blame. i don't care about who the blame goes to. i want to sit down with my republican friends and sit down and work out something. we added the largest amount of money for homeland security that we have ever put in homeland security. money for deportation, money for detention and the highest detentions we have ever had. money for the highest number of border patrol. i see that. should we change the asylum law, absolutely it is too easy for people to come in and claim asylum. f100 people come in at the border and ask for asylum and they come in, four, five, six years later a judge will reject 87-90% so why are we allowing hundred% of the people at the beginning when we should be
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allowing only 810-12? we need to sit down and work this out together. >> john: congressman, with respect, we keep hearing from the president, from democrats we need money, money, money, money. isn't it true if president biden were to put into place all of the trump era measures he rescinded on day one this problem would be a whole lot better than it is right now. >> i think if president biden enforces title eight, if title eight is better than title 42, title 42 all he did -- >> john: what about remain in mexico and other policies like that? >> mexico, that's correct but title eight is a hidden expedited deportation to their country of origin. i think that would be him a lot more effective. don't send them across the river where they can come in and i support stay in mexico, i support that, but i think title eight should be something with expedited removal.
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we added more detention beds, 41,500, the largest amount we have ever funded, we added the largest amount of money for deportation ice air, we added the largest number of border patrol agents, 22,000 pay raises over time, we have there and we have to have the will to make sure we use the dollar wisely. >> john: considering what they may be using the border patrol certainly deserves a raise. congressman thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> john: sandra. >> sandra: anthony blank and is hiring a new chief diversity officer to "build a workforce that reflects america." how critics are responding. >> john: plus lsu women's basketball lands in hot water with the governor. louisiana governor jeff landry calling for consequences after the team didn't show up for the anthem. he is next. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated.
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>> john: more and more businesses are being fed up with dei programs but that is not has stopping this statement department from digging its heels in periods secretary blinking announcing a new diversity and inclusion's officer after a late memo shows they are being urged to use gender-neutral language in their daily business dealings. gillian turner live from the state department, jillian? >> hi, john, the state department now seems to be putting some distance between secretary blinking and the department's overall larger dei push. this comes as you mention even as blinking himself just appointed this chief diversity officer, he said this in a statement about it yesterday, american diplomacy can only succeed if it harnesses all of the talent our nation has to offer. that's why i created the position of cdio to have deran
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the senior level it deserves. now spokesman matt miller said this about a cable on gender pronouns that blinken sent to the dippel medic core. >> it's a standard government practice to try to encourage people to be respectful of others. and use the terms with which others are comfortable and talk to people the way they would like to be addressed and nothing more than that. >> john: now blinken's cable had ordered state department officials to avoid using certain terms like ladies and gentlemen, "mother and father" "manpower" listen. >> i mean, does a secretary or anyone else in the building of an issue with the phrase "ladies and gentlemen?" >> i do not -- hold on, i do not have any problem with the term "ladies and gentlemen" and i feel confident saying that the secretary does not either. >> secretary blinken
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to disagree with his own guidance, and $88 trillion di in fiscal year 2024 prompting some withering criticism in mike mccall who told us in a statement states ideological overemphasis on deia has come to penetrate every bureau and embassy under the biden administration. there is a lot of reporting, john, that suggests the true cost of di at the state department is much higher maybe to the tunes of tens of millions of dollars. there is a lot of money put into seemingly unrelated programs that is actually used to diversify the workforce. the office now trying to get the state to report the specific line items numbers. john? >> john: it'll be interesting to see how much that adds up to. jillian, thank you. sandra? >> sandra: thank you, the lsu women's best vaulting boy was it a big night this week losing to
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caitlin clark and the iowa hawkeyes in the ncaa tournament but their conduct before the game is now raising eyebrows as the team skipped the singing of the national anthem. they were apparently in the locker room. joining us now is the governor of louisiana jeff landry who is now calling for consequences for that. governor, welcome and we know you are a huge lsu fan. you have the shirt on. why are you calling out the players? >> yes, i am a big -- look, i'm not calling out players or coach i support coach smokey, my statement said that. i think this is a bigger question come a bigger problem with collegiate sports naturally stomach nationally and louisiana i sent a letter to each of our college boards telling them those college boards should put in place a policy that respects the national anthem. the national anthem is as much a part of american sports as it is the actual game being played. the fact there is not a policy that says listen these players
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will be out there and respect the flag and respect those that go out there and protect us is really disrespectful in and of itself. so it is unfortunate that lsu is not there at the particular time. iowa was on the field that highlighted the particular problem and what we are going to do in louisiana is a listen, college athletes need to understand that in order to be truly united, in order to truly have the civics and civility, we all need to be united under one flag and respect the anthem. >> sandra: i know so many of our viewers firmly agree with you and the america we know at the concession stand the anthem start to throw down your food and run to find the flag. you chuck your hat do anything you can to stand up and be there when the national anthem is sung. whether it's a little league game or march madness or whatever it may be. this is kim mull keep. she is the very famous coach of the ladies team at lsu and as you said, you have the utmost respect for her. this was her response when the criticism started coming out,
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listen. >> honestly, i don't even know when the anthem was played. we kind of have a routine where we are on the floor and then they come off of the 12 minute mark. i don't know, we come in and do our pregame stuff. i'm sorry, listen. that is nothing intentionally done. >> but it was not a one-time thing. apparently there is a trend of this. lsu athletics department issued a statement, governor, saying our basketball programs have not been on the court from the anthem for the last several seasons. usually the anthem is played 12 minutes before the game and when the team is in the locker room doing final preparations. well, i am sorry, i'm one of the biggest lsu fans out there, i don't understand, get your stuff done earlier to get out there. what really is going on here? >> again i think that is something the allelic department, the college president come the university president, the board of
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supervisors, not just lsu but others in louisiana as well. i threw one of the first pages for the florida-lsu game a few weeks ago, the first thing they did was have the national anthem and both teams were out there. if you have consistency, you won't have these kinds of problems. guess what, it's as much a part of the fan experience just like you said. think about a little league baseball game. i've seen kids be more behavior during the national anthem then the sport itself because it was a respect of our nation. that's what i think we should be getting back to. >> sandra: governor i have to let that stay there but i just want to say according to our reporting neither usc nor uconn leading best of all teams were present for their national anthems before the elite 8 game on monday night. so, to your point, we have to let it stay there but when they come out per your policy change here, would they have to stand?
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>> listen, again, that is what the university should put in place. they should. everybody should respect the flag. if you don't like it, guess what? you don't have to play the sport. i would hope that all of the final four teams would be out there respecting our nation and letting everyone know we are united under one flag. >> sandra: governor let us know what you hear back from the college board where you get and we will have you back on, thank you for joining and go tigers. >> thank you. go tigers. >> sandra: john? >> john: hawkeyes gave the anthem, new polling shows former president donald trump leading president biden in nearly every swing state but could democrats campaign focus on abortion turn the tide and may be even flip florida blue? bret baier will tackle that coming right up. ? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards
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>> john: the biden campaign teeing up abortion is a major election issue after the florida supreme court cleared the way for a six-week abortion ban. could the issue put florida back into swing state territory? bret baier joins us on that just ahead but in the meantime, it's the most supersecret of all of u.s. military hardware, our submarine fleet, and apparently there are new problems with readiness. our jennifer griffin live at the pentagon with that for us. jen? >> gone, when the biden administration rolled out too much fanfare it's a three-way partnership with australia and the u.k. and historic agreement known as aucus they agreed to sell nuclear submarines to australia and shared technology for the first time ever. one problem, the u.s. does not have enough submarines for itself. >> we have yet to take actions
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necessary to ensure that our industrial base can support both the united states and australia. the basic fact is this. our defense industrial base is not where it needs to be. >> submarines like this one recently visited by a fox news team during a mission in the arctic are a key part of the strategy to deter china and yet the biden budget only allows for enough funds to build one virginia class submarine a year. even though the u.s. is supposed to be building 2.3 attack subs a year under aucus. they simply cannot come up with demand. >> in 2011 the u.s. usually doubled its orders for nuclear power submarines. all told in the last 15 years our demand for industry to produce some rains has gone up by roughly five times. we are going through a generational change in the workforce at our shipyards and our suppliers. so we need to build new talent.
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bring in more americans to work in the sector. and also in supply chain covid was a significant interruption in our ability to do business. >> the navy recently launched the blue ford alliance a campaign to attract young people into submarine building and appeal to patriotism. a modern-day uncle sam wants you. >> there are literally tens of thousands of opportunities over the coming decade and more for long-term family sustaining generational jobs that have a really important purpose. the ability to serve your country in the job you go to every day is enormous. speak of the supplemental funding for ukraine, taiwan, and israel currently held up in congress has $3.3 billion for the submarine industrial base, which proponents say the u.s. will need to deter china. john? >> john: jennifer griffin for us from the pentagon. jen dumb i think you.
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>> sandra: they showed donald trump ahead of biden in six swing states but could florida be back in play for democrats? we will ask bret baier coming up next. >> are you satisfied with the results you get from expensive nutritional supplements that don't contain more than 12 minerals? you can't get much benefit from 8 to 10 minerals when your body needs at least 60 minerals to be healthy. now, try immuno 150 with its 70 minerals and 80 other nutrients. i'm elmer heinrich, celebrating my 90th birthday as i make this commercial, with no dementia,
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>> sandra: that is a live look at the white house where there is a white house press briefing
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a short time ago our own peter doocy was in that briefing and he was able to press the white house press secretary cream jean-pierre on why the federal immigration laws are not tougher on these border crossers. some of whom are carrying out serious crimes, listen. >> why isn't federal immigration law tougher on border crossers who come here and are accused of serious crimes? >> are you speaking of a specific case question marks because there is a person crew of four crossers with drugs and guns six of them are now out on bail. does president biden think policies like that are making the country safer? >> i'll be really careful that is an active case. i don't want to comment on an active case but anyone found guilty, we have been very clear on that, anyone found guilty of a crime should be held accountable. >> sandra: of course that is the story in case rosanna scotto joined us earlier last hour on. while we were speaking to her we were able to see some of those
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migrants arrested as ice was on the scene in queens, new york. an incredible story to see playing out. this is a huge question as we get closer to election day with many voters saying this is the most pressing issue facing the country today. let's get straight to white house correspondent peter doocy hooked up and ready to go fresh out of that briefing. what did you make of what you heard, peter? >> sandra it's clear they're in a tough spot right now because the legislative path that they can go through working with republicans, working with democrats, working with the congress to try to fix things at the border, it is at a standstill at the moment. president biden not moving. >> johnson, not moving. we know there are executive actions president biden could be taken, but he is choosing not to at the moment and so they are dealing with these terrible headlines and blaming it on
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local laws. sender? >> sandra: pretty incredible. rain is coming down i can hear it in the background, peter doocy thank you for joining us and jumping in front of the camera for us. thank you. all right, john and washington. >> john: it has been a rainy wednesday that's for sure, let's bring in bret baier anchor and executive editor of chief political anchor let's turn to the issue of abortion in florida where you spend a lot of time. because the six-week abortion ban that was signed into law by the governor there is being put on the november ballot and there are concerns that could potentially turn florida into a swing state by mobilizing democratic voters to come out in numbers they were not expected to what are you thinking on that? >> it's a big deal. the six week ban is not something suburban women overall are polled well with. now that it will be going into effect, it is going to be on the ballot. that helps not only the senate race for democrats in florida but they think it closes the
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window on making florida more competitive. florida, as you know, for many, many years has been competitive but not most recently. it has gone pretty red. with donald trump on the top of the ticket on the republican side, one would think he would have an advantage in florida but this abortion issue not just in florida but the fact that the six week thing is going to be on that pallet does affect national races other places because abortion is really, really a big issue for democrats. >> john: when the decision first came out and republicans were over the moon saying we finally overturn roe v. wade. then we went to the midterm elections and democrats turning that into a central issue did much better than expected. and are putting that front and center again november 5th of this year. i mean, this is backfiring in so many ways on the republicans. >> you look back to '22 and we thought immigration and crime and the economy would drive the day and abortion and threats of democracy did.
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they are trying to flip the script again. i think the former president will speak about this next week at which point he may lay down the marker about how republicans are going to start talking about it. >> john: he is up for a 15 week ban so we'll see if he does that next week, brett good to see you. washington traffic, welcome back, we will be right back after this.
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12:00 pm
>> is still have that losing when accent. in my head. >> you know what i love about the louisiana accent? athletes become a three syllable wart. athletes. [ laughter ] >> so many different accents all throughout this day, beautiful things. >> it just sounds like good food, you know? soon so true. we will see at a four, set your dvr and never miss us, thank you for joining us on sandra smith. >> the story starts right now.


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