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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 3, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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57 years old. previews his next fight. >> i can do that. [laughter] >> i'm scared to death, as the fight gets closer, the less nervous i become. >> steve: i wonder if is he really scared to death. is he mike tyson. come on. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, folks, mornings are better with friends. ♪ you. >> lawrence: get a load of thi. a brand new "wall street journal" poll shows former president donald trump is leading president biden in all but one of the key swing states.
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>> ainsley: mark meredith is at the white house with a look at the numbers. >> mark: good morning, friends, we are roughly seven months out until the 'presidential election and new polling shows former president trump is leading president biden in six of these seven swing states. let me give you an idea of what we are talking about. the "wall street journal" taking a look at these different samples, in pennsylvania, for instance, you have got trump leading by three points. the state trump won in 2016 but lost four years later. in trump trump only ahead by one point. seen both candidates hit the state in the last month nevada. trump now leading by four points. wisconsin though one swing state where trump is not leading but simply tied with biden. on tuesday, wisconsin held its primary. both trump and biden, of course, won easily. it is notable some 47,000 people chose to vote uninstructed. essentially a protest vote against president biden. also in the badger state we saw former president trump in green bay overnight where he went on the attack against president biden's immigration policies. he also challenged the current
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commander-in-chief to an early debate. >> i stand before you today to declare that joe biden's border bloodbath and that's what it is, it's a bloodbath. >> we have an empty podium right here to my right. do you know what that is? that's for joe biden. i'm trying to get him to debate. [laughter] i'm calling on crooked joe to debate any time, any place. >> mark: the former president has made these kind of comments before in the biden campaign in the past has brushed them off as a stunt. we have reached out to see if they have any new reaction to comments overnight. biden campaign ready to pivot to abortion. new ads battleground state. president trump is going to talk about it next week an indication that issue will be in the spotlight within a matter of days. steve, ainsley, brian and lawrence. back to you. >> steve: talked about these polls not good for joe biden. probably later today is he going to say to reporters once again
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you guys always quote the wrong polls. i'm way ahead in a bunch of other polls. >> you are right. president biden has made it clear is he no fan of the reporting on some of the polling out there. i think it's notable in the poll we showed you from the journal the numbers were in the marginal offer effort. in nevada trump was leading by four points right there you have that indication very much a close race. seven months out. a lot can change. obviously trump being on the stump two swing states yesterday. we know he is going to talk about crime and the border. biden ready to talk about abortion. the economy though i think is still the big x-factor and where things stand right now. >> steve: according to gallup poll you are 100 percent great reporter. >> thanks. >> ainsley: almost two years ago september of 2022 when migrants migrantswere flown to martha's d on charter flights coordinated byron desantis. now a massachusetts actual judge, she is saying that the migrants have the right to sue
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the aviation company that transported them it's a company called virtol systems company based in florida. >> steve: tent with a just the airplane charter company. they were also suing ron desantis and a bunch of other florida officials. and what the suit said was that they were deceived. they were told they were going to massachusetts. not to martha's vineyard. yesterday the u.s. federal judge dismissed ron desantis in the case and apparently dismissed three counts against the vir toll company as well. they will face 8 others. nonetheless, this going forward >> ainsley: got paid $1.5 million according to the reports we have been reading. boy would you be able to sue the company they don't know who they are flying. >> steve: got to wonder whether or not the migrants, we have seen this before. the migrants get on the texas
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buses they have to sign a waiver. >> lawrence: they do. >> steve: i don't know whether the migrants got on that plane signed waivers. >> lawrence: here's the thing. this is what i disagree with. i don't mind judges having their own legal philosophy. i don't like when they get political. and in is what the judge said in the statement: the defendants were not legitimately enforcing any immigration law but instead as they alleged they exploited plaintiffs in a scheme to boost their national profile of defendants desantis manipulated them for the political end. so here's the deal. it wasn't desantis that started the charter flights. it was joe biden. if you all remember we did some. >> ainsley: in the dead of the night. >> lawrence: flew them in the night private strip followed the bus. >> the migrants called the bliss on us and reporting on them being transported in new york city. so, the question is, why is it okay for joe biden to do it but not ron desantis? you also noted that they signed these waivers.
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well, apparently they were doing the same thing in florida, too. i just got to say, you know, when it comes to these judges, they are not laying out equal application of the law. they just want to be critical of republicans. you got judge reggie walton that went on cnn. a sitting federal judge in d.c. who was criticizing donald trump. now, we know that the d.c. circuit is going to be seeing some trump cases. why is it okay for all these federal judges all of a sudden to get involved in politics and that's statement doesn't read legal theory or legal outcome. what it reads is anti-ron desantis. >> brian: think about this. we showed you yesterday how many of these flights were if you are in ecuador, el salvador and you want to fill out this app. and fly to america. instead of paying the cartels, we will fly you there. so, almost demands almost zero criteria and background analysis. but, what they're doing is now escaping all the scrutiny in tucson and el paso, new mexico and california. and landing in two states, in
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particular. two cities. thiewfn miami. yesterday, ron desantis' communication director brian griffin said the federal government is encouraging illegal immigration and aiding these individuals to enter the country. cloaked in secretive flights and as a lawful parole program. this was never meant to be with the parole program was for. and now they are thriving. as bad as things are at the border. do you understand it's even worse than we know because they are flying them into these cities without even telling the governor. >> ainsley: ron desantis told fox news digital the flights were conducted lawfully and authorized by the florida legislature. his press office says we look forward to florida's next illegal immigration relocation flight and we are glad to bring national attention to the crisis at the southern border. >> brian: get them out of jacksonville. >> lawrence: they are being totally dishonest. the migrants hadn't crossed the border just yet trying to jump the requires. razor wire.where are you headin?
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some said new york and florida. these migrants know where they want to go before they even get into the country. so to suggest that it's some big scheme from the republicans to just relocate and enforce immigration law is just not true. the migrants know. >> ainsley: governor abbott said we don't put anyone on a bus and ship them out without their permission. they till us where they want to go and they get on that bus. >> steve: by virtue of the fact that lawyers for the civil rights group that filed suit against it, what they are trying to do is they are trying to keep transportation companies, whether it's air or bus from bringing the migrants to different parts of the country. and by virtue of the judge, this federal judge saying that ron desantis didn't have standing in this case, you know, it was not applicable to be suing them. resultimately, apparently they federal level, look, the states aren't in charge of migration and immigration, that's the federal government. that's why the federal government we have heard it a million times they're in charge.
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>> ainsley: that's a good point. you think this case is trying to pave the way for any migrant to be able to sue their transportation method? >> steve: no, i'm just saying we have seen them go after the bus companies down in texas. >> ainsley: now they are going after the plane company. >> steve: what charter company wants to work with a state if they're going to wind up getting sued? >> brian: texas installing a brand new anti-climb fence at the border right where they tried to breakthrough. also important to point out that we already have 22,233,000 chinese nationals in 2024. last year we had 24,000. so we're in april. according to stats we are not quite done with the year yet. i looked at the calendar before i came out. and we are going to be way ahead. what's going on in china where suddenly they got to go to mexico and grab their roller bags and come across our border? >> steve: that would have been a good thing for our president to say to president xi yesterday. >> brian: never came up. >> steve: we don't know whether it came up. it is not on the readout. >> ainsley: released what he they talked about and not mentioned. >> steve: talked about tiktok, a
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bunch of other stuff. i wonder if they talked about fentanyl. i don't think i read anything in the readout. >> ainsley: i didn't either. >> brian: do you think carley shimkus came up at all in the conversation with the chinese president, lawrence? >> steve: why would she? >> carley: raise my hand. >> ainsley: how jealous would brian be if that happened? carley and i always said if brian had a dating app. i like to talk china and trade and boxing. >> carley: i almost asked you a question about boxing yesterday. i almost texted you because we interviewed roy jones jr. on "fox & friends first." i wonder what brian would ask. >> brian: finally come in handy. >> carley: probably so busy to talk to him. >> brian: i would welcome anything about jack dempsey, evander hole field, 24 hours a day. >> i read all of my interviews through brian. >> carley: he is a good person to bounce things off of. >> brian: i bounce it right back. >> carley: yes you do.
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let's voluntarily back and forth. update on the bridge in baltimore. a second temporary channel has opened around the collapsed key bridge in baltimore. it allows small vessels to get by but it's not deep enough for commercial shipping. these new underwater images compiled by the army corps of engineers revealing the shear magnitude of the salvage operation. massive sections of the bridge have even sunk below the mud. and divers are dealing with extremely limited visibility comparing it to driving through heavy snow fall at night with high beams on. tuberculosis cases have been confirmed among migrants in chicago. that's a big deal. the city health department says they are working to contain the outbreak. but officials have not disclosed how many cases there are. this comes as the number of measles cases in chicago stands at 53. mostly among people at the city's largest migrant shelter. a city officials say they have vaccinated 5,000 new arrivals in an effort to stop the spread.
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bay area rapid transit officials are asking riders to use intervention cards as a way to stop harassment. according to officials, passengers can pass out these cards to bystanders to ask for help. each card lists actions bye stander can take like standing with the victim or texting police. or maybe just text crime. police in scott land will not charge j.k. rowling after the harry potter author dared them to arrest her for speaking out against the new hate speech law. warns about acts that stir up hatred against a person or group including people who are transgender. rowling posted images of transgender people accuse much committing crime while blasting the law writing if what i have written here qualifies as an offense under the terms of the new act, i look forward to being arrested when i return to the birthplace of the scottish enlightenment. now to a wild encounter in texas.
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a deer crashing throughout the window of a bank shocking customers and workers. animal control officials spending over 20 minutes before event tweat actually getting the animal to run back outside. oh my goods in. the deer must have heard that the bank is the place where big bucks belong. [laughter] and a new tiktok app. is promising you will have the best sleep of your life if you do this. >> sweatshirt over the top, half of your head. leave your nose and mouth open. grab the arm sleeves and wrap them around your face. i have been getting the best sleep of my life. >> carley: one doctor says the technique looks like swaddling a baby. what do you think about that technique, guys. >> steve: that swaddling thing is what you used with the snoo
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with your baby brock. they want the eyes and nose. i would freak out that i'm going to sufficient quake. >> what if there is intruder that comes. in hang on. don't take anything. i just got to untie myself. >> ainsley: intruder would be more scared of that person than they would be. it looks so weird. intruder would run away because you scared them. that's a good point. >> steve: we should have somebody from the staff actually try that. >> carley: can i try it right now. take a quick two hour and 45 minute snooze. >> ainsley: do we have a bed in the building. >> carley: i could be the last block let you know how i do. >> steve: we are all sleep deprived. we could sleep sitting up. >> brian: let's talk about what is going to be hang shortly and carley, i know you are going to be ask about boxing before. jake paul the youtube store turned into a solid boxer. he is going to be fighting 57-year-old mike tyson. i'm sure it's going to sell huge. what is helping is that training
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video tyson doesn't look 56. he looks like his old self. and now he shaved the gray beard. is he kind of ripped. they might be speeding up the video. i'm not sure. but i say tie ton is going to be fighting again. and he is starting to get really into it. >> steve: he was on with sean hannity last night and previewed the big fight with jake paul. it's going to be july 20th at at&t stadium home of the cowboys. here he is with sean last night. >> came a long way from youtubeing and lifting. i have seen a youtube of him at 16 doing weird dances. that's not the guy i'm going to be fighting. this guy is going to come and going to try to hurt me. which i'm accustomed to. and is he going to be greatly mistaken. i was afraid -- scared to fight i was 100 pounds overweight. i was however old 54, 53 and i said let's do. it anything i'm afraid of, i confront it. and that's my personality.
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like, right now, i'm scared to death but as the fight gets closer, the less nervous i become because it's reality and reality i'm invincible. >> lawrence: love that he plays the mental games with his opponent. and "fox & friends first" had roy jones on earlier in the program. and the last fight that mike tyson had was against roy jones and he destroyed him. roy jones just continued to wrap him up. now, of course, there is a big age difference, but he hits hard. and i think that's the part that jake hasn't experienced yet. someone that swings like mike tyson with power. >> ainsley: is tyson the best boxer of all times, brian? >> brian: no. >> ainsley: who do you think was. >> brian: muhammed ali. tyson in his prime and i remember at the super bowl, alli was there watching a tyson fight. and tyson struggled, i think, against a fighter he went the distance and he got up and said
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now will people will stop saying this kid is as good as me. tyson ended up having great career. he burnt out because of what he was doing outside the ring the way he was spending money, the craziness. >> lawrence: he bit evander holyfield. >> on april fools day they said the fight was canceled the other guy that he was canceling it. and then it turned out it was april fools. but, i was reading this article, because the fight is supposed to be june 20th. >> brian: july 20th. >> ainsley: july 20th? did i say that wrong? arlington where the cowboys play. technically, according to this article it has not been approved. the texas department of licensing and regulation hasn't received they say any proposed fight cards and what they those do is make sure the fighters are paired fairly. >> steve: they get to decide if it's a fair fight? >> brian: doctor is supposed to check him out exhibition.
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boxing really has got no regulation when it comes to things like this. arrest time it was two rounds, two minutes. two minute rounds. that's a huge difference. and last time it was almost, i don't know was it seven rounds and it was almost an agreement weren't going to hurt each other. i wonder if it will be this type thing again? >> lawrence: what's your prediction? >> brian: tyson in his last few years was never off drugs. and that's why i wonder what is going on here? he looks ripped but later he would admit he was doing drugs and even though his body defied his lifestyle. so i'm wondering if at 57 if he hits this guy hard is he going to stand up? they say boxers go to the grave with their punching power. they just lose their speed. >> so the he st.~louis still looks punching power and never depend on one punch always with combinations they never go to the same place. >> lawrence: this is true. >> ainsley: looking at the calendar we will be at the republican convention 15th through the 19th. saturday is the flight fight.
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>> >> lawrence: we can make it. >> ainsley: we can make it. >> steve: brilliantly mike tyson and his opponent jake paul is beginning this thing up. everybody is going to want to see it. how much is it a ticket? the more they talk like this the more you want to see it. >> lawrence: brian, can i use your jet to go to the fight and be. >> steve: call delta it's available to everybody. lawrence this is true. >> ainsley: set your dvr to watch us. if you have to run out to school or work you can come back and watch it. >> steve: meantime this wednesday morning multiple crises colliding. a group of migrants arrested after allegedly squatting in a mommy with illegal weapons and drugs. what could possibly go wrong? >> ainsley: there is he. paul mauro, retired nypd energy is he going to talk to us about it. >> brian: this is the music he chose ♪ and i know i lose control of
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>> steve: 25 minutes after the top of the hour. headlines for you starting with
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this. actress christina applegate opening up about her struggles with multiple sclerosis and said it's taking a major toll on her. >> i'm in relapse right now. i haven't slept for 24 hours because my eye is doing something weird like no energy, legs are just done. >> steve: applegate revealed she had been diagnosed with ms in 2021 and largely stayed out of the public eye. michigan governor whitmer leaving a cnn host stunned by refusing to say whether embryos are people. >> you have not said whether or not you agree that frozen embryos are considered people. what is your position on that? >> you know, who care what is my position is, kaitlin? i'm not a doctor and i'm not in anyone's individual situation. >> steve: who cares? whitmer signed several laws on monday to support ivf parents
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and legalized paid surrogacy. last year she signed off on a series of bills repealing restrictions on abortion. and a new report finding that wealthy teenagers with the help of their parents have been using loopholes to get more time on standardized test with phony adhd diagnoses. psychologist leonard sax joined ainsley last hour said the problem is anyone now can get that diagnosis. >> the problem is that the american psychiatric association changed the rules in dsm-5. they made it much easier. they created a new diagnosis. adhd unspecified. only required crin is you don't need criteria. >> that loophole can help a student get 200 point boost on sat scores. , a lot of kids do get extra time. monday night's elite 8 game between u.s. and iowa breaking records with an average of
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12.3 million viewers making it the most watched game in the history of women's sports. that's amazing. game also outdrawing all but one nba game last year while topping every mlb, major league baseball game from the past season. and that's not all. fan duel says the highly anticipated rematch was its biggest betting event of all time for women's sports. the hawkeyes face uconn on friday night for a spot in the national title game. and those, lawrence, are some of the headlines. >> lawrence: that game is not even going to get close to the amount of views that lsu-iowa game got. >> steve: let's see. >> lawrence: a group of eight migrants arrested on gun and drug charges in the bronx, new york last week in the home that were allegedly squatting in for with a 7-year-old child. this as we learn some of them were previously arrested for violent crimes, including gun possession and attempted murder. here to react, attorney and
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retired nypd w inspector. one venezuelan migrant had a pistol under his arm when he was arrested. he was squatting. in september indicted on loaded firearms possession. and hector, 24-year-old venezuelan migrant tackled by police while point ago loaded gun at someone. the list just goes on and on and on. they say they care about gun charges but these people have been back on the street. >> it's amazing whenever have you the crime conversation with the left, they talk about guns. oh my god guns, guns, guns. we have the laws to interdict guns, only about 3% of the homicide, gun homicides in the country every year are committed with long guns. so while the left likes to point to assault weapons. the real problem, north of 90% are going to be handguns, illegal handguns, generally in urban areas and this is emblematic of that nonetheless they took five guns out of that
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apartment. nonetheless, almost everybody is back out. six of the 8 are right back out on the streets. >> lawrence: migrants squatting right now. there is also still no cooperation between the nypd, not because the cops don't want to, between the nypd and ice right now. they are not able to work together as they once used to do. >> that's right. you know, we have hit a point where i think we have to start putting faces and names to the culprits. this one is on the governor hochul and on the mayor. the city it's a law. it's not an executive order. he has the bully pulpit. mayor adams going to the city council and saying i'm in favor of rescinding. this let's go. let's revise that law so the city can talk to ice. on the state level hochul can do it with an executive order. cuomo did it with an executive order. hochul can undo that the two culprits here in my opinion the governor and adams should be pushing the legislature and of course the legislature has to
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act afterwards. >> lawrence: paul, before i let you go, i have been following what is happening on twitter nypd and activist attorney it. seems like after the murder of officer diller that there has been an offense between the nypd. they are not taking it anymore. what is going on? >> seeing uncharacteristic pushback. generally in my career police are sean it as public servants. you learn after a while that you are going to take this kind of beating in the press. whether you like it or not, whether it's justified or not. i think things have really bottomed out. what has also happened the hierarchy of the police department here. arrests for instance take alvin bragg's jurisdiction. last number i saw they were up 50%. they have cops working overtime, mandatory overtime in the subways. these guys are working. they are not getting the credit for it. i think you have hit a point with the hierarchy of the pd senses that the city is with us. the people on the street they are with us. they see what is going on. they want us to do our jobs. >> lawrence: i thought adams
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would buckle, he released a statement yesterday backing the police responding to all these activists out here. does that surprise you? >> it did. we are in unprecedented times. again, i think he has his ear to the ground. i think think see what is going on in the media. social media is a big thing here. but, again, what they're trying to do is move the two legislatures, the city legislature and the state legislature. news today won't pass a simple law to protect retail workers. these are the people we have to name and shame. carl heasties, concerns, the senate leader and the city council here in town. the mayor and the governor can do it. they need to speak up. >> lawrence: i love that name them and shame them. paul mauro, thanks, brother. robert f. kennedy jr. calling out president biden, watch. >> if you have a president who can censor his political opponents, that is a general wine threat to our democracy. >> lawrence: journalist matt taibbi has also been censored and understands the threat toal democracy.
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♪ i'm sarah escherich. i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, a senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. keep tiktok.
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>> steve: a fox weather alert. you are going to want to hear this. powerful storms are sweeping through the state of georgia. downing trees and power lines and leaving about 10,000 homes and businesses without power as they wake up. and millions of americans in the southeast and the midwest are still under a tornado watches. yesterday, and overnight several twitter's left a trail of destruction in the ohio river valley. janice dean is tracking it all right now. and, janice, there's a lot going on on that map. >> janice: there really is we have got snow, severe weather, heavy rain causing flooding. wind gusts 100 miles per hour. there is the storm reports really over the last 24 hours. you with can see the tornado warn storms new warning for south georgia with this cluster
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ever thunderstorms, large hail, damaging winds and damaging winds. tornado watch favorable from the panhandle of florida towards the south carolina area. so this front is going to move offshore. we have this apparent low, this area of low pressure that is spinning across the great lakes. that's bringing measurable snow to the areas of chicago northward. and then that energy is going to transition towards this low, this coastal low that is happening on friday and is going to linger across new england, bringing more snow to the northeast, getting close to new york city. we're not going to see the snow in new york city. but it's going to be cold enough for snow, certainly west and north of new york city. flash flood alerts for all of the areas seeing the heavy rainfall and look at the snow. look at the snow. over 2 feet of snow in the mountains of new england. we will keep you up to date. the good news is dawn will not be shoveling this time around, bryan. that's the silver lining today. >> brian: she usually has that extra revenue because i do pay
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her. >> janice: oh, i didn't know you were paying her. >> brian: yes, i do. >> janice: there is more incentive. >> brian: appreciate it. democrats and the media have pushed this narrative for years. >> donald trump's threats to democracy are well-known. americans saw it. >> he is willing to sacrifice our democracy. >> donald trump tells us what he plans to do, which is finish the hit job on our democracy. >> i think donald trump getting reelected, if he would, would destroy democracy as we know it. >> brian: besides that, i think it will go well. president biden is the bigger threat to democracy. >> president biden has done something that no other president in the history has done, which is to order media, particularly the social media facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube, google, to censor his political opponents. if you have a president who can censor his political opponents, he can licensed for any kind of atrocity that is a general wine threat to our democracy.
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>> brian: that stunned everybody. joining us now to talk about the real threats to democracy is matthew taibbi. matt, of course, was asked to go through the twitter files after it was bought by elon musk. matt, joining us now is the one person i think that could really understand where r.f.k. was coming from. do you think he is right? >> yes. i think he is i think the proof of that is that heading into the 2024 presidential election cycle, joe biden is probably the only candidate who can expect not to be censored. all the other major candace have already been censored. going back historically, we found in the twitter files that the green party had been significantly censored in the 2020 and 2016 election cycles. you know, the other candidates like vivek ramaswamy have been, you know, deplatformed from multiple different sites. that doesn't happen to only one party. and i think that's a significant
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advantage in, you know, the modern information age where most people get their information from phones and the internet. >> brian: even when president trump was president, he was being shadow banned, so was his son and a lot of his supporters. then when he loses the presidency, under the guise of saying ms. information is killing people. the-i we know that the administration demanded from these social media companies a portal. where they could basically censor americans from what they thought was dangerous speech like the -- the virus came from a lab. or identifier met particular might be effective. correct? >> yeah and there were multiple routes by which this happened. there was the creation of a quasiprivate integrity partnership sponsored by the department of homeland security. and, believe it or not, the global engagement center of the state department, which has no
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legal business doing anything in the united states with information. but yes. they were conducting sweeping reviews of politicized content and heading into the 2020 election. then there was also just the matter of taking down president trump's accounts on various social media platforms. we only had insight into twitter. they had to invent a new system or a new definition of incitement essentially to come up with the justification to remove trump. they didn't have actionable tweets that they could say violated their policies. they had to come up with a definition that essentially it was like stoke cass stick terrorism. if you can reasonably expect someone misbehave that i can down tweets just for donald trump. >> brian: also important for people nothing has changed. the presidency can actually
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threaten antitrust suits, get rid of 234, clean-up allows them to function without being sued. which we know is -- excuse me section 230. so they still have that leverage. this is not in president biden'n rear view mirror. he can still do this stuff. >> right. and, you know, the case that is currently before the supreme court, murphy v. missouri. one of the central incidents in that lawsuit is something that happened on the -- i think the first day of joe biden's presidency, when he directed facebook to take down a facebook post by robert f. kennedy jr. about the death of hank aaron which was not even factually inaccurate. you could argue that it was misleading in the sense that it wasn't proven that his death was caused by the vaccine. but, all he said was that he died.
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and the biden administration was anxious to take that down. and they have no business doing that. that is not what the bully pulpit is. the bully pulpit is when you make your case publicly to the nation to try to convince voters to do something. >> brian: by the way a lot of stuff they said if you get the vaccine you will not get covid was flat out wrong. where was their censorship the facts were not out out yet when it comes to the pandemic. matt, thanks so much for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: meanwhile for years our next guest has brought our unapology get likely new york attitude to the airways. >> i didn't do anything. >> do you ever leave your little 1% of refind bubble ever? >> brian: now, former real housewives star lay a mcsweeney says she is ready to divorce the big apple, she is next. ♪ dancing queen ♪ (♪)
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>> ainsley: you know our next guest from the real housewives of new york city. >> my sister is already on the way. >> we just met, that is rude. do you ever leave your little 1% of refind bubble, ever?
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>> go look it. trashy. >> that's beautiful. >> i didn't do anything. >> but now leah mcsweeney says the worsening crime crisis in new york stock exchange is forcing her to ditch the city that she has called home her entire life. >> people are smoking crack for breakfast in times square. my daughter also had someone on the train tell her that they were going to turn her into a pile of meat on the floor. and i will be leaving new york as soon as possible. >> ainsley: so leah mcsweeney joins us now. what happened to your daughter on the train. >> you know what? this breaks my heart. new york city is the best city in the world. but it is not safe right now. and it is especially not safe for women. my daughter was on the train this week and told me hesitantly. >> ainsley: she was with all of her friends. >> on the train talking and a
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man came in and sat across from them and said wh shut the blankp or i'm going to kill you and turn knew a pile of meat on the floor. >> ainsley: she was scared to tell you. >> she was scared to tell me. she knows i'm going to be nervous and she doesn't want to make me nervous but she was scared. >> ainsley: right. i used to take the subway every day constantly. it's so fast. you don't get caught in traffic. but now i'm too afraid to do it. >> the worst thing is we are being gaslit by the politician hostel us that it's actually safer than ever. it's not. i'm sorry, there is no way. i'm out there. i'm on the train. i'm walking around. it's not safe at all. >> ainsley: what did you see in times square someone smoking crack. >> someone smoking crack at 10:00 in the morning not even trying to hide it. >> ainsley: that's the thing you smell marijuana everywhere which is legal now in new york city. i walk through it all the time. >> i feel like i'm getting second hand high, you know. >> ainsley: where do you want to move? >> i want to move to miami.
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i have to wait until my daughter is done with high school. we are looking at colleges in florida. >> ainsley: okay. wow, quash. so many people are moving down there. >> i know. i never thought i would say that i was like no, new york until i die. i'm just sick of the quality of life here. you know, i'm hoping that things turn around because, like i said, this is the best city in the world but the people who are in charge do not care. mayor adams is at zero bond. help us. like help us. >> ainsley: tell us about your dating app. club pillar, we saw on the show you had struggled with chovment you stopped drinking. i drank for the first year and aired stopped drinking was it because of the show. >> i stopped drinking before the show aired. i stopped drinking because, you know, i'm an alcoholic. and i'm in recovery now. and it's honestly the best thing. but i -- from being on the show and being a public person and having this be out there, i have seen firsthand the stigma that comes along with like being an
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alcoholic and also being sober and being like well, you are boring now or you are not fun and things like that. and, you know, club pillar, we want to break the stigma around sobriety. we want people to understand that actually somebodier is fun. sober is sexy. it's cool. you don't need to be in recovery from alcoholism. maybe you just don't love drinking. maybe you don't love getting wasted. >> ainsley: meet a guy or a girl. you are on the site, and find someone like-minded when it comes to alcohol. >> exactly. >> ainsley: how do we get more information about it? >> club pillar dot co. the app. is launching in june. go as membership only you have to be vetted because the sober thing and everything, obviously. >> ainsley: good for you. >> having in person events as well. real exciting. >> ainsley: i'm so proud of you. i'm sure that is not easy to do. >> thank you. >> ainsley: the 12 step program works. >> it really does. >> ainsley: hand it over to carley. >> carley: i have had some
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business headlines to get to here. starting this. jetblue baggage fee set to soar during travel times. peak time first flights $45 second bag is 60 bucks at off peak dates. on peak dates those prices go up to $50 for one bag and 70 for a second. prices climb even higher for trans atlantic flights with jetblue charging 70 bucks for one bag. $115 for a second. costco, listen to thnks launching a weight loss program for its members in all 50 states for $179. mexico can get three months of constellations and other services and in-store clinicians write prescriptions forever popular medications including ozempic wegovy and zepbound. back downstairs to you. >> ainsley: good deal. thank you so much, carley. are fees totally out of control? we will discuss that in the next hour. >> charging $3 to wipe down your
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