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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  April 2, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> jesse: kang grew. >> dana: mountain lion. >> greg: let's roll the tape. >> greg: it's brian kilmeade. no, it's -- 30 seconds. there we go. it's a bear. none of you guys chose bear. all right, jesse. >> jesse: a guy in oregon just minding his business walking into a convenience store and this happened right afterwards. just a fl flying blade. >> that's why you got to be prompt. >> greg: i saw that coming. i got a million of them, dana. a million. speaking of million. what's up, bret? >> bret: hey, greg, count the nuts instead of what is in the tree. >> greg: who doesn't? >> bret: okay. thanks. good evening. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, former president trump is calling the
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situation in the southwestern u.s. the biden border bloodbath, his words. the former president holding a campaign event just getting underway in just a few minutes as you look there live in green bay. we will take you there to hear some of those remarks. this comes as president biden fights back against the issues that are hurting him most in his re-election campaign. the border crisis, the economy, and foreign policy hot spots. we have fox team conch tonight. matt finn is in el paso, texas, with exclusive video of the latest tactic by state officials to control the illegal immigration surge. peter doocy at the white house with details of the president's first conversation with chinese leader xi jinping since last november. starting us off tonight, correspondent mark meredith in the washington bureau with the remarks today and possibly coming up by former president donald trump. good evening, mark.
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>> mark: brett, good evening to you. tonight former president trump is trying to win over voters in two states which could swing the election. democrats think michigan and wisconsin as blue wall. trump appears to see an opening as he focuses on two big issues. [applause] >> mark: surrounded by law enforcement, former president trump told supporters if reelected he will restore law and order. >> we have a new form of crime. it's called migrant crime. >> trump's grand rapids swing comes as michigan mourns the lost of 25-year-old ruby garcia a woman recently murdered allegedly by her boyfriend an illegal immigrant from mexico. >> we will deliver justice for ruby. we will watch what happens with this thug. [applause] >> tonight the rnc wants to highlight similar cases nationwide. it's launching a website show casing the intersection of crime and illegal immigration. top trump surrogates say the issue resonates with voters. >> they are furious about this open southern border when they see thousands of people a day
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coming across including people on the terrorist watch list. >> fox news polling shows a majority, 67% of registered voters disapprove of how president biden handles immigration. tonight democrats are fighting back. the dnc launching these new billboards in swing states blaming trump for the collapse of a bipartisan border security bill. >> i don't have any respect for an individual who says that the border is the most important issue but then walks away from one of the most, you know, influential bills that could actually address the issues at the border. >> as trump campaigns, his legal troubles aren't far behind. >> you know, i put up a bond. i didn't do anything wrong. >> overnight trump posting a $175 million bond in his new york civil fraud case. trump is appealing the ruling and has asked remain in his control. >> it's a big bond for us to underwrite but donald trump came up with all cash. so, at the end, it was an easy decision. >> trump is expected back in court soon as jury selection begins in a new york criminal trial examining if trump falsified business records to pay off an adult film star. >> the judge in that case has expanded a gag order essentially barring trump from talking publicly about the judge's family and the family of the
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prosecuting attorney and trump's lawyers say they have another plan. they are going to file a motion tomorrow, bret, asking the judge to recuse himself because his daughter is a political consultant who has worked with democrats in the past. so this trial will just continue to roll on. we will wait to see what the judge rules next. >> bret: mark, thank you. looking live at green bay, wisconsin. head there for the president and dip. in it's streaming on fox nation as well. while president biden faces pressure over his border policies also facing foreign policy challenges from several u.s. adversaries ahead of the election. the president sending two of his top advisers to china now. the president talked today with chinese xi jinping over the phone. their first conversation since last november. white house correspondent peter doocy has that part of the story tonight. >> tiktok came up today, yes. >> that's the headline from today's hour and 45 minute biden xi chat their first since november. >> he made it clear to president xi this was not about a ban of the application but rather our interest in divesture. >> the biden campaign remains on
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tiktok as the biden white house mention to sign a house passed bill that limits it if the democrat controlled senate ever brings it for a vote. >> we have said we support that bill. we welcome that bill. >> leaders also talked about fentanyl, artificial intelligence, and ukraine with biden asking xi to stop backing russia's defense industrial base. >> we're starting to act like vaso, sort of pleading with china to do the right thing or act responsibly. >> at home ba biden assailing trump threat to democracy. r.f.k. jr. thinks that's backwards. >> listen, i can make the argument that president biden is a much worse threat to democracy. he is weaponizing the federal agencies. >> the biden team also condemning trump's description of biden immigration policy as a biden border bloodbath. >> we have to denounce any -- any violent rhetoric that we hear, certainly from our leaders.
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>> but that word bloodbath was present during 2020's democrat primaries during a private fund raiser. >> i'm reading a direct quote from joe biden we can't let happen is let this primary become a negative bloodbath. >> he was talking about a group of people. a group of people. that's what is he talking about. but the president was talking about during the primary was not to allow it to be the words and primary and that election to become negative. two different things. they are not the same. >> peter: biden white house is not taking the bait. donald trump wants the number one issue of this election cycle to be the border. but for the rest of this week they're telling us president biden plans to talk instead about lowering healthcare costs and about rebuilding baltimore's key bridge instead. bret? >> bret: hey, peter, what is hunter biden's team saying about the judge's decision not to dismiss the tax charges case in california? >> peter: bret, they're going to keep going. hunter's legal team says they
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are going it continue challenging what they call the abnormal way the special counsel handled this investigation and charged this case. but, the hunter biden team went o for 8 in motions to dismiss the tax charges, so this case is heading for jury selection, tentatively as soon as june 20th, back to you. >> bret: peter doocy live on the north lawn, peter, thanks. ♪ ♪s former president trump attacks the current administration over the border. fox has exclusive first look over a new wire wall in texas. being installed near the location of the last month's ambush and overrun of border agents along the rio grande. correspondent matt finn is in el paso, texas tonight with the latest. good evening, matt. >> good evening, bret. right now we are just steps away from what is referred to as the border wall here in el paso. as you could see right now, texas is installing miles and miles of additional wire fencing
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here. and then in front of that fencing, on the mexican side is row after row of wire. so now in order for a migrant to try to even approach our border wall they have to first try to get through all of that additional concertina wire. >> watch it, watch it. texas is reply indicating razor wall. the sight of this violent stampede. soldiers had to clear a separate migrant surge in order construct the new fencing. all part of governor abbott's ongoing statewide effort to stop illegal immigration. at least 220 migrants have now been arrested after ambushing u.s. troops in the el paso riot. governor abbott writing: ice confirmed it is getting custody with all those rushing the
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border and start deportation proceedings. the most recent border patrol numbers obtained by fox news show the policies sector led the country yesterday with 1120 migrant apprehensions. more than 800 single adults from mexico and venezuela. also 440 got-aways yesterday. some of those migrants end up here on the ground inside the el paso international airport. these migrants told fox they are from venezuela, colombian ecuador and trying to catch flights to. >> chicago. >> chicago. >> chicago. >> and you are heading to orlando? >> orlando. >> these particular migrants told us they received some help from private organizations but don't have enough money for their $900 flights. >> and bret, as you can see behind me right now texas is bolsters its border hour by hour. we see more fencing going up all day long, bret. >> bret: matt finn live in el
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paso, texas. thanks. let's head back to green bay, wisconsin. former president donald trump holding a rally there. listen in for just a bit. [applause] >> if you are watching at home and you haven't voted, go vote. go get out there. a lot of television back there that's a lot of television. fake news. go vote yes on ballot questions 1 and 2 do you know what that is? that's ban zucker bucks. they put up money. they come out with these ballot boxes. one guy gets 3,000 votes and a good area for us and the other one gets zero. do you know who gets zero? me. do you think that's a real deal? no. you know we won this state. we won this state by a lot. it came out that we won this state, actually. do you know when you have open borders -- think of it. [crowd boos] will. >> that's all right. [chanting u.s.a.]
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[chanting u.s.a.] >> all right. >> there is one guy. here is what the fake news will do. there was tremendous dissension tonight that was there. one guy going home to mom, he is going to get the hell beat out of him by his mother. what the heck are you doing? you embarrass me. you embarrass me. the papers, the fake news will say it was tremendous disdissension. scared stiff because he has got to go home to his mother. the mother will say i saw you on television. you embarrass me, beat beat. with your support we're going to win the wisconsin republican primary in a landslide that will be in a few hours. [cheers] >> and november 5th we are going to win this state. we're going to win the white
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house and we are going to save our country. we're going to save our country. [applause] and what the hell was biden thinking when he declared easter sunday to be trans visibility day. [crowd boos] such total disrespect to christians and november 5th is going to be called something else. do you know what it's going to be called christian visibility day when christians turn out in numbers that nobody has ever seen before. let's call it christian visibility day. all right? i have just come from grand rapids, michigan, where i was proud to receive the endorsement of the police officers association. of the entire state of michigan. these are thousands and thousands of offices and they said it was unanimous. they said wait a minute, there wasn't one negative vote. that's pretty wool.
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i also met with local law enforcement leaders whose communities are being crushed by biden migrant crime. you know, we have a new category of crime. it's called migrant crime. it was brought to you by the worst president in the history of our country joe biden. sometimes referred to as crooked joe biden. is he crooked as the $3 bill. in venezuela crime is down. i'm sure you will be very happy to hear this. crime is down in venezuela by 67%. because they are taking their gangs and their criminals and depositing them very nicely into the united states. aren't you happy? who goes down 67%? they went down, look at these men, i call him the wall. he has the nicest suits. i want to get one of those suits. we built a lot of wall. we have the best numbers ever. we're going to put them up pretty soon. >> bret: former president trump meeting with voters there. green bay, wisconsin, holding a
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rally. he referred to that guy wearing a suit that is like a wall. he has been at a number of different rallies around the country. the former president won wisconsin by 23,000 votes in 2016. however, he lost wisconsin by 20682 votes in 2020. we'll continue to monitor this for news. it is streaming on fox nation as we look at the former president in green bay, wisconsin. ♪ ♪ >> bret: world central kitchen charity says israeli airstrike has killed seven of its workers including a u.s. citizen. the white house has expressing outrage as prime minister benjamin netanyahu promises an investigation. the region remains on edge tonight as iran is vowing retribution for the attack that killed two senior military leaders. correspondent trey yingst tel
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aviv tonight. in the streets chant death to america. burn u.s. and israeli flags, the demonstrations erupting after a suspected israeli strike monday killed two top iranian generals in syria. >> i believe that the iran showed response strongly as israel's continued actions not only pose more dangers to iran. >> iranian leadership has vowed to strike back against israel with the country's supreme leader saying on x, quote: we will make the zionists regret this crime of attacking the iranian consulate in syria and other crimes like this by god's power and strength. israeli forces remain on high alert across the northern front. concerned that iran could retaliated using hezbollah, it's largest proxy in the region. strikes overnight that killed seven employees. one of them an american citizen.
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after israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu was released from the hospital following a hernia surgery. he promised an investigation into the incident. >> we ever checking thoroughly. we are in contact with the governments and we will do everything to prevent this from happening again tray the event will effect the amount of aid making it to palestinians. supplies were set to be delivered to gaza by sea this afternoon but have since been turned around to see you plus ts as worry about the safety of their staff. outraged to learn of a strike killed a number of humanitarian workers from the world central kitchen which has been relentless in working to get food to those hungry in gaza and quite frankly around the world. >> world central kitchen is temporarily suspending its operations in the region following that deadly incident overnight. >> bret: trey yingst in tel aviv. thanks. up next, police in one major u.s. city go after migrant
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♪ >> bret: google has agreed to purge billions of records containing personal information collected from more than 136 million people in the u.s. surfing the internet through its chrome web browser. the move comes as part of a settlement in the lawsuit accusing the search expwrint of illegal surveillance. google is not paying consumers any money in this case but estimates made in court records peg the value of the privacy controls of up to $7.8 billion. stocks plunge today as bond be yields climbed. continues interest rate outlook and what could come ahead. the dow lost 397 today. the s&p 500 is off 38. the nasdaq fell 156. >> now a fox weather alert. millions of americans are under severe weather advisories tonight. tornadoes could pop up. >> central kentucky and. some of those areas are already
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hit by severe storms this morning causing. in the northeast, an early spring storm could blast residents with heavy wet snow, yes, snow, along with drenching rains and high winds. >> bret: several migrants who were in a bronx building illegally several already out. the squatters are facing a variety of charges tonight. and we're learning more about those suspects. correspondent bryan llenas is in new york this evening with the latest. good evening, bryan. >> good evening, bret. the nypd arrested 8 migrants believed to be squatters in a basement in the bronx where they allegedly stashed illegal guns and drugs. the 8 migrants, many from venezuela have been charged with multiple weapons, drugs and child endangerment charges because there was a 7-year-old present at the basement at the time. and tonight we're learning six of the 8 migrant squatters are free, back out onto the streets without bail including one who
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was walking around with an open gun indictment against him. that is according to nypd chief of patrol john shell who told a local news outlet another migrant has an open case against him for attempted murder. this all began when police arrived at bronx home responding to 911 call for a person with a firearm. police say they chased 24-year-old hector dee d'souza into the home's basement whereby they allege another migrant tried to run away with a firearm. when police searched the basement, they found two additional guns and two bags of drugs with ketamine and cocaine. the building owner reportedly told police he did not know any of the 8 migrants living nut basement, a neighbor says they were squatters. >> there were a lot of people. a lot of the young people, a lot of motorcycles, you know, at one pointed, you know, there were seven, eight motorcycles parked in the back. >> the story is indicative of three major issues in new york city and beyond. the nearly 200,000 migrants who
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have come into the city since 2022 a push to strengthen anti-squatter laws and the ongoing criticism of bail laws that allow for repeat offenders to be arrested and released over and over again. bret? >> bret: bryan, thank you. the rich kid's gang in one american city accused of murder. we will bring you there first, here is what some of our fox affiliates are covering own. fox 13 in portland as oregon's governor rolls back the state's first in the nation drug decriminalization law. legislature's passed the measure in march to reinstate criminal penalties for possessing small amounts of drugs. the changes take effects december 1st. live look at orlando from fox 35 our affiliate down there. one of the big stories there tonight, a ticket worth $1 million sold in the city for last night's powerball drawing. one of six such tickets nationwide. no one matched all the numbers so the one billion dollars jackpot rolls over to
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wednesday's drawing. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report," we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ talking no trash ♪ther ♪ all the thing dee ♪ listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others on the number one prayer app in the world. hallow. let's grow a little closer to jesus together. try hallow for free today.
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♪ >> bret: former trump election lawyer john eastman disbarred by the state of california. the state bar recommended that move last week. eastman was accused of helping former president trump dispute the 2020 election results. eastman has been indicted in federal courts in washington and atlanta. >> bret: seven members of a suburb ban phoenix team gang named in multiple random violent attacks in the past year facing charges tonight in the murder of a 16-year-old. this evening we have some of the 2,000 pieces of digital evidence
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assembled by prosecutors there here is national correspondents william la jeunesse. >> we would enter a not guilty plea. >> police call them the gilbert goons named after the wealthy phoenix suburb of gilbert, arizona. last month one teen after another appeared in court accused of killing 16-year-old preston lord who prosecutors say died of brain injuries after the gang attacked him at a party. >> two of the seven are under 18 but all are charged as adults. >> there has got to be at least 250 kids here. they are walking the streets. these kids are going to hit each other. someone is going to get hurt. >> police say the gang targeted victims at fast food outlets. parking lots and parties leaving them with skull fractures, broken bones and missing teeth. the goons attacked lord after they accused him of stealing a friend's $10 gold chain. he died later in a hospital. >> the manner in which his life ended is heart breaking to us. >> tallan renner threw the first punch police say messaging on
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snapchat i accidently killed a kid i guess i'm too strong and according to the police report, another member tallan vigil messaged i hit a kid and he fell. the kid died. >> let me be very clear, this investigation and review are not over? prosecutors say renner's parents sent their son out of town to hide his injuries. another couple wanted in on $10,000 and reward money by turning in some members while protecting their own son. >> we're looking at all aspects of this investigation to see if there are any charges weigh that could bring against people that have either tampered with witnesses, obstruction. >> gilbert goons go on trial later this year the evidence against them includes 1200 page police report. numerous witness accounts. some 600 videos and in some cases incriminating digital admissions from the suspects themselves. bret? >> bret: william, thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> bret: russian authorities say
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ukrainian drones have attacked one of the country's biggest oil refineries and a drone factory inside russia it. appears to be kyiv's deepest strike inside russian territory since the war began more than two years ago. officials say 12 people were injured. ukraine has increased attacks inside russia in recent months. a new law against hate crime speech is now in effect in scotland. it is hugely controversial. arthur j.k. rowling of harry potter fame is daring police to arrest her for criticizing transgender ideology. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot shows us tonight from london. >> if you witness a hate crime, report it. >> scotland has a new hate crime law one of the most sweeping around. it aims to tackle harm cased by hatred and prejudice threatening a police investigation, fines, and jail time. even if something is only said or posted. regarding personal characteristics like age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender
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identity. scotland's first minister thinks it's necessary. >> rising tide of hatred against people because of their protected characteristics. >> others think it's a major challenge to free speech especially on hot button gender issues. >> a lot of arguments about freedom of speech. >> scotland has autonomy. rishi sunak is bothered. >> we should not be criminalizing penal saying common sense things about biological sex. clearly that isn't right. we have a proud tradition of free speech. >> police in scotland are concerned too. police say it could pull them away from crime fighting duties. scottish resident and author j.k. rowling dared them tore arrest her. posting strong positions. while they received complaints they were not assessed to be criminal. in piece today rawling sounding somewhat vindicated i hope every woman in scotland wishes to speak up for the reality and importance of biological sex
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reassured by this announcement and i trust that all women, irrespective of profile or financial means will be treated equally under the law. many critics say rauling's case is a sign of the slippery slope the rate time law could be heading for and issues ahead. bret? >> bret: greg palkot in london, thanks. up next the panel on the presidential campaign and the return of candidate casino. beyond our borders tonight. at least 29 people are dead after fire at istanbul nightclub. officials say the facility was undergoing renovations, several people including managers of the club have been detained for questioning. a 12-year-old student accused of opening fire at secondary school in finland is in custody tonight. police say one person was killed. two others seriously wounded. suspect arrested in helsinki area with a handgun in his possession a rare event there. this is a live look at niagara falls from the canada's side,
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from earth cam, one of the big stories there tonight, much of north america bracing for the upcoming total solar eclipse. tourist hot spots preparing for an influx of visitors, niagara falls, canada is bracing for biggest visitor day ever. monday's eclipse will first be seen along mexico pacific coast then texas, and 14 other u.s. states before appearing over canada. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ don't go chasing water falls ♪ chase it to the rivers and the lakes that you used to ♪read (♪) (♪)
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>> bret: former president trump in green bay, wisconsin talking about his legal whos. listen for a few more seconds here. >> appellate division said you won the case, that's it. and the judge said i don't accept it. he is called a rogue judge. he is a rogue judge. he is is a fake judge. i'm not the threat to democracy. the joe biden and the fascists that control him and they're the real throat democracy. i don't believe it's joe. i think it's people that surround him in that beautiful oval office, the resolute desk. can you imagine him sitting at the resolute desk. what a great desk. all of this persecution is only
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happening because i'm running for president. and i'm leading very big in all the polls. if i wasn't leading or if i was like or if i didn't run. if i didn't run none of this stuff would be happening. if i was in fourth place like all the other candidates. how did the other candidates do? >> bret: former president trump in green bay, wisconsin. again, this speech is streaming live on fox nation. he is about 37 minutes into this rally. in wisconsin. a key state that he needs to win. he lost in 2020. and won in 2016. he has been on the trail, obviously earlier went into michigan and you can see that today michigan, wisconsin, marc. and he is going to be making more stops. the rcp average, real clear politics average has a slight lead right now in the recent polls, the average of recent polls for the former president trump. but, if you look at the lead that he has over the president,
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president biden in battleground states, according to the average of polls, it is significant in some of these states that really matter along the way. arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, wisconsin, pens, obviously pennsylvania very tight. wisconsin tight as well. and, with that, let's bring in our panel. ben domenech, editor-at-large for the spectator. host of the ben domenech podcast on fox news radio. katie pavlich news editor at town and fox news senior political analyst juan williams. ben, you heard the president, the former president there talking about his legal troubles and he has now cast that as, you know, president biden and his justice department coming after him because he is leading in the polls. is that going to inoculate him from some of the legal things that we're going to see in these courtrooms? >> well, i think it has inoculated him to this point, bret. and i think that he has done a very effective job of messaging
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around all of this. you know, democrats, i think, had this fiction in their minds that somehow they were going to be able to bring donald trump down in some way before the general election really took off that, they would make him toxic to a degree with independent voters, in particular. really kind of shrink the portion that he appealed to down to its core of republican voters. that simply hasn't been the case. part of that is, of course, due to other factors, other issues at play here and frankly the fecklessness of this white house when it comes to other issues, not just the economy but obviously immigration and more. i think this is only going to be continue to be the narrative of this campaign going forward as long as donald trump is able to escape really the kind of convictions that you could have seen him run into as a major problem prior to november. i think is he going to be someone who is, you know, simply not going to have that type of
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poison effect poison pill democrats hoped he would be carrying into november, something that would turn him off to a lot of independent voters. >> bret: juan, one of the things that turned off the white house the biden campaign is the use of i'm going to play that soun soundbite. >> under crooked joe biden under a border state. every town is a border town. i stand before you today to declare joe biden's border bloodbath. that's what it is a bloodbath. >> when donald trump is talking about a bloodbath, it is violent rhetoric. what was it when joe biden said in 2020 what we can't let happen is let this primary become a negative bloodbath. >> take what he said in its context. >> again, bloodbath is an ugly word. when trump is it what is it when biden uses it? >> gout to be clear. actually ask me the question in
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context of what it was said, right? >> that went around and around a couple times, juan. what do you make of this use of bloodbath? >> i think in the first case, i think that it was former president trump talking about the auto industry and, you know, there's a lot of concern and we have seen it recently expressed in terms of federal judges and the current judge about trump's rhetoric posing a threat to them, their families, et cetera. so there is a lot of concern about his use of violent language, even violent images over the weekend he had biden tied up in the back of a truck. but, in this case, initially, i think it was the case that he said he was talking about the consequence to the auto industry if he lost. today, again, he uses this word bloodbath but he is talking about a bad baath and here it's stirring up anger and fear but it's not necessarily directed at anybody. he is not saying respectively there will be a bloodbath. he is saying there is a bloodbath now.
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you know, we have seen this in the past. he uses immigration and connects border problems and chaos to crime in this country. i don't think there is any justification but it clearly works in terms of stirring up his base. the wires fires back and get and says you stop the border deal, a bipartisan border deal and if you care about it, you would have helped us to solve the problem: the former president wants this issue. democrats on the other hand are fired up about abortion and the things that have been going on in florida. now it will be on the florida ballot, bret. so i think you are seeing a culture war's conflict putting the bloodbath word aside. >> bret: katie, the hill says is a biden comeback quietly underway? since his state of the union speech president joe biden has seened marked reversal of his fortunes. biden's numbers are improving albeit slowly while trumps are declines nationally swing
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states. there is a pep in the step of the biden campaign even though he is facing big challenges in immigration and foreign policy hot spots. >> yeah, certainly. the poll also get closer as the election gets closer as well. people start paying attention. we have a long way to go in terms of political time here. joe biden has a machine behind him and democrats are always very confident they can win elections because they know how to early vote. know how to mail in ballot voting. that's why you see the rnc trying to catch up when it comes to those kind of systems. they can take add van damage of to get votes banked ahead of time before election day. >> bret: okay, panel, stand by. we're going to take a trip down to the candidate casino. but we are going to do it after the break. and this is a nice tease to what's coming up after this. ♪ is
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would like to see the roulette wheel and hear the ball going around. it's a different kind of candidate casino this time. it is the vice presidential pick for former president trump. you have got $100 in chips got to put it on the table. ben, we will start with you. >> i will go in reverse order here. i think $5 for tim scott, how think will be a very good pick. $20 for j.d. vance keeping in trump's current mentality and $75 i'm putting on the dark horse silver streak in this race tulsi gabbard who i think would be very much in keeping with trump's current attitude of having a vice president who he can trust and he doesn't really care about anybody else's opinion. >> bret: very interesting. obviously has and on this network. democrat from hawaii. katy? >> last time i played candidate casino i got interesting text messages i'm going to go $50 on senator marco rubio. $20 on former secretary of state
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mike pompeo. $20 on stefanik congresswoman from new york and $10 on south dakota governor kristi noem. >> bret: text messages with source information? informed bet? [laughter] >> katie: maybe some background information about maybe some of the choices i made. >> some of your choices, okay, juan. $100 in chips. >> juan: i'm joining the ben parade here because last time i didn't even have her on the table but this time i have got $50 on tulsi gabbard, a disaffected democrat. a woman who performs well on tv. i think she might be the choice. so i will -- i say 40, not 50. 40 on her. and then i want to put another 30 on elise stefanik because she was my top candidate last time. i still think marco rubio, tim scott and kristi noem remains in the race at 9. >> bret: okay. we're going to save these bets.
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we will see how that goes. okay, today, president biden had a call with chinese president xi jinping. a lot of things talked about, tiktok among them. ben, anything coming from this, significant since the first call since november? >> look, i think that xi jinping, you know, we have to understand, you know, we have a very real need as a country to balance against the interest of china in the region. we know that they are more and more building up toward that day, that moment that they decide to pull the trigger and go after taiwan. so we need to make sure that that day never comes. i think that joe biden needs to do a lot more work when it comes to capitol hill, when it comes to building up taiwan and preventing the kind of mistake that was made under his administration when it came to ukraine of not building up ahead of time and preventing the kind of war the kind of conflict that we all believe is a very real possibility. >> bret: meantime, a lot of outrage, apparently, katie, at the white house about the idf strike that killed a number of
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civilian humanitarian workers, including world central kitchen, thoughts about that? look war is hell and those aid workers would be live today if hamas didn't start a war on october 7th. israelis said they are investigating what has happened here but according to experts, israel has prosecuted this war in the most safe way they can for civilians given the urban warfare environment they are insofar. you had john kirby at the white house also saying the state department has been watching this for five months and has found no violation of international humanitarian law. so it's a tragedy. it's a shame. but, they would be alive if hamas didn't start the war. >> bret: very quickly, jake sullivan, to meet with mgs the crowned phillips saudi arabia. the u.s. presidential election just seven months away. white house officials admit there is a slim chance they can pull off the historic peace agreement. sullivan's trip shows president
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biden still determined to pursue it. juan, i will get you to comment on that some other time. thanks a lot, panel. i appreciate it. ♪ >> bret: it is time forever "tuesday xtras." first up andrea asks what is your favorite phase nut election cycle every four years? to be honest with you it's at the very beginning, the new hampshire, the iowa caucuses, new hampshire primary. anything is possible. and, you know, it's going to diners and listening to people. that's a really exciting phase of the four years. next up, braxton wonders who is the most underrated or overlooked potus. president of the united states in history. what quality or accomplishment do you admire most about him? i have written books about presidents and underrated president was president grant who really held the country together to rescue the republic is the book about that. and he had an amazing quality to bring people together in really
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tumultuous times. finally brian says how do you get people for your "common ground" segment every week? it seems we only hear partisan views. more people should see people work across the aisle. we try to get more and more people. i just talked to bipartisan senate press secretaries the other day on capitol hill trying to get their bosses to come on the show and a lot of them said they would. that's always a good thing. tomorrow on "special report," judges here arguments over the constitutionality over the texas law to allow states arrest illegal immigrants cross the border from mexico. we will bring you that. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight.
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that's it fo