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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 2, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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hours? >> i do! of course, i own the business, so i got to do it. what if a client has a problem? i got to address it immediately and i would hope of one of my employees had a solution they would respond rather promptly. >> sandra: they are interesting. i think the aspect of most small businesses and small business owners are reasonable. but there are emergencies and there are situations that have to be immediately addressed. appreciate the conversation, rikki, mark, great to see you both. thank you so much beer and hard to believe in our has one bite. thanks so much for joining us beer you can catch me tomorrow once i john roberts 1:00 p.m. eastern time on "america reports." again, thank you for joining us here. for now, here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: hi, and greg gutfeld along with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., jesse watters, and she high jumps with a
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toothpick, dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪ donald trump returning to the campaign trail with a vengeance. the ex-president blitzing to battleground states after democrats l'affaire tried to keep him bogged down in courtrooms. first stop, michigan, where trump jude up the media's bloodbath hoax and spot out that same language to describe biden's broken border. >> under crooked joe biden, every state is now a border state. every town is now a border town. because joe biden has brought the carnage and chaos and killing from all over the world and dumped it straight into our backyards. i stand before you today to declare that joe biden's border bloodbath -- and that is what it is, it is a bloodbath, it is destroying our country, it is a very bad thing happening -- it's... going to end on the day that i take office. we want to get down to business. we want to just... get our country going again. we want to get the border closed
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and we want to have people coming into our country but come in legally, right, legally. >> greg: hold your applause, harold. the bedlam at the border is a top issue for american voters as criminal migrants run roughshod across the country. team biden i democrats doing a little prebuttal to trump speech and shoveling up this pile of b.s. >> i don't have any respect for an individual who says that the border is the most important issue but then walks away from one of the most, you know, influential bills that could actually address the issues at the border. you can't take him seriously. because again, it is about him. >> greg: on the white house getting passed by peter doocy over the terrorism threat at the border. >> as the person in charge of presenting -- preventing a terrorist attack in homeland, his president biden think that some of these border crossers could be in the united states right now plotting a terrorist attack? >> the president is confident that throughout the inner agency, dhs, intelligence
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community, that we are doing everything we can to be as vigilant as we can, to ensure the safety and security of the american people here at home. >> greg: jesse, it seems to me that trump needs no hyperbole anymore because he can just state the realities. because now the realities matches his hyperbole of 2016. >> jesse: he has taken the hoax and branded biden's border policies with it. with like tae kwon do. you kind of use your opponents momentum and twist them around into a pretzel. >> greg: is that what it is? >> jesse: i don't know. i don't even know anything about tae kwon do. so he has not challenge the president because he's got this schedule that starts on the 15tg to have to be in court for six weeks every day save wednesday, so what's that going to look like? he's going to now have to do these courthouse press conferences and just blast biden's corruption. to do it in a positive way, but then also talk policy every day
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of the week, and then wednesday he has to do twofers. that is what he is doing tonight, flying to michigan, wisconsin, another event. that is what it is going to look like for the next six weeks. he is going to go west, maybe on a wednesday do nevada and arizona, south to north carolina and georgia, and then the weekend go golf. because you have to stay busy on the weekend with this being tied down to these court cases, and michigan, he is ahead three points right now peered wisconsin he is just barely ahead, so this is a really tight race, and i just think that to compare the biden crime wave to trump in 2019, no one buys that except the shallowest a political hacks because everybody knows the democrats breathed fire into that riot. and bailed out the rioters. and encouraged it. and then they tagged on all of
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the crazy prosecutors and no bail, all of that garbage, and no one in their right mind believes that, so what they have done is taken biden's rhetorical biggest deficiencies -- of the border and crime -- and they have tried to call them trump's fault. [laughs] it's trump's fault biden's border is a mess. it is the trump crime wave. and no one, not even harold ford jr., is going to buy that. >> greg: it's funny you bring up harold. you said something so interesting when we were getting massages this morning. you said to me, you said it so funny, greg, think about how trump was the law and order president of 2016, and now it is 2024, maybe he was simply ahead of his time. remember you said that? >> harold: your massage must not have been as good as mine because i don't remember that. >> greg: you are trying to bribe us, our new? >> harold: i do want 150 million if you win a share.
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i would say a couple of things about this. 80% of this is the white house's response to billy right now because the of the ability to do executive orders and then you put pressure on congress and 20% is congress. it is amazing to me how serious this issue is, have a corresponding lack of action on everybody's side. let's say we take president trump at his word and he is going to be elected president in november. that means he wants us to wait seven months, and perhaps another 2 million people, 1.5 million people entering the country illegally, and the numbers will probably drive up because it would go up. if we knew today that president trump would win, those outside of the country, they would probably all rush in even more because they believe that president trump will shut the border down. so it's just that on 2 million. the 2 million undocumented illegal people, however you want to describe them here. at some point, don't the american people deserve some action from the president and congress? both sides. it is not just fair that all the time and every time, our
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political leaders strap on political equipment and political warfare gear and they go to war with each other every day on television, in newspapers, online, while everybody else suffers. we do it on guns. whenever there is a gun thing, we always say there is mental health issues, we don't fund any mental health things. we do it on crime. no one does anything on crime. we talked about it yesterday, judge, we had a back and forth. your passion, i appreciate, i don't think it is all one person's fault. there is a system that is failing people. and if politicians don't accept that, they are part of -- that's the responsibility for this. then we are all going to continue to suffer. my benches to president biden's do something. my message to present trump's when you do something, don't tell your party to vote against it because we can't afford -- even if you know or we knew, we could certainly say -- which i don't want to -- that you are going to be elected president again, we would still have to wait seven months before we did anything on the border, any new
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money, judges, simon process reform, before we get any of those things, and i just don't think it is fair to your votersd people like me who are just regular old independent voting, who happened to lean a little democrat, to say we should just wait. >> greg: what do you say to that, judge? >> judge jeanine: well, i disagree with harold. i don't think you can blame donald trump for the number of illegals who will riot their way or get into this country any which way they can. now, you know, i don't want to spend time on the bill other than to say 35,000 a week is too many. more border patrol agents and more people to process the illegals is not with the american people want. look, trump is winning on this. biden is losing on this. there is a reason. trump makes sense. and in 2016, not every state was a border state. it is right now. and mayorkas takes pride in saying we have rescinded so many
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of trump's immigration policies, they are just too long to list. that's all they have to do. >> harold: i'm going to take your lottery ticket back. [laughs] >> jesse: i'll take it. >> judge jeanine: go back and look at what trump did to stop them. and here is the truth. in one year, joe biden 2023 had 2.47 million encounters with half a million known got-aways and more than that unknown got-aways which is the number that trump had for four years. the lifts trump knew how to slow it down, he knew how to stop it, not to mention that this young woman, 25-year-old ruby garcia, is killed by someone that trump was deported, and i've got to tell you, i take offense when what's his name, kirby, comes out and says we are doing everything we can to ensure the safety of every american peered well, kirby, you tell me how the guy that trump got out got back into the country under joe biden
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and killed a woman in this country? so i don't want to hear it. the numbers are clear. people are clear. this is joe biden's fault. he's letting people in because he wants more people to support him, and the democrat party for generations. >> greg: dana, it seems to me -- and we saw this coming -- biden's only play is to focus on rhetoric as opposed to reality. going back to what i said to jesse, it's like come all trump has to do is draw a line really from the border to crime to the unsafe cities to squatting. he could just -- he doesn't even have to raise his voice. >> dana: just show the news. because that is the case. i did feel today was the first day it felt like a campaign. one of the candidates out on the trail and a key state talking about key issues. the reason i didn't feel exactly like a campaign because the other candidate is not there and you cannot beat a candidate,
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especially like a donald trump candidate, by putting out the campaign team for a press conference. [laughs] you got to try to match like with like. michigan is a state that has had a lot of big ticket items have been since 2020. one being car strike, the automobile strike. you have evs and all of that nonsense basically losing them jobs and now you have liberal discontent with president biden's position on israel. one of the things biden is doing, however, use all of this in their advertisements today and all across the country, they had a billboard that said if trump is reelected president again, guess what happens to you? with the number one issue? abortion is banned. second issue is economy, third is immigration. in michigan not even a border state the third issue, even in biden's mind, is the economy. now they know that. the last point, michigan has 16 electoral votes. if biden is on the margin and victory it is going to be a very long night for the democrats because i'm in arizona, georgia,
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wisconsin, possibly pennsylvania are already in the bag for republicans. >> judge jeanine: yep. >> greg: all right, well done. coming up, rfk jr. shocking the crap out of cnn after telling them the biggest threat to democracy ain't donald trump. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> dana: democrats are working behind the scenes to spoil what they fear is a third party spoiler that could destroy president biden's reelection chances peered well, they are not going to like this. independent residential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. explaining who he thinks is the biggest threat to democracy.
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>> the argument that president biden is much worse threat to democracy. president biden that no other president in history has done, which is to order media, particular social media, facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube, google, to censor his political opponents. i can say this because i just won a lawsuit in the federal court of appeals and the supreme court because it began censoring me 37 hours after he took the oath of office, swearing to defend the constitution. >> dana: but hillary clinton doesn't seem fazed by rfk's campaign or his comments. she is busy scolding voters who don't like biden. she wants them to just suck it up. >> it's biden versus trump, we know that. >> it is. >> what do you say to voters who are upset those are the two choices? >> get over yourself. those are the two choices. >> love that.
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[applause] >> you know, it's kind of like, one is old and effective and compassionate, has a heart. and really cares about people. and one is old and has been charged with 91 felonies. i don't understand why this is even a hard choice, really. i don't understand. >> dana: harold, when she says he really cares about people, the one consistent pulling that we have seen even from the beginning was when voters were asked, does he care about issues you care about, or that are important to you? 's numbers on that have been low from the beginning. that was just my commentary, really. my question for you is, are democrats really freaking out about rfk pulling enough votes away from biden? >> harold: so i think part of the concern is his ballot access in north carolina. north carolina is a state that recently nominated a republican for governor that many democrats believe is outside -- his views are outside the mainstream of many republicans, let alone
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democrats and many independents. can -- the question is rfk jr. a threat because he can take some of those boats? think that is a legitimate concern. secretary clinton, i think she knows donald trump as a candidate probably as well as anybody because she ran against him and lost and there might be some frustration there. i don't think the way she described it as the right way to go about it. you can't tell voters to get over themselves. i know where she's coming from. you got to get out and tell voters why joe biden is a better choice. i think there are a litany of reasons. i talk all the time about the economy, foreign policy, funding ukraine. it's funny, evan gershkovich -- not funny -- we recognized a few days ago, the one-year anniversary, "the wall street journal" reporter, you realize president trump has not mentioned evan gershkovich's name? it's not something i say with fondness. if you're going to go out and make the case against donald trump, don't make it on the lines of we should be
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telling someone that they are silly to even think about voting for him. go on and explain why you should vote for joe biden, and i think there are reasons to do it. the campaign and democrats in my party, to that, we are going to find ourselves in a big hole at the end of the summer. >> dana: the left kind of lost his mind when he did that interview because there is a void. trump d biden does not do interview so there is a void to be filled. if i were him i would keep doing it. >> jesse: first of all, trump got back hundreds of americans hostages when he was president. probably leaving room for negotiation. he knows how to do this. we have seen the results. i watch that on cnn. that was the stupidest interview i've ever seen. so he goes on there and ask him who is a bigger threat to democracy? first of all, no one is talking about that. and he says joe biden censored me and he is not giving the secret service protection. and instead of the host arguing with him or saying whatever she
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wanted, they bring in a measly fact-checker after the thing was wrapped and then they say, well, actually, joe biden didn't personally censor rfk, and he didn't personally deny secret service. okay, so they are staying joe biden doesn't have anything to do with the actions the biden administration is taking? that is what we are doing now. if anybody talks to me about democracy again, i'm going to shoot myself in the head. >> greg: hey, what about democracy? >> jesse: i knew that was coming. no one is talking about democracy. they just did a poll of gallup, unprompted, what is the biggest issue that concerns you right now? immigration. for government leadership. the economy. inflation. homelessness. unifying the country. crime. democracy is like 3%. it's like the ninth thing that people -- the only ones talking about this our deep state cable news contributors and white
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women on cable news. that's it. no one is talking about that. and even hillary. notice what hillary didn't say. hillary says this election is about one man cares and the other man is charged with crimes. what is she not saying? she is not saying who has a vision. she is not saying are you better off? she is not saying about anyone's record. she is not mentioning policy. is just one guy cares and i can argue doesn't care at all. i can argue the man has no heart. show me an example of how joe biden cares about anything. if he cared about anything, he would do something. all the rest is democrat prosecutors are charging the guy. that is how she is framing the election. this is like an episode of "seinfeld," the show about nothing. that's the biden campaign, it's about nothing. >> dana: if i were the rfk campaign i would be out there every day. >> greg: i think he pulls equally from both parties. but he aligns closer to trump because they are both outsiders and they are pointing the finger at a system that is being
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weaponized by those in power. rfk and trump may have shared -- have differences in opinion -- but they are both kind of united by a visceral disgust for the people in power who use race and identity conflict to keep the rest of us busy so we don't go after the people in power. hillary once again shows how much she hates voters. right? is like, get over it. she thinks they are deplorable, they are stupid, they are as thick as her ankles, and then of course she mentions the crimes and she is basically telegraphing the strategy, the strategy from the beginning was we can get him on just -- if we can come up with these crimes, even if they are repetitive and it is really one crime, just say it is 90-whatever, blah, blah, blah, maybe that will affect voters. i don't think it is. i think the driving persuasion point for the democrats will be fear. and it's going to be what will happen if trump wins? we know.
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there is a fear of existential crisis but it is coming from them. when trump becomes president, he is not going to do anything to hurt anybody. he is not that kind of guy. but we are a member from what happened in trump won. you have people attacking the white house. trump had to go into a bunker, right? they were forming little armies on the street with funny pink hats. if you think that's bad, wait, if trump wins, they are going to melt down, especially when you are told that this man is worse than hitler, so if you stand by and do nothing, right, then you are a collaborator, as judged by history. >> dana: one of the things on "perino on politics," my guess was a democrat who used to work for john kerry and is working on senate campaigns now, and i asked him, are you worried about rfk? he said yes, they are worried and one of the concerns, judge, is that younger people in their first or second election of voting, they don't like anybody. so they might just say, you know what, kind of like that guy, at least he is not one of them.
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>> judge jeanine: he's not one of them come he's different and he is calling out things i think are pretty obvious. look, when donald trump, you know, talks about what is going on, people can say, he's been the president, he is looking to make sure he gets elected again, but when rfk talks, i think young people look at him, he's interesting, different -- >> dana: cool. >> judge jeanine: he is cool. one of the things i think is so insulting about joe biden and his so-called heart, that he cares so much about people, you think about it, robert kennedy's father was assassinated. robert kennedy jr. is running for president. and they deny him secret service protection? i mean, that is not only not caring, that is out and out cruel. and the whole idea of, you know, joe biden is this caring guy, hillary, you never know what you were talking about, okay? it took them a year to get to east palestine. he is a guy from afghanistan leaves americans in afghanistans
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everywhere, there is no calvary coming under joe biden and then you have the whole issue of crime that is going on. the fact that as kennedy clearly says, you've got the first amendment censoring whether it was covid, the run-up to the 2020 election, january 6th, everything is about the democrats trying to lock up people who don't think like them or shut them up. and, you know, they did everything they could. they not only indicted trump 91 times, democrats, but they tried to keep him off the ballot, okay? i mean, if people can't see through that, then there is nothing else you can say. >> dana: indeed. okay come up next, a liberal city things handing out these colorful cards will stop you from getting mugged. ♪ ♪ ho progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: a big liberal city coming up with perhaps the most useless idea yet to crack down on crime. the geniuses who run the san francisco transit system actually want riders to carry around a flimsy little piece of paper called an intervention card to help stop harassment. one says "i got you" if you spot someone who is about to get some prepunched. the other asks "you got me," requesting assistance if you're about to get sucker punched. only daniel penny had one, aoc would probably throw the tape already. you can probably give the bad guys a serious paper cut. explaining their ridiculous plan with this video. watch. >> so this card over here is for when you are being harassed. it says "you got me" so you would hand it to somebody else and it gives them instructions on how they can help you.
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>> if you see someone being harassed you can also give them this "i got you" card which gives them instructions on the back to find the bart police or call someone or more instructions on how to be safe. >> dana: wow. >> jesse: greg? >> greg: who knew cards were the answer. we should all be carrying around cards we can absolve ourselves of any actual concern. like the next time, jesse, a staffer asks for a raise, just hand them a card that says "i'm with you." "i would also like money." by the way, xenophobia, that's in english. is not even bilingual, trilingual, or quad lingual. if you want to curb physical and sexual violence against women, this is a slap in the face, no wonder all the criminals hold the cards. thank you. but this is kind of like how a dystopian society unfolds. it is not with an invasion of zombies, although fentanyl has
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done that. it is not with a roving gangs of criminals, for the decriminalization by soros-funded d.a.s have done that. it is these cheerful, mindless band-aids of bureaucracy. a nonremedy that absolves them of any action and it puts the responsibility on the victim, you know, if the city accepts the crime, the card is telling you, lie down and enjoy it together. you can be together. we can all get mugged. >> jesse: the police are going to show dana -- >> dana: it feels like there's another anti-crime measure developed by people who have never seen crime up close. they probably have car service, right, they never go on the subway. but they have heard about it from constituents. maybe this would help. if you are in a situation where you feel uncomfortable, i will tell you a story. during covid, i had to use a subway to go somewhere downtown. i saw these two girls that had just come off from grand central so they were here, they were so
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excited, so excited in new york, state and i saw this guy harassing them. i realize they have no idea what they are doing. they didn't have a card, but i did say, hey, follow me, i took them up come over, and around. there is action. i know a lot of people don't want to act. daniel penny decided to act in order to protect other people. now he is like fighting for his own life and his freedom. i feel like the san francisco folks said, hey, google gemini, what would be a great way to stop crime in the subways, and they said, here's something, how about these cards, you go, girl, these types of cards will help prevent all sorts of crime. it's pitiful. i had not seen the video until now. i read the transcript, but the video is terrible. >> jesse: people are already picking up women, judge, handing out cards and their cell is on the back. i got you. >> judge jeanine: i want you to picture this. you've got some psychotic freak coming for you.
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you are on the train periods underground. it is moving. it is locked. you can't get out. you say hold on a second, i have to get my wallet out to get the card. the thief on the other end of the car says, hey, there is a wallet, let me go after her. and then somebody grabs a wallet. you take out the guard. you give it to someone else who was already running and the other direction because they don't want to be on this card, and then the freak ends up assaulting you, hey, i got my own card. it says "get out of jail free." what a bunch of nonsense. >> jesse: created a system where you have to open up your purse and wallet on the subway. >> dana: and judge, they get to collect $200 bids before they are clueless. >> jesse: harold? >> harold: what we have here, this is stupid, first of all. we have here is the paradigm is either a card or daniel penny. i would choose daniel penny. now the real alternative should be a government that actually worked. if government worked we would
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have more cops in our public transit systems. you would have more money to buy weapons, detection, technology, surveillance, in our public transit areas. we would have no cashless bail and we would resend the cashless bail. we would have uniformed and undercover police on the subway so people could feel safe and be safe. i don't like the paradigm of, let me be clear, of "don't bother me card" or daniel penny. but that is what we force on people. any reasonable person would want daniel penny and not a card. but any smart person who pays taxes wants more cops, more within detection technology and equipment, rescinding of cashless bail, and more undercover and uniformed cops on subways and public transit systems to make sure families and gets their kids to school and get to work without fear of someone being killed or assaulted.
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>> dana: let's pray the jury agrees. >> judge jeanine: and who rescinds cashless bail quest my quest to bring that up in the legislature in new york? >> jesse: say her name. >> harold: state legislatures do it. give me your dog on lottery ticket. [laughter] >> jesse: coming up, the author of harry potter is not backing down after daring cops to arrest her for speaking her mind. ♪ ♪ i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900
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liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> harold: i love this song. the author of "harry potter" winning a big battle over free speech. j.k. rowling daring cops in scotland to jail her for criticizing transgender ideology as the country tries to enforce its new hate speech law. rowling taking to social media to assert that a number of transgender women were men and saying that she looks forward to
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being arrested. scotland police rowling's social media posts, however, are not criminal. the best selling author is now salivating her victory in a speech standoff, tweeting this out, "i hope every woman in scotland who wishes to speak up for the reality of biological sex will be reassured by this announcement." our urea surge, judge, by this announcement? >> judge jeanine: not at all. women were the only group absolutely ignored by this announcement. i think the crime that they created, to some, it is a disaster. the rub in this lies they take all of these protected categories that we are all familiar with and they say that your behavior, whether you do it at home, in public, in private, includes insulting behavior, you can be prosecuted and faced up to seven years in prison. but you only need proof that you
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are stirring up hatred was likely as opposed to intentional. so you don't have to intentionally stir up hatred. that doesn't need to be your mental state. i mean, this is a very sloppily-drafted, vague law that does not deserve the paper that it was written on. and i think it is going to be used in a way that will be culturally -- it will culturally suppress certain people, so that if i identify someone -- if i think he is cisgender and when he is a transgender, i can be prosecuted because it is likely, you know, i didn't know for sure. what if he is a transvestite? what if he is not transgender? you don't know. police come in and they prosecute you. this is nonsense. >> harold: dp, what are your thoughts? >> dana: in my household we read a lot of the daily telegraph and peter comments a lot and we have been following this issue for years and it is not just the 8s issue. in the u.k. they don't have a first amendment, we are very lucky our founding fathers said
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that actually is something we need and we need to have it on as the first amendment. what is happening now, not only on this issue, your people say something that is negative or perceived to be negative about muslims. the police come knock on your door. they will not come to your door anymore if you had a burglary at your home. they will say, sorry, we don't have enough resources, you're going to have to file a police report and talk to your insurance company. the police, they don't want to do this. you think that i have problems of crime in the u.k., but this has been a slowly-building issue, and it reminds me -- remember during benghazi, to bring it back up, who pushed the video? there was this whole thing, who pushed the video? it was a guy -- and our government come under the obama administration, wind and the rest of this geico made a video and put it on youtube and said n benghazi, it was outrage, an example of what can happen here
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if you don't have free speech, and there in the u.k. -- i'm glad for j.k. rowling on this particular thing but this is just the tip of the iceberg over there. >> harold: exclamation point, the content and free speech is a collision of two issues you care deeply about. >> greg: hate speech gives power to idiots. all right? doesn't matter what it is. if you create these laws, you are giving power to people who cannot handle words. scotland has become the pinnacle of cowardice. "braveheart," william wallace, is rolling in his grave right now. the real hero is j.k. rowling. she is a hero because she speaks the truth and she doesn't care. it helps to be really rich. but she is willing to stand up for women, with so many other women aren't. and who is after her? what has happened here is trans activism has been basically controlled by narcissistic men with guy and ophelia. these are guys that get off
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wearing women's clothing. they are not attractive. they are not trans. they are just dudes and dresses. and they have a desire to see themselves as women. and now, for some reason, if you do not indulge a man's fetish, somehow you are offending his identity. she is -- just by saying they are men, that is attacking their identity. and she is not going to have it. that is why she is -- she is so -- she's one of the bravest people on the planet. there is a thing that drives me crazy -- not actually -- it actually is entertaining. you look on tiktok and you watch protests, you will see trans activists crying and screaming, right? how dare you call me sir! they will be at starbucks -- i'm not a sir! and women going -- if they don't let me swim against women, i'm going to kill myself. what are these things? these are tantrums. these are tantrums.
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and there are basically two types of people: people who give into tantrums, and people who don't. she doesn't give into tantrums. what we are seeing with scotland, biden, and everywhere, they give into tantrums. they are scared of these people throwing a fit. well, you know with kids, when they throw a tantrum and they win, they don't stop, and that is why you are seeing this happen. >> jesse: look at hunter biden. joe never put his foot down and his son is a mess a mess. >> greg: i'm glad you brought hunter biden to eight. >> jesse: benghazi, had to one up. >> dana: [laughs] >> jesse: she needs to get a mug shot. she needs to pose fiercely. put it on a t-shirt. and just like trump, you become a civil rights icon. that's how you do it. i want to get arrested now. that's not an invitation. i swear i paid all my taxes. i swear. [laughter] >> harold: coming up, pop star shakira is taking aim at
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>> anybody wants to beat him off has to beach me off first. >> nobody is going to beachj anybody off. >> judge jeanine: shakira's blasting "barbie" for diminishing men, the pop star saying "my sons absolutely hated it. they felt that it was emasculating. i like pop culture when it intends to empower women without robbing men of their possibility to be men, to also protect and provide." okay. greg. you saw the movie. >> dana: yes, i did. >> judge jeanine: does it alaska late men? >> greg: had thoroughly emasculated me. here is the thing. there are a lot of things in culture that are bad but you can choose to see the movie or not see the movie. the real brainwash is in schools and in social media, stuff that you can't control. my suggestion for people like this is to get remasculating movies. shakira, take your son to see
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"the beekeeper" with jason stayed on him, awesome. the jake gyllenhaal remake of "roadhouse" is incredible. some classics, thunderbolt and lightfoot with jeff bridges. brawl in cellblock 99 with vince vaughn. >> harold: "the equalizer." >> greg: one, two, and three, by the way, denzel washington. >> harold: hear, hear. >> judge jeanine: the 14th highest grossing film of all time and yet you chose not to see it. >> jesse: why would you take movie recommendations from a guy who saw "barbie"? why would any man see a "barbie" movie? >> greg: my wife wanted -- >> jesse: exactly! wife wanted to see. any guy seeing that movie -- >> greg: you would never do that, jesse. >> jesse: i would never see "barbie." there are a thousand other movies beard >> judge jeanine: dana? >> dana: i only made it 1:38 into barbie before i turned it off on the plane, is what i would say. basically the whole issue, they say that because she should write a song from one of those
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movies. then they will be happy. >> judge jeanine: okay. want to say anything else, harold? >> harold: nope, said it all. >> judge jeanine: everybody said it all. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. -you can make this work. -we can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: omt,. >> harold: harold first congrats to caitlin clark leading iowa to the full-time four. raise awareness of parkson this year after his father passed away from disease and his wife became diagnosed last year. the 3,000-mile journey starts at the santa monica pier and goes to the empire stated building. drag didding along essentials water, tent be, a sleeping bag. 75 days to complete. end at the empire state building. his wife believes this is the greatest expression of love he has shown in their marriage.
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good luck to him. god bless him. >> dana: i haven't talked about mercy ships in a while i want to. people trying to make decisions where to go to school, what to do. if you are not sure and think you might have a calling to go do something. i have checked out the job openings at mercy ships. paid job opportunities in texas, for example. and so many volunteer opportunities. they need recover froms, teachers, operating room educators. electricians, baker, firefighter. all sorts of ways to serve. check that out at mercy see if it's for you. >> dana: greg, i'm sending you. >> greg: yes. do they need dancers. tonight heather loftus, heather. kat timpf and tyrus. 10:00 p.m. greg, what's in the tree. roll this video and stop it. all right. there you go. all right. judge, what's in the tree? >> judge jeanine: you. >> greg: me? harold, what's in the tree? >> harold: a monkey.
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>> jesse: kang grew. >> dana: mountain lion. >> greg: let's roll the tape. >> greg: it's brian kilmeade. no, it's -- 30 seconds. there we go. it's a bear. none of you guys chose bear. all right, jesse. >> jesse: a guy in oregon just minding his business walking into a convenience store and this happened right afterwards. just a fl flying blade. >> that's why you got to be prompt. >> greg: i saw that coming. i got a million of them, dana. a million. speaking of million. what's up, bret? >> bret: hey, greg, count the nuts instead of what is in the tree. >> greg: who doesn't? >> bret: okay. thanks. good evening. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, former president trump is calling the situation in the southwest


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