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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 2, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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scout is protected by simparica trio and he's in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! (♪) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection— go with simparica trio. >> steve: good morning world. 7:00 in new york city. it was raining, tuesday april 2nd. >> ainsley: gang is back together. >> steve: we are back. "fox & friends" hour two and we start with a fox news alert. former president donald trump has posted his $157 million bond
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in that new york city civil fraud case. >> brian: democrats stressing out about losing young voters. >> horrifying our numbers among younger voters leaving in the droves. >> lawrence: shakira explains why her sons weren't fans in the barbie movie. [laughter] >> brian: that was it? i thought it was going to be longer. >> lawrence: it was a tease. >> ainsley: remember, y'all, mornings are always better in the friends. >> brian: y'all wasn't in the prompter. >> steve: former president donald trump has posted $175 million bond in that new york city civil fraud case. >> brian: yup. he lined it up. this lace the groundwork for an appeal and prevents state
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attorney letitia james from seizing his new york assets. >> ainsley: griff jenkins at the white house. $545 million bond seem like a lot. now $175 million seems. >> steve: drop in the bucket. >> ainsley: pocket change. >> good morning. trump tower and other trump properties are safe from la tletitiajames seizure. he took truth social saying i have just posted $157 million bond with the sadly failing and troubled state of new york. the case was a fabricated election interference con job so bad for new york where businesses are fleeing and violent crime is flourishing. so, what comes next? well, that will be the appeal of the full judgment in this civil case. his a lena habba saying this. he looks forward to vindicating his rights on appeal and overturning this unjust verdict
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meanwhile trump will hit the campaign trail in michigan and wisconsin michigan's g.o.p. chairman and member of congress pete hoekstra saying this joe biden is allowing an invasion at our border and west michigan dealing with the preventable murders in our backyard. president trump will secure our border and protect michigan families when elected in november. look at this, too. the numbers are trending in trump's favor, according to cnn's latest poll in michigan showing 8 point lead. you see there biden 42%. trump 50%. meanwhile, here at the white house, president biden participated yesterday in the easter egg roll, it was making the case that well the economy is on a roll. listen here. >> we have the best economy in the world. we got to make it better. we really do have the best economy in the world. jobs are up more than they have ever been. a situation where the lowest
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employment rate in 50 years was maintained. >> griff: here's the problem according to fox's latest polling 52% of americans say they are worse off, not better off. because the biden economy meanwhile. we don't have any public events we expect from the president. but, if we see him, we will give him a question or two if he will talk to us. guys? >> brian: griff, just a quick note, we are wearing the same tie i don't know if you have a monitor there but we both look really good. griff ha ha ha great minds think alike. >> brian: thank you. >> lawrence: before we let you go, there seems to be a step and step back from the white house about the president knowing about the whole trans thing that happened of him releasing that statement on that day has there been a definitive statement from the about the? did he know about it or not know about that statement going out? >> griff: that's a good question and we continue to ask karine jean-pierre in the press office here they of course point out that this day has always been commemorated on march 31st and
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it's an annual thing and a coincidence it was on easter this time the president to my knowledge has not directly spoken to that, lawrence. and this will be certainly something we will be happy to ask him if we see him. >> ainsley: thank you, griff. >> brian: signed his name to something. the speaker is very misinformed about transparency day, no trans -- transgendered transparency day. so, when asked, the speaker yelled -- they yelled why would you put that out on easter? well the speaker is very misinformed. the speaker pointed out last night with sean hannity. he is not misinformed he signed a letter on easter sunday but he didn't put it on the spanish website as rachel pointed out yesterday. >> ainsley: caitlyn jenner was on. she said i have supported that day in the past but not on easter. did you hear the easter eggs they removed the religious messages? >> steve: that's actually been a rule for 40 years where it's
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been like that. every year becomes a thing. it's the day after easter you would think. >> ainsley: if you are going to an easter event you could put a cross on an egg. if you are going to the easter egg you probably celebrated easter. >> lawrence: goes to the hispanic voters, as well as black voters. they don't want to hear that nonsense. >> brian: they didn't want to acknowledge transparency day. >> ainsley: donald trump is confusing christianity in his speeches now. >> steve: donald trump is visiting two states today. going up to michigan and kick things off. and is he going to kick about joe biden's border bloodbath. so, you know, that is one of the things that donald trump, you know, back when he ran for president in 2016, that was very effective and very effective now because we see so many people coming into the country. he is also going to be. >> brian: illegally. >> steve: also going to be going to wisconsin. even though donald trump has
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cinched the nomination number wise on the republican side, today is their presidential primary day in wisconsin. it's tuesday and election day. if you are in wisconsin. make sure -- >> ainsley: going back to donald trump posting this bond we interviewed jonathan turley at the beginning of the show. he said now the judge needs to be questioned why he slapped him with this hefty, hefty fine which has now been reduced to where trump could afford the 175 now. >> brian: where is the math the insurance group gave him the bond. >> ainsley: integrity of the new york courts now is in question. >> steve: when you think about it, essentially a $350 million fine plus 100 million in interest. and so the court of appeals said hold on. that's too high. so it will be interesting to see what the court of appeals says about that judge's judgment with such a gigantic. >> lawrence: wasn't the first time that this judge has been overturned as well.
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jonathan turley has some thoughts on that. watch. >> integrity of the new york legal system is at stake here. you know, you can't just have a special criminal or in this case civil code for trump it has to be consistent. a lot of people are looking at this and saying but for the grace of god go i. am i going to be the next person? there were no victims here. there wasn't a single penny lost by anyone. the banks involved testified that they wanted more business from trump. so, to come up with this astronomical figure really shocked the conscience. on appeal he will have trouble with this new york law. it is unique. it doesn't require victims. it doesn't require losses. but, they still have to justify the amount. and that could go all the way to the supreme court. >> steve: so the judge found him liable for the fraud trial. the question is how much will the court of appeals ultimately
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say that's worth? >> ainsley: he said it could go to the supreme court. >> brian: they are going to take a fresh look at it. letitia james she wanted to be able to freeze his accounts and take his blame and sitting there and doing a press conference in front of 40 wall street. she wanted to walk into trump tower looking up as if she owns it could have cost the city a lot of money. they would have to run it. for no reason while they wait. now we can get this going. the most important thing for president trump can push it aside. the other thing president trump should be looking at is what worries james carville and that is that democrats are worried about young people. fox news did a will to. they found that 29% of voters under the age of 30 disapprove of the president's handling of -- approve of the president's handling of the economy, 29%. >> ainsley: 29%. >> brian: 71% don't approve. meanwhile 40% of voters over 45. both numbers are bad.
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but especially bad with people that she thought was in his corner, in his pocket. >> steve: i didn't realize james carville has a podcast called carville's classroom. here he is talking about how joe biden -- joe biden needs everybody who voted for him in 2020 to vote for him again. the problem is younger people, minority voters right now. they are straying. in fact we have r.f.k. jr. coming up in the next hour. r.f.k. jr. is more popular, his approval rating is higher than joe biden and currently higher than donald trump. anyway, here is james carville. listen to this. >> it's horrifying our numbers among younger voters, particularly black -- younger blacks, younger latinos, or whatever younger, like the younger people of color, particularly males. we're not shedding them. they are leaving in the droves. they will take time to
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understand their lives. they think that all politics is just a bunch of bull [bleep] people arguing back and forth. here i am 26 years old. given interest rates, insurance costs, everything that's going on in my life, i don't think i will ever own a house. living with my parents. i just think the whole thing is just full of [bleep]. >> brian: let alone the student loans. >> lawrence: they are seeing the broken coalition. joe biden talk about i have this coalition these are the people got me elected young people promised they will get their student loans paid off that didn't happen. thought they would be able to lead the american dream can't do it interest rates. black voters upset about the economy and upset about what is happening with the migrants in their community. >> they are upset. the latino voters upset with what is happening across the border. they are not happy with the president where he stands on religion as well. then you have got the arab voters and pro-hamas caucus that are upset with his policy in israel. he ticked off the american jews because he is a little fickle when it comes to israel.
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every single group ticked off by trying to please everyone. >> ainsley: i was looking at last year's gallup poll that talked about black voters and who they're leaning for. last year 66% of black adults were leaning left. 19% leaning republican. that's the lowest spread in 25 years back in 20277 percent said they were democrats. 11% republican when you don't speak from your heart. all hell breaks loose and crime runs rampant. funeral afraid of alienating the portion of our population that believes that cops are bad. and they're the problem. and the more you look at it. i think there is a much more balanced look to see that than 99.9% or great. and we count on them to do things that go beyond pay grade for a daily basis.
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you can't show up at the funeral without alienating that base. the base sees the fact minority base crime is out of control in my neighborhood. i can't do my job. then you got to worry about your own staff protesting you because you picked a bunch of people that check boxes instead of like you or back you up. >> lawrence: extremes of this party. when it came to defund the police the majority of black folks saying we don't want to defund the police. get rid of -- majority of the party stands with israel. then we have the friends who say they are pro-hamas. he only responds to the loud voices. >> brian: how much would it benefit if he got up and said people, get a perspective. hamas is the problem. if they surrender tomorrow, nobody needs to go into rafah. if they don't take 180 innocent people, including 81 year olds and 8 months old, there is no problem. they caused all of this. that's leadership from the white house. you know what? i would rather lose doing the right thing than kiss everyone's
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ass and do the wrong things. >> ainsley: that's called the truth, brian. this all started on october 7th. there was a cease-fire before october 7th. >> lawrence: that's true. >> steve: toward the end of that particular podcast with james carville what he said was given the fact that we are hemorrhaging the democrat party, he said, all these voters, we need to make sure that people people understand particularly minorities and young people understand the consequences of donald trump, he said. he said if trump is elected, forget about birth control pills. forget about reproductive rights. forget about environmental protections. forget everything. that is and we have kind of seen that so far. that is what they are going to be pushing between now and the first tuesday in november. in the meantime, switching gears. this next talking point about barbie is from lawrence. >> lawrence: i saw this come up and, you know, shakira is -- she is -- tend to be pretty liberal, pretty progressive. and then she said that she found -- she was talking to her sons and she felt the sons said
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that the movie was. >> ainsley: barbie movie lawrence the barbie movie was imemasculating. my sons hate it. they felt it was imemasculating and i agree. i want them to feel elm power line pop culture women without robbing men the responsibility of being men also protect and provide. >> brian: ainsley you saw this. ainsley: i saw the movie. y'all won't be surprised at home that steve, lawrence and i saw the movie. there is one here that did not you went with brave heart and rocky. so i saw the movie. thought the colors were beautiful and the beginning was very fun and creating. i do think it was emma's could you late to men. made the men in the movie really powerless we watched with our
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daughters. mary loved it because the president was a woman, barbie. every member of the supreme court was a barbie. she liked that but just, remember, the movie toy story, which showed what it was like when the toy world collided with the real world. when you went to bed or you left the room with your toys, they would get up and play. essentially what barbie is, it shows what it is like when the real world collides with the toy world and barbie realized real life is complicated. >> brian: could that happen the real world colliding with the toy world? >> ainsley: i definitely thought it when i was little. lawrence, what did you think? >> lawrence: i wrote a book about american man because i felt like men were being under attack. i think barbie is just the latest example. but, if you are in a world where you believe in respecting women but also comes from a traditional household that believes that women can be powerful, but it seems like in
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mainstream culture the typical traditional man is being bashed right now in society. i think there is a huge problem with this. >> ainsley: i think we are all created differently but equal, right? we are all equal. but we have different strengths. so everyone should be celebrated. and as a woman i love men. i love the role that men play. >> brian: i love that you love men. [laughter] >> ainsley: and i think that should be celebrated as well. my father is probably one of the biggest role models in my life and i look up to him. and he is very masculine. and you know, will always defend me. >> brian: i will say this the way underdog treated pen nell pope he took care of her and to me that was a great role model even though he had skinny arms he was able to dominate the world. >> ainsley: look how rockie protected adrian. >> brian: he did. she was in a pet shop until he goes over there one day and buys turtles. >> lawrence: brian, you like strong women take for example
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dawn. she goes and shovels the snow. >> brian: not anymore. she got through the springs. no shoveling two years in a row i remember borrowing ken putting with my gi joe's. never been happier. plastic hair with my real hair. >> steve: do you still have your dolls from your childhood. >> brian: maybe i do or maybe i don't they are worth a lot of money. >> steve: chris chulo has a lot of. >> ainsley: do you still have the boxes. my mom had a doll grandmother's house. my mom found out later she had saved it and saved the box. sold for like a million dollars on antiques roadshow what was that one doll? >> steve: chatty kathy. >> brian: in plastic her entire life. when we threw out her furniture she passed away we threw it out with the plastic. what was she waiting for? at one point hey, listen, i'm 65, let's take it off and live a
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little. steve. >> lawrence: my grandmother the same way so uncomfortable. >> brian: would you ever sit on plastic? >> ainsley: if you spill the milk on the sofa can you clean it up. if you have fine wine, drink your fine wine. we don't know what tomorrow brings. eat on your nice china. >> lawrence: i agree. >> brian: two words stain guard. spray it on there. >> steve: there was no scotch guard back in grandma's day. and it was like, you know, this couch cost us 100 bucks. we can't afford another one. >> brian: should have worked on that and forgot about electricity. >> lawrence: forget about the light. don't forget about carley shimkus. >> carley: i'm just trying to follow this conversation. i think my take away the barbie movie is okay no matter what it's better when you don't watch it on a plastic couch. >> brian: thank you very much. >> carley: a little more comfortable watch. [cheers] >> ainsley: let my da p.j. 13. >> brian: someone looks at though the ratings.
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>> ainsley: moms do. >> carley: that's right. all right, guys. we have some more news to get here. crazy sad story here. 150 people and currents students and staffer north carolina state university have been diagnosed with cancer and the apparent cluster in raleigh may have stemmed from contaminants at poe hall which is now closed alumni jennifer walter diagnosed with two different types of cancer joined us earlier. >> too much of a coincidence for this many people to be getting sick. it's scary. you never know when when the scan is going to come back and show something. i think they need to do everything they can to make sure everyone is safe and help us. >> carley: the university says it is investigating. check out this wild rescue video out of california. rescuers saving a man stuck on the side of a cliff. look at him right there. officials say he had just
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minutes to spare before falling off the side completely. first responders eventually airlifting that man back to safety. turning him over to the local fire department for further medical evaluation. wow. a federal judge in california rejecting all 8 motions from hunter biden's attorneys to dismiss a tax charges against the first son. the judge saying quote the defendant cites portions of various news sources social media posts and legal blogs. these citations are not evidence. hunter spent time with camp david and seen at the white house easter egg roll. r.f.k. jr.'s campaign says he has qualified for the ballot in north carolina. he and his running mate nicole shanahan are eligible in five states including nevada, utah, new hampshire and hawaii. r.f.k. jr. will join us next hour with more on his push to get on the ballot in all 50 states. crews in california rescuing a horse that was stuck in a river
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for nearly 24 hours over the weekend. look at him getting airlifted there. officials say two horses broke free from their stables on saturday night. they found this horse trapped in the mud before airlifting it to safety. the second morse was eventually found safe and sound. wow. that horse is in the air. in idaho a police department pulling off april fools prank that is head and shoulders above the rest. with the introduction of their new community outreach giraffe. >> even though this new friend is kind of high maintenance and we might never see eye to eye. you can get your aff we picked the best one. >> carley: bet your aff. trying to do people on social media posting our new friend is really going to stand out next to the mini horse at the coldwell police department. boise police department canine and dogmas scott at meridian police department. who doesn't like a police
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giraffe, guys? that's so funny. >> steve: here's the thing. if you are the giraffe today you find out it was just a joke? now i'm nothing? >> carley: they took the promotion back. how did they? steve just not right. >> brian: remember to dvr the show so we can find out about the giraffe story. meanwhile, this is next. >> steve: the district of columbia's mayor bowser pushing the whole parents accountable if their kids miss school. >> ainsley: this as preteen girls accused of beating an elderly disabled man to detz. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> ainsley: they had absence issues. a local crime activist says accountability is the only answer. ♪ i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you.
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>> lawrence: so three teenage girls arrested for allegedly beating a disabled man to death in the streets of washington, d.c. this shocking crime comes as the d.c. mayor is expected to unveil proposal that would hold parents legally accountable if their children miss too many days or got arrested. madeleine rivera has the story in washington. hey, madeleine. >> hey, lawrence, d.c. is struggling with a youth crime. the arrest rate is two times for for arrest rate nationwide for the d.c. policy center. one of the more disturbing cases three girls between 12 and 13 years old are facing charges
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after police say they beat this man, 64-year-old reggie brown to death in october. you see him there on your screen. investigators say the girls chased brown, who is disabled down an alley, pulling him down from a chained fence before stomping his head into the pavement. according to "the washington post," none of the girls had been arrested before but they had missed long sentence of school. one teen had not been at school at all this year. d.c. mayor muriel bowser wants to hold parents accountable if their children miss too many days of school it. does not mean throwing people in jail. suggesting there may be another way to tighten up the system. that proposal could come out in the coming days. data from the district shows about 43% of students at all grade levels were chronically absent in the 2022 to 2023 school year. that is down from a record high the year before. but the numbers are still well up from where they were before the pandemic, which was 30% during the 2018 to 201 school year. the three girls will be back in
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court thursday for a follow-up hearing. >> lawrence: unbelievable. i can't believe it was three girls. thanks, maddy. >> you got it, of course. >> lawrence: now to react on the d.c. crime crisis. actor ronald molton is here to join us. thanks so much for joining the program. the number that caught me was 60% of high school students are chronically absent now, i don't know but. the way i grew up school was an option. go to school we got something when we got home what do you see being the problem here? >> well, this comes from more than a decade of being lax in enforcing policies that you say exist in washington, d.c. i remember coming up as a child in washington, d.c. if you missed 13 days, you were in front of a judge explaining why you missed 13 days and sometimes there is something going on that you need help with and you get to service. sometimes you are neglecting your children and the neglect shows up in court.
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it shows up with 64-year-old men being killed. it shows up with people still in cars why they should be in schools. if we don't look at the problem, address the problem, come up with solutions and put things in place to help these children, then we have these type of things happening where children come back years later and say i wish somebody would have stopped me. i wish somebody would have helped me, right? there is no balance anymore. there is no balance. >> ronald, what do you think happened? there is zero fear. i mean, when you have three girls beating an elderly disabled man, i mean, that shows you there is zero respect or fear. >> one thing happened they told us we couldn't discipline our families anymore. some families children run the household. some families patience haven't been held accountable and their
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children are out running the streets 2:00, 3:00 in the morning and nobody is holding them accountable. some of these parents are great parents. they try everything and their children still get in trouble. so there is no cookie cutter law. we know that a parent is neglecting their children they have to be held accountable. they have to be taught how to be parents in some cases some of these parents come from families where their parents weren't parents. we have to put things in place to address that you have to be held accountable or we are failing children and our society. >> lawrence: ronald, i think you hit it on the head right there. it has to be a message of accountability. it's not a one-size-fits-all approach but accountability is a must. ronald, thank you so much for joining the program this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> lawrence: we are learning more than 200 can migrants now facing charges in that border stampede as ice starts to take custody. that's next. ♪ ir pets.
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>> janice: good morning wet day in new york city. take a look at it. big storm system moving across the country. 48 degrees right now and it's on its way. this is the first part of it. the severe part of this storm bringing tornadoes warn storms for parts of kentucky in towards indiana and this is going to be ongoing throughout the day today as this area of low pressure continues to move north and eastward. severe storms including tornadoes where we have a significant risk in that pink shaded area. you don't see that a lot. but the storm prediction center says that all of the ingredients are going to come together for the potential of long lasting very dangerous potentially deadly tornadoes. that's something we need to watch for. on the cold side of this system a lot of snow. that's all going to translate to a potential nor'easter or coastal event here in the northeast on thursday.
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that's going to cause travel delays and cancellations. i'm outside in the rain so you don't have to be brian kilmeade. >> brian: i appreciate that, janice, i owe you a favor and keep that in mind in a hot sticky day you will also have to be outside for me. >> janice: oh no. >> brian: a big update on the migrants arrested after storming the border and pummeling national guard troops on the way more than 220 of them are now charged with inciting a riot. overnight governor abbott reacting ice confirmed it is getting custody of all those charged with rushing the border and will start deportation proceedings against them, awesome. and will send them back. retired army lt. colonel chuck devore is vice president of the texas public policy foundation joins us now. chuck, what was the problem on easter? they didn't like the paperwork? so they were threatening to let them out on their own recognizance? >> well, evidently the paperwork wasn't processed quickly enough for the liking of the judge, which, of course, is a principle in u.s. jurisprudence, but you
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would have expected that the district attorneys deputy d.a.s would have worked over east tore process the paperwork to meet the judge's requirement. so, yeah, we almost had a pretty big slip-up here with a bunch of people getting away. >> brian: all right. good. so let's hope it ends up working out. el paso county court migrants obtained ice custody all individuals allegedly involved in the march 21st border breach, federal detainers filed by immigration and customs enforcement to have them return to custody once released from state custody. all right. good. so, next, in new orleans they start talking again about s.b. 4 and deliberating on whether texas can do this on their own border. what is the time frame? how many days of arguments will we see? when can we find out if you guys can implement this law? >> well, very complex case. a lot of back and forth, of course, from the fifth circuit. i would imagine you are going to see something definitive within a month and, of course, it will be immediately appealed to the u.s. supreme court. and who knows whether or not
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there is going to be a final determination before the election in november. the bottom line is that texas is aasserting traditional powers states have. state sovereignty to protect the health and welfare of their citizens. so, governor greg abbott is merely doing what governors have done in the past in texas and other states. >> brian: that's the argument. and let's hope this judge, normally a conservative court, while they argue and deliberate will allow to you implement this law. meanwhile 326,000 illegal immigrants, according on president biden's top secret flight program where you fill out in another country app. you come to the border they fly you into this country, secretly. guess where most of the illegal immigrants are going after they fill out this little app.? texas and florida. what's your take on that? >> well, the bottom sideline what the lawless democrats under biden are doing they are trying to hide the ball. they are trying to prevent any sort of significant visual image
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from these masses of individuals backing up at the border. that's what they don't want at all costs. and so what is happening is they are using this cbp 1 app. it's an app. on the phone. they can fly direct fly america. now, they are still illegal aliens when they do so. but, by flying directly into mostly florida, what they get is they get no crowds at the border or a significant reduction of crowds at the border because that's what they want to avoid. they don't want those visuals because americans strongly disapprove of the biden border crisis. >> brian: people should understand at home as bad as the border looks they're flying people over the border into miami, 326,000, houston 21,000, los angeles 8,000 plus. san francisco 4,000 plus. and they are here already. the whole point, chuck, of this program originally was you apply in the country you are in or the first one you step into. we don't fly you here and then
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deliberate your status. it's insanity. >> it is insanity. and let's go back to the riot in el paso. what you didn't see in those videos was you didn't see any border patrol agents. that's because they are so busy processing the illegal aliens that are violating our laws that the only people who are on the border were texas national guard and texas department of public safety troopers. all the border patrol were in processing. now, brian, this policy, this is a new policy that reverses something that was put in place 31 years ago. it was called hold the line where we would directly turn back into mexico people that were crossing between the ports of entry. biden overturned that program. and that's why you are seeing the riot at the border. and that's why you are seeing the increasing chaos at the border. >> brian: he is saying because the republicans walked away from the legislation, that was their chance to fix things so it's not his problem anymore. thankfully by the polls, no one is buying that chuck devore, thanks so much.
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>> thank you. >> brian: straight ahead homeowner hardships new study reveals cheaper to rent a home than buy across most major u.s. cities. a texas realtor blames high prices on a shortage in single family homes. he explains. ♪ rocking in my truck ♪ you got the radio on ♪ you're singing every song ♪ i'm set on cruise control ♪ i slowly lose control ♪ of everything i've got ♪ you are looking so damn hot ♪ and i don't know what road we're on bye, bye cough. later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing at the movies!? hashtag still not coughing?! ahh! mucinex dm 12 hour doesn't just quiet coughs, it treats coughs caused by excess mucus at the source and controls them for 12 hours. it's comeback season. stubborn chest congestion?
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. >> steve: new study shows 60% cheaper to rent a home than buy one. in austin, texas and seattle, washington, for example the monthly cost of owning a 1 or 2 bedroom home is more than 3500. renting a place is about 2 grand. rogers heelly is a dallas realtor from the dallas metroplex. >> good morning, how are you. >> steve: doing fine. scratching my head. upside down world. once upon a time if you wanted stability you bought a house. now it's cheaper to just
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essentially lease one. rent one. >> yeah, look, i there is a reason it didn't say breaking news. it's always been cheaper than rent versus buy. you have appreciation. buying real estate is an investment and have stuff that comes up that you don't deal with as a renter whether it's property taxes and maintenance and stuff that happens out of nowhere which is part of it. so, yeah. it's kind have always been cheaper to rent than buy. >> steve: we got some numbers to show as of february of 2024. just exactly what we are talking about. can you see median rent in the middle screen and in the monthly to buy cost is screen right. the monthly number is so much bigger in all of it. we got one more map. the top 50 u.s. cities where it's cheaper than rent to buy. and it's all over the place. including dallas where you are. one of the problems during code was everybody wanted to go texas or florida or the sun belt,
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rogers, and this limited the supply, and now there just aren't a lot of places to buy. >> yeah, i mean, again, basic economics, supply and demand, texas, florida, you know, the places in the sun belt, we haven't seen a slowdown. and i think that once people got over the fact that cities like dallas, there is not much to do here on a tuesday afternoon, it's a great place to call home. that's dallas' pitch. that hasn't slowed down and on top of that, too, when a major company moves to a city like dallas, they normally bring five or six companies with them. when you see that cycle start to happen, you know, you defy the odds. on top of that, too. we had low interest rates. we were talking before the show, people get in two or three years ago at sub3% it's still busy at over 7% interest. what happens when they go down? we will see another influx of purchasers. >> steve: i think you are absolutely right. ultimately a rule of thumb you decided okay, i'm going to buy the house because i'm going to be in it for 10 years or 20
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years or something like that. that timeline is out the window right. >> shorter term thinking. stacking ships and getting. in even if interest rates are 7.25% which is what we are dealing with today. people are thinking short-term with business logic leading them versus emotional logic. that has shifted real estate all across the board especially in cities like dallas. we have got a great run ahead of us. >> steve: ultimately, going forward, the interest rates are going to come down, the supply is tight. but people in their heart want to buy a place. even though it costs more, right? >> yeah. i mean, save up. i think that you don't have to live in the bulls eye. especially if you are renting. i think this is just, again, some business advice. save up if you have something you want to buy in a year two years, et cetera. 7% of millennials want to buy their first home in the next couple of years. save your money. that's part of buying a home in the first place. >> steve: you sound like my dad.
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roger steely, real estate agent down in dallas. sir, thank you very much for joining us live great analysis. >> thank you very much. cheers. >> steve: carley shimkus save your money. >> carley: good fatherly advice. >> steve: indeed. >> carley: even though it's cheaper to rent than buy it's not cheap to rent here. >> steve: not here. >> carley: martin short the latest star to be named the mayor of funner california. it's a small town north of san diego. no this ain't an april fools joke. short joins a growing list of stars held the title of mayor like david hasselhoff, rob religeon and jane lynch. inauguration ceremony said to take place next month his position a promotional one for a resort casino. now it makes sense. world's top musicians gathering for the i heart radio awards on fox. steve wander innovator award.
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>> i'm thiewrnd receive this recognition from you, stevie wonder. whenever anyone asks me if there is anyone can i listen to for the rest of my life, it's always you. >> taylor swift sync the award for artist of the year and she is promising swifties exciting things ahead. singer jelly roll won best new artist. >> never would have dreamed i would have been one of the voices coming through your radio to be the best new country artist to represent country music and best new pop artist. you don't know what this means to a kid like me. >> carley: abby hornacek was so lucky on hand at the awards show charles krauthammering with the stars. world's top musicians -- we can scroll past that because i already delivered that story. and while she was out there. abby also caught up with two contestants for the hit show on fox master sheriff jr. >> what are your favorite things to cook. >> my favorite thing to cook was the shrimp boat on master chef because i have got to express my
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sauces and ingredients. >> what about you? >> well, i am known for my burgers but my favorite thing to cook is parm seen crusted tilapia. >> carley: she is cooking tilapia and he is mastering sauces. only on fox 8 p.m. eastern. definitely better cooks than me. >> steve: who under 20 knows what tilapia is. >> carley: her parents must be so proud. i'm sure she is a good eater. >> steve: no kidding. carley, thank you very much. >> carley: you are welcome. >> steve: don't move 2024 presidential candidate r.f.k. jr. is going to join us live coming up on "fox & friends." ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints.
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>> todd: it's 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, this is april 2nd. former president trump posted $175 million bond in new york city civil fraud case. it goes on pause now. >> ainsley: and simple message for those upset about biden trump rematch. >> what do you say to voters who are upset those are the two choices? >> get over


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