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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 1, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> lawrence: it's 8:00 a.m., monday, april 1, i know this is april fool's, but i promise, this is "fox and friends." the migrants arrested by this
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stamp pede released by a judge. >> joey: president biden and former president trump responding to r.f.k. jr.'s rise in the poll. >> bryan: >> brian: kicker contributed this field goal to his faith. >> kwhen you have a lot of fait in your guys, he has risen, easter weekend, special feeling. >> brian: he will join us hour. >> rachel: final hour of "fox and friends" starts now and remember, mornings are better with friends. >> lawrence: all right, buck up, we begin final hour of "fox and friends" with crisis at the southern border. texas judge ordering release of several migrants arrested as part of this mob that pummel
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national guard members about a week and a half ago. >> brian: the judge blaming the d.a., saying they are not ready for the hearings. if the d.a.'s office is telling me they are not ready to go, we will release these individuals on their own rekog nisance. >> joey: unclear if this is for those charges and not facing assault or criminal mischief charges. >> rachel: more hearings are set for later today. crazy situation. >> lawrence: yeah, i don't understand the thinking, hope the judge can explain or texas officials. as the d.a. is gather ing gathe evidence, this is someone who fled their country illegally and came into our country. they have nothing to lose.
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they assaulted the national guard, they are not in this country legally. they committed assault, have noing to lose. my question to the judge, after these people decide they are not going to come to court, who will go get them? >> joey: what looks like in that video looks like desperate people pushing. the reporter that broke the story said they saw people stomping the leg of national gu guardsmen, actual assault, not perceived assault and they need fo be in jail. >> brian: here is chad wolf, he joined me earlier, former dhs secretary. how texas is trying to take control of their border and getting huge pushback from the federal government.
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>> i can't believe a judge would release these individuals after what we have seen. each migrant was identified and we know who they are. yet it appears a tech necality or the district attorney was not ready for the motion, you set them free and release them. this sends exact wrong signal to other migrants and individuals that want to storm the border, fence, any barriers and want to push over or assault border patrol. >> rachel: they will face release. the message, lawrence, we were talking during the commercial break, the mask is off, it is clear as day. look at what that judge is saying, i will not wait for the day, i will release it.
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someone wants to open the border and another party wants to secure the border and secure your safety and wages if you are working class. >> brian: people pointed out, they should have guns. should they in texas not have guns? >> >> lawrence: i don't know they don't. >> joey: just knowing, if they defended themselves, what could they do to them? they are not allowed to have their -- show of force is president that says something and backs it up and then representatives of national guardsmen can show force. they are putting them in place
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to be hurt. >> rachel: people who control our borders are the cartels, that is a fact. >> lawrence: they should be allowed to do their job at the border, if you don't allow them to do the job, this issue will spin out of control. you see they are assaulting texas dps and assaulting our cops here in new york. you can't have this message saying, you let them come in illegally, storm the border and let them start commits committing acts of assault. then you have them on mopeds taking women's purses. national guard should be able to do their job. if someone is an american and -- >> rachel: they are a privileged
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class. they have privileges to fly with no ieshgsz id and vetting, which is a national security. if i tried to fly or you tried to fly without an id, you would not be able to get on that flight. >> joey: anti-israel and pro-palestinian protesters, disrupting services over the weekend. >> madeleine: three men, have been arrested and charged with d disrupting a religious service, at st. patrick's cathedral. [chanting and yelling]
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>> madeleine: timothy cardinal dolan was 45 minutes in when a protester said silence equals death. >> were climate activists, too, they said their conscious urged them to disrupt the mass. one of the activists says war, occupation and industrial pollution are po poisoning the r in gaza, destroying earth's capacity. >> brian: same idiots at the u.s. open. this is outrageous and i'm shocked st. patrick's wouldn't
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have better security than that. this is nuts. they are out and that is nuts. >> lawrence: cops have been told to keep protesters, little j jihadis, they don't want jews to exist, cops are being told this is free speech thing. excuse me, when people talk about destruction of a whole group of people, talking about enjoying the country, that is no longer free speech. >> brian: matthew menzi, one is 31, one is 63 and this guy was taken into custody for d disruption of service. one guy messed up the u.s. open final. >> rachel: this is holiest day of the christian religion.
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not sure why they are doing this to the catholic church on this one. nothing sacred. nothing will probably happen to the protesters, the faith act is act passed by bill clinton to stop pro-lifers from praying and protesting in front of an ashclinic and just now, prolifers have gotten 11 years in jail because of being in front of an abortion clinic. the faith act says this, anybody obstructing, physically intimidating anyone exercising their first amendment right to religious worship is in the faith act. where is the doj and federal law
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enforcement? if you don't stop these people, they will keep doing this, we shouldn't have two tiers of justice. this is totally wrong. leo terrell was on fox news last night and here is what he had to say about it. >> you had individuals who went inside a house of worship and trespassed, had no right to speak in the church, they should be criminally prosecuted. they know they will not get punished because the biden administration signalled, we will not do anything and new york prosecutor, we will not do anything and they will continue. >> joey: if you can't go to jail and stay there for violent crime or robbery, stands to reason you won't go to jail for this either. barack obama break down people's faith in institution when it is glar
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glaringly obvious there are two st standards and protected society. nothing happens to them and other people get the book thrown at them, not fair. >> brian: talk about on thursday, we had radio city music hall, you had all three presidents speak out that joe biden is man of the future and man of now. they said he was alpha on the stage, dichotomy,there was a sad funeral in massapequa and the president has not called the widow that was gunned down by a career criminal. did not appear at the wake, the former president did. this is not good for the former president, including bill crystal from the "i hate donald trump committee" and ro khanna
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said, he had no problem with it. my heart goes out to the slain officer and i don't want to diminish that. president biden's event with president clinton and president obama was about unify ing it is democratic party and will be prepared to win in 2024. >> lawrence: the message is clear base said on what the congress said, the mission of the president, more concerned about unifying the democratic party than helping citizens. such an easy win to stand against criminal, you don't have to say anything, all you have to say, which he is supposed to be union joe, police unions back in the day and become anti-cop and
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anti-police union. my condolences to the family. call the widow and let her know you are thinking about her and comp compassionate about what happened. he did a drive-by in the city and sent a message to eric adams to give to the family. he kicked him off the reelection committee. he called and said pass this note along to the family. it was disgraceful. >> rachel: last time he talked about laken riley and called him an illegal, he apol jogized to e killer for calling him that. when we see this man so-called comfort, it is about himself and his own pain and ends up insulting those he is supposed
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to comfort. >> joey: chk checks his watch on the tarmac. no one will forget that, even when he pretends his son died in the war. >> brian: if you want to win back working class, don't have a glitzy five-star seebb well rite bash at radio city. i wake up in the morning and think, what does 50 cent think and today was not exception. he has 12 million followers, he thinks donald trump will be president. you havesnoop dogg and 50 cent, many people are not buying what he is selling. >> lawrence: you are talking
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30%. >> rachel: you just have to get a little bit. >> lawrence: this is a marathon, not a sprint, the hispanic population did not just vote to go republican. it was election after election. they are putting new polling loca locations. is it enough to supercede economic circumstance. >> rachel: the fundraiser and funeral, easter versus the tran s comments. americans know who is who, the mask is off. >> brian: even jenner did not want it to be trans day.
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mcc >> carley: root beer. 50 cent gave two cents on social media. you gave more and my wheels were turning. >> brian: you mocked, unbelievable. >> carley: i was proud of myself. >> lawrence: little disappointed. >> carley: you can use it for radio. speaking of crisis, nashville police searching for a suspect after an easter day shooting. according to law enforcement into men got into an altercation and one person pulled out a gun. metro national police posted this suspect saying he has prior assault conditions. israeli troops aredrawing from gaza over night. u.s. and israeli officials will
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meet virtually to discuss alternative to planned ground invasion of rafah. this as biden administration says they will send a fresh round of weapons to israel as part of a weapons package approved several years ago. u.s. coast guard giving fox news a tour of the francis scott key bridge site. crews are working to open a channel in the port of baltimore. >> there will be an ongoing investigation. i want that investigation to be speedy and for anyone who needs to be held accountable to be held accountable and get this channel open and get commerce flowing against and rebuild the francis scott key bridge. >> carley: a cargo ship rammed into a beam last week and six workers were killed. >> carley: alex murdaugh has
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pleaded guilty to 22 financial crimes, these are last outstanding charges he faces. he is serving two life sentences without chance of parole for killing his wife and son. trump's 2024 national press secretary joined us earlier. >> polling does indicate that r.f.k. jr. hurts joe biden more than he hurts president trump. r.f.k. jr. gives far left democrats another option. they are dissatisfied with joe biden's presidency. >> carley: trump leads r.f.k. jr. who is in third, r.f.k. jr. will join us tomorrow to talk about this and much more. whatever you guys want to ask him, as a matter of fact. >> rachel: so interesting, what
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a great show to have him on tomorrow. interesting. >> brian: let's check in with abby who is at the lowe's in hollywood. abby. >> yeah, what is going on? this is a great location, we have fan stafttastic view of lo angeles. what is lit up is the lowe's sign. at the top of the lowe's hollywood hotel, perfect spot to be, just down here is hollywood walk of fame. are the star ones sidewalk and that is the doll dolby studio. speaking of the greats, two
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artists have received awards, beyonce and cher got the icon award. i spoke to folks on hollywood blfrd to see what they were listening to and range of genre and artists and categories. it will be a great night, i will be on the red carpet, which is actually yellow carpet. if you have artists, i will ask them a few questions. >> brian: we'll get your cell number and take it by your silence it to you. >> lawrence: we wants this to be a texting conversation, he does not want you chewing gum as you call him. >> i'll see what i can do. >> brian: watch the iheart music awards, that was abbe lowell abby h
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abby hornacek who will be watching it for us. >> rachel: thousands turning out to support the family of jonathan diller as his wives makes this heart breaking plea. >> how many police officers and family need to make the sacrifice before we start protecting them? >> brian: "walk the blue line" is a tribute to the men and women who serve. he reacts next. ps user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. ah, these bills are crazy. she
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their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> it's been two years and two months since detective morrow and detective rivera made the ultimate sacrifice. change never came. how many more police officers and families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? >> >> lawrence: the eulogy given by jonathan diller's wife. our next guest has spent a year writing about police officers. what is your reaction to the
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powerful eulogy? >> good morning. >> lawrence: good morning. >> everybody's reaction should be the same. we're still talking about it and there are wrongful shootings and people talk and they should. law enforcement leaving families behind, it is terrible and doesn't make the front page as much as they should. >> lawrence: it should make the front page, it doesn't. >> year front page right here. >> lawrence: you have a new special on "fox andfox nation, a little bit of it. >> it was a fire, they killed her. >> this is beyond anything hollywood could write, it was crazy. >> when something is a mystery, it is hard to forget about it. >> something is not right.
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>> i could feel in my bones something was wrong. >> cameras, nothing is working. >> a lot of things will make you question. >> there is no such thing as a perfect murder. she was afraid for her life and her life was taken. >> lawrence: available on fox nation. tell us about it. >> fox nation people did a great job, they found jaw-dropping cases that had the not been shown before. one woman's house was a fortress and she's murdered and there is nothing on the cameras. one of the most beloved in san francisco killed in his house and they can't find the body. it is crazy. all the stories are like that, i love crime stories and that's
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are unsolved. we are reaching out to people to help us solve these cases. >> lawrence: james, i didn't just grow up on your crime stories, i grew up on your books, as well, my father bought all your books. >> i like him. >> lawrence: good man. "number one lawyer" is out for sale today, tell us about that. >> that is "walk the blew line b blue -- walk the blue line be." that is out today. i i am addicted to stories like this, i love grisham, i wanted to be better than those. he's a top-notch lawyer in mississippi and he's accused of
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murdering his beautiful wife in cold blood and he has to go on trial and he defends himself. it turned out well, i'm happy with "the number one lawyer be." thank goodness. >> lawrence: i look forward to aring it. >> i am writing this for your dad. >> lawrence: i will get him a copy. thanks. straight ahead, one ufl player giving glory to god after this field goal. first time he's kicked since high school and he joins us next. >> good snap, good hold and line drive kick and it is good! hey there. are you looking to grow closer to god? dive deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day.
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>> rachel: new analysis finds lawmakers pushed through earmarks for pet projects in their home states. hillary vaughn has details. i thought earmarks were a thing of the past, they are back. >> the government is hand ing ot lawmaker cash. billions of dollars of taxpayer cash for pet projects back home. many funding bills crammed with 8000 earmarks, with $15 billion spent on these projects.
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hawks say this type of spending need to stop. >> there has been 32 billion worth of earmarks, nearly 16,000 pet projects, every single dollar earmarked was borrowed against the national debt. >> this latest round of bills, congress gave and some lawmakers voted against it. he got 30 million. senator tuberville got 2 million for a storm shelter in alabama, but he voted against the package and bernie sanders getting a theater in vermont, but he voted against the spending bill. joey. >> joey: all right, it has been
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seven years since ufl kicker jake bates made a field goal. he had just three seconds left. good snap, good hold, line drive kick and it is good! >> joey: michigan panther star credits it all to god. joining us with his message about faith on the field is kicker jake bates. an honor to have you on. i love this video. from what i understand, you had to make that kick twice, is that right? >> yeah. thank you for have being me, this is awesome. they sent us out there and had the kick and they iced me and i said it post-game, i forgot icing even existed.
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i didn't think about anything, but making the kick. the whistle came and had to do it again and walked off to myself and on an island by myself and did it again. really special moment and that kick doesn't get off without the other 10 guys, whole line blocking and snap and hold being perfect and offense getting into range to attempt to kick and coach nolan having confidence to get it there. glad i was able to do my small part of a game. >> joey: it was a game-winning field goal. we are most honest after things like that happen. take a listen to what you had to say right after the kick. >> i've prepared for this moment, i was ready.
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when you have faith in your guys, nothing is impossible without god. he has risen, easter weekend. >> joey: why were you inspired to talk about god and easter in that moment? >> i think my story has been so crazy. i started playing soccer in college and i decided to switch and so many times during college i felt like i was ready to kick field goals and it wasn't my time. i was behind a really good guy at texas state and at arkansas. i thought i was ready, the lord had another plan and it was my time to wait and i waited and trusted. it wasn't always seamless, his plan is always greater than ours. it was easter weekend, we flew from dallas and landed in
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detroit, we landed at 3:16. that was nuts and the thing i was doing on my wrist, it is easter weekend and i had he is risen written on my tape. i wasn't doing the time thing, i was pointing to that. but that just -- >> joey: thanks for joining us, pretty sure you will have a good career in the ufl, maybe the n.f.l. will come calling inform moments of triumph, give thanks to our faith. i appreciate you. >> thank you for having me on. >> joey: new report saying migrants behind stampede at the border will be back on the street. greg jarrett weighs in straight hea ahead.
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>> brian: this morning happened on easter, update on the migrants. a judge el paso ordering their release saying the d.a. was not ready, fox news gregg jarrett join us now.
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did he not like the paperwork? i don't get it. >> this is a legal quagmire by anybody's calculation and it is difficult to parse the blame, there is so much to go yearn. the judge seems to be faltering the day for not being ready. the number of defendants exceed 100. the d.a. blames the feds. the national guard soldiers were assaulted. it is unclear if this applies to single charge of riot participation, not assault and criminal mischief. then factor in a four-day weekend with two observed holidays leaving government operation with skeleton staff nobody is answering the phones
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and you have legal morace, where nobody is doing their job except national guard brought in by the governor. >> brian: so from what you know, you are not clear what went wrong except the day was not ready. they were able to review the video, do you know, is it clear if these guys are out? >> no, we don't know. we may not know for a day or so. all eyes are on the new state law sb 4 that authorizes texas to arrest and deport people. that is now in limbo because of an injunction. i knowledge believe the hears
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is on wednesday. biden administration refuses to enforce federal law that make it a crime to unlawfully enter the u.s. governor abbott is arguing his state has a sovereign right to defend itself and especially where the pto defend citizenry. >> brian: there is not a stay. new orleans court is looking at this. they can't implement the law. will he get an answer or will they take in both sides and deliberate privately? >> it is really hard to know because the ping-pong back and forth, this has really been a roller coaster ride and nothing but chaos. the district court judge said
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this is inconstunconstitutional. they issued a stay and it goes to supreme court and they lift the stage and the appellate court lifts the stay. who has authority here? state of texas to defend citizens when the federal government refuses or does joe biden have exclusive authority on all immigration matters, even refusal to enforce federal law. this is a mess. >> brian: i hope texas gets it. it will not solve the problem, they gallon to arizona and new mexico. they have democratic governors and they will take advantage of it. i wouldn't be surprised if cartel are watching now.
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april 27th, i'll be in henderson, nevada for history, liberty and laugh and talk about all my books on fox nation and specials with fox nation, six free months when you show, go to brian face off in easter egg roll on fox square. first check in with bill hemmer and dana perino who promowed simultaneously on mondays. >> bill: we're not invite to participate in the show. >> dana: i did. just kidding. >> brian: you would have to go right into your show. i will try to get you invited to the white house i'm going roll next year with the children and s substitute eggs for potatoes. >> dana: who will be president
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then? >> rachel: no religious symbols unless donald trump wins. >> brian: i thought i would bring her into the fray. >> bill: we'll see you soon, easter message from the white house got people confused. that is coming up. >> dana: new warning for the threat from isis at home. and i'll eat your eyes and new laws to help kids and parents control social media, we have a wr begins in . minutes, we look forward to seeing you. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. infused with vitamin b3 and hyaluronic acid,
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>> good morning. a wet day no new york city. rain is moving in. it will be a nasty start for the week for a lot of folks. snow and severe weather of those shaded in red. stay tuned for all the latest details and we'll continue to keep you posted. the moment you've been waiting for. the easter egg roll hunt on fox square with our friends and the easter bunny.
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>> brian and lawrence will hop over there to do the easter egg roll. >> brian: get over there. they're already racing. look at them. >> one, two, three, go! >> wow. >> oh my goodness. >> oh. >> play-by-play. what are the rules here? >> lawrence and brian. >> there is lawrence, brian. >> this is yours, lawrence, the green one is yours. >> totally disorganized. >> oh, oh. >> i think we've lost track of whose eggs they are. >> this is the most confusing. very confusing. >> we were supposed to roll.
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>> brian: this is exactly -- >> what did you say wins? [laughter] >> you guys. >> swinging spoons at eggs. >> brian: happy easter the day after. >> 50 days of easter for catholics. >> the easter bunny told me he is excited his mom is watching him on tv right now. >> lawrence: say bye, mom. >> you have the president on your radio show. >> stay within yourself. [shouting] >> bill: you might remember that from ten days ago. migrants caught stampeding across the border. now could be released.
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