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tv   Sunday Night in America With Trey Gowdy  FOX News  March 31, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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know the candidate has problems, speaking is a no what we know that he should've be anywhere close to the white house the loan the white house and fighting out publicly, president biden to cummins program, preferably interview and barack obama, bill clinton, chuck schumer, antony blinken and kamala harris, bernie sanders, hakeem jeffries, aoc, the whole crowd. just one of you, take me up, and a promise you that i will be nice and i'll see you next time on life, liberty & levin. brian: good evening think of her joining us and trach into sunday night in america i would you like utah, where you shoulder the responsibility but you have little control where you are
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expected to swallow the blame but sure the success, regional inquiry coworkers company have little means to reward or punish or discipline job we spent most of your spare time raising money for colleagues, some of them have short memories of the speaker of the house is third in line for the presidency the first in line for the blame and even in divided government when you only have one half of one third of the control. congressman mike johnson was content working on the issues that matter most you have people of louisiana. but would kevin mccarthy was ousted by a republicans, congressman johnson became speaker mike johnson. and you will not find a colleague with a negative word to say about him personally but he presides over razor thin majority getting smaller by the day and a political environment that rewards fame overwork and volume over depth. and already his face colleagues letter to keep republican bills of the floor and i would call
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the leg filed vacate the chart yet again and what are realistic expectations for a speaker with a bare majority, and divided government immersed in a political world creates a drama over incremental progress. let's find out the speaker the house mike johnson, three state of louisiana joins us now, happy easter and thank you and welcome mr. speaker en suite see you realistic expectations and voter realistic expectations when you only have one half of one third of government and that includes of the gop members from districts where joe biden it actually one. mike: yes, you did find it well you just described modern congress and that is the environment which we have to perform an happy easter think you for having me on their a lot of things we really wish more of the american people understood you know this is not an easy job i know is you know that we will
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get it done we have the smallest majority is really known your sister you have the one-vote margin you saw the numbers there divided, but when you do the math them to get a majority vote, emily lose one to liquidate the legislation the real desire and prefer if we had the sudden we have the white house, and republicans in charge as we were several years ago we'd up we do be doing things what you often times we play defense way to stop the biden agenda. by god's grace we been able to do that this winter majority she's for three things that we need to do, trying to be announcement and fast serve on easter sunday, look we can do this job we had road majority. we have to do that to save the republican that is for the november elections, we can do it we have to do, three things went to show the american people over florida just will be your guess we have to be was seen for those core principles edge of the contrast between us and radical leftist hundred destroying metro policy to enter the united
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states together reason we do that, especially the razor thin majorities we have, haven't better negotiations in the back room and will be able to have greater standing would reargue them because about it and then thirdly we have to driver conservative agenda the incremental winds that are so possible right now first securing the border is suited to china and lazy american energy and saving american jobs doing the things americans want us to do but we can't go hail mary on every single plane is three and without investment gotta get the next for student, giving emily that will assure the market people what we are for. trey: you've always been a person of hope and faith which is why i enjoy talking to you we were collies because of a hopeless cynic you actually are hopeful that is good one issue there members that would provide a into your pain and others who devise was speaker the house, how do you decide what to put more and how much of the
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majority is enough and when to put it on the floor. mike: that's a great question look, what we have to do an air of divided government for strictly as we are, you've to build a consensus that we want to move apart is a measure we have to have every single one but really as of things need to be bipartisan talking with the supplemental everybody's are so much about which is the think the president presented several months ago and he got of the national security supplemental weekly ukraine, israel cummins have on in the pacific region and also the border we said thank you because we have all said, the recordings a national security of the visitor on voter and 20s that is the only leverage to force change of the border, were still trying to force the president uses executive authority mostly of the american people he has it not using it as it opened the border into judah when he comes to the supplemental that we been working to build a consistent and talking below the members especially northern district work when we return after this work time, we will be moving
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product but it's going to my think have some important innovations of the rico act, and if we can use the seized assets of russian oligarchs, to other ukrainians to find them, that is just pure poetry. president trump's octave of the loan concept where we've set up not just giving for natick, were sitting up in a relationship were they can provide a back to us when the time is right you want to unleash american energy and when initial gas exports that will help fund vladimir putin's war effort and there's a lot of things we should do that make more sense think will have consensus around will bring the product together and moving it right after the district c1 speaker, there is a pending motion to vacate from a member from georgia which sort of illustrates where we are politically hard we lost two syntheses georgia the republican said to eminently the full senate seat and i would think members time would be better
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spent looking to reclaim those two gop tennessee's and georgia as opposed to hanging the sort of - overhead year olds easter recess right now and doesn't have the gop growth majority, to be talking about a motion to vacate some talking about the border inflation or other issues that are better for the gop and how does this motion to vacate help, fact of when bigger majority. mike: i don't think it does i think all of my republican colleagues recognized this obstruction from remission again the mission is to save the republic the only way we can do that is if we have the house majority with the senate and with the white house so we don't need any dissension right now i look marjorie taylor very filed motion and it does not move automatically, he just is hanging there she is frustrated she i text is using the more dark early next week. she is a friend and she's very frustrated about three symbolist
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appropriations bill guess what, so emily as we discussed trey, these are not the first perfect legislation that you and i and she would grab if we have the ability to do it differently but with the smallest margin in history, living press welcome the wind within the majority than they have a better initiation position is what we got some of the things we didn't like we fought like warrior to keep some of the senate appropriations are some of the succinic your marcella belford and we were successful in getting a lot of the terrible stuff out but if the building through that's what she's upset about it i'd him to talk to about performing the budget and spending process going forward this will republicans are for that is the transformational kind of changes we can forge wilson together. c1 congressman mike johnson do not run for speaker the first time of the second time of the third time income he was drafted and so he was a truly a
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reluctant leader and if there is such a thing left anymore, that is what you are. an impossibly difficult job and happy easter to you and your family think you for joining us on easter sunday. >> thank you brotherly and for be blessed. trey: and up next with a peacock got his feathers ruffled the next others all turned blue and joe concha joins us on the hiring and firing of rhonda mcdaniel. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today.
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♪♪ shell. powering progress. it may not sound like it, but this... is actually progress at 225 miles per hour. shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60% in all ntt indycar® series races. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. ♪♪ shell. powering progress. >> welcome back descending in america hollywood marriage divorce former writing teacher, rhonda mcdaniel, people were still dancing the reception, everyone was dancing, some were telling us how virtuous they are
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doing their own past in the present. some of the democracy is in danger because of the lives underlies the people push on this country to have we were not asked our opinion but if we were was probably would've checked into it for several reasons, she's credibility issues that she has to still do with she speaking for herself or on behalf of who is paying her. >> he would hire pickpocket to work as a tsa screeners so for the decision put on the payroll, and expressible. trey: i spoken to lead singer of you to, more times and am so to run a mcdaniel we do not run the same circles, rarely would cross paths, but this is not about her. but whether we want to create it echo chambers we were all waiters what ratifies and validates we really believe in over 70 million people voted for donald trump last election and he won the presidency, four years earlier with over
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60 million votes and he is the gop nominee again for the third time so how many commentators are on cnn urgency and cbs written cbs nbc can explain why, regardless of whether you like trump voting for him or ever will, tens of millions of americans have and will and so we eliminate their voices last month into producing i, i spoke with juan williams, jessica tulloch and harold ford jr. is not biden opposing democrats printed the lincoln project democrats printed just a depressive really talking a like republicans. as a wire some of the networks feeling there's lots exclusively with trump opposing republicans committee had to be want know why somebody supports donald trump, want to understand, how the other side thanks, why not ask them that i can you ever you never hear from them. if you claim to want the truth you have to confront and
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cross-examine it and challenge it then exposes but do not ignore it. julie self fox news contributor joe concha and they can hire whoever they wanted i struggle to name commentators on the networks who have actually ever voted for donald trump or ever will again and so where are those 70 million voices. joe: 70 million voices into point, trey, even if he don't like donald trump, maybe just maybe, you agree with him and his position on immigration in the border. you'll never hear an argument supporting the things supports as far as walking structure remaining in mexico, on msnbc and you only get one side two-point again i'm study journalism very long time, and we had people like john chancellor, briefly, medicament and others these new type of legend that used to occupy abc's news division were long way from the credibility because as it stands now, if i'm a republican article previously to never post
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another major debate again that if i'm a supporter of donald trump never going to be thrust again because of this review they have around any republicans never cover the kind lincoln project so-called republican that openly was with them just went back in a video side of social liberal severed trusted news division that has such a estate just for the party, dew point, for roughly half of the voters in this country. so this where we are out of this point talk about diversity home to celebrate in place like nbc and cnn they don't celebrate the important diversity of all this the diversity of the exchange of ideas. trey: you know joe, to me is analyzing them is not even a free speech issue, these are private companies lincoln center coverage however they want us a, it is a business issue. enter your point, why would you roll out 70 million voting age americans who actually like
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either donald trump's policies are both just for my business model standpoint, do not understand it card. >> in the talk about sending democracy with a softly undemocratic to only have one side right like yank of the news customs were like that and then nasa bc so different this of the goods he was in north korea the old soviet union a look this is one of by the way trey, just last year, cnn attempted to move to the center and using the numbers above the screen as far as trust is not very good as low as ever that they tried to move to the center they hired a new president they had the tenacity to host internal for donald trump was so would have been there, the same an air muted thing the end and reactions just for putting the video gutter for the gop nominee at the time the president was ousted from the network we so i don't new york times senator tom cutting former military heroes not fed near times makes a perfectly sane are you that the national guard to
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be holy when rise get out of control american cities newsroom somehow called the piece racist the revolt publicly theater james bennett holy wonderful source of what is enough because ousted and peace to you know management all these places that the backbone of a jellyfish in the newsrooms are the the power apparently the people that they work for management because again, with a go public with this stuff, seems like all of these people cnn or new york times have they do know how to handle it so they do the cowardly thing that if our people are just doing their jobs. trey: in a joe you mentioned in the new york times and washington post republican, was jennifer rubin how, or to the best of my recollection has like the republicans as a ram we can in the new york times would not endorse of republicans and dwight david eisenhower and what one of the rest of the country when they were looking for ronald reagan, newt the new york times they were not even endorsing him so the just not
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interested in having republicans subscribe or watch or listen what explains jennifer rubin being the conservative voice and the washington post. >> dew point, wouldn't it be a good decision to have any voice from the left and right and center in objective news on mildred people can make a decision about a particular report that an opinion being incorporated into it and that's what was he layoffs some new these places this point because business model thing would better source endorsements are concerned can we the washington post has never endorsed overcoming presidential candidate and his history to your point of the may say endorse carter, not once but twice over the endorse walter mondale were once a minnesota rink probably could wanted that if he wanted to endorse people john kerry or al gore or joe biden and so there really just for the country, just a short in their endorsements and again
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newsrooms are completely controlled by liberals every conservative you're not according to the promotion of your reporter tries to do an objective job you will be the next contract because readers will revolt another people newsroom will revolt of people just keep quiet and if they are conservative lease in the middle because they won't survive in this ecosystems and if they don't conform to the narrative. trey: if you are the washington post, enforcing we have to died even then some for sure so thank you joe, for joining us on a sunday night. >> great to see him take care sue and thank you at of america makes over $400,000 a year as a postgraduate degree is in private neighborhood. joe biden has 82 percent approval rating with them which is much higher than he does with the rest of the country. the rest are viewed as needing to be educated or enlightened or changed or corrected in the leads to division. lucas used to be spoken of with
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respect and out it seems the little door ignored and is this the real divide in our country and what caused it. what will it take to bridge it joining us as american enterprise institute senior fellow casinos and welcome sing is a fascinating piece that you wrote a salami just hard to middle class a group of a voting block and ideology or dream and how do you view the term middle-class. >> that is a good question because it's hard to define. kristine: i things more of an idea in an ideal lead by that, i mean, that it is the solid middle of the country, the limiting force between the low and the high rate and i think that what what i call common sense american values, the patriotism from the foreword and a meritocracy in the kinds of things that i think time will took for granted to come up with the no go no politics, we do not see anyone engaging with this group this group is becoming more disenchanted with the way the system works they are
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looking around for political leadership in fighting it. trey: is there a difference in your judgment and the values perceived and encourage between the upper 1 percent what is called the middle class and i mean is there a divide even in what is value within those groups. kristine: yes absolutely we have data on this, there has been studies that looked at these any highly educated dude upper classes of the elite of the wealthiest classes that i in things like for example, carbon taxes and limiting people's ability to consume eight, drive combustion engine cars and fly wherever they want to fly in the name of well because of climate change for example, three different values with regard to patriotism over this country should stand for and what its role the world is pretty when these are serious issues because it is from that upper highly educated elite class that early leaders of our institution come from the media and academic
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institutions, cultural institutions, so what we're finding is a real divide among what most people think and believe in the values order educated elite runner institutions valley that that divide is growing. trey: this was new present press secretary together will ask you a question on the other side. >> gas prices in grocery prices and big topics here in north carolina and it is mr. biden when the votes with people do not have as much disposable income. >> aggressively by gas price and present action on gas prices they invasion ukraine, and will seek a products and all the important grocery will they have gone down because of this present has been it able to do with that thank you so much more having an amazing amazing day. >> she hung up while wow suing to be fair, maybe even mean he
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does not like talking to the media and so i would be fair but the one person the upper 1 percent, you have to worry about gas prices and, i mean, somebody was $100,000 to spend taking a picture at a political event does not worry about with groceries consul happen this castle be bridged sweetie well if you know by the way present press secretary did with her amazing amazing dodge important question whether things that i think his administration does not examine enough, is that most people remember five years ago, handyman six or seven years ago when he comes in the family budgets, so they sit down and think about what they can afford is family weather that his weekly grocery bill, the gas bill for the housing crisis under prices they remember a time when their income stretched a little further when they could afford to send their kids to camp for a couple weeks in the summer this year, they cannot edit is not just covid-19 because i think that something biden administration is lean heavily on then this idea the covid-19 was so disruptive and i will getting back on the same
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footing economically nest not been the experience of many american families there so strongly jamaicans meet and their paychecks do not go as far as the used to how many very late educated folks a press secretary telescope worry about that is all in your head, is condescending innocence is kind of gas letting the emergency when he comes to their experiences day-to-day we tweak month-to-month. trey: only think dana is the me article was fascinating and i encourage everyone to read i think you for coming on and joining us in the sunday night. kristine: thank you so much try to coming of new york city police officer was murdered by a career criminal was 21 prior arrests. celeste idea of the reimagining crime, has lethal consequences of it all just very joining sunday night in america after the break.
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would only help hamas in real ongoing hostage negotiations and he also continues to stress that renovation causes city and rafah protests are expected in the coming days and police national now the men have for the gunman opened fired a coffee shop during easter sunday lunch one person was killed for others were hurt witnesses say that the incident started as an argument between two men no one of them pulled out a gun to reportedly left the scene in a car. back sunday night in america, for all your headlines and "fox news" .com. >> sue and welcome back to sunday night in america the second conversation is even harder than the first, the one review have to explained to that second set of parents or spouses, family friends, why the system failed why kelly was out on bond and while somebody shirt
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served a short prison sentence in case was disputed dismissed ripley garden york police officer jonathan dillard was killed by somebody nearly two dozen prior arrests. mr. time for a violent crime law-abiding people are increasingly asking health and why somebody unlawfully in the country remain here to commit more crimes. are you someone for the vine the past in possession of a firearm is kill a police officer mary leffler criminologist and john college of criminal justice, and he joins no one professor in our system is reactive more so than proactive and something bad happens in the system reacts to it that is of little comfort to the families of those victimized by career criminals and so is there a way to be more proactive when it comes to preventing crime. >> trigger mama delighted to be here with you have a response to
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you is predicting who will repeat their offenses. the best indicator, is that they have repeated their offenses in the past and the people now in prison, not jill, but prison there in there for very serious offenses, and is not uncommon for each of the men in their committee have ten or 11 arrests, prior to their imprisonment and so the system does release people more risky for high risk for repeating and that is a source of a problem for us in the source of the problem for us when you get these awful crimes of these violent crimes. trey: professor let's listen to the mayor of new york, together little ask you a question on the other side. >> i see it any clearer, it is the good guys is the best guys
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of the switchable crime problem, rescind this is a problem the same bad people, three bad things, the good people less than a year back on the streets with another gun. trey: will he has right in their more good people than bad at 10s by willis of the crime problem but a recidivism problem, since we like it is both and it is crime being committed by two-point, people in committed crimes in the past and so other than lengthy prison sentences are mandatory education programs laser something be done. for people do not know the distinction jill is usually pre- adjudication or small sentence in prison is most adjudication and no longer sentence, and is there something they can be done during the period of incarceration to make us safer
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when they're released. >> i'm exploring this question right now trey, my next focus is going to be on rehabilitation of the must tell you that i'm not hopeful but i research and i have learned so far so rehabilitation does not work very well for these repeat offenders. their imprisonment, where we run the programs inside of the prisons. leading toward the position i know finalized yet but i'm leaning towards the position we need to use more electronic and electronic monitoring people released on parole and pearl of course means that the served time the sentence was foreshortened, have they are released, the parole officers for the ages and i think that those guys need more electronic monitoring, to better ensure that they won't repeat their offenses and nestlé first point, you're absolutely right, you
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cannot just looking the people who are eating recent always new precor recruit young fellows reach the age of 18 the commit crimes and of course, this may be the first offense but it could be a violent offense we need to do without as well. and finally as to what we could do to prevent this, we need to rely law enforcement i know that progressives do not like to hear that the long term solutions, reducing poverty, reducing racism, improving the social welfare system by was a mean of course was many more money. but these are medium to long-term solutions that instruction, there is no substitution for having more police on the streets and for having a beefed-up law enforcement system and by the way, we have proven this because
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when the system was beefed up, when the crime was at its height, in the 80s and in the '90s and ladies nearly 90s, the beefed up system reduce the crime reduction by the way is still effective now but nonetheless, we need to address our problems with law enforcement solutions. the remediation solution the rehabilitation solutions, there just know that effective. >> polluted by me making the mets of the ben-ami had not you, some people cannot be fixed. just need to be separated from society from the remainder of their flashlights released into late committee crimes reach a certain point in age but this means that that another professor would look forward to seeing you new research thank you petronius of the sunday night. >> it is a pleasure thank you so much. sue and yes and up next, biden
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benjamin netanyahu relations actually secretary of state mike pompeo joins us to weigh in nex on sunday night in america. make your dream car...a reality. mercedes-benz certified pre-owned vehicles are rigorously inspected to live up to the highest of expectations. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx.
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seems to be right. in the u.s. abstain from the window calling for cease-fire in gaza to the resolution passed and yes, russia and china they voted to lecture israel and aggression in civilian casualties and benjamin netanyahu canceled is really delegation visited washington shortly thereafter white house spokesperson john harvey said the u.s. vote or lack thereof does not represent a shift in supporting israel but it sure does seem like it doesn't in joining us as former secretary of state come in fox news contributor, mike pompeo, mr. secretary will command is so nice to see will get is a russia and try to vote for cease-fire with israel and he was sits on his hands, and how is that not a shift in u.s. policy towards israel. mike: was going to be with you in the specialty trade, were talking but israel the place where these events transpired the special day. with the united states it did by allowing the resolution best was that we rewarded hamas in this here is what they did in octobe.
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as of the the russians and chinese are happy and is really partners are under even more difficult circumstances than they were before and this was a major event i do know when the inviting the ministration of the seven maybes u.s. domestic politics and i was of the case sure looks like it but make a mistake israel now recognizes that the front of the rally their long-term committed partner so going to stand with them the way that they need doing this true time of crisis. c1 and you know mr. sec. commute for put your finger on the question i think the most people are asking which is the question of why it is been six months and only six months is en masse invaded israel and killed innocent civilians including women and children so what is a statute of limitations on the country defending itself against the terrorist group, he will spend this decade's doing and apparently six months is all israel gets. mike: it is truly remarkable to watch the biden administration was weekly really good in the
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opening days october 8th and 9th and 10th and 11th but in the meantime present could listen to this promo swing of their own political party where they are in prison is to events and hearing from protesters but is it of articulating why it matters americans way having an alley in a partner like israel matters to the lives of every single american in the right thing to do it easily begins to cave in ways that will undermine america's security. what about six months as well taken the story line is become the israelis were somehow behaving in a way that is a moral they could be further from the truth, you and i know how the americans fight going to have these rosalie's fight in the doing everything he had to protect the civilians that it is iran and hamas that is putting the civilian lives at risk and i cannot explain why the biden and ministration is so quickly caved to this minority wing of the party and maybe tree coming it is because of the small supporting movies larger block that you and i might otherwise think it is. trey: to that point senate
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majority leader chuck schumer, called for regime change in israel major u.s. newspapers deepening him after he didn't some house members are frankly openly pro- hamas so it is either pure politics seeking favor with young voters whether something is going on that i can see near the when the graduated number one west point. as a something else going on. mike: will you know, i do think this is about u.s. domestic politics pretty cannot be about security, because we know that israel's want to do the right thing to defend its own summer scene is going to take care of hamas 20 do the hard work to defend itself against hezbollah in the north is on the legs only president biden is in a political fight of his life anything sooner fox he needs to get it's always evening was truly truly anti- somatic component of his party that does not understand the deep
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commitment of the united states is by person from decades as you know timing compass the bipartisan commitment to witnessing the middle east to the way the preserves what america needs to look away from it looks like it is a worse the domestic politics thinking america's security and hope the biden administration will learn to rise above it. >> c1 mr. sec. the words securing released as diverted away from eastern europe in your interjection met and judgment he was continue to provide aid course loans what everyone call it, to ukraine. mike: i still remain optimistic and i've said they getting malcolm to have years on the united states have a deep interest were assumptive in america first requires us to the right thing europe to help europe defend itself winning the europeans to do more and i am convinced that we will continue to do that. the previous continue to fight hard and it is a very difficult
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fight there been any western supported the germany and france in the united states and need us continuing to provide them with simply the resources they don't asked with boys and girls noticeably us were stuff went to provide that to them and events in the form of 11 so the maneuvering his back on his we think and repairs, so much the better. trey: mike pompeo truly when the more remarkable resumes of anyone i know you've gone through from goalies all the way through no coming his of her executor and adversely hope that he sees the private sector these rumors going back to government our troop but, that is just my selfishness and happy easter and i hope way see you soon. mike: thank you bless you to and church attendance is down doesn't mean the faith is down pretty reverent very block is next on acer in the future of religion in the united states.
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>> c1 welcome back to sunday night an american entity is the holiest of days, for those in the christian faith, the christians believe that the tomb was empty and christ rose from the dead in the process of her death. and that is the promise of christianity, life everlasting and as jesus said to one of the criminals, crucified by the romans in beside him, today he will be with me in paradise and faith and religion spirituality or the cornerstone of life for many americans there are
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morningside's award-winning young people are taking out of organized religion and church attendance is down and major religious institutions have seen their share of scandal lately heard the state of the union politicians a couple of weeks ago is here about the state of the soul of the union from the reverent very black, who is the chaplain for the united states senate and happy easter mr. senate and sue somebody invisibly, how would you explain the significance of easter feedback. berry: the most important part that i see about easter is also much, the validity what the truth of the resurrection as the fact that something happened the resurrected the early church. he will people who had denied and betrayed their lord they had fled when he was taken to
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calvary. they were hiding in a room, for fear that they might also be crucified and something happened that sunday morning, went to women went to the tomb in matthew chapter 28, and the stone was rolled away. at the resurrected the early church so that they were described it later in the book of ask has those who have turned the world upside down. what would've happened that transformed people who were fearful people who were willing to die for what they believe do. trey: chaplain you just put the figure of the next question those who do believe, looking we do, today to give others a reason for hope and a reason to believe how to get faith a second chance i given the declining participation in religion and our country.
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berry: well jesus of nazareth, he said to his followers in matthew five, nursing through 16, you are the salt of the earth. believers, should be just that, the believer should make their world more palatable we need more positive words spoken for proverbs 1821, it reminds as of power and of life and of death it is in her tongues and then verse 16 matthew five said that you are the light of the world, light guides made to guide with our lives. the poet edward guest said that i too can learn to with if you let me see it done. i can watch her hands in action but her tongue too fast may run
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and second corinthians 520, he tells us that we are ambassadors, reconciling the world on christ, pleading as if in christ be he reconciled under god. so if we're sold light in our world, and to our generation, we will be glorifying the risen lord and use everything trey, he has promised that he will give us the power to do exactly that. ask money says and you will receive power of the holy spirit has come upon you pretty and there's an old song the reminds me trey, what i'm experiencing and is says, something within me that hold the range, something within me, that vanishes pain, something within me i cannot explain, all that i know, there
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is something within. c1 the chaplain of the united states senate, thank you for bringing us a message from your heart on acer sunday but i hope you and your family have a wonderful easter we will see you again soon. berry: christ has risen trey, he has risen indeed. trey: risen indeed, risen indeed, thank you chaplain and thank you for swimming part of your sunday with us any of you have a great weekend denice we can find us online trey gowdy podcast said good night from south alicia: welcome to the big


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