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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  March 31, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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but there is at least one cute cat. twin chihuahuas dressed up i cannot get enough of it. i wish i would've seen them and person i was scared of the protests out there. i did not go out to see them which is quite sad. because the bonnet parade, the easter parade is quite beautiful. >> some raw eggs. [laughter] >> throw them at the protesters. >> we cannot waste eggs like that. too expensive. >> guys it has been fun it's been a blast of a. >> happy easter everyone too. >> happy easter bread that doesn't wrestle see you next weekend, "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. mark: hello america i am mark
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levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" sunday. you saw the spectacle, america and new york city were donald trump went to the wake of a heroic police officer who was murdered during the course of a stop and check on the vehicle. and then you saw three democrat presidents to former and one sitting basically 20 minutes away at radio city music hall at 225 million-dollar fundraiser for a ticket was half a million dollars cutting jokes with steven colbert. now this is indicative of something bigger i think that what most people are saying which is look at the contrast. of course it is that but it is indicative to where we are as a country. we have a ruling class in america. a ruling class is not an official ruling class but it is
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a group of individuals in different industries with different platforms who have seized authority over this country. the vast majority of them live and work on the east coast. and washington d.c., and new york city with some in los angeles. tens of millions of americans are not represented by this ruling class which is why so much of what they promote in their media has nothing to do with you. or has no interest. or is actually promoted in order to sabotage short lifestyle and your liberty. transgender -ism is a tiny fraction of a tiny% of the population. you would not know it. systemic racism, there is not systemic racism in america but it is critical that be promoted in order to attack the broad middle class. climate change, climate change is nothing more than the de-
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growth movement the deindustrialization movement dressed up as some cognitive environmental movement so they can do things through the backdoor they cannot do through the front door. the vast majority of the middle-class wants nothing to do with this. does not know about it because it's not really relevant to them. that is why you are under attack. you see ladies and gentlemen most of what goes on in this country does not go on in congress. most of what goes on in this country is not a result of actions taken by the people you elect your so-called representatives. the vast majority was taking place in the country today is my executive fiat, executive orders, bureaucratic regulations. the epa has decided the single family home for the middle class will be destroyed. that you will live in a high density high-rises with public transportation. hence the automobile needs to be
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destroyed. what is the ev stuff? no one wants it even though washington is subsidizing in the "new york times" is promoting it because you want your gas powered combustible while vehicles and trucks. well, washington just said you don't get it. who voted for that? nobody. biden did it through his cpa. they say will have cleaner air cleaner water. of course we will has nothing to do it that it's a massive inconvenience and the intention is to limit the ability of the middle class to be mobile. to live the lives you want to live and so forth and so on. this whole de i think is set up again to attack the middle class. most people do not know it de i is but it's something that has been pushed by the radical left marxist in our universities and colleges and hence by the democrat party and the media. so marriage is thrown out the door but instead we have reverse racism. reverse segregation. according to the democrat party which used to support openly
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racism and segregation. this new kind of racism and segregation is righteous and so they promote it. so much of what goes on is to that middle class they are attacking our traditions but now they are attacking christian nationalists. what dowhat is that mean? they are suggesting if you are christian and you support america you must be part of the clan or something. christian nationalists they are embracing islamists. where are they embracing islamists? because they are critical to their base and because the marxists and the islamic's have the same thing in common, what is that? too completely up and our society, your faith, your religion they are trying to indoctrinate our children through our elementary schools and secondary schools, high school certainly colleges and universities to separate them from parents to separate them from the morals and ethics at family values they have been taught. and instead embrace the radical
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left agenda and bigger and more centralized government. this is all intentional. they are poisoning our institutions. they are devouring our institutions. they are accusing people who stand up against them as being against democracy and being extremist. so donald trump anybody who supports him as part of maca and maga of course is like the third reich. no, meg is made up of hard-working americans who pay their taxes. plumbers, electricians, farmers and ranchers. it's people who make this country work. the funny thing is these elites in washington d.c. and new york if we had to rely on them to eat we would all starve to death. they produce absolutely nothing. they do not do anything with her hands. they are totally out of touch with what goes on and the central part of america. or to put a better way that goes
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on not both ends of america why do you think they want to get rid of the electoral college? soap middle america, southeast america, southern america southa northern plains america have no representation. if it's just a matter of voting the more dense the cities in the metropolitan areas the more powerful they will become. in essence nine, 10, 11 states will have control of the entire electoral system. the electoral college you see is said to beat ra be racist and sy slavers. what i'm trying to point out here is what the democrat party is doing is at war with the middle-class. it's a war with working americans. union bosses may not get it, they may not care they are selling out their membership too. they will throw tidbits out to you, little pieces, little crumbs you will have a 20-dollar an hour workday. which of course destroys jobs and destroys businesses. then they will use marxist propaganda class warfare.
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let's get the rich. let's get the cooperations. and yet the biggest concentration of money, the biggest concentration of power. and i mean police power is not any one corporation. it is the federal government. look, there's not a single corporation and its control of your life for this on a single corporation that can tell you what to do or put you in prison. the federal government not only is ubiquitous financially but it is ubiquitous in terms of the police state it is growing but does not want opposition was by the bite administration has done more since in the administration for except perhaps woodrow wilson to silence speech. to silence speech to censor speech. to monitor speech. two federal courts have so ruled they are one 100% right. they have done more than any prior administration to intimidate political and ideological opponents.
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shutting down parents to the extent they can by threatening them with the fbi if they dare stand up to the teachers unions which are crucial to the democrat party. or, throwing pro-life protesters in prison even though they have not committed any acts of violence. they are true peaceful protesters trying to secrete agents in the catholic church and trying to cover it up. this is a big deal, america what they are doing what they have been doing. most of all trying to put in prison and bankrupt their greatest threat politically which is donald trump. we know the biden administration has had its hands in the teacher james case and alvin bragg's case. in the fani willis case and of course in the federal cases. this is the democrat party. now it's very important to understand that when they talk about the rich. they talk about you have a right to free healthcare none of that
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really matters to them. they know that if you fall for that you're going to vote for them they'll become more and more powerful their administrative state is going to become more powerful. it will decide what medical treatment you get if any people decide which prescription drugs you get if any. does that work anywhere in the world? pick any socialist/marxist regime even a fascist regime does that work anywhere in the world? no. of course they are attacking traditions they are attacking america's values by attacking america's founding. we are told the country was not founded in 1776. that is new note 16th 19 you need to be reeducated. you need to understand this. we are told the constitution of the nine sites was set up to protect slavery and white supremacy. really? where does that come from? that does not come from anywhere it comes from their ideology is that simple. i want to read something to you very briefly because this professor said it better than i could. his name is ted mcallister he's a pepperdine university.
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a couple years back he wrote to date we have a very different elites than america did as recently as the 1980s in terms of their nature, goals, ambitions, style and ways of exercising power. he said the deepest fact of our time is america has a bad elites a skills values goals, tastes and types of knowledge are hostile to our nation's inherited cultures and pleural people. the new elite have emerged in the last generation or two has no interest of preserving anything but perhaps their own power. they lack historical knowledge and vision which they supplanted by or exchange for the power of transformation and change. intoxicated by the power possible with emerging technologies inspired by visions that are globalist perspective could make attractive, this elite thanks of creative destruction as applied to the culture he says what they imagine to be a struggle they
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can seat nothing of inherited world worth preserving for their very success. the peculiar characteristics of the revolving power given to her new elite the soul of adolescent arch applied to a global campus. they lack any experiential or historical ballast away them down. to slow them and remaking everything according to their desires. for them streamlining power is key to creation and the anoints asked sickles to their new creations are not checks to prevent tyranny but rather limitations but unnecessary friction in the headlong rush to transform. now, when you look back last week of those three democrat presidents to x and one current that is who he is describing. we look at schumer comic look at sanders look at hakeem jeffries you look at the whole bunch that is what we are getting. let me be abundantly clear. the new bourgeoisie is the democrat party at the new proletariat that's you and me and the hundreds of millions of americans who are not represented by the ideological
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push and our immediate by the democrat party each and every day. we will be right back. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america. we have in my view the foremost
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expert on federal campaign law the former chairman of the federal election commission bradley smith kaplan university law professor. founder of the institute for free speech. and it brad, nobody better than to have you here. i had to hear about a year ago we need to underscore a point. the alvin bragg case rests on an effort to federalize the state law to terminate misdemeanor, if there is one, into a felony based on a bizarre interpretation of the violation of our federal finance law the federal campaign laws one that was already tried interestingly enough by jack smith with jon edwards and felt/. you want to explain to the american people the core of what alvin bragg attempt is with respect to federal election law? quick sure. to upgrade what would be a very routine it misdemeanor in new york to a felony the d.a. has to
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show this misreporting as he alleges was done in order to conceal the crime. the crime he says i was being concealed was a violation of the federal election campaign act. what he says and that was, was that by paying money to stormy daniels for her silence that amounted to a campaign expenditure was not properly reported under federal law and that jacks the whole state claim up to a felony. now the problem with that is that federal law does not say anything you think might help you win an election is a campaign expense rather it's an objective test in which things like polling, paying for staff, paying for headquarters, paying for advertisements and so on those are campaign expenses. the law and fact specifically prohibit someone from using campaign expenses are making campaign expenses for personal use. that is to pay things that might help you like good looking close
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or plastic surgery or good looking haircut or a nice relaxed vacation so you're fresh on the trail. country club membership so you can entertain or settling nuisance businesses that are not an issue in the campaign those are all viewed as personal expenses and they are not something you can pay with campaign expenses. i think that is the problem the d.a. he's trying to list campaign i'm sorry these payments to stormy daniels were campaign expenses. i think quite clearly they exist from an obligation independent of mr. trump's campaign for president. you mentioned the edwards case will go back to edwards us was tried a similar case with jon edwards people remember he ran for president back in the early 2000's. edwards had supporters who spent money to support and keep quite a mistress whom he had gotten pregnant. that went to trial. the jury ended up either hung or quitting edwards on a number of counts. that was not an offense under federal campaign finance law.
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mark: this theory is the same theory that if anything is done that may positively impact your campaign as opposed to negatively impacting your campaign and let's say it is illegal unreported corporate contribution. or the case just an illegal contribution. this is why people are saying this is a preposterous case. it's the maze you have to go through and filed for the u.s. attorney's office wanted nothing to do with it. the prior district attorney wanted nothing to do with it. bragg dust does well. even though i'm a local d.a. i'm going to pass judgment on federal campaign laws which he has no jurisdiction to do. i am going to assert this nondisclosure agreement that was provided put in the wrong category as a legal expense or
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maybe it should have been a business expense. i am going to assert all that was done in violation of federal campaign law in order to create a positive campaign image. is that about right? >> that is his theory. by the way also the federal election committee chose to not act on this and they under the statute are supposed to be the primary interpreter of the law. and here's the thing about this. had trump used campaign expenses to pay off stormy daniels and filed this report you can pretty much bet your house people on the left to be coming after him for misappropriating campaign funds to pay personal expenses. and in fact even now people on the left in the last week or so have released a spate of columns and commentary arguing trump cannot use campaign funds to pay this judgment against him in another preposterous suit and that this alleged civil fraud suit four to $50 million judgment or whatever it was. you have a sense they were going
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to get them coming or going if he paid for with campaign money they say to personal use and misuse of campaign funds, a felony if he does not pay for the campaign bunny they went to save did not properly paper with campaign money and report it you cannot have it both ways. i think the d.a. siri ultimately is going to crash she may win at trial in new york but eventually i don't see it standing. >> the case of jon edwards it was more direct. even though it was not a violation of law. donors did not raise the money and provide it. to protect edwards from the negative publicity but in this case we have a state law, a reporting issue i would argue is not even a misdemeanor. then you have the d.a. going into federal law where he is note jurisdiction you said they oversee it said no violation for u.s. attorney just how anything to do with the prior d.a. doesn't. he is twisting the law. he is twisting it to try and
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apply it to donald trump so even in my view worse than a jon edwards case. >> i think it is. and it's worse in yet another way in the edwards gates it's entirely clear they were paying his supporters were paying this woman in order to protect his political viability. where as in the case of mr. trump that was probably a consideration or may have been a consideration for this a number of other considerations of protecting his wife, his children, commercial interests and so on. i just do not think there is any real basis for an election this campaign expenditures i always put it to the people when you contribute money to a campaign is this what you expected to be spent on? the answer is no it's a personal expense. mark: only come back what is the hush money? they keep calling it hush money. art nondisclosures agreements signed as a matter of routine throughout this country throughout the day including media corporations including government officials like members of congress including
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the judiciary. they keep calling it hush money. is it not a nondisclosure agreement? a routine contract for people are separated or make a deal? i want to pursue that with you when we return. we will be right back.
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crews in baltimore working hard this easter holiday to remove thousands of tons of debris from the col collapsed francis scotty bridge. dive teams were in the river earlier today severing parts of the bridge for they checked over the massive cargo ship that ran into it last week. meanwhile crews above the water continued to cut the bridge into pieces for removal. it could take weeks of cleanup to get the p port of baltimore back open. pope francis calling for peace around the world this easter. during his traditional blessing the pontiff reiterated his plea for a cease-fire in gaza and prisoner exchange between russia and ukraine. he also. for regions in turmoil including syria and haiti. the 87-year-old appeared to be in good spirits after battling respiratory issues throughout the winter. i am jon scott now back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪ welcome back america.
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i'm here with bradley smith kaplan university law professor form and chairman of the federal election commission. he founded the institute for free speech. bradley smith, nondisclosure agreements, enter into those all the time every day media everyda corporations, were calling it hush money. i noticed nbc has entered into nondisclosure agreements, we don't even of the entered into a ccn and has entered into them for it all kinds of people enter into them. so, is it the effort here by the media and others, the biting campaign to try to turn this into some kind of a treacherous evil events? he is trying to cover it up with hush money and the use corporate money and then he uses it violation of federal campaign laws. isn't this all bogus? >> there is a lot of smoke and as you point out hush money is a pejorative term. you cult lots of sediments hush
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money or settlements in nondisclosure agreements usually they are called the latter. and this particular case for example i draw the comparison that a businessman like trump will have a lot of losses going against his various businesses. he may at a particular point tell as local counsel said it look a way to settle that lawsuit the guises know it's a good case uses note just settle it i do not want to distracting for my political campaign. he is doing to it to help his political campaign but does not make it a campaign expense he could use his campaign funds to pay off that settlement. with a nondisclosure agreement. so again that's the problem the d.a. has here. it's a lot of rhetoric, a lot of smoke. if you start boring into it and asking people where is the legal violation? it becomes pretty flimsy. mark: 's cases where it another way the u.s. attorney's office drops water to thousand pages of documents three weeks before the judge sets the trial. the prosecution said that's not
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a problem. we weren't responsible for it. biden's u.s. attorney's office was responsible for it. obviously defense counsel needs time to pull through all of that and perhaps do more discovery. call witnesses, conduct other -- pursue other information that may come out of that. and yet the judge sets the day for three weeks. i look at the sixth amendment about competent counsel. what's the hurry? what is the rush is it what with all think it is? >> i think people will put their own thoughts on why the rush is there. i think it's fairly apparent bragg wants to get a scalp in the midst of the campaign and hang that up as a trophy. you are at the case was supposed to begin trial on march 25 it's been moved to april 15. that's not a lot of time to review 100,000 pages of documents trump's attorneys asked for more but the judge
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decided that was enough. so i guess they are planning to go ahead. quickly see courts all over the country that are in a big curly have never seen anything like this. the old days i use used to liti, you did. i was more appellate than district court action but still the processes in place and cases could take years particularly we knew her tongue but wonder to thousand pages of documents on sexual liberty. courts were very differential they were concerned not just about appearance but actual due process, actual right to have competent counsel. the courts would bend over backwards for defendants. feel the courts are bending over backwards for the prosecution. i do not think it is any surprise that these cases are coming in or one democrat city after another, after another. i'm not asking you to comment on that i'm just telling the public this is not normal. this is not regular procedure what is taking place. there is no reason for a judge to say you only have three weeks when the defense counsels askins
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asking for 60 or 90 days. when everybody's looking at the calendar in the election when in fact that's not what they should be looking at. they should be looking at the law books in the constitution. this case is a particularly pernicious because in my view we have been here and we have done that. even the department of justice said after the jon edwards case after jack smith lost that case it was not going to bring charges again where the jury was hung. they said drop it it's not cutting it and yet here it is still being pursued, final comment? >> the d.a. break in this case i think it was on was a year before even bringing the charges i think that's because the chargers were flimsy as you pointed out the prior d.a. said no were not going to bring this d.o.j. said no the federal commission said no it got increased political pressure he brought the case but that brings up the question you let it sit there for a long time and now they're such a hurry you cannot give the defense attorneys
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another three weeks to pour through 100,000 page document drop. i do think it raises in problematic issues. but again the judge disagrees and he is the man in charge at this point because of these local elected democrat judges are in charge surprise, surprise paid bradley smith i want to thank you. god bless you my friend. >> thank you mark. mark: we will be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing,
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mark: welcome back america. we have a great guest lee zeldin with us. god knows new york could be a wonderful place if he had been elected. with that said lee zeldin, and the last six months we have seen an explosion of anti-semitism in our country as if they as long s who are backed by hamas,
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students for justice in palestine, all these efforts the faculty, all over the country were kind of waiting for this moment and there they are. israel is brutally attacked monstrously brutalized. it was as if it was a signal for all of these elements of mostly on the east coast and west coast. in chicago by the way at the latest survey said 80% of the american people support israel. but 80% of our colleges, our media and the democrat party do not support israel, do they? >> we are seeing on the streets, we are seeing in schools, on college campuses, a in the halls of congress. you have all of these people who looked at october 7 as a rallying cry. they did not get motivated to indu20stand up and crush hamas. they were expressing long-held beliefs that are not just anti-
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israel. a lot of just a blatant anti-semitic thoughts that have now been shown in a way that has intimidated the jewish population here in our country. we have seen and exposed all the paths have crossed when the presidents of these universities come and testify in front of the house chouse committee and ask e simple question whether or not calling for genocide of jews and violate your code of conduct and they cannot give a straight answer. "we have now seen at this point is november's election is closely approaching the democratic party instead of choosing to leave these elements of their party at their being led by it. they care more about winning in michigan that is saying and doing the right thing. and now people who have claimed to be lifelong friends of israel are actively calling for the overthrow of the israeli government while they are trying to respond to an existential threat to our country. i see this getting worse not
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better cure within our own country. and for the jewish population here in the united states is something that we need to step up and speak out on. we need to emphatically forcefully crush anti-semitism in any form because even if you are silent you are elevating empowering and embracing it even if you do not want to embrace it. mark: why did job i did not raise it at the state of the union speech? what is job i did not deal with that when he is confronted with the islamists of these various events? in fact he throws them with them. why is joe biden funding terrorism and the middle east with the hamas and funding billions into the plo despite the fact they get pensions to terrorists who kill israelis and americans? why is it that biden has allowed over $100 billion to flow into the military coffers of iran? which is selling oil to her enemy, china. why is that biden put its foot on netanyahu's throat but embraces these horrific elements in our country and overseas.
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what is wrong with this guy? >> we have not forgotten just weeks before october 7 we had the release of billions of dollars to iran on september 11, not september 12 or september 13 but releasing billions of dollars to iran on the anniversary of september 11, 2001 terrorist attack. what's happening? you ask about the state of the union address as of the rhetoric now coming out of prison invited and the white house, is they are concerned they might lose states like michigan but they are seeing the uncommitted boat that came out of michigan during the democratic primary they have an erosion of support within their own party. they are trying to stop the bleeding and they are willing to throw israel under the bus. they're willing to throw the jewish population under the bus in order to be able to win power in november. that is trumping all elsa. the other problem is president biden has chosen to put people in his administration who support the palestinian position
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and targeting israel. they do not support israel but they do not want to see the united states veto at the security council a resolution that is condemning israel. israel has existential they have to crush hamas. they need to eliminate this threat there are hostages right now. the idea that israel is just going to unilaterally disarm and decide they will sign up for a cease-fire while hamas has pledged they will not rest beyond their last breath and eliminating israel off the map. israel has no choice. what is so outrageous, infuriating and sad is we are supposed to be a great reliable strong ally that values this bond rather than leading an effort globally to turn countries all across this globe against israel. it is a drastic change that is not happening based on merit.
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it is not happening because of a good strong moral compass on the part of president biden and his team. it is because of polling inside of states like michigan. that is why they're stabbing israel on the back. that's why chuck schumer is stabbing israel in the back. do not hear any of these democrat politicians declaring themselves to be lifelong friends of israel. the fact is chuck schumer has proven his lifelong pledge and loyalty is to chuck schumer. that is why took the floor going after israel. it has something to the lifelong friend of israel. he has proven he is anything but. mark: and brantley put we come back on to explore this further i think it now right politics. there is no reason biden should be funding iran. he does not get any vote for that. there is no reason biden is to go to the extent he is going to eviscerate the elected government of israel. there is no reason he pounces now with his lifelong ambition to create a terrorist a
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palestinian state in israel incest real outlands. that will become iranian satellite state. it is as if he's purposefully taking a match of the middle east. purposefully taken a match of ao the state of israel. israel could not survive if it embraces american policy. it would be suicidal. i want to pursue that further when we return. we will be right back. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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mark: joe biden is cutting off specific arms. he is funding iran and nobody is cutting off arms to iran. he is a funding hamas, known as cutting off arms to hamas. except the israelis. has below is poised to attack israel. iran is pushing all of its of buttons. it is pursuing and developing and will achieve a nuclear weapon. biden is not doing anything to iran. it is not to reason about the nuclear weapon here at home day after day we have kristallnacht's going on in our country. it is his party. it is his voters. as you said he wants it michigan, minnesota and other
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states. it was to bring back his voters. these jew haters the appetite semites were saying these things and doing these things are his voters. is the democrat party so corrupt, is it so immoral, is it so focused on power that country come second? that morality comes second that everything comes second except rob power? as i was going on? quick spot on. trying to win in november right now they have too many democrat voters who have turned on joe biden. they look at approval ratings. they look at favorability ratings. they decide that math does not work and some of the swing states if they do not address their strategy toward israel and iran but right now the president biden in this administration they are treating around like israel and israel like around. president biden inherited a maximum pressure campaign on iran that was working. inherited it from president
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trump. you see people surrounding president biden who are there surrounding president obama just years prior. they want to put back the obama legacy. it was not a good one to try to put together. it was the fatally flawed iran nuclear deal. it was the resolution to ethnically cleanse judea and samaria jews. we all remember 2017 weeks before president trump got sworn into office. john kerry goes overseas for a 90 minute lecture of israel. president trump comes and abraham accords move the embassy to jerusalem. recognize israeli sovereignty. sign the force act into law to cut off taxpayer funded towards entities that went to financial reward terror. president biden comes into office and is rolling so much back on the policy. but what we are seeing as far as
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it being s spent up in the recet weeks, it's not just solely based on trying to put a failed legacy back together from pre-trump days. this is about pandering to a block of the democratic vote to stop bleeding and polling. i think what is going to happen is there going to end up with an even deeper cut in another part of their body because there are a whole lot of other people who actually do support israel. they do want a strong relationship. they do not deceive the jewish population in this country thrown under the bus. they do want what they know to be morally right. this strategy is wrong on the merits. certainly wrong and in the polis in my position. i think it is just for anyone who is pursuing a power in this country this greatest country in the history of the world. it is worth going down and losing an election. doing the right thing. unfortunately that's not something these democrats are
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willing to do. i would rather lose an election fighting for what is right then pandering to this block vote taking to the streets it produced october 7 as a rallying cry towards action. mark: i agree with that. i do believe it goes a bit further. i think they're true believers in this administration as you pointed out they work for obama these are true believers who do not believe the state of israel is a legitimate state. these are true believers who believe israel is an oppressive regime and only asked to defend itself. they are true believers who believe the propaganda of the muslim brotherhood, of hamas and islamic jihad. of iran. they are of course true believers that would include secretary of face mr. blinken. that would include his former now disgrace envoy. who we are given the ship away, the store aware to the iranians and they are going to give nuclear weapons funded by us. they had a military that again has been funded by us.
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president trump threw them on their back. heather put on their throat. joe biden gave them cpr. that does not explain the politics and our country. there is something ideological going on here and it is very dangerous is called the realignments. they want to realign the middle east. they do not want israel to be the most powerful force. they are okay with iran getting nuclear weapons to create a balance. they believe israel should be carved out. that's a legitimate state. this is what obama believes. this is what the marxist believe it. this of the radicals in the democrat party believe. so yes, it is for power but it is also because they hate the state of israel. we have to accept that fact. joe biden is part of it. joe biden is leading it. whether he's got three brain cells or not it does not much matter but is between him and his office that they are doing it. he is the one responsible for it. the fact he will not open his
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mouth to condemn his voters about what they are saying in the streets, what they are promoting in the streets. what they are doing on our college campuses per what they are doing in hollywood since everything we need to know about joe biden. a racist, segregationist early in his career and today as history will point out, and my view he is an anti-semite. congressman, i want to thank you very much. lee zeldin you are a good man. lee zeldin you are a good man. bless you brother. >> thank you mark. l. we got a bit of a situation. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ in theaters now.
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race so much money, like we've never seen before because they know the candidate has problems, speaking is a no what we know that he should've be anywhere close to the white house the loan the white house and fighting out publicly, president biden to cummins program, preferably interview and barack obama, bill clinton, chuck schumer, antony blinken and kamala harris, bernie sanders, hakeem jeffries, aoc, the whole crowd. just one of you, take me up, and a promise you that i will be nice and i'll see you next time on life, liberty & levin. brian: good evening think of her joining us and trach into sunday night in america i would you like utah, where you shoulder the responsibility but you have litt


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