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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  March 31, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ pete: it is march 31st year of our lord 2024 those are some cute kids. >> they are. rachel: that's ramona's daughter there. beautiful girl. with the pink sweater. pete: easter egg bun nebraska ear because the stone is rolled away he has risen he's risen indeed and we're glad that you're here with us on this holist of -- of christian holidays which we are going to do the easter egg rollings and bunnies all of that stuff but we know what it is all about and if you heard tim tebow's message he gave about a one minute sermon that sums it up more than better than anybody can. >> maybe better than the pope -- pete: better than the pope. rachel: it is a holy day one
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that we've been highlighting throughout the show is the portion of christians to take responsibility for honoring making this day holy not allowing, you know, the commercialization -- and much less this other pagan path that white house is trying to overshadow this holy day with that ridiculous proclamation on the day our show has risen we're a different show than other networks and -- pete: stay with us if you're with us. going with the whole 2,000 year tradition, the whole god kale as a man and then died rose again and celebrating that part here on "fox & friends." rachel: welcome by the way. joey: thank you for having me. i didn't have quite poignant words as tim tebow but important to point out that today is for those out there struggling we talk about economy, politics and
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some are hit in the face by life, and today is a reminder no matter what comes at you, there's an opportunity to be resurrected for redemption and for tomorrow, today, good friday, sunday coming sunday is here. it is a brand new day for you. find hope, faith and love if you're a christian find it in god and jesus find it within yourself, and i just am happy to be here and grateful really to be alive. rachel: me too. i'm also grateful that we have shannon bream with us this morning. let's bring her in let's get to other stuff later. but let's first shannon first of all, happy easter to you. >> happy easter to you guys too. i mean as much as i love christmas i'm a bit of a fanatic to me that's beginning of the story. this is the rest that creates all of the hope -- for all of us for redemption that god as you guys have said took on flesh and lived and walked with all of the, you know, difficulties an struggles
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that we have as human beings so we can fully understand where we're at and what we struggle with and yet he gave up his own life willingly to redeem and he was here to redeem people to offer them hope. and this is my favorite day of the year. rachel: 2,000 years later still doing it. shannon let's move to some politics because you have a lot of going on on your show and get to that fox news sunday but donald trump, of course, as you know is facing a lot of legal cases. and he's saying, what's happening to me is very communist it is very third world, and if you study latin america like i did it does seem third world. i'm going to play this -- clip from him and then we'll get your thoughts on the others side. >> it is a shame that it has to take place again this is third world country stuff whether it is borders or whether it is weaponized department of justice and raided my house they find nothing look how well i'm doing and the people understand it.
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look at what's going on. i have fani as she likes to be called in georgia that's a scam. we have the d.a. bragg that's a scam everybody say use read the people that you have jonathon turley and mccarthy all of the good people that you have on this is a case that shouldn't be brought on and it isn't a crime and it all comes out of the white house. rachel: shannon. >> well interestingly that he named chuck jonathon turley whroong tom to break down on the show to break down cases. of course you know former president takes heat for saying things like our legal system is a third world country and points to doj says he feels they're acting in a political or partisan manner his base responds. it is something talks on the campaign trail and gets huge cheers people are worried they could be prosecuted or persecuted based on their political beliefs. interesting to me this week that hunter biden was also in court out in los angeles and federal
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court, he argued that the tax charges against him are political. he says that republicans have pushed doj conservatives have pushed doj and donald trump has pushed doj and he's got politically motivated charges against him and both on the sides of the aisle saying doj is playing politics. pete: sounds about right your show shannon today who else do you have? >> west moore governor of maryland check in live on baltimore and projections moving forward. we've also got ept to call him governor but he was now senator rick scott fresh back from meeting with b.b. netanyahu and stuff is going over there as biden administration continues to publicly rip on them and congressman democrat with us surrogate to talk about the new polls you guys have seen this week very tough for them. joey: i'm sure it will be a fantastic show and before we get to that shoingt and round up this show give us your easter message. >> really it is one of hope. it is that we can never save
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ourselves. i know every day i'm a sinner saved by grace i need hope, i need faith, redemption and i'm really grateful for it. listen, it is a message for all people. i believe as a christian that god came for every single person on the face of this earth who will ever exist he loves you and he wants relationship with you and he's provided a way and happy resurrection sunday. rachel: yeah. >> beautiful. rachel: right back at you. pete: we appreciate you and make every sunday better for us. especially on this easter sunday. >> she's great. >> you wore very nice easter colors too. joey: i've had this tie sitting in wait for a while. i don't wear colorful -- rachel: is that your easter tie in >> -- >> that is a new one. when i get away from the wool and cool and important news here today. pete: we'll have more of that as well. let's move to this, though, out to california where -- governor newsom has announced
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new high technology crime cameras in oakland so let's play so gasp newsom has a crime problem all over california and we know where it comes from they want to blame it on guns and this and they've got radical policies at the top that are going soft on criminals, and not enforcing law and allowing criminality but he thinks tech will save it. here's a part of what he said on twitter. watch. >> so today we're announcing 480 new cameras these are block cameras to aid and support law enforcement to focus on stolen vehicles. this is proven technology privacy is foundational, and a core component of the effort part of it -- broad strategy not just law enforcement only strategy and unify the extraordinary here in oakland and support -- >> yeah. what a fast nateing approach like what's the most communist
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way i can deal with this problem. i'm the surveil everybody this is the digital prison people in china live in he's enforcing this is not going to do anything. you can have cameras but don't enforce laws and good prosecutors, you can find out who did it. but like are you going prosecute them or release them? what's all of that about? joey: fully understand the privacy argument. i think we have a expost here from laura powell attorney for california for good governess this is how she describes it having information about crimes, doesn't help if no one is making arrests. got charged with a violent felony walked out of court, with an ankling monitor and oakland in january and wasn't rearrested. but this expensive program will allow you to track all of us law-abiding citizens. i'm a little bit conflicted on this because -- you know when someone is abducted when something happens
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and you need understand first place they go is to the cameras. you know i guess it falled into line with great ideas on paper, you would have to have a lot of faith in the government to do it right, you know, is there any -- you know third party that could, you know, justly monitor these cameras make sure none of us are privacy is taken away. no. no it is the government. and we always have to keep an eye to watch our back -- >> we already live in a surveillance state if you walk up here in new york city there's a camera on every block, half block and half of our movements tracked so in major cities across america this is already the reality. and yet, crime is sell a problem in new york city. car theft still a problem in other places. so this is something gavin newsom will try to do to make sure it is you have it on crime like eric adams goes to funeral of the -- of the widow and acts tough on crime. people don't care about your twitter videos and speeches they want to see what your policies are and whether if it is improved their lives and streets
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safe sore you can throw a thousand cameras but are you locking up criminals and empowering cops that's what really matters but i connect to the surveillance thing. i don't to look at the government where they can look at me and scrap it all. rachel: can we ever go back, pete? pete: move to where joey and i live. rachel: that's why people are doing that. i don't to live in a society -- by the way, the only wall that joe biden is for is a digital wall camera surveillance and again you're tracking them but what do you do about it? probably nothing and that is like probably going to use it on statelines to track who is coming out of states i see this as -- you know, what you were saying joey i don't trust the people in charge to have this kind of power. so i don't to give them any of this power. even if that's how they trap you convenience and for your safety. >> cameras are easy -- they are an easy connection
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we're in a surveillance state they track us through our cars, phones through what we buy they track us through who we communicate with -- the information is there and congress is not doing a great job at protecting us. we have bills regarding tiktok one of the bills was more about data. and i wish those types of billings and that type of effort would get in the same -- really attention from us. that potentially banning tiktok gets, and it comes down to americans having a fundamental choice now referenced this earlier today in my opinion frmple freedom is worth of risk but are we willing to give up for the illusion of security or a reask to experience freedom and i just don't know that we're -- i don't know that we're raising next generation to appreciate that. rachel: they tested us on this that's what covid was about. the way in the last hour all of the mandates all of the
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regulation website all of the things they did and how many people felt like sheep into this -- you know, idea because they wanted safety. and they believed what the government was telling them. i think the test was made. pete: yeah this is after the fact thing so you've recorded a crime good for you. what are you doing prevent crime? to create an environment that doesn't allow for lawlessness and not a single d.a. in blue cities from joe biden's justice department has done any of that. joey: the belief is -- pete: they've gone after their political opponents from january 6ers and others they're not prerchghting prevents things but surveil who criminals you want to find? not the ones you don't want to find that's why we don't trust them. rachel: in a surveillance camera in rnc for the j6 pipe bomber so depends who they want to find. joey: if they haven't heard
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newsom say that outright from the idea is you won't commit the crime because they might see you do it. that has to be backed up with if they see you do it they might put you in jail. that that deterrent isn't there you're a social media star for doing something stupid on camera it is insane. pete: exactly right. joey: consequence and accountability that's the point. pete: turn to headlines removing steel from the collapsed francis scot key bridge yesterday and official seas they were working on the north side of the bridge port of baltimore blocked as seven cranes remove pieces of the bridge. it collapsed after a cargo ship lost power and rammed into a beam on tuesday six construction workers sadly were killed. and four remain missing. and fort campbell honoring nine soldiers killed in a tragic
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helicopter crash known as nine features the victim's names and portraits they were killed when two black hawk helicopters if you recall collided during a medical training exercise. in kentucky last year it really is a -- beautiful monument. to march madness yukon huskies dominating taking given huskies second straight trip to the funnel four they were the favorites and their delivering so far on a 30-0 run in the middle of that game. and in the west region alabama using sol late game heroics to take down clemson. >> sears in the hot hands stem back three. money march serious. hitting big shot like that to go to the final four. that is -- [laughter] that is impressive. mount rush mother stuff crimson
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tide headed to first final four in school history. you know what that means -- joey: nick is saving retired alabama is now a basketball school i cannot wait until my buddies i hope danny is watching right now because southbound is a basketball school. you're going to win it. four left. pete: six left right now because two play today and then four about 7:00 -- joey: pooling for alabama now -- pete: and tennessee plays. joey: opposite brackets. basketball championship really tall guy. pete: tough. sounds good. pete: by the way i turn ufl yesterday it was good action. joey: did you get to watch it -- pete: you were working -- i was scouting. [laughter] i was scouting my potential opponents. rachel: yes. for those who don't know yesterday --
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yesterday basically he offered himself as a one-day player on the ufl. pete: basically secured a one-day one dollar contract. rachel: top guy. pete: tack to top guy, coach it is in the works right now. the question is what will i do kicking probably not. joey: that was jake winning a field goal and for the michigan panthers, i want to know who won the big game was that last night birmingham stallions. but jake bates here it is a 64-yard field goal really difficult. almost a record for the nfl. watch the kick. >> good snap. good hold -- line drive, kick, and it is good! >> now here's what you need to know. >> that is football baby. >> it was the first kick in
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competition since high school. >> apparently played college football but wasn't a kicker went back to kicking this is my understanding of it and kicked first one a 64-field goal to win the year. rachel: if you decide to do kicking -- pete: 64 yards to win the game. not bad. by the way, here's what jake bates said after kicking that. winning field goal, watch. >> i've prepared for this moment. i think i was ready when you have a lot of faith in your guys man nothing is impossible without god. he has risen, it is a special feeling. >> we need that guy in the nfl. nfl kick reverse horrible no way he is worse put him in there and let him be a national figure that was awesome. takes courage to stay that these days. >> ufl needs him. >> kickers are horrible all of them? >> they miss extra points and can't make it in a giant field goal from five yards away. pete: it is 40 yards away.
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for an extra point. they are -- joey: i don't watch that sport i watch real college football. talking -- talking about i didn't know that. that's why they're horrible. hey, listen they have to move it back because they kept missing them close range. more importantly, this league -- so the birmingham stallions beat renegades what i'm asking diewpght to go to the team that lost to be the way they win or go to the winning team so you can be a winner like? how is this going to work? pete: wherever drafts me. rachel: loving this moment. he's glowing it in. pete: call me. joey: we need a pete hegseth on a fly rout. rachel: show them the money. don't pastor robert jeffries joins with us his easter message. pete: unrest wreaks havoc in
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♪ ♪ pete: violence unrest will wreak
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havoc this easter weekend. rachel: working exhaustively to rescue americans there already saving 111 americans and bringing much needed aid to the war torn nation. >> jack just returned from haiti joins nows with an update on his efforts. jack, he's risen, happy easter, and tell us your testimony. >> brother, this is emotionally for actually to be even here i feel a little guilt, man. just not being there evacuating more people knowing that there's hundreds more. americans that are there, you know for me this has been tough i'm trying to understand you know why, why we're not doing more to get these americans out. i've went in there and built and operational system to pull out these americans that's working. but we can't get enough support man. i don't know, i watch ukraine, i watch israel, i watch afghanistan, all of these
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americans being pulled out. and just question what makes americans in haiti different. so man i'm pleading to everybody to help us. these people are laying on the floor as machine guns, are being shot right outside their house, these kids that are picking up man they're traumatized you can look in their eyes and tell they're never be the same again. you know there's 4 million people there not americans that are starving and you have americans there that can't get access to food, you know we've got called yesterday to see if we could bring two american bodies back from haiti. i mean, so this is real, man, and i just hope the american people can come together to help because we've gotten no support out of this white house. rachel: what's happening on the ground what does it look like? you're trying to rescue people and we want to get to that because foundation needs a lot of work and not getting support from the government so what is the situation on the ground right now? >> on the ground you have gangs that are literally taken over
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the ports so they control passage ways so if you're in port-au-prince you literally can't drive around and get to stores they're targeting any -- any business owners and you ask why are americans still there in some of them went back a month, three weeks ago to go bury their parents or went to a funeral after wedding and been stuck there. but now the gangs have literally spread across the entire capitol city of port-au-prince to the fact they've become the government. they're running every part of that operation and they're doing just heinous things they're literally putting bodies in the middle of the streets so everyone can see them. they're cooking bodies eating them. things are so barbaric your mind can't even go there and this is going on on a daily basis one of our familyings that was being evacuated we have delays with the weather with our aircraft. the next -- that night they went home, brother that took them home took
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a bullet to the head so these -- these things are just happening over and over again literally on my phone real time you know the state department and embassy in haiti about that great. getting access to a lot of different things and so i'm getting real time information there with the helicopter shot at, yesterday, we just got reports on, shot one person through the helicopter. so these gangs have military grade weapons. they've got body armor, and so, they've taken over this town. pete: jack thanks for everything you're doing and we want to continue to highlight it especially on easter. the people you are saving in real time, because of your faith because of your commitment to our country also to christ. glory to god, and we're out of time but i want to thank you for everything that you do jack. >> thank you too for your serviceman, this is no different now than these people there. you know what this means god bless you guys, fox and "fox &
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friends" for always having my back. >> jack brewer foundation, worth noting by the way, that jack has been in haiti for -- over two decades so like he knows the area this is somebody who is on the ground this isn't a new thing for him so a good place to put your money if you want to help out. >> leaving americans stranded is a policy of the biden administration he mentioned ukraine and afghanistan saying why haven't we -- done in haiti what we did we didn't do anything there either that's the problem especially in afghanistan. pete: guys like scottman stepping up now jack brewer in haiti. rachel: americans. pete: we're celebrating hope of easter sunday. >> robert jeffress joins with us a message that all of the faithful should hear on this holy day. joey: first a message from the archbishop cardinal dolan. >> cardinal timothy dolan i
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walked down from cathedral and we need a little christmas at this very moment. i think we need a little easter right this very moment. because it looks we're all kind of thinking that good friday is in charge. the darkness, the death, evil revenge that we saw on good friday it seems to have gripped our planet. certainly seems to have gripped new york, and that doesn't have the last word. we're all about easter. we're all about life. and mercy, and hope, and spring, and goodness and virtue that's what it is all about that's what's going to have a last word what rises from the tomb we need it.god? a blessed easter. atter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now.
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pete: this morning millions around the globe celebrating hope of easter sunday and our next guest argues today provides the answer to life's most important question. fox news contributor first baptist church senior pastor robert jeffress joins us with his easter message pastor thanks so much for being with us what is that important answer to the most important question. great to have you. >> well, the most important question is in life is the one that in the old testament if a person dies will he live again and when you think about it that is the bottom line question of our existence is this life all that there is, or is there something better that awaits us? and easter has the answer to that question. there is something better for those who know christ. in my op-ed this morning why easter matters, i quote paul, the progolfer he talked about his christian faith he said my christian faith dunts answer all of my questions it doesn't solve
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all of any problems but it does answer the most important problem we all face the problem of the six foothold you know we're all going to face that six foothold one day but the answer is jesus i am the resurrection and the life he who believes in me, though, he were dead yet live again that's the hope of the easter. pete: what would you say to people saying hey how do i apply that today and live that through -- so that i build that relationship with christ? >> well, i think it's first of all important to note that this -- message isn't just an apen to christian message but the fact that christ died for our sins, was proven by the resurrection. if jesus had just remained in the grave he would have died for his own sins but one person said, easter is god's amen to christ it is finished and we lived every day in the knowledge
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that one day we're going to see god we're going meet him and we ought to be prepared for that event. pete: these days are pretty businessies you look at the white house it feels upside down easter egg rolls where you can't acknowledge faith transday on easter what do you say to people when they look at that contrast. >> look, my desecrating holist day on the christian calendar joe biden has succeeded in offends every true christian in the world. but here's the good news for some of us by signing that proclamation, he was signing his own political death warrant and i think ensured that donald trump a true friend of christians will be reelected. but pete i think it is important for us to say christians don't hate people who are suffering from gender confusion, we believe they ought to be treated compassionately, but they need to be treated. and not encouraged to follow
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their emotional illness. i think christians ought to continue to show the distinctiveness of what god's word says from what the world says. >> pastor robert jeffress thank you for sharing a little bit of your time before your service. >> appreciate it. >> happy easter pete. thank you. pete: all right heartbreak and anger yesterday as new york said good-bye to nypd detective jonathon diller we talk to two community leaders from diller native long island as his widow pleads for change. >> how many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? - we're engaged! - we're engaged! congrats carol! your youngest finally popped the question. but now, you're really going to have to get those new dentures. after all, you need a smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. just for you! and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest
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fatally shot by career criminal. who never should have been on the streights, our next guest were both at the funeral yesterday, nasa county police commissioner pat ryder executive bruce blakeman join us nows. gentlemen thank you for being here i know yesterday was incredibly difficult day for you hopefully today is better it is easter, it's a day of remembering that we can be resurrected from things like this. pat i'll go to you first when we look at that eulogy and what the family had to say even with brian kilmeade all day yesterday it seemed like sent account was what can we do protect our police officers explain to us what that looks like. >> well right now first of all happy easter and thank you for having us on this morning. right now, the same people who want to judge us are same people that don't want to do our jobs. they're making laws up in albany that are affecting us hurting our him in law enforcement we're no longer protecting good guys we're about protecting the bad guys. yesterday his wife would break
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your heart listening to the eulogy and if you saw the outpouring of support that came from communities from law enforcement from all over the country they came and support to show that you take one of ours we come back and remain strong united that's what law enforcement stands for. >> i love that and particular police officers there from all over the country bruce i want to go to you as a leader of the community looking at -- i guess the different politicians that came in and tried to speak or tried to see the family, right there was drama yesterday and i don't to belittle importance of the day by getting too far into that but how do you think the community feels about its leaders and what they need changed? >> well first of all happy easter. and -- i agree with commissioner ryder stephanys eulogy was the fact that enough is enough. how many more police officers have to die?
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and you have to wonder, why these left wing politicians choose evil over good and that's what they're doing. they're choosing robbers and murderers, over good people. people who are protecting our communities, and it's got to stop and i'm seeing everywhere throughout our county where people are saying, we've had enough. we've had enough of these policies. we need to get back to principles of good versus evil. and i think that's very, very important. >> commissioner -- being in charge of a police force being the person that applies policy and being in a position of leadership among those that are out protecting us, when an instant like this whats not necessarily in the community that you were in yesterday. but as an nypd officer just anyone many this area, are there policies that needing to change as far as how police officer does his or her job to keep them safe or is that not even an option? >> so we live in a county in
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nassau county great leadership by executive executive and great support of our local politicians. but when you put laws into place that don't protect the men and women it hurts, it hurts morale it hurts in ways that you motivate the members who do the job. but we're out there, as we were yesterday in the last couple of days showing our support showing that we're united showing us that communities that we live in stand with us in nassau county. policies and procedures are the easy part. we -- we dictate our policies and procedures but you can't make policy that is against what the law says and right now, in the world of reform and discovery it hurts the way we go and do our cases. pete: bruce last question to you. we're looking at this we're looking at a community that came together yesterday. joey: i mean in the moment of pure sadness it was something for the rest of us to see but also police officers there from all over the country do you feel
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those that stand in the gap and protect us more resolute than ever after seeing that yesterday? >> i really do. i think that it's a brotherhood and sisterhood of law enforcement professionals who really care about each other more importantly they care about the community. and here in nassau county our residents love the cops we're not like other parts of the country where the cops are in conflict with the communities that they protect. we love our cops. and we support our cops. and we back the blue. joey: gentlemen thank you both for joining us it seems as a guy from georgia who works here nassau county may be a diamond in the rough and it was really touching moment to sees your community come together yesterday. and, obviously, we miss, we miss the officer we miss all of the fallen officers thank you both for continuing to serve. >> thank you. >> god bless happy easter. joey: all right rachels to it over to you. rachel: thanks joey now to your headlines starting with this. firefighters battling a massive
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blaze. that destroyed an apartment complex in california overnight several lost their homes in the three alarm fire. thankfully, firefighters say everyone living there was evacuated and no injuries were reported. the investigators are working to find out what caused the blaze. tuberculosis cases spiking to highest levels in a decade last year. i wonder why according to the cdc who says more than 9,600 cases were reported compared to the 8300 reported in 2022. that's an increase of more than 1,000 cases. the study includes people who are infected with lateen tb which is not contagious. >> people heading to maine to see the eclipse on april 8th can now catch another wonder from outer space. states largest airport is now displaying second largest piece of the moon on earth. it is all in their newly opened
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exhibit called fly me to the moon. they're also displaying samples from the planet mars. the portland international jet port will have them for the next five years and those are your headlines. let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz for our easter sunday fox weather forecast. adam it is a little chilly. adam: a little chilly but happy as there's some energy. yeah. yeah we're feeling good i saw ohio out here, mississippi out here ire sland out here somewhere. this guy was just in south korea yesterday. people from all over the place out here enjoying fox square really is nice. let's dive into those temperatures across the country. currently sitting right around 50 degrees here in new york city. warm across the eastern half of the country couple of weather spots particularly across portions of the west and storms in the midwest as well. here are storms out west where
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you're talking about snow with higher elevations and leave you with easter sunday forecast particularly nice across southern half of the country where temperatures are climbing up closer to 80 degrees. back out here on fox square everybody, we're about to toss it back in. can i get a big happy easter as we do a wave -- >> happy easter. i should have counted you down that was my bad one, two, lee -- >> happy easter that was my fault. happy easter. rachel: thanks adam happy easter to all of them. more "fox & friends" still ahead. ♪ ♪
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute...
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are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. pete: it is a festive easter morning mere on fox square. rachel: it is time for some delicious food here with some quick ideas how to make your easter brunch better a celebrity chef with george duran. colors everything for easter. we're going to start with a little bit of breakfast. >> today i've made carrot cake pancakes plant based with farms organic almond so taking beautiful organic almond milk with no oil or gum simple ingredients make it from scratch and popping with a little bit of shredded carrots on top so a
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little bit of this plant based also cream cheese that goes on top. it is delicious also i made these lovely lavender milk shakings because this is almond creamer floral with brown sugar and have nil la and only plant based organic. >> can i put sprinkles on top? >> come on let's balance things out. saving room for the salmon this is amazing. this is norwegian world largest producer of atlantic salmon farms from norway and ireland but this is a puffed pastry so you can start grabbing these. this is a puffed pastry bottom to turn into a brunch. >> i put salmon row on top of that. so lovely salmon and place it on top. you see marbling and this recipe
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is at moe mowi salmon. >> this next one seems creative this is easter butter but not just butter tell us about this. >> this is clarified butter called ghee it is in the refrigerator yiel so i've made a new butter board, richer delicious buttery with spray and fourth and heart is known for having flavor. so what i did was i put dried strawberries or vanilla popped it into a board that looks like an easter egg. this is my auntie vicky her easter bread she made and sent just for me and we actually spread it -- dip it in there. rachel: why ghee and not butter? >> you can have a higher smoking point so you can actually saute
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with it. >> you can do that with a steak. >> i did with that and i used that butter so really convenient to have it now you can bake with it and it comes in stick format this is a great idea for easter. >> no milk but but it is butter so lactose free. >> been around forever. but mowe salmon and find me all over the web. >> thank you. rachel: don't go anywhere rapping up with christian music star matthew west that's straight ahead. stay with us on this easter. ♪ ♪ if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others
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