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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  March 30, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. pete: it is the 7:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this. remember this venezuela illegal immigrant who was urging other illegals to squat in unoccupied
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homes of u.s. citizens? well, took them awhile but ice caught up with him. joey: and inside look at the ritzy celebritying paying up to $500 to attend. rachel: game changer in the football world and usfl kicks off on fox. seconded hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ joey: good morning, that's florence, california. i bet it's a lot warmer there than here. pete: do you know where that is? joey: looks coastal and probably close to the coast. i don't know that. but south carolina is a great state. it's like georgia's little brother. pete: wonderful state.
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joey: we love it. pete: we were there for the primaries and didn't want to leave. joey: politicians in south carolina always in the news and important. very rambunctious. trey gowdy. nikki haley. i couldn't remember her name. i kid. she's just not running anymore. rachel: i wanted to mention, i talked to you on the 6:00 about the cat photo. i want to pull it up for you right now. pete: do we have it? rachel: this is my mom's cat reading some sort of patriotic book. pete: impressive looking cat. joey: that cat is doing nothing less than plotting to kill everyone in that house thinking i will riot. pete: well down. rachel: good job, yaya. pete: in the off the wall segment, there's a graphic of me on a tractor.
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true to form. we love our cats. joey: you have a tractor? pete: working on it. joey: oh, come on. pete: my neighbor tells me like, dude, when are you going to get a tractor? we've had to borrow his three times in the last month. joey: you need a skid steer. rachel: some going to natural rights approaches for a cup of flour and are sugar, you borrow a tractor. pete: frank, he's awesome. thank you for hook me up. joey: i need a frank. pete: we all need a frank. he's been teaching me a lot of things about doing the farming stuff. it's been pretty good. moving onto the news this morning. remember this, we talked about in the introduction to this hour, venezuela illegal that took to tiktok and you remember the video and we'll try to get it in a moment. tiktok video saying if you're here illegally, squat in people's housing and great way to get a free house in addition to all the money and other benefits they give you in the united states, this guy said how do you do that? breaking in morning he was arrested finally by ice.
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it's not clear, interesting because ice had to prioritize people with criminal records and i don't know if he committed a crime or got onto him because of the tiktok. pete: he was already wanted for a crime. rachel: he was fine and doing this across it because i'm on spanish social media too and i was getting these videos before they started coming onto fox. here's the real crime. you know the movie fight club. the first rule about fight club you don't talk about fight club. the first rule about breaking into our country and getting welfare because he has these videos on have babies, this little baby here, she's gotten me this much money and checks from the government and your tax dollars. the first rule about breaking into the country, do not talk about how easy it is to break into the country and get free money from the taxpayers. that's the job of the cartels and ngos. they do that very quietly on the
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fly. this guy is now in trouble for basically spilling the beans. ice went after him. that's why. joey: talking about ice going after him, it isn't like ice is flushed with resources. i want to show this video of bill melugin doing a ride along with ice officers and they explained how difficult it is to do their job. reporter: every single one of them is a felony in the commonwealth and that was here in massachusetts. nice takes down the target and charged with aggravated child rape. minutes later ice arrest a columbian international charged with the rape of a child above average 14. >> i don't have enough officers or resources to tackle every one of these people. are we going after the child rapest today or going after the two times deported fentanyl dealer because we can't get both. pete: this is an organization that this administration and
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many apart have p toddies mantle and want to get rid of it. rachel: aoc started her whole campaign on getting rid of ice. pete: the core said we shouldn't have the officials that are deporting illegals. this is boston and they're having to execute all these raids is boston is a sanctuary city. because you can't -- the ice detainers are not recognized, if someone is arrested or they're not handed over to ice, then they're released so then these american citizens, brave americans that do their job in the rain in the middle of the night in boston, have to risk their lives to go find child rapists who could have been handed to them but because it's a sanctuary city, child rapists are let government and then they have to prioritize. rachel: should we get the child rapest or the guy selling fentanyl. they don't have enough resources. joey: they reach out and hang on we're on the way and they
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consciously decide to let them go before they get there and risk their life in a raid. what's important is a lot of people had reservations about the border bill and took heat and 20,000 or however many border patrol agents they'd hire, they're not ice agents going and finding criminals and locking them up, those were people to handle federal processing. that's the important thing that republicans didn't do a good job explaining those with the bill. that's where we need more people and resources because the federal government can't do their job breaking their back and abiding by the law and the brave people that pull them out of these cities. rachel: this is a processing bill and this is a fake bill that actually gives more money to the ngos and refunds them to the tune of billions of dollars and also hires more border patrol and they made that case and the media went with the democrats of the story and it
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was oh, these guys say they want to do border patrol and they don't like our bill. pete: these people getting caught and that's what this election is ultimately about in 2024 and have more of that you see on your screen. do you want border patrols to do your jobs and enforced ice agents and have the ability to go after both of the fentanyl dealers and the child rapists and we've got resources to protect the internal portions of the country. pete: they were seen and caught stumping on the national guardsman's knee and break it and desperate people going for the video like that and the contrast of 2024 and they took
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three, two former u.s. presidents and one current president to raise 25 million at radio city music hall. they sold it out. pete: they call it had a grassroots fundraiser and affording the $100,000 tickets. >> how do you describe what's at stake in that election? >> democracy is at stake. not a joke. democracy is literally at stake. look, i wasn't going to run in 2020 because i just lost my son beau a little earlier. till i watched what happened
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down in virginia when those folks came out of the fields carrying torches and natzi flags and accompanied by white supremacists and a young woman was killed, a bystander. when the president was, former president was asked what he thought of that he said they're very fine people on both sides. he wants to get rid of the ability of anyone anywhere in america to ever choose. all the things he's doing are so old. charlie: by the way, at this event, he doubled down on abortion. so on holy thursday, on holy thursday, went to this instead of the funeral of a fallen hero just down the road and then went in and said the reason why you need to vote for me is because i'm going to fight for abortion as well. but hall lambert, he's from point bridge. he's the founder of point bridge capital and he's also a mega donor on the right. he had some thoughts about this
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fundraiser because $25 million is a pretty eye watering amount of money. it's a lot of money. it'll make a big difference in joe biden's quarter of fundraising and you talked about take ago lot of people to get him to 25 million. lizzo and every celebrity. this guy says this is a really bad sign. one, he said that joe biden couldn't sit alone just listen. >> i would say this, i think it's a -- having the celebrities there and having to have the former presidents there says a lot about biden's efforts to be able to raise money on his own. i don't think he'd come close to that number of $25 million had he not had all the celebrities and not the former presidents there. he really needs them there to be able to communicate and talk to the guests and entertain and it's difficult to do at this point. it's a bad sign. >> president trump is having a fundraiser shortly and the money was due in bit end of the quarter because again, this is
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all about march 30th, end of the quarter reporting. he's going to have over $25 million raised at his fundraiser and he doesn't have anybody else showing up there, super stars to help him raise it. he's doing it on his own. rachel: yeah, that's a good point. donald trump does all of his stuff on his own and he knows celebrity help. joe biden needs a lot of support. joey: he is a celebrity and he is a super star. trump was a super star before he was president and brings that to the table already. i don't know that he needs it. even in the last election, he got a lot of like lil wayne and rapers cape out and endorsed -- came out and endorsed president trump. he doesn't need these. we learn and know because they're one of us. that's who trump needs to campaign with. rachel: money matters though, joey. joey: the best thing is lizzo said she's done.
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pete: retiring. that should have been our lead. went out on top with bill clinton on stage. rachel: the two have similar problems. joey: we're going to close that book and turn now to your headlines. as fears over russian aggression grow, polish prime minister donald tusk is urging european nations to invest more in their defense giving this stark warning, says war is no longer a concept from the past. i know it sounds devastating, especially for the younger generation, but we have to get used to the fact that new era has begun and the prewar era. in a recent air strike on ukraine, russian missile briefly breached polish air space. russian administer vive handing a huge batch of e-mails to the agency about the bidens. providing 200 e-mails totaling
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nearedly 6,000 pages to oversight chair james co comberd include pseudonyms and claims by the national archives are central to the ongoing gop-led impeachment inquiry. we're getting closer. rachel: the big guy. pete: i forgot what it was. now it was very specific and a couple of opening day makeup games and some are important and things getting heated between the mets and brewers between a hard slot. >> down to third and chance for two and second for one and tough pickup for mcneil and sliding for second base. hard feelings. pete: clearing after he slams
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into jeff mcneil getting angry over what he feels is a dirty play and did it every day. the hoes kins mobbing mcneil in the universal cry baby sign and they live to play another day. put ago beat down on fillies in atlanta. atlanta braves winning their home opener 9-3. they're so american and native american. keep it here, hall of famer john shmoltz, atlanta brave joining us to show his prediction and those are your headlines in the braves on top of game. pete: do braves fans feel like that and they're mesh's team. pete: we had another topic but
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they took it away from us. it was about a man camp so maybe we'll talk ted cruz it later. rachel: let's come back. that was such a good one. pete: we'll come back to it later. we'll get it back n. for now, a 24-year-old trucker taking the internet by storm and making the case against higher education and we'll talk to him this hour. joey: thousands of people paying respects to follow nypd officer including donald trump and more from long island ahead of today's funeral. i broke four generations of family tradition... ma, i want to make perfume! ♪ so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing her maximum refund. intuit turbotax.
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just an idea of what he's passing and the way he lost his life has done to this town. for the last three days, this entire road is shut down in long island. we have police officers coming in as far as dallas, texas. they've got arkansas, notice from chicago. they expect maybe as many as 100,000 to come down. all this entire block is strewn with flags. one-half mile away is the funeral home. and in that funeral home, a lot of drama, a lot of emotion, especially with stephanie, the 31-year-old widow of jonathan diller who realizes she has a 1-year-old and is totally on their own. they made it clear, they did not want politicians here that are not kind to the cops. this is a blue blood family. her brother and uncle are police officers. this town is full of fire fighters and police officers. but that didn't stop governor
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hochul from showing up yesterday. she unfortunately did not have the patience to wait in the private family viewing with the casket open, and she wanted to storm her way in. details clashed and the funeral director came in and quickly closed the casket, at which time she got blasted by the family and you'll see some video, perhaps roll it in now or later when she was in the versus frequency ran data committee being -- veranda being confronted by her grandfather's uncle saying i have to tell you, your policies have put blood on your hands. the policies of this city and state have cost jonathan diller his life. the emotions raw when alvin bragg came in and was blasted by friends and family because of his soft on crime policies and clamped down on danny penny who tried to putted donald trump in jail and let criminals go wild. some of the confrontation and emotion including mayor adams
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and heard expletives turned his way and turned around with a sea of blew and went out again. this is some of the drama that's taken place and this town and it's really, really hit home and jonathan diller is the ninth police officers to lose his life in the line of duty and one of the best with 70 collars and three citations in three years on the job. i talked to lee zeldin and a popular politician from this area and mindset of the politicians coming here thinking it's going to be a photo opportunistic, listen. >> getting outside of new york city and bluest conditions in new york and manhattan or queens or bronx or brooklyn, there's a whole other part of the state that are red and more conservative and not happy with the far left policies coming out of a place like new york city or albany or washington dc. reporter: so lee zeldin is somebody that got within four points of the governorship and
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the g guaiac septembered was the -- guy that's that god accepted was the governor. he got a rousing welcome and talked to him about what it meant to be here. >> the family's devastated, the police force is devastated. the whole country feels this way. it's happening more and more and a lack of respect for law and order and we have to have law and order back in our country and we're going to. the restrictions put on the police are so incredible, they're protecting the criminal and not the police. pete: brian, incredible report. first of all, to see where the funeral will be and get a sense of the context and overwhelming support. what was it about this particular killing that has brought it such prominence? both the simplicity of the stop?
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the brutality of the action? vascularizedvalor of the indivi? the policies? just all come together and get kathy hochul showing up and run out of town. reporter: everything every day and guy rivera and he's been arrested, two stints in jail, had 21 different violations, he's a career criminal who had a gun one year after being off probation and was about to, it looks like, knock off one of the buildings and the guy drive asking a named killer. it's everything we talk about, don't put criminals in jail and empty out rikers island and it's a major prison. at the same time you've got a marine like danny penny that has to save a bunch of people on the subway, and he's being tried. it's all wrapped up in the death of jonathan diller. rachel: brian, this is your neck of the woods, you understand the people there. has this situation, what pete
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just described seeing kathy hochul as he said run out of town, do you think this is resinating maybe with people that did support katie hochul? who did, you know, maybe were a little more ambivalent about maybe this might work. are you seeing a change, not in your community but in new york, you know, area in general? is there a change if their feelings about crime and how it should be handled? reporter: i hope so. she has tried to pull back on the bail reform, push back from left wingers in the state. also mayor adams has also said, guys, you've got to let me put people in prison. he's not pushed hard enough in my view, but getting pushback from the people in this state. just to show you how really numb to the reality. governor hochul asked to speak today in st. rose and eulogize officer diller and so did
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letitia james and were rejected by the family. isn't that insane? it's just nuts. they're trying in some diabolical way saying we're tough on crime too, but nobody is buying it. joey: can't have it both ways. pete: what an interesting detail in a lot of great on the ground information. brian, we're going to come back to you later in the show as well. thank you so much. thanks for doing this for us on a saturday. rachel: great stuff. pete: really appreciate it. you can feel it, brian is such an authentic guy, and then when you see him in his hometown there, he knows a lot of these people and can get the access and talk to them, we're going to get the real scoop today of how peel feel. joey: and we're grateful brian is invited to be there. pete: yeah, for sure. afterwomen in new york speak out about being punched in the face randomly, the new york times is being slammed for their response? we'll show it to you. rachel: yeah. but first, one viral 24-year-old trucker making the case for his profession instead of going to
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college, this is what he says, next. >> do this job for a couple years and work really, really, really hard, save your money so that way you can actually retire early. h approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. believe it or not baby... you could earn your... master's... for under 11 thousand! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. earn your competency - based master's at university of phoenix. hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo.
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caseworks total of seven tiktok viewers were punched in a span. none of them were connected and social media users calling out the new york types for suggesting the victims are "stoking anxiety about street crime in new york city and the
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times posted this instagram post claiming these incidents have"the intention to fuel a misleading impression of crime". not very pro women in that post. a cup until california tried filling in the potholes in their neighborhood before the city of compton officials ordered them to stop. they say the city ignored their pleas and they posted to social media and the city is threatening to fine them saying your actions raised serious concerns as they pose a threat to public safety and integrity of our city's infrastructure. wow. the white house easter egg prohibit the national guard from
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turning to designs with religious themes and the event says the submission must not include any questionable content. religious symbols and overtly religious themes and particle statements. just the easter bunny and eggs. no mention of jesus and the resurrection. sad. and those are your headlines. check in with meteorologist adam klotz for our fox weather forecast. adam. reporter: good morning, rachel. a lot of folks will be pretty happy looking at easter weekend forecast and pleasant out here on fox square warmer weather on the way too and the temperatures to begin with and you do notice in the eastern half of the country, 40s, 50s, in some cases 60s and colder in the west and more 30s out that direction and couple big weather systems we're tracking that are sweeping across the country, certainly something to pay attention to. one in the midwest, you're seeing big storms across indiana moving into ohio and parts of michigan. out west that's a real weather maker and there's a lot of moisture running into southern
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california. some flooding risk from los angeles to san diego and forecast for today that rainmaker stretching into the mountains and seeing snow and i'll leave you with your easter sunday forecast and, yeah, some snowy conditions and rainy conditions out west and rain in the midwest and south, southeast looking beautiful and mostly clear and those are your headlines. joey, back inside and over to you. joey: thanks, adam. thanks for the weather. now here's a truck driver with 1.5 million followers on social media telling his viewers why driving is his dream job. >> why am i a truck driver? you get to travel the country for free. my country pays for everything. all the fuel, repairs, everything. trucking pays pretty well. for a job that requires zero college, you can expect to make 50,000 your first year and only
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up from there. joey: that's alex the trucking guy and he joins me now. thank you for joining us. i respect these videos you're putting out. tell us about your job and why you love it so much. >> yeah, i started getting into trucking because i was watching youtube videos and scrolling at home during the pandemic and originally i wanted to do van life but then after watch state of georgia many videos, i thought well, this is kind of like van life except i get to do it on someone else's dime, on a company's dime because i don't own the truck, they pay for all the fuel, if something breaks down, they pay and you're cruising and traveling for free. it's awesome. joey: you drive for a trucking company so you're not an owner/operator, many are. in the world of trucking today, we've seen the energy costs go up tremendously over the last two years, really. do you feel like the price of diesel has bent into your
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paycheck or feel like you could make more if energy were cheaper? >> oh, yea. trucking companies have definitely since i've gotten in the industry, they've decreased their pay to counter act the high prices in diesel, but also the low shipping rates. companies are really under pressure, a lot of them are going out of business. joey: yeah, there's a lot of freight out there and do you feel the importance of your job when you're drive ago truck across the country, do you feel like you're apart of this system and integral part people rely on you and medicine and other things have to get to a place. >> yes, the american economy is run by truck and literally everything you see in a grocery store got there because of a sttruck driver. joey: it's a great alternative to college but it still takes
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schooling. what is it. >> you have to go through cdl school or trucking school. for me it was three months but the great thing about it is so many companies, starting companies are in need of drivers, they will actually pay for your trucking school, which is what happened to me so i didn't have to come out of pocket $5,000 and pay for hotels and pay for food every day. so it was an easy ticket in. then once you're in, it's just profit because you don't pay for house or mortgage or anything. joey: plainly spoken and explaining your experience and people are responding. we have politics involved and biden administration wants through the epa crackdown on diesel trucks part of climate change and reduce emissions and do it by getting electric trucks and look up at a tesla truck going 300 miles on a charge and i imagine a freight truck would be less. would that be detrimental on the job.
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>> interesting what the epa is doing and putting extremely high standards and i have notes written down here. they said they want to reduce the emissions in sleepers by the year 2032, which is pretty dramatic change in what that will do, i believe, is force the industry to look for new technologies and whether that technology be through internal combustion engines, plug in hybrids, hydrogens or full electric, i honestly don't know and it's a race to see who can meet those epa standards quickest. i will say i do like what elon musk is doing and i'm rooting for him. hopefully we see that. joey: alex, you're an optimist, man. you're always looking on the positive side. thank you so much for putting message out there and hope people see it and inspired by it and i love the fact that you love your job and found a way to make it happen, the american
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dream, alex the trucking guy, take care, man. >> thank you, you too. joey: all right, vietnam veterans teeming up with a film maker to bring viewers inside their experience of war. in this surrounding service, we're talking to the men behind the project, next. ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! jorge has always put the ones he loves first.
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pete: they're seeking to sled light on the truths and myths of the vietnam war. >> we brought home a group of fighting men that fought as bravely and well as many americans much of what's within the schools and universities and neither factual or complete.
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>> joining me now, is jim dickson and allen and members of atlanta business veteran's association and foundation. and documentary producer david. they're all joining me this morning. thank you for joining us. jim and allen, thank you for your service and making in film. jim, i'll start with you, what are some of the truths and myths and all you do. >> the vietnam war for future generations and we consider it our enduring legacy for the future generations, and we feel that the film provides thing from and the lessons learned -- the information and lessons learned that veterans provide for the vietnam war and that's why we decided to make it. pete: before i go to you, one of
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the thins is the way the wharves reported on and walter cronkite being one of those. watch this. >> first and simplistically. >> walter con cite made another very different -- walter con cronkite made a very different report from new york. >> that shaped the way america viewed the war. pete: someone is telling you you're on "fox & friends" right now. allen, that report from walter cronkite changed the view of how americans saw the war. >> if you listen to the news back then, walter cronkite was
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the most crusted man in america and lbj said if i've lost walter cronkite, i've lost the american people. that's when the tone of the american people, the attitude of the american people changed right about then and the vietnam, the north ultimately won the war through a propaganda effort, and that propaganda effort was substantially assisted by this change in attitude of the american people. the soviet union spent more money funding the media than the war effort. pete: didn't know that the. antiwar fund was funded by the enemies during the war in vietnam. >> through a middleman and intermediaries like the national counsel of churches and things like that. pete: interest.
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david, you made this film. talk to us about why you did. >> when i met jim and allen a couple years ago, i was writing and directing a film and liberator and of course he's the president of vietnam killed in the coup that ushers us through the vietnam war and layers of misinformation and distortions of the vietnam war and they approached me about directing this film and i jumpedded at the opportunity and for too long we've only herd one side of the story and it sets the record straight and both through hollywood and academia and an idea that are sympathetic to communism. this is setting the record straight. pete: fantastic. thank you for taking on the project and it's very cool and jim and allen. thank you for setting the record straight and enduring legacy and joey and i talking about people that are involved in the iraq and afghanistan post 9/11 effort and the truth of what you're
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fighting for and the truth about the vietnam war and getting it for free and visit the administration and check out the film. thank you all for joining us and jim and anl, welcome home. good bless you. there's the website and thank you for your service to our country. we appreciate you. >> thank you. pete: happy vietnam veteran's day. count down to ufl season opener on fox and abby hornacek is live in arlington, texas, catching passes before the big game. look at that. boom. i think we'll cover it. no doubt about that.: th ♪ ng her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you.
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pete: checking in with abby hornacek. reporter: hey, guys, what's going on. i got the guy there and talk
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ahead of the big game later today and what makes arlington such a great hub city for this league. >> what doesn't. we are first of all centrally located here in the dallas ft. worth area and centrally located in the united states, 15 minutes from dfw airport. we have six professional sports teams played here, and everything anybody could ever want is right here in walking distance. reporter: right, and the fans get what they want with all eight teams here and what does it take to prepare for something like this? the united football league? >> it take as community. saying it take as village to raise a kid but it takes that here. the good thing about arlington and what goes on here is we understand relationships and there's no better relationships for this.
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what are you most excited for? >> usfl bring as real sense of community and they come out and tailgate and feel like they're a part of the game. they're sitting close and that's what's special about this. you're watching hungry players. >> he let me get out here and feel the punt and it was nerve wracking and about 45 minutes since i put a uniform on. reporter: you ran to the end zone? >> no, only about 10 yards and everyone was cheering i caught one. reporter: we'll see you on the field later today then? >> i don't think coach stoops will let me play but i'll take a
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win here today. that's what i take. >> field ago punt is is a good play. watch the usfl and we'll come back and we appreciate it. >> rachel: thank you, abby. faith and friends concert city back this we havcee a performance live. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ in theaters now. emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back.
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rachel: t the 8:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this. a sea of blue to ash


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