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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  March 30, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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>> i'll be the paddy. sorry, i need a cigarette. all right.on volcano eruptingt of in frontrn of the northern lights. >> oh, really? are and bari don't know what tl lights are. >> and i barely know what a volcanca o but this was in iceland, and it is just beautifualso beal. wife also tonight, billy ray and his do w. >> fire cyrus. 8:00 eastern. do we have timime? >> a little lead. punxsutawney phil and his wife that do groundhog ♪ the star-spangled banner]
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♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] rachel: good morning. it is 6:00 a.m. on the east coast in new york
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city. i'm here with joey and pete, joe is in for will, pete is back. pete: good morning good, thanks for having me. it is a sharp looking suit. joey: i'm true to my roots. rachel: the last photo, dad holding up the flag is how you teach. pete: it was a marine corps iwo jima re-creation. before it was a kid there. they are not going to be patriotic unless you teach them about america. we love getting your photos. pete: rachel: when you were gone you asked my mom. pete: i was gone for one weekend. rachel: my mom sent in her cat photo. it was a cat with a flag.
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the flag was reading like the constitution or something. pete: e rack that tomorrow. joey: that might be a cat worth following. i am not going to tell the story. i will get in trouble. it is a cat story. a realistic story. a later our cat story. we will move on to this. ac of blue, last salute to fallen nyc the -- nypd officer jonathan diller. he was killed when he was shot when conducting a traffic stop monday. a career criminal with prior arrests was charged. rachel: hundreds line the streets near the funeral rome paying their respects to the fallen officer. his wife and his one-year-old son. joey: there was an emotional
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moment of silence before the new york mets home opening game yesterday. thank the team for their tribute and support. it is amazing. not long ago we were looking at sports, kneeling for the anthem and things like that. to see that is a good thing, we should point that out. pete: fitting as is the cover of the new york post which went with the straightforward cover that says finest, making the argument even anti-cop politicians should show up at the funeral given what happened to governor kathy hochul at the wake, many might be reconsidering that. governor kathy hochul was part of the bail laws that led to the release of criminals like this much more quickly. when she attended, she was only there for ten minutes. witnesses say diller's widow was having none of it. had a tense exchange with the governor. it looked like she was telling
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hochul off. didn't look like the widow had a kind word to say. early for the governor's office saying she attended the wake to honor the loss of officer diller to officer condolences for family and loved ones dealing with unimaginable grief. i can see the cops position. and they put it out even one of the unions said don't show up. you guys have done enough, caused enough grief. don't come. if you don't know. you get hit and if you do go you have something like this which is embarrassing to her, but she should be embarrassed about what she's done. joey: i won't play devils advocate but i'm going to say this. i took a step back and looked at this. we don't know what the
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conversation was. i imagine the family after meeting with trump, anyone to bring added publicity or press or make anything look like it was for political reasons. you have a whole day of other networks talking about donald trump like he wasn't genuine i will say this. i believe donald trump's trip was genuine. he was there because he cared. he is running for president. the people in charge of the city, the governor and the mayor, in their own way tried to swing right or towards the middle, people in the city at the state are seeing what is happening. this is what you want from politicians. you want them to show up in a place that could be uncomfortable for them to face the truth of their decisions. regardless what her motivations were i hope she saw the pain her policies can cause and effect how she governs moving forward. that's what we want. maybe he got a photooptical out of it.
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maybe it was good for his campaign but it is going to influence his personal decisions if and when he becomes president and same for her as governor. this is what we want. we want them to show up at if somebody told her off, i don't know that happened, but if so, you have to believe the human being and is influenced by that. pete: we will see if it influences her. two things can be true at the same time. it was right for her to show up and it was right for the widow to say what she wanted to say. we will have brian kilmeade to fill us in. he will have information what that exchange may have been. you mentioned donald trump, brian talked to him yesterday and here is what he said about his presence at diller's wake. >> when i was leaving, paid respects to the family, most magnificent view of the wife, the grandmother, mother and
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everybody, everybody is there but jonathan. what a scene. when i was leaving, driving down the road, it felt like we were driving for miles, there were men and women in blue, they were going for such a period, that's a lot of people. may be you were on that journey with us. that was a long blue line, a long blue line indeed. they have respect for this family, they have respect for what jonathan meant and to me the most brave people. it is getting worse and worse for police because we are not taking care of them. we are not allowing them to do their job properly. if you think about it, the man is arrested 20 one times, he's a killer, we have to have law and order and people repeat, this isn't a repeat offender, this is ridiculous.
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joey: the simplicity of the interaction underscores the dangerous part of the job, the ridiculousness of the policies that let someone like that be in his position. i couldn't imagine getting in trouble 21 times, not believing i'm going to be thrown under the jail. rachel: before we move on to the next topic. this moment is going to be a critical moment politically as well because the visual of donald trump, his instinct to go there and be there. people say you see a lot of things. you love this country and he loves law enforcement and that was a natural reaction to do that and on the other side of town he was asked to come and he was going to be there.
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the invitation says everything. pete: the white house says you weren't invited, that's the problem, the reason you were invited. rachel: $25 million just across the street here, those $25 million, $26 million will not undo the image that's now seared in our head, who cares about law enforcement, who cares about everyday citizens and crime and who cares about a bunch of people we don't care about. >> another thing president biden made clear he cares about is climate change. he said it in his opening statement, listed along with roe versus wade as climate change a big issue. the white house continuing to deliver on more regulations that will save the planet. a new one for you this one, white house climate czar
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advisor, new epa regulations cracking down on diesel trucks, epa standards complement president biden's unprecedented investment in workers and communities to reduce harmful emissions, strengthening manufacturing capacity for transportation technology over the future by tackling pollution from heavy duty vehicles which can unlock extra ordinary public health climate and economic gains, written by someone from the ivy league. joey: talking about diesel trucks, our driver diesel truck but this is about freight trucks, this is about how you get your medicine, how you get your medical supplies, your food, strawberries in the winter, they can come from california. this is the backbone of our country, to attack it in any way even if it's not an attack will disrupt the country in a way i don't think people are prepared for. even our youngest generation is starting to understand this, a clip from a guy who calls
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himself alex the trucking guy and he talks about the trucking industry and why it is so important and a good opportunity for young americans. >> it's the only job you travel the country completely for free. my company pays for everything. all the fuel i get, repairs, every thing. trucking pays pretty well. for a job that requires 0 college you can expect to make $50,000 your first year. do the job for a couple years, work really really really hard, save your money, so that way you can retire early. >> i love that for so many reasons. that generation doesn't know how to hang a picture on the wall anymore. i grew up poor so you had to know how to do things. everybody should understand the basics of what plumbing is, what a ground wire is, what changing the oil in your vehicle is and if you are a truck driver you learn how to fix things because you can't
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afford to have somebody else do it all the time. rachel: it's a great career but a job that could be as you said it is critical for our livelihood, this administration seems to think the priority upending everything. it could, you've got buttigieg worrying about racist roads and now the green new scam trying to redo every vehicle and how it is done and the consequences could be really terrible for this country. i don't trust these people and our entire system. >> the report, how many billions were spent to create charging stations for electric vehicles and they've got seven over them online. seven. hundreds of billions of dollars. joey: 7 charging stations.
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you know what emission standards will do to the long haul trucking industry, 7.5 million, $1 billion -- rachel: it is a scam. joey: the inflation reduction act and infrastructure bill are president biden's keystone -- that is what he has done the best at. missing the word. achievement. what is so funny about that is there pretty honest that both of those, the infrastructure bill paying for charging stations are green new deal bills. that's the only thing he has been able to push through with a veil out of a lot of americans eyes. alex the trucking guy will join us later on about 7:30 eastern time and i will talk to him because i have a trucking company and i need him to drive for me. i might have to put them on. rachel: are they all diesel trucks?
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joey: alt big trucks are diesel trucks. tesla doesn't have any electric trucks. >> why does a big truck have to be diesel? why can't it run on regular gasoline? joey: efficiency is the most efficient. you don't want to burn a lot of gas because fuel lose money. if you get paid by the mile -- will: they want to be as efficient as possible. rachel: and profitable. you really have a freighting company? joey: my uncle has two trucks, we started together, gave him a little money to get it going. when you are guy like me and do all right you invest in things like trucking companies because you don't know how to invest in anything else. . the how stocks work. pete: i wouldn't know where to start. i just learned what a ground wire is. i'm way behind the curve.
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rachel: year one, like get with the program. my dad can do this, you better -- pete: a few additional headlines. the navy sending three crane barges to the port of baltimore to remove part of the francis scott key bridge that collapsed on tuesday. officials say 1/4 crane, a barge, will arrive next week. do they run on batteries? electrical cranes? probably not, probably not. united command plans on sending 7 more cranes in the next five days as president biden says he will visit baltimore next week after a cargo ship crashed into the bridge causing it to collapse. seven or hurt when a northbound united airlines flight was diverted to a new york airport after encountering severe turbulence according to first responders who say 5 of the 7
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had to go to the hospital. united airlines is denying there was any turbulence. according to an official with the airline high winds forced pilots to and in windsor, new york, the faa is investigating. onto march madness, duke heading to the eric: after taking down top-seeded houston, 54 to 51. number 11 nc state's run continuing their cinderella run pulling off a big upset over market. zach keeping perdue alive dominating the performance. >> there you go. will: a huge dude, a double double leaving the boilermakers and while we were sleeping
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found out this morning via text tennessee going on and 1820 run to secure and 82 to 75 when over creighton, rocky top and the eric: and those are your headlines. he is 7 foot 6. did you see when he was dunking as hanging of the rim his feet were almost on the ground. there's been a couple guys that tall in the nba. a lot of useless nba knowledge in my head. pretty good. joey: now that you are down in the south, tennessee won, alabama won, they could end up playing each other, is that correct? they play on different nights. will: they usually play back to back games. they play against -- joey: we could have an all sec basketball championship, that would be on brand, the best at what we do.
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georgia is probably in that other tournament. rachel: maybe not here, maybe listening. pete: another sporting event with abby ahead of the usl kickoff today. >> reporter: it's a great morning because as they are paving the steel for the usl i want to break this down because there's been a lot of iterations, the newest version of the xfl owned by duane barack johnson which might merge with the usfl, we covered them a lot over the last two seasons, both leagues found so much success they decided to pool their resources and become one, the united football league. a lot of exciting things coming up. if you wonder what sets this spring football league apart from other ones it is the technology and the challenge.
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on the technology side you have helmet cameras on the referees, the players. we love to hear those conversations. drones and things like that bringing the fan experience to people at home and people watching in the stadium. come noontime we will see the renegades kickoff against the birmingham stallions and a lot of exciting guests coming up on the show as well so stick around for that. rachel: abby's hair look so pretty. >> president biden accused of chatting with celebrity rather than doing interviews with journalists. pete: a career criminals released to land back in jail. 24 hours later killing 11-year-old boy. >> one state lawmakers sounding
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the alarm on the parole board for years and he's going to join us next. liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today.
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oh! - oh, not the fries! w-wait a second... where did the ball go? guys, do we have it? oh wait, there it is! look out! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. it is over for collin. - or is it? are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! can you believe it? what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. how about that alligator? pete: illinois parole board official has resigned after an 11-year-old boy was allegedly
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killed by a felon who was released one day prior. brand was serving 16 years, was led on the street after violating his initial parole. is really still happened despite pleas from the victim's mother who was hurt in the attack that took her son. he was trying to attack her, the son got in the way and was killed. senator jason plummer has been sounding the alarm on this parole board for years. thanks for being here. talk to me about this particular case. is this indicative of how this parole board has acted, releasing people, the victim in this case new she was a threat. >> it is indicative of how the parole board is happening under this governor and previous administrations, republican and democrat, the parole board acted in a similar manner but
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since jamie friskier became governor we have seen a real jump in the number of violent criminals released, we see the parole board moving at a higher clip to release people onto the streets. it has become a real problem in illinois. pete: this is an ideological thing, just like we've seen with das and other things, a belief there's been overprosecution so we need to let people out. >> it has become an ideological thing with this governor, it's not about public policy. it's become a leadership thing. my colleagues in the state senate have taken a step back and allow the governor to drive the train on this. the incompetence that has led to this tragedy, it was completely preventable. this governor is dead set on making sure these violent criminals are released and use the personal review board to do that. pete: he put his own people in who are more inclined, the whole thing of the perpetrator
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being put ahead of the victim and we see that with das as well. >> there is no empathy for this administration when it comes to victims, victims families, without accepting input from prosecutors and judges, the real problem is this is an something that just happened, this isn't one off event, we have been warning the governor and his allies in the legislature since at least 2020 about his nominees, the particular person involved in the release of the perpetrator or the suppose a perpetrator of the most recent crime, someone i have spoken about on the senate floor and talked about in committee of a republican spokesman on the executive appointments committee and that is the community they are supposed to come to and the governor, his people are so radical, he's been hiding them from the committee that is supposed to safeguard this process. pete: no oversight, the victim's mother to your point
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begged for protective order against him the day she and her son were attacked. you say the administration takes the view that victim input shouldn't be included? >> that's the track record with the personal review board. we've got instances where folks of come to the review board, people have been released, folks they were a threat to weren't notified. if you talk to law enforcement or prosecutors, if you talk to myself and my colleagues that work on this issue in the legislature the governor has not heeded our warnings and now we have this tragedy and this is not the only tragedy, just the most recent. pete: a radical governor pushing radical policies that hurt citizens and allow dangerous people to run free. is what the parole board to set and i want you to respond, the parole board statements as prisoner review board hearing determined the alleged
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violations did not meet the standards to detain him. the prisoner review board did not have any information to indicate the victim currently petitioning for an order of protection at the trial court level. any pending hearings, they are claiming they did everything right. >> regardless of the details of this case, the governor has been appointing unqualified people and folks i would consider extreme uncommon of justice issues, releasing violent criminals, child molesters out on the streets at a higher clip than any previous administration and this is what happens with someone so far left, the governor is so far left on this issue, kim fox has criticized the governor. when kim fox is criticizing you on criminal justice look in the mirror. pete: thank you for your time. we reached out to the governor's office and not heard
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back. part on camera, moment a boat filled with illegals washes up on san diego beach with only ten intercepted and others fleeing the city. spring football is back starting today. abby has the preview coming up next. ♪ with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. ♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters.
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alongside his daughters in miami. the daily mail is reporting that diddy owes $100 million in mortgage payments on his three houses. border patrol arresting ten suspected migrants who washed up on a san diego beach earlier this week. i've seen this before. they did this in la jolla. agents detected the boat before it reached land. it is unclear how many migrants were on the boat after some passengers got away. border patrol seized the boat at a nearby car that they say was part of the alleged smuggling attempt. they side ahead of time and couldn't get them all. pope francis will preside over the easter vigil at st. peter's basilica after missing yesterday's pro session. the vatican announcing he would follow the event from his home as it was about to begin. officials say he wants to
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preserve his health. those are your headlines. he's been very sick lately. pete: is that concerning? don't make her answer that. joey: let's go to adam klotz for fox weather forecast. >> a couple of weather systems, one of the moving across the midwest, chicago, northern indiana, portions of ohio, a robust system bringing snow to higher elevations. across california getting round after round of rain, our best risk to see flooding from los angeles to san diego particularly today. your forecast across the country similar, to the midwest, across the mountain states saturday. for easter sunday, similar forecast. beautiful across the south southeast but a couple rainy snowy spots.
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easter egg hunts, when i was a kid i was cleaning up either way. back to you guys. pete: you were committed. thank you. spring football is back with a bigger look. the newly merged uf l kick off in a few hours on fox. joey: the first game is a big one. champions from previous leagues, the arlington renegades and stallions facing off. rachel: let's head to arlington, texas. abby, good morning. >> reporter: i've got charles johnson here, business operations for the arlington renegades. >> thank you. >> reporter: what does your job entail? >> a number of things. my job is to talk about the business and the brand and the
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community. we are doing good will and serving others and making sure we put on a really good show. >> reporter: you are a long-term texas guy. you've been around arlington with the x fl, arlington renegades. what has that reception been like when you mention fans? >> football is king in the state of texas. to continue to keep having football, spring football in arlington is important to us. we want to continue that texas tradition. >> reporter: the anchors in new york mentioned the matchup later today. what do you take from the merger with these teams coming together to face off behind us? >> the level of play elevates in terms of both leagues, both sides coming together. the distribution of tv.
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the power of fox broadcasting is the game, show folks what we are trying to do with you fl is super important. the last one is the innovation. how fans are consuming the game through broadcast. those things will get better. having the merger is important. as you can tell, i am pumped up with a big game here. i am juiced up and ready to go. >> reporter: what's your favorite innovation? >> sky cam is awesome. we have the audio, being able to elevate the local audio as relates to our fans listening to the play call. i think that level of innovation is important. it takes that experience
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whether you are sitting at home on your couch in a venue to another level. i'm excited for it. >> reporter: we are excited too. so is the guy painting the field. a big game coming up. we have that and more. back to you for now. pete: when would you do it? 5:30 in the morning. you aren't disrupting anybody. don't mow your lawn at 5:30 in the morning. rachel: the renegades and stallions pick up at one:00 p.m. eastern, the michigan panthers at 4:00 p.m. . you can catch it all on fox. joey: a politico reporter suggesting biden cares more about chatting with a listers and journalist. is is the campaign season a strategy of winning one? we will ask joe conger next.
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rachel: president biden will reportedly scale back national media interviews and stick to local reporters during the rest of his campaign. that didn't stop him from opening up to hollywood elites ahead of a fundraiser in new york city. one reporter from politico pointing out the irony of this,
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put this on twitter, on x, saying jason bateman has done a sitdown interview with president biden, every print reporter who covers the white house, 0. here to react is fox news contributor joe concha. great to have you on easter weekend. i'm looking at this, the last time president biden ran he had the excuse of covid so he could hide in his basement, is he going to be able to do this, only meet with celebrities that are friendly to him, go on local stations where if he has a gaffe it doesn't go viral, why meeting with national reporters? >> reporter: when you are polling lower than any president at this stage of his presidency and pulling history i don't think you can do that again. in 2,020 he had the covid excuse, deflect attention to donald trump. now he is the incumbent. 's record is what is at stake.
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if that's going to happen this is a strategy not to be seen. it is why president biden has the super bowl interview for the second straight year, that would be a creampuff interview with cbs. even one solo press conference of this year, he held three solo press conferences in 23. president biden, three solo press conferences the last 15 months, donald trump held 35 press conferences in his final year in office was white house promised access, the white house said more vocal interviews and his entire first year, did only one local interview. every interview the president does handpicked with friendly outlets. there's a reason for that. rachel: when i saw his doing
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podcasts, that's a long form and you say things and tell what you really think. i do that on my podcast. it is a danger to do it but he's only doing soft podcasts. >> reporter: absolutely. jason bateman, one of the biggest aquatic supporters out there, nothing new about that news. that split screen moment when you had president biden with bateman and former presidents, and jonathan dollar and president biden, at 60% approval. and elites and millionaires. that told us so much and we will see more moments where donald trump is with actual people on the ground in pennsylvania or wisconsin and
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president biden's off somewhere with hollywood elites or doing a fundraiser in a big city and that is why donald trump is the outside favorite to win the presidency, speak into regular folks while president biden is speaking to those who are in the richest 1%. rachel: if president biden hides out and donald trump is out there, up to put his message out. great talking to you. >> saturday is a big day. talk to you soon. rachel: take care. start your engines now. the new york auto show is in town, the hottest cars on fox square including a mustang. rou
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rachel: the auto show kicked off yesterday and brought it here to fox square for us this morning. joining us with the newest cars
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on the market is auto accident -- >> the coveted keys i brought with me for the mustang. i have got one that represents 10% of the market and we will talk about what it means. this right here is from actor sidney sweeney. in two weeks they will celebrate the 60th anniversary on april 17th of the ford mustang get. this is special. sidney sweeney gave this to a girl to support women who are getting to the world of automotive. she and her dad build cars together in a garage. they made this for a special edition, this beautiful robin egg blue. it's a good way to talk about the industry and away we are supporting all of everyone who wants to get behind the wheel of the vehicle. good looking car right here. do you want to hear this?
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right here. [engine starting] >> 4095 hp. this is awesome. this is the new hyundai santa fe redesigned for the new year. they are going with an off-road theme this year. it will start around $33,000, three row suv with ole the screen, heads up display on the front. what's really cool, hyundai is the fourth best-selling automaker in the us, they beat out stellantis. it's beautiful on the inside. lots of leather. look at this screen. pete: that's nifty. i like that. >> android auto. heated seats. lots of room in the rear. lots of usb charging. one of my favorite cars.
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rachel: tell sidney sweeney i like cars too. >> i talk about it on the year. this gx 550. what i love about this vehicle here is the fact they are talking about offloading with lexus which they've never done. this is an off-road vehicle, four-wheel-drive, an amazing vehicle with a 3.4 l twin turbocharged v6, full-size, 3 row suv. you get all those luxury features you want, but it is built to go off-road with locking differentials, you are looking at $64,000. let's talk about it. joey: horsepower to flowers. >> ben and jerry's ice cream. i had a volkswagen in 1992. long hair and a mallet. it was great.
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joey: you had your car, this one is mine. >> he said before he went on the air, what's the scoop on electric collapse? i will be honest. on the got 7% to 10% take rate in the market but i wanted to represent that the derby going green in the future with these things? hard to say. consumers aren't sure whether they want to go. pete: we need to get to this car. this is the car. this is the car right here. >> this is beautiful. turn it on. pete: are chevy corvette. >> 495 horsepower, 0 to 60 in 2. 5 seconds. joey: we will be back with more "fox and friends". we will be right ( ♪ ♪ )
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