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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 29, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, it is march 29th. this is "fox and friends." today we mark one year since "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich was jailed in a russian prison and remains today. >> brian: two candidate, president biden ritzy fundraiser and president trump honored fallen police officer jonathan diller. i spoke to the former president after he attended that service. they lost a hero. the family is devastating. the department is devastating, it is really lack of respect for law and order. >> lawrence: today is good friday, honoring this holy day with afrchbishop cardinal dolan. >> brian: he's the best. >> will: i thought this was your line. i didn't know i would get to say
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m mornings are better with friends. >> brian: he believes it. >> will: today marks one year since "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich was thrown in a russian prison while working on a story. sgls >> this page symbolizes the lost year in lock-up. >> brian: benjamin hall is here. be >> benjamin: he is being held for two things, he's an american and he's a journalist. russians have released nothing and are keeping him in detention almost to no end. president biden said this, as i have told evan's patterns, i will never give up hope, we will secure his release. we will continue to denounce
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cost for russia using americans as prisoner swaps. as hoped wheland will also be released. he said this on the show earlier. >> today we have to keep hope alive he is coming back, we're confident he will come back. we're committed to get this done. support from everyone, including fox and media overall, government, it says has been phenomenal and we are hopeful. >> benjamin: evan is allowed outside for just one hour aday. despite that smile there, he has not become broken. he sent a letter from prison saying he is not losing hope. his parents say the toll is
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getting worse. >> sandra here, you talked last hour and write about it in your book and talk so much, how important it is to not lose hope and keep the optimism alive. you counsider the harsh conditions of that jail and he only leaves his cell for one hour out of every day and you have to imagine how hard that is as everyday passes, ben. >> benjamin: it must be almost impossible. he sticks to a schedule and he's firm on that. he reads part of the day, exercises and writes part of the day. he is lacking family and friends. he is alone for much of the person. he's in a two-person cell, we don't know who he is with. the biden administration will
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keep pushing to have him released. >> brian: what pawns do we have, we gave up the number one weapons dealer in the world and many people sacrificed their lives to do it. we gave him up for lori greiner greern greinner. >> benjamin: there are no russian agents left in the u.s., this former commander assassinated a russian opposition leader in that country. we believe the swap was getting close and navalny and wheland we believe were going to be part of that deal. >> lawrence: thanks, ben.
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>> will: second wake and memorial march will be held today for the fall en nypd officer jonathan diller. >> brian: massapequa funeral home, turnout will be great. two sessions today and a funeral tomorrow at saint rose. >> will: the young father and husband was gunned down on monday. >> brian: by the way, cardinal dolan is going. >> lawrence: from the "new york post," trump attends wake for killed hero while three democratic presidents acontinued a glitzy ceremony. >> peter is live at the white house. that is something. >> peter: uncommon to have four presidents in such close
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proximity unless there is a -- one went to massapequa. >> beautiful baby sitting there innocent as can be and doesn't know how his life has been changed. the diller family will never be the same, can never be the same, we have to stop it and get back to law and order. >> peter: "new york post" writes about biden event, thursday night a chance to get a photograph for a donation of $100,000. pretty posh for the supposed party of the working class. we saw progressives tussling with police as they screamed about a ceasefire and inside the three presidents were trying to
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keep things light. >> can voters trust a presidential candidate who has not won a single golf club trophy at long last, sir, have you no chip shot? >> president biden: look, i told them this before, before he got sworn in, i will give you three strokes if you carry your own bag. >> peter: there were four different interruptions to the program, people screaming who had to be led away. this is first time somebody paid with a donation to get kicked out of a biden event. back to you. >> peter doocy live at the white house, thank you. >> brian: minimum to get in the door was $250. they raised more in one night than donald trump has. he will be outraised.
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question is will barack obama try to help get biden elected? he is only going to do podcasts and local radio. >> will: podcast is part of it and unscripted long-form interview. even in a friendly environment, joe biden for an hour? or 15 minutes unscripted. >> brian: he tells long stories and a lot of them are frictional. he tells stories about tito and that might get mild interest. >> lawrence: it is clear the campaign, democratic party did not have an exit strategy after obama. according to a lot of reports, he's taken over the campaign and having daily calls with the president, orchestrated events,
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he is making appearances. he's not on the ballot, only so much surrogates can do. end of the day, people want to see the candidate in a moment of tragedy, as well. this was an opportunity for president to go to an event and fund raise and go to this funeral. >> i know you will have more from your interview, did you feel like you make specific targeted attacks on the current president joe biden? >> brian: no, he said they have to do something and get involved, here is more from the president talking about why he thinks joe biden did not make a call or visit and had to be baited talking about laken riley. >> stephanie is incredible, what a family, the diller family,
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they lost a hero really. just a hero. they are devastated, the family is devastated, the police force is, the whole country feels this way. it is happening more and more and it is lack of respect. this was a brutal murder. blue blood, top of his class, beautiful record of doing his job properly and fairly and this is what happens. it is so horrible. jonathan was, they say, the top, the top in every respect. top of his clas and this happened to somebody this should not have happened. ryan, the baby, one year old, will never be the same. doesn't know yet what the meaning is, it will have a big impact. when i was leaving, we drove
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down the aisle and it felt like for miles and there were men and bae women in blue. a long blue line. that is respect, they have respect for this family and for what jonathan meant and to me, they are the most brave people. it is getting worse and worse for police, we are not taking care of them, we are not allowing them to do their job properly. the man is arrested 21 times. he's a killer. his nickname is killer or his par partner, when you think about it, this shouldn't be you go up to a car and they shoot you and murder you, this should not happen in this country. >> brian: would it have been possible for president biden to have gotten to mass,apequa?
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what does it tell you? >> yes, it tells me he doesn't support police, his base won't let him support the police. i support the police highest level of any president, maybe double or triple and they knew that. i walked into the funeral parlor, it was like love, it was just, they didn't even call the family, you could have called. you don't have to be a rocket scientist, just call. >> brian: what is the message to the president before you leave new york and go back to florida, what did they miss today? >> they missed a very sad moment for our country, a moment they have to be part of whether they like it or not, they can't skip
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this moment. never seen so many police and f firemen. they will have to get involved because this country is going to hell. our country is not respected anymore. >> lawrence: to the former president's point, he is right joe biden can't support the police. this was the author of the crime bill and he was demolished for that. how do you make this pivot? joe in his prime was supported by all the law unions, he got hammered so much with the democratic primary, he's bagged away from the cops. "john >> will: if i were running for president, and laken riley's
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family included here. >> we have seen 180 from some blue city leaders who have had to change their tone on police to point of calling in the national guard in cities where crime has gotten so bad. to the point of the president, you noted this earlier, that was not a specific attack on biden, it was biden can't respond to his base. inter interesting response. >> brian: he is already hurting people who believe there is a race problem when it comes to the nypd. the president has 22%, he cannot win if that number doesn't go down. new york is majority minority, they will still be wrong message to send in front of certain
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crowds. he does nothing. if i had to become president and divorce myself from law enforcement, i would say keep the job, you have to have law and order. >> lawrence: he did not need to go out and make this big statement, a call goes a long way. you don't have to talk about politics, send condolences and flowers. he is supposed to be this master communicator and commander-in-chief, he failed in this moment. >> brian: tomorrow night at 9:00, we talk about truth social and the border and what he would do about mexican threats venezuelans -- excuse me, gaug guat guatemalan president. >> will: talk about r.f.k. jr., three way and five-way race benefits trump right now. >> brian: speaking of five way.
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>> will: one, two, three, four, five. >> carley: you can count. another story, horrific crime story, terrible decision made by parole board. illinois state senator demanding change after parole board released a man accused of killing a boy one day after his release. he was in jail for home invasion and assault, he was released and stabbed his pregnant ex-girlfriend and killed the 11-year-old child when this boy tried to defend his mom. a group of 2000 people are heading to the southern border. the caravan is expected in el paso in just a few days. squatters in texas holding a garage seale to sell the
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homeowner's possessions. the woman was out of town caring for her sick mother when this happened. listen to her here. >> today i got my eviction done to find everything i own was stolen. the front door used to be black. i used to have a refrigerator. >> carley: she spent months trying to evict the squatter. m mlb, tyler o'neal. and juan soto helping the yankees beat the astros. and the 2023 world series banner. will cain spoke to chuck morgan before the game. >> this means pretty much
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everything. as much passion and work you put in and after 41 years and something like that to happen, i feel so good, management did a great job and to win it all is special. >> carley: in honor of will's birthday yesterday, anchors put on party hats. who wore it best? lawrence won. people thought he looked best in the hat, followed by rachel, brian and joey came in last. >> brian: sit down and talk about coaches. yesterday nick saban's wife came out and nick saban is retired and wrote his first email. how could coach not know how to do e-mail? they do nothing else but coach. wait a second, they don't watch us? no coaches say, let us put on
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"fox and friends." who is right? do coaches have -- >> university joey and rachel. >> lawrence: nick saban said he does not watch. >> brian: if you're a coach e-mail us, i want to prove joe is wrong that football coaches can't watch morning shows. >> joey: you said the n.f.l. >> brian: you said no time. >> joey: they don't have time. >> brian: no way they are watching us? high school coach or anybody, write us if you play football. >> will: jennifer says, i hate to say it, >> joey jones is wrong, i watch y'all every morning. of course, i'm a life coach. >> lawrence: sara says i'm
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middle school volleyball coach and i listen to your show every morning, including on my way to work. >> will: i'm team brian on this, that kills me. i don't want to be team brian. joey is wrong. i know coaches watch "fox and friends." >> brian: sometimes we help them with coaching decisions. >> will: nick saban, all new coaches text to recruit. >> carley: will we address the fact you lost the hat poll? opportunity to graze over the 17% you received. >> i just think for people to respond is more important than my hat. joey jones had a disclaimer, we don't have time for it right now. >> lawrence: i love how you accepted defeat with your hat. >> carley: lawrence did wrock i.
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>> brian: read us out. >> lawrence: timothy cardinal dolan shares his good friday message with us, that is next. a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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>> lawrence: so today is good friday, a solemn day of reflection leading up to east
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are fer for christians around te world. >> and a somber week in new york with the murder of jonathan diller. >> brian: timothy cardinal d dolan, great to see you. you called stephanie issue the widow of jonathan diller and you will be going to the wake. >> god willing, i'll be at the wake tonight. i try my best to be close to the cops. i love them and respect them. yesterday for last supper, holy thursday, two cops in the back, i went over and said, i'm sorry for your loss. this is what we got. sometimes it becomes cliche, we talk about we're all family. a moment like this, loss, you feel that way. it is not cliche, it is not some empty greeting card, we mean it. >> amen. >> i want to be with her, i
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talked to her. they, jonathan and stephanie and little ryan, he's only 10 months, they take their catholic faith very seriously. i need to be there. >> what is your message today to everyone that may be listening right now? >> i'm wondering if what we're going through, the darkness in the city with officer diller's tragic murder is iconic for what we're going through in the world. there seems to be a darkness. good friday we will remember from 12 to 3 darkness covered the whole earth. things were so sad, the earth sobbed in tremors. you guys report it everyday, the awful news. you must be on prozac afterward,
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i don't know how you put up with it. here is the scoop, who has the last word? is it death or life? is it bad or good? is it despair or hope? who has the last word? easter tells us god has the last word, not satan. we have a lord who is able to tra transform and change, he changed bl bleakness and tremors of good friday, he could change it to life and resurrection and hope and faith and joy. he changes stuff for us all the time, right? he changes it for the good and good in life are going to have the last word, we know that, right? sometimes the more we suffer, i had bishops from ukraine in and i was amazed at
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their grit and resilience. they gave me pieces of shrapnel that came from russia and intended to kill them. they are hopeful and know this is going to work out. that is message of easter and what we need now. >> will: cardinal, i had a birthday yesterday, i'm getting older. you require humility and it leads to wisdom. i think about we see study after study how hard it is to get people back into church. i think there is such a demand, there is rise in depression. >> suicide. >> will: on the other hand, so many people seeking therapy, they are seeking something, how can we encourage them to seek god? >> brian: catholics up 6%, by the way. >> what great news on good
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friday. god willing, we'll have record crowds on easter. we're looking for love in all the wrong places, like the old country western song went. get back to the first of the 10 commandments, i do not have strange gods before me. why do we say, i wonder why the world is in such a mess and things seem upside down? we have forgotten about god. you just gave statistics that would show that to be true. we're looking for god in all the wrong places. guess where we find him? when we're looking in the mirror in the morning. we turn ourselves into god. when that happens, it is over, that is narcissism and sense of entitlement that we see rampant today. uh-huh. i am the lord thy god, and guess
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what, we see our god on the cross, whichen moos people like stephanie diller and cops of new york are going to say, he knows what we're going through. if that does not give us hope, i don't know, why are we shocked by killings and everything? >> lawrence: cardinal, on this day specifically, like one day we don't have to take remental health er we don't have to take it on our own, he took on the cross for us, right? >> way to go, you got it. good part of america, we talk leak this, we work hard, we raise ourselves up, we got responsibility for ourselves. you bet we do. we can't do it by ourselves. think about it, we're in a 12-step program, we have to admit, number one, i ain't in charge. i will do my share.
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but ultimately the lord is in charge. i come from him, destined to return to him. i can't take the next breath without him. if we're unaware of that and think it all depends on me, no wonder we're depressed and on a shrink's couch. okay. so we got to return to him. we got to return to him. >> lawrence: powerful message. >> will: important time to hear it. >> bless you good friday and easter. >> brian: if we go to confession, you will keep it quiet, you won't tell anybody? >> i will keep it quiet, you better get some smelling salts. >> brian: can't wait for your message on easter sunday. >> thank you, thank you for all you do. ♪ ♪ amazing grace, how sweet the so sound, that saved a wretch like
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these pieces of bridge into sizes they can lift out and lift the things out of the water before they can get to the recovery of the bodies in vehicles. we have that first initial 60 million emergency relief fund, that is like a down payment, drop in a bucket, it will take hundreds of millions of dollars. maryland governor wes moore tried to compare the size of this ship and the task at hand. listen here. >> if the eiffel tower were laid down, this vessel is almost the size of the eiffel tower and it now has a key bridge laying on top of it. this is complicated and having a salvage operation with many, many moving variables. >> griff: we're hoping to see
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the cranes start working and getting that big one out here today, although the weather forecast said they could have 30 to 40 mile per hour winds, that will complicate things. >> griff jenkins reporting off water of baltimore. today marks one year since evan gershkovich was detained in russia. his friends are not giving up hope, they are next. hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection.
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>> the tale of two presidents, one raised money, the other aw awareness. which candidate won the week? american ceos were wined and dined in beijing, what new chair of china thinks about that? illegal immigration surging in southern texas, we have a live report from the border. are you interested in reading the bible had in a year? it is doable and we will tell you how. looking forward to seeing you at 9. >> lawrence: thanks.
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been one year since "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich was arrested in russia. his family and friends appear trying to bring him back home. >> there was a picture of him being arrested. to see one of my best friend's face plastered all over the news for being a spy, didn't feel real. >> i feel it everyday, every time i laugh or have fun, you're like, evan is in prison, you know. it's been hard. >> lawrence: those two friends, jeremy and sam silverman join us now. we have sam in the studio. i'll start with you first, sam. i have a lot of friends in special operations community. they know something bad could happen. did evan, he knew he was going
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after putin, did he ever think this could happen to him? >> evan was aware of the risk being a reporter in russia. he thought he would be kicked out of the country, not imprisoned. >> lawrence: jeremy, when you first found out one of your best friends was in prison for telling the truth, what went through your head? >> i think it is a real injustice and reveals some d darkness at the center of humanity i was confronted with. first time in my life, seeing images of evan plasteredaul over the news, i will never be able to remove that. >> lawrence: sam, we're showing a video of evan right now, every court hearing issue he's being
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persecuted and he's smiling, undeterred. is that just his personality? >> absolutely. he is one of the strongest people i know. he's taking this situation with a smile and laugh on his face is t testament to his character and why we're optimistic he will make it through this and be okay. >> lawrence: jeremy, you are one of the few people that know him better than anyone. we continue in the press to cover the war and what putin is doing, what do you think he would tell us about our coverage and what we should do? would he tell us to fall in line or would he tell us to double down on our efforts? >> look, evan, i think, owing to who he is worried more about everyone else than himself. i think he would say, he would want his work to be carried out and truth about russia recorded,
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not as enemy of russia, someone who wants to explain what is going on to us at home and to the russian people who don't have same access to information we do. we can continue to report, tell his story and the story of the russian people and make sure we're exposing the truth and fulfilling that mission every single day. >> lawrence: sam, i don't know if you have had an opportunity to talk with the family, how are they holding up? how are they feeling? they must feel awful. yeah, every passing day it gets a little bit harder. his parents are soviet imgree grants. they have adopted american optimism, the family has shown amazing fortitude, but longer this drags oshg the harder this
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becomes for all of them. >> erm judgy, who is evan? what is he like? what does he like to do? what is his personality like? >> i don't say this lightly, evan is one of my favorite friends, he is the most extro verted guy you could ever meet, he listening, that is a unique trait in this day and age. evan and fun and goofy and silly in personal life, in professional life he takes his mission very seriously, it is very important and he's able to b balance those two worlds unlike anyone i have ever seen. we just want him back, i miss him very much and every single day. >> lawrence: we want him back home, especially when all the allegations brought so far, he is being targeted because of his reporting. to learn more about evan and his
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cause watch "prisoner of putin" out on fox nation. don't miss that. thank you jeremy and sam for telling us about your friend. we're thinking of evan today and everyday and praying for his safe return. men tell us when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there's a great “before and after”. then, there's the 'after the after' — that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®.
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the ufl is bringing the best of the usfl and xfl into one this season. the champions from each league, arlington renegades and birmingham stallons kick off the season tomorrow. joel is here with us. it's like a super bowl. maybe like the daytona 500 to kick off the season. the super bowl at the beginning of the season. stallons and renegades. >> first of all, spring football has been proven in the last couple years to be here to stay whether it's the success of the
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usfl or xfl last year making it to a championship game. for these two leagues to merge together and consolidate resources not only is the quality of play ratchet up but the intensity of the rivalries between the two leagues. it gets started with the two champions facing off an fox tomorrow on saturday in arlington. it should be an entertaining game but incredible season as the quality of the play in the spring league ufl should be better than what we've seen in previous seasons. >> a merger, fewer teams. harder to make the league. what's interesting i would love to help me understand this. i'm a big sports fan. guys i know from college football who didn't quite make nfl and here they are in the ufl. interesting how some big time guys quarterback of the stallions is a spring football veteran out of nowhere and does really well.
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>> yeah. it's so fascinating. you have these roads that these players are taking and they are all so different. you have guys, the renegades have a guy playing in a mexican football league and now a chance in the ufl and a guy named vick beasley, the eighth pick of the draft back in 2015, all-pro in the nfl. as an aging player is finding the way back and one more opportunity. so you've got all different types of players. the real point i would stress to everybody is because these two leagues have come together and you touched on it a little bit. limited opportunity that is oh ute there and the limited spots will increase the quality of play. it was already good last year. i this think the quality of play will surprise people. the renegades quarterback led them to a championship last year and is a really good player.
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>> spring is now competing with fall. spring football. the arlington renegades and birmingham stallions kick it off tomorrow and i'll do a brian kilmeade. walk through the couch. it threw me off. i have to read my instructions. >> brian: you did a good rodeo walk. >> lawrence: i tried to make a way for you. >> sandra: this was fun. thank you for having me. >> lawrence: happy good friday. have a happy easter. >> brian: follow me to the radio. >> bill: good morning, everybody. here we go for a tale of two presidents here in new york. biden and trump both in the cities and the optics were stark previewing what could be a stark choice come november. good morning, good friday, bill hemmer live in new


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