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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 28, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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it begins at 2:00. i would imagine they would let the men after the former president trump walks out. we don't know if you will speak to the family. we hope to ask the former president questions when he comes out. we have seen nypd officers here in full uniform here to pay their respects. i believe the former president walked in with the county republican and county executive bruce blakeman and also he shook the hand of nypd commissioner edward caban. unfortunately this is a scene we have seen a lot in just the last two years since 2022. you remembers officers molina and rivero who were killed for the nypd. they were killed in a domestic situation and were gunned down and killed. two years later, here we are with another nypd officer jonathan diller gunned down doing a job that he loves. we expect the visitation to last
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for four hours today, to two hour increments. 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. then there will be the funeral on sunday with all the pomp and circumstance with police officers from all over the country and the world will come here. the ny d is a beacon for the county and the world police force in the entire world. they will be here to support their brothers and sisters in uniform and the diller family. last night it was raining as well at a vegetable. nearly 1,000 people were in attendance including officer diller's brother, mother, his sister, his wife stephanie newlywed and his infant son r ryan. they were there and there were a thousand people from this community. many of them first responders themselves. it was raining and apparently at the end from everything we understood and ride, a rainbow showed up right before the vigil
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started. this is been something that the neighbors here have -- are really taking seriously. this really hurts and this community, to its core, given the many first responders that live in messe county and massapequa park. this is something that unfortunately have been with fox covering this. this is my seventh nypd officer who has been gunned down and killed in the line of duty in the last nine, ten years. here we are again guys. it's unfortunate. >> shannon: you mentioned you've been covering this around-the-clock. this particular situation but for years covering the law enforcement situation in new york. it has been tough everywhere. through covid and all of the unpredictable things, the violent protests, all of these things. can you get a sense for how nypd officers are feeling at this moment?
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is there animosity with prosecutors? are they feeling supported? do they feel that the public gets and supports them because it is a difficult job and it's only been that much tougher than the past few years. >> i think you have a lot of officers who are just aghast that what's going on. i hate to say it but i don't think they are surprised any anymore. this is sort of what they have come to expect. they go out there every single day and put their lives on the line and they have talked over and over again. the nypd has been very upfront including the commissioners that have come out and said what is the problem? you have the mayor eric adams who has come out and said specifically it is recidivism and there's a mental health crisis. i think they are hearing a lot about the diagnosis, they aren't hearing enough about solutions and the solutions aren't necessarily working in the way in which they need them too. obviously given the fact that we are here for yet another
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funeral. it is incredibly difficult for these officers. mayor eric adams said they are losing parole officers, they are losing correction officers, they are losing police officers, they are losing das. nobody right now wants to be -- it's tough to be involved in this criminal justice system right now because frankly they all feel completely unsupported and when you hear about guy rivera, the suspect shooter in this case with 21 prior arrests, that is just right at the top of the frustration here. they do their job just to see that same individual back on the streets and now they have lost one of their own and not only that. we could've lost two officers on monday night. prosecutors here saying if it were not for the gun being jammed, it is possible that his partner sasha rosen could have been shot and potentially killed as well and that's why the suspect is facing attempted murder charges. >> gillian: officer diller died in front of his partner
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while on duty there in the line of fire. we learn shortly before we came to air at 1:00 eastern that guy rivera the suspect you mentioned has been officially charged with the murder of officer diller. can you talk to us about the reaction? did you witness or hear any reaction from the community there? >> no. i think right now frankly nobody here wants to talk about guy rivera. i think everybody here wants to talk about officer jonathan diller and that is the focus of the family and they want to honor his memory as we should be doing obviously. nobody has talked about him, no. this is all about focusing on the family now and it to that end, the community has stepped up. they have raised over $2 million online for his family. we know that tunnels to towers is going to pay for the mortgage of this family so they don't ever have to worry about paying
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for a home to live in. this is what the focus is today. i think they will deal with the politics as it comes but this is part of what happens. when i covered the shooting deaths, the murders of officer when jim lu and romo in 2014, there were apologetics and that. mayor bill de blasio and all of the nypd officers turned their backs to the then democrat mayor for what they believed was the mayor not supporting police officers. this isn't just the last four years. this has been going on for the past decade in which they constantly feel as though it has an uphill battle with the politicians of the city. >> shannon: bryan llenas live on-site for us there. thank you very much. >> gillian: thank you brian. let's go ahead and bring an retired nypd lieutenant joe carnality now.
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joe, we are watching this live picture of the outside of the location where this week is being held for officer diller peer president trump is now inside. we got a heads up he was planning to attend the service. we are expecting we might hear from him later on in the afternoon but before we get into any of that, talk to us about the community. the law enforcement community's reaction to the tragic events on monday when officer diller was murdered. >> it becomes the same old, same old. for the men and women in blue, it is just another chapter in what is happening with police departments across the country. we are all devastated whether you be retired or active. you were always still that blue family. it is just so sad. you look at the pictures of officer diller with his son and the shirt that the son was
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wearing set it for everybody. my daddy's life matters. politics comes into it. people want to keep politics out of it, but how can you when the same people that will attend this funeral are to blame to some degree for the events that happened across new york city and across new york state? when you have a climate out here, when you have governor hochul and then governor cuomo who have put april board together that have released 38 almost 40 convicted cop killers, that is sad. and that tells you the state of affairs in our legal system, our criminal justice system in this state. cops have been begging for them to change the bail reform and everything else that goes along with it so they can do their j job. they put a veneer up as far as penn station. bring out the national guard.
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there is no longer any proactive policing. that would keep these individuals off the street and if you had the one-two punch of the das cooperating with the police department after they make their arrests, then we would have some kind of results but when you have the likes of d.a. bragg who refuses to prosecute a lot of these cases and blames it on bail reform and then the judges do the same thing, the cops are stymied. >> shannon: joe, shannon bream here. we talked last hour in d.c. there's been a pivot or turning back on some of the lax actions they had taken towards downgrading felonies to misdemeanors and other things regarding crimes here. we just saw and a public vote out in san francisco and other communities out west that they too are backtracking on some of the more progressive policies. is there any appetite for that in new york. wouldn't have to start with state lawmakers? is it local councilman? where does the change come?
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>> change and start right there in new york city with the city council. that is the biggest deterrent right there. the city council who refuses to broker any deal that would help the police out. let's be real. they took away the indemnification from the police officers and joe borelli had it right on the head. thank god we have them as a voice over there because he's the only voice of reason appeared i can't say the only, but he is the strongest voice of reason because we need to back these cobs up. when you see the turnover of police officers that are retiring in the mass exodus of police officers from the nypd and then trying to get people back onto the job to take the job on, it's not happening. you can start with the city council and start to put the blame on city council because that is where the blame lies. you need to take the handcuffs off these police officers and let them do the job to serve the public and let them do it in a way where they are protected as well. give them the indemnification, take the stress off of them that
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every move they make is going to be challenged. >> shannon: i have to imagine that impacts recruiting and retention as well. when we are asking so much of these men and women who put on that uniform and that can't be sure that they will be backed up when they need it. >> absolutely. the sad part is that the politics plays such a major role in this. even when they go. if it's a political year like this year and you have a presidential election, you have to be careful of who you back up if you are the pba because then they hold raises and they hold bills up in albany that otherwise would pass with a bipartisan attempt but that just doesn't happen anymore. they are getting it from all sides. >> gillian: we will leave it there. we will continue to keep our eyes on this service that is underway inside now and bring news coming out of that as it happens but thank you so much for joining us. our condolences to the whole
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community. thank you joe. >> shannon: absolutely. and again, watching former president trump inside now paying his respects. we will bring you remarks as he we will be right( back. start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower.
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♪ ♪ >> there is no words that any of us can say that would make anything make sense. >> every time i talk about it, i get angry because of what happened. >> he was born to be a hero, he died bearing the hero. i will forever, forever be a better person because of him. >> gillian: welcome back. we are following life now a look
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at the outside picture of the wake for former officer diller who was slain on monday in queens in new york. we want to bring your attention to the fact that former president trump is incised paying his respects to the fall. we are expecting to hear from him some point this afternoon. we will bring you that live as it happens. for now i want to bring you nicole parker, former fbi special agent. nicole knows well the pain of losing a colleague in the line of duty wondering what your thoughts are this afternoon. >> first of all, i can tell you my heart is pounding in my chest because it does take me back to that day. every law enforcement officer's worst nightmare is to receive notification that your brother or sister has been killed in the line of duty. i experienced that first hand at working in the fbi miami division.
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we had to fbi agents killed in the line of duty february 2nd 2021 when they were executing a search warrant against a child predator. it's real. sorry. >> gillian: nicole, take all the time you want. we appreciate you having the courage to talk to us this afternoon. take all the time you need. >> what i feel strongly and i hope people understand is that these officers, we hear about the politics behind it. we need's are human beings. they have families. this beautiful wife is now alone with her 1-year-old son. officer diller's 1-year-old son will never know his father on this earth and that is absolutely devastated. we say and let's not involve politics. there is no way to speak about this without involving politics. the person that took his life had been arrested 21 times.
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what is it going to take? i myself have been to four line of duty death funerals in less than a year in the southern district of florida in the florida area. it is real. when you feel that you are a police officer and the criminals have more rights than you do, that is a problem. and that is how we feel. i worked violent crime for the fbi and i work with local law enforcement and your last gassed talked about how there is no longer proactive policing. you know why that is? if you are a police officer and you're being proactive, you could potentially go to jail. if you are in a shooting and we called them clean sheet screwed when deadly force is justified for incidents and you are in a situation and you need to protect yourself or those ard you. we knew that we could potentially go to jail even if it was a clean shoot and that's not a good way to have to live. we felt that we had no rights and i can tell you just my personal experience, my opinion, i worked under multiple
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administrations. my friend was killed two days after this current administration took over. president biden did not attend special agent funerals. he was not there. and we did not feel that he supported our law enforcement officers. i don't know why but to see that he is currently at a fund-raiser and is going to potentially raise $25 million is insulting. officer 's life is worth more than $29 million but there are officers and i understand and agree. when you don't feel supported, it's better that you don't show up to the funeral because it is insulting. it's insulting. we know who backs the blue. we can turn it into saying republicans -- they are the ones that don't support law enforcement. i'm not here to make republican versus democrat. that's not what this is about but we know who supports law enforcement and it is insulting to say anything other than that.
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these are human lives and there is nothing worse than getting word that you are colleague was killed by the hand of evil and this must stop. >> shannon: especially if you feel like the situation is preventable. that has to be the most painful part, knowing that this man that we see on screen now with his little boy could be hair-raising that little boy and standing alongside his wife. the guy who was out that is the suspect who allegedly is the guy who is charged with his murder. 21 arrests, nine of them were felonies. he recently got out of jail and was released on parole. that was on drug charges appeared prior to that he had assault charges. this is a bad dude. the person with him had 14 arrests. a decade in jail for attempted murder. these are guys on the streets. what leadership in new york will tell us is it's a recidivism issue. it's not like there are tons of criminals out there. it's the same group of guys or women, bad guys, doing the same
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things over and over again. if that is the case, why not at least come up with some framework or structure or legislation that would go after the recidivism problem so that people like this are not so back to mike easley back on the streets. >> and that's a great question. it's a rhetorical question but these are repeat offenders and they are wreaking havoc on the country. they are wreaking havoc on law enforcement. we need strong prosecutors, strong das, strong law enforcement, strong judges. when you are issuing a sentence, it needs to be fair. i believe in fairness. but i also believe in justice. there needs to be law and order in this country. i love new york, i love nypd. i was there the morning of september 11th. these are heroes. officer diller is a hero. officers that serve our country nationwide, they are not making huge sums of money. they are going out there and putting their lives on the line for complete and total strangers.
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but what i can tell you is the most powerful thing i think i have ever seen in my life, as tragic as it is, is the uniting of brothers and sisters-in-law enforcement at a funeral. it is powerful. there is pomp and circumstance and everyone is shedding tears. it is powerful and that is what i support. i backed the blue, i will continue to say it over and over. our military and our law enforcement are the heroes in this country and they deserve our deepest respect. >> shannon: amen. nicole, no one could have said that better. we thank you and in some small way we grieve alongside with you and with this family as we know you do from the deepest place in your heart. thank you for sharing your st story. >> thank you. >> gillian: continuing coverage of the wake and massapequa, new york, when we return. stick with us. as soon as we brought the farmer's dog in, her skin was better, she was more active.
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>> shannon: we are continuing to look, you are looking alive at the wake for the service of the fallen nypd officer jonathan diller. on hand for a president trump inside paying respects with family and friends. it looks like there's a microphone there that we should here for him afterwards and as we wait, joining us as rafael mccall, a fellow at the manhattan institute. good to have you with us. i was caught by a piece written by a colleague of yours at the manhattan institute talking about what she calls overwhelming evidence that stronger prosecution, allowing for tougher policing, all of these things, there is evidence that they work to reduce crime and yet in new york, that calculation doesn't seem to be clicking with the leaders there. why not? >> they have subordinated the security of new yorkers to their topline political concerns. they have branded themselves as a political party, they being the democrats of new york city and state being the party that
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is going to address the racial disparities in our criminal justice system. that is paramount above all else to them which is one of the reasons they have continued to move down this track and maintain the status quo that they've maintained over the last ten years. look at the litany of things that have changed and the criminal justice space in the state of new york and the city of new york over the last decade pier you had bail reform, u.n. discovery reform. you had to raise the age, juvenile justice reform and parole reform with less is more. you had to stop and frisk litigation in 2014. you had the diaphragm law which criminalizes the placement on diaphragm of a suspect even if the suspect is resisting a new york city police officer. it goes on and on. how many stops act. all that they want to do is lower the transaction cost of committing crime in this country and raise the transaction cost of enforcing the law and the practical effects of that are that repeat offenders and individuals who have illustrated
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through the repeated criminal conduct that they do not intend to play by society's rules, continue to get leapt right back out on the street and then it's only a matter of time for some of these people until they do something terrible. how many terrible offenses have we seen committed in the city of new york just in the last few days? we had fatal subway bushings. we had a police officer murdered. we had shootings. every time a suspect is arrested for one of these things, and inevitably turns out that this is an individual that has ten, 15, 20, 30 prior arrests. how many times do we need this to happen before we change course? unfortunately the answer of the new york city council and the democrats and the new york state assembly and senate is not yet. the speed to standby one moment. we are seeing a picture now former president trump emerging out of the weight. he has stepped outside. we are expecting for him to
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possibly give some comments. let's take a closer look and see if he is going to step up to the microphone that has been set up outside. >> shannon: as you noted earlier, there are officers ringing that area. it looked like it was being prepared for him to come and speak. that is that position there that we think he may be headed towards. as we wait and see obviously security always very heavy in the presence of a former or current commander in chief. it looks like that may be indeed where he is headed and we will hear from him directly. >> thank you very much everybody. i want to thank bruce and all the people that have worked so hard to make this area beautiful and safe and this is what happened is such a sad event. such a horrible thing. it is happening all too often and we won't let it happen.
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21 times arrested, this dog. the person in the car with them arrested many times and they don't learn because they don't respect. they are given the respect that police are the greatest people we have. there's nothing and nobody like them and they should never happen. i just visited with a very beautiful wife that now doesn't have her husband. stephanie was just incredible. their child, brand-new, beautiful baby. sitting there innocent as can be and doesn't know how his life has been changed but the diller family, you will never be the same. you can never be the same and we have to stop it. we have to stop it. we have to get back to law and order, we have to do a lot of things differently because this is not working. this is happening too often. it's an honor to be here and again, i want to thank all of
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you folks for allowing this. bruce, thank you. bruce has been a friend of mine for a long time. he has done an incredible job out here but this is such a sad occasion. the only thing we can say is that maybe something will be learned. we have to toughen it up and strengthen it up. this should never be allowed. things like this should not take place and take place so often. thank you all for being here. it's an honor and it's an honor for me to be here. this is a great family. the diller family. i met the friends and everyone of them inside. these are incredible people that are just devastated. they are devastated. they have a tough road. it will be a very tough road. inc. you very much everybody. appreciate it. thank you. thank you very much. >> i just want to say thank you to president trump for coming here to be with the diller family. it was very comforting for them and very warm inside. people were very, very...
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they were very blessed to have someone like president trump who cared so much and spent a lot of time with the family and, again, and tremendous comfort to the family and probably the most difficult time this family has ever had. may god bless stephanie. ryan we will help raise because he is only 1-year-old and he will grow up without a dad but he is going to have thousands of dads that will look after him and to his mother and it jennifer and james and his brother and sister and the whole family. carol, uncle jenny. our hearts go out to them and may god bless them and god bless america. >> we have to toughen it up. we need to have law and order. these things can't happen. we need to have law and order. it can't happen. thank you very much.
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>> shannon: somewhat subdued former president trump they're making comments and talking about meeting with the family and stephanie now the widow of fallen officer jonathan diller. talking about how things have to change. he says we have to stop this and be doing things differently. he talked repeatedly about what an honor it was to be there and praising the men and women in uniform saying police are the best people we have. there's no one like them. saying we need to toughen things up. we heard jillian take that question there. you never know how he questions he will entertain but today he wanted the focus to be on the officer and its grieving loved ones. >> gillian: hinting at policy he did say the answer to that question is we need to toughen up so it doesn't happen again. let's go in and bring back and nicole parker, fbi special agent. what do you make of the presidents comments and the nassau county executive's comments? >> i want to say thank you. thank you so much.
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because again, these are nypd officers here but they are law enforcement officers nationwide. they feel like they are silenced. they been hamstrung. they have not been able to do their jobs. to hear an elected official and someone running for president saying we have your back, we understand, i don't care if you love president trump, hate president trump, i don't care where you stand on the political spectrum. it does matter that there is a commander in chief who backs the blue and who understands the sacrifice that these law enforcement officers are making and to hear him discuss the wife. let me tell you right now, it's numb. she's completely numb. to get that news monday, absolutely devastating. right now she has like what just happened. her life has been turned upside down. the support, you need all the support you can get and let me just explain this as well. the day of the funeral and on
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these memorial services, thousands of people are coming and they are supporting you and they have got you and it's important. you remember who showed up. you do. but i can tell you it's going to start to get quiet and went all the media leaves and the fanfare leaves and the accolades leave, americans, please do not let your support for law enforcement leave. continue to back the blue, remember these families. the tunnel to towers and their ability to help these family members is phenomenal. get involved. make a difference in your community. this is, for me, a call to americans. we need light. we need truth. and we need to come together as a country. and sometimes it takes a tragedy such as this to bring us together but this is not just an nypd problem happening nationwide. sometimes people watch television at home and they wonder what they can do to help. there's a lot you can do to h help. vote for the elected officials you believe will make your communities safer and will back your law enforcement, back your
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military, and who love this country. >> shannon: as you said nicole, such a good call to the rest of us. if you are feeling emotional and frustrated with this, if you are feeling heartbroken about this, there are ways to channel this into helping members of law enforcement, members of the military, their families who i've always felt, coming from a military family, they serve right alongside the person out there in uniform and we have to be thinking about them. nicole, i want to bring up one stat and get your reaction to this. new york city recidivism rates. percentage of people released under bail reform and rearrested within two years is 66%. what does that say to you about the group of people who are committing these crimes over and over? >> you know what it tells me? it tells me they know that there is not going to be any consequence for their behavior and they don't care. they are like forget you. i'm going to keep doing this over and over and i might get a little slap on the respite i will be right back at it as soon as i get out of jail. that's unacceptable. that is unacceptable.
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this has got to stop. i'm not sure what it's going to take to wake people up. communities deserve better. you deserve to feel safe and you deserve to have law enforcement officers that are being treated with respect. they don't feel that they matter. they don't feel supported. they got spit in their faces. i don't know if you understand this but they were literally people spitting in their faces and you have to take that abuse and just keep doing your job. officers, there is a special thing about cops and law enforcement officers. they don't do it for the money. they genuinely love the communities that they serve and i'm going to acknowledge there are always a few bad apples out there and i see it. i've seen it in the fbi. i see it everywhere. law enforcement agencies, cops, fbi agents. there will be bad ones out there. there are bad apples and i don't excuse that and we do need to hold law enforcement to a high standard. americans deserve that as well. but this defund the police
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nonsense, it has damaged our country. to unwind that, i don't know how long it will take but if you went to a parent who is now an nypd officer for instance and they said i know children my selves. the parents who are cops are saying do not go into law enforcement. i don't recommend it. how sad is that as an nypd officer, any law enforcement officer, you should encourage your children to do that and carry on that legacy but not as they are being treated right now. it won't happen. people are working so hard to get to the pension. how about we restore our criminal justice system back to the point where people want to be cops again. they feel supported, they feel that they matter and that they can do their jobs properly. to me, that would be my biggest hope for the nation right now. >> shannon: nicole, to your point, it feels like there's been an overcorrection. yes there are officers who do things and they commit crimes and they need to be held
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accountable. my late father was a law enforcement officer and like you said there is nobody who hates a bad cop worse than a good cop because you don't want that in your mix, you don't want that in your rank. those people have to be held responsible but the vast majority of these people are everyday heroes and this reminds us how much we should appreciate them. for folks like you who have served us in law enforcement, thank you. >> thank you. what i would like to say is another thing you can do in your community. if you see a law enforcement officer or cop in uniform, say thank you. it goes a long way. they actually appreciate it. just say thank you. i appreciate your service. >> shannon: absolutely pure nickel, we thank you for yours. >> thanks. >> gillian: thank you nicole. we will have continuing coverage of officer diller's wake coming up next. stick with us.
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>> this is such a sad occasion. the only thing we can say is maybe something will be learned. we have to toughen it up and strengthen it up. this should never be allowed. things like this shouldn't take place and to take place so of often. >> gillian: joining us now is darren porter for nypd loan tenant and law enforcement professor at pace university. very heavy moment that you are joining us. what is your reaction to the tragic events on monday and what we are seeing today. >> a very unfortunate events. i visited the scene yesterday because i was still in disbelief. we haven't had a police officer killed in two years in the nypd and this one happened. nothing changes whether it is the first or the last and i go back to 1988. we had a police officer in queens that bruce provided a
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witness in connection with drug dealers that was trying to kill a witness and he was savagely killed while he was sitting in his police cruiser. then vice president george h bush was running for president and he carried around his police shield everywhere he went up to and including his incumbency as president in the united states and that speaks volumes not just to the family but all police officers on a national level to know that they have not backing from a commander in chief. i had a lot of friends that are widows that have husbands killed in the line of duty as police officers and it never gets old. we look at this when compared to the first. it's all the same narrative and it begs the question of what can we do different as a society to
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protect police officers? the social construct needs to be upheld and unfortunately we have this valiant hero who lost his life for the citizens of new york and it begs the question as to what is the legislative process to implement the laws that not just protect police officers but us as a whole as the eight and a half million residents that reside in the city of new york that are avoid in the legislation to protect us as a whole. >> shannon: where do we find this balance? this push over the last few years is to say there are problems within the justice system. there are inadequacies. there are things that need to be fixed that people can agree need to be done better. how do we do that and balance that with the social contract that you talk about? we ask our officers to be out there on the front lines protecting us and protecting our communities. you have done this. how do we balance that against what people view as injustices
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and inequities within the justice system that does need some updating or correcting? >> one of the things that we go back to his during the 90s when bill clinton was the president. he had this all-out blitz in the communities of color as it relates to policing so to speak. very much a forward mechanism in policing and this is something that derived around the time where we had the crack epidemic that was plaguing us is the united states. many people felt as if there was a victimization of the communities of color based on these actions of police but as we fast-forward, so many things have been receded and now it is those same communities of color that are being victimized by the laws within the legislation process that are not protecting these communities because they are moving police backwards more so than forward and it begs the question what are we going to do and the answer is nothing by our
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legislators. >> gillian: we have to leave it there but thank you for taking time with us. we appreciate it. >> shannon: you are looking live at all kinds of different scenes in the new york city area today. a grieving community at the wake of fallen nypd officer jonathan diller and a new york city preparations underway for a massive star-studded fund-raising event for president biden with former presidents obama and clinton. in the family that has been impacted the father and husband now gone. officer diller. more coverage when we come back. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. hello, ghostbusters. it's doug. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. we got a bit of a situation. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪
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[ ♪♪ ] c what happened is such a sad sad event. such a horrible thing happening all too often. we are not just gonna let it happen. 21 times arrested this thug and, the person in the car with him was arrested many times. they don't learn because they don't respect, they are not given the respect. the police or the greatest people we have there is nothing and nobody liked them. this should never happen. >> marth: that's obviously former president truck speaking outside martha: the wake first slain officer and murdered on monday in a line of duty.
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>> martha: the former president showing up to make the rounds there and meet the family and the community and offer them his good no 1 says. he than came outside to the microphone and made some comments about the importance of backing the blue. we've been hearing all our shannon from experts , former service members talking about the experience of what it's like living through a particular nightmare that is having your loved 1 killed while in the line of duty. it's happening much too frequently it seems. >> yes such a shock to this demand to have people show up of all different parts of your community, a former president, all of those things are comforting to the family and it means a lot to them. they don't want to be this had landed on to be part of this club but if something good could potentially come from this changes to protect our officers, change the way that we handle what seemed to be repeat offenders, that seems to
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be the real issue in the new york city region and at least it sparks a conversation about where -- whether there we'll be any changes. >> martha: and folks agree at least around this should not continue to happen. we'll be right back e mobile app. hellooo new apartment. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours.
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12:00 pm
♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. [ ♪♪ ] >> martha: it's been a heavy afternoon with us creeping along and the country grieving along with this young family having to say goodbye to fallen nypd officer at the hands allegedly of a career criminal it sounds like. >> it does. our entire community there grieving today. thank you for being with us jillian turner. >> i'm shannon breen up next chase and on the story in place for martha maccallum. >> good afternoon i'm chase gallagher and for martha maccallum this is the story. president -- former president donald trump paying his respects to new york city police fi


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