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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  March 27, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> dana: that was so great. that was terrific. before we go, goats gone wild. check this out. police in arlington, texas had to wrangle a herd of runaway goats. they escaped from a park where the city was using them to help clear brush. they are very useful in that regard. the goats are all safe and accounted for. that's a lot of goats. everything is bigger in texas. >> bill: it went baaaad. >> dana: that's why you wanted to save time with before we go. pretty good. for a wednesday. you didn't do too bad. see you on "the five" tonight. in the meantime remember evan gershkovitch. "the faulkner focus" is next. here she is. >> harris: fox news alert.
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the mission is intense to recover six people who went into the patapsco river in baltimore, maryland. for all those families and loved ones for closure, this mission again is as intense as ever. a container ship lost power and propulsion before slamming into the francis scott key bridge and it happened around 1:30 in the morning yesterday. the bridge plunged, toppled, fell into 48-degree water. people on the bridge, cars on the bridge going into the river bringing several cars again with it. six construction workers presumed dead. maryland governor wes moore says this about the impact of the tragedy. >> it is breathtaking. that's not the baltimore skyline that i know. i know that in addition to my
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heart going out to these families, i know this was not what they expected when family members left that night to go to work, i know we owe it to the people of this city and the people of this state to get this fixed and to get it done. >> harris: and we owe it to everybody to know what happened. what caused that? the ntsb is on it. coming up national correspondent griff jenkins reports on everything all the latest from the scene in baltimore and we'll talk more about the daunting recovery effort and what is next for a former merchant marine captain at the bottom of the hour. we begin legal action today that could affect the race for the white house. former president trump is not the defendant this time. the first son, the son of the president of the united states, joe biden, hunter biden is the defendant today. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus."
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hunter's legal team heads to california this afternoon and they want the judge to toss out the first son's federal tax fraud case. the charges against him include three felonies and six misdemeanors. a conviction could land him in prison for up to 17 years. special counsel weiss said he didn't pay his taxes on times but he had money to pay for drugs, professionals courts, luxury hotels, fancily clothes and accused of hatching a tax evasion scheme including cooking the books of his businesses. hunter biden's lawyer says he has paid all up now and claims he is the victim of a vindictive and selective prosecution. my guest, leo terrell, disagrees. >> just because he paid taxes doesn't negate the wrong. he committed a crime. he evaded paying taxes for four years. he basically concealed income
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and the fact that he paid the bill doesn't exonerate him from committing the crime. >> harris: if the judge does not dismiss the case, hunter's tax trial will likely begin in june just as his father's presidential re-election campaign kicks into high gear. chief correspondent jonathan hunt is in los angeles with more. >> good morning, harris. this is a critical hearing that will unfold here in downtown l.a. later today and a significant test of the strength of the government's case against hunter biden. now biden's legal team are seeking to have dismissed all nine of the tax-related charges against their client. they say two significant arguments. one, the idea this is politically motivated. you laid that out in your intro. two, remember the plea deal they had last year that fell apart that was rejected by a judge.
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well, biden's legal team say that should still be binding, though, for the prosecution. lowell, the lead attorney for hunter biden, argued in his motion to dismiss, quote, as part of that agreement he, biden, sacrificed valuable rights in exchange for the prosecution's agreement not to prosecute. the very sort of indictment it has brought here. this court should require the prosecution honor its agreement and dismiss the indictment. special counsel david weiss has dismissed that argument in his response to the biden team's filing. he said, quote, because the agreement never went into effect, the government was free to withdraw it, which it did in writing on august 9, 2023. therefore, the defendant's motion to dismiss the indictment returned by the grand jury is meritless and should be denied. so all of these arguments will
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play out today in front of a judge here in l.a. harris, it is possible in theory that the judge could rule from the bench. that seems highly unlikely given he has these nine counts and nine motions to take a look at. if he decides not to accept the biden team's filings and says the trial should go ahead, he has it scheduled to begin on june 20th. >> harris: coming up. all right. jonathan hunt, thank you very much. matt whitaker, former acting u.s. attorney general. tell us what we're watching for in all of this. can hunter possibly get out of having to go to court and face trial in june? >> it's highly unlikely. all the arguments that abbe lowell are making is 80% accurate. it sounds good in a newspaper article but under the law it is
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actually not exactly accurate. i think the most important thing though, harris, that i'm watching is the three felony counts. they include not only failures to not file taxes but also a filing a false tax return. so that's where the real hook is. this argument that somehow the government needs to leave up to his prior plea deal. the judge rejected that. it is null and void and was contingent on the judge accepting the plea agreement. i think that today is a process, procedural argument. i don't think it will be successful. hunter will ultimately have to face a jury in this case. >> harris: we have the counts against hunter biden. i want to go through what you think. you talked about that filing. i guess you would call it a fake return. drill down on that. >> yeah, well, this obviously you have to all americans have to file an accurate tax return
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that says what their income was and what their expenses were and what their net tax. and so, you know, as you look at all of this, i think those felony counts, the false tax return. he lied to the federal government to reduce, to expense things that weren't expenseable. some of the things you mentioned earlier and ultimately not pay taxes. i think that is probably the most serious crime that's alleged here. >> harris: up to 17 years is what we're being told that he faces. we'll follow it. i appreciate you filling in some of the gaps on what to watch for. let's look at this. a new york judge just added another hush, if you will, to donald trump's hush money trial. the judge imposed a gag order ahead of the april 15th trial date. only on donald trump. only on him. he said, quote, prior extra judicial statement establish a sufficient risk to the administration of justice, a quote. the order does not cover statements against the judge or
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manhattan district attorney alvin bragg, former assistant u.s. attorney andy mccarthy is wondering why the gag order only applies to trump? let's watch. >> there don't seem to be any of the witnesses talking about trump but he can't talk about them under circumstances where he is running for president. i have always thought it was odd that you can clamp down on his speech by everyone else he is running against in the race can speak to their heart's content about his legal trouble. >> harris: byron york argued bragg went office by promising to go after trump. don't all the guys on the left? isn't that their jam right now? he did go after trump. resurrecting an allegation that more responsible law enforcement agencies had declined to prosecute. bragg came up with 34 felony counts against trump with a
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maximum sentence each with four years if prison that would result to 134 years behind bars for the former president. matt, as you look at this, why not put a gag order on not just alvin bragg but any of these liberal district attorney and attorney general letitia james? he loves to talk smack about trump and how she is going to get him, quote. >> she has been awfully quiet since the appeals court reduced the bond amount. but that being said, i think these gag orders are very dangerous as you can imagine. someone running for president that now has to be very careful with how and what they comment upon. the first amendment doesn't say unless you are being prosecuted then you can't speak. the first amendment is fairly broad in its protection of our right to speak and speak our minds. so i think this judge ultimately whats to tread very carefully. the president is going to say
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what he wants to say and these witnesses and others are going to say what they want to say about donald trump. i think it's very anti-american to put a gag order on someone that is the leading candidate for one of the major parties. >> harris: we have seen the former president say some things that have angered other judges before talking about things that were extracurricular to the case. is there something in particular that he might have said in this instance that triggered this judge and his gag order? >> there has been this character -- i can't remember his name that has been in and out of the department of justice federally and the district attorney's office and letitia james' office at the state attorney general. i think that maybe it's directed to prevent the highlighting of that individual or, you know, essentially court personnel. all of this again the president has a right to defend himself and especially as the major candidate for the republican party certainly has an ability to comment about these things.
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so the american people understand the context. you mentioned these charges, the federal election charges that have been rejected by both the fec and southern district of new york and that now somehow make it a six year statute of limitations because of covid. the only way these charges were brought in the first place. i think that needs to be mentioned and spoke about and make sure everybody understands it. >> harris: just mentioning the fact this d.a. is another one on the left who used donald trump's name to campaign. there is nothing wrong with bringing that in and then applying whatever gag order has to be applied equally and fairly. matt whittaker, great to see you. msnbc executives cowardly caved. they gave way to their tv hosts who bullied a well-known republican employee off the air. a lot of criticism coming from nbc now for firing former rnc
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chair ronna mcdaniel. plus the biden administration and democrats have a big problem. >> the contempt for israel that was hiding beneath the surface is now open. stunning that the u.s. would abstain on a resolution that called for a cease-fire not conditioned on the release of hostages. that's a shift in policy. >> harris: the rift and the shift. president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that difficulty between them is growing now and so is the criticism from both sides of the political aisle. we'll get into it with jason chaffetz next. ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo!
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like ronna mcdaniel have pushed on this country. >> we weren't asked our opinion but we have strongly objected to it for several reasons. >> she has credibility issues she still has to deal with. is she speaking for herself or who is picking her >> you wouldn't hire a pick pocket to be a tsa screener. it's inexplicable. >> harris: did you know she spent 29 minutes on the topic of ronna mcdaniel? it's a lot of unearned free air time for ronna. they created quite the toxic work environment publicly. a lot of witnesses who saw that. what happened to leadership at msnbc to let the talent bully a new employee? tv hosts picked a fight with their own executives on air telling them they had to drop former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel and they dumped her after five
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days after her contract. mcdaniel heard the report through media reports not nbc. an internal memo, no organization particularly a newsroom can succeed unless it is cohesive and aligned. over the last few days, it has become clear that this appointment undermines that goal. it was a dumpster fire. >> it is about professionalism. it is about respect. it is about the nature -- forget about republicans. it's about conservatism. it is about somebody who doesn't follow the line. who doesn't tow the line. who does not con form. >> another embodiment of cancel culture that is in every sphere of our life. >> harris: alexis mcadams with more. >> mcdaniels team comes down to this. livid that nbc allowed their own talent to drag her through the mud over and over again on the
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channel saying nbc is letting inmates run the asylum. mcdaniel hasn't heard from the network this morning finding out only through media reports that she had been canned. she was outed or ousted after major outrage from many msb hosts like rachel maddow pushing hard for nbc news to drop mcdaniel and last night celebrated. >> when somebody does the right thing i feel like it should be acknowledged as publicly as we acknowledged our outrage. i'm grateful our leadership was willing to do i think the bold, strong resilient thing. >> they said we got this one wrong and made the right decision. >> our company listened to us, to you, and did what was right. >> originally nbc stressed the importance of having a voice like ronna's on the team. yesterday this memo was sent out
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from news group telling staff mcdaniel was no longer with the network and saying i want to apologize to team members who felt we let them down. the chairman said it was a collective recommendation i approved it and take full responsibility for it. trying to apologize to the people who work for him. mcdaniel talked about her time at the rnc and why it's important for voters to hear all sides. >> i think you should trust me. i can't speak to people who don't trust different voices. i think you should be able to hear from different voices. >> a source who knows about the deal says nbc will have to pay mcdaniel her two-year contract around $6 hundred thousand and is already talking to a high level media turn who dealt with cases like this before and plans to sue nbc news, harris. >> harris: nobody told those toxic co-workers they shouldn't have bullied her in public like
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that. that opens up the entire company to lawsuits. we'll cover it. many of nbc's talent claimed their issue was her ties to donald trump and election denial. they have guests who are democrats often and cast doubt on election results. the rnc compiled this. >> trump knows he is an illegitimate president. >> the only way to win the election was stop the voting in florida. >> after the election when you stole the election, you came back here and said get over it. no, we're not going to get over it. >> they turned the department of civil rights into the voter suppression division. >> without voter suppression stacey abrams would be the governor of georgia. >> the election was not fair, the process was not fair. >> if stacey abrams doesn't win in georgia they stole it, it's clear. >> harris: jen is psaki, msnbc
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anchor peddled the conspiracy series that the hunter biden laptop is russian disinformation. dozens of former intel officials say. can we get a name of anybody who still says that after all of the clarifications and retractions? all those journalists who weren't journaling the truth. can we get that? jason chaffetz, fox news contributor, former republican congressman from utah. all right. here we go. your thoughts. >> i always find it rich, harris, when the people that preach diversity, equity, inclusion are the very first people to deny people, to push them aside because they've got diversity of thought. and what they did and how they did this to ronna mcdaniel is so abhorrent and wrong.
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they don't want anybody in their club that doesn't tow the exact line that rachel maddow and chuck todd some of these others want them to tow. again, don't be telling me about diversity and inclusion and all these other things the way you treated ronna mcdaniel. it was fundamentally wrong. >> harris: whatever happened to the great debate? i guess that's out of the question. all right. let's move to this. anti-israel protestors put pressure on president biden to call for a permanent cease-fire in the israel/hamas war. we know that. that's been going on. they voted uncommitted to the tune of more than 100,000 in the primary in michigan. here is the scene during a campaign stop yesterday. [shouting] >> president biden: everybody deserves self-care. [shouting]
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>> president biden: be patient with them. they have a point. we need to get a lot more care into gaza. >> harris: tensions between president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu continue to grow. netanyahu canceled a delegation to the united states after the u.s. abstained from a u.n. vote on a cease-fire resolution. a no vote from the u.s. would have blocked the measure that did not call for the release of israeli hostages. a senior hamas official praised the decision and said regarding the american administration, there is no doubt there are clear changes in its policy toward israel. wouldn't they love that? after the vote monday the white house said this, remember? just days ago. >> does not -- i repeat that
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does not represent a shift in our policy. we have been clear and we've been consistent in our support for a cease-fire as part of a hostage deal. >> harris: criticism from both sides of the aisle. senator john fetterman called it appalling to let the resolution pass. democratic congressman said it will only embolden hamas. when hamas says, jason, that the american policy we're seeing some changes in it and then admiral kirby on behalf of the white house says our policy hasn't changed, who do you believe? >> admiral kirby is not right. the united states of america had a vote and they chose to abstain? what kind of leadership is that? of course you veto that. you say no we aren't behind that. why can't the united states of america unequivocally say look, you want aid, you want healthcare, you want bridges and
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ports that come into where you are, you have to give us back our hostages. there shouldn't be any hostages. without that sort of clarity we'll continue to take hostages. >> harris: what a horrible thing to have to decide between that i handed you. who is right? hamas or the white house representative? sad we can't easily say the white house representative because he is not. >> yeah. it is clarity. you have to have clarity. and you have to be on the moral right side of this and biden is acquiescing to protestors. >> harris: good to see you, thank you. >> thank you. >> harris: it is now recovery mission for the six people who fell into the 48 degree water after yesterday's horrific collapse of the francis scott key bridge. the investigation into what went wrong is still -- now in full
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swing. the white house is promising immediate federal aid as a shocked community and the nation are mourning. >> it is crazy to be over the bridge hours before it is gone. been on the water my whole life and it is always there and you go out and it is just -- it's rubble. >> harris: griff jenkins is on the water ready to give us a report. a captain is here to weigh in on what we could see next. stay close, we're coming back.
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they were working through the night. president biden spoke about it yesterday. >> will you go to baltimore? >> president biden: i do and as quickly as i can. >> harris: plenty of skepticism about the timing. it took him a year to go to a train derailment in ohio. critics tore into transportation secretary pete buttigieg. daily caller with this headline. after whiffing on other disasters, buttigieg rushes to bridge collapse. buttigieg says he is ready to help. >> the president made it very clear that every tool the federal government needs to be available to governor wes moore as the state of maryland leads the work on both the bridge and the port. we have to make sure funding isn't an obstacle. >> harris: he acknowledged the collapse will have a major impact on supply chains. the port of baltimore is the
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nation's biggest car shipping hub. we're learning more as authorities learn what caused the ship to crash into the bridge. cars and people plunging into the harbor. griff jenkins with more. >> harris, to get a look like this, it takes your breath away. we're on a boat in the patapsco river getting as close as we can and we want to bring you to it. when you look this close you begin to comprehend the mammoth -- [inaudible]. >> harris: sometimes the conditions can really fight with technology out there. we will listen for a few more seconds to see if we can hear griff jenkins voice comes back. >> sorry about that. i just want to take a look again. we're getting the this close
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look at the steel beams, the mangled steel bent like plastic straws, the column wrecked, things dangling reminds you, even though this was not an act of terrorism, it looks like what we saw after 9/11, destruction. that shipping container in the distance. the dali. to my right the north end you can see the little blue blinking lights and red lights in the distance. the little boats are the maryland department of natural resources out here along with larger yellow boat there, the army corps of engineers and they are focusing their recovery efforts and where they believe there may likely be bodies. where they did the sonar and found the vehicles that plunged into the water. this comes as the ntsb has day one of being on the ground. we learned when we talked to the chair earlier this morning, she told us they had recovered the
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data recorder like a black box of an airplane. it will tell them a lot of information. i asked about that exclusive "wall street journal" reporting that possibly it was dirty fuel that contributed to it. here is what she said when i asked her about it. >> to be honest, i have not seen those reports so i would have to get some context. but we would have to look at that and, of course, having the right fuel, making sure it is clean fuel certainly would contribute to the operation of the vessel. but we have an entire engineering team here that will look into that. >> we spoke earlier to governor wes moore and i asked him point blank are you aware of anybodies pulled from the water yet? he said not yet. the crews are working through the elements to try to get it in about 30 feet deep of water in that channel as they try to clear it. harris. >> harris: great work out there. thank you very much. i want to now welcome a captain
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who served as a merchant marine captain. great to see you today. let me start with what you might know about dirty fuel, the "wall street journal" in exclusive reporting was the first to say this possibly could have played a role. what is it? >> good morning, harris. yes, the fuel on these vessels is probably the lowest grade fuel that you could ever encounter. it is basically like a sludge. when you put it into the engine it has to be heated and sent through purification devices before it is injected into the pistons. it is not uncommon for dirty fuel and bad fuel to cause disruptions in engine function on a ship like this. when it is in open water i've experienced it. it is like the lights go out. it is very unsettling. every gets quiet very quickly. when you're in the open water it's fine. near a bridge it can be catastrophic as we see. >> harris: does the power just come back on?
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i'm trying to understand both scenarios found terrifying whether you are in open water and away from everybody or careening into something right away. the dirty fuel causing the lights to go out? what turns the lights back on? >> in a situation like this there are emergency generators functioning aboard the vessel for this sort of instance. and those generators run on a different type of fuel. it is a cleaner fuel and so they are there to provide emergency power, sometimes bow thruster and emergency generators help. >> harris: that explains why the captain with the u.s. coast guard in charge of instruction there for search and rescue was saying yesterday those backup systems would have been their best bet. now my question is what happened to the back-ups? >> well, they aren't sufficient for powering the propeller. they only power auxiliary systems.
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so it is not really enough to stop the ship and do anything in those confined waters. >> harris: it doesn't restore your propulsion and your ability to avoid. a lot of lives, we understand, were saved by the early mayday calls and now that you described this as a possibility, i completely understand why those seconds mattered so much. captain, thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. >> harris: democrats attacking on several fronts now when it comes to robert f. kennedy, jr.'s white house bid. team biden and his political party reportedly are in panic mode and pulling out all the stops to kill r.f.k., jr.'s campaign. >> anyone that they view as maybe a threat to him or to siphon off some votes that they think should go to joe biden. he is not entitled to anyone's vote. they'll try to disqualify that person.
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>> harris: we're learning that democrats appear to be in panic mode as independent robert f. kennedy, jr. so threat en biden's re-election bid. he picked a running mate yesterday.
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strategists for biden jumped on a call. let's listen. >> him being in the race means that there is a greater likelihood that donald trump will become president again. we have to get out and say he doesn't have a path. this is a binary choice in november. >> we're doing everything in our power to get president biden and vice president harris reelected. it is critical we take siresly every obstacle to that goal. let me be clear that's what robert f. kennedy is in this election, he is a spoiler. >> harris: jacque heinrich is live from the white house. >> democrats are so worried that robert f. kennedy, jr. will siphon votes for biden and get trump elected. they have heartburn from 2016 when donald trump's margin of victory was smaller than the total number of votes that jill stein got in three swing states. rfk junior is polling better
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grabbing 13%. dnc is waging this campaign to paint kennedy as a black sheep of the family, not a kennedy in the traditional sense. president biden posed with 50 members of the kennedy family to illustrate that and send that message. democrats are trying to keep kennedy from getting on the ballot in more states lodging a complaint allege knowledge a pro-kennedy super pac failing to disclose millions of dollars in loans. >> the truth is he was drafted into this race by donald trump's top supporters and is being financed in this race by trump's largest donor. that isn't merely a coincidence. he has no realistic path to victory in pennsylvania. all he can do is take away votes from president biden and make it easier for donald trump to win. we simply can't afford to let that happen. >> now that kennedy has chosen a running mate he can start collecting signatures to get on
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the ballot in 23 more states. now on the ballot in one state. his vp doesn't come just from money but also has something that president biden can't get back, which is youth. >> and i was most importantly looking for a partner who is a young person, and nichole is only 38 years old. [cheers and applause] >> expect to hear more from democrats about how kennedy's candidacy is only going to secure another trump administration. the key word we're about to keep hearing a lot is spoiler, harris. >> harris: i see that. it's interesting. they've already gamed this out. a lot of strategists say we don't know which person it would hurt more. the biden camp on that dnc call seems to be telling us exactly what they think. good to see you. thank you. great reporting, by the way.
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charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor and fox news contributor, patrick murphy, former democratic congressman from pennsylvania. i want to start with you, patrick. pennsylvania is so important for democrats. you want to be able to take that state. what happens if r.f.k., jr. and his new 38-year-old says yeah, i wanted to pick somebody young the vice president running mate is on the ballot against biden? >> to be determined to be honest with you. we'll see. i will say that while president biden had a conference call with the dnc he has been quiet about it. donald trump as you saw a tacked robert kennedy junior saying he is a crazy environmentalist and see how it pans out. i will tell you, when you look at the numbers yesterday out of alabama real quick, harris, a democrat won a state house race in alabama that was a trump district and won it 2-one.
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trump's high watermark was eight years ago when he won in 2016. he lost in 2018, just lost. no red wave two years ago. it will be interesting. >> harris: do you predict alabama is a battleground state? >> no, people need to pay attention what's going on. >> harris: i want to make sure my scorecard is right. >> not at all. >> harris: it was just to make you feel warm. charlie. >> i think democrats are sort of expecting r.f.k. to pick somebody more of a unity ticket that would hopefully draw more republican voters away from donald trump. obviously with the pick of nichole shanahan, he has sort of -- this is the sweet spot for democrat voters. she is very appealing and i think -- so i think that's the real reason they are pulling the
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alarm here. it is interesting to get all these lectures from the democrats about democracy and all this stuff. when democracy happens, which can be messy sometimes. they sure don't like it. i think the reason you have the trump campaign reacting very differently by attacking r.f.k. directly is because what they are trying to do is they are comfortable running against joe biden and r.f.k. and they want to attack him on the issues, which is what they are doing. the dnc is freaking out because while there are -- there are aspects of r.f.k. that could appeal to trump supporters, the enthusiasm among trump supporters for trump is pretty unshakable, whereas the support for joe biden is pretty weak. >> harris: i was going to say especially that for joe biden, it's oppositional in that sense. a new poll shows former president trump is leading in texas, a state targeted by
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democrats. texas voters prefer trump 55% to biden's 44%. trump only carried texas by 5 1/2 points in 2020. the smallest margin of victory for a republican presidential nominee in texas in nearly a quarter century. this poll shows that lead grows to 11 points. i have to think the border has something to do with this, patrick. >> no doubt it does. so we'll see how that pans out. >> harris: you think that is going to be solved before november 5th. >> people see both sides standing in the corners and not working together. we passed a bipartisan immigration bill. >> harris: i will stop you there. hr2 has been in the hands of the senate since last may. they have had dozens of meetings and tried to bring it up and that has been shelved placed in the corner while they talk about everything else in a democrat-led senate. they had a bill they could have
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worked through that was a border bill. they didn't want to touch it. they wanted to put other things in it and it ended up being a border bill and we're playing political games? the president sees an emergency and he could fix it with executive action. >> he can do some work on executive action. i have said that in the past. that comprehensive border bill that wasn't hr2. the one that was bipartisan 3,000 more people and agent for the border. he can't do it without executive action. >> how was flipping trump's policies that worked not unconstitutional? why is -- the answer is he can put them back. charlie. >> it's interesting because all the squabbling in washington over the border, it doesn't help
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republicans in congress running for congress necessarily unless you are voting for somebody who is going to end the squabbling and do something about it. the one person all of the dysfunction in washington helps in terms of the border is donald trump because he is the only republican to ever come along to demonstrate you can bring sanity to the border and he did that. and nobody single handedly all did all the sanity and we have this human crisis at the border now that is terrible for america and terrible for all of the poor people coming across the border. >> harris: patrick, i look forward to having more of this conversation on this. you guys are now saying the same thing. nothing is going to fix it completely. if you don't put back what was working i don't see how you go forward. all right, gentlemen, great to see you both. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" after the break. to perfect your process. ♪
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