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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 26, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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months ago i saw -- we have two lands that have come through the store really -- the redeem line which is the line that will pick up the merchandise and the pond line which is the line that they bring in colour merchandise to get money out of. right now the pond line is probably twice as line -- long as the retention line of people picking up merch merchandise. rear street-level economist, we know what company we before the mediator. >> laura: is both fascinating and deeply disturbing, americans deserve better than this but thank you very much for extending this to us. we needed to understand this. that's it for us time. prayers for those who lost their lives in that horrible bridge collapsed and that's -- for other first responders got everyone trying to help there. jesse watters, next. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: welcome to "black mark "jesse watters
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primetime." tonight looking. >> never would think that i would see the key bridge tumbled on. look like an action will be. >> jesse: the cargo ship that took out the baltimore bridge. why don't we know why? >> delivered -- >> something called -- whichever syndicate to puffy labour camp. >> hell no. >> jesse: x. -- and jeffrey epstein. >> december union! must all be aware this will produce the greatest crisis which the world has faith in it's history. >> jesse: the jfk series continues. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: plus... ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: fox news alert authorities have called off the rescue mission in baltimore after hours of searching for survivors in
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the cold, blackwater. all six missing people are now presumed dead. at 1:30 in the morning a colossal partnership crashed in to the francis scott key bridge sending one and a half miles of steal and concrete tumbling in to the water. how did this happen? state and federal officials aren't saying much but here's what we can tell you. the ship left port heading towards india. bishops light started flickering on and off and it lost power. the ship then makes a sharp turn and black smoke below is from the top which indicates an aggressive and desperate attempt to change direction. the vessel dropped an emergency anchor but it was too late. a made a call went out right before impact and officials on the ground close off the bridge to traffic but a construction crew was not able to escape. they fell nearly 200 feet in to the pitch black river. alongside tons of mangled medal and debris.
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>> what the [ bleep ]! what the [ bleep ]! what the [ bleep ]! no shott! no shott! >> jesse: p. -- two people were rescued and other six are now presumed that. after rescue team spent ours using sonar and underwater drones to search the river as divers navigated the dangerous wreckage. 30,000 people cross this bridge daily. this could have been a lot worse. there are safeguards in place to prevent this but somehow they all failed. the anchor was designed to stop the ship and barriers surrounding the pylons are designed to protect the bridge. is an active investigation but almost immediately the fbi waved off the possibility of a terror attack. >> i want to be clear that there is no specific credible information to suggest that there are ties to terrorism in this incident. >> jesse: today was that age and's first day on the
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job as head of the baltimore field office and i hope he's right. the governor says the bridge was structurally intact before the ship slammed into it but the ship is a bad track record back in 16 it crashed in to a stone wall at the port in belgium, damaging its stern. in this last year while the vessel was being inspected and -- in chile they found it had -- propulsion and machinery issues. the company is that chartered and operated this partnership are foreign. it flew under a singapore flag and was commissioned by a danish company and if there at fault, the os a new bri bridge. biden wants to rebuild it with our tax dollars. >> president joe biden: is my intention that the federal government will pay for the entire week -- and expect hungry students about -- [ some applause ] part. >> jesse: this bridge will cost and a baltimore, one of the east coast's busiest ports is paralyzed. we export cars, call, construction materials,
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everything back out of the harbor and every day the port is close at $9 million disappears. biden says the bridge is close -- close to his heart. >> president biden: about 1:30 containership struck the francis scott key bridge which i've been over many, many times commuting from the state of delaware either by train or by cars. >> jesse: the bridge has never had pain contract so i don't know what he's talking about so -- but there will be more where that came from -- made up stories, mensuration and blame games but don't fall for it, we have to get to the bottom of this. a cargo ship has an taken out of bridge in decades in the ship as far as we can tell has never sustained a power failure before bridge knockdown. we need answers. and someone has to pay. let's bring in captain james staples from the maritime institute of technology. captain, you know, you're looking at this video here and at first, the lights
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flicker and then you see smoke. what are you really seeing at that moment? >> jesse compher things were having me. unfortunately, what we are seeing is a problem with the proposal system thereby the engine room that they lost the plant, what we call being a captain myself or over 24 years and -- we've been going to see that long things are going to happen mcaium aarons habit to make it happen to many captains out there. the fortunate thing is it's never happened this close to a bridge and that is where we have such a casualty that we are seeing today. so what we are going to be looking for is what actually happened countless the million-dollar question. it could have been multiple things. human erica mechanical error, 11 a few problem. so we just don't know at this time. we don't want to speculate but unfortunately it was a bad time, it was about place and the speed of the ship had a lot to do with it because there is a lot of power and a lot of force that is hitting that bridge, these ridges are not made to be hit. unfortunately we see this
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catastrophic event that happened today. so we will need to look back and see what happens. was defecting a problem? that can be a problem with the crew. we just don't know. in the pilot and the captain morning and talking and having change over when the captain comes aboard, was he given all the information he should have been given to the pilots that the captain, did he tell them that he was having any problems with the engine prior to this? you know, so the pilot's cannot maybe a little bit of a handicap when he doesn't know the exact situation of the vessel back we heard you talking about the situation she's had before in different parts so we know the ship has been -- and had some problems. so what the pilot aware of all these problems the ship had, and the -- that may have something to do with it so he made -- we are going to need to look at that, we may need to look at different ways of thinking the ship out of the port, which we do do with my texture -- up the street. we do a lot of training like
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this on these bishops. of captain ships you size ramadan happen it doesn't happen as frequently as -- imports like this. is usually at sea but coming up in an open channel black marks. >> jesse: >> jesse: when the guy drops anchor is in that was to immediately halt the vessel? >> no, that's not what's going to happen with a ship that size. that is like riding a motorcycle at 100 miles per hour and put your foot down and trying to slow the motorcycle down. is not going to happen. and that he is going at a slow speed, you know, maybe i'm not a two that would have about eight, nine knot? it's not going to happen. >> jesse: you're making the turn, you can almost see the sharp turn it makes if you speed of the video, tell us about that decision to turn because it looks like they just go right in to the pylon? >> well that's what it looks like they had a problem with the proportion. you can see the lights go off and generally what happens is
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when you lose everything you're going to have complete science -- silence. you're going to go off the original birth, you're going to get the proportion of the engine, you'll feel the movement of the ship that he will have all sorts of different noises that you get on the ship with a vibration, with the hvac systems running, the radio is going. so he is starting to make his turn and now everything goes dead silent and in marrying technology -- terminology that is death. there is equivalent of you grinning in to a highway at a high rate of speed and as you are merging onto that highway your engine died, you lose everything you don't have any breaks, no steering pay much so that is what he's going to have. but the pilots actually reacted very quickly, to be able to make a call for the bridge and let them know that he was having problems, that is unbelievable that he could do something so quickly and save a lot of lives because of that. my hat is off to this pilot. >> jesse: captain -- thank you so much. >> is in the miracle. >> jesse: this is really is
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one of the craziest things we've ever witnessed in this country in a very, very long time. thank you for joining primetime and -- things were during thanks for joining "primetime" and things were joint -- sharing expertise. very dangerous conditions and when you are my car plunges into water, what do you do? and morgan you are rescuing people trapped in cars underwater what are the valuable -- variables? douglas bishop is an underwater search and recovery expert who finds cars and solves missing persons cases. when you have a search and rescue mission underway and they feel that now there are going to be probably no survivors, are the lives of the rescue crew now at stake in these conditions? >> absolutely, 100%. anytime you involved rescue operation or recovery operation and you have the different variables that upgrade the rest assessment and factor their on-site, you have so many different things
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that are at play here. the integrity of the environment, the water, that can account for everything. also you have tons of unstable steal and concrete. and so forth. these things drastically challenge any type of recovery whatsoever let alone in one in this magnitude. is astronomical, the danger is involved when you have low visibility, current and so forth and it's really never ending. is one of the most challenging recoveries that we've seen or -- of late. >> jesse: my family just bought one of those little hammers that you're supposed to use if your card as submerged in water. you bang it, is that what people do? is that the only way to survive, and how long does it take before it's too late? >> seconds count. it happens way quicker than you could ever imagine. the most important thing to remember is to be prepared and when emergencies and accidents like this happen because they don't have another schedule may be happen in a blink of an nine
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when you least expect it still being repaired is the number 1 thing that you can do. having a windbreaker like we offer at united search is one of the most important steps in this. but if you don't have one and you find yourself in the situation, there are four letters at -- that everyone needs to remember right now watching this and that is s. w., c., oh. and that is seatbelts, win window, children out. you've got to take your seat belt offers can do anything, can save your life without -- with your seatbelt on. immediately, as soon you can you put the window down. so your electronic don't fail and so that pressure doesn't prohibit your window from opening. so seatbelt, window can opener window and children are first. you get your children first. once your children are out, then you are out because once you're out of a vehicle you're not getting back in to the vehicle to rescue anybody. so as -- swco. seatbelt, window, children, out.
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>> jesse: seatbelt, children -- seatbelt, window, children out. duncan dee so much and things were coming on "rhyme time." >> thank you. ♪ ♪ are a key junior is officially like my pics his beekeeper mcnichol shanahan is a lawyer and wealthy ex-wife of google cofounder surgery brian. >> i also wanted a vice president who shares my indignation about the participation of big tech as a partner in the censorship and surveillance and information warfare that our government is currently waging against the american people. >> jesse: shanahan is 38 with no government exper experience, which many believe is an assets. she has not won a super bowl like aaron rogers, but she is wealthy enough to bankroll the campaign and get them on the ballot in 50 states. shanahan is aiming to attract young and independent voters. >> the very failure of both
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parties to do their job to protect their founding values has intuited to the decline of this country in my lifetime. maybe that's why i see so many republicans solution with the party as i become disillusioned with mine. >> jesse: the kennedy-shanahan bumper sticker has a nice ring to it. kennedy has already pulling in double digits in several battlegrounds. he takes votes away from trump and biden but more votes away from biden. so the democrats have organized a vicious team to destroy the kennedy-shanahan ticket and prevent voters from having a choice in november. shanahan is a mystery, we're intrigued and she is welcome on primetime anytime. sex, lies and videotape. inside the diddy rate that feels like jeffrey epstein. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: shock waves reverberating in the music industry after federal agents raided the la and miami homes of billionaire hip-hop mogul sean diddy combs birmingham nonsecurity conducted the arm parade in an alleged sex trafficking operation. tmz later capturing diddy pacing around the private miami airstrip. diddy was not arrested but his phones receives. and there is relation tonight that he has fled the country, we can confirm it. this breaking point the diddy attorneys putting out a statement saying "where is no excuse for the excessive show of force and hostility exhibited by authorities. this on presented ambush paired with advanced coordinated media presence leads to a premature rush to judgement of mr combs and is nothing more than a witc witchhunt.
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we believe the rain was triggered by a litany of lawsuits including from his own alleging abuse, rape and sex trafficking. diddy settled that one but then two months ago his former producer rodney little rock jones filed an explosive -- explosive lawsuit containing disturbingly graphic and disgusting details that not only implicate diddy but aimed straight at the heart of the music industry. and elaborate racketeering blackmail and sex trafficking scheme that his lawyers compared to jeffrey epst epstein's. and for over a year little rod had unfettered access to diddy's world,'s homes, his plans and his parties where he claims he witnessed mountains of narcotics, illegal firearms, lace drinks, sex workers and underage voice and girls. the producer claims he was grouped by diddy, groomed and forced into humiliating sexual performances.
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diddy's chief of staff christina core is said to have been the glenn maxwell who sean combs. allegedly ordering her assistance to keep mr combs high off of miss cocktails, cocaine and ecstasy and maintaining a steady stream of sects workers for her bo boss. now some of the woman brought into diddy's urban were under the age of 16, that is according to the company -- complaints. the lawsuit claims he required the sects workers and underage girls to sign nda's brain -- prior to entering his parties and prior to being drug and sects traffic at these parties. diddy allegedly forced all of the women who drink lace liquor as well as lease to rock vodka and cham champagne,'s former bodyguard sent this... >> guys don't put those pills that they get to the girls in the champagne bottles because they popping them in front of them. it in the orange juice and is
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in the cranberry juice. they put the pills in a stop in the movies. the girls who like the mix drinks, they're going to -- because they don't understand it and in the battles. it's in the juice. those guys, they learned th that, and they put into those girls who don't know any better. >> jesse: 107 called these his freak out parties. in attendance were celebrities and politicians, athletes, international dignitaries like british royalty, prince harry, and music label executives. little rod same some of the biggest names in the recording industry sponsored these parties with sects workers found drugs and underage girls. the ceo of universal music lucian grange is named as a defendant. so is the former ceo of motown records, ethiopia albert merriam and others.
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lil rod zahnen hidden cameras were in every room of diddy's homes. lil rod believes that mr combs progresses compromising footage of every person had attended his freak of parties and his house parties. salacious tapes of hollywood's biggest names including record ceos and politicians doing drugs and cavorting with prostitutes and minors. the complaint are real -- argues that these parties were a business model. young and up-and-coming talent attended and work promised career opportunities and access to music executives. they were then plotted with drugs and alcohols, films, somewhere blackmailed. there was a pro quote according to the complaint. lil rod said not only were these music executives sponsoring these parties, they were handing diddy large sums of cash that he used to pay for the sects workers and drugs. something tells me the irs is going to be interested. the suit claims the
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defendants funded the sects trafficking venture and participation in the recruitment of victims. if this is true, this is so bad. famous artist like archer at the age of 13 were whisked away to diddy's off each labor camp. >> i lived with sean puffy combs for your. >> that was la reads idea right, sending you into something called puffy labor camp at 13. what were you seeing. >> i went there to see the lifestyle and i saw it coming but i don't know if i could indulge and understand what i was even looking at. it was pretty wild. >> so nobody tried to, you know, some woman didn't come along -- >> i didn't say that. what i did say is that there were you very curious thanks taking place and i didn't necessarily understand. >> would you ever send your kid to puppy cam? >> hell no. >> jesse: 15-year-old justin bieber spent days with diddy. >> right now he's out --
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seven hours with diddy they're having the terms of their live. we can't really disclose what they're doing but it's definitely a 15-year-old's dream, you know, i have been given custody of him so we're going to go full -- full crazy. >> full crazy. i'm -- >> what you want to do? >> get some girls. >> a man after my heart, that's smack. >> jesse: are not accusing on seven of doing anything bad with fever but diddy's like there was an open secret in the industry. people have been warning about this for years. >> i've had to turn down $50 million four times. four times, just to protect my integrity. and that version hold i was talking about. because p.diddy wants to party and you have to tell him now. you've got to tell him now. i did.
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i did. have a receipt for everything i'm telling you. >> jesse: diddy operated like he was protected. mr combs made it clear his head of security had the power to make people and problems disappear. his head of security was the former head of security for michael jackson. who was also accused of sexual deviancy. and seven says his security is accused of being off -- lawsuit claims the -- getting away with shooting people's. did he and his government at a time de la were in charge for the new york city nightclub shooting involving robert schein had another shooting that little -- unpleasant allegedly saw was a shooting inside of diddy's own studio that left blood in the restroom where diddy interest -- instructed lil rod to lie to the police were telling them that the victim was shot standing outside the studio by a drive-by assailant. lawsuit has photos of this stuff.
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and after hours of forensics and police inside the room, no charges. lil rod claims he saw diddy distribute guns from his bedroom closet to questionable individuals dressed in all black. diddy alluded to having a law enforcement in his back pocket. lil rod says the defendants brag about murdering people and bribing witnesses and jurors. inside of diddy's mind the lawsuit says he believes he's above the long and is untouchable. but it looks like diddy's is collapsing. and what we don't know is how many people he'll take with them. and whether will ever see the evidence the fed seize from his home. >> all of these big leap deviance is all catching hell in 2024. it up for all of them. you don't matter if you did your -- or whoever you is, all lies will be exposed. that's all. >> in 30 years of the nothing but collect information acknowledge and you your
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secrets. so if you want -- doing something you weren't supposed to be doing, i know so many things i shouldn't know and they all know it. they all know it. >> jesse: sex trafficking advocate jacob julien jones is now. you're sister was trafficked in the music industry. what is a story telling you now? >> yes, he can think you for having me on. yes, my sister-in-law, her story of trafficking started in the music industry. she was trafficked over six year period by record legal smack the industry is rife with this covers a lot of cover up because people are, as you so eloquently stated, surreptitiously found, they are blackmailed woman -- mom or human trafficking's smack through the mechanism of force fraud and coercion all of them present in this case. >> jesse: the ceo of universal records, i mean, universal records is -- it's the biggest record lays in
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the whole world, almost. i mean, they have so much talent that they've signed. and he is named as a defendant. and were not accusing him of anything but he is accused of participating in acts and sponsoring acts, in paying for acts. and how high does this go? >> it does go all the way to the top, jesse, and fortunately also all the way to the bottom. remember this is a crime that is fueled by demand and the demand for sects trafficking in this country is out of control. but you talked about universal mark remember, universal has multiple labels underneath universal and something that is very interesting there is going to unravel here is when you start looking at the management companies that manage cluster -- clusters of these artists work in groups. the ring fence themselves, they protect themselves as, williams eloquently said, they have black me smack blackmailed power on everybody.
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whether you show up, whether you had good intentions are not in your at the party and there is minors in sexual activity, you are found and you get a knock on the door in the morning and they tell you to hush-hush -- particular politicians and executive. >> jesse: politicians, executives, athletes. a lot of up-and-coming musical talent. do you see any similarities between the epstein situation and this? because epstein was mentioned in this complaint. >> a lot of similarities. the difference here is we are going to a place now where we never went with harvey weinstein. in the weinstein case you did not have as many people exposed and imbricated. epstein the great job in protecting his world and those in his world at all be celebrities were not necessarily entertainers. there were people of stature in the financial services industry, politicians, people of power. here, you've got people in the entertainment business who normally have loose lips.
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and my sister talking now is going to get interesting to see which other orders come out, some of the artist to early mentioned tonight, how they're going to talk her handlers gather managers, their personal assistance, because people always see, we've known this about diddy for decades. people see cottages having been talking, and now they're talking. >> jesse: a lot of money going to law-enforcement pay them off according to the conveyance which i just don't get. when you hear about underage woman being sex trafficked. it's just hellish is. thank you so much and keep up the fight. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: and insurrection at nbc news, vivek ramaswamy is on back. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: fox news alert, wrana mark daley nord -- nbc just announced the air firing the former rnc chairwoman after one day on the job. there is 0.3 star emojis.
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german silicon they sent out a memo to employees that reads "i want to personally apologize to our team members who felt we let them down. we will redouble our efforts to seek voices that represent different parts of the political spectrum. the talent is already thinking about to relapse. >> i still feel like a little -- in -- it always feels wrong to talk about things in the company. >> i think it's a show of respect for the people who work at his company. is not about hiring or publican's -- not even hiring someone was content diagnosed with very specific is because of miss mcdaniel and his and -- her involvement in the election in different stuff and i'm grateful that our readership was willing to do that i think the bolts, strong resilient thing. >> jesse: so nbc brass did a 180 after the tenant revolted. >> the people who were involved in hiring ronna mcdaniel, they don't know the mix -- no one close to the
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crimes. >> this is about truth versus lies. service to the country where the servers to one man committed to top smack toppling our democratic system. >> we've also said election deniers -- not just that they can do that on our arithmetic and with that as one of us. as badge carrying employees of nbc news magazine contributors to our sacred airwaves. >> you wouldn't hire a pickpocket to work as a tsa screener. so i find the decision to put her on the payroll and explicable. and i hope they will burst their decision. >> jesse: ronald nantais nause tells fox that she still hadn't heard anything from nbc. she learned she was getting fired by reading it in the media. and now she is looking for a lawyer. and her agency that worked her in to the gig, caa just dropped her. this is the kind of treatment you can expect by the establishment if you're associated with maga republicans. the media has designated maga republicans as violent extremists who threaten
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democracy and the only way to deal with them is to censor and the platform them. in other words, they are not welcome in polite society. apparently, and busy executives haven't been watching their own air, because that is the agenda. but here's how i look at it. seven months before the election f. is still fighting amongst themselves. this and flooding -- infighting has been going on for months over biden' strategy, now it seeped in to the media over poll numbers on the convention. this tells me the left is divided. former presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy joins mina. vivek how do you interpret what we saw in the last 24 hours at nbc? >> i don't think he was a great decision for ronna mcdaniel to join nbc in the first place. after she shows nbc to moderate the third rnc debate which i was critical of i think it was for optics and maybe poor substance for her to join nbc. but having had made the
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decision, i think it is unconscionable that nbc without even hearing what she has to say, her off in that way? is in another embodiment of this canceled culture that has spread across not only the media but every spirit of our life and i think many more open debate in our country not more silos anything else about the -- pathetic decision making your management that apparently had a spine made of jelly at nbc and if they deserve to be present for it. >> jesse: what about the fact that the left is constantly fighting amongst themselves, every time they're fighting with each other is another day that they are not training there fire at donald trump. is that give you confidence? >> look i think that they are unified in their mission to keep donald jay trump out of office and i think that we would make a mistake to underestimate the extent to which the left is actually prepared to carry out its plan. >> jesse: but they seem less discipline -- this time around. >> in the short run yes, but
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i think would make a mistake donors to make them. we have to sign up for what's right and if we don't fight for it i think we're going to see another loss. >> jesse: thanks, vivek. ask for fighting up and standing up we always appreciated. >> thank you. polling and the whistleblower. his attorney speaks to us next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ more bad news for bo the mighty aviation giant which is to be one of america's crown jewels facing a massive shakeup. ceo dave calhoun announcing obese thinking down as the company faces growing safety concerns surrounding the fleet of planes as well as an ongoing whistleblower investigation. announcements coming weeks after whistleblower john barnett was found dead of an apparent suicide which has been shrouded in mystery. barnett was a retired thirty-year that the manager had been speaking out about the company cutting corners over the last two decades and was in the middle of an ongoing deposition against boeing. >> it used to be when you raze your hand and say we've
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got a problem here, there was a year we're going to fix it. after the merger with mcdonnell douglas and airbus coming on boeing quit listening to the employees. so every time i raze my hand and said, hey, we got a problem and they would attack the messenger and ignore the message. >> jesse: boeing allegedly pulled out all the stops to try to silence the employees from raising concerns. barnett's lawsuit claims that after he spoke of the management of the company a's response was to harass, humiliate and make an example of him, to dissuade others from pointing out their safety shortcomings. the suit goes so far as to say that his former manager recruited another supervisor spy on him. now we may never know what was going on behind closed doors because barnett mysteriously died earlier this month while in the middle of a court battle against boeing. he was found dead in his truck in a parking lot of the hotel that had been here --
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he had been staying at for the position with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wounds and a mysterious paper believed to be a note on the passenger seat. a close friend speaking out and saying barnett told her he had no plans of killing himself. >> he said if anything happens to me, it's not suicide, you know? i know that he did not commit suicide. there is no way. he loved life too much, loved his family too march. he loved his brothers too much to put them through what they're going through right now. >> jesse: boeing telling primetime in a statement "we are saddened by mr barnett's passing in our thoughts are with his family and friends. boeing reviewed and address quality issues that mr barnett raise before he retired in 2017 as well as other claims mentioned in the complaint. john barnett's lower -- lawyer joins me now. robert how suspicious are you of your client's death? >> well at the charleston
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city police are investigating it right now. it just didn't make sense to make cocounsel brian knowles and i and others. he had told his mother he'd be back on sunday. he had an appointment to be with a good friend, to have dinner on sunday night. he had been testifying basically as our witness on friday and we were going to put him back understand just for a short period of time on saturday and we were just laying out the reasons why it was a hostile work environment for him at boeing and we had a lot to talk about and when we tried to get in touch with him saturday morning we were unable to and i contacted the hotel and asked them to check on him tried calling his room to make it right his room that he wasn't there. and ask if his truck was
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there and that is when they found him so we just shocked and devastated by it. >> jesse: have you been speaking to the local police or is there an investigation satisfactory. the contractors ahead and note that it just doesn't make sense. >> jesse: >> that in our feeling too in the carson city police are investigating and so is the coroner remained is really elegantly and we're just waiting for the police department in the coroner to release a report on what they believe happened. did they have enemies -- >> jesse: did he have any means within the current -- company? >> you know, john barnett never -- i mean, i think -- he was friends with everybody. i can't imagine -- he's never indicated to me that he received any rights or that he had any enemies. i mean other than, you know, there was a hostile work
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environment going on there at the plant where he was basically denigrated for following the processes and procedures and insisted on doing so. >> jesse: robert how many -- >> it's hard to say. >> jesse: how big of a threat that was your client's testimony to boeing? >> well, i mean -- first of all, i don't think that boeing would be behind his desk, okay? no matter what, i just can't believe that because john loved boeing and he love the company and what john was trying to, really, was to get boeing to change its culture, and reducing the company. i don't know how to answer that. >> jesse: all right. while it is a tragedy and it doesn't make sense and we will continue to investigate. our thousand prayers are with his family and thanks for joining us on "primetime" and sharing what you know and
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please let as know what happens with the police investigation. >> you're welcome, jesse. thank you. >> jesse: thank you. the jfk series continues. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: yesterday we kicked off our series on the kennedy presidency talking about how the presidents went on a collision course with the military-industrial complex. within the first few months of his presidency that kennedy pays the ultimate test. the bay of pigs invasion. it was in eisenhower special contacted by the cia. the mission itself was not designed to succeed. it was designed to force kennedy to escalate and overthrow cuba's communist government. the operation was a disaster and castro took over thousand -- over 1000 men hostage. it was a cia trap. expected kennedy to keep the pressure and sent in the na navy. but he refused.
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and then follow the eggplant -- advice of his military advisors. and after the fiasco kennedy said he wanted to splinter the cia 1000 pieces and scatter in to the wind. "is a hell of a way to learn things," jfk said "but i have worked one thing for this business that is that we will have to deal with the cia. ." no one has dealt with the cia. and kennedy acted right away and neuter the agency giving the joint chiefs of staff power over military operations. he fired his own cia director allen dulles and two top deputies. then slash the agency's budget. kathy kennedy's assassination fire cia director allen dulles got himself appointed with the warren commission and helped lead investigation into kennedy's assassination at a time when many people were looking into his direction. and all of a sudden -- said and done an incident -- allen dulles looked back at the same president years later
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and said "that little ken kennedy, he thought he was a god." ♪ ♪ all my life i've use regular gasoline in my car, i said "what's the point, wipe it extra for premium. until someone said if you put premium gas in your vehicle not only is going to perform better and accelerate faster, but you're going to get better gas mileage. meaning that on a regular field of tank you might get 400 miles but a tank filled with premium? you get 480 miles. what? next do tax. , from new jersey, ronna mcdaniel -- ronna mcdaniel should show up tomorrow at nbc like she's george constanza. we invite wrana on the show anytime. always remember, i'm jesse watters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean:


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