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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  March 25, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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boeing leadership to make changes after all those quality issues and we'll see what happens next and who will take his place. >> bill: thank you, dan springer, the update from seattle, washington. stock was up a couple dollars and now up a buck 22 in trading. what are you cooking up? >> dana: before we go new york city police spotting something strange in the neighborhood. nypd posted this video of the ghost busters famous car driving around new york city. the department wrote we called in some backup for the sunday scares. taking it out for a joy ride. >> bill: hang with us all day. i'll be back at 1:00 and dana will be back at five. >> dana: and the ohtani press conference. a lot going on this monday. harris faulkner will take you to the next hour. "the faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: we'll begin with a fox news alert. legal battles colliding in new
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york city with donald trump saying clearly it's a witch hunt. right now he is in a courtroom on one case while the far left district attorney who promised to get trump is ready to seize his assets if he does not come up with a nearly half billion dollar bond. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." we're waiting to see what exactly attorney general letitia james will do. a reminder of what she said on the campaign. remember this? >> i will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate president when our fundamental rights are at stake. i believe the president of these united states can be indicted for criminal offenses. we are going to be a real pain. he will know my name. it's important everyone understand the days of donald trump are coming to an end. i look forward to going into the office of attorney general every day suing him, defending your
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rights and then going home. >> harris: even the democrats have to say his name to win. letitia james granted trump a 30 day grace period to get the cash for a bond. that 30 day grace period ends today at midnight. her next move could be freezing his bank accounts, seizing real estate assets that include iconic new york city buildings. she notified westchester county already on a step toward snatching assets there. they include a golf course and a massive estate called seven springs. one headline is asking could trump's properties really be seized? jonathan turley says not without major repercussions. >> this is really done great damage to the new york legal system and how it is perceived internationally. this is thrilling for many people in new york who after all elected james on a pledge to bag trump for something. but outside new york, particularly international
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businesses are looking at this with a degree of horror that a judge could come up with a figure so large you have to sell parts of your business just to get an appeal. >> harris: senior correspondent eric shawn is outside the courthouse in lower manhattan and we saw the former president walk in. he said witch hunt and hoax. eric. >> right now former president trump is in the courthouse behind me here in manhattan criminal court in a courtroom and when he entered today, he gave a familiar claim. >> thank you very much, everybody. it is a witch hunt and a hoax. thank you. >> a witch hunt and a hoax is what president trump said. he faces 34 counts of business fraud for allegedly giving payments to stormy daniels through michael cohen to buy her silence during the 2016
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presidential campaign. this morning in court the judge does not seem impressed by defense argument dealing with newly discovered documents from cohen. he said april 15th as the start date for the trial after delaying it by a month. it appears he will stick to that state of starting next month. he is ruling probably within the next hour. all eyes are on attorney general of new york, letitia james and her demand that mr. trump pay that $454 million appeal bond later today. she could take several steps in order to get that money including one, freezing his bank accounts. the most likely route say many lawyers. getting rents from those buildings or seizing them completely. the former president and his defense can appeal that and they're doing it now to the appellate court trying to pause the $454 million or cut it down. she could force a sale of president trump's properties as well as he could ask for
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supporters and donors for money. then, of course, there is the issue of truth social in the reporting of president trump's saga, it is always colliding story lines. two major legal cases here. at the same time on wall street he could make a windfall of more than $3.6 billion from stock because today truth social is going public. the problem with that, though, is he cannot sell the stock by law for six months, perhaps his lawyers the high-priced lawyers can figure out a way to get an advance on that $3 billion so he can pay the $4.5 million. see what happens later on today. the deadline gets continued, more expensive from the former president. a cumbersome, long process. the interest payment on the james account $1 hundred thousand a day. we'll see what the judge rules probably within the next hour or
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so here in manhattan criminal court. back to you >> harris: fox news legal editor and former counselor to attorney general bill bar. good to have you on the program. i don't know if you could watch and listen to that from eric shawn. he laid out a strategy now that actually could get some things paid. what do you make of that and do you think likely trump is going to need a payment strategy at this point? >> it seems like it. but even without that, harris, this is a big day for the democrats campaign against donald trump. we can't forget that even as we talk through how can trump pay this and all that. i was thinking a lot about my time on the court of appeals in virginia. i clerked there for two years. i left that court with a pretty strong respect not just the rule of law but a confidence in the system for two reasons. one, irrespective of their political leanings the judges
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tried to get the decisions right. secondly and equally important they were also concerned about the appearance of fairness. it is this lack of even seeming to care about fairness that i've been watching in these cases against donald trump in new york and i am concerned as a lawyer. i think the fact that speaks directly to that is why hasn't the court yet still worked out a bond deal with trump? they could. >> harris: why haven't they? >> they could reduce it or waive it and consistent with the way courts operate. they haven't. that's concerning. >> harris: that's one thing. why not put a gag order on some of these district attorneys? i'm thinking of fani willis in georgia. these women not only ran with trump's name in their mouths daily if not more often than that. all through the day in their campaigns trying to get the seats of power they now have. but should they be allowed to say much more about it going forth as he is now in the
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crosshairs of legal proceedings? it's a fair question because lord knows we've seen lots of things in terms of applications of gag orders throughout the years. some of them even for him. >> this is another thing that has been crazy to me watching how the attorney general in new york conducted herself. can you imagine if i or attorney general barr were live tweeting in excitement about getting someone? salivating over their asnits we've continued to watch that. this lack of even caring about the appearance of fairness, completely defies what the justice system is supposed to be about. >> harris: it is a corruption of justice. if enough of them do it together, here is a word we haven't heard in a while, it is collusion. i mean, somebody has to be held accountable. at least be quiet until things go forward. that's what they want him to do.
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they themselves don't want to do it. now to former president trump's election interference case in georgia. scandal plagued and here it is district attorney fani willis speaking publicly again after a judge ruled she had to get off the case or give up nathan wade. willis with no apologies. >> i'm not embarrassed by anything i've done. you know, i guess my greatest crime is i had a relationship with a man. that's not something that i find embarrassing in any way. all the while that was going on we were writing briefs and doing the case it needed to be done. i don't think we've been slowed down at all. there are efforts to slow down the train. but the train is coming. >> harris: while that was going on his ex-wife is thinking i'll sue both of them and moving forward with that divorce. what a mess. last wednesday judge mcafee gave
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a path for donald trump and co-defendants to appeal the decision to let her stay on. to let her stay on the case. a decision that scolded willis for previous public comments on the legal happenings. a scolding. one legal expert says d.a. willis spoke out again puts her on a slippery slope and on social media one lawyer wrote this. at this point judge mcafee should gag the d.a. the only reason why the defendants won't make that motion is because they are glad to let her talk. trump's attorney responded to that post with one word, amen. what do you make of it? >> it goes back to the lack of caring about the appearance of fairness. ms. willis should care, as the district attorney there, about appearing fair. obviously she acted the opposite way and why legal analysts on both sides of the political aisle suggested she step away.
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the case is tainted because of her comments and secondly, what about the jury? this hasn't gone to a jury yet. she made comments in a church saying god was on her side and it's so inconsistent and inappropriate with the way that government is supposed to operate with respect to the justice system. we'll see what happens to ms. willis. there is a georgia state lawmaker investigation claiming they have people who want to testify against her. there could be a bar investigation. bar referrals. we'll see what happens there. >> harris: drama outside the courtroom. who is focusing on the case? is it even fair? the answer would be no. if something happens with the former president and he comes out you are standing by on "the faulkner focus." we'll bring you back as the news warrants. critics are lighting up vice president kamala harris. she suggested israel could face consequences for how it chooses
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to fight hamas killers. plus after the massacre in moscow, renewed fears isis could take advantage of biden's open border. >> i'm not claiming there is an imminent threat to the u.s. but that border situation and the existence of that network is a threat to the united states. if they can do what they did in moscow in the united states they would do it in a heartbeat. >> harris: why would they wait until now? they look at the risk at home and to americans all over the planet. congressman mike waltz, armed services and foreign affairs committee member in "focus" with me on the mezz live next.
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after vice president kamala harris after she warned israel about advancing farther into gaza. she warned. what's her experience, again? she seemed to suggest a red line with this advice to our greatest ally in the middle east. here it is. >> we have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in rafah would be a huge mistake. let me tell you something, i have studied the maps. there is nowhere for those folks to go. >> are you ruling out there would be consequences from the united states? >> i am ruling out nothing. >> harris: social media lit up as you might imagine. here is one. shameful. another one of the world's great or -- we are oh he blessed she studied the map. kick rocks, kamala.
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benjamin netanyahu is not asking for her or anyone's person. >> it is impossible to defeat the sheer evilly leaving it intact in rafah. like our brothers we're united and fighting and will be victorious. we'll enter rafah and receive total victory. >> harris: i want to come right to congressman michael waltz, who is with me. she talks about enforcing a red line. she can't even enforce the red, white and blue line between us and mexico and that was her job. >> look, let's talk about the map. just below gaza is egypt. why is the pressure on egypt, on the gulf states who could write checks? you could have a release valve and set up some of these camps and move some of these civilians. right now hamas knows two things. one it can hide its 30,000 multiple battalions worth of fighters amongst this population and they know time is on their
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side. this administration is getting weak-kneed. if their goal is to turn world opinion against israel this administration is playing right into ma'am h hamas's hands. where is the support for israel to eliminate. you have to eliminate hamas. they are willing to sacrifice their own civilians to get that public opinion when apparently we're playing right into. >> harris: we know the answer to the question of why. the american people have got to get angry about this. it is because it's an election year. >> it's called michigan and minnesota. biden's political team is in full panic mode. when you have 100,000 voters in the dead of the michigan winter that after work make a point to go to the polls to vote uncommitted, that has them in full panic mode. everything they're doing now is politics not supporting the allies.
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>> harris: if they really cared about the people in gaza that is not how they will be helping them. will they be satiated in any way by this administration. biden could do back flips and it might not satiate them. >> you are setting up a port in the middle of the mediterranean ocean to get aid. this will be -- >> harris: the prime minister threatened to call off his senior aide's trip to washington this week if the united states did not veto a u.n. cease-fire resolution today. that resolution does not call for hamas to release israeli hostages. just in the last hour, the u.s. abstained from the vote and the resolution passed. they abstained so what should netanyahu do next? >> we don't go neutral. that abstain vote is shameful. we don't go neutral when it
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comes to israel. that's what russia and china do when it comes to north korea in terms not wanting to side with north korea but not go against. it is ridiculous. if i were netanyahu i would pull back his delegation. >> harris: my team was telling me one more time. so the national security spokesperson for the white house admiral kirby said it is not a shift in u.s. policy. i feel like he is talking through me now. he should just call in. what do you think? >> you can't put lipstick. this is a political pig for the biden administration. their base is walking away from them. but to craft geopolitical strategy with our ally against hamas, which is the isis of gaza and our horrific and stated they will do it again. they aren't interested in a two-state solution. if allowed to survive they'll do october 7th all over again.
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it is shameful. >> harris: i give the voters in michigan and minnesota more credit. they know we're still supplying them weapons and they see the bigger picture. it is not just about this issue for those voters but about electrical vehicles and everything going on there. i so appreciate you being here in person. we hit a lot. thank you, come back any time. all right. we are now looking and you can see down on the bottom there admiral kirby has spoken and said the united nations vote is not a shift in u.s. policy. a couple of things going on this hour that we're watching. the two trump court decisions that are going on right now. and i will ask you to stay, actually. you can see we have a little breaking news going on here. major security concerns are happening now after the massacre at a moscow concert hall friday night. let's talk about that.
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isis k-, the congressman was just talking about isis in afghanistan is believed to be responsible for that attack that killed more than 130 people at that concert hall. that's the very same terrorist group that killed 13 u.s. service members during our botched biden driven withdrawal from afghanistan. republicans are warning more attacks like it could be in our own future. >> we have millions of americans who live or travel abroad throughout europe and asia, embassies, businesses there. so i'm deeply worried that isis from afghanistan will end up targeting americans sooner rather than later. >> the fall of afghanistan, the way it was done and the way we left it with no isr capability, intelligence surveillance puts us in danger. >> their aspirations go beyond russia and around. this he would love to do it inside the united states. and it's something we have to be very vigilant about.
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>> harris: this is why i'm concerned that i don't know if it's former still board or czar kamala harris our vice president she wants to enforce a red line when it comes to israel but she can't enforce the red, white and blue line that i mentioned now it's even more dire that we be able to do that. >> isis is roaring back. i put it squarely on joe biden's shoulders. we had a base there. we had 2500 special operators to keep a lid on this. under president trump look, it is undeniable isis was defeated. iran was broke. israel was secure and we had peace breaking out in the middle east with the abraham accords. look where we are now. the f.b.i. director is ringing the alarm bell. hundreds of people on the terrorist watch list are somewhere all over the united states. and they are trying to find them. open border is the greatest threat we have faced in my lifetime. >> harris: it continues to be a problem. it is not brand-new and now it's worse. congressman, thank you. thank you for staying for an
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extra few minutes. i appreciate your time. all right. we've been watching the collision of former president donald trump's legal battles today in new york city and just now a new york appeals court has agreed to slash the amount of the bond that donald trump must post to cover a $454 million civil fraud verdict. while he appeals it. so we'll go from $454 to $175 million. just 175 million now will be the portion. i say just. still a ton of cash. but it is a big amount of money that he won't have to put up in bond after that real estate mogul claimed he would have to sell properties at a loss to raise the cash. we just saw donald trump outside the courtroom a short time ago for his hearing on that hush money case and they are in a break right now. we're waiting to see if he will
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walk up and talk again. you can almost bet his bottom dollar. he just got some of his bottom dollar excused. so that will be interesting. so the big idea here was that you had until midnight, the deadline, for him to begin to pay the money and if he couldn't come up with the $454, $46four plus growing interest by the day, if he couldn't come up with that in assets and cash, then the very power hungry far-left district attorney letitia james was promising to seize his assets. his name is on quite a few things here, particularly on the beautiful west side of new york city facing the hudson river. would love to take down the trump gold letters off one of those big buildings and she literally said she wants to get trump. remember, she campaigned on what is happening right now.
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about an hour or so ago the former president called it a witch hunt and hoax and now and maybe what experts would have called not surprising, i haven't heard anybody predict this sort of thing yet but in an unexpected -- we'll call it that move by this judge, the amount has been reduced to $175 million. and then he can appeal his decision. fox news legal editor and former counselor to attorney general bill barr will come back as the news warrants. your reaction. >> exactly the point i just made 15 minutes ago, that the court should be concerned about the appearance of fairness and this bond on its face was not fair. the court has done the right thing in reducing it. i'm sure the former president may not like how much has been reduced or maybe he thinks it should be more but at least they took the right step here in reducing it. it is consistent with how courts
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normally operate and it gives me a little bit of hope in the new york appellate system that they will look at this through fresh eyes and consider it fairly as they should have been doing all along. >> harris: i want to point out to everybody, this is the hush money court where he is right now. and again moments ago -- there he is on the right. they are in a little bit of a break. moments ago. he did not stop at this point. we know they are on a break. if he comes back out and speaks there is a bevy of microphones there and we'll be right there for it. this amount, though, is a big amount. >> it is still a lot of money, yeah. >> harris: the $175 million he will tap into certain things. it gives him some breathing room. really what it does it points out how unfair things were up until the pressure became whatever it became for the judge to wake up and say we have to do it the right way. that helps trump. it always has.
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it helps him raise popularity outside of his base now. we need to start talking to more independents about this issue of conviction. we knew where they were eight months ago. where are they on what he calls a witch hunt? >> let's be clear. not like this case has suddenly become fair like it is a step in the right direction. it is. as we know the law has never been applied against anyone in new york state in in way. "the new york times" tweeted yesterday how valuing assets can be a tricky business. there has been a lot of discussion he sells this and sells they it's tricky. i saw this and i thought exactly. that's the whole point. this entire case has been entirely subjective and the new york court system, specifically attorney general james, has used that and abused it against donald trump in a way that's never been done before. >> harris: rico. when i hear that word, i think
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of drug cartels and mobsters. i don't think i'm wrong about that in terms of where we see it used. and so is this that much about politics that even that sort of lingo gets thrown if here because it's salacious? >> as -- you are right. it is normally invoked and used in cases involving ms-13 and the mob and you talk about the georgia/willis case and one thing that people thought was that if willis had been removed from the case, that another prosecutor could take a look at this and say rico, come on, it's ridiculous and we'll drop those charges. now that she is still on it, it will go forward. the use of laws in novel ways against donald trump has been a repeated pattern we have seen for the last year. i make this point all the time. whether you like donald trump or not, this should concern every american because if it can be
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used against donald trump, it can be used against anyone in this way. once the toothpaste is out of the tube political enemies will start using the justice system and continue to against each other in a real weaponizing way that undermines democracy. >> harris: and i appreciate you breaking that down. we are seeing now we're in unprecedented territory anyway because this involves the former president. but also we have some rather thirsty district attorneys on the far left. two women who have, you know, campaigned using threats against donald trump. and we ran some of that with letitia james, the joke about getting into court and i mean just kind of the girlfriending she was doing among some of the potential voters. we think that's who those young people were. when you look at just the whole scope of what this really means, this actually might be election interference. you are the attorney.
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when you start to have people who press against a candidate and run with their name and their mouths that has to taint some voters. no one wants to speak up about that? >> it is understandable why people are beginning to view it that way especially with what is at stake in november and the valuation aspect. people don't understand the ins and outs, real estate and how it works. think about it. if i went online now and wanted to buy a pair of glittery ruby red slippers on amazon i could get them for 30 or 40. if i wanted to get the ones owned by dorothy in the wizard of oz currently they're valued at $4 or $5 million. a perfect picture of how subjective valuation is of assets. how much is something willing to pay for something and typically depends on who it belongs to and
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why this case has been so tricky from the get-go. the fact the new york attorney general brought this case in this way obviously undervalues his assets. trump's people say he overvalued. people need to understand how all of this has largely been resting on subjectivity. >> harris: valuation is a valuable way of putting things the way you did. would you want a building in new york or part of the portfolio of a man who is known for having successful buildings all over the world, that is donald trump? haven't heard anybody put it that way but it's very interesting. again as things break we'll bring you back. please stay with us. i want to bring in eric shawn who is working the story. >> good morning. this is a big win and a big break this morning for former president donald trump with the appellate court decision to basically cut the amount of money that he has to put up for that bond to $175 million.
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cuts it in more than half. this is important because the trump lawyers had asked for a $1 hundred million. he has to come up with $7five more million. likely easy for the former president to put and puts an october stack ob -- obstacle in front of james. she will not likely go after the former president's bank accounts, try and seize any of their properties. so the trump empire that way still stays safely secure. the appellate court indicated that it will continue the permission to have the independent monitor. former federal judge barbara jones who has to oversee the trump organization and all the monies and revenues and expenditures and this sort of thing. she is really actual any in that sense in charge of the operation of the trump organization.
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i expect the former president, who has gotten this news during the break in the court here for the last 40 minutes or so likely will come to the microphones. at least we hope he will to get his reaction once the hush money court proceedings resume in five to ten minutes from now. >> harris: you make a good point. trump's attorneys had wanted $1 hundred million. the judge lowered it to 175. it is still a whole lot of cash but a different outlay now potentially for the former president. if and when he comes out, we fully expect he would walk up to the microphones there, eric shawn we'll come back to you. clay travis is with us. i don't often get to lean on clay travis for legal acumen. he has some and we want to use it. talk to me about the appeal.
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what kerrie said it is the appearance of a little more fairness. what they were doing with the $454 million bond also gaining interest on that and letting the d.a. threaten to go after all his assets like a monster in the wings, with all of that going on, the judge made the right decision to at least get it closer to what trump's attorneys were asking. so now he appeals. talk to me about that process. >> look, this is still a kangaroo court, harris. the fact that anybody thinks $175 million bond is somehow a major win, that's down about $279 million if i did my math right. i'm not always great live on the fly math here. but that is a massive difference because it gives trump more financial flexibility. here is what i don't think is getting talked about enough. when truth social goes public, which is going to happen very
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soon, donald trump is going to have over $3 billion in liquid assets and that new board is able to free him up to use those assets. as you were talking about, one of the challenges with real estate, it is hard to know exactly what a tangible asset is worth in realtime. somebody can decide that real property has a value that's very different than someone else. certainly when you have to monetize it in a short turnaround, the value is lessened. it's how real estate works. everybody out there whoever got an appraisal to get a new mortgage. you might get a number better or worse than you anticipate when someone comes and checks out your personal residence. it is not that much difference when you expand it to a larger commercial real estate context. what's going on here and this is
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blowing up in democrats' faces in a big way. they tried to argue donald trump is not very rich. i don't think that's registering very well with voters out there. this is about trying to financially hamstring him while they are also trying to criminally hamstring him through the concept of law fare. what i think is happening trump is stacking a lot of victories. many people see it for what it is, a witch hunt. the courtroom mass nations that democrats expected to destroy trump are actually blowing up in their face in a devastating way and they are elevating trump. >> harris: i have a democrat, progressive congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez who said this about the district attorney in new york letitia james seizing trump's -- attorney general letitia james seizing trump's assets. let's watch. >> i think that what we're dealing with politically is the much larger and much more grave
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and serious pressure of having this judgment against donald trump and him being in this degree of debt. i actually think there is risk in not seizing these assets and the open window that exists in him trying to secure these funds through other means. we've seen a lot of interesting transactions happening with truth social and other means and there is a very real risk of political corruption. >> harris: what is she talking about? >> she doesn't have any idea what she is talking about, harris. look, the reality is think about what the argument is now. they are demanding trump pay them hundreds of millions of dollars in bonds and simultaneously arguing that if he pays the hundreds of millions of dollars in bonds there is now some sort of major conflict of interest apparent in that based on how trump is going to raise the hundreds of millions of
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dollars. i think ultimately aoc doesn't understand this at all, but having gone through some of the process of seizing assets before, it is very, very difficult. what i don't know that letitia james even understands this very well. maybe she does, effect asme this is a sham show trial prosecution. let's say she tries to seize 40 wall street is one of these iconic entities. there are all different sorts of creditors and lien holders that would be above the state of new york on this. first mortgage, second mortgage, third mortgage, all of those people would have to get paid off before the state of new york got anything. it is unlikely that the state of new york, which i believe hasn't proven an actual fraud, right? no victim. they never used this statute to try to prosecute anybody. it is all made up to go after trump because he is a republican and they are afraid of him and he unfortunately has a lot of
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assets in a blue city and blue state, which is what's going on here. >> harris: it isn't just all of those things. he ruled the roost here for decades. you don't get your name on this many buildings unless you made a lot of people angry along the way who might have wanted their names on those buildings and maybe some of them are in offices now. maybe some of them have jumped into politics. we don't know the whole story. i guarantee you there are so many ways around this. when a woman stands as the attorney general in a state and says i want to get trump and then runs based on that, that's just not a healthy environment for fairness. fairness is getting choked out of oxygen in that sense. >> no doubt. it is also important to recognize that letitia james and alvin bragg as well can be doing what is smart for them politically in new york city and state. both of those guys and gals would like to be governor, like to be senator one day. that might go to their benefit
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in that state. this is really blowing up in democrats' face nationwide when it comes to swing voters in those swing states. trump is up in virtually every poll out there and every time they come after him with a new legal tactic, harris, his poll numbers go up. i think that's because the vast majority of americans may not like trump and agree with everything he says but also don't think that we should try to bankrupt our political rivals and put them in prison for the rest of their lives which is what the democrat establishment is doing. >> harris: we have to stay america. maybe they don't think we should but we do. great country. everybody will stay and i will bring in one more attorney to mix in right after this break. stay close.
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>> harris: while the former president donald trump has been in the hush money case courtroom today waiting to see whether or not they will give him a trial date, a judge now on his way to appealing the case against him has lowered the bond amount from $454 million. breaking news, down to $175 million. they are on a break now and we'll watch the camera closely.
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when he comes back out to enter that courtroom, he may stop and speak. he spoke earlier this morning. what this means is that by lowering that threshold of the money that he would have to come up with for a bond so that an appeals process can go forward, it gives him more financial flexibility. it also speaks to the issue of fairness in all of this, which is one of the things we've been talking about since this broke 20 minutes ago. the judge was putting forth this bond of $454 million that was accumulating daily interest against trump. like it doesn't normally get applied. so now it is closer to what trump's attorneys said they wanted, which was about $1 hundred million bond. something they thought their client could meet. he came close with 175. i want to bring on phil holloway, former assistant district attorney, friend of the show by phone right now. we scooped him up as best we
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can. first of all, i want to ask you about the appeals process going forward. does this pave the way for that? where are we in that? >> yes, great to be with you, harris. i think this does wave the way for the appeal. we all have a right to file an appeal when we lose a trial whether it be a criminal trial or a civil trial. and so the bond that would be required should not be so punitive and so encumbering to prevent that very important right. so i think this appeals ruling that lowers the amount of the bond is certainly very reasonable. particularly when you consider what the reason is that we have bonds in the first place is to protect victims and to make sure victims get paid. guess what? there are no victims here. this is simply the state extracting a fine. we also know that trump's businesses are being overseen by a court-appointed retired judge.
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we know the assets are not at risk of leaving the jurisdiction of the court. >> harris: why do it this way? >> i don't know why he had to post this kind of a large bond in the first place. it doesn't make sense unless the goal of the trial judge was to punish trump in a way that makes it impossible for him to appeal. this is, i think, the right ruling and opens up an avenue for the appeal. maybe this is even arguably a little too high but clearly an amount donald trump can post. >> harris: would this have put the whole case in jeopardy, the judge acting in such an unfamiliar and unprecedented punitive way against donald trump? i mean, does this put into vision a system that isn't fair? >> fundamental fairness is at the heart of due process. that applies to whether it's a criminal case or a civil case. this would be the legal -- i
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guess the business death penalty if you will if this particular verdict and judgment were to be allowed to be enforced against donald trump, particularly when you consider that there were no victims. there is nobody that was actually defrauded. there is really in my opinion no reason for a bond in the first place. >> harris: not to mention the fact that the banks had all been paid and many of them wanted to do more business with him. so not only were there not victims, there were people waiting, you know, to actually benefit more by doing business with someone who had a healthy portfolio. phil holloway, thank you so much for your time. i know you jumped in for us and i really appreciate it. we're watching that door for donald trump right now. and you saw some people scurrying. court may be back in session after a short break. eventually he is going to walk through those doors to go back into the courtroom.
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jonath jonathan turley will watch with me. your not on what trance period. you get the $454 million bond slashed to $175 million. >> the court of appeals may have felt that they can't pre-judge the evidence and so to reduce the bond further would have been heavy handed. i actually think they could have reduced this bond to virtually nothing because the amount set by engoron was absurd. most of us drilled down on these figures and could not find a there there. there were no victims, no money lost. you had people that loaned this money and wanted more business. so this figure seemed to have been snatched out of the air. he connected it to a few properties but it was very speculative. by reducing the amount, i think that this restores some element
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of restraint to the new york legal system. i think that the true costs of this controversy has been born by those who really wanted this thrill kill moment. this has not played well with the public or played well with companies who were legitimately alarmed to see the new york legal system turned into this inescapable political vortex. i think that the reduction will help assure people that there are still some adults in the room. >> harris: just want to take the heat down just a second because i think what you just laid out, we're in a very special and negative situation here in new york city. i don't live here but i see the repercussions of what happens when people leave the city who make a lot of money. when you put pressure on corporations here and you say look, if we catch you doing business like you've always done business because we went after trump, we'll go after everybody
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this way, people don't want to do business here. they don't feel like regular practices are safe to do any longer. and if you have that, especially with the crime in the subways and everything else, oh my goodness, can you imagine what happens to this great city? >> i think that's right. as many as the problems may be in new york from crime to homelessness, that has been a reality of living in new york. but the benefits for businesses has been that this is a very sophisticated legal system for corporations. >> harris: hold on a second. we have heard from the former president on truth social. the fifth time in this case that he has overturned, a record. his credibility and that of letitia james has been charted. we'll post either a bond equivalent securities or cash. that donald trump moments ago. jonathan turley and my guests,
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thank you. "outnumbered" after the break. . shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too.
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23 minutes. in response to that, there is a call for more fairness in this case. now the former president can move forward after he posts this, and in his truth social he said he would do that for securities, cash, whatever he needs to do, this $175 million bond amount, and they will go forward to appeal the case against him. you just heard on "the faulkner focus," as we were wrapping up, jonathan turley, all of my guests on last hour. phil holloway, federal prosecutors in the mix there.
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all of them agree, there are no victims in this case. and the money that was dealt with for purchasing properties, for the trump corporation, the ones that have donald trump in bold brass and gold letters around the city of new york, all those banks were paid the amounts they were owed. in fact, it was good business for them. they wanted to do more of it. and what jonathan turley and i were talking about is the fact that, well, you are going to scare some other corporations and businesses in new york city. what is this cash-strapped city going to look like then? there are a lot of things that need fixing in new york, not the least of which are the thousands of people who now are sleeping on the streets, both homeless, organically citizens here, but also the illegal immigrants that are here. the mayor of new york city had promised when he ran as a candidate that maybe he would help illegals to vote.
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so you have a lot of things going on in the city. if you make this constellation toxic for corporations, if you set the example by going after donald trump, who's been so successful in new york city, what does that say to everybody else? they are not all trump. if you go after them, you hurt the city. the judge pitching to some flavor of fairness today, dropping this bond amount $275 million. you heard jonathan turley tell me, that's really too much. it should have been zero. larry even doing this? there are no victims in the case. let's go to eric shawn live outside the new york state supreme court in manhattan. a very short comment from the former president moments ago. >> yes, but one that speaks loudly, because the former president has been given a big break and a big win by the new york state appellate court here, cutting down the siz


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