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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  March 24, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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we love him, he's the best and would love you. thank you seriously thank you for my bloated heart are watching fox news saturday nights. set your dvr to 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday right here on fot yox news and do not forget tfoo follow us on social media at fn saturday night. for more of me i'm coming to a city near you girlfriend. it is my everybody calm downi'm tour tickets are on sale now fox across you can alsoam listen to my rado show weekdays from noon until 3:00 p.m. eastern the party isy over. paup gy upet and get out for a d night from new york city i will see you right back here nextlla. saturday. l then remember you can be a republican, you can be a democrat it does not matter.emoc just don't be ♪ ♪ [background noises]
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[inaudible] jon: angry backlash building and the stunning footage showing a stampede of migrants last week illegally entering the u.s. in a violent way. local, state, national lawmakers cementing solutions. good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪. jon: migrants continue pouring into the u.s. at unprecedented rates as the biden administration fails to act to secure the southern border. house oversight committee member south csouth carolina congresswn nancy mace is here to react to the latest on the border along with fox team coverage nate foy is standing by the southern part of the lab report from the front lines. but first, lucas tomlinson's life at the white house with more on the biden administration's reaction to the ongoing crisis. lucas. >> jon, president biden just landed on the south lawn.
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i asked the president if he had seen the video of the migrant stampede with the national guard in el paso he did not reply his vice president was asked about the border earlier in an interview with abc. >> they are refusing to put it up for a vote. and in large part because we know the former president will prefer to run on a problem instead of fix a problem. >> as of right now executive action on the board's on the table? could we see that? >> that does not absolve the fact that the real fix is going to be when congress asked. >> film the table though? >> yes for consideration. >> in the wake of the terrorist attack in moscow, senator marco rubio says the u.s. needs to make sure in attack like that cannot happen in this country. >> there is a trafficking network out there that specializes in moving people pray they do it for a profit moving people and migrants around the world including across our southern border who have links to isis i think common sense tells you if they run a trafficking network of
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people they will most certainly use it to move operatives into the united states are not claiming this it imminent threat to the u.s. but i am saying that border situation the existence of that network is a threat to the united states. >> years texas lieutenant governor earlier on "sunday morning futures." >> any president within his right mind in the white house would say this must end. the constitution says article four section four the country. the united states should protect each state from invasion. we are being invaded. that video clearly shows it. >> president biden has no plans on his schedule tomorrow on tuesday he heads down to north carolina for some more campaigning, jon. jon: lucas tomlinson at the white house, thanks. texas and not backing down from its determination to control its southern border. the lone star state says it still has the ability to arrest illegal border crossers even with its immigration bill tied up in court.
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nate foy is live on the ground in eagle pass, texas he is more for us. >> jon, good evening u.s. border patrol cheap jason owens said today what's happening at our southern border is a national security threat he referenced the 140,000 known got away so far this fiscal year. this comes new video tonight out of el paso were another group of migrants across the border illegally. take a look this time a group between 40 and 50 they got picked up by border patrol to be processed remember, jon we have seen problems are migrants in el paso over the last few days but take a look at this next video. you see them right outside a razor wire fence near the border wall. they are pulling on that then sprayed their goal is to get past texas law enforcement so they can be processed by border patrol under title eight which is exactly what happened to the migrants involved in thursday stampede. over 300 single adult men many from venezuela trampled texas national guard soldiers
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thursday. one of migrants charged with assault and more arrests may be coming. >> the people that are now coming over are not the people that used to come over a decade ago, or two decades ago. it is different. it is a different type of people. they are aggressive. they do not care about laws. they do not care about who they trample on. and we are seeing it. once they enter our country illegally when they find out there were no repercussions they let their friends and family know that now is the time to come. >> jon let's take alive look at our fox news or drone. a couple of migrants just cross the river illegally. right now texas appeals court ruling could been used in the stampede and el paso on thursday. the biden administration says sp for interferes with its federal authority over our borders.
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>> suit would have been able to risk every single individual that took place those involved in that situation and arrest them for unlawful entry. >> there's a way the state of texas is qualified or prepared to be a brand-new immigration. >> one more video for you. take a look at the human smuggling chased out of kinney county by texas dps arrest of the driver and front seat passenger. both are illegal immigrants from venezuela living in austin, texas. two illegal migrants got out of the back seats and they escaped from troopers. also, get this the first 17 days of this month border patrol agents in this san diego sector seized over 200 pounds of fentanyl nearly 11000 pounds of methamphetamine. i will send it back to you. >> is 200 pounds of fentanyl would probably just about take care of the entire population of the u.s. if they were taken ingested
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thank you. jon: d today russia marks a national day good morning for more than 130 victims of the moscow terror attack. that country continues to count the number people dead as the first suspects appear in court. now, more questions as isis claims responsibility for the massacre. chad 11 with more on that. >> good evening we are learning more about the suspects in this gruesome attack at rest and security forces got 11 people including four gunmen who were directly involved. tonight the first one out of the group was in court but here's a video of one of the men accused of the mass murder. you can see he is hunched over in handcuffs here's a closer look at him. according to russian media the first suspects will be put into custody for two months pending trial. also according to russian reports the four gunmen are from
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a country that borders afghanistan. the reports say at least one of the suspects claimed they were paid to do it. the governor of the moscow regent said searchers are still looking for bodies. the number of dead could rise. people all across russia still trying to make sense about russian president vladimir putin calls a fl bloodied barbaric terrorist attack. >> i lost two friends i'm here today to mourn them. >> today a massive memorial is a growing outside city hall where the attack happened. we are just learning at least three children died. a top putin eight in the moscow region governor where they are today to honor the victims. putin declared today a national day good morning. the islamic state group that says it is responsible for this massacre is isis-k. u.s. officials confirm that. it is the same terrorist group that killed eight 13 americans
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at the abbey gate during the 2021 withdrawal through afghanistan. >> is deeply regrettable innocent children and women were killed in moscow but the next attacks could be again said american as embassy. it's a very dangerous eco president biden's failed withdrawal from afghanistan. >> putin is trying to lead the attack to ukraine. the four main suspects were trying to escape to ukraine and in his words there is a window prepared for them there but kyiv strongly denies any involvement in this mass murder. jon: madison scarpino reporting, thanks. >> the only person responsible for the cast at our board as joe biden. in 2020 he said he reversal of president trump's highly effective policies that sent a signal to everyone around the world if you got to our board you could get in that's exactly what he did on day one. >> i do encourage them to use executive actions i don't think he could do everything that was
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in our bipartisan bill by executive order. but there is probably a subset of things he can do what i think his team is considering it. >> the crisis at our southern border could be even worse if migrants on the terror watch list managed to slip through among the thousands pouring into the united states illegally every day. let's bring in the south china republican congresswoman nancy mace who serves on the house oversight and armed services committee. you probably are democratic senator tim kaine saying he would encourage president biden to use an executive action to take care of the problem at the southern border. it seems a little late now congresswoman. >> that is right. my question for joe biden tonight is how many times do you have to get all of these wake-up calls before you stop hitting the snooze button? what is going on on our southern border be just for the vice president on your program a few minutes ago saying they may or may not consider executive
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action. what they are doing, they are partners in crime herewith they are doing is illegal they are allowing all these people to come across our border day in and day out. we know under joe biden's tenure we have had over 400 terrorists on the terrorist watch list. come across our southern border, and capture these are the only ones that we know of. what else is happening at the southern border? it's totally out of control. jon: witness what happened in moscow and some guys came in and opened fire and that concert hall. more than a wonder to 30 people are dead. >> right. these terrorists feel emboldened for their on the rise where the return but the reconstitution of isis-k or hamas or hezbollah or the houthis they feel emboldened that they built small weakness in the white house they know america is not the strong country a stronger country as it was under donald trump because under donald trump our adversaries did not test his results as they did not dare test donald trump's resolve and
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that is where we are today. jon: we are playing again the video of those migrants overrunning national guardsmen at the southern border. i'm sure you have seen the video paid what is your response, your reaction? >> i am disgusted by it. here for my constituents and i met a purple district, every single day what are we doing about the southern border? republicans we passed two bills to get our borders secure. but chuck schumer, joe biden, no one will listen. he is the power of executive action of executive orders to put every single border security measure that donald trump did back to secure the southern border. but they refused to do it. they are looking the other way it is disgusting. and i hope we kick joe biden out of the white house in november for this. >> you mentioned that fox is taken a poll on how voters feel about the two major candidates guarding border security and i want to put those numbers up on the screen for you. when asked who do you trust more to handle immigration and border security? and these swing states of
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georgia, michigan, north carolina and wisconsin trump is up 21 plus the points in georgia. sixteen points in michigan. nineteen points in north carolina. seventeen points in wisconsin. that is very telling with a november election coming up congresswoman. >> right south carolina's first congressional district we have about 40% of our electorate that are unaffiliated or independent voters number one issue they care about this the board and immigration followed very shortly by inflation, taxes, and the economy and spending. donald trump leads on all of the things that swing voters care about. i'm seeing it in my district i'm seeing it everywhere. jon: the white house is also seeing it. the white house must know the american people are terribly concerned about what is going on there. and yet nothing seems to get done, why? >> nothing for they do not want anything to get done they are going to transform the face of our country but we know that
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they want to allow illegal aliens to vote in our elections democrats want that they tried to do it through legislative policy wise. we know when they did the census every 10 years the congressional district and the electoral votes are based on population not based on legal population but just based on population growth. that can sway congress made that can sway elections and they are doing this to change the face of a nation so that republicans cannot win. that illegals can vote in our elections is disgusting and it i wish the mainstream media would tell the truth but all they are doing is covering for joe biden and his failed leadership at the southern border but people see it for what it is. i talked to a lot of voters they see what is going on. that is why they may not have voted for donald trump in 20 but they are going to vote for him in 2024 in november i am hearing that every single day in our swing district. >> we played some sound from senator marco rubio earlier about the connection between what's going on at the southern border and the kind of thing that happened in moscow.
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he said i am not saying there is an imminent threat. but if people could just walk into your country unannounced it does not take long for the terrorist operatives to exploit that loophole and put a plan together. you must share the same concerns. >> absolutely. i sit on the house armed services committee a sit on oversight. we are very conservative as it does not take long to organize a ball seat videos whether it's on text, twitter, social media have been interviewed and they are walking right into it we have a white open border under joe biden. none of this that we are seeing today at eagle pass or anywhere else ever happened a hundred dollars up he would never allow it to happen. they never felt emboldened because they were scared of him. the bill over five and 51 miles of walter and joe biden's first four years in office he has wanted to build 21 extra miles of wall.
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that's not going to do anything for the american baby talk about the drug crisis the human trafficking crisis. in my hometown of goose creek south carolina and south carolina we had 28 people arrested for human trafficking. in summerville south carolina sseeing fentanyl deaths every single day and every single state because our states all of them have become border states. people are angry about it for they wanted to be shut down for they wanted to stop. this definitely not stopping anytime soon under joe biden. jon: out there on a congresswoman nancy makes me appreciate you coming on, thank you. >> thank you sir. jon: the prince and princess of wales responding to the outpouring of support from around the world after princess kate cancer announcement. we will tell you what they have to say when the fox reportposi returns. and did all i could to prevent recurrence.
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>> prince and princess of wales releasing a joint statement saying they are extremely moved by the outpouring of support for kate middleton after she went public to announce her battle with cancer days ago. prince william and princess kate are asking for their privacy at this time. stephanie bennett with the latest from london.
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>> the news of kate middleton's cancer diagnosis continues to make the front page of every newspaper here in the uk. the mail saying kate was touched by efforts outpouring of support and love it. and also have the sunday times where the hospital heart to heart about who and the king brought closer during their treatments. of course the king has also been diagnosed with cancer we do not know the details of where or what stage of his or kate's cancers are at local outlets are reporting that his health allows king charles is hoping to attend easter sunday church service next week with his wife queen camilla at reduced where it turned out at st. george's chapel in windsor. however it kate, prince william and their children will not be in attendance report say she'll be spending quality time with her family during the easter holiday. generally she underwent a successful abdominal surgery originally kensington pal said she would return to public duties after easter but with the updated cancer diagnosis that is likely to be delayed. kate revealed in a video posted friday at x she is undergoing
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chemotherapy and is in the early stages of her treatment according to a kensington palace spokesman the prince and princess of wales say they are enormously touched by the kind messages and that they were very grateful the public understood the request for privacy. >> best wishes hopefully she is well again soon she's got three young children. that is got to come first and those things have got to come first rather than the country provokes for now it's likely will not be hearing from the princess for a while as this video it was a way to put all those rumors and speculation to rest. jon pickwick stephanie bennett, thank you. with king charles and now the princess of wales facing health concerns can the royal family do more with less? here to discuss that niall gardner is a director of the margaret thatcher center for freedom at the heritage foundation. there is at least one poll that shows princess kate is the most popular member of the royal family. now she will be stepping back a
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little bit while she undergoes cancer treatment. thank you for have me on the shows. as you pointed out princess of wales is hugely popular. the prince or princess of wales at this very difficult time the british people are rallying around the monarchy. despite the clear sense of crisis i think the monarchy is going to pull through. there are reports of the king retkingreturned to public dutiee summer following his earlier cancer diagnosis parade that is very good news. i think as well the princess of wales is determined of course to fight and defeat cancer. the whole country will be behind her as built much of the world as well supporting the princess of wales at this very difficult time. i do think the british monarchy is going to emerge even stronger
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as a result of what we are seeing here. the princess of wales has demonstrated tremendous courage of strength with her announcement last friday. i think the hearts of the british people are with her at this time. as are the hearts of much of the world. jon: there were some pretty vicious online trolling of the princess before the cancer announcement. she had had the abdominal surgery. buckingham palace was not saying much about it. some of the comments were downright nasty. will that all turned around now that she has come out and said sorry, it is cancer. >> is very good question. and undoubtedly we witnessed some appalling conspiracy theorists are putting out there by internet trolls. some of these trolls are self-styled supporters of harry and meghan. news reports in london tonight
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coming from government sources suggest china, russia, iran may also be involved in terms of spreading conspiracy theories about the princess of wales. and so you have sort of a group of very malicious actors out there who have been spreading these rumors about the princess. some were saying she was dead actually. we are still seeing internet trolls putting out conspiracy theories right now as we speak. so undoubtedly they are going to continue. buckingham palace has fold back the announcement and the timing of all of this was absolutely right to send a very clear message here. and i do think these nefarious enemies of the free world such as the russians, the chinese, the iranians will not succeed in terms of their disinformation and hate filled campaigns. against the british monarchy.
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jon: they will take the opportunity to try to stir the pot and that is exactly what they're doing provokes absolutely am sure they will continue to do so. it also should be pointed out a lot of the conspiracy theorists put out there in recent months have been put forward actually bite self-styled members is known as east sussex squad they are supporters of harry and meghan many have an intense hatred of the royal family in particular the prince and princess of wales. we have seen harry and meghan supporters certainly putting a lot of hate filled disinformation out there over the course of the last few months. hopefully that kind of hate will now start to dissipate. >> we certainly wish the princess and her family well as she battles cancer and also the king. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> the princess of wales announced she is battling cancer
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at the age of 42. some stunning data that shows cancer rates are rising dramatically among younger adults. fox news medical contributor dr. marty makary weighs in on the trends as well as one medical experts are saying about the princess condition coming up. for former president trump, some time is running out to secure it nearly half a billion dollars in cash from bond in his new york civil fraud case. his prized real estate portfolio and other assets could be on the line. a live report from trump tower just ahead. believe it or not baby... at university of phoenix... you... you... you... you could earn your... master's... for under than 11 thousand! 11... yes! 11! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. some things are too obvious to be a coincidence.
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tomorrow is d-day you might say performer president trump he says he is not going down without a fight. he is supposed to pay $450 million to keep his prized newark properties out of the hands of state attorney general letitia james. mr. trump claimed her friday he has the cash but said he intends
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to spend it on his campaign and not his case. cb cotton is alive at trump tower in new york city with more on that. >> hi jon. these are h high-stakes for forr president donald trump. as a civil fraud trial happened four to $54 million judgment has already entered meeting the state could move to seize assets such as a trump tower or 40 wall street but as it has been widely reported some pretty sizable outstanding loans on these properties legal experts tell me it's less likely newark attorney general will go after these. she has however entered the judgment of westchester county new york home to a sprawling estate and the trump golf course. perhaps she will go after those first. this morning on "sunday morning futures" with maria donald tr trump's son eric said this case came down to politics. >> would teach a james campaign
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on this promise and now they're making him do something that's not physically possible. putting up a half a billion dollar bonds bonds that size do not exist in this country a 10 million-dollar bond is a large and bought a 50 million-dollar bond is an enormous bond half a billion dollar bond? >> former president donald trump's legal team has asked the court to waive the bond entirely while he appeals a civil fraud and judgment against him for there is no ruling get on his request but eric, trump said he is hopeful. >> they are trying to deprive him of his cash they went to bankrupt him. they want to hurt him so badly it's going to backfire is going to win this in november everybody in this country universally knows exactly of the people are doing. i hope the division comes back with something very sensible we have offered we we tried to be y reasonable. >> also happening tomorrow a separate legal hurdle for the former president for there is a hearing in trump's hush money
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case his legal team has asked the judge to delay the case until summer or throw it out altogether. trump's law lawyers manhattan ds office have been sparring over the release of thousands of documents just weeks before the trial is scheduled start date back to you. >> alright cb cotton at trump tower in new york, thank you. princess kate sent shock waves around the world when she announced friday she has been diagnosed with cancer at just 42 years old. new data show a sharp rise in the rate of young people getting cancer before the age of 50. in the u.s. rates have risen to a staggering 35.4% increase from 1975 until 2019. globally, early onset cancer diagnoses jump by 79% between 1,992,019. to help us explore these disturbing trends will screen fox news medical contributor doctor marty makary.
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we ask you a a lot of things but you are trained as a cancer surgeon i know. this is right up your alley. what is going on question of why the increase in cancers among young people? >> it is unclear we are seeing hundreds of thousands of new colon cancer diagnoses each year. i'm increasing proportion of those are people in their 40s even in their 30s. it is unclear what is going on. there are several ideas one is that micro biome is being altered thus the garden of bacteria would normally live in g.i. tract the average 10-year-old may have taken 12 antibiotics now in the course of their lifetime. that changes the micro bio there is a study this week out of the seattle group that found a one of those a bacteria wasn't present and about 50% about colon cancer cases. it is a bacteria that normally lives in the mouth but is found in a lot of colon cancer cases.
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it does suggest there is a strong association between the lining of bacteria and cancer. >> cancer is one of the most common cancers, is it not? >> third leading cause of cancer death. for that reason everybody over the age of 50 is recommended to have a colonoscopy. people can start with the dna stool test. test light: guard if they would like. but that is the current recommendation for it right now medical bodies are trying to decide whether or not to recommend lowering the age to start colonoscopy as they lowered the age controversially to start mammogram screening and women from 50 to 40 just last year. >> that sounds like ca kids and doctors princess kate's doctors did not know she was hosting cancer by they did the surgery for something else. unfound the cancer almost as an
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aftereffects, is that i right? >> they did not know she had cancer before the operation. so presumably they went into remove an abnormality. we know whatever it was was subtle enough the cancer was discovered after the surgery. but it was serious enough to warrant chemotherapy. suggesting it might be a stage one or stage two cancer. she is 42 that's very young for cancer. what could be possibly anyone of a number of abdominal cancers appendix, small bowel a gyn of varying cancer was recognized to originate from the fallopian tube in most cases not actually from the ovaries. it's probably not productive to speculate. she has asked for privacy. it does highlight the increase in cancer and young people that it's now a broader trend in medicine. >> also highlights the need for all of us to be aware of any issues or changes in our bodies.
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>> that is right what we eat, whatorwe put in our mouth make y much a factor micro biome and long-term health. a study of harvard how people took antibiotics more likely to have a colon polyp and that is probably because antibiotics are killing some of the bacteria in the micro biome. they also have become very popular since the 1950s. in the 60s and 70s people in their childhood took a ton of antibiotics. it's also believed the lack of vaginally deliveries and c-sections which is also mirrored the same growth may also affect the micro bio instead of it being seated with bacteria from the vaginally birth canal it is instead seated with bacteria from the hospital because babies are extracted from a sterile operative field. there may be other factors environmental exposures where there's not a lot of great research on this.
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that is why many people are saying we need good research on environmental exposures that cause cancer. not just the chemotherapy to treat it. jon: always good information doctor marty makary thank you. >> thanks. jon: will be back with more box report after this. on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food
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tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. jon: secret military unit from world war ii is finally getting some long overdue recognition. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram has the story of the ghost army that duped the nazis. >> they never fired a gun. everett parachuted behind enemy lines. but they didn't blow up tanks as in inflatable tanks. >> he made these things and have
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new prima rubber. all we had to do is inflate them with error. >> it is said were his business. but in this case show business. so if the curtain rose on the european theater the u.s. ghost army staged a blockbuster with prompt hanks they could with the germans into thinking american troops were one place and they were actually someplace else. the voice actors red fake radioo transmissions diverting the nazis along the rhine stagecraft of the ghost army practically qualified for the oscars. >> we teach our army planners the cornerstone of what we now call military deception operations is the story. the ghost army were master storytellers per. >> wanted the ghost army with their highest honor the congressional gold medal. it is estimated 15 -- 30,000 lives were saved to pick up the ghost army staged nearly two dozen decoys luxembourg, belgium
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and germany. >> implant themselves and have conversations in hotels or in cafés again to deceive the enemy. they would have -- o overhear te conversation's progress operations or been classified until the mid- 1990s. >> ghost army tactics were meant to be invisible today their contributions will no longer remain unseen in the shadows. >> which means for members of the ghost army is finally time to take about. on capitol hill, chad pergram fox news. >> remember the door plug that blew out in mid air on the flight in january? now the fbi is telling american alaska passengers aboard the flight they might be victims of a crime. the faa is looking into a slew of other recent airline scares. racine a coma with the latest from los angeles. >> i jon that is right united
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airlines vice president of corporate safety says over the next few weeks they will begin to see more of an faa presence in their operations united is open to hear from them about their findings. also i interviewed mark lindquist the attorney representing 27 of the passengers who were on the alaska airlines flight. he said even though they knew the d.o.j. launched a criminal investigation into this incident, they were still stoned when they received a letter from the d.o.j. notified each of them they could be a possible victim of a crime. >> when you receive a letter from the department of justice as an aviation lawyer the only other time i have seen this was after the two crashes of the max 8383 to 46 people died. >> lindquist says his firm was the first to file a lawsuit against alaska airlines and boeing after the door panel ripped off the boeing 737 max flight. as it was about 16000 feet above
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oregon. his clients want answers, accountability and for boeing to manufacture safer planes. >> sii represented thousands of victim families remit to max eight disasters which resulted in a criminal prosecution by the department of justice. i think the reason d.o.j. is investigating this incident, even though nobody died is because we are seeing a pattern of problems from boeing. >> those problems now under increased public scrutiny's there is multiple boeing incidents of gender they include a tire falling off a united airline flight, as it departed from san francisco. a boeing plane during off a runway in houston and a boeing 737800 landing in oregon with one of its external panels missing. despite these incidents aviation experts maintain it is still very safe to fly. >> should people feel safe getting on a boeing aircraft? >> people should feel safe
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lying. your chance of dying in a plane crash is about 100 million. i would have no hesitation getting on an airplane for the faa does a phenomenal job at oversight and with all these incidents we have to keep in mind the bottom line is the end result is nobody died. >> last week boeing see if most of the companies committed to transparency and accountability with the regulators they are taking comprehensive actions to strengthen quality and build confidence. >> christina coleman, thanks christina. jon: the pope unexpectedly skipping his palm sunday homily protests in chile and sent a togolf holding elections amid political unrest. those stories and more when we take a trip around the globe at next. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way.
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at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind. look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful.
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jon: protests breaking out in tel aviv this weekend as hamas announces another israeli hostages died. demonstrators taken to the streets to demand the terror group release all of its remaining captives. trey yingst reports a.
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>> jon, good evening. stay 170 of the war between israel and hamas. the region is waiting to see if and when the israelis will en enter. secretary of state entity and blinken wrapped up his tour of the middle east but had some tense meanings here in tel aviv with the work cap that about what comes next. biden administration officials from the president himself the vice president harris have all had the same message do not enter rafah with the vice president sing this on saturday. >> we are looking about a million and have people who are there because they were told to go there most of them. and so we have been very clear that it would be a mistake to move into rafah with any type of military operation. >> as for the cease-fire negotiations, talks wrapped up this weekend in qatar amid hopes for a fresh agreement according to reports cia director william burns along with top israeli intelligence officials left so nohot empty handed the
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conversations are expected to continue with the officials here hoping it could lead to a six week cease-fire with the release of dozens of israeli hostages. inside gaza israeli troops are still operating in the hospital complex in northern gaza. the israelis say they have arrested 480 terror operatives from hamas and islamic jihad we have no way to independently confirm that number. the southern front remains active so does the north over the weekend the lebanese militant group hezbollah continued to launch fresh attacks into israel. jon: trey yingst reporting thank you but here are some other headlines from around the globe. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is vatican city pope francis skipped his homily at the last minute during palm sunday mass in st. peter's square. the 87-year-old pontiff has been hobbled by bad knees and respiratory issues he faces a busy holy week ahead.
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in brazil 23 people now reported that heavy rains this weekend because it landslides. thousands now homeless v between the southeastern states of rio de janeiro and santo. ♪ it shall eat protesters net capitol demanded the government cut ties with israel. they called for a cease-fire enchanted israel genocidal and palestine is the cause of humanity. outside of the presidential palace spiri virtually has the t palestinian community outside the middle east. in senegal polls opened in a tightly contested presidential race the following months of uncertainty and unrest. west african nation reputation as a stable democracy has been tested by a wave of coups in recent years. current president is barred from seeking a third term. and that is a look at some
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stories from around the globe. what everyone does and deserves to look and feel their best. even our elephant friends. wewill type out the special treatment they received, next. (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to attack this new lobster & shrimp stack? ready for your lobster lover's dream to come true? they're two of ten lobster creations, only at lobsterfest. plus, cheddar bays for days. but lobsterfest won't last, so hurry in. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings.
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>> a bouncing baby hippo delaying zookeepers increase the cap is a first for the acting zoo in the first pygmy hippo board there in ten years extra special because pygmy hippos are endangered in the wild there are fewer than 3000 laughed. it's almost sandalwood, that means time for pedicures even for pachyderms elephant in germany treated to a heavy-duty pedicure part of their medical training ahead of the annual elephant day, there are ten elephants at the elephant park, one of the largest facilities of its kind in europe. how many toes do they have that soapbox report of march 24, 2024. i am jon scott, thank you for joining us we will see you next week.


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