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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  March 23, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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cross buns and croissants thatdr must've smelled to get there she was gis getting ready for theth break-in. how much more time doesn't she need on the camera before shesh breaks in? >> i think there's something more to this story per perhaps she is on something that makes her hungry and ask irrational if it. >> jessica played the clip forpl the drug dude tonight. i >> on "the ingraham angle"ng? >> we are talking about housinga crisislk with laura right off te type and her angle that such a culture that's her show. >> is in theatlls angle that sf the shofar are a you going churi made raymond question. >> i hopngte so. >> a note. [laughter] for everyone that's a great show. that is ityone i for us. have a great night everybody. ♪. jon: live earth cam video of
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moscow spent 24 hours into deadly terror attack at a sold-out concert hall. at least wondered 33 people are killed. hundreds injured last night for forgood evening i am jon scott d this is the fox report. ♪ we need to warn you the video we are about to show is graphic. russian authorities have detained 11 people in connection with the shootings. "in the four suspected gunman who opened fire on the crowd and set the hall on fire. islamic state group in afghanistan claims responsibility for the shooting as rescue crews search the charred concert hall earlier today. also in europe, princess kate middleton shopping shocking the world by revealing her cancer diagnosis after weeks of speculation she stepped away for the public spotlight following abdominal surgery. team cover character this evenig stephanie bennett in london on k-tel three chart u.s. air force brigadier general jon tiger with
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the reaction to the moscow terror attack it first madison with a report on that attack. >> good evening jon. according to russian media at the gunman art from a country that borders afghanistan. russian news reports also say at least one of the four main suspects in the attack said they were paid to do it. this morning putin said the suspects were trying to flee into ukraine. but ukraine strongly denies any involvement in this mass murder at this of course happening as the two countries enter the third year of war. >> i am disgusted that putin is trying to link this in any way to ukraine pray that is a total lie and he is covering up for a big intelligence failure on the part of russia. he will capitalize on it because he wants to be the strong man and the savior of russia progress witnesses say they were
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just watching the concert when the attackers address in camo burst into city hall. they started shooting people and throwing explosives. it was pure chaos here is how one survivor describes the attack. >> of 7:00 p.m. i heard a blast. i honestly thought it was a firecracker. i thought that probably the artists who came were being greeted by fans. these crackles work here. they were not stopping. there was screaming, panic, i realize something was wrong. >> hundreds of people gathered outside the concert hall saturday night to mourn the victims. this is clearly devastating and a devastatingand emotional timee there. there is a massive memorial that continues to grow. today rescuers were still combing through the ruins of the concert hall. the moscow mayor canceled all big events in the capitol this weekend putin says he's beefing up security throughout the entire country.
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the governor of the moscow region expects the number of deaths to only grow significantly. this all comes about two weeks after the u.s. embassy in moscow issued a warning of increased threats of terror. the warning said attackers may try and target large crowds it specifically mentions concerts. jon: medicine reporting, thank you. for more on the terrorist attack in russia let's bring in retired u.s. air force brigadier general jon served as assistant deputy under secretary of the air force. this is a classic terrorist attack. soft target. people sitting in their seats watching a concert i should say. all the setting guys a storm in with automatic weapons and start shooting the place up. what is the motive here?
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>> isis is at war against modern humanity. they do not have a state sponsor they thrive in ungoverned areas they have plenty of reasons to have concert with a rush over time and after ana stan, chechnya. this is their attempt to attack modern humanity and sadly it happened at the concert last night in moscow. jon: vladimir putin is using the opportunity to blame the ukrainians. >> that is traditional putin to try to use such a horrific act as a pretext to stir up nationalistic fervor to continue his war of aggression in ukraine. there is no reason for any of us to believe that is true. putin will use this sorrowful terrorist attack to his advantage in any way possible. jon: the terrorist apparently wanted revenge for russia's support of the asad. >> we do not know exactly what their motive is but russia is
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active there in syria. that is supporting that shiite regime of asad in syria against the ungoverned areas isis is hoping to take advantage of freight whatthat could be one os they are willing to attack within russia. there are a plethora of reasons they do not be one particular reason again they're looking to attack modern humanity. >> united states morning putin and the russians some kind of trouble was afoot. not only did he blow it off he suggested even the warning was an attempt at subterfuge directed toward his government. >> he did. we have a long-standing policy across administrations in the united states a duty to warn. we have a specific credible piece of intelligence that indicates a terrorist activity against civilian population we did so actually to the benefit of iran two months ago. this is part of u.s. policy. and again putin will use whatever spin he can to his own nationalistic advantage.
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jon: what about iran does it have any fingerprints are possible fingerprints in this attack do you think? >> jon they don't this is a she upcountry. iran against the suny organization and isis. iran while they are a large state sponsor of terrorism around the world, they do not have any affiliation with isis for it in many ways isis is the antithesis of what iran is trying to achieve in the middle east. jon: these guys got into russia, shot at the concert hall. apparently they have been arrested or so we have been told by the russian authorities. but it raises an awful lot of questions that' it's what goingn our southern border. we do not know who among the millions of people have just walked into our country, who they are. >> jon, you are spot on. we do not know how many members of hamas are in the united states for hezbollah are in the united states or isis or in the united states for everyday we
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are vulnerable because of the fact those biden policies at our southern border that allowed those to enter that we have not vetted to make sure they are thn the best interest of the united states. jon: were the chances made you cannot assess that but what are the chances something like this takes place here as a result. >> our intelligence organizations are very active in trying to understand the nature of activities by a large multinational terrorist organizations like isis. while it is a possibility on any given day that our organizations both internal and external intel security are doing their best is to protect the american people. jon: let us hope they succeed because it is a big job. retired air force general thank you. >> thank you jon. jon: well wishes are pouring in from around the globe after catherine princess of wales announced yesterday she has been diagnosed with cancer.
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world leaders and royal fans sending messages of support to the beloved 42-year-old princess. tththe announcement follows mons of speculation after she stopped the public appearances to recover in january. stephanie bennett has the update on that story. >> jon, the 42-year-old princess revealed she's undergoing chemotherapy. usually the royal family is very tightlipped. this is a huge move in order to clear up some of the rumors that were spreading over the last few weeks. and also conspiracy theories. now everyone praising her bravery today. >> a test after the operation found cancer had been present. my medical team therefore advise i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy i am now in the early stages of that treatment. but most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte, and louis in a way that is appropriate for them. and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. >> details remain very limited
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so we still do not know the type of cancer or what stage it is at. in january she had undergone a plan and successful abdominal surgery which at the time they believed her condition was noncancerous. however for the test found cancer had been present. now in her video message she said she is getting stronger every day and praises her husband, prince william, for being a great source of comfort and reassurance. it is been packed at buckingham palace of the last couple of days since her video announcement was released people coming up to us today sharing their well wishes for the princess a speedy recovery. >> is definitely watching the conspiracy theories we just want to support her definitely to her journey. >> of course king charles and also sarah ferguson the duchess of york are also battling their separate cancers as well but for now kate middleton said she wants to recover and privacy in with her. jon: all right stephanie thank you. around the world medical experts are waiting at on princess cates shocking cancer diagnosis but
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let's bring in doctor janette fox news and medical contributor. also a family emergency medicine doctor. when you heard the news they princess of wales has cancer what first went to your mind? >> at first i was saddened that my prayers are with the princess of wales and her family. she is a brave and courageous person. but what it made me think of is how important it is to listen to your body. to pay attention to symptoms yet you may be experiencing. example if you have an unusual pain or feel bloated or are bleeding or change and bowels you want to go see your doctor right away because if there is something going on and we catch it earlier that usually means a better prognosis. better outcomes for most people. and also it's important you get your preventative screening tests. for example a mammogram which checks her breast cancer. a colonoscopy which could pick up: cancer or a pap smear which checks cervical cancer.
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these are all important screening tests as it ran through my mind when i heard this i'm so glad it seems it was caught early and she has begun treatment and hopefully a speedy recovery. jon: she had this surgery and apparently at first they did not notice or see or suspect in a cancer. it was only later the cancer diagnosis came to the forefront. she's going to undergo preventative chemotherapy. what is that exactly? >> what we call preventative chemotherapy is also a adjuvant therapy. what that means is it is a medication that is used after surgery to help reduce the risk of occurrence of cancer cells. and to kill and eradicate any celt that might still be floating in the body. that is what that means it's a medication that is used and it's different than general chemotherapy in the sense it's
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not the first line of treatment. it can be used first before surgery. but with regular general chemotherapy you are using chemotherapy to shrink the tumor and help prevent the spread of cancer. and also to help alleviate symptoms with regular chemotherapy it is usually done first rather with the preventative are what we call adjuvant. we see a lot after surgery. jon: we do not know what kind of cancer that princess has experience but given her age are there possibilities that are most likely in your mind? >> yes, that is a good question. someone who is in their 40s and a female some of the most common cancers we see other than breast cancer and lung cancer, thyroid cancer and skin cancers we tend to see colorectal cancer we see cervical cancer or ovarian cancer. even uterus and demetrius cancer
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can occur but we do not know. i certainly pray the princess of wales that she does have a good recovery, a speedy recovery. it is hard to know exactly what type of cancer she had but again those are the most common types of cancers we see in her age group. jon: she is a member of the royal family. so presumably she is getting the best medical care and those preventative exams that you talked about. and yet, here we go and cancer rears its ugly head. it is a lesson for all of us really on getting screened. >> you are absolutely right. and sometimes genetics plays a role you may be living a healthy lifestyle bassem search and cancers that may be due to genetics. it could be due to your age. or your gender. for example some cancers are more common in females than in males. that's why it is important to
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know your risk. and also to know your family history. because again some cancers can be hereditary. but if you catch it early that is the key. despite the fact chemotherapy and surgery and radiation and that sort of thing may have side effects on the body we have come such a long way and have progressed tremendously in the world of medicine prep excellent tools to hel help treat side ef. for example common symptoms will be nausea or vomiting or loss of energy, loss of appetite. loss of hair and we have medicines to help that. but my greatest concern when it comes to cancer patients and chemotherapy is that it can wipe out your immune system. and that is what can be very dangerous. you and i for example have a cold we can fight it off. but someone with a cancer and undergoing chemotherapy their immune systems are weakened and that's what can make it dangerous and a difficult challenge. jon: king charles is facing his
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own health issues how do you compare the two situations here, doctor? >> that's right king charles had to go into a procedure for enlarged prostate. he did not another type of cancer but we do not know what is it could be anything from bladder cancer, kidney cancer, again colorectal cancer. but it is a similar situation where they found it after words and they took action immediately. i think for the king, his agent plays a role in his prognosis. it seems he is doing well. we should pray for him as well. i think both emotionally and physically challenging for a younger person, a woman such as princess of wales who has her children to take care of. so stress of cancer, stress of the journey of trying to eradicate it from your life can have an impact in a toll on healing. but i am sure in addition to
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family support and the medications they have strong faith and they are praying on this journey to get through what they are dealing with. because i know firsthand having family members who have undergoing chemotherapy right now, it can be a challenge not just for the patient or for the family as well. having a good medical team, having family support and faith together we have come a long way when it comes to cancers not in immediate death sentence which is a blessing. jon: is certainly a shock to hear she had cancer diagnosis we certainly wish you the princess the best in our whole family those three adorable children it is going to be a tough road we hope a successful and for them, thank you. doctor janette nesheiwat. jon: taking a live look of the southern border in eagle pass, texas with learn migrant record last month. another new we'll have a live report from eagle pass next.
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jon: president biden is blaming former president donald trump and republicans for a while the stampede at the border just days ago. a large group of illegal immigrants rush the texas
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national guard and reached a razor wire barrier on the rio grande river in el paso. lucas tomlinson is at the white house with the latest there. >> lawmakers say that video shrink 100 migrants running over the texas national guard into the united states is more proof of border chaos the white house continues to blame republicans. >> you have a governor who has politicize this issue, fact that it's just fact he has a politicized this issue. you have a former president who has said to congress republicans in congress and do not move forward with a bipartisan agreement. that was agreed upon by senators. because it helps us. >> immigration, or the top issues facing voters in 2020 for many voters want to know what is the plan? they see thousands of migrant input into hotels in big citiess in winter how long are they going to be and who is going to pay for them?
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>> elon musk are worried about the census but this could alter congressional districts and maps. inflation is already up 20% from when president biden took office. major american cities are spending billions to house, close, and feed these maggots before take up her easter recess lawmakers on capitol hill weighed in on that stampede video. >> mind you ladies and gentlemen, the people that ran over them that ran right over them ran to border patrol. ran to border patrol to come into this country. border patrol taking orders from joe biden and secretary mayorkas that is the march madness that is happening at our country. >> even some members of the progressive caucus are using the word chaos to describe the situation on the southern border. >> the key thing is we actually have to reform immigration policy. the more legal pathways we have the list chaos we have at the border. >> without stop this? >> i think that is yes.
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i think that is ultimately what the answer is. >> this afternoon at his home in wilmington, delaware president biden's son -- signed a spending bill which will keep the government functioning and open. until september includes 2000 additional border agents but it does not cover as much to strengthen the border is many republicans were hoping. jon: lucas tomlinson at the white house, thanks. so the migrant surge at the southern border reaching a new high last month. customs and border patrol release and the latest numbers showing nearly 190,000 encounters. that is a record for february. but down slightly from january. nate foy is live in eagle pass, texas now. >> charm, good evening the new cbp numbers also show this fiscal year the eye to her watchlist trying to enter our country illegally. this as illegal crossings
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skyrocket in america's west and for two days in a row migrants clash with texas authorities in el paso as a lucas and briefly talked about there. take a look at the most recent scene at one side of the fence to see migrants and on the other side you see texas national guard. the migrants are trying to tear down the razor wire fence where they want to be processed by border patrol under title eights again so they can be released into the country with a notice to appear in immigration court it's exactly what happened to the migrants on thursday who rush the wall and trampled over texas national guard soldier. >> that is why we see this drive, this determination by illegal immigrants to get across the board at whatever cost if that means assaulting a soldier or law enforcement officer or a border patrol agent they will do that to get across the border because they know the end result is they will be rewarded they will be incentivized and be released into the country. >> agent process 383 venezuelans after that surge in the el paso
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sector but this was only on thursday. for perspective last fiscal year over a 335,000 venezuelans were encountered at the border. 834 of them were deported. also right now remember jon venezuela's not accepting deportation flights but you mentioned new cbp numbers also show the most ever migrant encounters in the month of february with over 189,000. let's take a live look at the fox news or drone right now six people just cross the river illegally including with the one child. they were sent to back to mexico texas national guard soldiers told them to go to a catholic church where they could be safe and apply for asylum on the cbp one app. all is texas so it's an appeal court ruling that will determine the immediate future of senate bill four. the law would give texas the authority to arrest and deport migrants without turning them over to border patrol. speaking of border patrol, so far this month border patrol has
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seized $25 million worth of drugs in over 300 pounds of fentanyl. we will send back to you. jon: appalling numbers anyway you slice it. thanks nay. so, as the crisis of the southern border mounts once again blue cities are still struggling to manage the waves of migrants coming in. new york city council of minority leader joe morelle joins us now. what is the situation in new york a couple thousand miles from the texas border, the southern border. what is the situation in new york city right now? >> it is a problem that has been unsustainable for the last year end a half basically. it still continues to be unsustainable. we have surpassed $3 billion this fiscal year. we are spending about $387 per day per migrants. we have not received any significant reimbursement from the federal government or state budget. just to get the audience a comparison we are spending more
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on our migrant crisis in the entire fire depa department ande parks department combined. jon: somebody at the white house must think this is a good idea because they are not doing anything to stem the flow. it was lowered during the trump administration so clearly there are things that could be done. why are they not doing them? >> it is a great question ultimately it is a political question. we have the resources to stop significant surges at the border. we solve it under president trump or joe biden took office, issued a certain number of declarations and executive orders that change trump administration policy and here we are. ultimately president biden is making the political calculation of the member's parties are making a political calculation it is still better for them somehow to see people trampling over our national guardsmen and populating our cities with chaos than it is to have effective border control. that's a political question i hope the american public answers in november.
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>> the economic impact of all of this part you said new york city is spending what $3 billion to feed and house the migrants? >> yes it has become quite a burden this is something affecting our budget this year. we could be putting that money towards resources fort new york we can give it back to the taxpayers thankfully this budget year is not as bad as we had predicted. but that does not mean next year's won't be. we have the potential to put us in significant financial crisis. when you look at who are leaders of our city, we have the city comptroller who is the auditor and chief financial officer of our city actually going out there and saying we need more free stuff for the migrants we should be giving them more money. we should give them more free attorneys et cetera. this is sort of the political reality of new york city. things are not going to go well unless we do stem the tide in the border. >> new york city is the nation's most populous. if there is one place that ought
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to be able to absorb and a house and feed migrants that ought to be the biggest city in the country. you are talking a bout a huge strain on this very large city. >> and we have. we have treated for better or worse about 170,000 migrants there is 64000 people currently in our care think about that 64000 people is more than most municipalities that folks are watching right now or living in right now and here we are paying for every single aspect of these folks lie from their education, to the health care, to food, to shelter it's a drain on our economy it's a great on our resources and frankly it's becoming a problem for the quality of life around migrant shelters. we have the neighborhood park slope the most awoke brooklyn's live is where the people in films who are like progressive brooklynites live this is where the film's sets. even those people out there protesting new migrant shelters the mayor is trying to put in
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their community. people are sick of it i think a lot of new yorkers are sick of bending to a fractionally small progressive left of the democratic party that runs the city and rental of the state legislature. jon: the mayor is going to the southern border to try to make some kind of a point. what is he going to do? what's he going to say? what is he going to achieve? >> whoever's going to beat theirs will be here in a couple weeks anyway so i'm not sure why it is going through these folks will get her one way or another. what he should be doing is going back to washington d.c. and talking to joe biden putting the bill squarely on his feet. put on his doorstep he can go right across the east river and see chuck schumer and say why haven't you passed a comprehensive bill that moore resembles hr to which was passed almost a year ago by the house. one that actually solves some of the border security problems but it's great that you want to allow people in. think the republicans to be more than willing to make some compromises.
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but the bill the house passed addresses the problem affecting not just new york, chicago, denver, et cetera. jon: joe borelli new york city council minority leader. thanks. >> thank you. jon: former president trump is just two days now to secure nearly half a billion dollar bond in his civil fraud case. new york attorney general letitia james is already making moves to try to seize some of his properties. we will explain next. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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♪ ♪. jon: former president donald trump has until monday too post a four to 54 million-dollar bond and avoid a possible takeover of his assets bite new york democratic attorney general
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letitia james. assets could include his landmark residential skyscraper at trump tower tower break trums lawyers have appealed the bond. >> the clock winds down for former president donald trump to secure a bond for nearly half a billion dollars, trump tells fox he has nearly 500 million in cash and properties driving loads of money. but added quote that does not mean i'm going to give money to a rogue and incompetent judge. the puppet of a corrupt attorney general." trump's comments come after his legal team told the court earlier this week it has been quote impossible for trump too post a afforded 54 million-dolr bond while trump appeals a civil fraud judgment against him trump posspossess the court to waive e bond or reduce it per the court has not ruled on his request. but new york attorney general's office has argued trump did not explore every option for the
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former elections commission member tells fox this case will hurt new york's business prospects. >> you have already heard some pretty rich business folks saying we may not want to do business in new york if they can use a lot like this to go after someone went and again we have to emphasize what fraud occurred? there were no victims in this case. all of the banks made a profit in the situation. so they are using a statute for political purposes to go after his and viability as a political candidate too. >> in the meantime there could be a financial lifeline for trump. investors have approved a deal to make truth a socialist owner, trump media, a publicly traded company and could net 3 billion or more with his shares. legal experts tell us it is unlikely the company's board will waive the six month lockup. on trump shares. should trump not come up with the money for the bond by
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monday, new york attorney general letitia james has laid some of the groundwork for a possible asset seizure. also on monday a judge will hold a hearing in trumps hush money case where a new trial date may be set. jon: eb cotton, thank you. some cities and counties in california are saying enough is enough for out-of-control retail crime. now they are taking bold new steps to try to battle the scourge. we'll tell you what they are doing coming up. ♪ i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo! i like it. i'll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited.
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home instead. to us, it's personal. jon: u.s. marshals have arrested two squatters who wanted in connection to a brutal murder in new york city. authorities releasing their
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mugshots today. police say nadia patel discovered them living in her late mother's new york city apartment. they savagely beat and killed her. the victim's body found stuffed in a duffel bag. it's the latest and most shocking incident in the series of episodes involving squatters across the country. >> some california cities and counties are fed up with out-of-control retail crime. the putting together special task forces to stop shoplifters fox news got a firsthand look at one of the largest crackdown operations in los angeles county. that is where christina coleman is standing by with more. >> hi jon pop. we embedded that l.a. county sheriff's department organized retail task force they busted and major fencing operation and recovered thousands of dollars worth of stolen merchandise and a crime-ridden area. >> come out with their hands up we have a search warrant. >> what looks like a shopping center near downtown l.a. is a
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hidden storefront for a retail crime ring according to deputies. dozens of deputies swarm the area late at night detaining several people including a man they believe is helping run the operation. once inside, investigators more than $3000 worth of stolen goods. from toiletries and makeup to clothing, even chocolate. items they believe were likely swiped off of shelves during smash and grab's and other thefts. they said it's likely being sold in bulk to others with a fraction of its value. the stolen merchandise came from places like cvs, walgreens, sephora nordstrom for. >> sometimes it's easy to steal but sometimes it happened so often they cannot keep up with it and they don't report it. so it's easy crime to get away with it. >> is a lot of things stacked against us in california. i think people tend to be soft when it comes to these type of crimes they are probably right. we have work to do with
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legislation and get some of the laws changed. >> speaking of changes bipartisan effort is now underway in california to reform proposition 47 a criminal justice reform measure which lowered the penalties for many theft crimes from felonies to misdemeanors even on repeat offenses. meantime deputies continued to sort through the massive amount of evidence from the retail crime bust we witnessed. it will likely amount to more than half a million dollars in stolen products. since october this task force has made more than 500 arrests and recovered more than $8 million worth of stolen merchandise. >> christina coleman, thanks. heavy rains approving and deadly in brazil protest taking place in taiwan and india. those stories in more when we take you around the globe, next. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive,
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jon: the calendar said we are five days into spring. part of the countries getting hit with the winter like weather. from a massive nor'easter. the storm is bringing several inches of rain and greater new york city area several feet of snow to parts of new england prinfred fox for the correspondt nicole valdes has more from new hampshire. >> all of this snow is all anyone is talking about here in
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plymouth, new hampshire. a lot of people actually happy to see snow this late into march. and not just snow. we are talking inches of it. take a look at my feet here. will look nearly rich as might knees. it's a big deal a welcome sight for so many across new england cities from vermont into maine have been in a major snow deficit for a majority of the season but you will hear people walk around thing finally as they plow the roads and take advantage of this late winter storm. there of course we know driving and these conditions can always be dangerous. whether you are new england or not. warnings remain in place all across major freeways like 93. reminding people that winter storm warning remains in effect your sunday morning. snow is been the following as
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before certain rights. the heavy snow vote expected to continue late into this evening. business owners definite look toward the silver lighting here. cap eight mate also has been slower in terms of customers coming in today. but they believed they could cash in next week if the fresh powder six run long enough. cortez a welcome late-season event. we would have liked to have had it sooner but we'll take it when we can get it. this is the most beautiful time of the year. govern the parameters of the weather we are getting today brickwork some hope skiers will maybe make another trip up to new hampshire to take advantage of all the fresh snow. the white mountains not far from here. some may decide to come hit the slopes and ski resorts could maybe stay open for an extra week if not too if it stays cold enough to keep the snow on the ground.
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thirty-six "fox weather" correspondent nicole valdes. time for some headlines from around the globe. in egypt un secretary-general renewing his call for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. found more than a million people are struggling with catastrophic hunger and starvation. and slovakia but he began the be presidential election. progress or prime minister speaks reelection after his return to power last september. he and his leading opponent appear headed for a runoff apri. and rio de janeiro seven people have died after landslides and floods caused by heavy rains there. rescue workers and firefighters found five people in the collapse of a residential building including a 4-year-old who was rescued after more than 16 hours in the mud.
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in taipei dozens of pro-democracy activists gathered to protest hong kong's newly passed a national security law. it threatens life imprisonment for violators. until it is scrapped out after pro-democracy protests back in 2019. in india, hundreds of protesters gathered for a second day demanding immediate release of the prime minister top rivals. india has a national election next month. rival was arrested on bribery charges which he denies. that is a look at some stories from around the globe. a very snowy scene in danbury, new hampshire. it would be a fun spot for snow leopards but none of the granite state that we know of it but we will introduce you to a zoo and the uk home. you will not want to miss it.
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across the pond, chester do in the uk celebrating new arrivals, to snow leopards, the zoo says they are the first leopards and 93 years. they were born just before the opening of a new authentic habitat plate with rocky terrain mimicking the himalayas. the new snow leopard habitat will open to the public monday. slow and steady wins the world record for a giant tortoise over there : meet jonathan. ♪ 192-year-old tortoise. he landed a spot in the guinness world records as the oldest
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animal on earth one of the main tourist attraction on the island of st. helena where napoleon park was exiled. people from all over the world, even royals have come to see this rightful child. happy birthday, jonathan. mega millions jackpot up to 1.1 billion after nobody won the grand prize of last night drawing. five people did win 1 million each by matching five of the six numbers drawn, now the fifth largest jackpot and mega millions history, the next drawing takes place tuesday night. that's how fox reports this saturday, march 23, 2024. i am jon scott, thanks for watching, see you again tom tomorrow. ♪ ♪


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