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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  March 23, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ music ♪ ♪ unnecessary action hero! ♪ ♪ unnecessary. ♪ was that necessary? no. neither is missing your daughter's competition to do payroll. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you don't have to miss your daughter's big day. time to shine. get paycom and make the unnecessary unnecessary. >> vladimir putin announcing authorities have detained 11
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suspects in connection to an attack on a concert hall in moscow on friday that killed at least 133 people and left hundreds injured. this comes days after the united states had warned russia that isis was determined to attack. welcome to fox news live. i'm griff jenkins, aishah. aishah: i'm aishah hasnie. isis is taking for the attack that they're calling a bloody attack and vowing to hold those responsibility. >> russian president vladimir putin said that security teams caught four people directly involved in the attacks and putin said this morning that the suspects were trying to escape to ukraine, but ukraine says it had nothing to do with this. and this morning, rescuers were still searching ruins of the concert hall. the roof collapsed early this morning. video caught some of the terrifying moments during the attack and we want to warn you,
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this may be hard to watch. (screams) > >> witnesses say they were watching the concert when i attackers broke in and started shooting people and throwing bombs and people inside were running for their lives. >> i could not sleep. i had such a headache. today, all that happens stays in my eyes, in my ears. this is pain. this is pain. >> the attack comes just two weeks after the u.s. embassy in moscow warned americans of an increased risk of terrorism. the warning said attackers may go after large crowds and specifically it mentions concerts. the united nations is calling this a heinous and cowardly terrorist attack and says that anyone involved must be held accountable. and the moscow mayor canceled all big events in the capital
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this weekend and putin is declaring tomorrow a national day of mourning. back to you. aishah: all right, madeleine scarpino live. griff: and meanwhile, kate middleton shocking the world in a cancer diagnosis on friday. the princess of wales had not been seen for months after abdominal surgery in january leaving many to speculate on the situation. stephanie bennett is live from buckingham palace with new reaction stephanie. >> hey there. that video squashing a lot of speculation and rumors that were swirling around the 42-year-old princess revealed that she is undergoing chemotherapy and is in the early stages of that treatment. but details are still very limited, so we do not know the type of cancer or what stage it's in. as you remember, back on january 17th she'd undergone a successful abdominal surgery,
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which at the time they believe that it was noncancerous. and found out later cancer had been present. and she thanked husband william for being a comfort and reassurance. as i said to them, i am well and at this time i'm also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer. for everyone facing this disease, and please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone. >> and hash tags, including we love you catherine and get well soon catherine are trending on x. and in at buckingham palace, people are sharing their wishes for a speedy recovery. >> we can't imagine going through something like that and almost everyone knows someone who's gone through a cancer treatment, but it's different
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when it's someone so in the public eye. >> yeah, and of course, the king has also battled his own issues at the moment, also, getting treatment for cancer after he also had a similar situation in january where he went to the doctor's office for an enlarged prostate procedure and find out he had cancer for something unrelated to that and of course, sarah ferguson, the duchess of york, diagnosed with ca cancer, the second one in a year, the second one a malignant melanoma. the princess just wants to recover with her family. griff: thank you. aishah: let's bring in more the director of heritage foundation margaret thatcher center for freedom, niles garner. thank you for joining us in studio. what stunning news for the world, i don't think any of us were expecting a cancer diagnosis for princess kate.
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i want to get to the new report though. i find it fascinating but also very sad. this is from the new york post, that apparently harry and meghan found out about this with the rest of the world and reached out to will and kate after this video came out. very, very sad, if that's true. and it just underlines how broken this relationship is. so, i guess i want to ask you, how hopeful are you, and i think we're all hoping that perhaps this might bring these two couples together. >> well, thank you for having me on the show today and of course, very sad news yesterday with regard to the announcement of the princess of wales' cancer diagnosis and she certainly is fighting against this cancer, the british people are rallying around her. with regard to harry and meghan, i think that the relationship between harry, meghan and the principal and princess of wales is i
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irreparably damaged. there's a lot of bad blood demonstrated, and really i would say from harry and meghan's side and i think especially the relationship between harry and william is irreparably damaged in so many respects and i think it's important to point out, of course, that these attacks have been coming from harry and meghan's side against the princess and prince of wales and we're looking at a deep division within the royal family here and i doubt that we're going to see any kind of reconciliation at all. and i have to say the attacks on the royal family from harry and meghan have been disgraceful, appalling and with good reason, i don't think that william is in any mood, of
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course, to extend a hand to harry. griff: to aishah's point now, not even a heads-up? >> yeah, i think that's really the, you know, the state of affairs right now because the attacks, i think, on the prince and princess awales from harry and meghan were of such awful allegations, racism and such, that the bad blood generated was very, very deep-seated and i don't think we're going to see any kind of reconciliation unless there's an apology from harry and meghan. there should be an apology. i think their treatment of the royal family, their attacks upon the royal family have been an absolutely appalling disgrace. this is a good moment, i think, for both harry and meghan to apologize for their past behavior and i think they should be really very sorry for what they have done.
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aishah: well, i think that william certainly needs any family member support right now. all eyes are on him because he's practically keeping in monarchy together on his shoulder and of course, king charles is also diagnosed with cancer. only four working royals under the age of 70, i heard this morning. so how does a monarchy get through this moment right now? how do they keep the monarchy strong when it feels like the monarchy has been trimmed, specifically under king charles, he want the to make this tighter and smaller of a group. >> the king remains a very, very strong leader. fortunately, prince william, i think the future king is also a very strong leader as well. i do think that the future of the royal family remains strong, robust, and the royal family, of course, very popular among the british people. and thankfully, we do have, in
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prince william, a future king who i think will be a tremendous leader for the british people. he's really stepping forward right now, standing in, of course, for his father on so many occasions. and i think that prince william is somebody who will become a tremendous king for the british people. the british people are rallying, of course, around william and kate at this time. i think the future of the monarchy is very secure, it's very safe, and vitally important, of course, for the future of the british people as well. >> now i want to play one part of the princess' statement here, if we can. >> most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. >> i'll admit that moved me. my wife and my oldest daughter are both survivors of cancer and it's hard to overstate the
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really difficulty that hits any family, let alone a royal one. >> yes. >> and she could have chosen to just have buckingham palace to put out a statement, but she didn't. that struck me as very courageous. what do you make of that? >> very courageous and inspiring and i think that the princess of wales is an inspirational figure with a beautiful heart. she has a tremendous spirit of service about her. she wanted to send this message directly to the british people. in the background there have been horrible, nasty, conspiracy theories put forward in many cases by supporters, actually, of harry and meghan, and so buckingham palace decided they had to respond in person to all of the-- the trolls out there who are attacking. griff: the queen elizabeth theory, right, i have to be seen to be believed? >> i think they wanted to send a message. and this was a beautiful and
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inspiring message by the princess of wales and should silence the critics out there, actually and she embodies, i think, what the royal family is all about which is a heart of service for the british people and she is a truly wonderful representative for the royal family for the british monarchy. aishah: thank you for joining us and i'm sure we'll have you back soon. thank you. griff: the white house slamming former president trump and texas governor greg abbott for the latest chaos at the southern border. new video shows migrants tearing down razor wire and running at the texas national guard. lucas. >> many lawmakers are saying that this is not an example of chaos, the video you showed of the southern border, what is? here is our own peter doocy in the white house briefing room with karine jean-pierre. >> you guys talk so much about having a more humane immigration system.
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this video does not show women and children begging for someplace. it shows adult man landing hay makers on u.s. troops in uniform. if that was happening anywhere else in the world wouldn't president biden send reinforcements. two things, everyone was apprehended by the border patrol agents, that's important to note, they were apprehended. >> were they deported? >> i can't speak to individual cases. >> and the department of public safety quickly regained control and they've doubled the razor wire and they've been instructed to arrest. and how one republican lawmaker described the video you use aired. >> mind you, ladies and gentlemen, the people that ran over them, that ran over them, ran to border patrol. ran to border patrol, to come into this country. border patrol taking orders from joe biden and secretary
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mayorkas. that's the march madness that's happening at our country. >> here is aishah catching up with a progressive member of the squad who admitted to her the border is chaotic. >> the key thing is, we actually have to reform immigration policy because the more legal pathways we have, the less chaos at the border. >> do you think that's what would stop this? >> i think that, yeah, is ultimately the answer. >> nice work there by aishah and not only showing the video because called the southern border chaos in this new, 1.2 trillion spending bill, there's money to fund the hiring of 2,000 more border agents and griff, you know that the border patrol wants to hire two, three more times. >> aishah is great, chasing the lawmakers and now got her in the studio today. lucas tomlinson, at the white house. >> i've got to use it.
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aishah: i've got to hang around with you all the time. i love the compliments. a surge at the southern border left tensions high among law enforcement as new cbp numbers reveal a record number of encounters for the month of february. nate foy is live in eagle pass, texas with the latest on that. hi, nate. >> hey, aishah, for a he canned is straight day, they clashed with texas national guard and dps near the ball there. and you heard congressman perry, they are trying to get to the border patrol, title 8, a court date and released into the country. back-to-back days we've seen a lot of tension between these two sides, you zoo see texas national guard, and they're trying to tear down the razor wire fence after the surge where one migrant faces assault charges.
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take a look at this, 300 single adult men mainly from venezuela trampled over a texas national guard soldier rushing the border wall. after this chaos, over 600 were processed under title 8 by border patrol. so many actually got into the country because of the surge. here is republican congressman tony gonzalez talking about that. >> we're seeing the biden administration reward bad behavior. if you break the law, you get ahe ahead. >> new cbp numbers show over 189,000 migrant encounters at the southern border in february. that's the highest february recorded and fiscal year, border patrol agents have released 70 people on the fbi watch list and 112 criminals for prior convictions for sex offenses. five on the screen are child predators, they have felony convictions that include sexual assault of a child and criminal
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sexual contact of a minor under 13. take a live look at our fox news drone, eagle pass, eight migrants just crossed illegally, and this happens as texas awaits a key ruling on senate bill 4, who look at those who cross illegally. that ruling will determine if texas can enforce sb4 in the interim before the court will again hear arguments whether or not the law is unconstitutional coming up on april 3rd. back to you, aishah. aishah: thank you, nate foy. griff: more on the surge in the southern border, let's bring in texas department of public safety, lieutenant olivarez. let's have you first react to what you saw on that video as hundreds of migrants, mostly adult males, i'm told mostly venezuelan, which means they can't be sent back, charged your razor barrier there?
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>> good morning, griff. just watching that video, it's a powerful video, the images and shows the situation that our state troopers, our national guard soldiers, border patrol agents are dealing with on a daily basis, many of the situations that the american people are unaware of. it was upsetting to see what happened in el paso, texas, hundreds of illegal immigrants breached that razor wire and con concertina wire, and disrespect for our law enforcement and trampled on that was in some of the reporting and lack of respect for the laws we have in place and of course, we were able to arrest one illegal immigrant for assaulting one of our soldiers and we're looking we're working with border patrol and looking at filing more charges and potentially more arrests on some of those individuals involved. but it all goes back, griff, the federal government continues to advocate, you
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know, their responsibility to secure the border and they continue to reward criminal behavior and that's why we see this drive, this determination by some of these illegal immigrants to get across the border at whatever cost, if that means assaulting a soldier or law enforcement, border patrol agent. they'll get across the border, the result is they will be rewarded, in incentivized and released into the country. griff: yesterday cakarine jean-pierre was asked about it and this is what she said. >> has the president seen the video of the national guardsman in el paso, texas. >> i mean, look, i have not spoken to the president about that video. what i can say is this, you know, i really truly believe that's a question for, you know, the republican governor of texas, right. this is something this he
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should address, that he should actually speak to. griff: that was a bit confusing. what did you make of it? >> you know, griff, at this point the last three years we continue to see this gaslighting by the federal government to the american people and continue to deflect and blame texas and that's a perfect example, blaming governor abbott for what happened in el paso. the fact of the matter we've been addressing this issue the last three years with operation lonestar. the amount arrests, and criminal arrests and drugs we've seized from criminals, human smugglers, rescuing children. in texas our legislatures are trying to pass a law that would give our texas law enforcement much broader authority to arrest unlawful crossing and that would have been a perfect example in el paso, texas. sb4 which would allow those to arrest for unlawful entry, we would have been able to arrest every single individual that took place involved in that situation for unlawful entry.
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we have that in place, but they're challenging and trying to stop governor abbott and protecting his state and also the country. we have been addressing this issue. the fact they've refused to acknowledge the issue because they have the liberty calls at the situation at the border. griff: my question, fascinating to hear how it would have been different. now, lastly in the last 30 seconds. what's the timeline when texas would possibly be able to do more on your own to try and secure the border? >> well, of course, we're waiting for this ruling. you know, we have to wait and see what's happening with senate bill 4, it would be an effective tool for us, for dps. especially that we have troopers working along the border along the river with border patrol agents and work as deterrent. and arrest people that we could see crossing between a port of entry and hold them accountable and would be a deterrent and with illegal crossing.
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>> further west outside of texas like we're seeing in arizona and california. so we need to have consequences and we need to have laws that would help us do our job more effectively. griff: texas dps lieutenant chris olivarez. thank you, lieutenant. aishah. >> thank you, griff. aishah: d.c. is bracing for another possible speak drama as congress passes a spending bill in the middle of the night. that's next. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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>> major league baseball launching a formal investigation into l.a. dodgers supe superstar ohtani and his interpreter. they fired his interpreter 4.5 million in wire transferred from ohtani's bank account to a book making operation that's under federal investigation. ohtani could refuse to cooperate in the investigation as a member of the players' association. aishah: congress passing a 1.2 trillion dollar spending bill to avoid a government shutdown, but the drama on capitol hill may just be starting as marjorie taylor greene, a congresswoman, filed a motion against mike johnson after a majority of republicans opposed the bill.
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the latest on capitol hill with this saga. >> aishah, one crisis averted with another one potentially brewing for house speaker mike johnson. the good news, the fight to fund the government is over until the end of the fiscal year. >> we have just reached an agreement to complete the job of funding the government. it is good for the country that we have reached this bipartisan deal. it wasn't easy, but tonight, our persistence has been worth it. >> the senate voting 74-24 to pass a 1.2 trillion dollar spending package. it funds deagencies, including the departments of defense, homeland security. and the effort to send it to the president's desk overnight after an hours' long standoff over g.o.p. amendments some on the border and laken riley act. any changes would have sent this back to the house. so no shutdown, but conservatives, especially those in the house aren't happy with
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how the vote went down in their chamber, angry over the lack of border provisions, the number of earmarks and the fact that the democrats gave this bill a massive boost to get it through the finish line. marjorie taylor greene filed a motion to oust house speaker mike johnson, a similar maneuver that cost kevin mccarthy his job in the fall. some don't have the appetite to repeat what was a painful and drawnout process to remove the speaker and find a replacement. >> i think this is a huge mistake. i believe this causes dysfunction in the house when it shouldn't be there. speaker johnson is doing the best he could. >> greene's motion isn't privilege, meaning it isn't live or an immediate vote to remove the speeber, she says -- to remove the speaker, she says it's a warning. aishah: we'll see what happens. griff: and coming monday, when
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trump faces a half a billion dollar bond. that's next. bbbzzzzzrrrrr bzssssrzzzzzrrrooo what are you doing? sound effects. why are you doing that? why aren't you? gnnnarrrgnarrrr... eye care is healthcare. you deserve america's best. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. what's my price?
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>> former president donald trump has until monday to post a whopping 454 million dollar bond and avoid a possible seizure of his new york assets, including his famous trump tower in midtown manhattan. cb cotton is live in new york, this story, cb, is really interesting. >> lots of new developments all the time. hi, griffment former president trump tells fox he has nearly 500 million in cash and properties worth loads of money, but, quote, that doesn't mean i'm giving money to a rogue and competent judge the puppet of a corrupt attorney general, end quote. and trump's comments told the court earlier this week, it's been impossible to post a $454 million dollar bond as he looks
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at a case against him. and exploring every option. while we wait for a ruling, matt whitaker thinks that trump will have a strong case in the appeals process. >> an appeals court is going to look at this and say, where is the crime, where is the fraud and they're going to be very suspicious, especially since this penalty, this $454 million or whatever the number continues to grow by the day with interest calculations, there's no basis for that. >> in the meantime, there could be a financial lifeline for trump. investors have approved a deal to make truth social's owner, trump media, a publicly traded company. trump's got majority stake and could net three billion or more with his shares, but the company's board would have to waive the lockup period on the shares. and some tell me that's an unlikely move.
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>> i would be very surprised. it would open them up to a lot of liability concerns because if that happened and then the share price were to drop, then they could potentially be sued by shareholders, claiming that they were harmed by this and claiming that the board had breached its duties to the shareholders. >> while we wait to see what happens with that. should trump not come up with the money by monday, new york attorney general, letitia james has set-- she's already laid some of the groundwork for a possible asset seizure. also on monday, griff, a judge will hold a hearing in trump's hush money case where a new trial date could be set. back to you. >> we'll be watching, live from new york, thank you. >> aishah. >> a lot to piece through here. let's bring in our legal expert, a heritage legal fellow and former member, hans, thank you for joining us on the rainy saturday in washington. we're waiting to see what happens on monday. he's got until monday to pay
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half a billion dollars. >> right. aishah: what do you think happens? >> the appeals court ought to waive the bond. they have the ability to do that under state law and they should do it for this reason, look, appeal bonds are to prevent defendants with liquid assets from leaving a jurisdiction. that's not going to happen here. you know, this is-- he owns valuable real estate. it's not as if he can pack trump tower into a suitcase and leave the state and if they take over his assets, if they force a sale, if the appeals court down the road says, no, this judgment was incorrect, they can't remedy that. so, there's no reason for them to require this kind of a bond. >> obviously, you want to see this happen on monday, a decision, but how likely is it to happen on monday, and why shouldn't they issue a statement. he's got a legal case for it. he's got, like he says, he's got the money in assets, just
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not cash on hand. that would make sense. >> it would make sense. my problem, i'd hate to say this, but i don't trust the new york court system. just look at letitia james. before she got elected when she was running for office, she said, i'm going to get donald trump. that's per se, unethical conduct, that someone without looking at any evidence, without having open investigation says they're going to go after and get someone, and yet, what is the bar association there done about it? they've done nothing about it. aishah: we have video of it. let's play it for our viewers. >> no one is above the law, including this illegitimate president and so, i look forward, i look forward to going into the office of attorney general every day, suing him, defending your rights and then going home. >> will you sue him for us? >> oh, we're definitely going
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to sue him we're going to be a pain in the (bleep), he's going to know my name personally. >> we're going to try to make a case against the judge as well that he is biased. >> when i think you look at the statements the judge made before the trial and letitia james' statement, they have a strong case. will the appellate courts in new york do something about it? just the fact that letitia james is insisting, she went to the appeals court and said, no, he should have to put this money up, that, i think, is more evidence of her bias when she knows that his assets are real estate, that can't leave the state. i think that's just more evidence of their wrongdoing in this case. aishah: i could imagine it's a victory lap for her to go down to trump tower on wall street and slam slap an eviction notice on it for them to spread around the world.
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if the motivation is to tarnish the former president i would think that would have an opposite effect. >> i think it's having an opposite effect. you've already heard some pretty rich business folks say, well, you know, we may not want to do business in new york if they can use a law like this to go after someone when, again, we have to emphasize, what fraud occurred? there were no victims in this case. all the banks made a profit in these situations, this situation, so they're using a statute, i think, for political purposes to go after his viability as a political candidate. aishah: okay. we will be watching on monday. we'll be providing live coverage of what happens. hopefully we get an appeals decision. hans von spakovsky. thank you for coming. griff: and they say that the nation's capital is under siege from violent crime.
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>> we've seen the results of the d.c. counsel's experiment. aishah: that's the leader of the police union telling congress this week that neighborhood crime is not only putting lawmakers and their staffers and the people that live in the area at risk, but it's also adding to the workload of capitol hill police. and d.c. police union chairman gregory pemberton is live with us now in studio. he spoke at this week's hearing and joining me now to talk a little more about this. first, i want to ask you about the hearing because i was watching that live, and i noticed that they were very, very, very few democrats at this hearing. one, a single democrat showed
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up despite the fact that two house democratic members were victims of violent crime in the last couple of months. what did you think when you showed up? this is your-- this is your time. time is important. >> yeah, that's absolutely right. and the purpose of this hearing was for the committee and house administration to determine how crime was impacting both legislators and their staffers. and for democrats not to show up, it just shows that there's no little concern for exactly what's going on in the city more broadly. aishah: a lot of what was going on with the hearing was back and forth about crime stats, we have them straight from d.c. police so let's put them up on the screen for you here. you can see that practically almost everything is up here, homicide's up. carjackings are up, theft is up, robbery is up, burglary is up and sex abuse is up and this is all in d.c. ward 6 for those of you watching at home and this is the capitol hill area. this is supposed to be the safest area in the nation's
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capital. this is where we have capitol hill, the complex, the building, staffers living in the area and members of congress living in the area, tourists, thousands of tourists especially right now with the cherry blossom season that are here and you have crime that looks like that. what is going on in this neighborhood? >> well, this is a result of the city council's policies that they implemented back in 2020. they have introduced and passed mountains of legislation that impact policing, impact police officers, impact police officer's ability to do their job and prosecutions and the way that criminals can be sentenced. what we're seeing now is the results. empirical data of all of those, we're now living with that and it's been an abject failure. what we've been doing is asking the city council to go back and roll back the policies so we can get back to a place where we can go out and put handcuffs on criminals and bring them into the criminal justice system. unfortunately, even as we saw two weeks ago, a hearing about the secure d.c. bill, many of the council members were
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apoplectic about rolling back any of the 2020 anti-police, pro criminal policies. and doesn't seem that the city council has an appetite to do what is necessary. aishah: and this is the same d.c. city council that the president had to come in and say, no, we're not going to do this. talk to me about police staffing and morale? d.c. has a staffing crisis at its hands and were you saying in the hearing that some of these reforms make it worse when they can't do their jobs. >> that's right, so we've lost over 1400 police officers since these bills that i mentioned have been passed. right now we have a vacancies for 500 sworn police officers that are almost impossible to fill. aishah: wow. >> the mayor has offered $25,000 signing bonuses for anybody that wants to become a d.c. police officer and even that is not moving the needle on these staffing numbers. what we continue to see is month after month, net losses of police officers, and what's really aforming is that almost
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half of the people who are leaving are resigning. these aren't just retirements of people who have reached retirement age, these are folks with 5, 10, 15 years on saying i don't want to work in this environment at all and turning in their gun and badge and walking away. >> which is why you're relying on capitol police. this is not in their purview. they're supposed to be attending to the capitol property, but now they're helping out in, you know, the roads that lead to some of these residential areas that staffers that walk home don't get mugged. i mean, i want to ask you one more question about d.c. mayor, muriel bowser, an interview with axios and said this. we'll put it on the screen. don't be so down on d.c. when she was asked about crime and businesses leaving. i don't know very many people that are up on d.c. >> with the numbers we talked about, it's becoming nightmarish to deal with living in d.c. and working in d.c.
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the fact of the matter is, it's going to take some sweeping changes from the city council and the mayor, everyone involved to try to fix this to try to get back to where we were prior to the 2020 pieces of legislation that has been so detrimental for crime. i'm hoping that people take these issues more seriously. it doesn't seem like we've richard t-- reached the tipping point especially for city council. we hope people realize what needs to be done. aishah: this isn't just local news for the people who live here. this is the face of the nation. we have dignitaries, foreign, important people who come here, and presidents and prime ministers, this is how we represent ours selves. if the crime is so bad that people are running away and leaving town. that says a lot about the state of affairs. thank you for joining us and thanks for being at the hearing this week.
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>> appreciate it. aishah: griff. griff: former israeli prime minister ehud olmert is calling for an election and need for new leadership. >> i cannot hide my opinion, it's been spelled out time and again in israel and everywhere else. i think that netanyahu has to go as soon as possible. we have to have elections as soon as possible. griff: olmert, who is a member of netanyahu's party also stood with chuck schumer, saying the senate majority leader is quote, a great friend of israel. aishah. aishah: two major storms are converging in the northeast right now, leading to both heavy rain and snow across the region. yes, it's march and it's snowing. that's next. i won't let me moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me... emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months...
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>> two storms are set to hit the northeast this weekend, bringing heavy snow, snow, and rain, with the potential for flood in some areas. fox weather's nicole valdez is live in plymouth, new hampshire, with the latest, where nicole, it looks cold there. >> it is, griff. hello to you. this is all really anyone is talking about here in plymouth,
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new hampshire. and actually, welcoming now seven inches of snow and counting, a welcomed sight because there's been so little snow already this winter season so people are saying finally, this late season storm is actually a good thing for so many, really, across new england. we've got cities all the way from vermont into maine that are in a major snow deficit and, again, i mentioned, we've got seven or so inches on the ground and you can check out how deep my feet sink into this snow and there's more to come and of course, driving in these conditions can be tricky, if not downright dangerous whether you're a new englander here or not. and warning the message boards across the freeway, like '93, reminding drivers of the winter storm warning in effect through early sunday. snow has been falling over much of new england since before sunrise and heavy, consistent snowfall is only expected to continue into this evening.
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businesses, like cafe malta alto here, a bit slower in terms of customers for the day, but they could catch in next week if all of this fresh powder sticks around. >> it's a welcome late season event. like you said we'd like to have it sooner. we'll take it where we can get it. yeah, this is the most beautiful time of the year given the parameters of the weather that we're getting today, you know. >> and it is march, but he hopes that skiers will actually make their way up into places like the white mountains, not far from where we are, to hit the slopes and could give ski resorts here an additional two weeks of their season, griff. griff: nicole valdez in new hampshire, stay warm, nicole. aishah: the federal aviation administration is warning travelers and pilots that the total solar eclipse on april 8th could snarl air traffic, especially at airports that are located in what's known as the
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path of totality. hundreds of airports are located either in or near that very path. we're all waiting for it. griff: the path of totality and now you know. much more ahead. we'll check back on the fallout after the terror attack in moscow and the very latest on princess kate's cancer diagnosis. another hour continues. i like to do things myself. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. kayak... aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) awkward question... is there going to be anything left... —left over? —yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! i want a massage, in amalfi, from someone named giancarlo.
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