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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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doing much. >> the neighbours are... braun james is building a house across the street. i'm sure if they moved into his new house this would be taking care of in six hours. anyway, nothing has been done so far and the neighbours are the ones that are suffering the greatest up there. >> how much damage have they done? we're going to go but how much damage have they done? >> i haven't been in the house. i got nine offers on the property. haven't been on the house and months so i don't know what what they've done. anyway they've got no movement on it. >> we wish you the best. i know it's been very difficult. people are dealing with this and it's going to get worse before gets better. that's it for us tonight. remember, it's america now and forever. have a great weekend with your family. jesse watters next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime.
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tonight. >> they could seize his golf course. they could even seize his plane. i vote for that. >> you're going to create the greatest victimhood of 2024 and you were going to elect donald trump. >> jesse: if they take trump tower, trump takes the white house. this is up a trail of republican voters. take our time and find a new speaker of the house. >> jesse: kevin mccarthy is here. >> back and look like anything from going outside and putting my bare feet on the earth to letting the sun hit my genitalia. >> reporter: they get it together series continues with the eco- sexual. plus. >> blame me for everything that happens. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: in the height of the eighties, donald trump took the real estate market by storm.
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the question wasn't what would he bike, the question was what wouldn't he by. >> what do you feel like when you look at that wonderful skyline? >> i look at that skyline and i really say it's the greatest in the world. i would like to buy everything if that were possible. >> i think he should not be allowed to touch central park. >> jesse: before hitting him the new york times couldn't get enough. donald trump is like driving up or are you without the windshield. it's exhilarating. he was the man of the hour to them and reporters were all flocking to his properties to get exclusive scoops and tours from trump tower tomorrow lago, the press loved it all. today the media wants to see all of those properties padlocked. new york attorney general letitia james vowing to seize trump's real estate if he doesn't fork over half a billion in cash. and unconstitutionally excessive find it just to appeal this case.
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monday is the deadline. setting our eyes on all 212 acres of trump's private georgian style seven springs estate. >> one thing that makes this property so unique is 230 acres in bedford new york. there's no piece of land that's even close to that size. great outdoor pool house. there are 60 rooms in this house. fifteen bedrooms. two servants quarters. a library that we are in right now. as a guy who builds for the living, the level of finish. i can go around for days and be enamored by the details. >> jesse: those of the new rules. and the medias salivating like a bunch of grotesque vultures. >> they could seize his golf course at bed minister. [ applause ] >> his buildings, which if they
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seize trump tower... they could even seize his plane. i vote for that. i can thank of nothing more delightful. [ cheering and applause ] >> can you imagine donald trump standing in line for a southwest flight. >> we fought a war so the crown couldn't seize our land. everything the country fought and died for his being trampled by savage millennial soviets. not satisfied with bankrupting the republic, their goal is to bankrupt the republican who threatens their power. and if you don't think you are next you are out of your mind. the court jesters are cracking jokes so you don't notice the communism. >> trump's net worth is strength -- shrieking so fast people are wondering if it's on ozempic. get this, the new york attorney general is also preparing to seize trump's westchester golf course. today the attorney general showed up at his golf course and yelled foreclosure. >> jesse: journalists who don't know the constitution from
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a take-out menu are loyal to the crown. journalist who've never built anything beside credit card debt sarcastically mocked the man who built new york city skyline. >> he is broke and begging for money. i'm not a mathematician but i can do a quick, relating. $454,000 divided by 814. they only need to sell 557 tickets to settle his debts with new york. >> jesse: joe biden himself laughing while his goons smash and grab republican properties, telling donors at a fundraiser the other day i defeated looking man come up to me and said mr president i need your help. on being crossed with debt. on completely wiped out. i had to say i'm sorry donald, i can't help you. his family is pocketing chinese bribes and he is teasing a tycoon violating his civil rights. democrats are stealing the man's money, they are running against
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and then putting him in prison. thank about that. this country is finished if this is allowed to stand. the democratic party's abusive actions were a threat to democracy. this is voter intimidation. and they don't care if they cheat to win. a new poll which a veteran pollsters are calling the most terrifying poll result they've ever seen says 35 percent of the elites in this country say they would rather cheat than lose an election. we did not need a poll to tell us that but we've seen it before and trump now has to win to save democracy. the assault and battery on the republican nominee for president flows into their next hopes. remove his wealth and suggest trump is taking loans from foreign interests making him subject to blackmail. >> doesn't concern you that perhaps what donald trump is hoping to trade for help from russia again to get himself back in the white house is ukraine? >> absolutely. >> it's an oligarch or chinese
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business for show wants to help him get his money i have no question that he would end up accepting it. >> some thing tells me over the weekend he is going to talk about how strong vladimir putin is handsomely a dump trunk of rubles will cover up this forum. >> jesse: that designated trump of foreign threat... run by the cia and fbi. that's the insurance policy. now they have the foreign threat side covered and they've designated trump a domestic threat by combining the dictator on day one and bloodbath hoaxes. the deep state is going to be crawling all over the trump campaign this election. and if he wins, it will be another war from within. this would be unnecessary if biden was strong. he's getting slaughtered by large margins in the battlegrounds. a new poll has biden down eight in michigan. blacks and hispanics saying no way joe. >> let's break this down by race. let's look at voters of colour
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and look at why voters. what we see is back in 2020 according to the exit poll, joe biden one by 62 points. a look at that event is today. it is been sliced by a third. only 21 points. this decline in support is something we've been seeing in state after state and nationally as well where he's got some big problems. >> jesse: michigan is a must win for biden. pennsylvania, wisconsin, same thing. he's down in all three and way down in georgia and arizona. the more overboard biden goes with trump, the more polls show he is blowing it. they say if they take trump's properties, trump takes the white house. >> i want you to remember this moment and don't forget it. if the new york attorney general starts to take his homes away, starts to seize his assets, it's all going to be on camera. pundits are going to sit and scream about this. you are going to create the greatest victimhood of 2024 and
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you're going to elect donald trump. >> jesse: every hoax scheme indictment is backfiring. remember the mug shot and how thursday the left was for it? then when they snapped the photo and we laid eyes on it we digested the power. everyone did. they realized they made him rock 'n' roll, a political immortal. notice how they don't use the mug shot anymore? you don't see it on the tv or in the papers. it is suppressed. what you think is going to happen to the video of them slapping a padlock on trump tower? symbolism is going to see her through the country's consciousness and resonate all the way to november. the vicious elites can lie cheat and steal but you outnumber them and you see through it. how about a little karma? donald trump could be pulling another rabbit out of his hat. shareholders and an acquisition company just voted to take the truth social platform public.
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trump owns a dominant steak and he will receive three and a half billion dollars in windfall which would be a pretty nice financial cushion against this political atrocity. life is funny, isn't it? let's bring in congresswoman anna paulina luna. what you think the country is going to think when they see and attorney general like tish james seizing a president's home? >> i think they are going to confirm what they already knew and that there is a double standard and that joe biden is indeed weapon rising the legislative authorities at be in order to go after president trump. jesse, that pulling is incredible and it's true. what we are also seeing is that in places like nevada were there is a predominantly hispanic voting bloc, mexican-americans specifically, the ones that weren't previously trump supporters are voting largely in favour of the president.
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it's largest voting minority in the country. >> jesse: why do you sound so confident that he's going to win? is it just based on the minorities leaving the democrats? >> it's not just minorities. it is independent and young voters. we saw some of that pulling out of michigan. people that typically haven't gotten involved before that aren't able to afford homes, that are really scared about what's happening with the economy, they are voting for president trump at every single time they attacked this man, he really is the teflon don. i saw him over the weekend, he is in good spirits. i don't know many people that would be able to take the onslaught that he has in the last couple of years or his family. the fact is that this has shown the american people that not only can we not tolerate this, are they going to vote in defence of him, but also cnn had an interview with illegal immigrants that said that they would vote for trump because they don't want corruption if they had the ability to vote. that's an interesting plot was
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that i never expected. >> well. those be the only illegal immigrants the democrats don't want voting. you say trump is in good spirits. you think that has anything to do do with the fact that he might be looking at three and a half billion dollars coming his way? >> i think that any has an incredible team. president trump has made a lot of changes to his reelection. he had his incredible daughter-in-law taking over the rnc and there are those of us in the house of representatives that are putting up a fight. you mentioned that he might face battles from within during his reelection in 2024 and i think that there are those of us in the house of representatives that will make sure that we do everything that we can to have this presidents back. we will make sure that his agenda is accomplished, pending we keep the house which we might. >> it's getting a little crazy right now, what happened today? >> we saw motion today. a lot of people are saying she
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shouldn't have done that. she is representing her constituents i will say that i'm going to be listening about what my constituents want me to do but we can't continue down this path of insanity. it is interesting to note that recently we just also had another member of congress, a republican member that, announced that he is resigning, putting the majority at risk. it's been interesting timing, that's for sure. >> jesse: we will see what happens. imagine listening to what your constituents want you to do. maybe more people did that we would be able to get it together that's not a book plug. just kidding, it is. thank you. the ecosexual influencer and former speaker mccarthy. i had on primetime. try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps
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>> jesse: the house just passed this $1.2 trillion spending bill. over a thousand pages. over a thousand earmarks. no one has read it because they don't have time and it's revolting. but we have. we discovered some even more egregious pork then we reported last night. chuck schumer spending $1.5 million to encourage kids to play video games. not to stop kids from playing video games, to help them continue to play video games. john federman giving pod casters about $400,000. he is taking your money and is giving it to a podcast. democrat senator tammy baldwin spending $2 million so migrants can see psychiatrists. and take antidepressants. that will assimilate them
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quickly. give them netflix and they will be like us. liz warren, and spending a million dollars to amplify latin ask small businesses. this is on top of what we found yesterday. money for gay retirement homes, egyptian tuition pack say that time -- five times fast. dei zoos and trans elementary school curriculum. how does it reduce inflation? it doesn't. >> we have a thousand page bill of $1.2 trillion filled with all manners of spending priorities that are adults with the american people. that's what we have in front of us. this bill is over 1000 pages long, contains hundreds of pages of report language, 1400 earmarks and we've had about 24 hours to review it. that is not the way to do business. the american people and families are the ones left holding the bag.
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>> jesse: one point to trillion dollar financial war crimes passing while republicans control the power of the purse, go figure. republicans have the house, bills like there so why we were told mccarthy had to go. now speaker johnson's time could be up. marjorie taylor greene filed a motion to vacate today. remember it only takes one vote to topple leadership. saying johnson betrayed the party in american -- and the american people. >> hat -- he has betrayed our confidence and broken our roles. we need to speaker the knows how to negotiate, knows how to walk in the room, knows how to hold the line and knows how to defend america first. this budget funds full-term abortion, it funds dei, trans ideology on our youth as young as 12 years old that we are already in crisis. now it's time for real leadership. >> reporter: republican sacrifice their own speaker in october and now we are doing it again in march. joining me now, someone all too familiar with this process. former speaker of the house kevin mccarthy. what is going on with the
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spending and what just happened with johnson? >> i don't know what they are doing spending now. when i became speaker i instituted the 72 hour rule that we got not just the member's the opportunity to be the bill, but america as well. you never wait unless it's a continuing resolution, something you're already doing so people would know. i think it's always helpful to allow people to read the bill, allow america to read the bill and really this comes down to what is happening in congress today. goes back to when those eight republicans led by gates partnered with every single democrat to decide who could be speaker. that's when republicans lost the majority. remember what we were able to do with a small majority the first nine months? the strongest most conservative border security bill, energy independent. we did a parents bill of rights. we stopped dc from decriminalizing. we stopped the pandemic officially. we stop them from kicking out our men and women in the
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military who refused to the vaccine. we had the biggest cut and savings voted on american history. more than $2 trillion. we got welfare reform. we've got 20 billing of that from the irs that is going to go higher to go after this. we work together with a small majority at all those bills had 72 hours to read them because people could get behind them. >> jesse: how do you feel that they got you out of there and they are spending millions of dollars on shrinks for migrants and they are giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to his favourite podcast or. how is the senate running things? >> that's it. if you have the majority, you've got to be willing to utilize the majority for the strength. what they did after i was removed, they spent now 50 billion more dollars by continuing where they're going. they lost their leverage to secure the border. they lost their leverage when those eight gave them majority to him the democrats.
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>> jesse: at such a mess. >> i don't get it, and never stops. i don't know if it ever well. you're name has been floated around for chief of staff if trump wins reelection. is that something you want to do? >> it's not something i seek out. i want to spend a little time reading some new book and we can all get together. hopefully that will help me in the future. is not a good plug for you? >> if you do become chief of staff, mandatory jesse watters books to every american all right? those of the mandates i enjoyed. thank you very much former speaker of the house relaxing on a weekend where everybody else is pulling their hair out. thank you. national guardsmen were trampled yesterday by a migrant stampede in el paso.
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[ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] >> jesse: you ready for this? only one migrant there arrested. only one. the rest were caught and released. biden's policies are traitorous. this is an invasion and the media is now hiding it. today the site of the invasion was closed off to the press. the white house doesn't see anything wrong with all it happened. it was just bad pr. these were venezuelans who attacked our border and biden can't deport them. he won't deport them. even if you wanted to, he can't. venezuela refuses to accept the
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migrants back. so if the venezuelan infantry hangs out and -- in america until their asylum hearing, i'm just getting they're not going. not now, not in ten years. they were asked about the m. video -- the video of the invasion, watch. >> has the president seen the video of migrants surging passed the guardsmen in texas in el paso? >> look. i've not spoken to the president about that video. what i can say is this. i really truly believe that's a question for the republican governor of texas. this is something that he should address, that he should speak to >> jesse: wait a second. this is texas' fault now. they sued texas so they couldn't secure the border. now it's their fault. it's not their fault? now another joe is yelling at me
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>> look at what the republicans are doing to you. donald trump sad, blame me. donald we're blaming you, we're blaming mike johnson for following your orders. blaming republicans who begged for eight tough border bill but like the wall street journal editorial page said couldn't take yes for an answer. so yes, there is an onslaught in the southern border still. and it's all donald trump's fault. >> jesse: they tore down the wall and are blaming the guy who built it. and house democrats are no better. they want to quibble about whether the invasion was an actual invasion. >> is this an invasion? >> i know that you are trying to ask... you don't want anybody getting assaulted. no i don't think that it's appropriate to be talking about.
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>> i wouldn't use the word invasion. i'm seeing a lot of disinformation about what happened. i saw the video. i've red reports and i don't think that video was them entering the country. i think there were already on u.s. soil. >> jesse: our member when there were people through -- breaking through national guardsmen as people were arrested and now imprisoned. i guess if you break through american security at the border you get a free phone and a bus ticket. now they are complaining about semantics. we broke another monthly record for border crossings in february. bidens own border chief is fed up. >> i think we need to take a look at the asylum laws and make it where only people that have legitimate claim can claim asylum. i think we need to be able to enforce and immigration laws that are on the books and hold people accountable whenever they choose to break the laws. if there is no motivation to do it the right way and the right way is causing people to have to
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wait a little bit longer, naturally they are going to choose to come between the points of entry. need to take that off the table and make sure everybody's coming through the front door. >> jesse: be careful chief they will find gold bars in your sock drawer. i had, to get it together series continues with the ecosexual influencer. and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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“life is better under a sunsetter!” >> jesse: fox news alert. kate middleton has announced she's been diagnosed with cancer. this comes after kate's disappearance sparked sparked a massive rumour about her whereabouts. jonathan hunt with more. >> after two months of speculation about her health and whereabouts, the princess of wales sitting alone for a videotaped message delivered the stunning news of her cancer diagnosis. which was apparently made following her abdominal surgery in january.
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>> it was successful. tests after the operation found cancer had been presence. my medical team therefore advised her that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and i'm now in the early stage of that -- about treatment. >> reporter: the vacuum left by lack of information since january had been filled with rumour and speculations. some of it lurid. the princess had a simple reason for the silence until now. your family. >> it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. we hope that you will understand that as a family we now need some time, space and privacy while i complete my treatment. >> reporter: white house reaction were reflected the shock felt around the world. >> our thoughts are with the duchess of cambridge and her family members and friends during this incredibly difficult time. and certainly we wish her a full
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recovery. >> prince harry and his wife megan largely estranged from the royal family in recent months of course issued a one line statement saying quote we wish health and healing for kate and the family and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace. officials of buckingham palace said king charles, was also being treated for cancer is quote proud of catherine for her courage. and that the king and his wife camilla will continue to offer their love and support to the princess of wales and her family. >> jesse: let's bring in margaret thatcher centre for freedom director not a gardener, was this mean for the british royal family? >> thank you for having me on the show jesse and of course very shocking and sad news today but the royal family of course remains very strong. the british people are rallying around the princess of wales. i do think that catherine, the
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princess, is a figure of great strength and courage. she's greatly loved of course by the british people and she will be fighting against cancer and the entire nation i think we'll be with her at this time. she has really in my view a wonderful representative for the royal family. i hugely popular figure and she will be fighting of course to win this battle against cancer. >> jesse: does this now officially put a stop to all the speculation? >> it should do. all of these conspiracy theories that we've seen over the last few weeks have been absolutely unhinged and arranged. a lot of nasty stuff. some of it driven by the sussex squad, the supporters of harry and megan who have been very active on twitter advancing these conspiracy theories. they should be put to rest now but i think you are still going
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to see some unhinged individuals who hate the monarchy still out there selling these conspiracy -- these conspiracy theories. >> jesse: we hope everybody gets better. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: another fox news alert. at that hashmak deadly attack at a concert near moscow. sixty people data, 100 injured. -- 60 people dead. >> jesse: jeff paul has the latest details. >> on our last glance at the live feed from russia, authority's appear to have what was a massive fire at that concert hall under somewhat control. investigator now in the very early stages of trying to figure out who they think is responsible and how they managed to carry out this terror event. video started circulating online like the one you're watching here, appearing to show several
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people armed with guns storming the city hall, it's a concert venue in western moscow. that's on friday. that's why they seemingly started firing right into the crowd. many of those people trying to take cover, run away from the gunfire. officials now saying at least 60 were killed and may be around 100 were wounded. we should note the venue can hold up to 6000 people. according to russian news outlets, the attackers at one point even through explosives into the concert hall setting off that massive fire. authorities have now tighten security at airports, train stations and in the city's massive subway system. they've also cancelled all large public gatherings for the weekend. ukraine, it was invaded by russia two years ago is still currently at war with russia, has denied any involvement saying they would never resort to terrorist attacks. >> jesse: crazy world. speaking of which, the ecosexual influencer is next. >> putting my bare feet on the
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>> jesse: it's a new edition of the get it together series were some of the people i interviewed for the book come back and talk to us on prime time. today we are skipping to chaptee ecosexual influencer. have you ever sprawled across a sandy beach and let the sun's rays caress your skin? or have you ever glided your fingertips along the stem of a rose and pricked her finger? that's central relationship between us in nature. that's eco- sexuality. hour next guest tells us she's always been a fan of the wild, or as she calls it lover earth. she told me we all share that connection with lover earth though hers seems to be a little more intimate than mine. but every drop of due on a blade of grass, every leaf falling from an autumn tree, these are always to translate nature into
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sexual pleasure. she joins me now. hannah, was my definition of ecosexual accurate? >> you did a great job of explaining it. >> jesse: thank you. tell me ways that you personally rn ecosexual. >> it permeates my life in so many ways. it influences the work that i do as an herbalist, as a health educator and as a full-spectrum do law. >> jesse: when you engage with mother nature or as you say lover nature, what would those practices look like? >> that can look like anything from going outside and putting my bare feet on the earth to letting the sun hit my genitalia
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and really feeling the warmth all over my body. >> jesse: going to the beach for you is a huge turn on? >> absolutely. i love looking at the expense of ocean, feeling this spray missed -- sea mist on my skin, jumping into his huge body of water, feeling the wetness all over my body. getting the sand and all the little crevices that feel somewhat uncomfortable but really allowing myself to find the pleasure and the discomforts. >> jesse: as a man i hate when the sand gets in the crevices. did you have a formative experience as a child that led you into this ecosexual path? >> i didn't have video games or cell phones growing up. i spent a lot of time playing outside. this really informed my life and was a place of refuge for me in both joyous moments and in hard
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times. >> jesse: hannah, i don't know what to say. you are one-of-a-kind. thank you for enlightening me on this and you are a very brave woman. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: for more of my conversation with hannah and many others from the fringe, order your copy right now. get it together. go to amazon, purchase. get it together. you're going to love it, it's hilarious and very insightful. i must say, very well written. sink or swim is next.
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call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. >> jesse: democrats want you to believe the if we give them trillions of dollars. no one is buying it. democrats brought a guy who loves to ski to the capital to
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testify at the senate hearing. the expert was cross-examined by senator kennedy who quickly proved the skier wasn't an expert at all. warning, you are about to witness a murder. >> i'm here as an expert cross country skier. >> what is carbon dioxide? >> i went to high school but carbon dioxide is a gas. >> okay. >> i'm not a professional to talk about carbon dioxide so much. >> you want us to abolish it, right? >> there's always going to be carbon dioxide. >> right. so what is it you want us to do? >> let me back up because you are here as an expert. tell me more about what carbon dioxide is. >> i'm here as an expert cross country skier who sees the changes in my winters and the landscape that i live in an
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alaska. so carbon dioxide is what i see it as is its a gas that exists in our atmosphere. >> is it the major part of our atmosphere? >> it's a huge part. >> it's actually a very small part. >> okay. >> jesse: i feel bad for the guy, he's just a skier. means well but he has no place testifying about climate change. all he did was notice there is less snow. i noticed there's less safety, does that make me a crime expert? i can justify in front of congress now? -- testify. >> jesse: sink or swim. we have will cane taking on julie mend errors who i'm rooting for. not built because i love you because i hate will. >> we know they -- we know the power play they do. they sink our chairs in order for jesse to have a higher
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commanding position. >> jesse: next time you lower the chairs, to it and more discrete. here's the category. gwyneth paltrow said f. you to this president because he's north through a screening of her film back in the day, who was it? bill clinton or sleepy joe? >> does joe biden even watch movies? >> jesse: take your time julie >> both going with slick willie. >> i said this is going to be a real hit movie. [ bleep ] you bill clinton i was assuming he doesn't stay awake for anything. >> jesse: it was a trick question. that's how we roll here. senator rand paul is a principled guy, is always the first to call outweighs room spending. sometimes he rubs his colleagues the wrong way.
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one of them called him to pack her head. was it john fetterman or bernie sanders? who called him a pack her head? >> we have a certain pecker head in the senate... >> it seemed like thump -- like something he would say. >> jesse: >> have you ever said that... >> jesse: which famous athlete recently said they had dinner with trump and his family... >> jesse: this could swing it. >> i've had dinner with him. >> jesse: we're going to do
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something we like to do when we don't like who's ahead. we're going to make the last question worth two points. here's the category. which famous southern gentleman wants said he's so dumb he think the mexican border pays rent? was it senator john kennedy or foghorn leghorn i will say it was not... no. >> he's so dumb he thinks the mexican border pays rent. >> jesse: you both have the same one. sorry we tried our best julie. >> i appreciate you being on my side. >> jesse: lower his chair next time just a little bit. >> it's what he wants to look like when you come out... >> jesse: see later guys.
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>> love you. >> jesse: you want to see me tomorrow, before you see me in the flesh aisle be on fox and friends. 9:30 eastern time. then one nation, 9:00 eastern time. we will do a little personality quiz. guess who wins? i think you know. we have the tour scheduled, northville new jersey. you can come see me and rubbed her fingers through my here -- hair. let's do some text messages. karen from pearl river new york, he gave us a hug, will you? i will give you a lot more. scott from charleston west virginia, does the new budget bill include anything for the ecosexual? perhaps free sunscreen? if you read my book you will
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understand she wants carbon neutral sex toys. so they probably have an air mark in there. drawn from queens, equal issik -- ecosexual is 100 percent right. we need more sunshine, less tv and computers. she sure is right. tim from pennsylvania, can trump become a squad or if can't take his property? they're letting people squat and taking trump's house. scott from zimmerman minnesota, when trump takes the white house will they seize that to? they have been acting a lot like the british. they will probably torch it. built from springer vale arizona, schumer paying kids to play video games is as wasteful as wonka paying gus's group to eat a candy bar. ogg loop reference,


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