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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 20, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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this is insane. i'm not a squatter, i don't even know what that word means. >> it's moveo an issue in new york. a woman tries to get squatters out of her house by changing the locks. she owns a house. she ends up getting arrested by nypd after the squatter called the police. there's something up here. explain what's going on. >> this is one of those things where they are all doing this. the person gets arrested, unfortunately the only person who has any paperwork, which is the homeowner. she has a deed. i don't do this very often. a question the way this was handled. according to the reporting on another network they say to the alleged squatter, let's see your lease and he does not have one. >> thank you so much. that's ever us tonight. i'm judge a jeanine pirro in for laura ingram. edge me weekdays cohosting the five at 5:00 pm eastern. thank you for watching this speciaaddition of the ingram angle. welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight... >> did you witness the president
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commit a crime? >> yes. >> what crime? >> corruption, statutes. you asked me to answer the question, i answer the question. >> jesse: the biden's, the bribes and the truth. >> i need you, i need you badly, i need to help, i desperately need your help. >> jesse: latinos saying no more to joe's pandering. tito ortiz joins primetime. >> soundtrack. >> jesse: the witness is so high he can testify. plus... >> oh my god! [♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: the circus came to dc today. democrats waltzed into work wearing costumes. >> can you explain what you are wearing?
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>> taking a lebar intelligence and using it in the committee. come see the technology in grocery stores. thank you. >> jesse: democrats slapping on putin masks. there must be a hunter biden here. there was. except he did not show. after pretending he wanted to testify, he got stage right. but his former business partners did not. >> should i allow hunter to give his opening statement first? >> it doesn't appear mr biden showed up for his public hearing so we will recognize you. >> jesse: tony has been waiting for this moment for four years. he came out swinging in his opening statement leaving the democrats rattled. representatives, both lawyers, and a former prosecutor from new york will continue to lie today and go straight to the media to tell more lies. hunter biden's defense attorney weaponize's letters to congress to try to smear my name.
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>> mr chairman. i apologize for the disruption. >> in my supposed to say it's my time? >> an eyewitness with impeccable credentials, former naval officer, highly intelligent, legitimate businessman. tony, the original whistle blower. was under oath for the first time in public and he called the biden family lawyers. >> the american people must hear it. you are presented here today with two narratives in this investigation. a false one being pushed by joe biden, a serial liar and fabulist under this impeachment investigation for public corruption. it is clear to me that joe biden was the brand being sold by the lafayette in family. joe biden was more than a participant and a beneficiary of his family's business, he was an active, aware enabler who met with business associates such as myself to further the business. i asked this big question. if there's no evidence of corruption today, if joe's conduct in the conduct of his
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family were fully legal and proper, and why are they so dishonest about it? not just slight misrepresentations of fact, but deep untruths about the entire corrupt enterprise. >> jesse: he met with joe biden twice, confirmed he was the big guy who called the shots. joe biden was for sale. the family desperately needed cash. hunter shook them down with his dad in the room, got the cash and then cut tony out. >> hundred -- hunter biden represents he's a expert and that's what he was put on the board but he obviously can't do basic math. the board at seven votes. each one of them hunter biden. i had three votes. i have a masters degree in electrical and nuclear engineering. i think i can do math. i had three, they had four. they controlled the holdings. so hunter biden's representations that i was trying to take the business from
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them or i did not know is all a sham and a misrepresentation. he wanted money in his account instantly and that is why he shut down the chinese and they were willing to send him that $5 million as they viewed it as a bribe to the biden family. >> jesse: it wasn't just china. the biden family was tangled up with the russians. we know about the russian billionaire who had dinner with joe and hunter, wired them millions and left biden off the sanctions list. but it was much bigger than that. the biden family was brokering russia chinese energy deals right under the fbi's noses. >> the chairman was dropping $50 million of cash for penthouses in manhattan, you should be asking all of these questions are the department of justice, the fbi because they have tropes of evidence that back up what was going on. this involved the chinese communist party. they were doing a transaction with a russian sanctioned -- u.s. engine company at the time
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and the biden family was front and center in the middle of it. >> jesse: tony has tropes of evidence linking the biden clan to international criminal activity and the fbi never conducted a follow-up interview. after he went public four years ago. the treasury department flagged 150 suspicious activity reports. no action. money was flowing from the red chinese right to joe biden's personal checking account. >> on august 4th, $100,000 is wired into a wall scope pc. on august 14th there is $150,000 that is transferred to a group controlled by james biden. we have a deposit reference on the account the same day it was withdrawn. on september 3rd 2007, from sarah biden's personal account there is a check that is written
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to joseph biden junior, the president of the united states today for $40,000 signed lone repayment. they were lone repayment by the way that joe biden's own personal accountant has no record for. >> jesse: you heard that right. joe biden's own accountant testified under oath that there was no record that this was a lone repayment. it was a bribe from china. hunter biden was asked during his deposition, how many times did you pay for your father's household expenses? over 100? hunter biden said i don't know. $24 million in foreign wires to the biden's. one and a half million dollars missing in cash. at least two missing diamonds in the investigation just started. it's being stonewalled at the highest levels. democrats had a hard time pacing the facts. >> 10 percent for the big guy? you remember that right? >> the infamous e-mail with the
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big guy? yes, i do. >> did everyone -- anyone ever respond? >> numerous times. hunter biden himself did. i think that's important because biden has claimed he did not respond to it and he responded to it. >> i reclaim my time that's running out. >> we are back to a hearing were no evidence is being provided of any wrongdoing by the president but i want to go back -- >> that's a blatant lie. >> what was stated -- >> i said they misstated -- >> i did not ask you a question. >> jesse: this was the first time in actual eyewitness to the biden enterprise testified publicly and the democrats weren't prepared. >> did you witness the president commit a crime? is it your testimony today? >> yes. >> what crime have you witnessed? >> how much time do i have to go through it? corruption statutes, rico -- >> what is the crime? specifically? >> you ask, i answer, you are
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obviously not familiar with rico. corruption -- >> excuse me, sir, rico is not a crime. it is a category. >> the category of crimes. >> jesse: fanni charged trump with rico. i guess if rico is not a crime, trump's fine. but honestly biden flies his son around the world to cut deals, invites his sons partners to the white house, has phone calls and meetings with them, drops sanctions on them. greases ranks for them, it's their kids into colleges and he gets his entire extended family from sons, brothers, grandkids paid millions? cars, cash, diamonds, expensive scotch? and he uses an alias, joe biden uses an alias, they use burner phones to talk. biden's donors paid his family's back taxes.
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investigators have delivered eyewitness testimony, bank records, mountains of circumstantial evidence plus motive, physical evidence, digital communications, photographs, voicemails. jesse junior could prosecute this case. >> do you believe he should be impeached? >> i do. >> and you believe that because you believe the chairman has proven that he committed a crime and misdemeanor? >> no, because i know he committed i crimes and misdemeanors. i saw them happen. >> jesse: the democrats say there's no evidence, the media reports there's no evidence and the four year cover-up continues. so looking at the calendar, i don't see the committee moving towards an official impeachment this year, i just don't. personally, i believe there is sufficient evidence to start impeachment last year but that's just me. now the committee is up against a political clock. summer recess, conventions and the politicians have to campaign for reelections so they are not
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going to be in washington for impeachment hearings. and impeachment in october could be silly with weeks before an election. so the committee is going to keep grinding. we are still expecting credit card records from multiple banks and the offshore accounts which the irs whistleblowers confirm exist are being protected by the doj. but if trump wins and finds biden's offshore accounts, i don't care what they say, you will see a sympathetic elderly man with a hazy memory on trial. if biden wins reelection in the republicans keep the house, then they will have time for impeachment. this year though, it's more about what the american people believe and how it impacts their boat. everyone knows biden is corrupt. we just have to vote him out. let's bring in an entrepreneur and the original wolf of wall street jordan belfort. when you watch hearings like this and see the evidence and you see the testimony and people
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don't buy it, what does that tell you? >> it tells me that the media right now is just so utterly corrupt because, you know, listen i was laughing out loud at a lot of the stuff. aoc not knowing that rico is a crime. you can't make this stuff up. but the fact that it's being reported on on main street media is like nothing is happening is nonsensical. there's overwhelming evidence. you know, listen, they use words like plausible deniability. that's a cover story in layman's terms and you don't have 20, 27 shell accounts and money moving back and forth from all of these accounts. i know a bit about money laundering and that's what you do. it comes back and then it eventually makes some back to joe biden but here's the thing, even if it doesn't go back to biden, it's still just as much
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of a crime. it includes the family, foreign corrupt practices act, bribery charges. if you bribe the family it's on him. i just don't understand really, it makes no sense to me how the media can be so complicit in all of this. it makes me long for the days back when i was a kid, i thought the media was a lot fairer back then. >> jesse: you are not that old, jordan, don't act like that. the diamonds that are missing, the offshore accounts that are being blocked, the porsche is that are being driven home after dinners with billionaires, and the shell companies, i think they are counting ten shell companies, this is literally how you money launder, is it not? you know about this. >> listen, there is no reason for all of these different shell companies. you don't move money from, you know, china to, you know, the british virgin islands to liechtenstein, you don't do that, there's no reason for it.
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if the company was legit it would go from the company to hunter biden or to the holding company in the united states and be distributed accordingly. there's no other reason for that. it's one of these cases where at the end of the day, the cover-up is worse than the crime. it's almost like the cover-up is what gets you in trouble because it is just so guilty looking, it's so obvious what's going on. if they just wanted the money they could say i did consulting. he didn't actually to consulting or offer any services sew to speak so they wouldn't have an excuse. but the fact that they went through all of this effort to conceal, it tips their hand. you know what's going on. >> jesse: even if he was consulting, as he says he was, it's a legal. you can't do international business consulting without being registered as a foreign agent, and he was a foreign agent for his father while he was vice president. >> right. i think he's safe there. i don't think he did any consulting. >> jesse: that would be the cover story.
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even with the cover story it's still illegal. their there cover story is a legal. >> exactly. it's the irony. the cover story itself is a legal. my daddy's president and he can help you get things done. >> jesse: you can't make your cover story a crime. but hey, hunter is the smartest guy joe nose. he must not know a lot of people. >> exactly. >> jesse: all right, belfort, you know about that. always a pleasure. have a good one. fanny willis puts put the witness on the stand so high he could not testify. you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name
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we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. tide is busting laundry's biggest myth... that cold water can't clean. cold water, on those stains? ♪ cold water can't clean tough stains? i'd say that myth is busted. turn to cold, with tide.
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: president biden is in trouble with hispanic senate will cost him the election so he blow to a mexican restaurant in
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phoenix but got distracted by a baby. >> we have made so much progress together but we know that there is still work to be done and we know that, you know, there is so much at stake and that donald trump continues to pose a threat >> folks, i have to tell you straight up, i like you all but i could not resist the baby. >> jesse: biden likes babies for the smell, we know. then biden started begging. >> you are the reason why in large part i beat donald trump. i need you, i need you badly. i need the help. i desperately need your help. >> jesse: joe needs latinos but do latinos need joke? no. wages and housing are down, inflation and crime are up. plus the whole -- biden has ignored them, made their lives worsen panders like speedy gonzalez. >> i just have one thing to say.
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hang on here. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> all right. >> jesse: biden wanted to swing bats at a trump and yada but was talked out of it by jill. the first-ever first lady to call hispanics tacos. so sad. biden did not tell hispanics what he had done for them, he told them the other guy called you rapists. >> the election is between me and a guy named trump and this is a guy who -- whose -- the way he talks about the latino community is, well, in 2016 he called latinos criminals, drug dealers and rapists. >> jesse: this dirty defamation's cliché, sloppy, doesn't stick. the election isn't about identity and insults, it's about action and results. spanish democrats aren't even delivering.
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aoc's queens districts is in shambles things to the migrant congress -- crisis. her constituents feel swindled. [ speaking alternate language ] >> she is never here. i was a volunteer for her. she completely abandoned our community. she said she only cares about washington and her money. she said nobody loves her here anymore. she abandoned us. >> jesse: our neighborhoods were invaded and democrats tight ice agents hands. there was a ride along in la, watch. >> it is frustrating. >> you guys have any presence at the jail? >> no. >> ice blames those policies for having to arrest this third pellan of the day he was previously convicted of trafficking methamphetamine and
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being a felon in possession of a gun. ice says he was released without notice after local authorities ignored their request to hold him. >> sanctuary policy. >> jesse: joe's bleeding hispanics. somewhat call it a bloodbath. they hate how he handles every issue. seventy% of hispanics hate biden's immigration policy. they hate his economic policy, they are just like us d that's the point. we all want the same things that joe cannot deliver. trump's pitch is simple. >> hispanics, very entrepreneurial people. they like me, i like them. i mean i'm leading all along texas. >> family values as well. >> i think so. all of the things -- look, we are doing so well. no one has ever done well with the hispanics like i've done. >> jesse: opening up the border to criminals and leeches drive hispanics in -- and every buddy else crazy.
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here's the venezuelan wealth care getting gobbling up handouts and hacking the system. [ speaking alternate language ] >> voice of interpreter: to all those women who find themselves pregnant in latin america, please have your baby in the united states. if you get married, you will get more in taxes. and if you have five or six children, can you imagine? my daughter is american and she gave me citizenship. she pays our rent, she pays our bills, she gives us $1500 a month since she was born. i have six months in the usa and i have everything you don't have citizenship, residency, a good car and a good apartment. >> jesse: but it doesn't stop there. the venezuelan welfare king encouraging illegals to invade american homes and squat. [ speaking alternate language ] >> voice of interpreter: my people, i have thought about invading a house in the united states because i learned there's a law that says if a house is not inhabited, we can expropriated. i think that will be my next business, invade abandoned
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houses. >> jesse: biden is letting migrants break into the country and then break into your bedroom. and a judge just ruled illegals can own guns. or as jill biden calls them, fully loaded tacos. former huntington beach mayor tito ortiz joins me now. what do you think of the biden pitch to hispanics? >> pandering at it's worst. it's pretty embarrassing what they are trying to do. i've watched this over the last three and a half years. is just how much more can a country take? before people stand up. the latino friends i have, everybody waiting in line to get across the border, it's no longer mexicans getting across the border, it's everybody from every other country and it's just i feel bad for our country right now. people need to stand up and make their boat heard. if their bones aren't going to be heard, i don't know what's going to happen next for our country and it's hard for me because being a blue colored man
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with three boys in the future of them, i have to make sure i stand up and let my voice be heard. thank you for letting me be on. >> jesse: of course, we will always welcome you on "jesse watters primetime". you just heard president donald trump, former president, spelled out the entrepreneurial pitch. i'm a businessman, i was good for business in my four years, is that sticking? >> well, you know, i think it comes down to the things that -- when i lived in huntington beach, i had five businesses. i've no donald trump since 2000. i worked on the celebrity apprentice with him. to see what type of businessman he was and what type of father and patriot he is for the country, for a billionaire to step up for the country, willing to risk everything to protect the country, my hat is off to him and i will support him until he's no longer around. that's the way i feel but i think there's a lot of latinos that feel the same way because they come to this country to make sure that we have our faith , we have our family and we
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have our freedoms. these are the things that this country cannot lose. if we lose that, there's no turning back and people need to understand that now. this is our time to take back america because we can't lose it. for the future of our children, for the future that everyone who wants to come across the border illegally, because it's not just neck sickens across the border, people need to understand that. there's trafficking, drugs are coming across, the cartels are doing the things that american people don't like. you can see all across the border, texas, arizona, california, it's just in shambles. and what the border patrol can't take care of and it's because of the legislative and the policies that the biden regime is doing right now. it's sad for this country and i hope people listen to me as a blue-collar man that has to relocate here in florida, open my own business. to redo the american dream because i lost everything after 2020 and it's hard for me because i'm still trying to take
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care of my children is a blue-collar man. for me, speaking to the public and everybody here on foxnews, and jesse waters, thank you for having me on but at the same time, we need to come together, we need to make sure we make america great again because it's very important. >> jesse: what would happen if that venezuelan migrant broke into your place and squat it and thought it was his own? >> well i'm very thankful for the sheriff in our county. it's law & order here. there is law and order in the city and in the county. there's law and order in the state. gangster ron desantis. another thing is, the school situation. there's no woke agenda in florida. it's wonderful. i love it and i'm thankful. the politicians have stepped up to protect the state and i wish other states would step up and do the same. sometimes they do but at the same time this actuary states need to understand. i see a lot of people that come down from up north to get away from that.
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we are losing our cities, losing our state and i'm like you guys need to vote the right way. instead of running away from it as i had to, i had no choice because when i was on city council, when i was mayor they were destroying me. i'm a blue-collar guy, not a billionaire. i can't lose everything. they were destroying my name when i was on city council so that's why i walked away. that's why i stepped away. i want to give my children a great future. >> jesse: that's great, you are making a good case and if you make that case even more i'm going to have to sell my house in new jersey and moved to florida. tito art -- tito ortiz, great to have you. >> the inflation is killing us right now. >> jesse: i hear you. >> being a restaurant owner. please. >> jesse: check it out and get a drink and a nice hot meal. thank you tito. the accuser getting rehabbed and we know why. [♪♪] [♪♪] is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission
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>> jesse: this month marks four years since the covid pandemic officially started in the united states. everyone i know moved on from covid a long time ago. sometimes i reach into an old winter jacket pocket and find an old mask. i lived in manhattan. i'm like oh yeah, covid. but i don't think about vaccines or social distancing anymore. nobody does. i thought. until i saw this. a new poll shows only 41% of democrats think the pandemic is over. just 41% think covid is over. these are the same people who still think trump colluded with russia so it's hard to break through to them. if you don't wear a mask, they will never talk to you again. >> a few weeks ago i found out that the person that i love most in this world is no longer masking. not masking his wild behavior to me. community care is important to
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me. i know that the people -- ed to know that the people in my life care about their health and the health of the people around them. the best thing for me right now is to take a step away from this relationship. i can't have people in my life that make me feel unsafe and they live on the other coast but that's not the point. >> jesse: live on the other coast? weight, her long-term oil friend who lives across the country, he -- she's no longer friends with him because he won't wear a mask outside? urbain -- brain has been fraud. last week the squad celebrated long covid awareness day. long covid is when people claim they are still sick for weeks, months and maybe even years even though their tests come up negative. there's just one problem. long covid is in real. a study of thousands of cases conducted by the aussies determined there's no such thing as long covid. it's just a figment of the
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imagination. tommy, i'm worried about this woman. what should we do with her? >> well there is a ten out of ten chance her boyfriend probably does not exist anyway so there's that. but i will also say while long covid might be a myth and that it's covid, it could just be liberalism which is the most terrifying disease of all. it still impacting so many democrats but i have to say, jesse, i don't mind if some of the liberals on the fringe still want to wear the masks. the face diapers as i call them. it allows me to spot liberals very easily and steer clear. that and the septum piercings, the green hair. i mean those are telltale signs that you are dealing with a liberal so they can wear one, two, three, four masks for all i care. is just sad to me they still want to live in this world but i guess if that makes them happy, to live in a social media world on the couch ordering uber eats
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and not interacting with people, maybe that's better for all of us. >> jesse: i love the mask in the face shield combo. that's always a dead giveaway. i want to show you some video. there's a woman you haven't seen in a while, may be like covid been missing for quite some time i don't know if everybody remembers, she accused cavanaugh without evidence of sexual assault, jumping on a bed in high school at a party she couldn't prove she's been too. now she's being rehabbed everywhere especially on the view. >> i applaud you on your courage and your bravery. to face those people, the way they were looking and dealing with you, that is bravery under a whole different kind of fire. >> do you have any regrets, would you do at the same again? >> i would definitely do it again. it was the worst thing. >> some of the men did not clap in this audience. >> jesse: men weren't clapping
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for her. she did not have any evidence, alibi, anything. why is she back now? >> i'm also still really put off by the fact that there are men that actually go and watch the view in general. that aside, listen, this woman, it's amazing that they are trotting her back out. of course she has a book to sell. i'm also unhappy she was able to make it to new york because if i remember correctly, she had a fear of flying, claustrophobia way back in -- when so glad to see she's over that now that she has a book to push but this is bigger than that. this is her 2.0 because the democrats are still pushing this democracies on the ballot, moral standards are on the ballot. they need to trot her out, they need to remind folks if trump is real -- reelected he could put some alike cavanaugh on the supreme court again, we can't let that happen. they will also use it as an excuse to pack the supreme court so this is trotting her out. also remembering kamala harris' big moment of course one of are only shining moments in this whole cavanaugh debacle. this is a shameless book promotion for her.
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but for the left this is trotting out there unicorn once again to go after donald trump,'s supreme court, because they have nothing else to run on so she's back. >> jesse: yeah, they are probably trying to get in cavanaugh's head. he's got a lot of trump court cases on the docket. who knew you were so funny? thank you. [ laughter ] >> i appreciate it. >> jesse: "get it together" on sale now. forget about christine's book. and our series continues with the told smoker. [♪♪] [♪♪] r chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops.
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: fanni willis having a tough week. friday loverboy was forced to quit the trump georgia case and she may not be far behind. today trump's legal team appealed the fanni willis just qualification, taking it all the way to the georgia supreme court. and then things got worse. yesterday during a different trial involving a rico case, the star witness showed up too high to justify.
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>> uh, can i get a water or something. [ inaudible ] >> jesse: fanni put that man on the stand. the alleged getaway driver during an armed robbery. that guy was her star witness. that was fanni's star witness. and he has a worse memory than nathan and joe biden combined. it's a new addition of the get it together series were some of the people i interviewed for the book come back and talked to was on prime time. today we are skipping to chapted smoker. shrooms, acid, peyote, psychedelics are a trip, man, but nothing, and i mean nothing, comes close to smoking toad.
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>> oh my god! >> jesse: it is the venom secreted from the glands of this mysterious amphibian. it's been used for centuries for it's dissociative properties with users calling it an out of body near-death experience. my next guest says it saved his life. now he's devoted his entire existence to this medicine, traveling north america, turning people on to the god particle. the sacred toad. morning, it is no joke. virgin smokers unprepared for the trip can suffer severe psychic breaks. hector gonzalez joins us now. why do you smoke toad?
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>> hi jesse. i smoke toad and i work with the medicine to better my life. it gets you out of your own way so you can hear things that you need to do better in your life like eat better, treat people better and do good things. >> jesse: described the trip for people in colorful detail. >> there's a great void and there's a period of time of two or three minutes were you get profound insights, a primary religious experience to help guide you in your life. >> jesse: so this is church for you? >> this is 110% my religious belief and it is a church, yes. >> jesse: are there any negative side effects to toad smoking? >> absolutely, yes. if someone were on ssri medications or any kind of other medication, it's not for everybody, it's very dangerous and it can hurt. if not used in a respectful and respected properly.
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>> jesse: you told me about smoking toad with a cartel it woman. tell us how that went. >> i shared medicine with her. it was one of the most difficult processes i've ever seen someone go through. yeah, she had a tough time. i have not spoken to her since and i'm not sure where she's at her how she's doing. >> jesse: i guess if you assassinate a lot of people and then you see god, it might not be a great time. >> you are exactly right. >> jesse: you've got in your life together through smoking toad, you had a very tough life growing up. what was your life like in the earlier years? >> my life in the earlier years was lost. i was not at home with myself. i was very angry and hurt and bitter and confused. i wish i would have found this medicine a lot younger but i don't regret it because it has made me who i am today and i share medicine in a better way because of it. >> jesse: okay well please share some toad with my
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assistant johnny. he could really learn how to be alone with himself. thank you hector. for more of my conversation with hector and others from the fringe, order your copy of "get it together" today. it's officially out. you can get it on amazon or in an actual physical bookstore, imagine that. ainslie ehrhardt on naked workouts, next. [♪♪] [♪♪] but i got jesus here, and we were wondering if you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow.
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>> jesse: let's bring on ainsley earhardt. you been anxious to do this all day. one couple is paying extra to pump iron in the nude. and it's not just for fun.
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they claim they've lost 56 pounds combined. do you support this type of physical activity? >> good for them i guess. it's entertainment for everyone in the gym. i would never do this. i would just be too embarrassed. but they have a very open attitude about being naked. >> jesse: no one else is in the gym, it's just them. >> i think this is a public jim. >> jesse: they do it in public >> and she walks him around the neighborhood on a leash. [ laughter ] >> it's in brazil, you can't go. but good for her for being comfortable in her body. >> jesse: good for her, female empowerment. >> they are polyamorous. i did not know what that was. >> jesse: you just learned what that meant and it's a good thing. >> you told me what it meant. >> jesse: i had a hunch. we both everybody knows and when we go out to eat sometimes adults order of the
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kids menu but the cutoff is usually around age 12. one woman is saying she was judged by room service when she ordered a kids meal. watch. >> i just ordered room service and the girl who brought it to my room opens the door and she's like where's the kid? i was like what do you mean? she's like you ordered off the kids menu. i was like and? is it really that bad if i order chicken nuggets and a kids pizza and french fries? let me enjoy my kids meal in peace. >> that had led us on it. that's not a kids menu item. >> jesse: you are the social etiquette queen and your decision is now final. is it allowed to order off the kids menu if you are an adult? >> i think if you are in a nice restaurant, order the pizza and if you want. >> & cheese, fine, ordered off the kids menu because you want a little taste. if you are at mcdonald's, who cares, it's fast food, no big deal. but i think as a server at one, i wanted to give them a little money but in this inflation time, some people can't afford
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it. >> jesse: tell us about this fox nation special. >> you watch the chosen. it's a wonderful series, the first multi- series life story of jesus' life. it's so good. we have it on fox nation season one, two and three. season four is in theaters. they are extending it through easter but i had a chance to sit down with know what james, the guy right there who plays andrew, a disciple in the series and kathleen is precious, vice president of original content, she saw the pilot, she loved it and brought it to the entire world. we thank her for that. but watch it on fox nation, i highly enjoy it. life of the disciples, life of jesus, the best jesus i think i've ever seen. >> jesse: the best jesus? >> he just exudes love and the disciples are like us. they have egos, they do bad things. >> jesse: we have egos? you know who else needs jesus, the naked workout couple. >> that's right, play for them
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-- prey for them. >> jesse: thank you. >> jesse: pray for "get it together". just like this, god will send you a copy. you do have to go on amazon or you can come see me this weekend i will be in new jersey on saturday and then point pleasant beach, new jersey. this is a new jersey event. of probably the century. later fort myers, beach haven and then i'm being fetid at the dixon library in california. get it together, let's do a text. rob from new york, the best witness since nicholson and a few good men. from tennessee, fanni's witness should try some toad next time. might liven him up. no toad for that guy. he might not be able >> ♪ ♪ >>


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