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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 20, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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the economy because we know the economy tends to be the number one issue at the ballot box. >> neil: possible, speaking of donald trump, the numbers of the legal cases could be pushed substantially, in georgia may be the whole case along with fani willis out and done. what do you make of that, quickly? >> yeah, look, in georgia it is going to take some time and we will see if there is any additional update, but i don't think necessarily donald trump should count on that. they are hoping that happens but i think there is a big force coming from fani willis' side that they are not going to give this up lightly. we will see what happens but it is going to be tough for donald trump g going forward because we are in the general election campaign. >> neil: always good talking, julia manchester. s&p, all records. rates are coming down or so they hope. here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: i'm greg gutfeld along with judge jeanine pirro,
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jessica tarlov, jesse watters, and a fruit roll, dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪ >> allow hunter to give his opening statement first. doesn't appear mr. biden showed up first public hearing. >> greg: an empty chair sitting in for hunter biden after the first son ducked out of a house hearing, he endlessly begged for. explosive testimony on capitol hill over the biden family's influence peddling scheme. and while hunter didn't have the cajones to show his sorry face, hunter's ex-business partner tony bobulinski ripping into the biden family. >> you are presented here today with two narratives in this investigation: a false one being pushed by joe biden, a serial liar and now under this impeachment investigation for public corruption. we keep hearing from certain corners that our democracy is at risk and democracy is on the ballot in '24, yet the same
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people preaching this mantra know better. >> who is the big guy? are you sure about that? you are sure? >> i am 1000% sure. >> was hunter biden telling the truth when he testified under oath that his father was never involved in any of his business dealings? >> no, he was not, those are all blatant lies. >> greg: democrats unleashing some of the sharpest legal minds in the country to overcome i bulldozed tony bobulinski's claims. >> we are at a hearing were no evidence is being provided of any sort of wrongdoing to the president. actually, it is my time sir. >> you remember that, right? >> the infamous email with the big guy? >> did anyone ever respond to that email? >> yes, they did -- >> hunter biden himself did? >> that is important because hunter biden claimed he didn't. >> i reclaim my time that is running out. >> it is simple.
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you name the crime. did you watch him steal something? >> corruption statutes, ricoh -- >> what is the crime, sarah? specifically. >> you asked me to answer the question, i answered the question. >> ricoh is not a crime, it is a category. >> judge, that was hilarious. >> i can't. >> dana: know max peter hunter says was going to show and doesn't come a smart move or dumb move? >> in a courtroom the way you assess the truth, who has the most to lose and who has the most a game? the issue here is foreign actors seeking to gain access to the united states and the united states government. now, if someone has lied in the past, you are free to disregard all of their testimony. so the man who insisted on testifying in public for fear that his answers might be taken out of context or there might be
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misinterpreted, and actually pulls a stunt outside of congress and doesn't show up, actually now pulls another political stunt and doesn't show up -- in addition to being crooks are cowards. so let's talk about bobulinski. bobulinski is a military man from a military family who put their lives on the line to protect the united states. where you have a bidens who are a family that have light incessantly about this international fund and have done nothing but profit by money from foreign countries into shell corporations. and, you know, we know the bidens are liars because they used antony blinken, who was then a democrat operative, to line up 51 intel agents to tell us that the hunter biden laptop was russian disinformation, which all it does is corroborate the international scheme that they were doing. and here is the bottom line.
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hunter biden was a foreign agent when his father was vice president. joe biden allowed him to be a foreign agent without registering as one. and even him and his partners abroad, they took money from foreign country, they lied when they said they didn't come including china, and the biden family was the conduit. and everything from the laptop to the photographs to the whatsapp, and by the way, this last guy, jason galanis, the guy who is in prison right now who is facing 14 years, what motive does he have told lie by implicating the bidens? i can tell you right now, if the biden department of justice is not looking to get this guy any cut of the time he has been ordered to serve. >> >> greg: jesse, congratulations on the second day of your book. i hear nothing but things. >> jesse: thank you, it's called "get it together," you can still get it right now.
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>> greg: it is sold out, don't bother that's what i was told. >> jesse: please! >> greg: you know what frustrates me about the whole thing? this is yet another day of arguing over who the big guy is. why are we still arguing when we know, everybody knows who the big guy is. >> jesse: they have to contest everything because right now their answer is there is no evidence. apparently it is okay to bribe a politician's family and not just their family, their grandchildren, their son, their brother, and they say oh, joe biden didn't do anything in exchange for any of this stuff, okay come he just greased regulations, just dropped sanctions, only flew his son to all of these places to cut deals. he only got the kids into college. what didn't he do? he was on the phone with them, he took meetings with them. and then they say you can't commit any crime and then rattle off a list of crimes.
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why does joe have an alias? why does he have a burner phone? wire donors paying his family back taxes. why are millions of dollars in cash missing. why are diamonds missing? we still don't even have the offshore bank accounts. we still don't even have the credit card statements or even getting started. if you don't see any evidence that any of that money went to joe biden, actually, under deposition come under oath, hunter biden was asked specifically how many times did you pay your father's household expenses? over 100? hunter says, i don't know. over 100 times he'd paid his dad's business expenses, household expenses, and then had to check for $40,000 commode went from china to the bidens to joe's bank account. joe said it was a loan. then his accountant testified under oath there was no evidence it was a loan. you don't have any proof. then i start reading our text
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messages we need joe biden to help us get across the finish line with the china deal. chinese are doing this deal to be in business with my family, don't mention the big guy being involved because he is paranoid, pay me the money, my dad is sitting right here, we are selling the biden brand for the big guy. you can't say there is no evidence when there was a mountain of it, obviously the chinese were bribing the biden family through hunter who was selling access to his dad for cash, diamonds, and cars, case closed, jessica tarlov. >> greg: all right. dana and jessica, going to try something different. i am thinking of a number 1-20. person closest to it gets to know go next while the other one lacks is my car. jessica? >> jessica: 7. >> greg: win. meet me after the show. >> jessica: i at least get to finish the show. i thought this was a new way to get me not to speak.
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>> greg: and now he doesn't like being in front of a camera. >> dana: you ask the judge a really good question about, was it smart for hunter not to be there today? he is just hoping to run up the clock. he doesn't show up today. they have this hearing. what if tomorrow, okay, i will show up in a couple of weeks. a couple of weeks later, do we plow the same ground over and over and over again? >> greg: i do this with the hr harassment meetings. >> dana: exactly, give the rundown. hoping to run out the clock, they hope joe biden will get reelected and they hope this will all go away. i also think it is pretty interesting come on the democrats, talking about the true squad line. if you see how they were doing it today, did you think they really want to defend hunter biden, who at the time was a drug addict with shady
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business deals? i don't think the democrats really want to spend their time doing that. i think tony bobulinski is a very likable person. this is a guy i would love to get a beer with that guy. he came today, you know what, why is my life under a microscope? why am i the one that has to go through all of this without any support from people who say they want to seek the truth, and i believe as you told me this morning on "america's newsroom" when you were selling "get it together," he has never been interviewed by the fbi. why is that? >> greg: why is that, jessica? what have you to say for yourself? >> jessica: as christopher wray himself sitting live on our side, i can tell you beard and the green room earlier we were talking about a drinking game. any time jesse says "diamonds" we take a drink and i have to wait a few more weeks before i can have my shots but you got there pretty quick. this was another day where it was readily apparent that
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james comer and the republicans are not ready for prime time, let alone 10:00 a.m., which is when everyone stopped paying attention to this. comer has been told and jim jordan has been told in every interview they have done, hey, maybe you could tell us what is actually going on here. where is the money transferred? put up or shut up. and they don't have it. that is why this continues. again, i would hate it if i didn't get to sit between the two of you every day but you would be so much better at running these hearings than these republicans, who are just saying the same -- >> jesse: i'm not happy about that complpliment. >> jessica: why? so hunter wasn't there. the letter that his lawyer released about this, because james comer told him on jan january 10th, you actually don't need to do something like this, a deposition works for us and then hunter biden sat down for six hours and never played the fifth, the answer to all of their questions.
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to your points about tony bobulinski being this great guy, serving our country, a military family, military man, i certainly would think we can all agree that people in joe biden's family, like his son, beau biden, served our country and that serving in the senate and vice president and president is also duty and service to the country. in terms of bobulinski's veracity, his testimony, our own "wall street journal" went through his text messages and email and found that there was no credible link between these foreign governments giving money to get something out of joe biden when he was vice president, when he was out of office, et cetera. and also, tony bobulinski -- "the wall street journal" -- okay. >> jesse: what year was that? was that in the fall of 2016 or 2020? >> jessica: i have to pull up the articles about it -- >> jesse: there is a lot -- >> jessica: it does make sense because there is not the clear
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line that you guys have been alleging -- >> judge jeanine: yes, there is. you just need to put the pieces together. so simple that you cannot -- circumstantial case we take a piece from here, a piece from there, the money goes there. >> jessica: okay, tony bobulinski's lawyers fees have been paid by a trump super pac. that is as recent as january. do you think that a guy who has invested in how much better off the united states would be and really get to the bottom of this would be taking money from the guy who extorted the ukrainians to get dirt on the bidens, and we should talk about lev parnas, he was the democratic -- who absolutely -- >> judge jeanine: the ukrainians, dollars of taxpayers money. >> jessica: i am a stratus -- this is not about my sexual orientation -- that i have ever been on this.
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lev parnas testified that lindsey graham asked him to go find viktor shokin and talk about it. rudy giuliani, donald trump, and bill barr, who i've not heard talked about that much in this, were all in cahoots to make sure that we could extort the ukrainians to get evidence so that donald trump could win in 2020. that is the scandal here. >> jesse: that's the scandal. >> greg: we've got to move on. that was fun, though. up next, if you thought the bloodbath hoax was bad, wait until you hear biden's new smear against trump. ♪ ♪ all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> judge jeanine: [laughs] after the media tried to push the bloodbath hoax, president biden is launching new baseless smear against donald trump. joe's campaign is getting desperate to win back hispanic voters who are flocking toward the former president, so biden is going on spanish radio and accusing trump of hating latinos. >> this guy despises latinos. i understand latino values, just celebrated st. patrick's day, i hope you are not offended by my saying this but, you know, the thing about irish who came here, about family, about faith come about decency. >> yes. >> and that's exactly what the latino community is all about. >> judge jeanine: and biden's fearmongering to hispanics did not end there, the president stopping by a mexican restaurant in arizona, where he twisted
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trump's words about illegal border crossers. >> this election is not a referendum on me. it's an election between me and a guy named trump. and this is a guy, the way hee talks about the latino community is, well, 2016 he called latinos criminals, drug dealers, and rapits when he came down the escalator, now he says immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country. a reason why come in a large part, i beat donald trump. i need you. i need you badly. >> judge jeanine: jesse, is biden so incapable of articulating a reason why people need to vote for him that he resorts to a 5-year-old, trump hates you, you can't vote for him. >> jesse: that was pretty pathetic, watching him in that dark, small spanish restaurant. that's all the people he could muster up. he flew all the way across the
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country, and he spoke at a taqueria to two people off of notes his staff wrote for him? the meds look like they wore off from the state of the union pills. the man is basically running on fumes. one word -- actually two, judge -- taco bowls. donald trump sells taco bowls. they are the greatest topical balls you've ever eaten. i've tried them. they are delicious. does joe biden sell tocco bowls? no! his family thinks mexican americans are tacos, but if you read between the lines about what that statement said, he said trump hates you and you like me because i'm irish. i mean, that is the stupidest thing i've ever heard. if you look at the polling, it's dead even with hispanics and donald trump and biden, and the hispanics, 29% hate joe biden's border policies. 28% support -- 28% support him on inflation. this guy is getting the worst
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ratings and hispanics i've ever seen. now all he has is slander. >> judge jeanine: you know, it's kind of interesting, jessica -- in fact, it's rich coming from a guy who gave a eulogy for a clan leader at opposed integration with black-and-white children, saying it would turn schools into jungles, to turn around and say donald trump really hates you. >> jessica: well, we are not going to litigate -- >> judge jeanine: we are not -- >> jessica: robert byrd went through over the course of his life. >> judge jeanine: wasn't a klansman? >> jessica: didn't die one. >> judge jeanine: integration of the school's? biden was against it. >> jessica: i, too, remember when kamala harris said "i was that little girl on the bus." so do democrats wish that this is how the campaign could be run? where you could just play it on loop? he said this, vermin, poisoning the blood of america, absolutely. is that going to work?
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absolutely not. donald trump got 8% more of the latino vote between 2016 and 2020 and he is on track to continue to build on that and i don't think it will end up being even. that would be a total upending of recent electoral history. but he is definitely gaining and there are a lot of very smart democratic analysts that are yelling from the rooftops that the number one issue that latinos want to talk about is inflation and jobs and the economy, and they don't want to talk about voting rights and they don't want to hear about how donald trump just hates them. that's not enough of a reason for them to go to the polls and support the democrat. so that needs to be a change from the biden camp, and i hope that the ads will continue to emphasize jobs programs, tackling inflation, and those kinds of issues. >> judge jeanine: and, you know, dana, if biden says the election is not really a referendum on him, why is trump so doing so well on the economy and immigration? >> dana: people are making
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comparison -- it is an end for end of on the incumbent. nate silver, who founded 5:30 eight, pollster, says biden is winning hispanics by seven percentage points in -- in 2020 he was winning by 24%. that is a precipitous drop. i don't necessarily think it is be it because trump is communicated directly to hispanics. electric vehicles, all of these regulations and rules that have nothing to do with them while they watch their schools, crime go up, immigration -- democrats just think all latinos thought the same on immigration. they clearly don't. gas prices and the grocery store. every single day pier i'm going to add another one, and that is the biden administration completely screwed up this yeare to the college financial aid system, and you cannot apply.
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it has been pushed back so long people are like, no wonder they feel like the american dream is out of reach. every time they go -- it's like lucy with the football, takes it away every time they think they get a foothold on getting ahead. >> judge jeanine: want to wrap that one up, greg? >> greg: sure. we are back to latinos. remember oh, no,'s latinx? >> jessica: one person -- >> greg: what this was always about playing off identity and if you look at this battle, who are the good guys here? what side has the higher ground? beside that focuses on variables like the economy and prime, immigration, education? or the side that focuses, again, on race or gender or sexuality? which one is the least racist, the least divisive, the most color-blind? it's pretty obvious. which side also offers the most constructive debate in the
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public square where you can talk about things like economy, crime, immigration, education? but the dems realized that when you invoke race, then any resistance in the form of a debate will be construed as racist. so basically it is an emergency brake to halt any debate but now they are using that emergency brake at any turn. so once again -- and this is a bigger moment than that thing -- it is the state of this melting pot. once again, the great uniter is using identity to divide and conquer, and it is not just about a candidate trump, it is about all of us. in order to maintain power, and maintain a grip on the reins of power, they foment conflict among citizens, especially when the citizens are starting to know better. so this racial animus is there tool to turn us on each other so we don't turn against them. >> judge jeanine: up next, a homeowner tries to kick out a squire and she is the one who
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♪ ♪ >> dana: a new york woman taken away in handcuffs after she tried to change the lock on her home -- yes, she owns it -- to keep out a group of squatters. she has been charged with unlawful eviction after the lock out men called the police, and as crazy as that sounds, the law is actually on their side. new york allows a person to claim squatters right if they live in a home more than 30 day. and now we are getting the squatters side of the story. one of the men claimed that he has a receipt showing he paid thousands to live there. >> i paid rent. i am not a squatter. okay? i will be leaving here. >> so you paid rent?
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>> i suppose. >> dana: and i want you to listen to a squatter hunter. watch. >> there used to be a clear distinction between tenant rights and squatter rights. squatters need to be criminal. needs to go to criminal court and be figured out by a judge. one of the big things that needs to happen is there should be fines, penalties, jail time, but restitution. these homeowners should be able to recover money to repair their homes. >> dana: judge, we keep seeing these things pop up all over the country, atlanta, los angeles, new york, elsewhere. it kind of boggles the mind that the law is on the squatters' side. how did that ever happen? >> judge jeanine: first of all they are considering them and treating them as though they are tenants when they are not tenants, they are trespassers. and that's where you go from the tenant in the civil court to trespasser, criminal trespass in the criminal court. the world we are living in now says you don't need a lease if
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you just tell the police you are a squatter, all right, and you don't need an i.d. if you are illegal and you just tell tsa i can get on this plane, i'm illegal, i don't need to have identification. and what's next? if you hotwire my car, you now own my car? it is a new world where it is like they are trying to make it inhospitable to ownership, to safety, to security, to protection. and this is not going to end well. it does not end well. and at the end of this, the guy didn't have a realtor, that we just talked about, he didn't have a copy of a lease, and he had a bill. it was the bill for? something he repaired himself. maybe he changed the lock on the literal owner. but new york is known as a tenant protection state. it will take up to 20 months to get that guy if he were a tenant out, and that is where the rub is. they are not tenants, their trespassers. >> dana: so come at some point, greg, this could happen to one of us, and then you
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think, what would you do? >> greg: if you go on a long vacation, you are going to run the risk of somebody moving income if you happen to have a second home like a cabin somewhere, fishing cabin, you're not there for a summer, it's going to be in the back of your head. you know, the january 6th protesters were squatting in the capital for a few hours and look how the government reacted. they actually shot one to death. that house is sacred, but not yours. hell, the house that is america can be squatted on, there is nothing you can do about it because you are the wrong pe person. how dare you shout during the state of the you end. you will get arrested for that. the thing is. i'm noticing the boundaries that holds society together are being disassembled. a boundary of the border which is falling apart, your house, which is a boundary, is being violated. classrooms are being violated. that's a boundary. the gym locker room you can violate. these boundaries are protection
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that are being removed probably in the name of equity, but it is really cultural marxism. and a safe space that the left always said was so important is literally now considered oppressive. if you want to be safe in your car, that's oppressive because carjacking, you can just do it and get away with it. these boundary removals are intersecting so if you lose a border boundary, and you lose it at your house, right? because home invasion burglaries, they are coming from other countries. so all of these things are building up because we no longer have the right to even our private property. >> dana: biden talks a lot about junk fees. i feel like republicans could talk about squatters and the violation of homeowners and the ownership people. >> jesse: sure. have a couple ideas, even though you didn't ask me, maybe something i would do, tell me if this is against the law. could you light your own house on fire and blame the squatter? seriously, judge, could you do that, collect insurance money come to get him out of the house.
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>> judge jeanine: let me ask you a question. change the lock and she got arrested. what do you think -- >> jesse: another idea. could you squat a squatter? someone is squatting, may come in and kick down the door. >> judge jeanine: what some people are doing is moving in with the squatters, making it so uncomfortable -- they are not saying i have superior ownership, they are making it so uncomfortable that the squatter moves out. here's the thing. in order to be a squatter you have to prove you lived there for 30 days. i would say prove you were here for 30 days. and you cannot turn off the utilities. >> jesse: you get to the house and someone is inside said squatter, could you shoot them and say they were a burglar? >> jessica: were they there for 30 days? >> jesse: doesn't matter. >> judge jeanine: a thought they were a squatter -- >> jesse: burglar. >> judge jeanine: burglar. >> jesse: thought it was a home invasion. >> judge jeanine: first time you are back at your house after being away for 28 days --
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>> jesse: home invasion, oops, goodbye. >> judge jeanine: you know what i would do -- >> dana: are you anti-squatter? >> jessica: i thought squatting was for misfit teens, right, that he would see like 12 kids who had a tough time with their parents, found somewhere that they could live together and they had a little commune. i didn't know that this was business like this, or that the laws were -- >> dana: jesse, you missed a huge opportunity in "get it together," a squatter. >> jesse: i have one more: tranquilize like a mountain cat. when he comes to, you unleashed him in the house and then this thing just goes buck wild -- >> dana: a lot of time to think today, i will say that. straight ahead, google's woke ai disaster was not a mistake. we will explain what that means. ♪ ♪ but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: the woke ai disaster at google not a mistake. the former executive at the big tech company spilling the beans on the controversial chat bot that swapped out historical white figures with people of color. turns out he wasn't shocked. he claims the whole mess stems from a corporate culture that worships at the altar of dei. over excellence and good business sense. other x googlers are chiming in and saying this. engineers even had to list the dei impact for the tiniest of software fixes. dana perino, that explains it. >> dana: yeah, sure. have to say, the free press, which is run by bari weiss and elliot bowles, they both used to work for "the new york times," it is definitely worth subscribing to, excellent journalism going on there. plus, the friday newsletter is one of the funniest things i read all week. one of the executives working at
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google told the free press that working at google is like being in an authoritarian country where only certain views and people were accepted. and because the culture at a place like google is so hyper liberal, i think that the company can no longer separate fact from fiction. it's baked into the cake, at this point. which is why the exposure of it, turning the lights on it has been helpful. i don't know if it will change anything but at least we all know what is going on. >> jesse: greg, they do say that sunlight is the best disinfectant. >> greg: yes, and it is also a good underarm deodorant. these impact statements, to appease the dei gods, you have to wonder about the opportunity costs. the product suffers from this because all of these workers have to do these with every little change. those impact statements are also to justify the existence and the salary of the dei department. imagine this mountain of nonsense paperwork that it generates for a useless department to appear useless. it is a scam.
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you've got to look at google broadly. gemini ai, rife with racism, right? they influenced the election on behalf of democrats due to dei theology. the google searches barry anything that runs counter to the point of view, all right? they pass over, competent workers from tinier and tinier pond of rapidly depleted equity hires. to what you were saying, google is unsavable. it is corrupted by pernicious theology that migrated from campus, started there, it is a cultural marxist ideology that is dressed up and would make communist china blush. i think it is time once again for one billionaire or two or three to join forces by google, not for the same of the company, but for the sake of the world. everybody uses this and it is toxic, it is a toxic contagion. it is a tool of marxism. and it poisons everything it infects. >> jesse: black george washington not a mistake, jessica.
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they did that on purpose. >> jessica: i don't think so. >> jesse: that is what the story is about. [laughter] >> jessica: you know what i mean, that it's -- it's what has happened from all of the algorithms. the issue here is there was genuine discrimination in ai and we have seen that in everything from facial recognition to disparities in terms of health care advice you can get online. housing discrimination. and then i got overcorrected. i feel like every topic that we get into, that's always the answer, that there has been this wild overcorrection and now you can't even see the original problems anymore and you have these brand-new problems, and i would assume that with the cutback in dei positions -- which is at crazy levels. add companies like google, from big to small companies, kind of in the wake of george floyd's murder, overcorrected and are now correcting back. that these kinds of things will be addressed. but the story then becomes that no one remembers the kind of
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discrimination there was in ai and they are just talking about the fact that obviously george washington wasn't black. to be when i >> jesse: i am veryglad you supi experts, jessica. judge jeanine, finish it up. >> judge jeanine: virtue signaling more important than confidence and the truth. this is not just in ai problem or a google problem, it is every corporation that has dei. and in the end, i mean, you just can't fix stupid. i don't know what else to say about this. it's not truthful. there is no value to it. whether you say it is over correcting or whether it is an out and out lie, where they are trying to change society to be something it is not and convince young people that george washington was black to save what white people did to black people or whatever -- i mean, that's not the truth. if you want to talk about racism then, hell, talk about racism. but don't change the reality of what happened d that is what
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they are doing and you can't fix it. >> jesse: do you think like george washington on slaves? it's something to think about. i'm just wondering in the dei world, is that possible? >> judge jeanine: i know there were squatters in this place. >> jesse: ponder that in the commercial break. up next, an airline employee flying into a rage at passengers. ♪ ♪ have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that.
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: welcome back. airline rage isn't just on the plane, it's also at the gate. >> i will call the police! this isn't even my job, i may and operations. >> jessica: a frontier airlines worker flipping out and threatening to call cops on passengers who got involuntarily bumped off a flight and faced a three hour delay. they were told to speak to customer service about the issue and there were no agents at the desk. frontier says that the employee as part of a third party agency and is no longer a part of the airline. they now? >> dana: i have a lot of and for the people who wereker involuntarily kicked off of the flight. the system, you know, you want supply and demand to work. you want the market to work. to me, the people that work for the airlines probably need to
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get paid more, but the people who paid for the tickets paid a heck of a lot to be on that plane and they had things to go to. and you might prevent them from getting to their kids' game, a wedding, whatever it might be. i have worries for everybody. i don't think that he is mentally ill, i think he is just at the end of his rope. and it wasn't his job. >> jessica: judge? >> judge jeanine: i have a different opinion. as i see him yelling, there is no one hanging right there at that desk in front of him. it's not like they are our people on top of him yelling and screaming. he is just flipping out himself. >> jesse: they are backing away from him. >> judge jeanine: look, i've been on, like everyone else, i've been on a flight that has been delayed or canceled and there is no one at the desk. but if it is not his job, he shouldn't be worried about it. just move on to a new job. it is up to you to get on the phone and get someone online to change your flight. >> jessica: greg? >> greg: you know, i see this a little differently than both of you. when you go to a place like chuck e. cheese's you expect a
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little show. this is frontier. it is called frontier. you are supposed to have an adventure on frontier bureau if you fly frontier, you know the experience is going to be baked into the price. anything can happen. you can get delayed or yelled at, there is a sheriff, there is a man dressed as a duck. that is the whole point of frontier. it is like going to universal studios and seeing the ghostbusters display. >> jessica: is that how you think of frontier? >> jesse: you have to be able to manage people. there are certain jobs that are customer facing. if i were running an airline, i would not put jeanine or greg in those positions. [laughter] they don't have the temperament. i would put jessica and i would put dana. they are a little more patient. >> judge jeanine: i get it done, though. >> dana: frontier used to give chocolate chip cookies away on the plane. >> judge jeanine: they did? >> dana: yeah. >> greg: jessica -- >> jessica: she was talking -- >> greg: just ignore dana. >> jessica: "one more thing"
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♪ >> greg: oft dana. >> dana: nationwide contest called america's field trip underway. open to students across the u.s. offering the chance to winfield trips to iconic and historic sites across the country. statue of liberty. rocky mountain national park in colorado. 75 first place award yes and designated chaperones free travel and lodging to the location. in order to win students at each grade level respond to the question what does america mean to you? jesse is not the judge. can you submit artwork and things like that. that is a great opportunity. i would have loved to have won this con terse. >> greg: , you would. >> dana: extra credit. >> greg: you love a good field trip. >> jesse: get it together was at number two and now we have fallen. number 5 and losing to a book called dog man, how to catch the
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easter bunny the women and it's not easy being a bunny. so we are losing to bunnies, dogs and women. >> dana: wrong category that's fiction. >> jesse: i don't care, dana. just like you want to win the competition i want to win on amazon. i would love for you to continue your nice loving support of the book and take to us number one. thank you we have to beat the dogs, bunnies and women. tonight, "jesse watters primetime" tito or tease, bell done the wolf of wreath and ainsley earhart. >> jesse: she flies around the world, yes? >> greg: okay. tonight, we got a great show jamie lissow, andrew gruel, kat timpf, tyrus. that's great now it's time for greg's best sellers and radical political thought. you know, jesse, you said you were only number 5 on amazon. get this. i are number one in amazon. best sellers in radical political thought. and do you know how beat? do you know how beat?
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number 4, the unabomber manifesto. >> jesse: yes. >> greg: you also beat the anarchist cookbook. and you also beat karl marx. capital and critique of political economy. so, you are the true radical writer. >> jesse: thank you, america. thank you. >> greg: did you think they would even consider you thought? [laughter] anyway. judge? >> judge jeanine: tonight, i'm hosting "the ingraham angle" at 7:00 p.m. and, also, i want you to look at this. a woman named charlotte gave a completely new meaning to picking up guys at a bar quite literally makes bets with men she would be able to lift them and makes so much money doing so she calls it a great side hustle. >> woe. >> greg: imagine in a guy did that. >> jesse: greg, don't get any ideas. >> greg: all right have. great night. >> bret: just imagine. okay, greg


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