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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 20, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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chef. >> thursdays on fox and watch anytime on hulu. >> is your student loan payment make you cringe by refinancing to a lower rate through credible .com, you could drastically cut your monthly payments at credible you get personalized rates from multiple lenders. visit credible .com now to see your new monthly student loan payment card website. ought. now adam any dates to want a plug yes is thursday to sunday i'm at the comicco strip in el pasomi, texas april 5th at the south point hotel in las vegas. asthe dirty 1230 is calledth and may 9th at a 12 a.m. at thes house of comedy in scottsdale, arizona. oo comedy inh find the dirty ato old stomping ground. yeah. all right. thanksmp >> yea to kevin o'leary >> laura: i'mm and this is "the ingraham anglen
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from washington tonight pure presidential nominated contest wrapped up. voters are going to the arizona to make their voices heard. we will give you those races ate the bottom of the screen throughout the hour. meanwhile, all ie po was on the g.o.p. in a primary where polls closing in about 30 minutes or f so. trump adores bernie moreno trying to hold his lead so he can take on democrat senator brown in november and possibly change the balance of power in the u.s. senate. we will bring you all those details as we get them. but first, ready, set, don't buy or! that is the focus of tonight'sls "angle." s thanks to house republicans and gold star families who refused r an answery on fo from a former biden officials were forced to sit and answer questions on that disastrous afghanistan withdrawal. now, without w naming, they deny
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they were at fault. >> if there is culpability, iten lies in policy decisions thatca created the environment august 2021 call. pag do you believe he of state andmn dod on the same page, that auburn could have remained a viable option? >> once before [boos] below 2.5k, you cannot learn them her ae and at 2.5 i was >> once the decision is made, the refusal to abide by recommendation that both made would have preserved the option to maintain program. would he have been a preferable, strategic >> laura: what the generals are sink the resources and troop levels were not sufficient for a safe withdrawal from both abrogate. how strenuously did they argue that point. did they wn of the potential
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for significant number of u.s. casualties? some of this is common sense. you don't announce you arepres withdrawing military presence as biden did in a hostile country. only to then drag your feet on the actual removal of personnel and equipment.nd the term "sitting ducks" come to mind? again, he blamed antony blinken and biden without using their names. the president biden made a formal announcement on his decision to honor the agreement with military withdrawal while maintaining diplomatic presence. the department of defense know that remaining u.s. military forcesin and equipment while leaving a contingent to defend the american embassy in diplomatic comes to negotiation. on 14, august, combatantilit operations, the decision was made by the department of state and the u.s. military alerted marshall, mobilized and deployed faster any militaries in thecoum world could ever do.
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as my assessment, that decision came: we too late. spree went to the the departmens of state is not a person, of course. and this all begs the question, why on earth did we stay in afghanistan for 20 years? the monelcredy wasted, the incre brave people we lost for what? >> at the end of 20 years, we, the military cou will build an , a state and we cannot forge a nation.t the enemy occupied kabul to overthrow of the government occurred and the military we supported for two decades faded away. as a strategic failure. t bi>> laura: don't forget, wegn spent billions upon billions training afghan troops. we were told it was going to work. yet, the military, the afghan military, so it is cold, as soon as the taliban made surgeonssoci come it resolved. itre is no business being there
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and despite spending $800 billion annually on defense, you can't buy pragmatin thinking. the general, heck, low list admin station there knew full well what a ragtag group theth afghanou security forces were. without american money and her own military propping them up, they couldn't stand on their own. >> what role did sudden instantaneous collapse of the afghan government play ithn thel events following the continuing evacuation and withdrawal? >> it melted away. that was probably the most significant, immediate, operational effect of thehy wcollapse of the afghan i government. with always a possibility, bute we had to put in 6,000 u.s. forces to replace africans thatl melted away. we would have been able to hold with a far smaller number of u.s. forces had the afghansd remained. when the government collapsed and went away.
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that had a profound and immediate effect of everythingt. else that had fallen. >> laura: right, right, butet aren'tte our generals generals because they have narrowed some better than anyone else? the they knew the president was a puppet with no support among the people. thus, they should have known ian all of his top staff would plan to save themselves first byy ad poking out of the country. that they admitted their projections were off. >> we estimated that the earliest time of complete collapse could be in the fall, maybe around thanksgiving or something like that. nothing indicated august per se. president and his entire cabinet when up to adventure valley and the rest of them and took out os the country. as soon as they saw thataw, they literally took their uniformd s off, put their weapons down, and a collapsed. >> laura: no kidding. b this is obvious stuff. this was predicted by people wh were critics of this conflict
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from almost the beginning. at one point today general milley seem to indicate that real accountabilityac may e long off. lots of documents needed to bea produced and other military personne al needed to testify. >> there is lots of people along the line that we need to discuss. >> there is a lot of documents. the vast majority of them are classified, and many are very highly classified. and how that would work between secretary, the department of defense, et cetera, and the various committees. but to get a full comprehensive holistic picture, you have to get documents and all of that. that is going to take a long time to read and >> laura: of course, some key questions to remain that only the commanding officers one the ground know the answers to. >> and the team on the ground was seeking authority to take
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out the perspective bomber and solve the mess description, they ewere told leadership did not have engagement authority for us.r fi do not engage. did we ever figure out whatav happened with the chain of command there? >> a set of tests or denials. >> laura: he doesn't have knowledge about the set of fasts or denies? that is kind of strange because that is important thing to acquire about in the aftermath of americans dying, don't you think question rick right after that exchange, the chairman said the committee has asked dod for documents to be produced and for the testimony of theno commanding officers were on the ground. but no luck so far getting any of that information! so the obvious question after years have, gone by, what is t
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biden administration hiding and why?effe is such a do not engage order id had been in effect, it was insane. that individual should be fired. but then again, no one is everaf fired in this administration foa anything. secretary austin wasn't fired fondr being missing three days d failing to disclose his hospitalization. janet yellen was not fired despite spectacularly missing inflation. mayor pete kept his job after east palestine ohio and faan' screwup spirit alejandro mayorkas, he wasn't fired when the border situation exploded, but then again, he is executing his orders perfectlys and sloughed the countries withc as many as possible and who knows how many could endting up, the benefactors.ting but firing antony blinken or alston would mean admitting a i failure. and remember, to them, everything is a p.r. problem. the economy, the border
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border, crime, ukraine, all of it pure they will jul never, evr change their policies. they will just rebrand old policies. in the same refusal to cut youro losses and change course affects the pentagon. no matter how much and how long american voters wanted to see aa end to the afghan war, the pentagon never wanted to take its fingers out of the. y no matter how unpopular the war became. now, all these years later, we still see no one take responsibility for major policy failures that resulted in an incalculable destruction to our country and the loss of life. at the same time, we see our government unfairly target president trump, the chief political rival of joe biden!fo they will trump accountable for no wrongdoing and let real
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wrongdoers escape, includingo biden's own family. in november, voters finally have their chance to do something that the president refused to do: fired the idiots for the mess we are iothat is "the angle."d me victor davis hanson, and honor recipient staff sergeant david bellavia. david, let'se, start with yo no one is held accountable despite american desk. what did you think of millie's testimony today? >> i expected him to basicallyf say it was not his fault and hed was following orders and that is .what he did and a lot of the't stuff he said is right but what he didn't say that stood out to me. he didn't say that president trump had put the united states on a course to withdraw from afghanistan by march 31st, 2021. in february 2020, that should
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have the pentagon on a course to have resource plan and rehearseu ndoperation how to get everybody out by the designated time.dn as't we found out because he has said here, he actually didn't want to leave that'll, so n clearly he drug his feet and didn't prepare a plan hoping the next administration would change their mind. now, that they didn't and caughs short, they don't have much time to respond. that is egregious of the entire command. >> laura: your response to what you heard today. again, no one was fired and we still haven't heard from the cos on the ground and really, the names were in use today. wants to take responsibility and certainly biden is not going to hold anyone accountable. >> i can't get over the fact the baited males in the state department are dictatingcm to general, navy seals, to
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force commanders how to fight. stop it! tha you were telling me that you found out five days after six drones followed a guy around that you are telling us the next -- isis k and he springs water in kabul? you so secondary explosions? are this whole thing is nonsense. it doesn't make sense we aree ar talking about not repeating mistakes ine. afghanistan, laura, we are in haiti right now an td no one kns how many americans are there. how many americans to get out. we are not learning lessons like we learned in nigeria or niger or belarus or any of the other nine embassies that we have unloaded under president biden. the hard lessons learned, the state department is running thes show. tony blinken has morteroneend w testosterone then general milley. i don't understand what the hell is going on here. >> laura: well, mark milley did talk about the chain of
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command today. watch this. >> one thing that you may take a look at is the law on lead federal agencies with respect to evacuation operations.r who has decision authority anda right now, investor secretary of state commander and control indecision and authority and who was in charge matters. whenll you make these calls matter. so i think that is somethingrt,t believe, by the law but i'm not positive but i think it is. >> laura: lieutenantstat colonel, so the state department we hear made this call, but d obviously, we don't elect is generals.nd be elected president. so he he is the commander in c. presumably, he was on top of all the details, right question rick who is in charge of your question >> well, one of the bie problems iske they want to do something
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but didn't want to take responsibility so you have this disaster here. and i give just a little bit ofi leewaygi in that the original pn was for the withdrawal of the military forces.nd tey they thought they were going to have the government there andvii military so they wouldn't bevery taking all the civilians out. that didn't come until than we get a little bit of credit for that because in tha september 2021, he was shocked this you touched on your opening there that he should have known. >> laura: how is he shocked? >> this is going to come across. the fact that he didn't know is even more problematic. >> laura: david, on that point, we had forces that are men trained in afghanistan whogl then turned guns on our troops.s remember covering all of those horrific cases where our troops were murdered by the people they trained. we knew or shoul kd have known. these people have no loyalty to,
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anything except getting a check, most of them, not all of them.yi but to act you are surprised by this? i'm sorry come up due respect to general milley, i was not buying that our goal. >> there was a whole lot today that requires suspension of disbelief in real time, by thetw way, raids on afghanistan and n' one wanted to mention thescre elephant in the room. the regions -- it's not just the that the biden administration is screwing up the world. tingit is recruiting attention d effectivfae recruiting attentio, of course, gold star families affected forever.s. listen, this was a campaign ad k for 2024. that is what today was. it i s time to for adults to take dthe world back and return to e roomal. >> laura: thank you both tonight. all right, letitia james, shea- wants control of trump tower, and she wants mar-a-lago. chris landa was here to explain the law fair next.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: think aboutrime it, new york is still reeling from the violent, random crime still playing in the subwayst an where working people are essentially left with impossible
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choice: take the risk of getting shot or stabbed by going underground or go into credit card debt by taking uberp everywhere. great but those poems are for the little people to navigate,ll because the radical ag hase focused all of their energy onn> case where no one at all was even injured. >> if he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek, you know, judgment enforcement mechanisms in court. we will ask the judge to seize his assets. we are prepared to make sure the judgment is paid to new yorkers. yes, i look at 40 wall street each and every day. >> laura: she sounds evil oco and out to fish may get her wish. trump has until monday to secure his appeal bond of nearly $500 million fine.t st >> it feels like thisse is, perhaps, the next to last step on donald donald trump'spu
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demise. it would look figuratively speaking put into big new york state padlock on trump tower. >> letitia james see s as hisou operative, which means all of his assets, bank accounts, not restricted to new york. she probably, at this point, understands where he has lau different assets, mar-a-lago. >> laura: they were rmersalivating. they are salivating.scal justice coolio tompkins. chris, a friend text me today i and said trump should crowd fund this fine i think with 1 million supporters each gave him $450, that would cover the pine. but in the meantime, what are his options? emergency stay from federal court? where does he gourt em? >> well, he's in the state court system now you're up to what he has to do, trial court iwhn new york, the justice closed the pine and refused to state to,
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make say it and has to go to ekinimmediate appellate court seeking relief and seeking somei kind of a stay without posting the full amount of the bond, which is impossible. who has $500 million in cashng a thing around under a mattress? again, we are talking about a bond put into escrow to satisfy the judgment. if he is able to raise that,dgme that allows a stay automatically geand there can be no executions the judgment. unlessco hure gets really from immediate appellate court for the highest court of appeals, he will basically be subject toosts execution on the properties, letitia james, she's threateninh he read it regardless of the merits of the appeal. one of the crazy assets, the wackier and the bigger the underlying judgment, the harder it is to post a bond to prevente the judges to be executed, whena telling an appellate: court, ts is a wacky judgment periods be howhen we talked about this befe but for those across the country
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that have not heard this, the eh amendment not just cruel and unusual punishment but excessivs against usually we would think l criminal defendant, but in this case, a civil that would have to be decided at the supreme court of theect? united states level, correct? >> yes, that is a federal issue. the eighth amendment is an amendment to the u.s. constitution. you can raise yourissu i federal issues, in fact, you have tot raise the federal issues in the state court system. g ultimately, yoetu can respond t the supreme court ifco necessary if you don't get relief in the state court system. i continue to hold somebody inw the new york courtyo system will recognizfor e that new york spea l of the worldta for the past century because it has a reputation for upholding the rule of law rule. thatyork reputation can be blowl new york is seen as a bunch of political hacks and clowns in
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r judiciary and will do m anythingor to reach a desire projected.han so i actually think a lot more is at stake here then donald trump. this is really about the futurey of new york is a great financial capital of the world. ing if you think justice and gre towill be the kind of person in charge of your company who want fast in new york? >> laura: quick, just to be clear, they have to raise the federal claim on appeal in anow, state intermediate court. have they done that? >> you know, i haven't reviewed all the papers, laura. i assume he has a good legal team. they have raised all the necessary defenses. w we are talking excessive fine uncle that is the case onr the merits. >> laura: don't have to post a bond. >> in the short run, a it is ths bond, which again, that is the immediate issue, which is basically unless he post the bond, they can start executing on the judgment, even while the
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appeal is pending and even if he wins the appeal. they could sees trump tower. this will backfire and if i wers na democrat, i would like try o get letitia james not to be seizing these properties. itf by may make msnbc sell even, but i think a lot of people would be turned off. taking the cash -- sure, my pleasure. >> laura: it is so out of control, you can't believe it and i said before thear united statee s of america. chris, thank you. in just a moment, polls will close in key senate primary. plus, speaking of the supreme court, it gives texas a big win in fentanyl fight bident open borders. we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe space. i am autistic and i am a performer.
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and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's really fun. i am here because i have seen women n do . if you can see her, you can be her.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: moments ago, polls closed in ohio were g.o.p. set primary is turning out to be a nail-biter. fox news correspondent, mark meredith, bernie marino, mark, what is it feeling there? >> laura, good evening the polls closed within the last few minutes and some time before we find out which republican is going to take on democratic senator brown, and one of the most controversial senate race. this primary has been contentious where we are at that campaign head filmic headquarters for bernie and president trump endorsed. that trump endorsement may make a huge point in this race. we will have to see what the results made. heavy on the maga agenda and support the last 72 hours of ohio senator jimmy vance, really trying to bring to the finish line. we are watching matt dolan taking the opposite approach
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here to what we have seen with bernie moreno campaigning with mike to to wine, but the idea f the campaign dolan is pushing forward is pretrump era of republican politics with civility in the race. obviously, and much to make a much money was spent and they invested a lot of their own money to get to this point tonight. and also, the secretary of state to see how much impact on the race. a lot of the trump issues and without the trump endorsement, already a record something to be proud of. we should get those results in just a little bit, laura. >> laura: mark, looking forward to it. meanwhile, top texas officials jubilant night. the supreme court ruled 6-3, sp 4, they'll law allowing to arrest illegal border crossers can take effect as the case returns to the federal appellate court for a full argument on the merits.
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just yesterday, the court had extended the temporary block on the law, but today both mexican officials and the biden administration were outraged. and is in a statement the white house press office, they called it harmful and unconstitutional and hilariously contented it would burden law enforcement and "so chaos." joining me texas governor, dan patrick. all right, dan, you guys are causing chaos and enforcing laws that the feds refused to for spirit explain that to me. >> well, you know, laura, we have talked about invasion so many times on the show that you've had me on and i have alwaysways believed and i beliee great legal team, we wrote this bill and we believe that we can make the case that this was a better law that failed from arizona many, many years ago in the supreme court. it is a better law, it is
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constitutional uncle because we can prove we are being invaded. i think that is the key, by land, by seek, by her. you know the story a thousand rounds per month and boats coming in florida years bringing illegal drugs and millions have crossed over. biden's open border policy. so i always believed in this bill. a lot of people didn't. i believe in it work with us as long now. it has to be finally adjudicated at some point in the courts, but we believe this is a good first step you are to we will start resting a legal sending them bback to mexico. >> laura: good, the mexican foreign affairs secretary, no surprise here, reacted to the point this way, "mexico expresses its rejection of the supreme court to force sp 4 and are country will not accept reparations about the matters will continue, et cetera, et cetera. what a big change from the days
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where the remaining mexico policy was the law of the land under trump were basically they said, you don't allow us to send these people back and wait in your country, we will slap a huge tear up on your goods and suddenly, mexico is like, "what can i do? does quote. >> president trump and i talked with him today after the supreme court decision, he had the border secure and joe biden, open border policy at least 10 million have come across the 28 bridges from mexico to texas. that doesn't count all the millions that we can't catch or don't see. of course, mexico is taking that stance. when president trump returns to the white house, i believe the border will be closed on day one. and then, he will began sending back the people who are here illegally. there was a time, laura, people would say you cannot do that. let me tell you, if you live in red state, blue state, red city
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or blue city, the feds are fed up with illegals all over the city's. they will be supportive overwhelmingly, i believe, present trump's decision to do that. laura, this is such a historic night. again, we will see it all the way through. i think it will do well in the fifth circuit and for supreme court. today was a first step. you are the legal here. i'm not a lawyer but i knew it had to happen because we are truly being invaded in texas and in america. >> laura: that is the plan, that is the biden administration's policies. dan, all right, dan, we appreciated. thank you so much. we will be watching. china is trying to dominate and infiltrate america's ev market. now, they are actually suing to help make that happen. i am going to explain next. ♪ ♪
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and we are justhwe wt not goinge deal with it.orld >> that is not something we want to invite into our backyard.rt speak with the last thing weun want to do was give them opportunity to go and build the statute. >> laura: small town usa is fighting back in court as it tries to block the move by goshen incorporated, a subsidiary of the billion-dollar chinese energy firm. green charter township called to goshen's project in their town and the china backed firm is suing for reversal.n joining me now is jason cruz, green charter township supervisor. jason, why did this china connected firm decide to locate their plant in your little township? >> well, the optics of it areop tiobviously chinese.t no right now, we are not worried about if it is chinese, if it is
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american, or any of that. at this time, what we are worried about is core townshipoc in court township stitch went on with it the scope of the project actually fits for the community. >> laura: i understand, you might not be arguing that in court, but you know the constituents of this township believe and what they are saying. they don't like it at all. and goshen, with the firm, gave a statement to fox digital, "it igatis unfortunate to get the township to comply with their obligations in under the agreement. we are unable to comment further since this is an ongoing legalee matter."to there was an agreement, apparently, you guys entered into with this firm. >>m -- sorry, -- >> laura: go ahead. your previous local gover government, go ahead. >>ent h correct, well, that wae caprevious government. went through a recall
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election and we ended up winnin recall election. in doing that, obviously a lot of meditation that happens with local government when you take office in a situation like thatt we have a lot of thing os to wok out. and we are working through those things when i finally met with the goshen representative ondial december 7. we had a cordial conversation to get main introductions done.e we the very next day, they served us with a threat letter saying we are in violation of a development agreement given and cited two recension resolutions twe rescinded as a board paire. that was the resolution to brinr water to the goshen site. and second, support goshen to our township. and why the board took that stance -- >> laura: jason, they don't care. i'm sorry, have to cut to the chast e because this is cable tt they don't care about bringing water -- it is irrelevant. that is not what they are interested in.
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so, i think it is great that you are fighting this. and i think our entire country should fight what ultimately is the buying up of u.s. resources or, in this case, the placement eeof the sector there. w thi have a feeling there woult be a lot of american employees there, but we will see how that shapes up, jason, thank nohit surprising but america's minor fling with electric vehicles has already run its course. >> these efforts have hit unnerving speed bump. ev sales are slowing. in august 2023, it took twice as long to sell and ev in the u.s. as it did the previous january. gas burning vehicles were still selling briskly. >> laura: but of course, the biden administration doesn't care what you want. but is all about their agenda, to eliminate options and eliminate your freedom. >> ev sales in the u.s. have quadrupled over the first -- the
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past three years. almost one in ten cars sold here is electric. by 2030, our modelers expect the electric grid will run on 80% ei energy. on the path to get 100% cleano electricity by 2025. >> laura: epa set to issue new guidelines as soon as tomorrow and that would basically require car manufacturers to produce electric vehicle ns beginning 27 just as people don't want them, and the new push will also target, and this is key, gas powered missions. the director of power of the future, china will dominate the market in evs. the battery factory story was interesting, but if trump does not win that can reverse this, what will this mean for detroit? >> the biden administration will definitely use their coercive power of government to regulaten the fossildu fuel industry out f
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existence here what that means gas-powered cars as well as all gas powered appliances, leafo blowers, lawn mowers, et cetera. the emission standards that wil0 come out tomorrow, i haven't seen them but 100% certain they will be incredibly punitive because as you mentioned peo earlier, ev sales are dwindling. the only way to make people buyt anind ev is to force them by eliminating the competition bureau they will use the powertc of government to regulate out of existence the big three and all other free-market products that they don't want you to have any t armore. a >> laura: trump, he called it a blood bath and we what that is in a real manufacturing market. it would mean the closure of american car companies. that is what he was getting at. what about the lie at the same time that this is better for tha environment? thates is a constant why that is toldl, about electric vehicles. l of>> welt evs, all of the
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adjectives they use, they arel carbon neutral, they are green, green, those are made up terms, just granholm statistics by 2030, 50% of ev, 50% of carsr will be evs. not these are arbitrary numbers eepulled out of thin air appear they are not based on freelem markets for free decisions. they are based on politics. the problem is that when you have the power of government to force a political decision, you will build it without care for freedom, free people, your property. so it will d be very, veryin devastating. weve have seen ev manufacturing plants moved to mexico off. in the company that did so, thio is s to offensive. they said mexico does this efficiently. no they don't. they don't have an osha, epa, labor unions, they don't have tw give your weekends offha.o. >> laura: of course not! >> that is what they are going to do bureau drive out businesses and move overseas
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like the ev industry. >> laura: daniel, i have to read one comment. this is from the ceo of the chinese ev maker she pinged. a he told employees, this marks the beginning of fierce competition that may end andor a blood bath or as i prefer to all at brutal knockout round among chinese automakers, daniel. i guess it is okay when the chinese say it. all right, daniel, exactly. we can even say it on the show.l what do biden's handlers have in common with the oscars? jimmy failla is here to explain it next. ♪ ♪
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board. [applause] so, folks, look, i have been going on too long and i apologize. ♪ ♪ [laughter] that must be my traveling staff. >> no! >> laura: to make, he tried to cover that up, but what is really going on there?? >> what is going on is the easter bunny wasn't there. they normally don't buy music. the easter bunny would come outt like the easter egg roll that imthey do at that time.o him getting interrupted by the easter bunny coming look like a guy that met a talking rabbit. it is fun to watch. in this instance, they could not play his campaign song tha "free falling." >> laura: they always have him say, "oh, i better not go there, i will get in trouble. or
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or o come i've gone on too long." that is his verbal crush. >> he isotch asking them but essentially we have a presidenta and if anyone has traveled with a toddler, you have devices in case they lose their way. you have a lollipop, a squeaky toy, that is our president now. they have a bag of things in case things go wrong, play am song, quick, ice-cream cone. get him out of here! it is kind of crazy to watch bue that is the world we are living in. >> laura: put out an opinion piece today, celebrating your friends at the deep stateof a calling it actually kind of awesome. when we hear deep state instead of recoiling, we should really think, we should rally. we should think about the workers as the everyday superheroes who wake up ready ti dedicate their careers and their lives to serving us. >> when i heard the narration, i have to be honest, i preferred it better in the original north korean. you understood the propagandao
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for what it was. like, this is so embarrassing. tell me you are dating a spy without telling me you are dating a spy.he either that or i don't even know what to make of that spirit it i was supposed to be funny, yet,e rank-and-file workers. a strong argument because trumpr is going after rank-and-file bue going after bureaucrats shaping government policy, which we know as a spirit a little bit of aa i miss, but again, it is nice when "the new york times" gets a pat on the back for kim jong un for a job well done. >> laura: and i think they see people are turning against the abuse of government authorities, thnde use of it against the hepeople. t they want to try to resurrect and protect it. jimmy, we have to get to the t story because this is right in your wheelhouse. onwheee of the royals has a newu business venture. watch.n ma >> decided the right moment to take to instagram with lifestyle brand, and the trade
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registration for the e brand promises tableware, cookware, food, textiles. >> laura: jimmy, is this the new group called dupe? >> do you know scientists actually have a word for people who by meghan markle's brand? a they are called aids. this is such a drift. what is that? it sounds like an expensive candlet so that will upset my du when he smells it because they planted some pretentious and he would but there was this part that respects her because she's gotten rich off of stupidstup people. she is like the bernie sanderse of celebrities and she is making money playin g some sort of was victim. a spilling jimmy, great to see you as always. i know you will be buying freshly meant to candles. catch jimmy on the road in montana >> carley: breaking news overnight. ap


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