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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  March 18, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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releases generating videos with a prompt.n a walking tokyo in the rain. it will have a movie qualityo video with exactly that. they were systems that can play video games across multiple i c modes, systems that can generate images. tracking that is one of the majotualr parts of our job, ande of the things gone into the actual plan to be developed to address this risk set. >> trey: thank you for eliminating that for us.ank forw i look forward to talking to you both again. >> thank you so much, trey. >> trey: thank you forthan spinning part of your sunday with us. i hopeit you have a great week ahead. until then, find us online on the trey gowdy
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>> carley: the media is having a meltdown, twisting former president trump's comments out of context to trash the nominee. >> i heard a continuation of the same rhetoric and political violence we've seen from donald trump for years. it goes back. >> we are desensitized to the unamerican things the former president is saying. >> we can't look at what he's saying and think, we'll be accurate and say he was referring to the autoindustry. >> carley: what the former president said to spark that reaction and take a look at this. >> in. >> you have not paid rent for past years. >> you are recording without my permission.
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>> you got half your rent. >> carley: trying to evict a serial squatter and conman who owes $40,000 in rent. the landlord and journalist are here with details. and time to break out the brackets. >> winner at the buzzer. bulldogs win at the buzzer. they will review. >> carley: we'll tell you who else is heading to the big dance tipping off this week. you're watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. todd has the day off. president biden is stopping in nevada, arizona and texas. nbc news says the president has become angry and nervous about his reelection bid. madeleine rivera is with us.
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>> madeleine: part of the campaign strategy to meet voters where they are. the president will remind them of what they say the administration has done over the last four years. the campaign is bullish. priv privately tension within the team. biden has grown angry and anxious about the reelection effort and one telling him he is mad at himself for not being more forceful with the staff. one point of contention has to do with his age, he was known as retail politician. white house now have him boarding air force one through a shorter staircase. he is sporting new shoes, hokas for standing on your feet.
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former president trump saying over the weekend he thinks a lot of democrats are voting for him. >> you ride down the streets of florida, alabama and they have trump signs all over the place. they are looking for hope. there is no hope with biden. he's a dead head. >> that is not how democrats view. >> i think democrats vote for me more than you think. they have never seen a number like that. people in beverly hills vote for me, they don't talk about it. >> madeleine: biden campaign is touting a 53 million fundraising hall from last month, even if not reflected in the polls. >> carley: thank you. one person dead and two others after a shooting in jacksonville beach, florida over the night.
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opening fire in the downtown bar area. you see dozens running from it is area after the shots rang out. the area will stay locked down. the two surviving victims are in the hospital in stable condition. police are set to give an update this morning at 8:00 a.m. easter time. and more than americans evacuated from haiti overnight as chaos and vileolence erupt. there is do not travel warning. it is stressful to see thomelan
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go through the area and neighbors. and missiles fired into the -- days after u.s. military held drills with south korea. antony blinken is in south korea for a democracy summit. japanese prime minister condemning the launch saying north korea threaten peace and security was the region and international security and are unacceptable. back at home voter s in ohio head to the polls for primary election. seat held by democrat incumbent is one of the most vulnerable in the country. >> elect bernie moreno to the u.s. senate. >> carley: bernie moreno is here
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next. >> i'm buck allen, i would like to sing a diddy. early in the morning before the crack of down, i'm drinking coffee with the tv on. "fox and friends first" breaking it down, carley and todd make the morning go round. come join me here, "fox and friends first" every day of the year. have a great day now.
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>> tuesday you need to elect bernie moreno to the u.s. senate. >> make it clear that in ohio we put america first. we don't put the interest of foreign countries first. we take care of our own. we don't take care of people who break our laws. >> carley: former president trump endorsing bernie moreno as voters gear up to cast their votes tomorrow. this election is a big one to watch. it could be key to flipping the senate red. the seat held by brown is one of the most vulnerable seats in the country. bernie moreno joins me now. good morning on this election eve. what is your message to voters, a final pitch, if you will.
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>> it is simple, president trump j.d. vance have endorsed me. if you want the party of mitt romney and liz cheneshg y, you have a choice on the other side, i don't think that is where ohio is. they want people in office that put interest of america first. that should be how everybody in elected office thinks, that is nowata my opponent think. >> carley: expectations in the primary, you are running against rose and dolan. polls show dolan slightly up, in other polls, you are slightly ahead. does that match your internal polling? >> we're up a little bit more, end of the day, we're going to get the message out. we have j.d. vance and kari lake today, will go over to cleveland
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and put it in the field and make sure people get to know me. >> carley: you did receive the trump endorsement. dolan received endorsement of ohio governor mark dewine. he said you and he are great can'ts, he thinks dolan would have a better chance of beating brown in november. a democratic pac is promoting you, what is your reaction to that? >> i think that is just democrats knowing i'm going to win. i don't think that is very nice. they are trying to attack me early. i'm a threat to them, outsider who has never been in office compared to contrast with someone running since richard nixon was in office.
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contrast more.k about that you and your primary opponents, how much daylight between your message on economy, border, education, things voters care about. sgll there couldn't be more stark contrast, my opponent wants to give amnesty to illegals and i want to deport them. he has increased size of -- for all kind of gun control, i want to end the conflict in ukraine. i'm for term limits and he wants to be there for life. >> carley: the president endorsed you earlier this year and went to dayton over the weekend. the president made headlines for
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saying if he doesn't win, there will be a blad bath in this country. he was referring to an economic blood bath. it was reported he wasn't talking about the economy and was talking about anarchy that could occur if he doesn't win reelection, what is your reaction to that reporting and are you surprised by this? >> i would have been surprised if i wasn't running for office. i've seen the dishonesty of the main-stream media, it is sick. fact he gets away with it -- if we have mandates in america, the auto industry is gone.
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they know president trump today would win, they will try disinformation campaign to see if they can change that. sad to see america devolve into a situation where we have a dishonest media. >> carley: fight for the presidency is on and for the senate, which you're a part of. thank you for joining us, have a great district attorney. senior meteorologist janice dean is here. >> janice: it is feeling cold again across portions of plain states, 17 in fargo, 28 in chicago, in new york, 46. we were in the 70s last week. stark reality this morning and this week. temperature departure 170 million below average and tuesday it will reach down toward gulf coast states as gulf
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it moves through. cold enough for snow across great lakes. downwind of lake erie and ontario. winter not over yet. 39 in detroit, far cry from the record-setting temperatures we have seen the last weeks. shot of cold air moving in thursday. cold across midsouth, frost and freeze advisories for louisiana, mississippi, georgia, feeling like january for memphis and tennessee with daytime highs of 40 degrees. harsh reality this morning. we have a frontal system that will bring showers and thunderstorms. we could see stronger storms for florida and northwest will get a warm-up. rest of the country at average
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or below average. severe storm threat, a lot of moisture working in from the gulf of mexico. maybe isolated tornado. this won't be severe weather update. not as warm as we saw and felt last week. >> carley: ground hog predicted an early spring, hope this is the last of it. >> janice: we'll count on you punxsutawney phil. >> carley: have a great day. see you later. guatemala migrant all smiles after he walks out of jail after the death of a florida police officer. wait until you hear the back story. a man who killed an nypd police officer 35 years ago by shoving him off a roof, could be walking free later this month.
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the officer's brother is here with the family's message next. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work. i can make this work. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us. because advice worth listening to is advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. before you consider drastic weight loss measures with dangerous side effects, like surgery or pharmaceuticals, try golo. and the big news, golo helps you keep the weight off. (susan) when i tell people how easy it was for me to lose weight, they don't believe me. i've lost 84 pounds on golo and i've kept it off for a year. i lost 210 pounds with gastric bypass surgery, only to gain it all back. but with golo, i have completely transformed my relationship with food.
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>> carley: migrant teen is all smiles as he's free from jail after having charges dropped in connection with the death of a florida police officer. state attorney's office ruled mendez was incompetent to stand trial because he does not speak english. he was approached by the officer and resisted arrest and scuffle ensued. former acting ice director joins me now. good morning. charges were dropped against him because of his inability to comprehend language, cultural background and concerns about
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his intellectual capacity. what is your reaction? >> we don't know all the facts on this. this is somebody that resisted arrest, led to an officer dying and he is released and not being sent back to guatemala. he will be treated the same or better than united states citizens. he is staying here. >> carley: imagine how this officer's family feels about all of this. over two million people crossed into the country illegally last year alone and been loss as a result and fbi director wray is saying he's worried another 9/11 could happen as result of this open border. are you concerned about that, as well? >> i think this is a very
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serious concern. he's exactly right. and just in the last four months, we've had more people come into the united states on the terrorist watch list than entire trump administration and it is concerning because it is not just concerning what will happen, it is concerning this administration still will not pivot from open border policy. they will ride this to the end. they don't care, they put open border ahead of public safety and national security and doing nothing to prevent it. we are vulnerable to any terrorist group that wants to harm up. >> carley: on a separate topic, new york senator chuck schumer called for new elections in israel to get rid of prime minister netanyahu. benjamin netanyahu responded yesterday on "fox and friends," listen here. >> i think schumer is comments
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are inappropriate. we are not a banana republic, the people of israel will decide when they have elections. >> carley: to double down on schumer comments, president biden called it a good speech. how is that perceived by hamas and iran, our enemies? >> well, it certainly seems lisa smith camp it shows our support for israel is waivering and this administration, far left of democratic party is anti-israel and powerful. this was not a slip of the tongue, these were prepared remarks by schumer. this undermines national security. we fear election interference and yet we are interfering with
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an allies election. i think people will rally around benjamin netanyahu. your point, it shows support is not 100%, making israel more vulnerable and deepen resolve of hamas and other groups because they know if we're weak and wobbly, it will get worse. this is unfortunate speech and that is understating it. president biden to come out and support this speech seems like a coordinated efforts to appeal to the far left. this will prolong the conflict in the middle east. >> carley: thank you for waking up and joining us, we appreciate your perspective. have a great day. to this, convicted cop killer
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serving 25 to life sentence could be let out of prison this month. eddy montose in 1989 he was being chased by the officer and the pair ended up on a roof and the officers shoved down a shaft and killed. he was just 23 years old. anthony's brother andy dwyer. we know your family is you have issering as a consequence of your brother's loss. he is up for parole later this morning. you testified to the parole board this past friday, what are
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your expectations? >> less than a year ago, somebody on the parole board forgot to hand in his letter of how good of a person he is, he was able to appeal the hearing and we have to go in front of the board and explain why he shouldn't be out and how his life isn't worth more than my brother's life. i am surprised they have not let him out yet, it is pathetic. >> carley: your sister said it is mind-blowing and disheartening, they are letting out every cop killer. we all got life sentences. he says he is not the same kid, he is still a cop killer. what would that do to your family? >> it will be a smack in the face to our family to say his
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life is worth more than my brother's life. bring my brother back and by all means, this guy can come out of jail. he should stay in jail the rest of his life, like the sentence he was given. this year is one year because he was able to argue that they didn't receive the paperwork and nobody is held accountable. when he gets out and does whatever heun wants to do, he will go back to jail and we messed up, it is being00, it is our fault. >> carley: you have to reopen this wound and fight for this guy to stay in jail multiple times per year and the parole board screwed up. the joined the nypd in 1991 and
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were able to wear your brother's badge number. tell us about him and what he was like. unbelievable person. i know everybody says that, he volunteered at the church helping elderly people go to doctor points, he was a volunteer firefarm. he had a friend in a car accident and he was paralyzed and anthony sat by his bedside when he was in a coma and helped bring him out, he talked to him everyday. he was an amazing person. not a bad thing could be said about him and only 23 years. we had a petition signed for to keep this mutt in jail and had 30,000 signatures. there was a petition to let him out and i think they got 150
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signatures to let him out of jail, i'm sure those were his bunk mates that wanted him out. anthony's 23 years of life, he did more than this muck could do. >> carley: 41 cop killers have been released since 2017. stay in touch. >> carley: seattle community banding together as alleged squatter and conman refuse to vacate a home, despite owing $40,000 in rent. >> [chanting] >> this is destroying the american way. >> we're tired of criminals getting away with stuff. >> carley: the landlord and journalist who uncovered the
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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>> carley: supreme court will hear argument on whether the biden administration pressured social media sites to censor some information. good morning, cheryl. >> cheryl: good morning. supreme court expected to hear the case that highlights biden administration tied to a lawsuit filed by attorneys general in louisiana. did the white house violate social media protection by directing them to remove information about covid-19. senator eric schmitt filed the suit, the length and depth biden administration went to censor disinformation that was later proven true should shock every morning. biden administration targeted
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posts that said covid-19 might have been man-made and the hunter biden lapstop story. >> carley: talk about spring break. miami beach had controversial restrictions and we're learning the result of that. >> cheryl: they are saying it was a success, decision to break up with spring break, they say has been a success, the mayor afearing on "fox and friends," watch this. >> this is calmest spring break we have had in years. license plate reader, dui check, closing beach at 6:00 p.m., we were risking ruining our reputation by having acts of v violence we prevented this year. this is a win/win for everyone.
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>> cheryl: there has been 256 people arrested, according to miami beach police. the city has a curfew and cut chicago sales. last year resulted in 500 arrests and two fatal shootings. >> carley: crack down on crime and crime decreases. thank you. have a great day. angry neighbors in seattle demanding a serial squatter be removed from their neighborhood. he owes $40,000 in rent. but because of eviction backlog, nobody is doing anything about it. >> you have not paid rent for years.
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>> you are recording without my permission >>. you got half your rent. >> get out. >> six months, you have not paid. >> the landlord is here with the journalist who uncovered this story. >> carley: it looks pretty easy to live rent free, what are you going through? >> started in july of 2022 and he has not paid rent. he paid first month and two months and after that, living rent free and -- i hired a lawyer on my end and i'm fighting and they are exploiting the system and i'm not getting
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justice. justice is denied, judges are not ready to listen to me, this is not the american dream. a lot of landlords are selling their house or they are not ready to invest and it is a situation here and i need justice and i lost faith in the system. during next hearing on april 5, i don't know. >> carley: you don't know what is going to happen. he stopped paying rent july of 2022, it is march of 2024, two years later and you are not getting rent. a protest took place over the weekend, let's take a look what that looks like. >> no pay. no stay. >> especially for smaller mom and pop type property owners, where is incentive when folks
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can take advantage of that system. >> this is a shame, a failure of the system. >> it is not about any party, it is bipartisan issue. >> no pay, no stay. >> this is destroying the american way. >> we're tired of criminals getting away with stuff. >> carley: jonathan, you have been digging into this issue. people are fed up, what can you tell us about this? feels like landlords have no rights and squatters have all of it. >> this goes back-to-backed up eviction case load. it is broken. this is a community outside of seattle called bellevue, it is an elite neighborhood and these homes are multi million dollar homes. this guy has been living free
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for more than a year and josh has tried and gone through the proper process. the king county bar association convinces judges to get continuances and that is the tactic and standard for success and mom and pop landlords are losing out on thousands of dollars and being forced to sell property. it is unclear how long he will be allowed to stay there. others have contacted other landlords, what can we do to get a protest going. there is concern about vigilante justice. some of them were banging on the door. who knows where this goes.
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>> carley: must feel good for the community to come together to get squatters out. there is no law to protect landlords. thank you for joining us, a wild topic, sorry you are going through this. thank you for bringing it to light, have a great day. media having a meltdown, twisting former president trump's comments out of context. we'll tell you what the president actually said when joe concha joins us. here is steve doocy. >> steve: coming up in 12 minutes, new york city neighborhood is described as third world country. migrants run a flea market in the trash-filled streets. alexandria ocasio-cortez
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responding to the video from her district, what she told us about the state of the migrant crisis. you have to hear it to believe it. and dan patrick on what is next for his state's border enforcement, law allows illegal crossers to be arrested is lifted and eric schmitt on today's supreme court argument for what he calls most important free speech case of our lifetime and sean hannity will join us and tips to protect your packages from porch pirates, don't you hate that? find out what you can do. a full three hours kicks off nine minutes from now on the channel you trust for morning news. todd and carley will be back. you are watching "fox and friends first".
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>> carley: cote shepler making history taking home the players championship after becoming the first ever back-to-back winner. meanwhile wyndham clark narrowly missed a putt that would have forced a playoff. >> oh! >> unbelievable. how did that not drop? >> carley: and if that wasn't exciting enough vander put
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himself so close. chef ler played to win knocking down the course history tying the all time record 64. they tell me that is good. march brackets buzzer beater and ivy league championship. >> 3, 2, dropped -- buzzer. at the buzzer. they will review. >> carley: the crowd goes wild. yale take on auburn of the first round of the ncaa tournament. a confetti shower went off early, oh no. but, officials cleaned it up and duquesne went on to beat tcu. wonder if it ever happened again. punking ticket to big bans first time in 47 years. now can you celebrate. now, the m m is trashing
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president trump accusing him of inciting violence if he loses the presidential election. watch this. >> what i heard was a continuation ever the same rhetoric, the same endorsement of political violence that we have seen from donald trump for years. as you pointed out it. goes even farther back. >> we are all desensitized and enured to the extraordinary remarkable and very attempt unamerican and threatening things that the former president is saying. >> we can't take him look at what he is saying and say we are going to be accurate for and this say he was rearing to the auto industry. >> carley: what the heck did the president say. important context left out of that discussion. here is what the former president actually said? >> let me tell you something to china, if you are listening, president xi and you and i are friends but he understands the one i deal. those big monster car manufacturing plants that you are building in mexico right now, and you think you are going to get that, you're going to not
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hire americans and sell the cars to us, no. we are going to put 100 percent tariff on every single car that comes across the line. and you are not going to be able to sell those cars. if i get elected. now, if i don't get elected it's going to be a blood bath. that's going to be the least of it. it's going to be a blood bath for the country. >> joe concha joins me now. he was talking about economic blood bath if china controlled the auto industry. all of these major publications reported this like he was predicting anarchy if he doesn't. do you think that deserves editor's note or headline correction. >> we will see jets in the super bowl before that happens, carley and apologies to all jets fans out there. the playing field has been leveled and you can't get away with this nonsense any longer. the context is beyond apparent. we just played the tape. trump was talking about the auto
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industry. electrical vehicle push by joe biden and china, obviously, and their role with electric vehicles as far as batteries. he was talking about an economic blood bath. again, we just played the tape. yet, many in traditional media pushed this narrative in lock step anyway. the good news is that playing field used to be fox news vs. the world it seems now social media has come to the rescue and particularly elon musk. joe scarborough had to delete his blood bath tweet after being called out by musk. musk's tweet was seen by 53 million people. so i think that's slightly more than the number of people that watch msnbc. i'm being sarcastic. scarborough is yet to apologize on x for false claim. i doubt he will do it on his show. the biden harris campaign issuing a statement about the blood bath comment knowing it was a lie in all caps. they went ahead and did it anyway. when your campaign is vastly under water on every major issue this level of dislont is what you have to resort to. from the "new york times," to
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politico, nbc news you showed the he had had he lines before all pushed this lie. and if you look at the dictionary blood bath defined either as a great slaughter or an economic disaster. the babylon bee had the best headline obviously satirical site. media reports trump threatened nuclear war after he says this guac is the bomb. and they showed trump eating guacamole. that's how silly this is and back firing already and they all know it because they can't control the narrative anymore, carley. >> carley: so let's go to another headline reporting from nbc news. the headline twind behind the scenes biden grown angry and anxious about his re-election effort. the first paragraph of it says president biden was seating in a private meeting at the white house in january. allies of the president had just told him poll numbers in michigan and georgia have dropped. he said he shouted and swore. a lawmaker feeling with the
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meeting says. frustrated. gives him indication how the president is going to handle the war in gaza. what do you think about this reporting, joe? >> i think, carley, this was spoon fed to nbc news by the biden campaign to show that joe biden is engaged and he is angry. and he really wants to win. so he is seething. okay. well, let's see him seat during a press conference some time which he hasn't held anything that resembles a "primetime" press conference literally in years. so, until i see that in public, i don't believe it's happening in private, carley. >> carley: that's very interesting. a headline that could be perceived as negative, you actually think it was spoon fed to show president biden in action. is he going to have to act because his approval number is at 38% right now. and that is low as they say. joe, thank you so much. have great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> brian: all right. here we go. 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. i hope you are up. please. ge


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