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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  March 17, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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i knocked jenny up and we health insurance which is how the whole party started.alth i never got into an actual accident and my ca b that i was awake take a lot of pride in ther drivinsog record. to my friend of been a fabulous passenger. w thank you for watching fox news saturday night. every saturday at right here ong fox news do nohtt forget to folw us on social media f and saturday night. this into my radio show fox across america weekdays noon to 3:00 p.m. and for more of me i'm coming to a city near you on my everybody calm down tour tickets on salcalme now fox across good night from new york city reminding you we will be here next saturday and until then you can be a republican, you can be a democrat, dude, just don't be ♪ ♪ ♪ >> rectified and handling of the war between israel and hamas facing a backlash prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu hits back today at a top democratic calls for new elections in israel for a good evening i am christina coleman and for jon scott and this is a box report. ♪ top white house officials insist it is up to the israeli people to decide if there will be new elections as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says some of the majority leader chuck schumer call for new leadership in israel was inappropriate. the prime minister also sticking to his pledge to wipe out the hamas terror organization but lucas thompson is live at the white house with more. i lucas. chris christina earlier today on fox israel's prime minister responded to that speech by the senate majority leader. because i think schumer's statements are wholly inappropriate. we are not a banana republic the people will choose when they have elections, who they will elect is not something we
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foisted upon us. >> president biden said schumer made a good speech and says he was given a heads up on its content in advance. white house spokesman jon kirby on "fox news sunday" explaining the president's thinking about it. >> the president believes it's up to the israeli people in the israeli government to determine if and when this going to be new elections. >> former separatist state mike pompeo under donald trump responded and said he is outraged. >> is pretty remarkable to hear the senate majority leader call for a regime change in the democracy. i can promise you this hamas leadership love those comments. >> remarks by former president donald trump speaking at a rally in ohio also got people's attention. while talking about china's influence on the american auto industry. >> we are going to put one at a% tariff on every single car that comes across the line. you are not going to be able to sell those. if i get elected, now if i don't get elected is going to be a
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bloodbath for the whole -- that's going to be the least of it. it's going to be a bloodbath for the country that will be the least of it. they are not going to sell those cars. >> biden campaign said in a statement in part quote he wanted of the january 6 but the american people are going to give him another electoral defeat this november because they continue to reject his extremism, his affection for violence and thirst for revenge for gop lawmakers came to the former president's defense those comments and the president were taken out of context a point to how the media and other critics handled the rnc gutting its campaign went all this people were fired. >> us right we'll get into that a little bit later in the shewbread thank you so much but great reporting as always lucas thompson from the white house. possible cease-fire deal between israel and hamas were expected to resume today. prime minister benjamin netanyahu insist israel will press on with its plans for a military incursion into rafah
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the last stronghold and gaza. trey yingst has the latest. >> good evening. it is day 163 of the war between israel and hamas as the regent waits to see what comes next in the conflict. reports indicate negotiators will meet in doha this week to continue conversations about a possible cease-fire that could see up to 40 hostages released the idea of a diplomatic breakthrough comes as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is doubling down on his intentions to invade gaza's southernmost city of rafah. >> we have approved operational plans for operation in rafah including the necessary steps to evacuate the civilian population from the battle zones. >> inside gaza palestinians were able to get more supplies from air and sea this weekend with the first vessel of aid arriving from the mediterranean. more american air drops taking place in northern gaza. medical teams in the northern part of this trip remain
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overwhelmed as they w worked around the clock to treat patients. doctor it works it the hospital in says medical teams are running low on supplies. and even donate their own blood to support patients when needed. >> you have it on the ground. we have rooms we have a few beds. when they need blood sometimes we donate blood maybe twice. >> many and gaza he has turned to crowdfunding to try to raise money to get his family out of the strip amid the war. he said even if he is successful he will stay to treat palestinian patients. christina? >> trey, thank you so much. haiti's surging gang crisis forcing officials next door in the dominican republic to strengthen border security and as the kale spiral's u.s. officials are charting evacuation flights to get
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hundreds of americans out of haiti now. the first plane landed in miami with thousands of passengers but let's go live to bryan llenas in the dominican republic with more. chris christina good evening for the first rescue charter flight from the state department took off and landed today in miami at 2:20 p.m. that according to a u.s. official there were 47 passengers on board that rescue charter flight. believed to be all americans. obviously this flight took off from cap a shot which is off our five hour drive away from the capitol port-au-prince. several hundred americans are believed to be trapped in haiti. the state department says they are working on new evacuation options out of port-au-prince the capitol over the weekend gang violence has escalated in haiti 80% of the capitol including its airport under gang control. more than a million people face famine, more than 5 million are in need of humanitarian aid. the u.s. is backing a
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nine-member transnational counsel that looks to transition haiti into a new government. >> more violence over the weekend so far. very, very concerning. we do see the political process movement board we are continuing to work with the canyons about getting this military support mission in place to help the haitian national police. >> congressional republicans have pause the release of about $40 million deemed critical to findfunding a multinational pole force led by kenya tasked with going into haiti and fighting the gangs. >> what they are asking me too do is release a $50 million of cash and weapons to go into haiti with no governance. the worst thing we can do his arm the very warlords that threaten the people of haiti.
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>> meantime there are fears of a haitian migrant crisis back home in the u.s. and right here in the dominican republic. thousands of haitians this morning were allowed to cross to buy and sell goods that eight national market in the border town. it is an economic lifeline for haitians is the crisis in their country worsens dr allows patients to participate in the cross-border marketplace as long as they are by electrically checked each is given immigration card that allows them to come back for future trips we spoke to a haitian at the dominican market earlier today, listen. >> haiti is no good for me. it is misery we are hungry. we would like international help with food. florida governor desantis has ordered more than 250 additional officers and it really troops to the southern coast of florida as they anticipate perhaps haitian migrant exodus as all eyes are on haiti and all eyes are on the americans potentially trapped on the other side is border.
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>> florida governor desantis getting ahead of this. thank you so much bryan llenas of the dominican republic. national security military analyst dr. rebecca grant doctor rebecca grantedjoints mes a doctor, thank you so much for being here with us. now, in terms of all this international crisis that is going on, president biden is getting a lot of political backlash over this right now. people are frustrated especially chuck schumer had a good speech schumer getting lots of criticism about this. take a listen. >> look out of line is just the start of what i think. you have the senate majority leader trying to interfere in the election process and destabilize the country of our ally, israel but what dhec is going on? that is not his job. his job is to make sure we axley find a way to help fund israel. not stand as an obstacle to israel doing what they need to
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do which is international interest which is to obliterate hamas. >> a lot of republicans saying the same thing. how do you think the biden administration should be dealing with this war? how do you feel about that rhetoric coming from schumer? >> first of all i agree, schumer did not help one bit. what biden once right now is for this cease-fire to take place. biden is walking a tight rope between outrage of the war and the fact he staunchly supports israel and will not pull israel military support and i'm going to point out that schumer also says hamas must be defeated and israel has to have their security chief. we went to see this cease-fire and all these political remarks are not helping to keep the pressure on hamas to agree, get a cease-fire so we can start humanitarian assistance and start looking toward a bigger diplomatic solution there that
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will involve getting the abraham accords and other initiatives back on track. >> speaking about getting government and whatnot back on track i want to ask you about haiti. the biden administration are working on plans to help evacuate americans trapped there it is unclear how many americans are stuck. this is what the state department spokesperson amount matthewmiller said just last wee a listen. >> we are not planning were not actively planning for any evacuation and i would remind you and others haiti has been a level four country with respect to our travel advisory since 2020. what that means is for four years we've been telling americans do not go to haiti do not travel there it is not safe to do so. >> it is thursday at now the biden administration is working on plans to get people out of haiti as brian has reported their set eight charted charter plane with limited seating do you think the bite
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administration is doing too little too late at this point? >> how fast things change the most important thing they have done is send additional u.s. marines to reinforce the marinee embassy security and port-au-prince. i guarantee y right now the pentagon are having military options ready should that be required. the evacuation flights coming out i would expect military at least watching that to make sure that flow smoothly. right now think the bite administration is watching this very closely, really playing catch up. the key is to get the transition counsel in place this may take more action again from the un to bring in enough forces to stabilize that and then address an emerging food crisis it is great kenya is willing to send the troops. we just have got to get on the ground international help can come in and make a difference and believe me they are watching that at the white house and the pentagon right now very closely.
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>> good, as they should as we all know there's growing concern over the possibility of an influx of patient refugees pouring into florida are trying to get across the southern border while the gangs wreak havoc on haiti right now. florida governor desantis announced florida fish and wild officers stopped a vessel with 25 potential immigrants from haiti in recent weeks. take a listen. >> they had firearms, they had drugs, they had night vision gear and were boating very recklessly which would potentially endanger other folks. that vessel was interdicted near the sebastian inlet. those illegal aliens were turned over to the coast guard. >> that is scary stuff. as we all know we are already dealing with a crisis at our southern border. do you feel like we are prepared the biden administration is prepared to possibly deal with the new wave of migrants from
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haiti? this is a boats coming up in haiti is right across from cuba. florida is right there. i am glad were keeping an eye on that i'm sure the coast guard is very careful but the key here is going to be to make things better in haiti so you don't create a wave of migration because of an inability to solve the security situation on the ground. right now 80% of the capitol is controlled by gangs. u.s. international partners need to move really fast in order to avoid a microwave that is also going to endanger the migrants that come and try to do this but we do not want migrants coming up into florida pr proof got tox this problem in haiti and get on fast. >> i know is going to take a lot to get that done i do not even know where you start you have all of these people there so many people starving and in need of medical aid. you have a crisis there is a government pretty much does not
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exist. gangs have taken over. weren't you even begin to find a solution for this? >> transition counsel and secretary blinken says this is not going to be smooth so that the council in place. give them enough security whether it's canyons or others through the un to support that. and then get the airfields open so relief supplies can come in. haiti has a lot of coastline get that relief moving by c as well. that should quell things enough to let the transition counsel try to stabilize haiti and move toward elections which is their goal but i think it's going to take some international boots on the ground to calm this one down. excited to come at dr. rebecca grant thank you so much for your analysis today, thank you. okay police in washington d.c. are offering a 50000-dollar reward for information relating to an arrest in a mass shooting last night to people were killed and another 5-hertz. no word yet on a motive.
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madeline rivera has more. check d.c. police are still looking for the suspect or suspects who they say shot seven people early sunday morning pick was a total of seven people were shot at this location. to it which have since then pronounced deceased the other individuals that were shot at this location all of which are adults were transported to local hospitals authorities did not release identities of the victims of the conditions of the five survivors for they also not said what led up to the shooting. the area where this took place as a popular spot home to some of d.c.'s biggest restaurants. police are looking at surveillance video of the area and asking witnesses to come forward. the shooting comes just days after d.c. mayor signed a massive bill into law to tackle the crime crisis in the city. it's called security d.c. some key parts include strengthening gun penalties cracking down organize theft and drug free zones locals are been pleading with public officials to find solutions lester was particular
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violet at the nation's capitol. hummus is owed by 35% while overall violent crime increased by 39%. bowser said is a bit of an improvement this year homicides are down about 30% violent crime has dropped about 10% in the last two and half months she believes securities will keep things moving in the right direction. >> the things we do to make the city safer will buy in large have the most beneficial impact on people who are living in. >> congress into sign-up on security c but some of the key parts of the legislation are already in effect. christina. >> madeline rivera thank you. california make it a chance to reform a ballot measure to help crack down on this growing crime crisis. critics say it is long overdue. governor gavin newsom is not in favor of it. we will have a live report. that is up next.
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california voters may get a chance to prop 47 the safe neighborhoods and school act for
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the 2014 law downgraded nonviolent offenses. more say criminals on the street led to more crime in the golden state. claudia is alive in sausalito, california for more than this. hi claudia. >> i christina bettis rate california voters passed proposition 47 back in 2014 to ease prison overcrowding give low-level offenders a second chance. crimes like drug possession and theft were reclassified, downgraded from felonies to misdemeanors and sure enough of prison populations dropped. a decade later critics say the softer on crime approach has led to a culture of smash and grab robberies, open-air drug dealing and record fentanyl overdoses. prop 47 raise the threshold for felony shoplifting to almost $1000 per even for repeat offenders. today it dozens of californian a mayors, almost all them democrats are blasting the law for essentially legalizing certain crimes and c in creatina public safety crisis. >> it has made it harder for us
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to combat retail theft i think it has made it harder for us to combat the fentanyl epidemic we are done with on our streets. >> california voters may soon get the chance to reform prop 47 and give it more teeth. a proposed ballot measure increases jail time for thieves involved in organized retail theft rings and fentanyl dealers while providing incentives for addicts to get treatment. fearing a return to what they call mass incarceration, some progressive lawmakers are fighting to protect prop 47. >> in the going backwards has never been an opportunity for progress we can do better. >> governor gavin newsom also opposes this proposed ballot measure pr print said he is bacg legislative that he says will allow police to more easily arrest thieves and fentanyl dealers. but in crime weary california the reform initiative is on track for the november ballot
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coming up this fall with early polling showing very strong support among likely california voters. >> claudia, i am not surprised by that at all for a talk to so many people who are so frustrated with all this crime. it is ridiculous. claudia, thank you so much. for more on voter dynamic shifting on crime even some liberals now taking a harder line we are going to bring in fox news contributor joe concho. thank you so much for joining me on this. a lot of people changing their tune on this. they are extremely frustrated we were looking at stories talking about this crime free take a listen to this guy who witnessed a restaurant owner get attacked and robbed just out of the street. take a listen. >> i cannot believe the insanity of the world now. what we are allowed took her in the city productively stand and cited never do anything nothing's going to change. >> nalso present do people sound like this right now what is your reaction to this?
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>> christie to the thing about crime as it cuts across party lines it cuts across ideology it's much like inflation. it's something you either experience or you feel and all of our elected leaders democrats and republicans have as their top priority first and foremost protect their citizens. and deep blue cities like new york, atlanta, philadelphia, chicago, minneapolis, san francisco, los angeles leaders have failed on this affront and is due to their own policies never sing bills being passed in places like washington d.c., stseems like organ or member wht happened in portland in the summer of 2020 but until the third part of the following equation is addressed this won't have much impact the equation is yes more police. yes, more ar arrests but the mot important part more convictions and if you have attorney general's that are unwilling to convicted criminals, especially those who are career criminals those who have been arrested dozens of time the situation does not change and police are only more demoralized so the way
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our bill system is set up it creates a revolving door it's not these individuals are being caught is set they are not being prosecuted. now democrats seeing how this has become a political liability in a big way in an election year are finally addressing this issue after years of ignoring it. >> what do you have to say about governor gavin newsom who does not support reforming prop 47? he wants different kinds of legislation paired with this ongoing problem happening right now with people getting pistol whipped, stores trying to lock up dealing with repeat offenders they are just sick of this. what you have to say about governor gavin newsom who apparently was to keep prop 47 in place? >> i will give my opinion as i will give the opinion of people living in california. according to u hau u-haul more e are moving out of california and more people moving out of the city of san francisco than any other state and any other city in the country.
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that is a fact they are going to places like florida, in tennessee, and texas and south carolina, and georgia because maybe there they feel safer the because they have a governor in those states or a mayor in those cities that may take these problems a lot more seriously than gavin newsom is. i would think he was he was going on in los angeles, sever cisco, sacramento is a weedy temper crime laws especially as it pertains to title 47. but for whatever reason he is continuing to keep his head in the sand this will hurt him if he decides to run for president 2028. >> i know you touched on this but i would like for us to talk a little bit more about it. morale within police departments i have spoken to a number of members of law enforcement there they are so brave they are putting their lives on the line. they are busting up smash and grabs. and again this is part of a coal organized retail crime ring. it stolen from stores and sold in little pop-up shops. what do you have to say about
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the officers doing all this they arrest someone and then they're back on the street within hours. >> were seen in new york city where i live there's hundreds of nypd officers who have said enough i do not feel appreciated here i'm doing my job and i'm arresting the same people over and over again. there is one situation in new york one gentleman got arrested 101 times, 20 times at the same location cap hitting the same business these officers are saying enough. oh go to florida where i'm appreciated and can have attorney generals that prosecute criminals that i'm arresting. they are demoralized for doing something about it they are voting with their feet as far as their crews are concerned. >> good for them, cannot blame them for thank you so it's fox news contributor no conscious thank you projects happy st. patrick's day i'm half irish and i blew it so nice out that you are looking good. >> for. >> thank you so much. [laughter] are right we are take a lab look at the border and lukeville, arizona one of the new hotspots
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were migrants are looking to enter the u.s. illegally. is there any hope congress will take action on the crisis before the presidential election? mosque arizona republican congresswoman debbie lesko coming up. t rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. not one based on paul. you don't want to ride with paul. or sarah, not today anyway. and you don't want a rate based on ben, he's got some important business to take care of. why would you pay a rate based on anyone else? with allstate, you're connected to a rate based on you. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. ♪
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taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. >> texas showing up its borders migrants are looking for other avenues of illegal entry into the u.s. you are looking at one such city, lukeville, arizona. it is becoming a hotspot for illegal crossings but texas is not out of the woods yet. garrett's is live in eagle pass, texas with the layers. >> christina, right on the area of the board our cameras caught several large groups on friday popouring through holes in the wall. cartels will cut out holes into the border wall in hundreds of people from all over the world will pour through it.
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as fast as border patrol show up they find other spots to cut through and exploits. there see in california, arizona, new mexico are the ones who want to turn themselves order to border patrol to be released into the country. the ones who do not want to be caught are the ones that security officials are most concerned about. and are the ones we are still seeing all across the border including in texas like this cartel gang member who got caught smuggling six illegal immigrants in his car and took troopers on a high-speed chase hitting speeds of over 100 miles an hour before he got stopped. just last week this a 17-year-old was paid by the cartel to pick up food for mexicans including illegally until he eventually bailed out of the car and got arrested trying to run away the cartels are no recruiting people from all across the country to smuggle those who cross the
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border illegally. offering anywhere from two -- $5000 a person. >> we have people coming not only across the state but even out of state from other states new york, california, florida, nebraska, that are actually making their way to the border to smuggle it's a very profitable business. for years after they recruit drivers even teenagers for the use of social media platforms. >> in the last three years texas on its own has apprehended more than 500,000 people trying to get into the country illegally. that is half a million people that texas officials would have otherwise made it through if texas were not stepping up where the white house has refused to secure the border. sina. clocks are right, garrett thank you so much. for more on this let's bring it arizona republican congresswoman debbie lesko she is a member of the congressional border security caucus. thank you so much for joining us. i got to ask about this because it is getting a lot of coverage.
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at a rally in ohio former president donald trump was talking about the auto industry. use agua imports and he made the statement, take a listen. >> china now is building a couple of massive plants where they're going to build the cars in mexico and they think they're going to sell those cars into the united states. if i don't get elected is going to be a bloodbath for the whole -- mike that's going to be the least of it it's going to be a bloodbath for the country. >> used on what the auto industry there. that comment got a lot of play. what you have to say about this do you think it's being taken out of context? >> it's definitely been taken out of context but thank you for having me on the show, christina. that is what the liberal media does all the time with donald trump. they have been going after him from the time he announced he was running for presidency back in 2016.
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there's a concerted effort. liberal media is out to get him. the democrats are out to get him. and anytime he says anything they are going to take it out of context and go after him. >> there is so much focus on what he said during that rally. the fentanyl crisis continues to rage on as does human smuggling enter open border. with fentanyl being such a big issue i want to show our audience this photo. take a look at this. port director michael humphreys border patrol he shared this. just take a look at that. all of those in narcotics, most of the fentanyl was seized within four days just a four-day time. one of those alone is more than six and 59000 pills. when you see images like that which i do all the time and social media, all the border agents sharing these photos day after day i can tell you as a parent i am terrified of my kid
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getting a hole of any of this especially with so much fentanyl looking like candy. what is your reaction to that the staggering amount of fentanyl pouring across her open border? >> is absolutely ridiculous. and unconscionable the bite administration does not close down our border. not only are drugs pouring over our border like you saw in that picture. by the way i met with director humphrey several times because i am from arizona and i go down to the border numerous times for they are doing a great job but they are being overwhelmed the cartel has great resources. the biden administration just once open border policies. they may say they want a close border but they don't the numbers prove that because undr president trump let's say december of 2020 only 74000 crossings. you fast-forward to biden december 2023, 302,000 crossings.
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that's just the ones they have captured it. that does not include that god always. that is not include all of the people the 30,000 a month from haiti, from cuba, from nicaragua, from venezuela that's just flying into the country. this is just insanity. that is why republicans keep pushing back in the u.s. house of representatives to try to secure the border. >> a lot of them pushing the biden a wondering what he doesnt plan or issuing executive action. issuing executive orders to deal with this why does he do that? what you think? >> the only logical reason i can think why biden and the democrats keep wanting these open border policies is they want more democrat congress members because every 10 years there is a census the census is not just count citizens it counts residence. if you have the sanctuary cities
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and democrat-controlled states and cities they will have more congress members. now, i assume after they get enough congress members to take over then they will change the laws that allow illegals to vote. that is the only thing i can think of logically because why would any president went sex trafficking, drug trafficking all of these people flooding across our border? my goodness sakes it's over 9 million people since he has been in office. it's pure insanity. >> and got to ask you a quick how is this impacting arizona's politics? there are elections coming up. how is the border crisis in the smuggling and the whatnot and the hotspots in arizona how is that impacting voters there? >> the border security is the number one voting issue in arizona. it has been for many years and now it is a lot worse and more prominent. not only for the presidential election but for that u.s. senate here are democrat running
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for u.s. senator i served with him in the arizona house and hod then in the u.s. house together he is a liberal he supports open border policies. and so we really need a republican to win and the u.s. senate. we need president trump back in the presidency so that we can secure the border. >> a right, border security remaining a top issue during this election for a thank you so much congresswoman debbie lesko, thank you. >> thank you. >> okay the curfew in miami beach during spring break remains in place despite local businesses challenging the order in court but this year's lots of spring breakers are flocking to a different part of the state will have a live report from fort lauderdale coming up. ♪ can neuriva support your brain health?
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business owners in miami beach voiced their frustration in court yesterday after a midnight curfew just days ago the judge denied the request and is upholding the curfew. madison is live with the latest. >> hello, a lot of spring breakers are making their way up here to fort lauderdale because of all this to restrictions in miami. as the day goes on the crowds and the party definitely gets bigger but police hearsay they have not run into any major incident so far. that was not the case last spring break in miami. after last years of violence there, the city is shutting down businesses before midnight this weekend.
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business owners pushed back saying they are losing a lot of money from this. three nightclubs to go to the courts but a judge ruled the curfew will stay in place. back here in fort lauderdale at the police are using crowds of college kids as a way to recruit the next generation of officers. the fort lauderdale police department. >> i would say one word to describe the vibe is electric. i was it's very electric feeling. >> advised have been immaculate so far. it is awesome here brick spring break 2024 is definitely i would say chill. [laughter] chill jill is the vibe for me. [laughter] well, the probably will not end a starting after today because the mayor here it says they expect the crowds next weekend to be just as big, back to you. >> there are a lot of police department's nationwide that are dealing with the staffing shortages that's interesting they were recruiting there.
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have you seen some of that going on? >> exactly them and holding push up competitions all of spring break so far. and it is working. they are using these college kids as a way to recruit. as you can seat right here on your screen my producer claudia and i we felt we should be a part of the action. [laughter] we took it upon ourselves to be a part of that but they said they actually gotten over 50 for the application so far so it is working clearly. [laughter] i did not know what to expect from that. thought maybe they were just talking to people but the push-ups, i love it. hats off to you for g forget yor workout in. [laughter] >> i mean they have to prove they have what it takes that they want to join the force. >> you've got to be strong. alright thank you so much and happy st. patrick's day. >> you to christina. >> we still have a few hours left to celebrate saint patrick's and it will take a look at other celebrations
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around the globe. that is next. s your business. it's your verizon. we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪ home instead. to us, it's personal. [music playing] speaker: it all starts here, by uniting the world in passion, commitment, and care. we turn the impossible into possible. celebrate every triumph. the last day of chemo, one child's life being saved. at st. jude children's research hospital, because of you the impossible becomes possible for kids everywhere. st. jude. possible starts with you. become a monthly donor today.
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it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪ ♪ unnecessary action hero! ♪ -missing punches? -unnecessary! -check reversals? -unnecessary! -time sheet corrections? -unnecessary! -unentered sick time? -unnecessary! -go! -unnecessary! -go! -unnecessary! -when you can take this phone, you'll be ready. -make the unnecessary, unnecessary.
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let your employees do their own payroll.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[laughter] love this. st. patrick's day celebration in full swing around the world today. really half a million people gathered in dublin today for the annual parade. i have a special place in my heart. it is a way for me too remember the first time i came. we come together to celebrate and you can feel the culture. everyone is celebrating no matter where you're from. [laughter] >> london revelers gathered in the city center for procession of irish fans and dancers leading up to performances on a big stage there. check it out. that is so awesome but here are some other headlines from around the globe. in russia demonstrate discredited polling stations to protest present vladimir putin the third and last of the election there he is expected to be overwhelmingly reelected to another six-year term. the former soviet republic of mulled over that one man was detained for throwing molotov cocktails at the russian
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embassy. in berlin it crowds gathered to protest among them was the widow of russian opposition leader alexei navalny who was found dead in an arctic arctic prisonk in ukraine drone barrage march our brief fire at an oil refinery. and in afghanistan a traffic accident leaves 21 dead and 30 injured motor bike crashed into a bus then hit a fuel tanker on the opposite side of the road. it looks terrifying and iceland state of emergency has been declared after a volcano erupted for the fourth time since december alone. nearby fishing village was evacuated after the earlier eruptions. in madrid hundreds of farmers protested on foot and by
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tractor. take a look at them they are. that's the fourth massive demonstration since january against european union agricultural policies. that is a look at some stories from around the globe. now, what is more adorable than penguins? penguin play time with the bubbles you do not want to miss it, that is next. hey, jen. i need skin advice. sure. am i ready for retinol? neutrogena® retinol? yes! it evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines, with visible results in just one week. sounds like you've said that before. once or twice. neutrogena® retinol you know that thing your family does?
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yeah, that thing. someone made it a thing, way back in the day. but where did it come from? and how did it get all the way to you? curious? ancestry can help you find out. because that thing has a story, and it's still being written. what are you waiting for, a sale? well, lucky you. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me!
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the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i have a tremendous love for israel and the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering with the fellowship. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish people in need around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now
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to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. ♪ why won't scout play with us anymore? he has something called osteoarthritis pain. it's joint pain that hurts him all the time. come on, scout. now, there's librela. the first and only once-monthly injection to control your dog's oa pain. veterinary professionals administering librela who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breast feeding, should take extreme care to avoid self-injection, which could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. this is the best day of my life!
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the san diego zoo is welcoming a baby african antelope. the calf is pretty active for a newborn. her caretaker says she gets a case of the zoomies every now and again. she's so cute. when she's not with mom, she's checking things out and moving around. when she is fully grown, she will be between 6 and 13 pounds and only about a foot tall. adorable. all right. now, the famous cherry blossom trees in our nation's capital are expected to bloom earlier than usual this year. one national park service official says it could start as early as tomorrow. that's beautiful. want to have a little wedding photos taken out there. that is a great great background. now, that's around five days earlier for this blooming. five days earlier than expected. and experts are blaming the unusually warm winter. d.c. kicks off its annual national cherry blossom festival
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on wednesday. so pretty. and soaking up the sun during play time at the zoo in australia. you can see this guy popping some bubbles during play time. [laughter] little penguins, that's what this species are called. they are the smallest species of penguins in the world. and as you can see, they are getting a lot of attention. i would love to go to perth, australia. it look beautiful there. you can check out some cute little baby penguins if you go. the perth zoo is home to 14 of them. well, that's it for fox reports this st. patrick's day, sunday, march 17th, 2024. i'm christina coleman in for jon scott. thank you to viewers for having me. it is so great. thank you very much. see you next week. hello everyone. i'm griff jenkin


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