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  Media Buzz  FOX News  March 17, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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i'm just back from west palm beach where i had a wide-ranging conversation with donald trump that lasted nearly an hour. i began by asking the former president about the press. mr. president, welcome. congratulations on officially clinching the republican nomination. >> thank you very much. howard: so after super tuesday you said this, the press has not been fair nor has it been free, but maybe someday they will be. they're being beaten up pretty badly. that's pretty wild by your standards, and you -- mild by your standards, and you talk less about fake news these days. could you be looking for a ceasefire? >> well, or i'd love to get along with them, and i'd love if they were straight down the middle and covering the stories that should be covered. you're with a group that does cover a lot of things that they don't cover like the border. the border, they're just starting to do it now because it's destroying our country. at some point you're going to have to do it. howard: right. >> but you've been covering it for a long time, your show has been covering it for a long
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time. they're now just picking it up. they should have picked it up two years ago, three years ago. the border's a horror show and so many other things. it's not only what they report, it's what they don't report. they don't report certain things that are so big, i expect the look and see the cbs evening news or nbc or abc, and i turn on and they have nothing about very important subjects. that's fake news also in its own way. howard: would you be willing at this point to stop calling national news organizations the enemy of the people? >> well, you know, i have that a lot. i get a lot of people they don't say fake news, they don't mind that as much. they really don't like enemy of the people. i would be honored to do that if they would do it right, if they would -- you know, they're like the policemen or policewomen, they're like the police. and, frankly, they keep our country honest in a certain way if they do their job properly, and they haven't been doing it properly. look, you report on that howie, you know that. you know exactly what's going on.
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and sometimes i don't know why. why would they want to have open boarders where a lot of bad people come in from prisons? if you look at it now and look at what's happening with the new group coming in from haiti. they're just pouring in by the thousands and thousands. how much can one country handle? you know it's not -- howard: it's a mess. let me touch on this. everybody's entitled to whack the media. after the iowa caucuses two networks didn't carry your speech. i was very critical at the time. but you said cnn and nbc sure their licenses or whatever they have taken away. sounded like you were threatening to go after television outlets with reporting you don't like. >> well, i think it's incredible. some of them use the airwaves and some of them don't. certain cable -- howard: yeah. >> but when you're using public airwaves and you don't have -- you cover a candidate for month, you cover him as a negative ifly as possible, or her, could be her, and then all of a sudden that candidate wins in a landslide and it's very exciting and everybody wants to watch,
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and you don't cover his speech, it's incredible. i guess it was fake tapper or somebody turned it off a, said turn it off. i think, actually with, msnbc did do it -- msdnc, but it was cnn that didn't cover it. jake tear, i used to know and sort of liked him, but he hurts himself very badly, and he hurts the ratings. cnn ratings are so bad. so you cover, think of it, you're covering minute for a year -- somebody for a year, and this is the culmination, this is the big moment and people want to watch it, and you say i'm not going to put his speech on. how can you do that? howard: my view was say what you want afterwards, if you want to be critical, fine. >> absolutely. howard: i moving on, you said the sudden death of avenue lex city navalny was horrible and he was very brave and there's no question about that. but here's the thing, the media, as you know, blame putin. joe biden blames putin. much of the civilized world
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blames putin. do you believe vladimir putin has some respondent for the death of alexis navalny. >> i don't know but perhaps. possibly i could say probably. i don't know. he's a young man so statistically he'd be alive for a long time. if you go by the insurance numbers, he'd be alive for another 40 years. so something happened that was unusual. howard: obviously, he survived a poisoning attempt, barely lived. went back, got jailed and suddenly he dealses over, they don't release the body. how could anything like that happen without putin and high ranking kremlin officials sanctioning it? >> well, i don't know. you certainly can't say for sure, but certainly that would look like something very bad happened. right? howard: i think we can agree on that. >> i think so. howard: you like to say if you were president, russia would not have invaded ukraine. >> yeah. howard: i but since russia did invade a southern country and frequently targets civilians, and i know that many people in this country care more about our
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southern border than ukraine, but given the bravery of the ukrainian people, why do you seem to me at least to be so lukewarm on aid to the ukrainians who already are out of ammunition and are in pretty desperate straits? >> i guess e it's a warsh i feel very hurt because that's a war that should have never happened. and when i see what is happening, it's such a disaster. you're talking about a very unfair war. russia's a very big military power, and they're sort of proving that with time. and i agree that the ukrainians have been very brave, but this is something that should have been negotiated. i would have negotiated a deal. i don't even know if i would have had to negotiate. they never would have attacked while i was president. the oil prices were low. we were at $40 a barrel. went to $100 a daryl. at $100 a barrel, putin made a fortune. at $40 he wouldn't have started the war. just like if you look at iran, iran was broke. they would have never given money to hamas or hezbollah.
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therefore, israel wouldn't have been attacked, and they wouldn't have been attacked for other reasons too -- howard: next january 20 and you are sworn in, would you be willing to see putin swallow part or all of ukraine? or would with you provide military aid? >> i hope that it doesn't come do -- to that. that's a long time. you know we're talking about, you're talking about nine months in that case, right? seven months, a little more than seven months until the election itself. that that's an eternity in terms of war and in terms of politics and in terms of the world. if we had a real leader, he would have never done that. remember, he didn't do it. for pour years he didn't do it -- four years. and there was no real threat. and i spoke to him about a it, i said you can't do it. it was the apple of his eye. i got to know him very well, i had a good relationship with him. it was the apple of his eye, but he would have never done it if i was president, if all those people would be living and all those great cities, you know,
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those ancient domes, you can't replace that. golden domes that were beautiful, they were a thousand years old. you can't replace that culture. but most importantly, hundreds of thousands of people are dead now that would be alive. with that being said, it is what it is. it's a terrible situation. i blame, i largely blame biden because there was no reason for this. if you look at him rhetorically it's hard to say rhetorically, but rhetorically if you look at biden, what he said at the time, he was -- can i was saying, he's saying the exact opposite of what he should be. he was almost leading putin into going into ukraine. i said, he's saying the wrong things. and you'd have to go back and study it, but you have to know your opponent or your enemy -- howard: adversary, yeah. >> or your friend -- howard: i would say putin bears the ultimate -- >> of course he does. it could have been stopped very easily. it never would have happened. and, again, israel would have never been attacked.
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iran has no money. they were broke. howard: when you talk about illegal migrants, and after three years obviously the democrats wear the primary responsibility, why do you use words like vermin and poisoning of the blood? the press, as you know, immediately reacts to that by saying, well, that's the kind of language that that that hitler and mussolini use. >> that's what they say. i didn't know that, but that's what they say. because our country is being poisoned. look, we can be nice about a it, we can talk about, oh, i want to be politically correct, but we have people coming in from prisons and jails, long-term murderers, people with sentences that the rest are of their lives they're going. to spend in some jail in some country that many people have never even a heard of. they're all being released into our country. these are murderers, these are people at the highest level of crime, and then you have mental institutions and insane asylums. i always say the difference is one is silence of the lambs. it's a mental institution on steroids, okay? and those mental a institutions and insane asylums are being
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emptied out into the united states. and then you have terrorists pouring in at level we have never seen before. this is a horrible thing. only bad is going to come of it. a friend of yours, sean hannity, said it's 100% certain that there'll be big problems here very soon. he means an attack. howard: i know there's a lot of concern about that. >> and he does say that, and i say you happen to be right. howard: here's my theory, that you use over the top, sometimes inflammatory language because that drives the media debate. did trump go too far. and then you get the next several news cycles talking about your issue, your language. any thought that i might be right on that? >> it also gets people thinking about very important issues. if you don't use with certain it rick, if you don't use certain words, then maybe you're not very nice words, nothing will happen. that did stir debate, but it happens to be true. when you have hundreds of thousands of people from jails
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all over the world -- and i'm not just talking about south america. they come from the if congo, they come from all different parts of africa, they come from asia, all over, they come from europe, they come from the middle east. they've coming from all over the place. equal opportunity. we're like an equal opportunity employer. they're coming in at numbers that we've never if seen before. they're coming in at numbers no no country has ever seen before. it's not sustainable. and in many cases, they're not good people. and you have a new form of crime, it's called migrant crime. we had crime, we have violent crime, you're going to have now if migrant crime which is going to be super violent. and it's going to be as bad, it's going the make up, it's going to make up -- it's going to be the same. we're going to have, it's going to double up your crime. everything i've said has been right. it's going to double up your crime. we have millions of people coming into our country that shouldn't be here. howard: that's why it's a big issue including among democrats. now, peeking -- >> you have friends in new york, a lot of them, so do i.
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friends all over the place, right? i haven't had one person say that that's happening not cities is sevenning. howard: right. you whipped up a global storm by saying you would not protect nato up countries that don't contribute their fair share of the defense burden. and then you said if they don't, you would encourage the russians to do whatever the hell they want to do to these countries. that sounds like a pro-putin stance. or is it a negotiating stance? >> no, it sounds like somebody that wants to get people to pay money. so when i was president, first year, i went to a nato summit, and i noticed something because i'm very good with numbers. i looked and i said, you know, you have 20 of the 28 countries that haven't paid or they paid far less than they're supposed to. what a's that all about? the united states, in the meantime, was paying much more than they were supposed to. we were making up the difference. a massive amount. we were almost paying for the whole thing, if you want to really know the truth. we were paying close to 100%. so they take advantage of us on trade. the european countries, i love
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them, i somehow have a little heritage there, you know? we have a little soft spot, right? howard: yeah. >> but the european if nations, if you add them up, they have the same size economy essentially as the united states. howard: altogether -- all together, right. >> yet we're $100 billion more to ukraine than they are. when i said that and when i made that statement, i want to energize them to pay. they have to pay. it's not fair. this statement was made three weeks ago that i made that a you said -- howard: right. >> do you know since then countries that were late on their payments or not paying at all have paid up? they said, oh, man, look at this, we better start paying. howard: you're going to take credit for that -- >> yeah, i will have to take credit. now, if i said it in a different way, it would have been a nicer statement, but it would not have been -- howard: you would. president biden bears responsibility for russia's brutal invegas of ukraine, he downplays the fact that vladimir putin is trying to restore old parts of the soviet empire and may not stop there.
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when we come back, donald trump makes news on the abortion question. ♪ just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? and for fast topical pain relief, try alevex. (woman) what if all i do for my type 2 diabetes isn't enough? or what if... (vo) once-weekly mounjaro could help. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and can help you eat less food. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it,
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howard: abortion has been a politically-fraught subject for republicans since the demise of roe v. wade. i asked donald trump about his approach. >> "the new york times" piece by maggie haber haberman and others says you have discussed with your advisers having a possibility of a ban on abortion after 16 weeks. plus the three exceptions that i know are important to you, rape, incest, life of the mother. >> right. very important. howard: i don't know if it's possible to make both sides happy in this debate because of strong moral feelings, but you were quotedded as a saying to one of your aides, i like 16 weeks because it's a nice round number, month -- 4 months. do you think that could be politically acceptable? >> so we're going to find if
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out, and pretty soon i'm going to be making a decision. and and i could like to see if we could do that at all, howie. id like to see if we could make both sides happy. look, a lot of things we've done with roe by killing it -- howard: the justices you appointmented to the supreme court made that possible. >> they did. they did something from a lot of standpoints is extremely good. number one, the democrats are the radicals on this issue because it's okay to have an abortion at 7, 8, 9 months, and if even after birth -- howard: i know that's in dispute. >> if you speak about the subject right, it's like fertilization. on fertilization, i took the lead on that, and it's actually now our summit. it's a positive. we want to help women x. that could have been a very negative thing. we want to help women. with you take a look at what wak at what was going on, abortions in the seventh, eighth and and ninth month, one thing you say is nobody wants that. the killing of a baby after the baby's born ors that was the governor, the ex-governor, last
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governor prior to this one, by the way, or good guy, the last governor of virginia, he said you put the baby i side and you discuss with the mother whether or not essentially you want to kill the baby. her the radicals. there'll be a certain, there's a certain spot. if you look at france, if you look at different places in europe with, if you look at a lot of the civil aized world, they have a period of time. but you can't go out seven months and eight months and nine months. and if the republicans spoke about it correctly, it never hurt me from the standpoint of elections. it hurt a lot of republicans. i think you have to have, you have to have the three exceptions because with it's just -- now, there are a few places where you don't. but i tell people, number one, you have to to with your heart. you have to go with your heart. but beyond that you also have to get elected, okay in and if you don't have the three exceptions, i think it's very, very hard to get elected. we had a gentleman from
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pennsylvania who was doing pretty well, we -- he refused to to go with the exceptions, and he lost in a landslide for governor. nice man. you have to go with the exceptions, and the number of weeks, i'll be coming out with a recommendation fairly soon. i think it'll be accepted -- howard: i follow everything you say, because that's part of the job is. >> good. howard: in this campaign you talked about pay pac. for those who have been wronged, i am your retribution. but you've been softening that lately. you said i'm not going to have time for retribution. >> well, i said success will be my retribution. howard: that's right. but for the press and people who aren't fans of yours, they feel like you've sent a message. you're not going to be restrained by some of the people you had in your first term, so which is it? >> oh, i'm going to just make it very successful. my greatest retribution, or as you would also a say revenge, my revenge will be success for our country. i've conservative.
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people say you're conservative, really what i am is a person with common sense. i want borders, i want free and fair elections, i want to have a free press. i would cherish the press if they were free. not that i want good stories because, you know, we won't get them anyway. howard: nobody gets all of it. >> they should be free and fair. you're very free and fair -- howard: thank you. >> i've seen you coveragings of stories from different viewpoints, and it's pretty damn good. but we need a great press because that keeps people honest. howard: on late-term abortions, former virginia governor ralph north that many did say in cases of severe deformity the mothers and doctors would decide what to do after the baby was born but later backed off saying he was not talking about killing babies but in extremely rare and and tragic circumstances. up next, why the former president changed his stance on banning tiktok. ♪ ♪
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howard: we get to the proposed ban on the tiktok app in just a moment, but first donald trump's hotly-debated comments about the constitution. i don't want to relitigate your accusations about the 2020 election, but a while back you wrote on truth social a massive fraud of this type and magnitude rows for rules, regulations and articles even those found in the constitution. that was pretty chilling for people who kind of sort of like the constitution. >> well, no, all i'm saying is an election has to be constitutional. i'm not saying void the constitution or anything like that. but they're the ones that are violating the constitution. i'm not violating it. i'm saying when they cheat on an election, you may not be able to say this because you're at fox, but some people do say it and many people agree with it -- howard: mostly republicans. >> i guess so is. howard: it's become very partisan. >> democrats believe it too, but they don't want to say it. you just is have to look at the
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numbers. we have to have free elections. and people have to know that they're free. they have to know that they're fair. and you have to have border. you have to have border, you have to have great elections, free elections, fair elections, no cheating, no ballot drops, no anything. it has to be basic voter id. it's actually insulting to a person who say you can't get, you know, an id. howard: yeah. >> if you look at the democrat national convention last time, they had cards that were so big, they were big, they covered somebody's entire chest no matter how with big it was. it was like they had pictures from three different angles. they had id, and you have id for a lot of things, you know? is credit cards have id e, a lot of things. you buy products, you have id. the only thing hay don't want id for is voting. howard: right. >> and that's because they want to cheat. we can't let that happen. howard: i want to touch on tiktok. as you know, the house voted overwhelmingly to ban tiktok unless the chinese owner would sell it off.
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197 republicans. when you were president, you tried to ban tiktok. the counts stepped in. you now say you don't think it should be banned because you think facebook is worse, but doesn't that let tiktok off the hook? because most parties, the consensus in both parties is that this is a threat to national security, having it owned by a company that's, of course, influenced by the chinese communist party. >> well, i know a lot about tiktok, and i gave the option of banning it, and and i had it pretty much done. i said -- i didn't do any i jawboning or anything, i said you guys ban it if you want, and congress probably didn't want with it banned. it wasn't something that i was demanding. if i demanded it, i think i would have gotten it. but there's a danger to banning it with, you know, freedom of speech, many different -- howard: yeah. extremely popular with young people. >> here is what i did, i found facebook to be extremely dishonest. and what would happen is if you ban tiktok and you take it away and we have a new concept, if you take it away, those people are going to go on to facebook, and facebook, in my opinion, was
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worse than tiktok by a lot. howard: but this had nothing to do with your meeting with a billionaire who happens to have a 15% stake in bytedance? >> no, no. actually, i didn't know that. he's a head of a club, in fact, a club that i would say that i generally speaking don't get along with it, but now i do. i've had my good moments and bad moments, but i never poke to him about that. -- spoke the him about that. what i would like to see see is if you're going to do it to tiktok, do it to facebook. what you can do is let them sell tiktok on the market maybe get a good price, maybe not get a good price, i don't know. but take it away from if china control. but i think china controls facebook also because they have tremendous power in that company. there's no question about that. they want to be in china, they want to go to china, they want to, you know, whatever -- howard: but it is an american company. >> yeah. but they have plenty of power in there too. howard: in your first campaign i remember you telling me this is a time when the deficit hawks
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ruled the republican party, but you couldn't touch social security and medicare because, out of fairness, people have paid into it. the other day you were on nbc, and sow you said there's a lot you can do in terms of budget and cutting and in terms of management. >> what we want to do is you'll never touch social security as long as i'm around, and you'll never touch medicare. howard: eventually they're going to have to be touched -- >> well, no. you can also do other things. we have liquid gold in the ground that we don't touch. of we have value and things that we could be doing to make a fortune in this country. we can put a ring around the collar, as a i say. they used to have a commercial, ring around the collar. people want the come into our country, steal our jobs, sell us product and we can't sell them products like in the european union, china, other places. we can't sell them cars, but they can sell us cars. we put a tariff of around 15%, it's massive amounts of money
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for our country, and i want to do that. i want to do that big. howard: on beijing's supposed influence over facebook, it's worth everyone icing the social network isn't allowed to operate in china. as a voter id, some democrat lay makers do support voter identification cards, but there are disputes about others. but democrats such as john fetterman if oppose voter id as making it harder for minorities to cast ballots. next on "mediabuzz," how serious is donald trump about a debating president biden? ♪ ♪
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howe the two nominees, donald trump and joe biden, haven't debated anyone in this campaign. i asked the former president if that's going the change. you have said you want to debate joe biden anytime, any place. >> i'll even debate him on your show. howard: i'll be happy to host it. >> anytime anytime, any place. howard: isn't this the guy who
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said didn't debate in the republican primary? >> of course not. i was leading by 75 points. okay, look, people want a smart person. the republican, i was leading by 75 points. in fact, these last numbers that came in, i was at 91 to, like, 7. why would i debate there? why would i allow asa hutchinson who is a nasty guy, not a good politician, and he was at 0 for over a year, 0? if i think he hit 1 one time for about a minute, and then he went back. for any of the others, why would i do that? you want a smart president. also why would i go out say, oh, let's go, let's have some fun and be shouted at by 12 people that have absolutely no if chance of being elected? so i always want to debate the republican versus the democrat no matter what the core is. i want to debate -- i wanted to debate last time. i always want to debate the republican expect democrat. those are the two people left,
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and they should debate. and if there's some independent that's doing well, but by well, i mean, you know, has a 15% or something, otherwise you shouldn't be wasting the air time. but, no, i want to debate. i want to debate biden. i've actually put out a call and said for the good of the nation, we should debate. howard: when i covered now -- you decades ago, you were having fights with leona if hemsley, calling her a disclass to the -- you were fighting with ed koch. is that your preferred political stance, to have your fists up? >> i think it's a natural thing up. t not like i prefer it. i'm not crazy -- looking to go crazy with fights and things and i'd rather not. but sometimes the you have to. i came in, and before i even -- they were spying on my campaign, okay, just so you know. you even now agree. took a while for you to get there, but that's okay. they were, biden and obama, the whole group, they were spying on my campaign. before i even went, they heard i was going to run, they started
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spying on my campaign. that was before i came down the escalator with our great first lady -- howard: yeah, and the spying accusation, as you know, is very much the subject of dispute. >> it is? that's the first time i've heard that in about two years. howard: all right. >> they were spying on my campaign and doing lots of oh bad thingses. -- other things. you're going to have to fight orbit. every group, black, he is pan ebb, asian, men, women -- his pan in, people with to diplomas, everybody was doing the best they'd ever done, and i butted getting calls from are liberal -- i was getting calls from liberals, progressives, anything you want the call them, we'll call them whatever they want. can we get together, it was coming together. then covid came and we had to fight that battle, and we did a great job with it. but, you know, i got a lot of credit for foreign -- we tack out isis, i had no wars, we were respected by everybody. howard: right. >> it was said recently if trump
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was president, none of this stuff would have happened. what's happened to the world, and he said if trump were president, china and are russia wouldn't have played games, and you wouldn't have had any of the problems you've had. howard: obviously, you have your detractors when it came to covid. the country's obviously divided. what fundamental thing would you say that people don't understand about your appeal? >> well, there must be an appeal because you ride down the streets of florida, the streets of alabama, the streets -- they have trump signs all over the place. they're looking for hope. they want hope. there's no hope with biden. he's a deadhead. howard: not how democrats feel. >> i think the democrats vote for me a lot more than you think. in fact, i saw where at least 10 or 12% of the democrats are voting for me. they've never seen a number like that. i have a theory. people in beverly hills vote for me, but they don't talk about the it. a lot of people vote for me. do you know when the exit polls in 2016 came out, everybody said
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is, oh, this is a sad day, this is sad for trump, he's not going to make it, he's not going to make it. everyone's saying it. remember that? and then the i end up winning quite easily. i ran florida, i really ran the whole east coast. and one person called up, smart guy. your going to win big. why? -- you're going to win big. why to you say that? on fox too they said it's not looking good. they say, no, you're going to win big because there's a group of people that say don't me that question. it's a how much much rougher word than that, it's a word that i won't united states on television. i can't, i will get decimated, but they told the president a certain thing, but let's be nice. they say, don't ask me that. anybody that says essentially don't ask me that is trump voter. and it was the largest number of don't ask me that voters ever, ever, ever. and he said every one of those voters is voting for you, and it turned out to be true. so, you know, we ended up winning, and we did much better
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in 2020. you know, i did millions and and millions of vote more in 2020. i did much better. and you can cut this if you want, but the election was rigged. fox might want to cut that one out -- howard: i would just say it hasn't been proven in count. >> well, it was so rigged, it was so crazy, but we're going to do it again. howard: majority of republicans believe trump's insistence that the 2020 rex was stolen, but -- election was stolen but there is no independent evidence of widespread fraud if. the obama administration did order the court-approved wiretap in looking for signs of russian influence. the probe was the subject of relentless media ya coverage and found no collusion by trump or his e team. but the investigation was opened by career law enforcement officials with no evidence president obama or vice president biden was involved in the decisions. after the break, don trump on the fani willis case and on chuck schumer calling for the ouster of bibi netanyahu.
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that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ howard: a georgia judge ruled that d.a. fani willis, despite an aappreciate of impropriety, can stay on the case against donald trump and his co-defendants but that the special prosecutor she hired, her ex-boyfriend nathan wade, would have to resign, which he did friday. hours earlier, i asked the president about these legal cases. mr. president, you went to court in florida where you were trying to get the classified documents case thrown out. it was covered all day long on
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cable. as it turns out, judge cannon turned down one of the two arguments you made in order to get cases thrown out. that's a hard thing to do. but are these four criminal cases now part of your campaign? >> well, hay seem to have taken -- they seem to have taken on a life of their own in terms of the populace, the american people. they know they're riged, they know they're all biden cases. these aren't cases, these are biden indictments. this is using the justice department to go after your political opponent -- howard: but you don't have any proof that joe biden personally told merrick garland -- >> oh, sure you do. the manhattan d.a. has a person in there, he was merrick garland's top person: they put him into the manhattan d.a.'s office. fani willis and her lover spent a lot of time in washington talking about my case, that came out during the hearing, talking about my case. the a.g. of new york, letitia james, deals with washington all the time. new york even the local cases
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like a d.a -- it's all trying to hurt an opponent. and why didn't they do this years ago? they should have done this years ago. this was all stuff that essentially started very, very late because they wanted to interfere with the election. no, this is 100%. look, biden hasn't done a thing. host a horrible president, and he figures this is maybe the way that they can get in. but this is an attack on a political opponent. and this is what banana republics do, this is what third world nations do. we don't do it in this country. and people see that. and as you know, i have my highest numbers that i've ever had. usually, it doesn't work out that way, stuff like this. but ial, i have a voice where i can explain it to people. i can explain how rigged this whole thing is. and as you know, i've been doing very well on these cases. howard: in the hush money case, district attorney alvin is bragg, their side has now asked for a 30-day delay -- >> well, they had to because they didn't give the
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documents -- howard: right. give you time to review -- >> they didn't want to, they had to. and, or frankly, that whole case should be thrown out because it's a ridiculous case. and every legal pundit says that is the mostly deck louse case. howard: many portions of the media say your approach to all these cases is simply delay, appeal and get them pushed back past the election which, if you inwelcome back, you can make the case cases -- if you win, you can make the cases -- >> they put together some garbage. they indicted me on garbage, and the people know that. the people of our country. that a's why 82% of them think it's political. it's all political. and more than just what's coming out of washington. the local d.a. stuff, the fani willis -- she spent with wade, i call her finishing a a ni wade, she spent with wade, her lover boyfriend, days in the white house and in the justice e department talking about my case. this is the not pose -- supposed to be happening. now that case is imploding.
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she should never be allowed anywhere near a case, in my opinion -- howard: some of the charges have been thrown out. >> well, yeah. ten charges have been thrown out. a lot of them have been thrown out. it's a fake case. it's a whole fake case. they're all a fake cases. and the public sees it. now, if the public thought they were real, i wouldn't be winning against biden in every poll, but i'm lucky that i have a voice. i can do a show like yours, a lot of other shows. any show wants me on because i get good rate, what can i say the -- ratings. i can explain the cases and then the people can decide. but it's politics at a very lower level. we've never done it, howie, we've never done it in this country where a president, it's very easy to do, and he's opening up a big floodgate because does that allow the next president to do that to his ecopoint? howard: you've raised that question on presidential immunity. >> it's a very dangerous thing. howard: chuck schumer really went after bibi netanyahu on the
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senate floor saying israeling should hold new elections and making it perfectly career he thinks the prime minister should be replaced. those were his exact wards. does that sound to you like the u.s. telling its sovereign ally how to run it government? >> well, 100%, there's no question about a it. they don't know where to go. they're very bad for israel. the democrats are very bad for israel. israel sticks with them. i guess israel's loyal maybe to a fault because they stick with these guys. biden is so bad for israel, they should have never been attacked. if biden were good to israel, they wouldn't have been attacked. howard: biden has been a strong supporter e of israel because of the terrorist attacks by hamas. >> if he were support i of israel, the iran nuclear deal would have never been signed and israel would have never been attacked. howard: schumer is, of course, the top jewish democrat in washington, and and if he says that net if an ya a hue is too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in gaza, and he's more concerned with his own political survival and that could make
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israel is pariah. your reaction. >> they lost a lot of people on october 7th too. people have to remember that. howard: oh, people should never forget that. >> well, i think maybe he's forgotten that. he doesn't forget it, he looks at where do i get more votes, and i guess he's seeing the pal a stint januaries and the marches -- palestinians, and he says i want to go that way instead of israel. i don't know how israel stays with these people, i just don't know. he obviously said i see a lot of people protesting out there, and they happen to be palestinians or wherever from the if middle east, and he was probably shocked to see it. and all of a sudden he dumped israel. that's e what he's doing, he dumped israel. howard: well, he's not walking away, but -- >> i would say he's walking away. he just said essentially that bibi netanyahu should take a walk. howard: right. and in light of those comments by senator schumer, what would be your message if you were to talk to bibinetanyahu? >> i think you have to finish it up and do it quickly and get back to the world of peace. we need peace in the world.
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i would, that would be one of the two things i'd do very quickly. i would settle with ukraine and russia, i will get them to settle that war very quickly, even before i become president, as a president-elect. it'll give me the power 45 you need to get -- the power that you need to get it settled. i wouldn't do it before taking office if that's possible -- i would do it before taking office if that's possible, and i think it is. don't forget, i did the abraham aa cords. howard: i'm well aware. >> i bet you would have had iran in the abraham accords. that's a big statement, but i would have had them all in. they to be the abraham accords which are phenomenal. anybody else would have gotten the nobel prize. if obama or biden or anybody on the other side did the abraham accords, they would have 15 nobel prizes, okay? i get nothing. but i had four great, you know, hard-line countries signed up, respected countries. howard: biden has said netanyahu's aggressive assault in densely-populated southern gaza is hurting israel, the
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prime minister has rejected u.s. demands for greater restraint in battling hamas. netanyahu today praised both trump and biden on "fox & friends" but called senator schumer's comments inappropriate. still to come, donald trump, jimmy kimmel going at it during the oscars. ♪ if if progress with her mental health... ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood,
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howard: jim jimmy kimmel was hosting the oscars last weekend, and one of his viewers had something to say about that. what is up with you and jimmy kimmel? if. [applause] >> okay, see if you can guess which former president just posted that on truth social. [laughter] anyone? no? thank you, president trump. howard: because during the academy awards you posted has there ever been a worst host
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than jimmy kimmel at the oscars? less than an average person trying to hard. he read that on the air and took a crack at you. >> what else did i say? i said some other pretty good things. howard: were you getting even finish. >> now,ing look, jimmy kimmel i. his ratings are terrible. he's not a talented guy. i hear he hits me all the time, so is i figured i'd hit him because i thought he was a lousy is e host. i put it out on truth which is on fire, by the way. i never expected he was going to be reading it. just prior to the the movie of the year, which is the big one, right? i think they get the man, the woman, now the move are i have of the air. he reads my truth on air, exactly what you read, and now the big story is that they all a begged him not to do it, don't do it, and he probably stupidly, you know, he had to act in a short period of time, like minutes, right? he had minutes because he's on our. he sees this thing k and he wants to go out there and he
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wants to, i guess, confront me. and he ends up reading my truth. e said this guy's even dumber than i thought. the thing went viral. it's been all over the world now, and all he had to do was keep his mouth shut. howard: donald trump, thanks very much for sitting down with us here at mar-a-lago. >> thank you very much. howard: huge headlines about trump saying in an ohio rally last night that if he loses, there will be a broad bath, but he's talking about chinese car sales hurting american jobs right before and right after. much of the media are just wrenching this out of context. the former president told me he did the interview because he finds this program to be fair and, by the way with, i'm again offering the biden campaign a chance to appear as well. i don't wear anyone's jersey, but i get that many see fairness as obsolete, old-fashioned in this era of toxic divisiveness. some partisans will say the interview was too the soft because i didn't go after donald trump with a baseball bat. other partisans will say i must be suffering from trump derange arement syndrome.
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that's life. to me, it's journalism. at a times you don't make either side happy, but journalism and that includes the biden campaign at times. you've all seen evidence of that. i'm fair game for criticism like everybody else, but our audience understands what it is that we try to do here each week. you can subscribe to my daily podcast, "media buzzmeter." join the club as i riff on the day's top five stories. that is it for this edition of "mediabuzz," a rather unusual edition. we'll put all of this online so people can watch particularly if you missed all or part of it. that's how a lot of people get get their news today x. it's time for me to say we hope to see you next sunday same time, same place with the only media analysis show on national television. ♪ is she? playing with the confidence of a pro and getting all up in that grass
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