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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 15, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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you to complete here and i will give you 200,000 up front. instead of name image and likeness, you are a highschooler. is a totally different world. >> always great to talk to you, sports is a great respite from politics at least for me. thank you so much. >> you are welcome. thank you. >> at that brought tonight. everyone have a wonderful st. patrick's day on sunday. have a great weekend with your friends and family. remember it is america now and forever. thanks for watching all week long. jesse watters takes it from here >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime. tonight.
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>> i don't need anything from amanda. and man is not a plan. i'm sure that the source of the money is always the work, sweat and tears of me. >> jesse: a judge rules fanny willis gets to stay but not for long. >> jesse: subway shooting sends new yorkers into a frenzy. >> migrant crime is taking over america, resettling dangers, illegal aliens from all over the world to pray on our people. >> a teenager raped by a biden migrant. plus. >> this is for you. >> what is it? >> we call it a state of the union. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: for 364 days of the year, joe biden goes around washington telling everybody... but once a year, every year, biden taps into his roots. he's an irishman. there's no holiday the president loves more than st. patrick's day. at the monday of of the year he doesn't have to pretend, he just tells folktales from the old country. >> there are all kinds of old irish sayings that my grandfather used to say. made a hinge of our friendship never go rusty. >> jesse: the president has always felt the look of the irish his whole career. he's failed up. today wasn't his lucky day. i judge gave democrats the sweetest ultimatum after a sex scandal rocked one of their biggest cases. either da any willis steps down,
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jeopardizing the whole trump case in georgia or loverboy nathan wade steps down and the case goes on. what do you think happened? loverboy packed his bags. at the biden campaign may think this is a victory but it's not. >> it's like finding two people and taking one off to jail. they both testified in the same way, they were the two parts of this relationship and only one of them i was -- was disqualified. why should willis escape that same penalty. the opinion leaves us feeling like the court... >> jesse: the judge says fanny was unprofessional, made plenty of prejudicial and illegally improper bad choices and had a tremendous lapse in judgement that infected the case with impropriety. and their testimony it had a older of mendacity, meaning it
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stank to high heaven. he's letting her stay on to prosecute trump even though she hired her secret -- secret unqualified boy toy... only one liar can prosecute the case, two line prosecutors create a conflict. watch? even the media is saying if this was any other da, career and her >> i'd be breathing a sigh of relief. and sarah said there is some bruising involved. anyone of these statements would be a career ender. cabin on the record finding that there are reasonable questions about whether you lied under oath, that would be devastating. >> jesse: fanny survived for now. the people prosecuting trump both fanny and biden are openly breaking the law and getting away with it. the optics alone handed trump a major victory. >> even though she's going to stay on the case, all of this is
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really a gift to former president trump and his codefendants because they are not only going to fight this case on the merits, they fight in the court of public opinion. optics here matter. >> jesse: this was a white judge in a heavily african-american county. he takes out a black d8 with fanny's fame, he's off the bench. so what he did was pond the fanny investigation. the georgia state senate has already opened up its own investigation into her office. they have subpoena power, meaning we may get our hands on over 10,000 text messages between fani and loverboy from before she was appointing him special counsel. not only will these salacious texts prove they were romantically involved and lied under oath, of these texts could provide the smoking gun evidence that these two had a political and a financial motive to prosecute trump. it would literally spell out how crooked and conniving these prosecutions are.
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the explosiveness of that evidence would make all of the other trump cases collateral damage. taking them out like hot shrapnel and impugning the integrity of the entire biden legal machine. but it's not just one georgia investigation fanny -- fani. george's attorney general can open up an investigation with subpoena and search warrant power. getting us the text, e-mails, physical computers and phones and the whole office would get hauled into testify in front of a grand jury. with all of that evidence, all you have to prove is the appearance of impropriety. when you bring loverboy into testify, drawing blanks won't cut it. >> did you to go to a cabin with ms. miss willis ever? >> ever? >> ever.
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>> no. >> you've never gone? >> no. >> jesse: the last time fani was put on the stand it nearly blew up their whole case. >> it is a lie. >> i can remember us going. i remember him picking me up. i think... i bought him a bottle of wine while we were there and the sipping's that you do they would pare champagne, chocolate and caviar. if you're a woman and you want it with the men, you better have $200 in your pocket so if the man accept you can go where you want to go.
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i know where it came from, it came for my sweat and tears. >> jesse: democrats can't risk another fani freak show. they can afford to delay this any longer with potentially collapsing just months before the election. when all of their other cases are already cracking or calendared. so the democrats are panicking. the trump russia prosecutor of all people, robert muller's right-hand man is pressuring fanny to drop out. >> this is such a huge body blow, almost a fatal blow to fani willis. at the way forward is she has to voluntarily recuse yourself. now that she has it in her but i think she has to say i'm going to appoint, as... she clearly has no credibility with this judge. >> jesse: the luck of the irish was all the democrats had. happy saint patty's day. trump cheap legal spokeswoman joins me now. how does today impact this legal
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situation you are having? >> the legal situation i'm having shooting to exist no matter who is sleeping with who. we all know that. i think that the fanfare and the craziness that ms. miss fani willis has brought to the table with mr wade has been quite honestly entertaining but distracting from the key fact of the case which is that president trump did not do anything wrong. this case was brought clearly by selective prosecution, persecution and only for election interference. we see that now. what is more troubling today is that this judge we have has, as you said, aponte to. he allowed and out but that doesn't mean that the case should still stand. we had three counts dismissed against president trump, three counts dismissed against another defendant and i was a great start. let's not -- let's not deny what happened.
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it was brought intentionally this year. it's old as can be just like stormy daniels and a lot of these cases that we've seen that our witchhunts, to stop trump from campaigning. while i appreciate all of it, it is quite entertaining i will give you that. i think that we can't be distracted from the fact that this case entirely should be thrown out, ms. miss willis is clearly compromised. the taxpayer should be outraged in the state of georgia and they should take action against her. >> jesse: when we eventually see these text messages, and i believe we will see them, and they show fani and her lover conniving at maliciously prosecuting donald trump, doing it for fame, doing it for fortune, doing it without any sort of judicial integrity, what does that tell you knot just about this case, what is it tell you about all of the cases? first. >> let's start, ms. miss willis
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went into a church, a religious house. if anybody has any morals or moral compass, how dare you go into a religious house and cry racism. that was the lowest point of all of this i have to be honest with you, no matter what those texts say. how does it relate all these cases? i hope it opens the door to us looking at all the das, all the ag's, he medications between the white house and the ministration and collusion between all of them. in bringing these cases the same year even though some of these cases are years and years old, had no investigation or investigations for years and then waited until he was the candidate an obvious candidate for the republican party, on nominee. i would like it to open the door. i hope we get those texts. let's look into everything. i fear that we can't do that until we have a different administration in place. but more importantly it's time for the american people to see the corruption i've seen, the destruction i've seen to the judicial system. it is deep, they are
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coordinating and there's no question that her texts with mr wade just the beginning. >> jesse: she can't prosecute trump in the same courtroom that she perjured herself and. when you do get a new administration if donald trump does win in november, would you suggest he look into all of these prosecutions, sees their phones? these are government phones. if you have a subpoena, you should be able to see what they are writing and see what they are texting and e-mailing. that would really uncover some of the illegal and prosecutorial misconduct which we believe has happened. would you so just he do that? >> i suggest you absolutely dig deep and clean house. more importantly, i'm exhausted of seeing so many subpoenas come out, people come testifying in front of congress and then nothing happens. i want to see action. i want to see people accountable for real crimes. out this fake stuff that has to
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do with politics. are not saying you go after one side or the other. i'm saying clean house. there is no room for politics at all in the judicial system. i'm a lawyer, it shouldn't matter -- shouldn't matter whether whether you are republican or democrat. it's about america to. i would absolutely recommend that we take a look, clean up and start from the top. >> jesse: have a great weekend, thank you much for joining us. new york city at war. >> let me out, let me out! when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. i'm franklin graham. i'm in jerusalem, israel, and i'm standing in front of
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the future is here. we've been creating it for more than 100 years, putting the most advanced technology into people's hands. generation after generation. tool after tool. again and again. bringing you the most reliable network of authorized sales and service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. >> jesse: the soft on crime
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experiment has failed. no bail, knocking down charges and refusing to arrest criminals has turned our cities into the wild west. a look at new york. the subway is becoming almost as dangerous as haiti police are looking for this not job. he was hurling flaming cans of people in the station. last night a man was shot in the head twice during a fight in a subway car. that started after the door shut, morning, this videos graphic. >> jesse: the man who is sitting down squared up. that's win the knives came out.
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>> jesse: it looks like the woman stabbed the attacker in the back as he was pummeling the other guy who she apparently knew. that's when the attacker pulled out his gun.
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>> jesse: the smaller guy who was about to get shot wrestled the gun away. for shots went off. the attacker hit in the face, neck and chest. he's in the hospital in critical condition. the brooklyn d8 says the guy who pulled the trigger was acting in self defence, no charges for now. the girl with a knife could still be charged.
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police are keeping the attackers record sealed, we are working on getting them in his doesn't look like the attacker even had a concealed carry permit for that pistol. probably a hot piece. new york city subway system is dangerous. people are terrified. at the governor sent in the national guard but they were told to act like tsa and checked backpacks. there were two knives and a gun in that fight. they were brought in in their pockets, not bags. the guy with a gun didn't even pay to get in. the governor says the subways are secure and you can thank her for it. >> i'll tell you who does show ... the people on the streets. i been walking the streets. people are saying thank you for taking such strong action. >> jesse: if the subways were safe we wouldn't have shootouts and i fights and guys pitching flaming candles. we wouldn't need people like annual penny to jump in when someone is on a rampage.
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penny is the one in cuffs charged with manslaughter for putting a violent homeless guy in a chokehold. while the criminals are let free to do it over and over again. thomas kenneth is his lawyer. when you see this guy not be charged for defending his life and your client has been charged with manslaughter, how does that make you feel? >> i'm happy that anyone who is defending themselves and is justified as based on this video it certainly looks like that individual was, is not being charged. i don't want to see anybody in my client situation. my client doesn't want to have see -- want to have to see anybody walk in his shoes. it's frustrating. having watched that video, so much of the situation my client encountered last may on the subway when he was coming back from college and they enter the
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subway car and waited for the doors to close and began his unhinged ranch, threatening people and threatening to kill people, telling frightened women and children that he was going to go back to jail for the rest of his life. so much of it began in a similar way that we see this video beginning. somebody walking on who's clearly deranged, announcing to a packed subway car that he was going to perpetrate violence. you really get an appreciation of how my client daniel penny handled the situation. he went up behind jordi neely, not a chokehold but a restraining move to take him down to the ground. it is uncontested by the eyewitnesses who were on that subway car that danny went down and took the fall that brought jordi neely down on top of him then restrained him with the intent of waiting until police arrived. if you approach it a different way as we saw in the video that you just showed and you square off with someone, you don't know
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if they are armed, you don't know if they have knives or guns the situation can devolve into exactly what we saw in that video. is there a cruel irony that my client who did everything the right way to try to protect himself and others on the subway is the one being prosecuted while others are not? i think that's fair to say. >> jesse: we have watched this video. it's minutes long, not a single person came in to restrain these two gentlemen. i shouldn't call them gentlemen, i don't know why i did. do you believe what happened with your client daniel penny has scared off good samaritans packet scared off real men from breaking up fights? >> why wouldn't it? you look at my client, he doesn't have to be a hero. let's look at him as an everyday college student which is what he was. he served in the marine corps.
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on the day in question he's coming back from college, he's an architectural student, is looking to get home to his apartment like millions of other commuters every day who deal with this kind of nonsense. all they do is want to get through their commute unmolested. he then is confronted with a situation where i could stand by and do nothing, this could be... which told everyone the dangers of what can happen when someone doesn't act. he steps up and does it and the consequences he is facing a felony indictment. >> jesse: now someone's in critical condition and everyone's afraid to ride the subway. counsellor thank you for joining us. send our best to your client and good luck in that case. >> absolutely well, thanks for having me. >> jesse: bite and migrants now raping teens.
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“life is better under a sunsetter!” >> jesse: >> the system that let him in his perfectly fine. >> it's a horrible situation, horrible allegation and my thoughts are with the victim and her family. >> i think we have the right systems in place. it's a terrible incident, you don't want to see anything like this happen to is also an individual who came in lawfully under the federal government through a federal program. it's unfortunate that from time to time things will happen. >> jesse: that's not true. just like laken reilly's killer,
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he shouldn't have been here in the first place. he was. joe biden rolled -- rolled out the red carpet for him. he was part of an ins parole program which flies 30,000 migrants a month from haiti and other countries into american system. he didn't have to get on a rickety boat or trek through the gap to get here. joe biden flew him straight into jfk last june. he said he had a sponsor in new jersey. what was he doing at a migrant hostel in massachusetts? just last week, dhs secretary... celebrate the program, saying this. we are pleased that today's court ruling means that the parole processes for individuals from cuba, haiti, nicaragua and venezuela will continue. these are safe and orderly way to reach the united states. the biden administration is flying these illegals into our neighbourhoods because it keeps
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the border crossing numbers down. what a sneaky and evil operation it is. so while the biden administration tries to covertly fly migrants into the states, haiti still wobbles on the brink of collapse and they are eyeing the shores of florida. it's already happening. governor desantis announced that florida agents caught a haitian vessels with 25 illegals off the coast. >> just recently within the last couple of weeks, and this will be made public later today, our florida fish and wildlife officers interdicted a vessel that had 25 illegal immigrants, potentially illegal immigrants from haiti in their boat. they had firearms that they had drugs, they had night vision gear. >> jesse: guns, drugs, nightvision? does it look like they are sending their best?
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former deputy assistant to the secretary of defence amber smith joins us now. what kind of vetting process are we talking about where you say i have a sponsor in jersey, next thing you know you are raping teenagers at a hotel in massachusetts. >> this american taxpayer sponsor program, taxpayer-funded program that is flying these people into the united states directly and then is living on our dime on the taxpayers dime is absolutely, it's dangerous and reckless and despite their best efforts to say otherwise, there is no proper method in place to accurately bet these people. -- vet these people. clearly they don't -- they are not tracking them wants they are inside this country because this man was supposed to be in new jersey with a sponsor, wound up in a migrant hotel in
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massachusetts with children. the program is broken, it's another example of biden's failed immigration policies that is causing people to suffer because of it. it's destroying their lives. they made it very clear that they are not going to fix the problem and they are fine with sacrificing 15-year-old children being raped, women being murdered, the violence, the drugs, the gangs, all of it. >> jesse: so we are flying haitian rapists into america, paying for it so biden's numbers don't look as bad at the border. isn't it easier to vet someone in person amber? on the border you can poke and prod, you can interrogate. you can look at their papers. how do you vet someone and haiti? have you seen haiti? >> this is like apples and oranges. they're using a system that may work with a first world country to first world country. thank it europe. they have systems in place where
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they can accurately and most likely properly vet people. when we are talking about these third world countries that have absolutely zero system for tracking people, no criminal records because they don't track them. then and there just a system where people are paid off and they have literally zero record. they are not able to accurately bet these people and the american people are suffering the consequences because of it. >> jesse: he's got rapes, murders on his hands now. it's a catastrophe. we have to do something about this. thank you so much, we appreciate you joining us. another day another problem for boeing. this time an external panel went missing on a united airlines flight hailing from san francisco to oregon. now i whistleblower apparently committed suicide. christina coleman has the latest >> reporter: boeing
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whistleblower john barnett was found dead saturday in a car outside a holiday inn in charleston south carolina with what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound according to the corners office. some of the workers are reportedly not buying that. the new york post is reporting that a boeing employee does not want to be identified, said a lot of people are sceptical because he made some pretty powerful enemies. a former boeing quality control engineer who worked for the company for more than 30 years recently testified in a whistleblower lawsuit against boeing. he also did an interview with tmz about alleged safety concerns within the company after an exit door ripped off a boeing 737 max nine -- max nine in january midair. >> what we're seeing with the door plug go out is what i had seen... as far as jobs not being
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completed properly, expections -- inspection status being removed, issues being ignored. >> reporter: boeing has released a statement saying by we are saddened by his passing and our thoughts are with his family and friends. the attorneys also commenting on him. they say he had been retaliated against and subjected to a hostile work environment. in a statement, they said john was in the midst of a deposition and is whistleblower retaliation cage which finally was nearing end. he was in very good spirits, really looking forward to putting this phase of his life behind him and moving on. we didn't see any indication he would take his own life, no one can believe it. we are all devastated. we need more information about what happened to john. police are actively investigating and wait for the formal cause of death to be determined in this case. >> jesse: thank you so much.
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people are joking that joe biden may have been on something during the state of the union. (♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine. (police sirens) active ten eighty nine. the threat says, “the bombs will blow up tonight. jews will die. they deserve to die.” get everybody and just come to our church.
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thank you for welcoming us in. and now, we call elliot to the torah as a bar mitzvah.
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>> jesse: if professional sports taught us anything is that bad deals can cripple a franchise. asked the broncos. they gave russell wilson a five-year deal and then cut him last week. the browns traded 31st rounders for deshawn watson, paid him 230 million guaranteed and he's never on the field. then there are the mats who are still paying bobby benaiah one half million every year until when he 35 even though he hasn't played for them in a quarter-century. none of these even come close to joe biden's electric vehicle charger deal. when a big guy came into office he spent... we're supposed to have charging stations every 50 miles along every highway. it was supposed to be halfway finished by now. but guess how many charging
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stations he has built? for. that's it. hawaii, ohio, pennsylvania and new york each have one. so why is this taking so long? where's the rest of the money and who got the contracts? republicans are demanding answers but they are getting stonewalled by the administration. so are we. these stations are never going to be built. no one is buying electric cars. they barely work in the cold. >> we have a bunch of dead robots out here. >> dead title -- dead teslas but >> reporter: i seen mirrored in other stations around the chicago area. >> it's crazy. it's a disaster. >> reporter: with temperatures falling into the negative double digits, these charging ports have stopped discharging, leaving many tesla owners stranded here in long lines
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since sunday. >> jesse: car companies are losing money on electric vehicles and now they are slashing the targets for detroit just so he can win michigan. we could be looking at the biggest... in government history and not saying a lot. charlie hurt joins me now. charlie, 500,000 of these stations were supposed to be built by now. they've done four. >> 5 billion for four. you know it's amazing about that? that's probably for more than they needed because there's no market for these things. you have to give it to democrats. most corrupt politicians figure out a scheme for kickbacks or they steal money or they funnel some money to some friends of theirs or whatever. democrats don't operate like that.
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they create an entire industry, they claim that they care about the planet. they don't. it has nothing to do with the environment. it all has to do with creating an entire industry where they build all of these companies. there was billions of dollars and it just vanishes into thin air. they create this entire industry so that they can hire all of their bodies. they funnel all of these billions of dollars worth of taxpayer dollars and then they call it a day. it doesn't matter to them if all of it is absolutely useless and if anything it hurts the environment. >> jesse: they won't even tell us who their bodies are. they won't tell us who got the contracts. that's how shady it is. also kind of shady, joe biden has these cheat sheets he brings. he met with the leader of
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violent today and not only did have the irish flag in case he forgot, it had the picture of the man's face who he was sitting next to. now everybody is thinking this guy needs a cheat sheet to know what the guy sitting across from him looks like. also everybody thinks he might have been on something during the state of the union. listen to these two fellas. >> on his regular speeches they usually goat let's get ready to mumble and he gets up. he came out of that canon. he popped out of the toaster. i just want whatever he was having. i thought he should be running around the chamber going parkour >> maybe backstage they were going mr president, this is for you. what is it? we call it a state of the union. osher... >> they put in a biscuit like a dog.
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>> you note this is not your average balance of nature cocktail here. i think that joe biden has a huge future selling whatever it was that he was on for the state of the union address. it's not just for old people either. i think young people would buy this stuff. whatever it was, it was fantastic. >> jesse: popped out of a toaster. i would buy some myself. charlie, thank you so much. >> the problem is it's like a lot of these drugs, the problem is when you come down from them? if you don't after a certain number of hours, you should seek medical attention. >> jesse: poor jill biden, that's all i have to say. sink or swim is next.
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>> jesse: sink or swim. the husband-and-wife edition. whoever wins is going to have bragging rights the whole weekend. >> no doubt. if he wins, he still loses. >> jesse: that's how it always is. >> jesse: beware of the box. rfk junior's top picks for v. people revealed this week. he said he's considering this man because he's a critical thinker and we need that with the rise of ai. was he referring to aaron rogers or jesse ventura? both going with rogers. >> he's a critical thinker and i think we need that with the rise of ai. >> jesse: very much a critical thinker. >> rachel looked at my...
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>> that's not true. >> jesse: have some integrity. >> look at jesse not at me. >> jesse: which democrat politician said this about haiti back in 94... it wouldn't matter a whole lot in terms of our interest, was a bill clinton or joe biden? >> based on the way they treated haiti, i'm going to go with the clintons. >> jesse: and your husband going with. >> i'm going to go joe biden. >> jesse: he doesn't know what he's doing. let's see it. >> if haiti just quietly sunk into the caribbean or rose up 300 feet, it wouldn't matter a whole lot. >> joe biden. >> jesse: so when he wins it/. >> i didn't know the answer.
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>> jesse: which squad member referred to president trump as the former white person -- white supremacist and chief. was it aoc or corey bush? >> that's a tough one. >> jesse: it is tough. >> i'm going to go with aoc. >> jesse: i'm going to go with bush >> to reelect the former wipers -- white so premises in chief donald trump. >> vegas is beside themselves right now. >> jesse: look how self-assured he is right now. >> he knows it well. not necessarily a great thing. >> jesse: what we do in these situations where our preferred winter is down by two, we like to make this next question... to keep it interesting. which democrat said this week that trumps intelligence briefings need to be restricted
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because he may shoot it off to the russian ambassador? was it... this is worth two. >> they will have to assume anything they tell him... he may shoot it off to the russian ambassador. >> jesse: even when he wins, he loses. >> i've got a whole shelf full of these, thank you. >> jesse: wear it proudly. >> were going out to dinner. >> jesse: thanks guys. >> thanks jesse. >> jesse: programming notes, i will be on... 8:00 eastern tomorrow night. what could that be about? probably has some thing to do with get it together, the greatest book ever written besides the bible.
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we will have exclusive interviews again every day next week for the series. tuesday the book drops, in same day as the pope and the pope should be worried. pat from new york, 10,000 texts, fani -- fani may have to call hillary. >> odour of mendacity is my new favourite phrase. that was the name of my band in high school. gary from tallahassee florida, joe stopped by on a charging station on his way to the state of the union. i need one of those. we have james from florida, makes me feel lucky. happy st. patrick's day to the luckiest audience in the world


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