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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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one to own a u.s. media outlet. the chinese regime couldn't buy fox news or the "new york times." and we shouldn't let them control tiktok, either. >> bret: okay. thanks a lot. good to be here. see you soon. okay. tomorrow on "special report," legendary college football coach nick saban from alabama joins to us talk about college athletes on the payroll. that's an exclusive interview you will see here. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 3 president e east and 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. that's it for "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. it's been a busy week. only halfway down. "the ingraham angle" is next. ♪ >> good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. china and the tiktok addicts.
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that's the focus of tonight's angle. i wonder what the leaders of the chinese communist parties think about the tiktok debate in the united states. after brilliantly deploying a propaganda and spying operation inside the u.s., they must be pleasantly surprised to see bipartisan support to help them protect it. >> yes. just like every other social media platform, there is misinformation and privacy concerns. it's important that we don't treat tiktok differently than other platforms. if we're going to address this issue, we have got to take the same approach to other media platforms. we can't just single out one. >> laura: we most certainly can and should. when our national security in our election integrity is at stake, we must act to protect our country. now, for decades, we have been trying to prevent the transfer of sensitive u.s. technology to our adversaries in china, in iran, north korea, russia, and
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so on. and it's so bad with china that all g-7 foreign ministers pledge actions to counter china's use of economic coercion to extract sensitive technology to grow its own military. essentially, what happens is china says if you want access to our capital markets, you need to give us access to your data. and with tiktok, owned by the ccp-linked bytedance, they don't even have to ask. they just take. the house bill that passed today by a vote of 352 to 65, wow, it will force tiktok to divest itself from bytedance for all the obvious reasons. now pro-tiktok congressman knowing they are effectively helping the ccp ignore the truth that it's not even a ban. >> i don't like bans on speech, john and, you know, look, i don't like the republican book bans. i don't like the bans on bodies that republicans have put in place across the country.
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>> laura: bans on bodies, okay. what a moron. but at least the company owned by the ccp agrees with swalwell. this process was secret and the bill was jammed through for one research. it's a ban. we are hopeful that the senate will consider the facts, listen to their constituents, and realize the impact on the economy. 7 million small businesses and 170 million americans who use our service. as if china, that unleashed the covid virus on the united states and% could you tell us its dissidence cares about helping american small businesses, give me a break. and i'm wearing red tonight. all bytedance needs to do is spin off tiktok but it refuses. why? well, we know why. of course, china doesn't allow the american version of tiktok to operate over there. what would happen if a u.s. affiliated company tried to set up a pro-u.s. propaganda stream in beijing?
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pray tell. but what about the argument that congress would be in violation of the first amendment if they proceeded? >> the bill does not violate the first amendment. it focuses on conduct, not content. it requires both being controlled by a foreign adversary and conduct that itself is espionage. we have taken action at the carrier level preventing china mobile and china telecom from connecting to our networks based on a determination they are controlled by the ccp and a national security threat. we now need to take action at the application level when maligned ccp control has been demonstrated, less we render meaningless our past actions to protect the united states of america. >> laura: here here, i was standing up and cheering him at that. >> if we. ed to be serious about stopping china. we would stop china from buying our u.s. farmland. we would raise up our american
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emergency independence, and if we cared about americans' data then we would stop the sale of america's data universally not just with china. >> laura: okay. farmland. i'm losing that thought there god bless her. why is it so hard for some to grasp that china is a unique threat to the united states? because we don't want to stop all commerce with china. >> if the ccp wanted to use the app. to prevent congress from acting, say, on a debate over authorizing force to defend taiwan or removing china's permanent normal trade relation status. >> the possibility for dangerous propaganda is too immense to allow one of our foremost adversaries to have this control
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over what is increasingly becoming the most dominant news platform. >> bingo, i wish he weren't retiring. the biden campaign putting out tiktok videos making fun of speaker johnson. >> side eye. side eye. >> laura: tiktok is making some interesting bed fellows along the way. for the first time, perhaps, ever the squad is on the same side as donald trump who himself is skeptic of a congressional action. >> will there are a lot of people on tiktok that love it. there are a lot of young kids on tiktok who will go crazy without it. without tiktok, you can make facebook bigger. and i consider facebook to be an enemy of the people. >> laura: now, i understand what he's saying but does president trump really think that tiktok in the end is going to be fair to him? that china wants trump back in the white house? well, wild, if so. but it really is beside the
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point. it's a national security imperative. but, look, when you become a addicted to something, addicted to tiktok, that's the last thing on your mind like, duh. >> i just don't buy into like the whole conspiracy idea that we're like being spied on by like big governments. a lot of conservatives are always talking about free speech and now there's this major channel that allows people to express themselves freely, yet, they want to take it away. >> you think that the chinese communist party is spying on americans through it. >> i don't think so. yeah. i don't -- i don't think they are. >> i would hope not. if so, i don't know how much valuable information they are going to get from it. >> i don't know how much of a security threat that is just because i feel like a majority of tiktok users are going to be like of my demographic, just going on and having like fun and [bleep]. >> laura: and blank. the app. works perfectly you
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almost can't blame the kids. critical thinking has he taken a hit over time. and celebrities love it. they are kind of fun. biden uses it. kind of fun to laugh at. trump is defending it. and the fact that tiktok is fun overrides everything else. >> i use tiktok like all day. like all the time. i am addicted to tiktok. i feel like even when i'm not using it i am talking about what i saw on tiktok. but i really like it for it's funny and it's go to like discover new songs and music. i am big into fashion and tiktok like i get so many different ideas and i like posting my outfits and seeing other people's outfits. so i love tiktok. >> laura: well, "nuff said." the ccp knew exactly what it was doing when its tech brainiacs set up the platform and planted it in the united states. the cooking videos, celebrity gossip, health tips, comedy sketches were a genius way to
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draw us all in. but that's not what china cares about. they want their system to come to nate ours. this is one key weapon in the information wars deployed through software tweaking whenever they see fit. that's the algorithm. this is why china's bytedance is spending so heavily on lobbying. check out the most recent data we can find from open since it started lobbying in 2019, bytedance spent a stunning $17.7 million on lobbying. lord knows how much they have spent this year. but they have hired some familiar faces to stop this tiktok bill from passing the senate. so, will senate republicans go the way of swalwell, ilhan omar, and the ccp? or will they vote for what is pragmatic here? to keep the app. as long as it cuts the pipeline back to the ccp. seems common sense to me and that's the angle. joining me now is the fec
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commissioner brendan carr who for years has been warning about the dangers of tiktok. brendan, you took aim at the theory that this bill applies to all social media platforms, explain them. >> look, there is a lot of concern particularly on the right whenever congress does something these days that can be weapons of mass destructioned against them because we have been living that for so long. my job as a republican on the fec has been to sound the alarm on anything that can be used for weaponization. not only does this bill not give that authority to the president it doesn't rely on that alone. there are five layers of constraints that have been put on here. >> it cannot be used against any individual. it only applies to entits controlled by a foreign adversary government which is just china, russia, iran and north korea finding the of national security. and additional process beyond that and the ban, it is a
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divestment. this is a very targeted bill, smart legislation. >> laura: it's not like you can just hop right to we're going to censor conservatives. that's not how far the system was set up. you understand why conservatives think, wait a second. especially after what was done to donald trump in the last election, we saw the, you know, the weaponization of social media platforms. and i would say the conclusion of some of these social media ceos against republicans in general, so i get it. >> yeah, you are absolutely right. there's a lot of work we have to do still with big tech. we need to reform section 230 as president trump has called for. we need to prevent the discrimination against conservatives. you can't do any of that with an entity beholden to the ccp. look, tiktok said to us for a long time. no u.s. user data goes back to china. >> laura: that's a lie. >> everything is seen in china. they told us don't worry, we are not actually spying on americans. they now admitted, yes, they were spying on americans. they then told us, three, don't
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worry, you caught us. we will be better this time. we are walling off china from this data. that is a lie. china still has access. >> laura: just in the tiktok ceo has responded to what went down today. watch. >> this legislation, if signed into law, will lead to a ban of tiktok in the united states. even the bill's sponsors admit that that's their goal. this bill gives more power to a handful of other social media companies. it will also take billions of dollars out of the pockets of creators, and small businesses. it will put more than 300,000 american jobs at risk. and it will take away your tiktok. we know how important tiktok is to all of you. >> laura: is it just me or are the creepy tiktok edits getting to you. i'm sorry. that jump cut like weird thing they do, it all feels like we're in a hostage video with them. but, look, he is really slick. withstood the slings and arrows on capitol hill and he just -- he is programmed, man. is he right out of central casting. >> look, you are right.
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today was a day that tiktok spent millions of dollars. >> laura: how much are you spending. >> they paid many, many lobbyists to avoid today which is overwhelming bipartisan vote in favor of making break up. >> laura: how does the senate not affirm what the house has done here. i know it has a different role than the house, the passions, the cooler saucer of the senate and all that. we have so little that congress agrees on. this is not a ban, how do you -- how do people not see this at this point? >> i think the odds are very good. actually, look back, schumer and cotton on the same letter in 2019 raising concerns with tiktok. so i think the odds are actually very good in the senate. in fact, republicans and democrats in the senate are already speaking up in favor of the house bill. that's really good to see. >> laura: this is fantastic news. and i was on this with mike pompeo in 2019. he is the first to say it on our show delete the app. from your phone. just don't delete tiktok.
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maybe throw your phone away. commissioner carr, great to see you. a voice in the wilderness at the fcc. last week i made a prediction about joe biden and guess what? just came true. i will explain it next. stay there. ♪
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they gave old yeller waive reviews. >> steroids goes for the juggler. >> he had frazier's left hook. this was the tour de force by joe biden. >> i thought he was fabulous. >> the president hit it out of the park. i mean, he was brilliant. the issue of fitness last night for joe biden got put to rest. >> tell us, mitch. but not did biden not get no post state of the union bump. 538 as him as pathetic 34.7%. the lowest point of his entire presidency. in the approval column. if only someone could have predicted this. >> we'll see soon when real polling comes out but in the long term i don't think the speech helped him at all. >> laura: joining me now mollie hemingway editor and chief at "the federalist" byron york chief political correspondent for "the washington examiner" both fox news contributors. mollie, who ever thought that sending biden out there to yell would be a good strategy should
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be fired. again no one fired in the administration. >> no one ever held responsible. i'm so glad you showed those people praising this speech. that's what everybody was doing in print and other media. it didn't take any particular excellent punditry to see this was unbelievably bad state of the union speech. one of the worst that anyone had ever seen. so divisive, so angry, so mean toward people. so, if you were going to have to have him -- they did have a difficult job. they did have to have him out there and perform for while. even if he had just given eloquent speech that talked in hopeful ways that would have helped him more than this bizarre speech he gave. >> laura: byron, they want to double down on failure. they refuse to change policies. mollie and i have talked about this so many times and, so, instead, they replace that with anger and divisiveness and a sense of resentment ran through that speech which i think that just doesn't go over well with people that they feel like they have been hammered over the last three years. >> there were republicans who were in the room that night
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saying we wish the white house would have given us just something where we could stand up and agree like everybody is all bipartisan and everything. and biden didn't give them absolutely anything. but i do think the bigger explanation for his demeanor is that they believe that by yelling he would seem younger. he wouldn't seem quite as old and it didn't work. and what you pointed out is absolutely correct. when a speech like this happens, you know, not that many people watch it in terms of the 330 330 million americans. takes a tweak read about it. talk to people about it and now you see it didn't do any good. >> laura: mollie, a trusted source today told me that despite what looks like some decent movement over at the rnc and a bit of a staff shakeup there, there is still not really much in the way of preparation to get mail-in ballots returned registers peering to vom or
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overall legal strategy given what may happen. >> different things, legal strategy is actually different than the mail-in ballot strategy. and not all of it can be done through the rnc. but if people are waiting on the rnc to be doing -- now is way too late. >> laura: where is it being done? >> the democrats have always done a very good job of having outside groups. >> laura: where are the republicans doing it? >> republicans have some outside groups who have began working on it but they should do much more. any time you have a primary election or midterm election they should have been testing what works best in terms of getting those mail-in ballots harvested. how do they get people on the permanent absentee list in pennsylvania or other places where you need to start getting the numbers to be able to narrow the gap between what democrats have done for decades in securing some of these voters, and getting them brought into the mail-in ballot process versus what republicans have done. >> laura: i mean, i know president trump has, a lot of skepticism about mail-in ballots but they are here to stay in democrat-run jurisdictions. they are -- they are a fact. so to win in those
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jurisdictions, you got to be in the, you know, places where people are who can't get to the polls, rest homes, other areas, democrats will make sure that every person in a retirement home is voting democrat. every single person. >> i mean, the motto has to be if it's legal, do it. the president, president trump actually maybe did too good a job back in the 2020 election and in 2022 election in emphasizing election day voting. >> bank the votes, bank the votes early now. >> what had happened in the 2020 election was that when trump was talking about a big red wave on election day, democrats had banked millions of votes every single day for three weeks leading up to the election. >> laura: mollie, if we look at the polling from some of these key states, it shows that trump is up four points in michigan. up one in wisconsin. a lot of the redistricting there. six points in arizona, wow. and in pennsylvania, biden holds a less than 1% lead there, which i think is actually good news in
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pennsylvania; it's not how much money you make, it's how much money you take home. it's not how much what you have in the polls, it's how many people vote. >> yes, poll something a great indication of where the american people actually are. election day -- or election votes are about these ballot operations. and so you can't bank just on having really good poll numbers. now, i do think we should point out these poll numbers are dramatically better. that very last "the washington post" poll in wisconsin said biden was going to win by 17 points. he won by one point. so when you are seeing polls with trump being up in wisconsin that is significant. there's a long way to go and nobody should be counting anything. they should be working and working really hard on the legal efforts, particularly in wisconsin where you have a lot of democrat lawfare being used to make that election less stable. >> laura: byron, do you think at this point, given what you know and all the reporting you have done, that the republicans have learned some lessons from the last election. >> i think they have. first of all, donald trump is
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doing better on this day. >> laura: i'm talking about the machinery of politics. he is doing fantastic. >> well, there were a number of republicans who did see that they -- you know, they got their clocks cleaned in a number of races. going back, after the 2018 midterms. it was a member of the house from california who said harvesting is legal. we got to do it. >> laura: do it. >> so i think that they have finally gotten this lesson. >> laura: all right. great to see both of you mollie and byron, thanks so much. haiti has devolved into chaos after violent gangs took over. so what's biden doing? well, turns out your wallet might be a little lighter after they figure it out. congressman chip roy and former acting trump dhs chief chad wolf is here on what's next this all means for the united states. ♪ know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you.
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the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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>> laura: tonight gaps are running the troubled island country of haiti. the prime minister there stepped down and inmates are literally running the asylum there. police stations, government buildings, all overrun and the prison doors flung open. and looting, of course, is rampant. law abiding haitians are desperate. worse, these gangs though have freed thousands of inmates from some of the worse prisons in the country and then police stations and government buildings at the same time have been ransacked. a thug named barbecue is said to be in charge of the chaos there. he pledged, according to reports, that he was prepared to make an alliance with the devil to stay in power. so america spent billions over the years to prop up haiti after natural disasters and coups and failed coups all for not. now secretary of state antony blinken with all of his success said that we will be giving $33 million in humanitarian assistance to haiti, is it going to go to barbecue? tax dollars to barbecue.
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okay. and we just learned this week that we are sending marines to protect the embassy there and to evacuate personnel. we counted this marks the sixth embassy that the united states has been forced to evacuate under the promised steady, calm leadership of joe biden. and speaking of haiti,ed to bensman for the center for immigration studies reported from october of 2022 to december of 2023, biden's cbp granted flight authorizations to more than 320,000 immigrant using the cbp 1 app. while they were abroad. 133,000 of these were haitians 23 republican lawmakers asked the biden administration to terminate the program and demanded to know where these newcomers, that's what they are called now, newcomers were sent. the biden administration won't say because the information they claim could be exploited by bad actors. that's you, by the way, the
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taxpayers are bad actors. we also reached out to dhs for further clarity, no response from them yet. joining us now texas congressman chip roy and chad wolf former acting dhs secretary under president trump. congressman, you get the sense that the biden administration is preparing to bring in hundreds of thousands of haitians into the united states? >> well, good evening, laura, yeah. there is no question about it. you just mentioned it. we had 133,000, i think, haitians. what the american people don't fully understand the extent to which radical progressive democrats, led by biden, led by alejandro mayorkas are releasing large numbers of people into the united states purposefully. right? in total violation of the law. they are using parole, they are using asylum to mass release i think the number around is somewhere around 4.5 million people. now you are seeing this 133,000 from haiti where have you got now roving gangs running around the island engaging in cannibalistic activity. >> laura: these are all law abiding people coming into the country.
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sure. this is the joke, right? you have got democrats will go to the floor like jim mcgovern and go down there and say republicans own this now. why? because they put their fake bill over in the senate. the fact is this president, these radical progressive democrats, they want to remake this country. we have 50 million foreign born. they want to dump a whole lot of folks in this country. you have want to know venezuela's crime is going down? because the criminals are now here. >> laura: we are the best thing that has ever happened to venezuela. what is the potential dirng da for this country. >> the danger is allowing all these people come in that are not vetted. if you are paroling up to 300,000. >> laura: that means releasing into the country people don't know immigration lingo. >> parole release. asylum you release them into american communities. either ways hundreds of thousands, millions of folks into american communities and you don't -- they are not properly vetted. you don't know who they're. whether they are public safety threats like we saw obviously with laken riley or national security threats you have an issue here. you can't continue to sustain this type -- these types of
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numbers and really understand who they are. >> laura: it's invasion of newark. people say you can't say that. why? it is invasion of america that's green lit by this administration. congressman pentagon official testified about the coming migrant crisis from haiti yesterday. watch. this we have not seen large numbers, what we would characterize as maritime mass migration. >> we are alert to that possibility. i think you're right that the driving conditions in haiti could very well press more people. >> laura: hundreds of thousands of people. she might have a banner, hundreds of thousands are coming here. not reassuring. >> governor abbott in texas has been responding to this invasion by putting up wire. obviously this administration trying to fight him on it. governor desantis activated another 250 of their law enforcement personnel or national guard to go deal with what they are going to deal with now. haitian boats we intercepted 24 yesterday. >> laura: chad said you can unlike at the border where they can just come in. what can happen when try to come on.
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>> coast guard can turn you around. intercept on the sea and return them back to haiti. >> laura: do you think that this coast guard under biden will do that. >> that is the law. >> laura: that doesn't matter one bit. >> they are supposed to operate. we have seen them do it over the last couple of years. now, it's different if you have a mass migration, talking about hundreds and thousands of boats and that's a different issue. >> laura: now, the three of us have been on this immigration issue. you in official capacity but congressman roy and i for decades. >> two decades. >> laura: on what's happened on immigration. do you think in many ways this will eclipse even the economic nightmare that biden has created for the regular person out there who feels like, you know they can't get a break all these people are being waved in public schools, healthcare. like all the rest. not that it's perfect when they come here. do you think that's almost going to eclipse the economy. >> all the polling indicates that right now. nationwide. can i tell you anecdotally in texas that's a certainty. i can tell you we have democrat
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colleagues who will whisper to us laken riley is becoming essentially george floyd towards us. they are feeling it. i know they are feeling it in georgia because frankly they saw what happened. let's be very clear here. directly as a result of the mass releases of individuals through el paso, through parole, violating the law, this individual is released into this country, went new york, went to georgia and killed laken riley. that's fact. >> laura: we don't know how many crimes have been committed by illegals because they never like to actually give you the information, the immigration detainers are never lodged. >> right. >> we never know and they get circulated in and out of the system as this guy did. >> a lot of the stats don't actually categorize the folks as illegal. you have see the crime. but you don't know if they're illustrate legal. they are here in the u.s. legally. maybe a permanent resident or the like. so it's very difficult to actually get the real stats on how many crimes are committed by illegal aliens. >> laura: this is the family of killers. eye bar remarks the duis, the other robberies, you know, assaults, so this is passed down
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from brother to brother here. >> no question. when we're talking about this. we have this case with laken riley's killer but also a venezuelan engaged with a 2-year-old killed right here in montgomery county. >> laura: northern teaming and montgomery county worried about covid was going to kill everybody and now we got ms-13 crawling around montgomery county and liberals welcome. in i love spanish-speaking people i love spanish. but they have no concern for the hardworking people of montgomery county who actually, you know, do the hard work every day. >> yeah. look. unfortunately laken riley cases every day in the united states. >> laura: in one way or another someone is getting brutalized. >> of course i'm glad her case has gotten the attention that it has and there will be congressional action in others. american people have toll rise go it's not just happening in georgia and virginia it's happening in every state and almost every community. >> and where we feel it in texas, right? we spent $12.5 billion to do what the federal government is supposed to do. dealt with half mall criminals, murders, assaults, et cetera people here illegally over the last decade.
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>> laura: they want to flip texas anyhow. congressman, thank you. missouri teen whose head was slammed repeatedly into the ground during a fight she is still in a coma. andrew bailey wants to get tough on this teen attacker but how? he joins us next. ♪ i'm franklin graham. i'm in jerusalem, israel, and i'm standing in front of what they call the garden tomb. an empty tomb, and many people believe that's where the body of jesus christ lay after he was crucified for our sins.
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but on the third day, god raised his son to life. that's our hope in this troubled world in which we live. our hope is in christ, a risen savior. have you ever trusted him as your savior? have you ever invited him into your heart? have you ever surrendered your life to him? if you haven't done it, do that right now. just pray this prayer. say, "god, i'm a sinner. "i'm sorry. forgive me. "i believe jesus, your son. "i want to invite him into my heart, "and trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord "from this day forward. amen." if you prayed that prayer we've got some people that would like to talk to you, pray with you. so, call that number that's on the screen. do that right now. god bless you! thank you!
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- wounded warrior project has been with me every step of my journey. - they've helped me realize it's possible to rise to the top again. - it's possible to get the help i need for me and my family. - it's possible to hate pushups again. - to feel understood. - to begin healing both inside and out. - to feel like myself again. - and now i know anything is possible. (gentle music)
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>> laura: of course not just haiti seeing out-of-control time american cities run by liberal mayors with progressive d.a.s are being overrun as well. and increasingly juveniles are getting in on the act. here in the nation's capital, a 14-year-old and two 13 yeecialtedz are facing charges police connected them to multiple robberies and carjackings. officers say the victim was sitting in his car when two suspects walked up and carjacked him at gunpoint. a third suspect assaulted the victim before all three drove away in the victim's car. in seattle, police just released dash cam footage from a pursuit in december involving two 14-year-old and a 16-year-old accused trying to car jack several people while they claim to have a weapon. fortunately, officers there were able to arrest the three suspects after deploying spike
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strips to disable the vehicle and chasing the juveniles down on foot with the help of a k-9 unit. so we could do this all night long. why is it happening? well, it's a complex issue. no fathers in many cases. no role models in others. some cases no god. but also, we have got to remember oftentimes no consequences. increasingly, there are calls though to start charging some of these teens as adults. consider the case of caden holland, aka baby k. >> 16-year-old caden holland, known as baby k, right now he's in custody in prince george's county on charges of attempted murder. he is accused of trying to kill a student on board of a school bus. prosecutors say he pointed a gun and pulled the trigger buff the gun jammed multiple times. in that case, baby k is being tried as an adult but in the district, he is wanted on a murder charge as a juvenile. >> laura: look, if you want to do the big boy crime, you'll end
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up with a big boy time. things end up getting right in this country. that's the message we need to send to criminals. including young criminals. and that's exactly what my next guest is calling for. in another case outs of missouri that we brought you earlier this week involving the 15-year-old girl who was seen here repeatedly smashing a classmate's skull into the concrete. the victim remains in critical condition there. police have r. not revealing the identities of the victim or the suspect because both are minors. joining me now is andrew bailey, missouri attorney general. andrew, you're calling for the 15-year-old suspect to be charged as an adult. now, and if the victim should die, heaven for bid, from her injuries, that the charges should be upgraded to homicide? >> yeah. that's exactly right. laura, let me start by saying that my thoughts and prayers go to the victim in this matter, who is still suffering in critical condition in a hospital in st. louis but let's not forget that this attack occurred at 2:30 p.m. on a friday
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afternoon in broad daylight on a public street near the school where these youth were students and there is multiple youth involved and what we see in the video is an attacker who repeatedly bashes the victim's head into the hard pavement. has multiple opportunities to disengage from the fight but, clearly intends to inflict serious physical injury. and a youth of this age who commits an adult crime needs to be tried as an adult and the law is clear on this point. in missouri, the juvenile in the court have to hold a certification hearing on this matter. >> laura: these kids are pretty sophisticated in many ways. they have seen a lot, especially online. a lot of it is really bad. a go fund me page for the victim explains that she was left alone on the ground to convulse before emts arrived on the scene. she was admitted to the local hospitals in saint lewis with a skull fracture and frontal lobe damage. she has major brain bleeding and swelling and is in critical condition.
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cailee is fighting hard to stay alive and heal. this is such a heart break on so many levels you see this rage, spilling out across america. especially in inner cities, especially with a d.a.s don't give a you know what about the consequences side of things. they are just trying to figure out how to help criminals get off. >> yeah. you are exactly right. laura. i mean, look, these children grew up in st. louis. youth who watched the soros backed prosecutor in kim gardner in st. louis refused to prosecute criminal defense defendants. a congresswoman shamefully called for the defunding of police and they attend a school that has a history of promoting dei programs that promote racial divisiveness at the expense of having uniformed police officers in their schools. so the systems are failing. the adults are pushing radical social agendas and the cost is seen in the video. this heinous offense has resresulted in disastrous consequences and the adults in the room need to stand up and do
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the right thing. it's time we start holding wrong doers responsible and promoting this culture of violence. >> laura: we just understand that another attack took place not too far from where this attack took place an individual was stabbed and actually died at the rosemary jennings jr. high school there. no suspects are in custody. but police are investigating that incident and says this does not appear to be random governor, another teenager dead from a stabbing in the st. louis area. >> yeah. when radical progressives have their way and push these racially divisive policies or nullify the law through abuse of prosecutorial discretion and call for defunding of police, this is the disastrous consequence. we have got to hold the wrong doers accountable. you are not doing the youth or community any favors by turning a blind eye. when youth of this age commit
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crime they need to be ahead accountable as adults. >> laura: maybe some of the parents need have severe liability imposed on them as well. attorney general bailey thank you. claudine gay has her job. next guest does not. he says he was fired by harvard for speaking out against covid lockdowns and vax mandates. you may remember him from our conch. dr. molten mull doppler takes on former employer, next. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the
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with the rugged impactliner from weathertech. for even more protection add these premium american made products. order today at >> an attorney for the group suing the state argues that transgender children need the types of care senate bill 14 blocks. >> the state coming into the living room and making decisions about care and that's a problem. >> pro trans fanatics continue to fail our kids by promoting so-called gender affirming care, england wised up and is banning puberty blockers and in norway it's top healthcare board
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revision is awesome and joins other european nations such as finland and sweden in introducing limits on the provision of this mutilating procedure to minors. so why hasn't america caught on? even the progressives in europe know the truth. former uk prime minister liz truss spoke out. >> it's incredibly damaging for young people before they are able to make those decisions, to take these drugs that are altering these bodies. this is a massive step forward in britain that these drugs will no longer be prescribed on the national health service. >> upac,, europe is taking action while america is sitting on her hands. we need to step up before even more damage to our children is done. so britain has awaken to the harm of puberty blockers put doctors in america who sounded the alarm on anything from miss -- this gender fanaticism to the lies about covid or getting fired. remember famed epidemiologist
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doctor martin kulldorf from my medicine cabinet? after years of chasing the truth, he just announced that he's no longer a professor of medicine at harvard. dr kulldorf is a genius and joins me now. dr, great to see you, what was the reason that harvard university fired you? >> well there was a disagreement about infection acquired immunity. we have known since the plague and 430 bc that if you have an infection, you have immunity against it and despite that, harvard and the harvard hospitals were mandating vaccines for all it's members and that is both unscientific and unethical because if -- let's presume this was the best vaccine ever, you want people who needed to get the vaccine, not the people who don't because they already have the protection
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from prior covid infection. >> and just a cost-benefit analysis, the pros and cons, i mean you are the expert here, but if you have .0001% chance of getting seriously ill from a virus and yet you are going to take what is, you know, relatively an experimental drug that does not prevent transmission or getting the virus, then why is this even a question that it should not be mandated? >> well among the children and young adults, the risk of dying from covid was always minuscule and it still is so there was never a reason to vaccinate children for example. >> just like with the puberty blockers, they backed away from that. they seem to be ahead of us on that, doctor kulldorf. we reached out harvard for a statement and they said in part that hospital-based faculty such
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as doctor kulldorf are employed by one of the affiliates, not part harvard medical school and required an active hospital appointment to maintain an academic appointment at harvard. dr, we also reached out to mass general, they would not give us details but said your employment was terminated in november 2021. what reason were you given then? >> no, this was the reason. harvard medical school kept me on leave for two years and that ended a few months ago. >> the major leave permanent. harvard was like yeah, by your leave was not temporary. does this surprise you, you feel like we are living in an alternate universe here with just basic facts of epidemiology and virology completely thrown out the window in the study of covid? >> well if you asked me four years ago, it would've surprised me enormous leg, but no longer
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unfortunately. but the problem is, if you want to have scientific progress and a healthy scientific community, you have to allow open discussions about scientific matters. that hasn't been the case. i mean the taxpayers are spending a billion dollars over year on research at mass general and i think that taxpayers should demand that if they spend money on the research, they should demand that there's academic feedback and open discussion without bullying or cancelations. >> dr kulldorf, i hope with the change in leadership in washington, perhaps in november, that is exactly what happens. time to pull taxpayer funding for that research if they continue to do this nonsense. you are a treasure. that is it for us tonight, thank you for watching, remember, it's america now and forever and jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse waters prime time. tonight... [ bleep


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