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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 11, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> and have reduction of some of the defense spending. now, people may disagree. but what my challenge would be, you propose your own way of increasing revenue and -- >> neil: how about being more creative of finding ways to save money on what we're spending? then address what we're pouring in to it. why can't we do that? at least give a particle of the same time we do to raising money to saving money? you think we can do it? >> here's the thing. when the democrats talk about it, we talk about the 55%, which is the military budget and saying let's do it there. the republicans talk about the social spending. >> neil: you talk fast. >> both places for efficient government. i'm all for efficient government. >> neil: we don't solve anything. >> dana: hello everyone i'm dana
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perino with jeanine, jesse, and greg g. ththis is "the five." >> dana: consoling the criminal and not the victim's family. president biden getting slammed after appearing to apologize. the president explaining laken's killer -- he should of used the term "undocumented." >> you use the word "illegal" talking about the man who allegedly called laken riley. president: undocumented. i shouldn't of said illegal. i should of said undocumented. when we talk about the border, trump talks about vermin and foe
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luting. i won't treat these people with disrespect. we have to control the border, i don't share his view at all. >> you regret using that word. president: yes. >> dana: biden says he regrets using the word "illegal" many say that's an apology. the white house says that's not true. >> the president did not apologize. he did not apologize. he use aid different word. some people are playing politics with this young woman's tragic murder. let's not forget house republicans are stafpbding in the way -- >> dana: while president biden faces backlash with laken riley's death former president donald trump met with the
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family. >> they told me joe biden went on television calling laken's murder an illegal. >> illegal migrant, he shouldn't of been in our country. he wouldn't of been under the trump policy. >> dana: they wonder how it's the number one issue in the country. to our wordsmith. do words matter? >> greg: maybe it was an undocumented denial. would that suit it better. there is a verbal slight of hand with the media and democrats. when you say illegal immigration they pretend to hear legal immigration. that allows them to get on a self-righteous high horse. it backfired including the murder of laken riley as their own. now the nightmare has become a dreamer. the goal here is to eliminate corrective measures through
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language. if you can't call a criminal a criminal then you can't treat them like a criminal. this hoops in other areas. if you call a man in a speedo a woman then -- don't caught haiti a [ -- the focus is a false moral high ground. to c confront the objective truh a innocent woman was murdered to con grant that you agree with the other side. your ego won't allow to you do that. this is an ego driven game. if you believe this is a political stunt or conversation, it's only political to the language police. the people who normally respond to this atrocity are doing it objectively on it's face. whether it's rape, terrorism,
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genital mutilation or october 7th. people are repulsed. there is no pivot of language from our side. that's a coward's way out. it's an escape hatch to avoid it entirely. i find it thed the people who shutter at the word "illegal" have to problem calling others nazis, . the tk dems apply. >> dana: the law says "illegal." >> the united states supreme court the last decision made the united states . they talk about illegal aliens. title eight that you mention all the time, jesse. it's aliens and illegals mentioned 93 times.
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let's stop making excuses for not using the language the law has documented and dictate is thed language of our country. now hrelgts talk about the fact when joe biden wants to say these are the people that built our country. people who built our country were parents and grandparents of the immigrants today. they were the people that came into this country. they swore allegiance to america. they wanted to be here. they waitpugh in line. yes, they built this country this. is a different crew coming in right now. this is not our grandparents immigration. these people are not waiting. they want the welcome mat. you know there is a quote from barack obama in 2009 he said "you can't come here unless you go to the back of the line. "if you come here you must space english. >> if we say this now we're considered right wing lunics. barack obama said that in 2009.
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he said we can't have a million people coming over our border this. is a unusual, shocking moment in american history. let me just say the whole idea about it not being an apologyt was an apology. maybe for the first time joe biden was lucid and said something that connects with the american people. the fact feels he has to honor the dignity of an illegal coming here -- we must talk about victims. >> dana: he must feel the need to solidify the base of the left wing party. if he was coached to what he said and then the white house says it wasn't an apology. it's weird. >> i don't understand this catering too. we are talk ing about the far left wing of the base, right.
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not even normal liberals, like myself. like the ones you tend to run into. i don't know anybody who was a fended by that. you even saw nancy pelosi's interview he should of said undocumented. he didn't. it doesn't matter. where are bernie sander supporters going to go? they're not going to donald trump there. is the third party issue, blah, blah, blah. jill stein. they don't have other options. they are going to turn down the biggest climate change agenda in history, someone who wants gun reform, and protect a woman's right to choose. he didn't say i would like to talk to you about the amazing things that people that come to the country illegally do. the favorite shop keepers. the woman down the street that cares for our kids. he's talk ing about a murderer.
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it blew my phaoeufrpbd there was back track. these are the kinds of things that people historically enjoy about joe biden. he's relatable and and feels normal to them. not speaking in the woke speak. alex pedia spoke, i don't think they're offended. you want that guy out. you want the good ones in and the murderers out. >> dana: last week we talked about how state of the unions are often quickly forgotten this. scenario about laken riley will come up over and over again. the white house, this blew my mind. they put out a memo another word they prefer to use is newcomer. >> jeanine: he's now trapped in the her report, illegal immigration, he can't get unstuck. jess darks are you on point. it makes me so happy to hear
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agree with me. it wasn't joe biden catering to the far left. he was catering to the press. only three people cared he said this. they asked a democrat and then joe about it. that's how it became a story. three anchors. one on msnbc and two on cnn. that's what happened. he apologized to an illegal alien killer. notice he called the victim the wrong name. didn't apologize for that. he apologized for saying the right name about the killer. you were right, in washington they call when someone tells the truth. jesse, you don't say a gun is undocumented. it's illegal. you don't say someone committed a non consensual sex act. you call it rape. you don't say russia is expanding the border. you say russia invaded.
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you use precise language. they're trying to pull the illegality out of border crossing to take the stiffing sting outof it. if someone breaks into my house they're not coming in without documents because they don't have the deed. it's a home invasion. they're there illegally. when you cross the border you commit illegallent ry it's not about respect. we have respect for everybody. everybody in this county, in the world we have respect for. if someone comes in and breaks into the country, commits a crime in one city and then another city and murders a woman bashing her head in they lose respect. they should be called an animal. they don't deserve respect. greg is right he called trump hitler. he gives this killer more respect then his political opponent, a great american. this guy should get his butt
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kicked in the debate. he's for c.r.t. at the pentagon. sex changes for kindergartens. donald trump should be able to wipe the floor with this guy. >> jessica: that's the biggest if of all time. >> dana: could of ended it there. >> jessica: no he said he agreed and then he said animal. i wouldn't say that. >> jeanine: he bashed her skull in, jessica. >> jeanine: some people don't deserve to be called human based on what they do to other people. don't deny it. >> jessica: i won't use, no i will use it there was another immigration plot line this weekend. katie brit's story. >> jessi >> jeanine: what does that have to do about it. >> jessica: people talk about that and now they will talk about this. >> dana: he's the president.
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president biden dropping serious dough he's not just an old yeller.
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>> greg: old yeller is back at it. trying to convince americans his brain is aging like fine wine. president: i understand how to get things done for the american people. >> greg: took seven weeks to tape that. this is one day before robert herr testifies that joe biden is
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a elderly man with a poor memory. he will hit three swing states over the week. he gave us a preview of the senile moments you can expect. president: pennsylvania, i have a message for you. send me to congress to support this right and i promise to take back congress. we will restore roe v. wade. >> greg: he refuses to commitment to debating donald trump. president: will you commit to a debate with former trump. president: depends on his behavior. >> greg: would you tell him to debate? >> jessica: definitely. you don't want to raise more tkwes. that's part of the process. that's how we have done it.
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there are amazing opportunities. also i think he would do really well. i understand whatever senior moments aside. the guy has a lot of experience, a lot of deep understanding of topics. trump has a pretty surface way of speaking. that's most polite way i can put that. i will say though, you know regretting the use of the illegal term aside, the last week has been really good for joe biden. last monday we're talk ing about the new york times poll that he's losing black support, latino support gen z support. then he a strong super tuesday, state of the union. supporters feeling good. they raised ten million dollars in 24 hours after that, that has never happened before. positive poll over the weekend. your favorite clear politics average now under two point
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advantage for donald trump. >> jesse: 1.7. >> jessica: i thought it was 1.9. >> jesse: 1.7 nationally. i'm the pollster. >> jessica: and today was the launch for youth for biden. gen z voters have huge wins for the democrats. i guess trump had a good moment about laken riley's murder and his family. donald trump posted 91 million-dollar bond for eg carol and then defamed her again. i would rather be joe biden at this moment, a good week. >> greg: get the life alert on. >> jessica: i have it on and a geriatric pregnancy you have to wear it. >> greg: good news biden is running for congress. i think the democrats would be
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relieved if he shifted to the house. >> jesse: hakim jef jeffreys is worried about his job. he looked to read that off the teleprompter. i know nobody is showing up. we have behind the scene photos of the campaign events. it looked like a pandemic event. when there were circles and people were socially distanced. same amount of people three jeers ago then today. nobody wants to see the guy. imagine that on a saturday. go to a battleground state. president of the united states. you have weeks of advance work. the president is here. nobody comes. there is more press than people. why is that? is he purposely keeping events tiny because he's afraid of people yelling because they don't liking his policies? that has happened. or do people not care to hear what he has to say.
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30 million is a lot to drop on ad buys. that is what he will do, nuke the airwaves with negative ads and run on hopes. i think trump can handle that. >> jessica: are you hrebding him money. >> jesse: i'm not allowed to. are you donating to democrats. how dare you. there is a rule book. i will send it to you. think he has to debate. you're right it will raise more questions. trump doesn't need to do what he did during the first debate last time. he was aggressive with the cross talk. let biden breath. that is all you need to do, stay calm and be specific about the failure. >> greg: judge, isn't this kind of more evidence it's a state of the human, that's good. state of the union waouz more of an aberration like jacking up a
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fighter pilot with drugs. now he's back to old joe. >> jeanine: old joe. what is this movie el sid so the enemy would think he was back. i'm not saying anything like that about joe. >> jessica: i'm glad we moved past that. >> jeanine: here is the think i think it's really kind of i don't know what the word would be. it's just ironic he says it depends how trump behaviors whether or not he will debate him. no, this all depends on how you behave and how your staff says if you're in condition to debate donald trump. if you recall. remember they scrapped oval office interviews because he didn't have a teleprompter or didn't have one in the oval office. they're gas lighting us. the numbers are pretty clear. the american people have their thoughts. stop talk ing about bidenomics.
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he did, it's not working. stop saying crime is not an issue. the border is not an issue. i think the american people get it. joe biden from the get go and said watch me. we have watched him stumble, mumble, fall. the next day he sounds like a completely different guy. he's not articulate. he's running for congress, not running for president. it's a sad commentary. the guy is good some days and really bad most. >> greg: dana should i ask about the herd testimony. >> dana: yes. i have been waiting for that. >> greg: will we have a show. >> dana: yes. >> greg: what are your thoughts and do you predict. >> dana: robert herr is the special council saying biden has memory problems. the media said this man is a terrible person.
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i wonder how many republicans show up with "i'm with herr" tee shirts. remember they wanted that for somebody else running. i'm interested to see how this goes. sometimes republicans have a way of getting in their own way. >> greg: yes. >> dana: being too obnoxious. just let the testimony speak for itself. don't have to be over dramatic. don't have to read your statement like forever and be obnoxious. just get the words out there. robert herr wrote it in his report. did you say this. yes, fine let it go. >> greg: let it go. >> jeanine: i have a question, weren't we suppose to get the transcripts of herr and biden. >> dana: i don't know. tune in at 10 am "american's news room." >> greg: is bill back. >> dana: yes. >> greg: i was worried about him i thought he was really cold. coming up so much securing the
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subways with soldiers. a woman loses both of her feet in a shoving.
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>> jesse: crime still raging in democrat cities december bite a military unit being sent in. a woman loses both feets when her boyfriend pushes her into the path of a on-coming train. shocking development given the governor flooded the zone with a thousand troops and police officers. hokel pulling back the big guns in the subway safety surge banning the soldiers from using military tkpwraoeud rifles doing the checks. the media says this kwraoeupl thing is a ratings play anyways.
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>> they made this a ratings thing. >> i think that's true but there was a car jacking on my street. we talk about car jackings, it's not murder. nobody likes a gun in their face. >> d.c. had their highest homicide rate -- >> d.c. is an out liar. >> we had the d.c. attorney general. >> greg: so, dane a i don't think the cathy hokel surge in the subway system is having the effect. >> dana: as we destroyed harold last week. the criminals are not carrying bags. that's not who you are concerned about. putting the national guard over there is papering over the problem. in chicago they're asking for the national guard to help them. what are we doing with all of this expense.
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the national guard is not meant to do this kind of work. prosecutors are meant to do their job. transit workers do their job, police do their job. national guard is in a terrible position. do they know the certain rules. how many tools will they take from them to do the job they're asked to do. it's horrible and not going to work. >> jesse: militarizing the subway and not the border. >> greg: the banning of the rifles is not practical. it's opt i cans decision. that's always the case. the opportunity cost of the george floyd moment. prosecuted for a tsa police state for ladies to get a bag checked and lose limbs later. they can't profile criminals. they can not maintain a police presence because there are no police at all. they're either retired or left the job and you know nobody is going -- no one will accept recruitment for a job that the media has designated as a hate
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group for the minimum of four years. we have to look at the shift. shifting from community policing with local authorities to a government run military. now stop and frisk is all inclusive. it makes no one safer, the police tactics can not be used. searching bags is worst than doing nothing. it appears to do something. it's basically the kabuki of safety. the solution is don't search in discriminantly. return to profiling and policing. focus on the situation who is there. we all know this on the subway. the person erratic and acting suspicious. it's not hard. that's what policing is for. that's what police men do. they know the neighborhood. they know this guy is new. this guy is weird, whatever. national guard guys are just there for frosting. >> jesse: jessica, it pains me
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to say greg has a good point. everybody on the subway stop and frisk -- >> jessica: no, they're not. hokel is being criticized. not saying there isn't a crime problem. they are saying we don't want to go back to a time where people were in discriminantly padded down and bags open. yes as the only consistent subway rider on the panel -- >> dana: i use it every day. >> jessica: i didn't know you use it every day. >> greg: i eat at subway. >> jessica: i don't know why people hate on subway it's good. dana and i both ride daily. i can't remember the last time heiwas afraid of someone with a bag. i know there is a lot of paraphernalia. it's always a random person sticking their face in someone's face. that is spitting, sleeping,
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whatever it is. you know the nypd, chief of patrol said great we will take the help we can get. that's not a ringing endorsement. their plan is the plan i would go with. they're down there. i have noticed an enhanced police presence. i think it's a good step in the right direction. i think this is just going to turn into a post 9/11 nightmare and new yorkers don't want that. they won't solution buzz not a return to that. >> jesse: take us home, judge. >> jeanine: if you want solutions i think the best thing to do is try to examine the history of criminal history and law enforcement. it's clear. the way to resolve this refund police, get rid of brag -- nothing will change. by the way close the border. here is th the approach of cath.
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we will arrest them. she's not interested in taking out alvin brag or any other prosecutor that isn't prosecuting crime. she isn't looking at the only way to keep people in jail is by reverse the cash bail so called reform. okay. she has this approach she doesn't know what she's doing. we said on friday it took 48 hours for someone to push someone in front of a train. that woman a train ran over her feet. she lost one leg before the knee and one leg below the knee. from now on she says i won't have people on the train convicted of assault. you, lame person. this guy who pushed his girlfriend was on parole for
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violent assault. state prison. think he just got out for stabbing his girlfriend. alright. stop talking the talk, learn about criminal justice. by the way someone should take care of the mta workers. they face the jordan neilys every day. the guy they know will be a problem. nobody is protecting the mta workers. >> jesse: from the likes of dana perino. see her on the subway, chaos. congress and joe biden are ready to drop the hammer on chinese owned tik tok.
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>> jessica: congress is uniting for a change to try to ban tik tok.
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we could see a bill by thursday. top democrat and republican senators explaining why the app posing a danger to young americans. >> if you don'ts think they can twist the algorithm then you don't appreciate the views. would the united states allow china to buy cbs? i don't think they would. >> jessica: as critics point out biden's reelections campaign is currently on it. dane a what do you think about this bill? >> dana: i think it's, i think you laid it out well in the opening. it's a option. just divest from the chinese communist party and the app stays. that seems reasonable. the chinese want this out there.
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warner and rubio, president trump, biden, 50-0 in a committee saying this is a problem from a security standpoint. i don't understand the fuss other than the chinese want to keep it and investors here in america want to keep it i thought it was smart of biden to say he would sign the bill. trump says maybe we shouldn't. biden can say i'm tougher on china than trump. >> jessica: tkpwres, what do you think about the first amendment challenge if this does go through? >> greg: the same thing you don't take your kids, when i was growing up you don't take your kids to an r-rated film. that's not censorship. it's to protect your kids. so i'm for banning it. wait, how much? really is that per month or per week. i think it's a bad idea i don't think she should ban tik tok. what is next?
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only fans. okay. it's not censorship. it's not about collecting your data. it's about the persuasion. three of the most disturbing mind viruses are on tik tok. the explosion of racial conflict. america view it's self more racist than ever. that helps china. they back companies for dre and irt. then the own words on tik tok. it's a faucet of brainwash. it's convincing young kids to hate their bodies. that's the one thing. if the right wing did this to kids. your body is bad. people would freak out. it's happening. then you have hamas. most of the discussing defenses of october 7th are on tik tok. i have to say a lot of this is
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probably by design. it can't hurt china to have us fight ago hong ourselves. it's the persuasion. i'm curious though about the abrupt switch of some republicans. you know it's living, totally for the ban. now not so much. >> jessica: the answer always lies on k street. right, judge. >> jeanine: it lies on k street. what is interesting are the constitutional issues. congress just can't out right ban an app or anything else unless it poses a serious national security threat or serious invasion. saying we have this wall that protects the dat ah american users. there is a article what they're doing and protecting for the national security issues we're concerned about. you have to worry about the
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chinese communist party compelling a company to hand over data. i think they have the power to do that more so than any other country. it's interesting that the republicans have reversed on this including president trump. the belief apparently. i think it's crazy that joe biden is on tik tok, his campaign. i think they believe what they saw during a 2020 election and big tech connecting with, you know these intelligence officials and banning information. it's going on by facebook and meta as well. i think it's really a balancing test. it came oust committee, you're right 50-0. i think the hearing was a closed committee hearing. so there are a lot of other issues at stake here. i'm not sure we're hearing everything. >> jessica: jesse. >> jesse: every chinese company must comply with china
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intelligence officials when they ask for something. even if the app isn't open they can spy on everything you research and buy. china knows exactly what i'm up to. it's a real problem. just like the politicians i'm willing to put my security at risk to make sure jesse watters prime time has the reach out there to expand the audience. >> jeanine: so you should have a separate phone if you're committed to tik tok and have nothing else on it. >> jesse: also for depositions. >> greg: china doesn't let their kids see this content. they know it's bad. >> dana: they don't -- the other thing is when they had all of the kids not knowing how to use a phone call congressmen. the chinese communist party can help control the politics. >> jessica: kids and seniors. john seen a bears it all and
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more, the wild moments from the oscars.
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>> jeanine: plenty of big surprises at the table and the oscars last night.
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john se cena shocking the audiee after appearing to walk out buck naked. it turned out he had a lion cloth and sorry barbie, ken stole the show. ryan gosling giving a dazzling performance, i'm just ken. greg would you come out with just the envelope? >> greg: it would have to be one big envelope this. is the thing he marked the male streaker. hollywood is all about me too. shouldn't that of been a female, right. why, why if they're talk ing about getting more inclusive it should have been a female. i would of liked to see halle berry do it. it was the night of white people. white host, white best actor,
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white woman, white director -- all white people. >> jeanine: nobody thinks like you do. i wouldn't think like that. jesse, would you come out in a hro*eub cloth? >> jesse: i would. i don't think fox would love it. i i would be proud. >> greg: a bandaid will do. >> jeanine: i'm just ken. >> jessica: i loved it i thought the oscars, not that i'm the biggest jimmy kimmel fan. it was so low on politics and high on fun. i think a lot of that has to do with the movie like "barbie" and the riffing with ryan gosling and emily hunt. he really stole the show. i liked all of the posts about if you're not giving me the oscar i will make you pay and everyone will talk about me. they are. the whole diamonds are a girls
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best friend. i love eva mendez on the red carpet. the hottest couple. >> jeanine: you have to be with ryan, eva. dana. >> dana: i made it 1:08 into the barbie movie until i said it's not for me. i loved niad. the producer and director are friends of mine. they should of won. >> jessica: the tribute to jody foster was incredible. >> jeanine: one more
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♪ >> dana: it's time now for "one more thing." greg? >> greg: tonight monday, what a great show 10:00 p.m. watch it. let's do this. greg's itchy cow news. yes, let's take a look at
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another itchy cow. this one in northern england. do you know what they did? they used a re-purposed car wash brush so he can scratch his back. look how happy he is. >> dana: happy cow. >> greg: enjoyments you have before being cut to pieces. jess. >> jessica: enjoyment. some like. >> dana: enjoyment. >> greg: you can buy that in any gift shop. >> dana: judge? >> judge jeanine: my pigs used to do that they would find anything. okay. anyway, whenever there is a gang crime there is always a lookout. so two bears were a lookout for this bear who is stealing the garbage not just the garbage but the garbage can. when the lights came on they knew they were in trouble and they fled the scene with the garbage can. >> dana: that's really interesting. >> greg: they both got debit cards now. >> jesse: would you like to hear another titillating excerpt from get it together? >> greg: no. >> judge jeanine: yes. >> jesse: butt naked middle of
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winter cold. joyously start doing cartwheels and people are taking pictures of me. we are going to be starting a new series on "primetime" where people i interviewed for the book will be appearing as guest that lady who wants to legalize prostitution will be appearing tomorrow night on the show. but tonight we have johnny, who went to spring break. here's a taste. >> what's kamala been up to. >> i don't even know who that is. >> kamala harris? what do you think she does? >> oh, it's a girl. >> jesse: take a guess, kamala is a girl. >> dana: i got talk to johnny about that. promote the podcast this week perino on politics brit hume, everybody. >> judge jeanine: that we got to listen. to say. >> jessica: striking a pound on the mound baseball team hilarious rendition of the famous scene from dirty dancing those are of course, of the savanna bananas. >> dana: that's it for us, everyone. have great night. hey, bret. >> bret: savanna bananas, okay, dana, thanks.


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