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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  March 9, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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♪ >> i love women. the best flight with all web and crew took off from newarkff airport toward sarasota on thursday unite ftod airlines gathered the female team toga celebrate women's historthy monh first officer julia hoax no ifi don'cet meant to inspire girls n the future generations to workne rain aviation.i that iths the biggest piece because it really ati hope united is hanging onto its wheels. anyway it is time for ♪ ♪ all right grand capernaum as part with nasa to unveil a new purse this week that's made out of 99% air, 4% class it weighs as much as a lightbulb canas m withstand extreme heat andhe pressure of 4000 times its weight. that's it for us have a great night. ♪. jon: 2024 presidential campaign
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his full stride in the peach state. president biden for president trump holding dueling campaign events in georgia right now. good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. we plan to hear from both candidates a bit later this hour. but first, president biden admits to msnbc today he now regrets referring to the suspect in lake and riley's murder as a quote illegal, watch. >> i have not should not have used the legal it was undocumented when i spoke the difference between trump and meet one of things i talked about of the border was the way he talks about berman and he talks about these people polluting the blood. jon: lucas of tomlinson's live at the white house with morbid. >> it was just two nights ago during the state of the union address president bided use the word illegal to describe the suspected killer of 22-year-old nursing student lake and o'reilly in georgia.
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>> laken riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. talks abiding double down on that word yesterday. >> you regret using the word illegal to describe the immigrant last night last night sir? >> probably, i don't, let's just say's not supposed to be here. >> biden speaking in atlanta the critical swing state in the 2024 election estate he narrowly won four years ago a state that donald trump won and 2016 but also they are back in 2016 georgia had two republican senators. today it has none but is fox fox news of power rankings have georgia leading red. jon: aren't lucas tomlinson at the white house, thank you. back to the presidential campaign for more on today's dueling campaign events let's bring in washington examiner
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restoring america editor kayleigh mcgee white. first to that interesting flip-flop on the worst you'd use of the word illegal no bigger platform on which to say it but the state of the union. certainly he must've had it in his teleprompter. now all of the s sudden he is backpedaling, why? >> it's quite telling that bite into my knowledge is not apologize for laken riley's family for mispronouncing her name. yet he's apologizing to laken riley's killer for correctly this just proves abiding cares more remarkable. jon: him but he got to him because it no he now says i shod have said undocumented people like nancy pelosi and others are complaining that is the word he should have used. and he must've heard of that clamor from inside his own party i suppose. >> correct it was his own party they got to him.
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specifically the left wing a flank of the democratic party. this is one of biden's a big bir problems especially heading into georgia which is a critical swing state he's at a disadvantage right now because he is not even solidified support within his own party. we have seen this play out over the past several weeks in the primary elections. we know hundreds of thousands of democratic voters do not want to vote for joe biden. had actively voted against him with protest votes for uncommitted option instead of for biden. the bigger story in my opinion is there's a lot of democratic voters not showing up at all not to protest against it not to vote for him. we take my home state of michigan as an example the big story there was one 30,000 democratic voters who voted uncommitted for biden but the bigger story is there at 200,000 fewer democratic voters that showed up in this year's primary election than in 2020. of biden cannot get these people
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to show up at the polls for him this november he is going to lose the swing states wh were he barely squeaked by in 2020. jon: are seen to be two knocks against this one is his policies which you can love or hate. but the one thing he cannot change is his age. there is a new campaign ad out from the biting campaign that tries to address that. watch this. >> i am not a young guy. that is no secret. but here is the deal i understand how to get the exam for the american people i lead the country to the covid crisis. today we have the strongest economy in the world. i pass a drug that lowers prescription drug prices regrets they take that head on right out of the gate i am not a young guy he says is not going to be effective you think? >> no i'm not at all especially not when the b bars solo for joe biden. i know his campaign and a lot of democrats a been touting the state of the union as an example
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of how great he's doing and how well he is doing for his age. but if standing up and talking from a teleprompter for 90 minutes is the best abiding can do in the best that can be expected, is not a very high bar that's a bare minimum expectation for the commander-in-chief. voters see this and there has been a pattern over the last several months of continued gaffes of blunders abiding looking confused and lost on stage relying heavily on note cards to directives every movement. voters are just not not going to forget about. jon: even with the teleprompter as he pointed out he mispronounced laken riley's name from the well and has a lot of people appalled. are you one of those who think that ultimately democrats will go with another nominee? that somehow joe biden will step aside? >> i was eight and never underestimate the democrats a party to maintain power. they believe joe biden is the
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best shot at beating trump in 2020 he will sit at the top of the ticket. they believe he has instead become a liability i make you more likely for tru trump to win they will remove him. jon: meanwhile was talk about the republicans for a moment. we mention both president biden former president trump are having dueling campaign events in georgia this hour. we expect we will hear from both of them. but now it is trumps a party. there is no opposition between him and the nomination. give us your assessment. >> to eventwo events over the pk prove your point there is no going back this is trumps party. the first big event w was nikki haley dropping out of the primary after only winning washington d.c. and vermont. the second is a big leadership shakeup in the republican national committee with lara trump taking a cochair of the rnc for there's no going back to the party and george w. bush.
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nikki haley tried her best she tried to tie chaos to donald trump, wherever he went. there aren't that many republicans who agree with her anymore. this is the direction for better or worse a lot of republicans like the fact he likes to bust heads. some don't like him they like as a result. result. they like his policies. others see him assume the option to fighting a democratic party that's been hijacked by radical progressives. jon: interesting. it's going to be an interesting race. right now the latest fox news fs poll showed donald trump bistro biden. again a lot can happen between now and november. go ahead. >> is just going to say a lot depends on the swing states they're both in georgia from a bided one georgia last time around by 11000 votes. so is going to be close. jon: is of the democrat voters
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stayed home because of a lack of enthusiasm i could change the numbers. kaylee mcghee white thank you. >> thank you. jon: days after new york governor kathy coble announced the deployment of the national guard troops to the subway system a similar call from the windy city. the chicago transit union boss wants help from the illinois national guard to conduct baggage bagchecks on local traid buses. cb cotton has the latest on this. >> hi jon, one that a moment first though new york governor kathy hochul has reportedly ordered newark national guard to not carry it military grade assault rifles during these bag checks. aside from t that the show of force continues nypd has also deployed 1000 of its own officers into the city subway system to try to crack down on the number of weapons which make their way inside. we got a behind-the-scenes look at this a moment ago a team of officers screening a a bag's in times square nypd tells us so far this year officers have
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recovered knives, loaded guns and other dangerous weapons. the bag checks are sometimes leading to the arrest of people, officers and who are wanted for murder, offenses, robberies and assaults. who never returned to face the assault charge. according to top brass. >> recidivism right now is a major challenge. i find yourselves arresting the same people and over and over again 75 times, 100 times. justice system functions os designed to function decrease in crime and who is that going to benefit new yorkers? wash efforts play out in new york city the president of chicago's largest transit union says he welcomes the national guard over their criminals have
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gotten brazen, listen to this. >> a bus operator called the police assistance, the person don't run the personal till the bus operator i will wait till the police come. fox news live beginning at noon a deeper dive behind-the-scenes look at more of the threats nypd is uncovering on the subway system. jon. >> alright cb cotton and the subways of new york city, thanks. the united states justice department reportedly opening a criminal investigation into bowing over the door that blew out of the alaska airlines flight two months ago since then a cargo door was open on one of the companies jets map thin reports. >> jon, you may recall the terrified incident when a door blew out of a boeing 737 max on alaska airlines flight in
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january. the justice department has reportedly launched a criminal investigation into boeing by the complied with an earlier settlement that involved two deadly 7:30 seven max crashes in 2018 and 2019. federal investigators have been in touch with passengers along the generate for the flight notifying them that could be potential crime victims according to the wall street journal. pilots and flight attendants have also been interviewed. alaska airlines tells fox news in a statement quote and an event like this it is normal for the d.o.j. to be conducting an investigation where fully cooperating news of a federal criminal investigation comes just days after ntsb told congress boeing was withholding key details. boeing officials say they can't find records related to the door. boeing admitted yesterday the company has no documentation of repair work the plane underwent
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after return to boeings factory in violation of company rules. transportation secretary people to judge spoke with fox news about the national transportation separate probe into boeing 737 max nine. >> definitely concerned about what we have seen. i've communicated that directly to the ceo of boeing the proof is going to be and how they respond. i think they need to demonstrate better results and need to demonstrate they have achieved a culture that puts safety first. >> the latest news comes after three scary incidents involving united flights on them boeing jets earlier this week including the tire falling off one jet in flames and bursting out of an while mid air on another. jon: matt finn, thank you. we will be right back.
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gregg's intrusive into people's personal lives who are confused you think i am on trial but these people are on trial for trying to steal an election 2020 i am not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial.
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>> keeping a ledge of things he pays were versus are things she paid for. she was very emphatic and adamant about independent strong woman sheet managed to pay your own way. >> they spent their lives in a courtroom we all know what decorum looks like. jon: waiting for the georgia judges decision on the fulton county district attorney annie willis future in the election interference case against former president trump. the big question will she be disqualified over claims of misconduct and what would that mean for the prosecution of the case will it go on question rick meanwhile challengers have entered the race for her seat. criminal defense attorney mercedes colwin is here to weigh in for this whole thing. her behavior with her prosecutor
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this is think enough to get her thrown off the case? >> it is the key question for this judge. he needs to decide whether she compromised her integrity by hiring what seems to be her lover although she testified under oath the relationship did not start until after he was hired there is competing testimony and they testified likely he was also was involved until after the higher but competing testimony. so ultimately the judge has to decide whether or not number one she lied under oath it's obviously very critical if you have a prosecutor who lied under oath there is competing testimony that relationship started before he was hired so that is number one. but there are some criminal charges that need to be looked into and secondly whether or not the relationship somehow influenced her reasoning behind
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prosecuting former president trump or if she compromised her integrity and the discretion she has wide discretion as a prosecutor to come after individuals or criminal activity of sheet use the prosecution of former president trump to number one, fatten the wallets of her lover that's been established by the testimony we have heard. there's a record saying nathan wade was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for his assistance in the prosecution of former president trump. if they have as reason because he gained so much in terms of compensation due to the work he did on this case and they spent it together because they were in this relationship it's a very problematic for her and nathan wade on many different levels. but there disqualified the key will be whether or not the prosecution continues. my guess is it will, just maybe with other prosecutors break what she argues there is nothing in the law that says any kind of
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mimisbehavior on her part about her personal life and who ever she hires that does not apply and does not allow -- make it's not allowed under georgia law for her to be kicked off the case d did she have that right? >> it really boils down to what is her reasoning behind the prosecution of former president trump. they can establish the testimony we have heard so far it was a personal interest because she has hired her lover who is now assisting her earning a substantial sum for her assistance in the prosecution of former president trump they then are actually taking trips, going to dinners, traveling on that basis that's very problematic for her. it really boils down to that brickwork to both the travel to the white house right? didn't they both go to visit someone in the biting white house? there's a lot of prosecutors all over the country who would probably like to go visit the white house. but they are not doing it or not
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being invited kind of curious is in it? >> jon, that's a great point. i represent prosecutors when i was a government lawyer that were in the thick of this type, not controversy of this magnitude but controversy their discretion as to whether or not to proceed with the prosecution was being called into question. if you are prosecuting a case, especially a case of this magnitude you need to make certain that you have nothing this going to call into question your discretion, your motivation, your commitment to serving the public and exercising a prosecutorial discretion to bring criminal charges against an individual. if that is called into question its very problematic. to your point we have no idea why those meetings took place but it certainly is something that may be looked into. looking into all this surrounding this prosecution freed surrounding the activity. surrounding the actions. surrounding what annie willis
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has done during the course of this prosecution. and whether or not it imputes her integrity and the entire prosecution. jon: there is the judge who's up for reelection, right? a pretty challenging one how do you know if he is ready to decide this according to what's right and according to political interest? >> that is the million-dollar question. it is exactly right. i will tell you most of my colleagues are federal practitioners beloved effective practice before judges that have lifetime appointments you never have to worry about political constituents that may sway their decision-making. and judges are people. could there be some influence in their decision-making? of course there could be. but it's something that needs to be looked at. there's always the opportunity
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to challenge a judge and your local statutes to say their decision was arbitrary and capricious. but they are following or making actions based on the political constituents based on what weight may be favorable to them to get reelected there's a challenge it could be had and sang those actions were political, or bia were biased ad should be overturned. >> mercedes good to talk to you. >> great to be on, thanks jon. jon: coming up a chopper goes tn the southern border going to national guardsmen and a border agent now the investigation begins into why it went down. that is next. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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them. >> good evening, jon were getting a new reaction tonight surrounding that deadly helicopter crash that happened here along the u.s./mexico border. president joe biden sending out a statement sending his condolences and saying in part quote these brave americans dedicated their lives to protecting our nation they signed up knowing the risk in believing in the mission of serving their fellow americans by keeping our nation safe. our gratitude is found. just before 3:00 p.m. in texas. the crew was conducting a federal support mission at the border and was not related to the ongoing. four were on board flight you h72 assigned to the southwest southwestwere the only survivorr who sources say he is in is in l condition former acting ice director appeared on fox news
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earlier today and had this to say about the crash. men and women they are the finest of the finest. i hope every american understands a difficult job they have. migrants continue to arrive at the southern border you take a look at live pics from our fox drone team you can see a group of referee 24 people a lot of families in there. you continue to see images like this day in and day out there not quite a big groups as we used to see a few months ago. they are still coming here especially in eagle pass and on top of that we are hearing almost on a daily basis reports of a police responding to calls for suspected human smuggling. so we asked jeff paul at the border, thank you. president biden planes the gop is a border crisis keeps going and going and going.
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florida congressman carlos gimenez joins me now. it's interesting back in april 2021 the president presidt referred to this as a crisis. the white house later walked it back. now all of the sudden he is calling it a crisis three years later and does not seem to be changing his sick tune. how do you assess what's going on at the white house over this issue? >> the reason they're calling it a crisis now is because it has become political. at least the main stream media outside of fox and a couple other outlets were basically hiding the fact there was a crisis of the border we have been telling the american people for at least three years ever since and biden took office there is a crisis at the border. totally created, probably on purpose by mr. biden and secretary mayorkas parade 64 given executive actions that he took that created this crisis.
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and he is trying to blame the republicans for not giving him the resources that he needs to fix the problem that he created pre-for that's a bunch of balon. jon: he has is also threatened o shut down the border if congress would give him the power, that is what he says he has tools at his disposal to get a handle on the situation? >> absolutely. the first thing he needs to do is restore the remaining mexico policy and he has to go back to the central american triangle countries and restore those policies that heat remove the first day he was in office that will probably handle about 60 or 70% of the problem right there. and then he has the right to deny asylum. the law is very specific if you are claiming asylum in the united states you are to be held in a third country or detained here in the united states until you get your hearing unless you are paroled but parole is only
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done on a case-by-case basis. they did not do any that they did a mass parole and that is why you see gang members and all of these people that are here that do bad in criminal behavior in the united states that is how they got through its all-pro rolls in mass. all of this created joe biden and secretary mayorkas. jon: meantime democrats in the house or getting together something called the new democrats coalition and putting together a plan for the border. it seems they are sensing this is a political issue that could hurt them in november. >> without a doubt's were the only reason they are focusing in on it right now outside of if you'd democrats that were border democrats they basically ignore this until now because it is a political issue to number one political issue facing america. americans are deeply concerned
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about what is happening and has been happening at the border. you can only fool all the people some of the time you cannot fool them all the time. president biden is trying to say i need more tools. no you don't you can take care of it right now. by the way why don't you show us little good faith by doing those things that you need to do. if you do need more resources we may give it to you but you have not done a darn thing yet to solve the crisis. jon: did you expect to hear something from the president and the state of the union about this? >> yes, blaming us of course. these republicans these maga republicans they won't give him the resources that he needs. look, nothing changed from generate 192021 until generally first 2021. the board was pretty much under control and generate 19th the sword fell apart to generate 21st what happened? we got a new president. somebody reversed all the trump
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era policies that were working on day one. and then he is too proud politically can't do it he cannot go back to the trump era policies because they may work because then he will be proven wrong all along. and we all know he is wrong that only congress knows is wrong but customs and border protection agents know he is wrong the sheriff's know he is wrong. the people who lead the entire know he's wrong they've been talking to him and the secretary may work us telling them what they have to do. they completely ignored him for three years. >> congressman carlos gimenez we appreciate coming on thank you. >> my pleasure. >> we will be right back with more fox report right after this. you know that thing your family does? someone made it a thing, back in the day. but where did it come from?
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jon: president biden former president trampling dueling campaign events today and the peach state. trump is still speaking right now in rome, georgia will while president biden wrapped up his remarks in advance or just moments ago. that is were refined mark meredith who attended the president's speech earlier this evening, mark. >> jon, good evening to president biden spoke about 20 minutes is helping his message will resonate a lot longer up until november because in the swing state of georgia, the entire election could be decided, as you mentioned big headline today is you have both president biden former president trump about an hour from each other it comp competing to get a voters attention. and of course the election which is still a long time always focused already on a few key issues one being the economy both candidates talk about tonight as well as immigration fobird president biden talking about the dueling rallies and a
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former president trump has handled himself more specifically on immigration, take a listen. >> donald trump has a different constituency. the backing of his general election campaign. i can tell you a lot about a person w who he keeps company with. instead of celebrating the contribution of immigrants to our country to our economy and our communities, donald trump calls them vermin. poisoning the blood of america. no one should ever doubt were my heart is. unlike donald trump, my first day in office as president i introduce a comprehensive, comprehensive plan. to secure our border provide a pathway for citizens for dreamers and their families. i'm sentient workers who helped us through the pandemic. and part of the fabric of our community. i know who we are as americans. >> that was the one thing we
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heard a president biden say repeatedly he felt trump's values were out of touch with what he can believes the country once former president trump pushing write back his message in rome, georgia i mention about an hour away from her biden spoke the former president tonight also meeting with family of laken riley. killed allegedly by an illegal immigrant former president meeting with her family before the rally we listen to see what he has to say about that meeting going forward. he mentioned at the podium take a listen. >> he got laken riley's name wrong calling her at lincoln, no. mixing her up with the football coach, right? he got the name wrong, lincoln. and when he asked what about the legal citizens who kill people that is what he said what about all the legal citizens?
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what about all of the legal. in other words making excuses. then. [laughter] but just moments ago this was just before coming up they just told me prior to what i'm doing right now that joe biden went on television and apologized for calling laken riley's killer illegal did not mean to call them illegal. he said he should have called him an un- documented not an illegal and he wanted to apologize. >> for her presence referring to comments president biden made today on his way down to atlanta no love lost between these two men especially are in georgia the last election was decided by some 12000 votes. president biden's campaign kicking off a new 30 million dollar ad blitz if you will over
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the next six weeks. trying to invest in the battleground states we are likely going to see the former president try to match that with new ads and getting the boat out. they're getting the campaign message out there he's likely to clinch the nomination within a matter of days he's just shy of the delegates needed right now but of course all indications are that everybody else dropped out he will be the republican nominee and jon as you well know were looking to the trump/biden re/max a few months from now. jon: it's interesting he said he fixed the board on day one of his administration with the polling shows the american people don't agree with him on that. >> it is funny you said the president may think which present are we talking about your question if that's what's coming so fast and about this race we don't see this often you have the two presidents competing with the message you are right president biden did bring up immigration. he talked about he feels was a failure of leadership under his predecessor. it was a similar message joy heard from the state of the union the other night by flood biden's energy was very similar tonight i should mention the crowd to size here was much
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smaller compared to what we are seeing up in rome with former president trump the event menu they picked for this while beautiful does not hold a lot of people and trump's campaign has already been out there trying to say look at the enthusiasm they got with thousands of people showing up that we the people who shop at the ballot box. jon: november's what's going to edit mark meredith with the present atlanta, thank you. another tragedy during a humanitarian airdrop and gaza buried five people are dead about a dozen others were hurt when a parachute attached to a pallet of humanitarian aid did not open. stephanie bennett has more from london. >> jon, the situation is dire of the united nations is 2.3 million people are struggling to find food meanwhile half a million of those are already facing starvation. today more humanitarian supplies were airdropped including some from the u.s. air force round of 41000 meals and 23000 bottles of water delivered to northern
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gaza. but yesterday at least five palestinians were killed several others injured after some of the parachutes failed to open. none were from u.s. drops the pentagon says it doesn't plan to build a temporary aid port which could deliver to million meals a day to those in need. they said it could take up to 60 days to become a reality and involve more than 1000 american troops. cyprus to be the coordination point for this mission they are already working to send humanitarian aid to date loading goes on to a spanish ngo ship called open arms. purchase flooring up once again across the world here in london thousands gathered for the immediate cease-fire marking the fifth pro- palestinian demonstration in the city so far this year. >> this cannot continue. we must stop it. we need peace. and at the bloodshed no more. we need to boycott this it is unacceptable. right minded human beings can
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accept this. to carry on any longer breakouts in tel aviv the families of hostages have been growling for weeks tonight's rally will draw attention to the 19 women held by terrorists in the gaza strip. antigovernment protesters are also demonstrating nationwide. attempts have been ongoing to reach a hostage deal a cease-fire between israel and hamas but talks on thursday in egypt ended without any progress for the hope is in agreement will be reached before tomorrow night when ramadan begins otherwise more negotiations will take place next week. jon: stephanie bennett thank you. here are some other headlines from around the globe. in ukraine authorities say two people were killed in a russian artillery striker. one of the victims a 16-year-old boy. russia also reports it took down a ukrainian fighter jet and several drones. interrogate the president is offering to host peace summit between russia and ukraine the turkish president said after meeting with ukraine's president he hopes russia will be on
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board. in norway, nato is sending a message while conducting its biggest military drill since the cold war. this week crew members on a french frigate destroyed a german submarine acting as an enemy vessel. and nigeria officials are searching for almost 300 children taken from their school thursday at gunpoint. well 15 more students were abducted this morning from another school. gangs and islamic terrorists have kidnapped and nigerian students for ransom for at least a decade now. >> in portugal voters will elect 230 new lawmakers of the country's parliament to morbid those lawmakers will choose a new government. the radical rights of party is in the running against to a two moderate parties that have swapped power for decades. ♪ i love that, leavened bread
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and canada skiers and snowboarders got a thrilling ride during the ski during events a combination of skiing and rodeo. horses pull racers toward the finish line in subzero temperatures wind and snow. had one of those in idaho a week or two ago. that is a look at some stories from around the globe. ♪ up next on the fox report some dangerous weather is rolling through southeastern states, right adam question records were absolutely right active weather seagrass eastern united states for that main severe weather mostly in the southeast. for some folks it is still winter will talk all about coming up on my full forecast after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7.
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jon: some severe storms or been reported in the southeastern united states for those storms are because flash flooding in south carolina and tornado watches and warnings across parts of georgia, alabama and florida. fox at meteofox and meteorologis the latest force. >> a really active weather pattern we see across the eastern half of the country. the worst of it has been the southeast as we continue to
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watch the initial line of thunderstorms sweep its way little further off toward the east. currently from the port of big bend across north florida. still pushing off to see a little but we continue the evening hours this is going to continue to wind down and loses on the daytime heating it's a really large system folks to the north are expressing as well not severe weather just kind of ate really soggy day from dcf to new york. you get a little further north to see that suddenly we are talking snow it's also a windy system in coastal areas from new england running down to the mid atlantic. all these areas we are looking at advisories' coastal flooding winds pushing up on the shore really causing concern for flooding and finally as i said a little further to the north plenty of winter weather alerts across the northern areas. some of these spots 6 inches to a foot of snow more than inch of snow. there are areas out there where it feels like winter. jon: very much so. meteorologist adam thanks will be back to in a minute.
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some bizarre unexplained sightings in the sky. the pentagon is weighing in and if you are a ufo believer you might not be happy. details on the new report next. a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to attack this new lobster & shrimp stack? ready for your lobster lover's dream to come true? they're two of ten lobster creations, only at lobsterfest. plus, cheddar bays for days. but lobsterfest won't last, so hurry in. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase.
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woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the
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former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i have a tremendous love for israel and the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering with the fellowship. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish
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people in need around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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♪ report from the pentagon says ufos might be unidentified but not of extraterrestrial origin. the report claims most alleged video evidence of ufo sightings of the united states have been debunked although some settings are still being evaluated. findings have not persuaded those who want to believe but many say the government is simply withholding the real proof. adam, you have pretty powerful writers in the box for the center, you ever see any ufos? democrat never seen any but if the government wanted me to believe it exists, they should say they do exist because i couldn't believe anything they say. >> a weird one but -- >> we don't know but this is the video that's always gotten me,
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i'm on board. >> we'll see. all right, thank you. for you in tv land, don't forget to change your clocks tonight must you're in arizona and a couple of other places, time will spring forward as daylight saving time officially begins to a.m. eastern. some devices like your smart phone and computers will automatically change to the new time but lose an hour of sleep tonight, you will need to manually reset others like watches and household appliances when you get up in the morning. you will probably be rocky so don't forget. that's how fox reports march 9, 2024. thank you for watching, with you tomorrow. ♪ ♪


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