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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  March 6, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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this is a movie for everyone. it's an incredible story of a hero. watch. >> anyone that sees this film, anyone that does come in to the film, want in and say i'm really so upset about the broken world we're living in. i walk out of this film, i'm excited about life again and i'm on fire and i want to do better. >> this is a rocky story about a woman in a habit. you'll forget about the habit quickly. it's a human story. >> martha: the other gentleman there, a great conversation with him. he's 91 years old. you know, just decided to take something on at this age, a very accomplished man. the screen writer, rob barr. the untold story now is available at fox news podcasts. that's "the story" for today. i'll see you in washington for the state of the union. have a good evening, everybody. >> neil: all right. so nikki haley is out of the race.
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donald trump still in the race. joe biden as we know is wrapping up the race. what to make of what happens right now? because in order to win over disaffected nikki haley workers and supporters, what does donald trump want to do? we're going to explore that. welcome. i'm neil cavuto, this is "your world." to bill melugin in charleston, south carolina with the ramifications of super tuesday on a lot of questions wednesday. bill? >> neil, we were in the room when nikki haley made this announcement. it was somber with her staffers and supporters. a quick speech. he did not endorse donald trump. instead, she urged him to try to win over her supporters. take a listen. >> it's now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it that did not support him. i hope he does that. at its best, politics is about bringing people in to your
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cause, not turning them away. >> this is nikki haley walking out on stage moments before that announcement. she walked out to applause from her supporters, this following a disappointing super tuesday for her in which she only won one state, vermont. she started this race a year ago. she was the last one standing against donald trump. she exited the race today. now donald trump is the presumptive republican nominee. the rnc reacting to that. here's what they're saying today. president trump once delivered a booming economy, secure border, energy independence and america's strength on the world stage. the exact opposite of the chaos created by joe biden. republican voters have spoken loud and clear with historically large margins and we're more united than ever to beat biden and democrats up and down the ballot in november. neil, nikki haley's camp pushes back against that last
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statement. no, republicans are not more united. the votes that they got in some states, 30 to 40% show that this party is still fractured. the big question will be, can nikki haley and donald trump mend bridges? where will her supporters go this fall. that remains to be scene. meantime, haley says that she's excited to going back to being a private citizen. back to you. >> neil: thanks. want to go to bryan llenas. he's with all of the trump forces in west palm beach, florida. bryan, the big question now is, does the former president see the need to reach out not only to nikki haley but her supporters? what are you hearing? >> yeah, absolutely. that is a big question. i think part of that, winning over the independent voters will be the debates. former president donald trump just less than an hour ago said the same person that said he would not debate his republican
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rivals is now challenging president biden to a debate saying it doesn't matter who hosts the debates, even if it's the democratic national committee. he wrote this on truth social. it's importants for the good of our country that joe biden and i debate issues so important to the american people. i'm calling for debates any time, anywhere, anyplace. earlier today trump reacted to haley's decision to drop out of this race without endorsing him by writing "nikki haley got trounced last night in record-seeking fashion. i would further like to invite all of the haley supporters to join the greatest movement in the history of our nation." now last night trump called on the republican party to come together. today mitch mcconnell endorsed trump despite years of animosity, including personal attacks against elaine chao,
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mcconnell's wife. >> i said in february after 2021, shortly after the attack on the capitol, i would support president trump if he were the nominee of our party and he obviously will be the nominee of our party. >> president biden and the dnc have $80 million cash on hand. that's double the cash the trump campaign and the rnc have. "the new york times" says that former president trump mid with elon musk and other wealthy donors to try to raise more case. musk said just to be super clear, i am not donating money to either candidate for u.s. president. both trump and biden will be hosting duelling rallies in georgia on saturday. ahead of the primary there. neil? >> neil: thanks, bryan. let's go to lee carter, gop polster. it's very clear right now that
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there's still a little bit of bad blood between the former president and nikki haley. obviously that message that he sent out from truth social didn't sound warm and cuddly. he has to reach out to her voters. no, we don't. she didn't have that much. what are you hearing? >> i think that he's not going to make an overt effort in any kind of way. i think he already did. he reached out to them in his own way. he couldn't help but comment on nikki haley. but he said, you know, come in to the tent. that's what we'll see more of. he's on wards and he wants everybody else to get on the trump train. i don't think he will make any nuanced offerings, but i think he will invite everybody in to the train. the truth of the matter is, as much as people say that they didn't vote for nikki haley, they're not going to vote for donald trump, you help but wonder what will happen. they won't go out in numbers and
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start supporting joe biden. >> neil: by the way, we'll get into this later. joe biden and the white house, they're working hard to get some of them to come over. i don't know who will win that out. do you think -- you look at these numbers every detail. it's one thing for donald trump to be running away with the republican nomination. it's quite another to win over the independents and others that have been leery of him and less so now. they're still leery. how crucial will be that be? what type of efforts do they need to make? >> i think his speech last night, he hit on a couple of things that i think are so important. he talked about energy independence. he talked about immigration. he talked about the economy. those are the things that are most important. when you talk to voters out there, across the board, this includes independents, donald trump wins issues that are most important to the american voters. he needs to focus on those rather than going to january 6 and litigate what happened then and litigate with the last election. when he focuses on how strong a
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economy can be and strengthening our border and making america great again, that's when he reallies people together. i'm not to say that he will be a disciplined messenger. when he focuses on things that matter most to the american people, that's when he wins. >> neil: let me ask you about nikki haley and what role she could play in his campaign. when i talked to her last, we raised v.p. thing. she always poo-pooed that. this is nikki haley. i want you to react. >> they get nervous when you criticize donald trump. because they think you'd make a great running mate. a lot of people say it would be perfect. you could get him the independents and the kind of support that he would need in a general election. he seems to rule you out. you seem to rule that out. if he were to ask, what would you do? >> i am not interested in being
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vice president. i'm running to be. . >> neil: if the line-up doesn't match you and it's an impossible battle and cooler heads say trump-haley, that makes sense, that's a winning ticket, what do you say? >> this is what i'll tell you, neil. i'll let you know. maybe i'll give you a tip when i pick my vice president. how about that? >> neil: she doesn't have to worry about that right now. maybe given the past history that donald trump won't be considering her. what do you think? >> i don't think it's likely, although anything is possible. you remember in 2016, how many people hated each other. ted cruz and donald trump were going next and neck. he was going after his wife. he ended up supporting donald trump. also, you never would have expected mike pence to be somebody to team up with donald trump. could be an unlikely pairing.
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i think what is most important to donald trump this time, unlike 2016 when he needed somebody to balance him out, now he needs a successor. who is the next person to lead this movement. more likely to be someone like maybe sarah huckabee, elise stefanik. tim scott is another clear choice. but i would not be surprised, anything and everything can and will happen when it comes to donald trump. so you never know. >> neil: yeah. builter rivals can join forces. great seeing you again, lee. eric levine, an early backer of nikki haley. he was there to the bitter end. he didn't say after one race i'm out of here. so your disappointed. >> clearly. >> neil: it's donald trump's republican party. will you support him?
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>> the starting port, does he want my support. if he convinces me that he's the right guy, then perhaps. >> neil: what does he have to do? >> the first thing he has to do is invite me back. he has to tell me that he's about the future and not the past. >> neil: when you say invite you back, not personally but the upset independent republicans? >> if he wants to called me personally, that will be fine, too. >> neil: he's not going to do that. you don't want him to suck up to you. >> if you donate to bird brain nikki haley -- >> neil: so you're angry, bitter. >> i'm not persuaded he can win. i'm a little disappointed in him. let's be clear. the option is not voting for joe biden. the question for people like me, do we vote for trump or do we stay home. what do we do now? the worst possible result is a joe biden presidency, a chuck schumer leader and a hakeem
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jeffries speaker. the best way to beat that trifecta in my view is to help republicans retake the senate. that map is great for us. we have a real good shot at doing that. i posted events for jim banks. i have one for dave mccormack, larry hogan in may. if we can win back the senate, we have gone a long way oh. >> neil: so you go in the voting booth, you pick every position except president. >> if trump doesn't want my vote -- if he wants to tell me he wants to get out of nato, i wouldn't support him. if he tells me that he believes that january 6th was a righteous protest, he's not going to get my vote. >> he hasn't changed his mind on those two issues. so it sounds like he doesn't care about your vote. >> he may not. if he doesn't care about my vote, why should i vote for him? >> neil: okay. it's right after -- i get that.
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you're a candidate that you wanted to win didn't. so what do you do? sounds like you don't vote for president. >> i will vote for president. i'm waiting to see -- >> neil: sounds like in that scenario you go for joe biden. >>ly not vote for joe biden. >> so it's donald trump. >> neil: donald trump has to ask for my vote back generally speaking: he's not going to do that. what do you do? >> if he doesn't want my vote, it's an academic question. >> neil: are you not going to vote for donald trump? >> as i said -- >> neil: he won't reach out to you. i doubt it. >> if donald trump doesn't retract his statement about telling nato nations i'm going to tell russia to do whatever they want to you, there's no reason for me to vote for donald trump. if i want a failed foreign policy, i can vote for joe biden. >> neil: but you said you won't vote for joe biden. >> i won't. that may well be the case.
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>> neil: this is like an abbott and costello thing. >> i know who is on first. >> neil: very good seeing you. we'll see if the former president calls you up. former nikki haley donor. not saying the guy looking like the likely nominee right now. meantime, i want to go to the corner of wall and broad. if i had to go a choice of who would move markets more, nikki haley stepping out or that guy, jerome powell saying that interest rates are coming down, he didn't give an exact time frame but he was optimistic that they would. nikki haley, nothing for the markets. but it's fair to say that jerome powell did a lot for the markets and help boost technology stocks as well on the optimism that is building over interest rates coming down and the financial environment just moving up, up, up. meantime, when we come back, we're going to take a look at how the president of the united states is preparing for his big state of the union address, particularly when it comes to
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border issues that is probably front and center for chip roy. the thing that he wants to hear most about after this. there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more.
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>> this is not an immigration reform problem. >> this is not a solution. this is a ploy to exploit a terrible tragedy. >> this is being grandstanded? tell that to the family. >> the american people have had it. had it with a congress that refuses to do their job to check an executive, which is lawless and out of control. americans are dying as a result of it. namely mrs. riley from georgia. >> neil: you know that chip roy and a lot of republicans obviously a good number of democrats furious over what's going on at the border right now. goes from bad to worse and what he wants to hear from the president in the state of the union address. first to peter doocy at the white house on what we're learning could be in that address. to you, sir. >> we're learning that president biden he tinker with copy tomorrow night when he steps up
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to the microphone with the huge audience. it's unclear if they will look at the exit polls and see that border and immigration are more around more important. it doesn't sound like they're going to add any big announcements about an executive action on immigration. >> no executive action would have been able to have the impact that bipartisan proposal would have had. >> officials say they congratulate the one democrat that beat biden last night, jason philips in american samoa. they're not ready to commit to sharing a stage with donald trump. >> now that the field is down to two, is president biden going to commit to a debate with donald trump? >> that's something for the campaign to speak to. >> we know when the debates will be. we foe where they're going to be. is he going to go?
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>> you should speak to the campaign. >> in 2020, once it goes down to one-on-one, joe biden said i can hardly wait to debate him. how about now? >> i'm going to sound like a broken record. you should reach out to the campaign. >> just a few minutes later, donald trump wrote on truth social that he wants to debate biden anywhere, any time even if it's hosted by the commission on presidential debates. that was a big sticking point for republicans. apparently not anymore. neil? >> neil: it's odd though that donald trump didn't debate any republican opponents. obviously he's keen on this. we'll see what happens. great job, peter. chip roy joins us, the texas congressman on what he makes on this back and forth, particularly when it comes to the border. congressman, the president is going to sort of blame you guys tomorrow night. seems fair to say that you had this bipartisan quasi deal and
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fell apart. it's all your fault. that's essentially it. what do you think? >> you have good handle on it. i came out of the house judiciary committee where we saw a preview from our democratic colleagues of what they're toing to try to do. what you want hear from the president in the house chamber, you won't hear him talking about laken riley or hear him talk about their lives or hear him talking about the 2-year-old that was killed in montgomery county outside of d.c. or the young lady that was raped in louisiana by someone that is here illegally. all of these individuals released in to the united states under this president's broken policies. he's not going to want to talk about that human face. he's going to want to hid behind legislation that as you know was being worked on in the senate. yes, bipartisan, but with very few actual supporters that knew border security policy. once you looked under the hood and you understand border
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security policy and you realize it's attached to an $80 billion ukraine bill and you realize that when you see the language it's going to codify the mass releases, the alternatives to detention, which is littered throughout the bill, that the catch and release that they all had exceptions, you realize the bill was going to make things worse. you'll appreciate this, neil. my colleagues will say you're doing the bidding of donald trump. you know me well. i don't do the bidding of donald trump. i'm happy to say when he's doing the right thing, i'm happy to say when he's doing the wrong thing. same thing of my democrat friends. i opposed the bill not because trump wanted political points. it was a bill that wasn't going to get the job done. you'll see that tomorrow. our job is to make clear, we passed hr-2. it would do the job. we need to keep moving forward to get legislation to force the president to act.
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>> neil: you mentioned the president. you were right. you supported ron desantis for president. that got donald trump upset. you call them as you see them. i respect that. i wanted your take on donald trump and joe biden, whether they ever debate, could be the first time since 1972 that we don't have debates. back then it work out fine for incumbent richard nixon. he had avoided the same thing when he first ran for president in 68 after his loss to john f. kennedy. it was maybe because of his experience in those debates with john kennedy that he swore never to debate again. i worked fine for him. maybe the biden folks are figure nothing debate will work fine for him. what do you think? >> i certainly -- if i were advising president biden, i wouldn't want him out in full public view. i don't want him to go head-to-head on the stage. i was critical for former president trump to not debating governor desantis or nikki haley
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for that matter. the american people deserve that. they certainly deserve it when you're down to the nominees for the two respective parties. of course i think they should debate. he's the sitting president running against the former president of the united states almost assuredly unless something strange happens. so they should debate in front of few view for the american people to see. i think you'll see president trump energized as he was in 2016. i've had my differences of opinion but he know what's we need to do about securing the border and getting the economy going. president biden, i'm not sure he knows where he is. he is our president. it hurts to say that even though i disagree with him. he's clearly not all there. most of the people around him are propping him up. i'd like to see them on the stage head-to-head, duelling it out on the issues that the american people care about. >> neil: while i have you, congressman, this u.s. house bill that will apparently fund parts of the government and
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avoid a shut down is getting more and more support. i don't know if it's bipartisan support but it's support. what do you think of that? where are you on this whole protracted shut down? we have keep us going another week or two. >> i just voted no and i ran out to do the interview here. i hope i'm not missing another vote. i'm a note on this bill. this will spend money we don't have. bust the caps that were passed on a bipartisan basis last year. it will not move the important policy priorities that we put in place, for example, in the transportation bill, we had language in there that would have said you don't get money if you're a sanctuary city. if you have a sanctuary city, you're not working with ice, you don't get the money. those are the kind of policy riders that i think should have been a part of this package. minimal things that would have made this better if you're going to bust the caps and spend money greater than nancy pelosi's levels. i want to be clear. no matter what my republican
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colleagues say, we continue to spend money at a greater level. you and i both know we're racking up a trillion in debt every 100 days. we're spending more on interest than defense today. we will be spending a trillion dollars in interest in 2026. we have to do something about it. you and i will both agree, mandatory spending, social security, we have to deal with that. but how on earth are my colleagues say they're going to address those issues if they're not willing to take on the easy things like the united nations or unrwa funding hamas? we need to do that and hopefully we will. >> neil: i know you have to go vote. thanks for your time. chip roy, good seeing you. >> thanks. >> neil: by now you might be getting sick of hearing fani willis and this battle of whether she should be a prosecutor. maybe not much longer. we'll explain after this.
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including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at . >> neil: you know you're losing your legal case when the guy you're targeting is not the focus of attention. you are. fani willis is back in the news. jonathan serrie has more from atlanta. jonathan? >> hi there. we're at the georgia state house. earlier today, a georgia senate committee met, republican leaders of that committee saying they're trying to determine whether da fani willis misused public funds. their only witness that they called us is ashley merchant who is trying to have willis disqualified from prosecuting the georgia election interference cause because of
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her romantic relationship with nathan wade. last month, willis and wade testified that their relationship was not romantic until after she hired him. but merchant says that cell none data placed the two in the same atlanta area condo overnight before he was hired. >> so it's pinging from his house to the condo. he calls her when he gets there. and then it goes silent for four or five hours. early in the morning hours, he starts pinging again driving back and texts her when he gets home. >> this is before he gets hired in november of 21? >> yes. >> merchants also said that willis attended an event with kamala harris before mr. trump was indicted. white house official tells fox news it was a large events honoring black history month. there were hundreds of black dignitaries present. fani willis was one of them and
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the vice president did not get the opportunity to talk directly with her. neil? >> neil: thank you very much for that. one of these days it's going to be resolved. the judge has about another week to decide. when we come back, the search now for a number 2 for donald trump. safe to say with a little bit of a continued bad blood between he and nikki haley, the search is on for someone else. maybe someone that was also running for the presidency. vivek ramaswamy is next. ll ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis
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with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah wealth-changing question -- are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? high taxes can erode returns quickly, so you need a tax-optimized portfolio. at creative planning, our money managers and specialists work together to make sure your portfolio and wealth are managed in a tax-efficient manner. it's what you keep that really matters. why not give your wealth a second look? book your free meeting today at creative planning -- a richer way to wealth.
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my name's cody archie. and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there. tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations. >> neil: with nikki haley out of the presidential race, donald trump is the last manned standing and on the verge of standing, maybe next week, of securitying the republican nomination in the 1,215 delegates that he will need to make that happen. vivek ramaswamy was also running for. . kind enough to join us now. good to have you back, vivek.
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>> good to see you. >> neil: donald trump says the party has never been more united. nikki haley disputed that. she said her voters and supporters so far predisposed to not support him. would not agree with that. what do you think? >> look, i look one step beyond the party, neil. i see an opportunity to unite the country as a whole. one of the messages that trump has delivered that i really like, success will be our vengeance. that success itself is unifying. if you travel across this country from rural communities to the inner cities to suburban communities, black to white and even democrat or republican, most americans agree that we need a secure southern border. most americans agree that we don't want prices to continually rise while wages have remained flat. those are unifying issues that
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not only unites the republican? are there fissures? sure. the deeper question is how do we unite all americans around the basic values and issues that 80% of this country agrees on. there's an opportunity to win in a landslide like 1980 with reagan. that's what donald trump can deliver if we get this right between now and november. >> neil: do you get a sense that donald trump has the dna to do that? to be a unifier, be magnanimous and stop the name calling? that's what hold as good many americans back. when it comes to pulling the lever and realizing the taunting and his less warm and fuzzy parts, that's where they draw the line. what about you? >> well, look, i think there's two things i'd say. most persons know judge a man not by his word but by his
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actions. for the better in donald trump's case. the first term, he kept us outs of foreign wars and grew the economy. two things americans wish for now where the economy that they struggle and on the brink of major conflicts around the world. look at a man that has done the job. for the first time, we have -- i say this as a scientist, somebody in the biotech world, a controlled experiment. you have four years of biden and four years of trump. compare the two when it comes to international stability, economic growth and border security. people will be able to make their choice based on results and action. to your point about words and communication, i thought the way that trump handled that press conference, that announcement after the supreme court decision was elegant. dare i say inspiring for the country casting that decision as a decision about national unity. that's what it was. the supreme court basically said, are we one nation? if we are, we have to be one nation that elects one president
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on all of the ballots, all of the candidates have to be listed or we're a patch work of states. donald trump came off of that with a message no grievance but about national unity. you have the track record and the controlled experiment of four years of trump versus four years of biden. even in these recent weeks, talking about the importance of free speech and national unity, i think that's been the correct step in a right direction that could deliver that unifying landslide, neil. i'm going to do everything in my part to make that happen. >> neil: when you say everything in your part, you're a very successful businessman. you made hundreds of millions of dollars. we're told donald trump asked musk for support. he's not given to trump or
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biden. if he were to go to you and say can you loan my campaign money, what would you say? >> donald trump is not in need of any else's help or anything else. he's in the poll position -- >> neil: he does need money. >> look, i think -- the beauty of this is you have grass roots supporters. that's been the character of the america first movement. it's not a movement of big check writers as it is for much of the democratic party and the establishment wing of the republican party. say no to the politics of yesterday. the beauty of the america first movement including what propelled donald trump and the america first movement forward is bottom up uprising. i was honored in my campaign to see. if you asked for $10 from farmers in iowa, they might give you $100. they'll give you $10 if they believe in your message. that's what this country is about. it about we the people selecting our leaders.
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not a small group of oligarchs or autocrats deciding who runs the country. i've been a vocal supporter of america first as i could be and i don't plan to stop this year until we secure victory. >> neil: so you'd think about the money thing but you're not doing it now? >> i'm going to be a vocal supporter, neil. a lot of businessmen on the sidelines. i'm focused on the front lines. some have chosen to get in the arena and that's where i'm playing. >> neil: vivek ramaswamy a former presidential candidate. maybe more. we are watching what's going on with the houthi rebel attacks. always been the fear with all the attacks at least they hadn't killed anyone. that is until now. tired muscles and joints were keeping me from doing the things i loved most. not anymore. blue-emu gave me my freedom back. it supports healthy muscles and joints. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. only at vanguard you're more than
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>> neil: want to take you to philadelphia. it's happened again. a bus shooting. we don't know much more than that. the fourth such gun fire incident in a transit system there in as many days. it took place in the afternoon in the northeastern neighborhood. we don't know what started this. we know that this has gotten to be a common theme. authorities will update folks that a few minutes. we'll keep you posted on that. meanwhile, speaking of violence, a different kind.
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one you're getting used to as well. certainly around the red sea area, houthi rebels have been striking ship after ship. cargo containers after cargo containers. the one lament has been, nobody has been killed. well two have been now. the latest from general jack keane, the u.s. four-star general, strategic analyst and much more. i don't know how the houthis keep doing this. this time they killed folks on another foreign carrier. the fact is that they have. we can't seem to stop them, general. what do you think? >> yeah, certainly i totally agree. it's a matter of time that someone was killed. we've got a ship sunk and several damaged. we have at least 50% of the traffic going through the suez canal and the red sea that has halted and going around the
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whole horn of africa. a major disruption to the global supply line that we've been talking about. i think we have to rethink this thing is little bit with the houthis. obviously they have a lot more rockets and missiles and capability than likely we expected. they certainly have the will to continue doing it. we've been talking about disrupting the houthis. it time to change the mission to destroy this capability and conduct a sustained campaign to do that. i would not rule out conducting on the ground raids by a special operations forces. for our audience to understand, in yemen where this is coming from, before the houthis desupposed a country and the government that was friendly to the united states, we had a soft base in yemen that we used to conduct attacks from against the al-quaida. since that time, that base has
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been gone. we have conducted attacks continually against the al-quaida in the yemen. so we know how to do this. i think that -- the mission should be changed. let's take the rockets, the missiles away, the launch systems, the command and control and the guidance systems and just change the mission from disrupt to dedestroyed. let the centcom commander figure out a campaign to do that. let's go after this thing more significantly than what we're doing. >> neil: general, thanks very much. we'll watch it closely. general jack keane. want to update you in philadelphia right now with this shooting. we don't know what started it. we know it's the fourth time in as many days there's been a shooting in a philadelphia transit system. this was on a bus. four were injured. we know in the case of those four that might not be life threatening the other three, we're not quite so sure.
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we'll keep you posted. when we come back, keeping you posted on how the president of the united states plans to get ready for his state of the union address. we're told he's making an effort to reach out to disaffected nikki haley voters that feel that they can't vote for donald trump. so joe biden is saying, vote for me. why chris coons, the guy is ahead of that campaign says he has a good argument to make after this. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now, get max strength topical pain relief precisely where you need it. with new tylenol precise. bother the bugs.
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♪ ♪ >> neil: all right, i don't know what we can call this, after super tuesday, may be going to be super thursday, or at least super high pressure speech for the president of the united states on thursday. state of the union, an opportunity for the president to lay out his plans on the border and other issues, to prove to americans he is not some doddery old guy. chris coons, the senator from the great state of delaware, election campaign cochair. great to see you. >> great to be with you. thanks for having me on. >> neil: you know the pressure, you've dealt with it from networks and reporters asking the same thing: is the president up to this job? he has his old man moments that a lot of people are beginning to have serious doubts about, including a majority within your own party. what do you say to that? >> so, we'll see on thursday once again president biden give a forceful and commanding presentation of what he's gotten done in his first three years,
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he has accomplished more than most presidents can do into ter. i was just campaigning in michigan last weekend, neil, and what is striking is, on the ground, the folks i was listening to, the impact on their lives of advanced manufacturing plants, of new investments in infrastructure, double-digit wage increase for autoworkers, the communities i was in in michigan are feeling and seeing the impact on their lives. they didn't ask me, is joe biden too old to be president? they asked me, can we work together to finish the job in the next four years? >> neil: there is, as you know, senator, great discipline -- the majority of americans come all of a sudden, what do you think of the two in this nation, and a nation of 340 plus million americans come it is down to them again. what you tell them? >> i tell them they should get happier about recycling because we are recycling the same candidates from 2020, but there is a big difference. we know a lot more about donald trump and we know a lot more about joe biden. i believe that joe biden's 50
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years of experience helping lead our nation and the senate and as vice president have shown forth and how he has tackled this critical moment. mobilizing our global network of alliances to come to ukraine's aid as they fight bravely against russian aggression, engaging to support israel after the brutal attack by hamas, but also to work with the region to come up with a path forward that might a regional peace plan -- >> neil: those ain't accomplishments, senator, no offense to you, have backfired on him. even his party, your party, even with the success he has had in the economy, very few giving them credit for it. what do you think? >> well, look, back to the story of michigan. when you get a chance to talk with folks and say that new plant that just opened with 1100 jobs, that new work that is going on in downtown detroit, where they have the lowest unemployment in 50 years, that
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happened because of the bipartisan bills that president biden signed into law. he signed into law the biggest support for our veterans in history, the most important gun safety bipartisan bill in our history. the biggest investment in community mental health. but neil, to your point, lots of americans don't connect those positive steps forward in their lives with action by congress and the president. that's what the campaign is for. so for the months that, head, i expect donald trump will keep talking about grievance, trying to relitigate the 2020 election, trying to kick the pro nikki haley voters out of the party and say he doesn't want them, and joe biden will talk about how he has successfully brought us together -- >> neil: the president is not going to take that route. we are told the plan is to really rattle donald trump. is that true, that this is going to be about anger? >> i do think he will lay out a
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sharp contrast, and it's an easy contrast to make. when donald trump was president, he talked about manufacturing every week, but never actually delivered on a big bill that advanced either infrastructure or manufacturing. joe biden has a great and strong record to run on. so i do think he will draw a sharp contrast. i do think you will talk about the border and how come in his first state of the union, president biden called on us in congress to pass the laws that would give him the skills come of the tools, the ability, the authorities to actually deal with our broken immigration system, and in the supplemental, he asked for $20 billion to deal with fentanyl, to hire more border patrol agents -- >> neil: that will be a tough sell, but we will see how it goes tomorrow night. senator coons come all was good seeing you. thank you very much vehicle that will do it here. "the five" right now. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone


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