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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 4, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. ♪ ♪ >> brian: it is 8:00 on the east coast. it is monday, march 4th, and this is "fox & friends."
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to determine president trump's future on the ballot as soon as today. judge jeanine i hope she's in a good mood. she is straight ahead. plus, did i do that right, brian, the chiefs say he heard from no one as the crisis grew. >> i've never had one conversation with the president or vice president. i commanded 21,000 people. that is a problem. >> ainsley: and new queen of the court court, iowa iowa's caitlin clark breaks the ncaa all-time scoring record. >> for college basketball history! [cheers and applause] >> she does it on a fall shot! speak to someone on the other team got ready to clap and then, wait! they are proud of her but yet -- >> steve: hour three of "fox & friends" and as the
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hashtag says mornings are with friends. 8:01 on the east the supreme court in two hours expected to issue at least one ruling today that we don't know when it is. >> ainsley: we don't know when it is but the colorado case to determine whether president trump can get kicked off of the state's primary ballot tonight because tomorrow is super tuesday. >> this ruling is handed down on this issue today would have massive repercussions outside of colorado. just to recap the colorado court the first article 3 of the first amendment boring office members who engage in insurrection from holding public office again. made in illinois followed suit disqualifying trump from their primary pellets but these decisions have been put on hold as trump appeals. more than 20 states with
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truth -- pending cases including wisconsin which is about around state. a dozen states have dismissed efforts to kick trump off the ballot. during arguments the supreme court appeared skeptical of colorado's effort to kick trump off of the ballot. it is not wise whether a candidate should appear on a pallet and the impact that such a decision would have on the rest of the country. there was an urgency for the nation's highest court to issue a ruling to voters in colorado. they had to the polls for super tuesday. to be clear trump's name will be on the palate tomorrow but if the supreme court decides against him, votes for him could be invalidated. guys, back to you. >> steve: she just answer the question will his name be on the colorado ballot? it's on it but if an eligible, the boats won't count. meanwhile 8:03 in the east. president trump's main component nikki haley on the heels of her
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first primary victory. >> ainsley: gillian turner joins us outside of the white house. she won in d.c.. >> ainsley, brian, steve, lawrence the president is held up at camp david we are preparing for his big thursday state of the union speech mentioned, he has to get through tomorrow super tuesday and this polls are out from a variety here at the white house might not be too thrilled about. take a look at this brand-new fox news polling shows trump ahead of biden in a head-to-head rematch. he has 49% compared to 47% for the president. this from "the wall street journal," they asked voters if the general election held today, who would you vote for? 47% of voters said trump and just 45%, president biden. meanwhile over "the new york times," they found slightly even start working difference 48% said they would
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vote for trump at the ballot box versus 44% who said president biden. candidate nikki haley is also generating some headlines ahead of super tuesday. she got her first primary victory against former president trump yesterday right here in the nation's capitol. she appears to be equivocated when asked when she plans to support her party's nominee. >> so you are no longer bound by that pledge? >> know i think i will make what decision i want to make, but that is not something i'm thinking about. while you all think about that, i'm looking at the fact we have thousands of people in virginia. we are headed to north carolina. we will continue to go to vermont, all the states to show there is a path forward. >> the white house at ahead of thursday, president biden has some big plans for the state of the union speech. he will tell what he sees as his main victory during his first term in office passing the infrastructure bill, lowering
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prescription drug prices for americans across the board. they say he will lay out a clear agenda for a second term should he be given one by the american voters. they say he is going to plan to really focus on lowering health care prices for americans across the board. so all eyes on tomorrow as of right now, back to you guys. >> brian: thanks. >> steve: you didn't mention the border. we have for the white house finally try to cook up some executive order regarding the border. is there a possibility that might be announced thursday with the state of the union? >> there is the possibility. it could be announced even as soon as today, steve. the white house meant the scenes has been considering this executive order for about three weeks now. various times, a decision has been announced but not so far. we are hearing rumblings from nonfox news sources that decision or that announcement could even come in the state of the union address itself.
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>> brian: may be fed 91 executive orders that he reversed on day one. the biden administration must have felt if they get a newspaper delivered, i'm not sure a tip on friday but it's digital. right now "the new york times" siena poll has trump up by 4%, "wall street journal" by 2% and cbs poll by 4% and you go inside the numbers and you can talk about infrastructure or prescription drugs, have added. you can talk about inflation going down an employment being great. how do the people feel about it? one in four think twice as many voters that president biden's policies have personally hurt them as they believe his policies have helped him. 40% of the voter said trump's policies have helped them compared to 18% who said they have her them. it is because of the green energy. it is because getting rid of the ovens, gas powered ovens, having intent on the electric car and
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checked the prices on everything and getting rid of the natural gas licenses in places like pennsylvania, hurting the entire state. his push for green has not got him high marks with environmentalists and turned up the american people. >> lawrence: brian, i'm so sorry -- >> ainsley: you go down to the border, economy, crime. >> lawrence: it is in every state we go to as well. we hear the same old story. the interesting thing when you go deeper in the polling, he's losing with hispanics now. >> brian: 60/40. >> lawrence: black supporters as well. we are talking about historic election if he can rally hispanics plus more of black voters. if i'm in the white house right now, i'm thinking every strategy. ainsley, their message right now is the american people just don't understand the numbers right now. but things are better than what they seem. >> steve: that is what the
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white house says but it impacts every demographic is the cost of stuff we have to abide. so to the point, brian, you detailed where people say joe biden's policies have personally hurt them, that goes to the old expression during the reagan years which he used very effectively and that is, are you better off today than four years ago? when you look at the price of bread or a pound of bacon, you are better all four years ago. >> ainsley: those are four major polls and this is a huge deal making headlines this monday morning. four major polls and they have trump ahead, even "new york times." >> steve: if the election were held today. >> brian: think about the electricity bills mmm will live deliver to your house, it is the mortgage payment and the other thing too to bring up if president biden has the ability to go out on the campaign trail and tell his story. yesterday on friday he could not say he would airdrop
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humanitarian aid to gaza. twice in the same month. good luck on thursday. >> lawrence: then you have come all at harris on the back half cease-fire sounding like the protesters in the middle of the street. we have tomorrow 7:00 p.m. >> steve: between that and the stadium. >> ainsley: what is happening at the border is out of control and communities across the country are feeling it including that family in georgia. the mother of the custer university student laken riley was speaking out while daughter murdered out on a run at the university of georgia campus last month. >> lawrence: todd piro with mom this. >> surrounded by her friends and family, her mom's speaking out on her murderer saying "my family has faced the most devastating unimaginable loss anyone could ever be forced to endure. it would be really easy to lose our faith mankind because of the
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senseless and avoidable tragedy. please note every act of kindness has warmed our hearts and brought us joy during our worst nightmare. hosea barret killing the inspiring nurse and unlawfully entered the u.s. in 2022 and arrested but released and they dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas said the federal government was never notified about the suspect. >> we firmly believe if a city is aware of an individual who poses a threat to public safety, we would request they provide us with that information. different cities have different levels of cooperation. we were not notified in this instance. speak with the suspect's brother set to appear in court after cut with a fake green card and he ws arrested multiple times throughout 2023 facing dui m shoplifting. back over to you. >> steve: todd, thank you very much. >> brian: brothers, both of them of them. >> ainsley: the mom said avoidable and what message does
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this into the criminals and the people doing things illegally? we will arrest you and release you. we will arrest you and then release you. they know they will never be behind bars. >> lawrence: how dishonest was alejandro mayorkas to say, oh, we didn't know because you don't work in sanctuary cities and you support sanctuary city so they don't communicate with us. in any other circumstance law enforcement officials would communicate with law enforcement. >> brian: but decided not to because of pseudo sanctuary cities. >> steve: even though georgia might charter and cannot have sanctuary cities. nonetheless, that is the situation. >> ainsley: will there be consequences for the d.a. and the mayor because if they were under georgia law and not allowed to be a sanctuary city and you hear alejandro mayorkas say they were not notified, they should have been notified. when you have someone under the law should have ice federal workers should have been told him they weren't. >> steve: there is so much going on that you wonder if there is a disconnect between what is going on at the border
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and what is going on at the home office of biden inc. listen to this, this guy raul ortiz we've talked to him u.s. border patrol chief worked with joe biden administration until about ten months ago. you know what, you would think that when there is essentially an invasion across the southern border, the boss would get on the one and talk to that guy, hey what is going on? you are my eyes on the ground. how often did he talk to joe biden? here is the answer right here. >> i've never had one conversation with the president or the vice president for that matter. and so, i was a chief of the border patrol. i commanded 21,000 people. that is a problem. >> lawrence: so we are clear here, a surge in brownsville, there was no call. dell real haitian migrant crisis no call at the border patrol. when there was a surge and it came to the drownings in eagle pass, there was no phone
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call. when they accuse the border patrol of whipping the migrants, there was no phone call to border patrol on it. i just don't understand how you can manage the border. >> ainsley: kamala harris, they never talk to her and she is the border czar. >> brian: everyone else was avoiding the story and they wanted to make it between states and the federal government but when the real reason, the real question is why any state got to the point where they have to do their own razor wire and known pseudo-walls answered by the federal government to take it down. at the same time, they say they are serious about cracking down on the border. the separation of families has the biggest story for joe biden. i'm jumping in the race to take on donald trump here there was a separation of families. there were 85,000 missing unaccounted kid since president biden took over. you don't care about those kids? >> lawrence: that is not even a clue of the catch and release of adults and they don't know where they are at. >> steve: we talk a lot about
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sanctuary cities don't cooperate with ice. there have been plans made by the administration has of mid-february for the fact that i.c.e. has run out of money essentially because congress has not given i.c.e. in a emergency money. devon teen hundred million dollars in the hole without any changes, i.c.e. will use up every time they have by the middle of july. just when things are getting hot, suddenly they are out of money. what are they going to do? it sounds like what they are going to do is shut down detention at the border. so then, what will they do? just let people in, or refuse him at the gate question marks before it sounds like what they are doing already. >> brian: the vice president when she was senator she called i.c.e. she will be happy they are out of money. >> ainsley: over to carley with headlights highlights. speak with a former cfo of the trump organization expected to plead guilty to jury charges
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today. "the new york times" say prosecutors believe light on the stand during former president trump's new york civil fraud trial. ann already spent some time in jail for tax fraud. a dramatic moment caught on camera as miami cheers on a tour vote before a crash last month. watch this. >> my goodness, 13 tourists were hurt in the collision with another boat and one was airlifted to the hospital. some are seeking compensation. the malaysian government may reopen for an flight mh 370. a decade after disappeared over the indian ocean. the firm has been invited to join the league of search to evaluate new evidence to shed ls disappearance and the malaysian
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air flight was carrying 239 people when it vanished on marce ago to the date. the firefighters continue to fight the smokehouse creek fire has strong winds and dry conditions feed into the blaze. as of yesterday, it was 15% contained. so far, it has scorch 1 million acres in texas. thousands of acres in oklahoma as well. at least two people are dead in a new place that ignited yesterday forcing some residents to evacuate. and this just income americans for prosperity, a conservative group buy at the koch brothers and announces an eight figure campaign to showcase what it sas is harmful impact the economic policies and it featurs this brand-new website which the group holds the website "joe biden does not want you to see." and a baby was born mid air on a flight to thailand with the help
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of the pilot you see right there holding the sweet baby. flying to thailand, a pilot raced out of the cockpit to deliver the newborn. he later told the press he had never delivered a baby before. not usually in the pilot criteria, and the mom and baby are healthy and safe. those are your headlines. he took off his pilot at but the doctor had on. >> ainsley: they should name the baby after him. >> that would be nice. >> steve: what with the child's nationality be because the baby was born in the air? >> ainsley: what is the answer? >> steve: automatically considered a thai citizen because born to a time other or type father and that is the cas. >> brian: i will add this, should there be to say from choking, should there be a way to deliver the baby in every restaurant and every plane just in case the person next to you is pregnant? >> ainsley: usually there was
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a doctor in the room. usually they will say, is there a doctor on the plane? >> lawrence: you want signs posted up? >> brian: to deliver a baby. you ought to be able to check a chart. that graphic is different than the heimlich? i'm just saying. >> ainsley: are you really anxious to deliver a baby? >> brian: i would like to know i can do it. if i can have a poster to walk me through the steps, that would be great. >> steve: you could be able to deliver a baby or stay in a holiday express. >> brian: that is true. i have to make the choice. >> lawrence: if you want more of brian's reactions. >> ainsley: you want to see what he said about the story during the 6:00 hour, you have to dvr it appeared dvr it so you can hear from brian, it is a blr and hit rewind. >> brian: or a nugget of wisdom. nugget of wisdom. fox news alert reportedly opting out of cease-fire talks.
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trey yingst is live in tel aviv. >> ainsley: this comes as vice president kamala harris amps up the pressure. >> of the immense scale of suffering in gaza. there must be an immediate cease-fire. >> ainsley: senator tim scott is going to react to that. ♪ ♪ find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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♪ ♪ >> given the immense scale of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease-fire! >> steve: fox news alert, that was vice president kamala harris taking a clear stance on israels war over the weekend calling for an immediate cease-fire as the country is reportedly boycotting gaza cease-fire talks in cairo. live in tel aviv, trey gowdy. >> hey, good morning. you might remember president biden eating ice cream saying he hoped for a cease-fire by monday. it is monday and there is no cease-fire. however, we do understand there is a delegation of hamas delegations in cairo and arrived yesterday to continue those conversations appear at the israeli team did not send their delegation. before the meetings took place, thousands marched in his or her calling for loved ones and
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fellow citizens to be released. they were disagreements over what information hamas is to provide. looking for a list of all hostages that are still alive. egyptian state media said significant progress has been made toward a cease-fire that would include six-week positive fighting and release of some hostages. israel will have to release palestinian prisoners as any agreement. the conversations are taking place as the holy month of ramadan set to begin this weekend. the holiday has traditionally led to tension and escalation across the region. 150 days in the conflict and hamas, pressure is mounting to get a deal in place. israel expected to enter putin city of roth that if the negotiations fell apart. over the weekend the united states conducted air drops delivering 38,000 meals to palestinians in need. similar air drops are expected to continue. there are a lot of moving parts in the conversations taking place in cairo, mainly concerned that if they do not succeed to
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them a broader work could erupt in the region. remember the lebanese militant group hezbollah is involved in the fight and killed one civilian along israel's northern border earlier today, steve. >> steve: live in tel aviv with the latest setting up what is going on there. south carolina republican senator tim scott who is a defender of israel. he joins us right now, senator, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve, i hope you are doing well. >> steve: i hope you are doing well as well. the biden administration are walking a tightrope supporting israel as you do them a bet at the same time, you look at this war with gaza and it is running for president's poll numbers. >> he seems to be more concerned about his base then our ally, israel. when the vice president of the united states meets with a delegation from israel without
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the consent of approval of benjamin netanyahu my vice president and this administration is literally undermining our ally, israel appeared in the face of the greatest attack in 50 years, our ally deserves our full attention, our full support in standing shoulder to so don't make shoulder with no gap in between. i'm just wondering why joe biden continues to play politics in the middle east. why he plays politics on our border. why he continues to play politics with our economy. >> steve: you know what we heard something could happen by today and it is today. so we will see if something actually does happen today. in the meantime, senator come over the weekend, "the new york times" came out with a pole with siena college and they were two interesting numbers we wanted to share with you and get your analysis. when it comes to support among black voters, donald trump who had 19% in 2028 now 23%,
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joe biden at 66%. when you look at hispanic voters, donald trump is actually beating joe biden 46-40. what is going on? >> well, it is really good news. let me just say this, steve, in 2020, the president, trump had 90% of african americans and 12% overall african americans. this is nearly 100% increase for president trump and with hispanics. there was no doubt hispanics want family values. they care more about their economy, more about family, for about faith than they do the border. when we have someone who closed the southern border and we have a president of the united states who will, in fact, address the family issues and address the economy we should address
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hispanics, women, african americans among the population to give us four more years of donald trump because we were better off under donald trump. he created the lowest unemployment rates for hispanics in the history of the country. >> steve: all right, great analysis. senator, thank you very much. do you have a protection for tomorrow tomorrow, super tuesday? >> he's going to run the tables. this election will be over tomorrow night. he will be our nominee. >> steve: let's see how close to true that is pure tim scott, thank you for joining us live. you know what camaro coverage starts tomorrow night 7:00 p.m. eastern has the polls close across 15 states. meanwhile ainsley coming up 8:30, time for some news. >> ainsley: thank you, steve. a shocking new study said 12% of the population is considered obese beer of the world health organization reporting the number of adults has more than doubled since 1990 to 890 million.
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fox medical contributor dr. marc siegel joined us earlier to explain. >> this is a disaster. almost 1 billion people worldwide. now, in some areas commit is due to inability to get healthy foods. i have to admit some of it is socioeconomic. >> ainsley: out of the 200 countries analyzed in the country, u.s. ranks 36 in obesity. a pop up christian nightclub in nashville has three rules: no drinking, no smoking endnote working. it was started by seven christian men to help young christians find a community outside of the church and according to the founders, some start with a prayer session. those are your headlines. steve, isn't that a great idea? >> steve: who knew? great idea. ainsley, go ahead. >> ainsley: i thought it was to toss it to you. sorry about that. we have a fox news alert, justices cannot release on trump spell it issue in an hour.
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the top judge to break down the impact, judge jeanine pirro. she is about to walk out and they are she is. she is next. stay, judge. ♪ ♪ you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up. we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans
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lease, they can't do anything and that it is a simple matter. i spoke with another atlanta area homeowner about her squatter, watch. >> i was scared but also angry. >> when you wanted them to leave, what did they say? >> they refused and they act like i was doing something wrong here there was, drug fell in and close to $60,000 in damages. a little over $30,000. sorry, there is no light because they cut the wires. they cut a two by three hole and got in that way. >> lawrence: she is not the only one homes in the metro area taken over by the squatters according to the national home council. crazy stuff in atlanta peered over to you, ainsley. >> ainsley: i can't stand those stories, it is not your house, get out. thank you so much, lawrence appeared to work so hard for your houses. judge jeanine, this is important, the supreme court under former president trump eligible to be on the colorado
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ballot just one day before the state primary voters head to the polls. joining us with her take on the high court slumming decision is the five cohost judge, jeanine pirro, hey, judge. super tuesday is flying by but what is your prediction? it makes sense today's the supreme court will decide because the whole issue is whether or not these individual states come over there colorado by its highest court, maine, the secretary of state, illinois, some judge, they decided donald trump home should be prevented from running for president again because they have found and dusted off an old post civil war article three transection, the 14th amendment, which says if you engage in insurrection, you can't be a vice president or representative. it says nothing about the president. obviously, it says nothing about the fact donald trump has never been charged with insurrection. he's never been convicted of insurrection, yet, these
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individuals say, "hey, we don't want you any way, shape or form to vote for donald trump in the primary." tomorrow, 17 states and the supreme court will rule today. there is too much at stake whether people go to vote thinking if i vote for donald trump or my vote counts, he may not be on the ballot but the question is will the votes count? the party that talks about the threat to democracy, they are the one engaging in an in election interference not a leading people to vote for the president of the united states. so i suspect the supreme court recognizes the gravity and the importance of the timing. tomorrow is super tuesday. that decision should come today 10:00. >> ainsley: can you imagine if it is not about colorado and super tuesday, he gets a bunch of delegates and they take away from him? >> i can imagine. you know why? the supreme court article 3 of the 14th amendment says nothing about the president.
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forget the fact he has not been charged with insurrection. he has not been convicted of insurrection. this is people say again, we don't like him and we don't want americans to vote for donald trump. they are wrong and i believe the supreme court will rule that way. >> ainsley: how is it possible he is not allowed to be on the ballot when he has not been charged or due process? >> because these are individuals with their highest court of secretary of state were individual judge so overcome with their hatred for donald trump. as far as i'm concerned, they believe that this constitution supports it. but does not. in the clear reading of it even if convicted, article three does not apply to the president. so section 3. >> ainsley: it says officers. >> it says state officers, vice president, senator, congress, you know. >> ainsley: no president. cooking godmother, you have the
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special on fox nation. this is awesome. her story is fascinating. tell us about it. >> known as the cocaine godmother and she single-handedly in a position to reinvent miami as a result of her huge multibillion-dollar cocaine industry. what she did it she would engage in violence at the drop of a hat. what is curious, ainsley, she used summarily does from 125,000 who came in from cuba to do her killing here they were considered her soldiers. she started as a madam from columbia and put cocaine in the undergarments of women's clothing so that women she would bring up from columbia to miami. then she got really into the business. she was a ruthless and engaged in beheadings and shootings and killings. she is credited with creating the idea of a motorcycle drive-by shooting or killing.
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ironically, she was known as a ghost because dea and the police could not keep up with her. she was incredible in terms of entrepreneurship, but she was a sociopath, a killer, and fox nation, the special hits today. i'm very excited about it. i think people will be fascinated by what she did. >> ainsley: think you so much. >> you're welcome. >> ainsley: good to see you. can we show a little clip of it? okay, let's watch it. >> by the mid-1980s, she had made the miami metro area the murder capital of the united states. and yet, she remained a mystery and seemingly impossible to find find. >> she was a ghost. i mean, she was a highly sought after ghost. >> ainsley: you can watch that on fox nation. thank you, judge. >> good to see you. >> ainsley: good to see you. a statistical tie with adam schiff or california senate seat. world series champs, steve garvey is looking for a home run
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at the ballot box. he is next. ♪ ♪ insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ my psoriasis was all over. then psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and increased risk of infections some fatal have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. ♪see me♪
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♪ ♪ >> brian: all right come a fox news alert begins like this, cbc sources tell fox 21,000 migrating encounters at the
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southern border in the last 72 hours. one of the business he is sector in california. more than 3600, the borders surged moving further west as te border on their own pure the border crisis is a major issue in the senate race in tomorrow's open primary. our next guest republican ten time major league baseball star finds him in a talk highway with lawmaker adam schiff. steve garvey joins us now. steve, you were popular in san diego, popular in los angeles, now you want to be popular as a politician. how do you explain your surge? >> well, it is simple. for 20 years, went to work for 30,000, 40,000 people who got to know steve garvey. my passion, my commitment, the ability to unite teams, build championships. that currency, millions of people, they have stood up. once i started running and they
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started listening to my common sense, compassionate, consensus building for them. and i said to them, let me fight crime in the streets for you. let me try to get the homeless off of the streets and get care for them. let me help fight the border. by the way, the cartels are the two terrorists. they are the ones that infiltrate, organize. i've been from the border to the ocean to san diego and i have seen daily all of these people coming across. it is a true war against america. i must now be your voice. and i will go back to washington, step over to the back for you every day. >> brian: as you know most of the people that have voted for you have left. a lot of people have left. i see what is happening in california. i see the taxes. that ridiculous her raining that is happening in the gas pump and utility bill but how do you deal with a state that is going
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so far left that the moderates and right are leaving? >> that is my challenge. but to talk to people, look them and they are, what are their challenges? what are their quality of life? build a consensus of going back to washington. i will be the next u.s. elected senator for california. i will meet with all 99 senators. i will stick out my hand and tell them i want to work with them. but it is the people of california and the people of this country. they know where my heart is and it's a campaign of grace and stability. people are answering with their votes. >> brian: a couple of things, adam schiff you are the top two candidates are the ones that go to the finalist in november. it could be two democrats or two republicans, it doesn't matter. adam schiff once you and he doesn't want to go against katie porter but actually putting millions of dollars into your campaign. right now, a lot of polls, a statistical tie. what do you say to adam schiff?
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>> well, it is working. we've gone from 0 to 27 to 29% and a head, by the way in less than five months. in the old network movie where he stands up and says, i'm not going to take it anymore. the people of california have been suppressed by one party are saying they are mad and they will not take it anymore. we know steve garvey, we know his heart and he cares about us. we know he will not have 98% down party lines. he will do what is best for us and fight the terrorism of cartels. he will step up every day. these are career politicians that have failed the american people. it is time to change fresh on face with new ideas somebody that knows that he can make a difference. i think people believe i can. >> brian: you have the biggest worms in the history of politics. steve garvey, thank you so much. best of luck luck.
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i know that is pretty clear. absolutely. >> brian: on the brian kilmeade choke him a steady growth over the past 14 years, but now one of the bigget news to ever happen, w rva will be carrying the show from 10:00 until 12:00 on wabc and i look forward to joining the line the lineup sometime today. and hopefully forever we will be down there march 20th. thank you so much for picking up the show come appreciated. thank you very much, ainsley, but i'm still on the air making history, caitlin clark breaks ncaa scoring record. we put our skills to the test next on fox square. but first, bill hamrick. >> we a googling. >> brian: richmond, virginia, i apologize, battleground state. another reason for both of you to come on every day. >> we can negotiate.
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>> brian: dana, you come back. >> one hour, folks, the supreme rule is being challenged in seven states. so standby. >> that will be big news. plus, one place and not our town. can they keep the government for moving migrants end. >> karl rove will slice entice. >> that is happening again in a shop owner trying foul. we will see you in a few min minutes. ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪)
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>> a fox business alert. jet blue is calling off its merger with spirit airlines. both companies say they won't be able to receive the necessary legal and regulatory approvals for their 2022 merger agreement by the july 24th deadline. and the european union fining apple nearly $2 billion for breaking its competition laws. the tech giant is accused of unfairly favoring its own music streaming service over rivals by preventing companies like spotify from telling users of payment options outside its app store. those are your headlines. let's toss it outside to fox square for athleticism! >> steve: literally tossing it outside. in honor of caitlin clark breaking the record, we're going
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to try our best by shooting some hoops. >> brian: how do we honor her? >> come on, are you good? i'm going to start small. nice! almost. >> steve: almost indeed. >> brian: this is the perfect tribute for her. >> steve: you know what? here you go. the thing is i think she had a hard time on this hoop. she would because everything is -- go for it. >> will we make one shot as a team is the question? >> oh, man! that one is the easy one. >> steve: caitlin, go ahead and come on our show. and we need help! >> brian: see you in a little while. no basketball. >> bill: good morning, everybody. supreme court watching now set to announce opinions one hour from now, could includ


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