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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 4, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. >> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it is mopped, am i correct? monday, march 4th, and this is "fox & friends." >> lawrence: fox news alert. high stakes at the high court. justices could determine trump's future on the ballot as soon as today. >> brian: nikki haley wins the d.c. primary and says she may not support the eventual nominee. >> you are no longer bound by that pledge? >> no, i think i will make what decision i want to make but that's not something i'm thinking about. >> brian: nikki haley surrogate governor chris sununu reacts ahead. >> steve: making history, iowa's caitlin clark broke the ncaa all-time scoring record for men or women. >> for college basketball
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history. [cheers] she does it with a foul shot. >> ainsley: the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. >> brian: fox news alert. check your watch. because in a couple hours, the supreme court expected to issue at least one ruling today. >> ainsley: and it could be on the colorado case to determine whether or not former president donald trump will be kicked off the state's primary ballot. >> lawrence: gillian turner is live from the white house with the latest on that, hi, gillian. >> president biden is hold up at camp david this morning prepping for big state of the union speech on thursday it. may very well be the case. the supreme court hands down a decision about his primary political rival's eligibility over on the colorado ballot while president biden is out of town. now, there is a major sense of urgency to this decision out of the supreme court here because the state is among the 16 that are holding contests on super
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tuesday now less than 24 hours away. take a look at this. there are over 30 states that are challenging trump's ballot eligibility in the courts. of those 30-plus, president trump carried 22 back in 2020. and president biden just 14. now, over at the supreme court, the justices are not scheduled to return from person now until march 15th. that's obviously next week. raising speculation that a ruling on the colorado case will be handed down. during argue's that happened back in february. so justices expressed major skepticism about colorado's efforts to kick trump off its ballot. they posited that a decision in colorado's favor could set a precedent what they call unmanageable situation in the country. the colorado court was the first invoke article iii of the 14th amendment. that's the one barring former office holders who engaged in insurrection from holding public office again. so, as of now, guys on monday,
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before super tuesday, colorado does have the former president on their ballot if the supreme court does not hand down a ruling today, voters tomorrow will be able to vote in favor of president trump but the supreme court could then strike those votes from the record at any point moving forward, a really unusual political dynamic at play here. back to you. >> steve: we will know at 10:00. joining her now take looming decision. former federal prosecutor and constitutional law attorney united states temperaturekowski. good morning to you, katy. >> good morning. doesn't apply doesn't apply for president. >> that is what the supreme court is dealing with here. we should expect decisive victory. the justices expressed extreme skepticism when they were talking about this issue and essentially the question that they're looking at is whether
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section 3 of the 14th amendment applies to the office of the presidency like could any president ever be disqualified and even if it does, does it apply from this case tonight have a finding that he committed a not a criminal finding. many ways the court could go about doing. this i would suggest that's the decision dropping today. >> steve: as gillian was just detailing during the oral arguments which they all heard because they had audio feed. justices from across the ideological spectrum. they all agree if he were knocked off the colorado ballot, and by extension then other states as well. this could have wide sweeping ramifications every election. >> oh, absolutely. i think the court foresaw the issues with having states individually determine the candidates for a national office. for the only national election, eventually the presidential election. so, certainly that is a big point of contention that the justices brought up. that's why we should expect a
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trump victory on this. the question is if there will be a split in the court. again, i don't anticipate that. i think that the court's questions dictated their concerns with having individual states make these decisions for in national offers. >> lawrence: a lot of legal scholars have suggested this is important moment north court to draw a red line that they won't allow nonsense even though it may be go against their own political party. do you agree with that analysis? >> i think that the courts need to adhere to the meaning of the constitution. i think they are going to spend a lot of time discussing the history of the 14th amendment. and the wording of that amendment and how it does or does not apply to the office of the presidency, the court tries to stay a. political as it were, but certainly they need to make those interpretations regardless of the ever that case goes the way you are indicating it's going to go it's going to provide more momentum for
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president trump, super tuesday is now upon us. 24 hours away. this president of the united states could gopher 00 top and finally k.o. nikki haley even though she put out a he can which. one of her super pacs $1.4 million on 43rd street and broadway to call donald trump grumpy and joe biden incompetent. so she is not going out saying let's -- it's been a good fight, it's been a good run, so far trump on top 244-43. congratulations nikki haley, resounding win in washington, d.c. which also should indicate for the president of the united states when you get that jury in washington, d.c., you almost have no shot of fair. >> lawrence: also goes to the former president's point of view when you have, obviously it was historic victory for nikki haley. but, if you are in the modern day republican party, the last thing you want is d.c. republicans being the ones that are supporting you, a lot of them work for lobbyists. a lot of the them party
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insiders, people that donald trump typically doesn't win over. >> steve: traditional republicans. redskins? >> brian: commanders, excuse me. >> lawrence: changing their name, bry. nikki haley alluded she is going to stay in as long as the race is competitive. >> steve: sure, so yesterday she did win the d.c. primary. it was a small sample, i think 2500 republicans in d.c. voted for her. it was kind of complid complicated. had you to go to a hotel down on connecticut avenue to actually vote. she won 63%. donald trump got 33, which actually is double what he got in 25016 when in the 2016 primary marco rubio beat him. she does get all of the delegates and according to her exan she is the first woman in history to win a republican primary. the big question tomorrow is super tuesday. today must be mega monday or
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something like that. we have had that before. on this mega monday, you know, you are wondering who will be motivated to vote tomorrow in these 15 states, including colorado where trump is on the ballot unless something happened happens at 10:00 this morning looks like a forgone conclusion. trump has a lot of delegates so far and looks inevitable. >> ainsley: nikki haley said she is going to stay in through surf super tuesday, which is tomorrow. could get announced moment t. or late tomorrow night if she does decide to drop out. see if that win in d.c. gets her excited she says i'm going to stay in because she won more than half of the votes, she came away with the district's 19 delegates, but, yeah, trump is still beating her by a lot when it comes to the delegate number. susan collins did endorse her. >> steve: that's great. >> ainsley: ruling out a no labels run. remember you had to participate in the debate. had you to say whoever wins the republican nomination, i will support them. that was the only way you could get on stage.
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now it seems like she might be changing her tune. she says she is going to stay in as long as she is competitive. listen. >> i have always said this needs to be competitive as long as we are competitive, as long as we are showing there is a place for us, i'm going to continue to fight. that's always been the case. >> are you bound by the rnc pledge. >> the rnc pledge at the time of the debate, we had to take it to where would you support the nominee and had you to, in order to get on that debate stage, you said yes, the rnc is now not the same rnc. >> you nor longer bound by that pledge. >> no. i think i will make what decision i want to make. >> brian: ronna mcdaniel is not there anymore: we were just talking about this in the break. what is nikki haley doing? because no one doubts her competent, her resume, her background, ability to sway an audience, to do well. it's not bernie sanders who doesn't know how to comb her hair or find a tayl tailor and a is list. she was part of the trump team for two and a half years, the
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way she is going after trump she is saying is he chaos, is he not the same guy, look how much he added to the deficit. didn't finish the wall. and she wouldn't even say that these -- the court cases are trumped up she is actually signing up for the fact that he shiite be guilty on january 6th. >> not going to win republican voters, i understand the independent strategy winning over democrats in a general election. running in a republican primary. doesn't seem like her arguments right now. >> brian: are democratic or republican. >> ainsley: saying i'm not anti-trump. she keeps saying that but wouldn't say if she would vote for him if he wins the nomination. instead an interview on one of the sunday shows. donald trump or joe biden neither one i don't think they should be president. brief. >> steve: one of the things she did go on to say. couple of her is you gatt. >> tim sununu,.
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>> well for the most part. >> tim scott, is he all. in will she endorse donald trump? she dodged and said, when you all asked donald trump if he would support me. then i will talk about that. and so, you know, let's turn it around. if you ever donald trump, do you think he would endorse her? probably not, base he is still calling her bird brain. still anger as lot of people. >> lawrence: argument though because she is nowhere near the nomination. posing the question to donald trump when is he probably going to secure the nomination tomorrow makes no sense. the question is she said that she signed the pledge, and she said that she only signed the pledge to get on the debate stage. >> steve: donald trump never said he would endorse. >> lawrence: he didn't sign the pledge. >> steve: exactly because he didn't do the debates which a lot of people still would have loved to have seen that. >> ainsley: do you have a problem with her saying i'm going to get on stage. i'm going to do whatever it takes to get on that stage and
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do the debate and now changing her tune? >> brian: that's a credibility issue that governor chris sununu doesn't sign up for. if trump gets the nomination i will vote for him. firmly in his court. >> ainsley: she didn't say she wouldn't vote for him, she does say he cannot win, the polls say can he win. >> steve: the way she answered the question yesterday on meet the press was given the fact that on super tuesday she still would like to wins a many delegates as possible. she is not going to say you know what? i'm all in. if trump is the nominee i will vote for him. she still wants people to vote for her one of the reasons why her camp thinks it would heal have a very strongs night tomorrow night in northern virginia and perhaps garner a bunch of delegates in the commonwealth. so, stay tuned. >> brian: definitely going to be interesting. as governor newsom said nikki haley has become the best surrogate for our party. so i hope she stays in as long as possible. she is has changed her tune,
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sounding more like liz cheney than nikki haley when she started. >> lawrence: question about her future after this presidential rate. rate we see will see. >> ainsley: hand it over to carley for more headlines. >> a fox news alert. vice president kamala harris is meeting with israeli war cabinet member benny gantz in washington sewed today, after the vice president took a very clear stance on israel's war over the weekend. >> and given the immense scale of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease-fire. >> israel is reportedly boycotting gaza cease-fire talks into cairo with an official saying, quote: hamas' refuses to provide clear reason no treason dispatch. the spokesperson will join us soon to discuss. the brother of the man accused of killing augusta university nursing student laken riley will
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appear in court today. is he accused of using a fake green card to get a job. illegal immigrant jose ibarra is accused of killing the aspiring nurse, he unlovelily arrested and released. riley's mother spoke out and said they're devastated about the loss of their daughter. customs and border protection confirming their elite bortac shot and killed migrant in the san diego sector accused of robbing other migrants on their way to be processed. national border patrol council brandon judd joined us earlier. >> we call these bandits rip crews. these are the most dangerous job of dealing. you know you are going in and dealing with people that are armed and that are dangerous. and usually when you confront them, there is going to be some sort of encounter. >> border patrol has apprehended more than 6400 suspects with
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criminal convictions this year alone. the west coast bracing for yet another round of snow after a weekend blizzard battered the sierra nevada mountains. wind as fast as 60 miles per hour are expected in some areas. and nearly 50 million people from houston to chicago are bracing for thunderstorms and flooding today. and did you hear about this? nassau and spacex finally launching their mission to the international space station overnight after delaying it over the weekend. >> 3, 2, 1, ignition. engine is full power, and liftoff of nasa crew 8. go falcons and spacex and nasa. >> carley: the team will spend six months at the iss. they plan on performing 200 science experiments, aimed at preparing humans for staying in space long term. whoa. a baby was born in mid-air on a flight to thailand with the help of a pilot.
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while flying to thailand the pilot raced out of the cockpit to deliver the baby. oh my goodness. he later told press that he's never delivered a baby before. the mom and baby are healthy and safe. talk about a lot going on, all at once for that guy. delivering a baby while flying a plane. >> steve: no kidding. what's going on back there. >> carley: multi tasking. >> ainsley: your doctor always tells you right before you have the baby two months before don't fly just in case you go into labor. >> carley: keep those feet firmly on the ground. >> brian: you always hear don't born dilated. >> ainsley: you had to go there, right? >> brian: just say. >> ainsley: people are eating breakfast this morning. >> steve: they were. >> brian: having a baby is a beautiful thing. >> steve: carley, thank you very much. >> carley: bye, guys. >> carley: car. >> ainsley: what is wrong with you? >> steve: what were you watching about, let's see, it would have been late saturday. that's right. live from new york, it's
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saturday night. >> on cnn. watch this. >> joined live by secretary of homeland security alejandro mayorkas. >> thanks for having me, dana. i am exhausted i was with joe biden the past weekend and, whew, he wiped me out. >> so you feel he's up to the job? >> dana, i was just with him, and behind closed doors is he a dynamo. this weekend we both went down to the border town of brownsville, texas and joe went into beast mode. he said we're going to tighten this border, look how easy i can cross it. then he par cored up to the want to border wall. he into the rio grande and came back up with a fish in his mouth. but you didn't report that because it doesn't fit your little narrative. >> well, with all due respect it doesn't fit reality. >> steve: and she's right. that's what we are hearing a lot of. oh, behind the scenes, joe biden has got so much energy. we just don't see that. >> ainsley: that's what we were talking about.
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where is that guy threaten? that's the guy i want to see him. >> brian: take off what jon stewart did week one rolled back. fumbling and bumbling in practice. do you know what he did on friday, joe biden, we're air dropping aid to ukraine. reading from cards. reading from cards. >> ainsley: did it a few times. >> brian: jon stewart did a funny three weeks ago. they came back and stumbled their way through a cold ownership. >> ainsley: interesting the left is poking funnel of physical acuity as well. >> lawrence: open season on the presidentenned in the white house right now. when it documents numbers and just after the hur report. i mean, everybody is suspicions were confirmed. now the comedian, you are seeing questions from the press. i just wish they would have done it sooner and not been late to the party. >> brian: right. i just think -- go ahead. >> ainsley: i was going to toss to the next soundbite. >> i was going to say with president trump did make a mistake over the weekend. he said obama instead of biden. that's after 45 minutes.
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45 minutes a lot of it unscripted he might flip a word here or there. but i think if you even went back to 2014 or 2018 before he was running you might flip a name once in a while but when a guy gets up there without a script and talks for an hour and a half at a rally and there is 22,000 people that wind up, that's a little different than 12 people that show up to watch the president slur his way through teleprompter. >> ainsley: snl dana bash and the president. they were actually together yesterday. take a look at. this obviously, this is art. but, they do this because they try to make a point that there is a discussion -- there is a reason that they did a whole thing about joe biden's age. do you want to have a real statement about it, about what you witnessed? >> they should spend a bit of time with joe biden like i have done. let me share something with you. i prepare a lot for meetings with him and engagements with
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him. because he is remarkably detail oriented probing and operationally focused. >> okay. but no fishing in the rio grande? >> not for me. >> brian: humorless. >> lawrence: i didn't think it was funny. then i saw the reaction it's like they got him spot on. is he literally confirming everything in the skit. >> steve: he is cob firming that joe biden behind the scenes goes into beast mode which we know is not true. >> brian: because he only works four hours a day, tops. >> ainsley: actor seems a lot happier than he does. >> brian: humanless and that guy and also totally incompetent. is he intentionally incompetent. tom homan worked with him and he knows exactly whether a to do. as elon musk tweeted out over the weekend because he can because he owns it, 791 executive orders that allowed this border to collapse, they don't want to acknowledge that. >> waiting to hear from the president when that impeachment trial is it going to start for alejandro, mayorkas. >> brian: they didn't even bring
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that up on "60 minutes." >> ainsley: don't forget start your dvr start our show at 6:00 a.m. that way if you are weighing up at 7:00 you can watch the 6:00 hour. >> brian: let the machines do the work. >> lawrence: hear the time you were talking about delivering babies. >> steve: then can you fast-forward through certain parts. [laughter] >> brian: all right. now this, 20 minutes after the hour. israel property reportedly opting out. we asked a former idf spokesperson what's next then in terms of getting hostages out as the vp of the united states ampsz up the pressure? >> the immense scale of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease-fire.
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fraternities and sports pending an investigation after the school received several reports of unself activities. the school sent out a letter saying those events threatened the safety of community members on campus. and did not call those events hazing. interesting. and finally to baseball, new san francisco giants manager bob melvin says his team will now require every person in the dugout to stand up for the national anthem. that's according to "u.s.a. today." >> players did not have to stand under the previous manager but melvin says he wants to bring a sense of togetherness to the team. sound like a good message. all right. led lines, those are them and now here is brian with some overseas news. >> brian: we're at war. a fox news alert. israel boycotting cease-fire negotiations yesterday as hamas terrorists reportedly refused to provide a list of the has tages still alive in captivity.
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the news come as top israel cabinet member benny gantz traveled to washington to meet with president biden's administration members including vp harris later today. so what's next for israel and is this administration trying to divide the israeli government? joining us now former idf spokes spokesperson and senior fellow jonathan. great to see you again. first off. >> thank you, good morning. >> brian: why is benny gantz coming here when la cued write says unauthorized visit and said we can only have one prime minister at a time in a tough conversation he had with benny gantz before he left? what's going on here? i hope can you hear me. close to the action in gaza. no secret israel ties between
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the u.s. upmost importance regional stability. and as such i think all israeli parties are trying to do the best with the current situation and most importantly trying to a&e leave katie pressure from the u.s., which is leveled on israel. in order to be forced into this deal that is now being spoken about a lot and that israel really wants to release our hostages. that we find ourselves. a situation where hamas are making preposterous demands, perhaps banking on the fact that they know there is a lot of pressure on israel. i think that the visit of minister gantz is part of the effort to try to alleviate some of that. and get a better bargaining position for israel. >> brian: do you believe prime minister netanyahu wants him to go or not? is this spokesperson wrong saying that he did not want him to go? >> i think it serves the eventual purpose of getting israelis home and that is what eventually matters the most.
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politics are important for politicians. what israelis care about is getting israelis back home. and winning the war. and we have gone too many nights and days in the families are waiting for the loved ones to be returned from the mel that hamas is keeping them. and in my mind i think that any means justify -- are justified here in order to further the chances of us getting them home. >> brian: right. >> and winning the war. >> i don't know -- why don't you answer the question though? does netanyahu want benny gantz to go and is this an attempt by this administration to defy the israeli government who clearly have a problem with your prime minister? >> i don't know, i honestly don't know what the prime minister prefers and what he doesn't prefer but i think that this cabinet is more or less focused on defeating hamas. and trying to get the best conditions possible for getting israelis home. i think a big khalil that we have ahead of us is the issue of rafah. there are -- that needs to be
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taken. it needs to be done. but the idf has been told to waited and wait and wait until the deal is made in order to deliver the final and decisive blow against hamas and in military terms, that is never a good thing when you lose momentum and when you stop in your tracks. >> brian: i hear you. here is our vice president calling on you guys to stop fighting. watch. >> i will repeat, the threat of hamas poses to the people of israel must be eliminated. and given the immense scale of suffering in gaza there must be an immediate cease-fire. [cheers] for at least the next six weeks, which is what is currently on the table. >> brian: can you have -- can hamas be defeated if you don't go into rafah?
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>> the short answer is no. hamas cannot and will not be defeated until the idf into gaza for the last 1520 years through egypt. without those tunnels closed, hamas has a way out and it has a way to build its future capabilities and trying to argue otherwise would be not telling the truth. we need to win this war. we need to defeat hamas in a see siive way for them and all other terrorists to understand what fate awaits them when you cross the border into israel. when you massacre 1 1200 civilians. they cannot be allowed to see the light of another day. the war could end quickly. cease-fire can is within region. if hamas surrenders, if they turn over the hostages unconditionally if the hamas coward leaders emerge from under ground under hiding underneath
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israeli civilians the war would end, i think, very quickly. the israelis want to get on with living. that isn't the case. the decision here is by hamas. and it is simply no way of send ending the war without defeating hamas. and defeating hamas comes after we take rafah. >> brian: every civilian death is a tragedy but it's hamas is to blame. you guys are dropping fliers, text messages, making calls. providing corridors to exit. it's up to hamas to do it. instead they keep people in harm's way because they cower in basements of schools and hospitals. jonathan, thank you so much. >> thank you for having me and have a good morning. >> brian: stay safe. nikki haley raising eyebrows as she seems to hedge on whether she would support the party's eventual nominee. request a. >> you are no longer bound by that pledge? >> no. i think i will make what decision i want to make. >> brian: haley surrogate governor chris sununu on the super countdown n to tuesday ne.
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only from unitedhealthcare. ♪ >> ainsley: west coast bracing for another round of snow after a weekend blizzard battered the sierra nevada mountains and nearly 50 million people from houston to chicago are bracing for thunderstorms and flooding today. so let's check in with our meteorologist adam klotz for our fox weather forecast. hey, adam. >> good morning, ainsley. beautiful really out here on fox square. folks in the eastern half of the country have been enjoying really pleasant warm weather. it's not the case absolutely everywhere. let's dive into it. beginning with the temperatures across the country. you can tell the east half the country warm. west side of the country colder, significantly colder. that's where you are seeing winter weather advisories pretty much stretching across the western states up into the northern rockies.
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now, in the eastern half of the country, there is that chance for severe weather. it's on the lower end, but you are seeing it from the gulf coast running all the way up toward chicago. if you are out in front of that, you could be experiencing some record highs. these are places where you could see record highs today across largely the midwest and the great lakes it. going to be a warm one but, of course, that could fuel some storms. those are year weather headlines, for now, steve, crossing it back inside to you. >> asaddam, thank you very much. meanwhile in politics, 2024 hopeful nikki haley turning a few heads yesterday. suggesting she might walk back her rnc flowage support the eventual nominee listen to this. >> you are no longer bound by that pledge? >> no i think i will make whatever decision i want to make. that's not something i'm thinking about. i'm thinking about while y'all think about that i'm looking at the fact we had thousands of people in virginia we're red to north carolina. we are going to continue to go to vermont and maine and all these states to go and show people that there is a path
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forward. let's go to new hampshire the governor of that great state chris sununu joins us live. good morning to you. >> good to see you. >> steve: after she said that yesterday on meet the press there are a bunch of headlines how she won't commit do endorsing and supporting the eventual dan can't the republican side. is that what she said? >> no, look, the fact that we're going to have faux outrage over what she said when donald trump won't even sign a pledge. has never said that he would do it. why do we have the double standard for nikki haley all of a sudden, right? again i understand the media is looking for a headline. >> nikki didn't say she wasn't going to support him if he were the nominee. she is trying to make the point the republican national committee is completely owe opted by trump. now we have lara trump effectively running the organization did. she become some great political fundraiser and strategist that i'm not aware of? puts congressman and senators at risk. that's not the way you do it.
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so, again, i know people are looking to make an angle here but to even ask a candidate who is in the middle of the race trying to win won d.c. by the way are you going to support the other guy? that's not a fair question to ask because all nikki is focused on is getting the votes, making sure states have an actual say, working hard in virginia, massachusetts, vermont, all these states she has a shot at winning, that's where all the emphasis is right now. i think all of this is a bunch of nonsense. >> steve: if you listen to her whole answer, she is talking about tomorrow. she is talking about super tuesday. and she did -- that interview actually was before she won the district of columbia. now they are looking ahead. might do very well in virginia. could do very well in the state to your north the state of maine because susan collins endorsed her on friday which was big for her. and nikki haley has made it very clear. i'm in it through super tuesday. the question a lot of people have though, governor, is, you know, is she going to be in it on wednesday?
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or is this her last stand? >> see where the dust settles on super tuesday. big strategy meeting. look at resources. what states are coming up next. where they can have a significant impact. how those resources would be spent. how the campaign would go forward. if it makes sense have no count i would hope she would keep going. america deserves a choice. that's exactly what this is about. we don't just core nate someone and do something because the party says so. you make sure the voters actually decide. and if it comes out one way or the other. , that's where everyone is going to abide. this whole idea that she has to somehow while in the middle of donald trump bow down and kiss the ring, that ain't going to happen. not even close. again, i think she is fighting hard to win these states and again hopefully have the momentum. keep raising the funds and keep making sure that america decides hot nominee is. not just a couple of party elites sitting in d.c.
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ultimately primary races as you know are much different than general election races and on friday a roanoke college poll came out showed that nikki haley would actually beat joe biden i think by 10 points, which is more than donald trump, you guys are -- she does he have well in the jeb election. when you factor in independence. general election. that's the rub, isn't it? she would do better in a general than a primary but you got to go through the primary to get to the general. obviously have to go through the primary. all that matters is the general election. right? we got through primaries in 2022 and got our butts kicked in the general election as a party. we are not anti-trump here. we are just pro-republican party. we want people to win. we want winners. we are tired of losers and losing. >> you have to win if the you don't cross the line in november it doesn't matter. she crosses the line huge and brings the rest of the party
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with her. >> steve: governor, during the commercial before this segment i asked you if there was any news you wanted to break and turns out you have a big announcement regarding your future. >> well, i guess i'm hopeful that i might get picked up as the defensive coordinator for the new england patriots but i don't know. the krafts are great but i guess this is not in my. >> steve: sass especially future is a job that's never going to come? >> i'm a politician in case you didn't get the memo. [laughter] >> i'm very especia aspirationaa lot of things that don't happen. >> steve: chris sununu thank you for joining us live. good luck in football. not going to happen. >> you bet. >> steve: carley joins us now. sounded like he had a bright future in professional football. maybe not. >> carley: one can dream and that dream has not died yet. we just don't think it's going to happen today. all right. steve, great interview with the
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governor there we got a fox business alert to get to. the european union finding apple 32 billion with a b dollars for breaking its competition laws. the tech giant is accused of unfairly favoring its own music streaming service over rivals by preventing companies like spotify telling users of payment options outside of app. store. the eu commission says this caused users to pay, quote, significantly higher prices for music streaming subscriptions. a spacex backed startup says preorders for $300,000 flying car has reached nearly 3,000 preorders. the car is designed to be driven on the road but will also be able to take off into the sky. reaching speeds 110 miles per hour. you can preorder the car online with just a $150 deposit, if you can believe it. the company is hoping for a launch system time next year. and soda company ollie pop is
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looking to hire two soda consultants to embark on adventure $40,000. $40,000 idea candidates two close friends content creators. they wouldable traveling to each city on olipop's tour to share love of soda with locals but with each other as well. sounds like fun. steve over to you if the does not work out for chris sununu he could do that. >> carley: i will be his buddy. >> pays well. just saying. >> carley: see you, steve. >> new queen of the court caitlin clark of iowa making ncaa history. former sideline report michelle tafoya on the record-breaking moment yesterday. watch this. >> for college basketball history -- [cheers] >> she does it with a foul shot.
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>> brian: there is a new ncaa leading scorer and it is caitlin clark. she broke the 54-year-old record yesterday.
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watch. >> college basketball history! [cheers and applause] she does another fall shot! caitlin clark becomes the all-time leading scorer! >> ainsley: here to react his former nfl side reporter, michele tafoya, hey, michelle. >> how are you this morning? >> ainsley: that is amazing and we are proud of her, all the little girls in the crowd were cheering and holding up posters but what is your reaction? >> she has been doing for so long inspiring young people, inspiring young women in the game, drawing young crowds. the fact is everybody has tried to defend this moment and get her to slow down her scoring case, and she hasn't done it. she is wholly shot and shot the basketball. she has a trim at point shooter. she is a generational player. you get the michael phelps and swimming, tom brady in football, tiger woods, certain people.
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for the women's game, she is it and she is the first in basketball. and those are facts. her numbers are facts. before we let pete maravich get too far in the distant memory, let's remember he did it in 83 games periods she did it 130. she did not do it at the three-point line, she did. was only playing three years and not allowed to play as a freshman and she did it in four so i can say the numbers are where they are, she is from a despair there is no shame here at the timing is different. the times were different for pete maravich so i don't want the times to get lost in all of this. >> brian: michelle, for the time ponytail pete was her nickname because she was on his trail. >> and she did it. i love what happened there in the replay that you showed. she is playing for free throws in this moment could be so big but what did she do? she got back in the game.
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she makes everyone around her better. she will be tremendous draw in the wnba, the first pick and they will probably take her. they would be foolish not to. that is complete and she will continue to attract big money for the game, guys like jake from state farm and travis scott where they came yesterday. imagine what she will do in indiana. >> lawrence: as she is smooth. this is what she had to say about her win breaking a record. >> honestly i didn't care. it is cool to hear everybody screaming. that gave us a lot of momentum going into halftime. yes, i'm glad to make the free throws and that is the hardest thing to make them basketball with nobody at the free throw line. >> brian: michelle, thank you so much for joining us live. >> but it's great to see you. speak to the contracts for the women are not as big as the men but because she will bring in a crowd -- >> brian: she will get the sponsorship every sport.
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