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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 1, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> harris: former president donald trump is in a courtroom right now waiting to hear when his classified document trial will begin. in about an hour, the judge in the georgia case will hear final argument in the misconduct hearing of district attorney fani willis and her as i call him prosecutorial paramour nathan wade. hello, this is "outnumbered," i'm harris faulkner on this fine friday, along with my coof had host kayleigh mcenany and emily compagno and director of tech policy center at heritage foundation, kara frederick, and host of making money, charles payne. he is making money as he sits here. the number of legal challenges against trump raising questions now about whether they are political stunts to keep him from a second term or anything else. trump is in the florida courtroom right now learning when his classified document trial will begin and the timing
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would be key. the judge could push the trial until after the november presidential election and that could ignite outrage from the left, as did the decision for u.s. supreme court to take up trump's immunity case. that just happened and today, final arguments in hearing to determine if district attorney fani willis should be disqualified from handling the case against trump because of her romantic relationship with the prosecutor she hired, nathan wade. i wasn't kidding, he was married, prosecutorial paramour. charles payne. >> charles: i'm not a lawyer, but look at new york, with penalty and everything, $400 million to be paid on victimless crime. no victim, no one showed up to file a report. the banks that did business with trump wanted to do more business with president trump. as a business person, i was
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growing my business, i would embellish. we're a tiny firm, we can do this, we would embellish. >> harris: tiny, but mighty. >> charles: they are saying president trump lied. one person's lie is another person's embellishment, like in real estate, in the eye of the beholder, so to speak. that to me is pretty clear and obvious. what happened with this fani willis is amazing drama. i don't know if she hired an agent yet, she needs to. she needs to get on bravo, i'm seeing judge fani, keeping it real, keeping it real. go for at least two seasons, okay. the whole thing feels like a farce. it feels like a political farce and it is backfiring. >> harris: if you need an attorney on any of that, we have got emily and i almost want to
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hire her just for you. >> emily: i love it. >> harris: talk to me, emily, the difference charles payne pointed out where trump is on the case where he's accused of embellishing and inflating the value of things. >> emily: sort of defense to that, argument is that is standard course and you know better than i, when you obtain loans from banks, it is in everyone's interest to inflate the value and stimulate commerce. the argument was commerce was stimulated and values were ultimately. a lot of paychecks were paid and overhead made and that is between banks, lender and recipient. for the court to jump in, for the attorney general to jump in, massive overstep. >> charles: favorite christmas movie "it's a wonderful life," where the bank comes through.
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this is not a small-town bank, this is deutsche bank, our federal reserve keeps deutsche bank alive. if they ran into trouble, our federal reserve would bail them out. they are not dumb, they do business to make money. law without being applied once, it is applied. it is apparent what this is. >> harris: they are with him more so with donations, popularity. >> kara: look at his momentum, it has been enhanced by the weaponization. american people are not dumb. we see this for what it is. there is critical data poen i have not heard mentioned and slew of polls right before february, nbc news had a poll in february. ap before that. what they said is you see polls where trump is ahead of biden in
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the general election, but if trump is convicted this year, with registered voters, biden then pulls ahead of trump and that lends fuel to their fire, this weaponization fire that is under prosecutors and it is reason why cases are so aggressive and keeping with what charl and emily says. this does not happen normally, it is abnormal, there is a political end game here. >> harris: kayleigh, focus on the georgia case. there are 19 co-defendants in that and a few that have moved on with their cases and they are not part of the pool still fighting and hired defense attorneys. that is how we got this case. one defense attorney for co-defendant decided to go after the facts that were fani willis and nathan wade were together when the case was going on. when they got together really mattered.
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>> kayleigh: absolutely, ashleigh merchant did great work for her clients finding this. see what happens to fani willis. i am dedicating my time to reserving my time to unhinged left and the media as they attack our institutions. take a watch. >> to me, it is disappointing and troubling, they have thrown a monkey wrench in the schedule. they take so long in making the decision, they are giving de facto immunity. >> it is frustrating that the u.s. supreme court will delay this trial for a couple months. >> the court is evident with the pacing, putting this off for seven weeks, sitting on it for two weeks, pushing all the cases they can push to the point where trump will stand for election before any of us heard the verdict in any of the cases, got it, timing. >> we can't put our hopes in the
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supreme court, people need to be engaged and aroused at this point. >> kayleigh: being engaged and aroused against the supreme court. >> harris: i don't like the use of those words, they are confusing. >> kayleigh: i don't either, you are only allowed to attack greatest institutions if you are on the left. >> harris: what does that mean for voters? are voters having their rights taken off their plates in order to go into the booth and know they got the right information to make a decision on who should be president and we're not manipulated through the legal system to have feelings for or against one or the other? >> emily: i believe in upholding the law, everyone does. when the associated press can't find a case that was victimless and "new york times" can't find a case where new york law been used to prosecute a federal
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election ever. ask yourself why, it feels like political retribution. >> harris: what you showed that is playing out, how do people not see that. they have to watch everything to compare. >> emily: another comparator, lack of precedence and we were served up on silver platter by the hur report. i argue more egregious than president trump is facing, well, an elderly gentleman, so we will not bring charges. look what we were discussing, the trial coming up for former president trump about classified documents. that is what americans see, injust and travesty. >> harris: president biden's new term for illegal immigrant is sparking fury. they want to call these people who cross here illegally newcomers. >> the united states is being overrun by the biden migrant
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>> kayleigh: 22-year-old laken riley will be laid to rest today, the georgia nursing student who was murdered during her morning run. former president trump remembered laken riley during his border visit yesterday. president biden decided to call names and talk about climate change. >> president biden: the idea there is no such thing as climate change, i love that, man. i love my neanderthal fans who still think there is no climate change. hold you responsible. >> mr. president, do you bear responsibility for laken riley's
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death? >> i spoke to her parents yesterday, they are incredible people. they are devastated beyond belief. she was just so beautiful in many ways and brutally assaulted, horrifically beaten, kidnapped and savagely murdered. the monster that is charged in the death is illegal alien migrant who was let in by crooked joe biden. >> kayleigh: choose to go to the border, where there is chaos and crisis and a young woman 22 years old laid to rest today, who lost her life. you don't answer a question about her. you talk about climate change. instead of saying the name of a 22-year-old, he called republicans neanderthals. >> harris: i have further thoughts about why he might not have said her name. kjp did say laken riley's name
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and i wonder, he's had some gaffes, was that done so he wouldn't make a mistake? that's a fair question and i like to give people benefit of the doubt, although if you put that on note card, phonetically, you might have done that. maybe just not get it wrong temperature is important to say her name. understand the journey we're on together and have a president it was decided for him not to go for her name or thought it was more important to call names of republicans and go after them, someone who is missing the mark and it has been three plus years of him missing the mark and it is killing us. that name is synonymous with responsibility that he has the mantel to fix and also reminder who we want to be as americans. do we want to have a soul? do we need a commander-in-chief to prove to the world we do?
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the answer is yes, we need that. i don't like the fact he didn't go for it and say her name. i'm hoping that was the case. if he deliberately did it, that is a bigger problem, too. >> kayleigh: that's a big problem. former president trump took people by surprise saying i spoke with laken riley's family. that is something presidents do, reach out to people incurring national tragedy. karine jean-pierre was asked, have you called laken riley? here is what she had to say. >> has the president spoke to the family of laken riley? >> so first of all, i want to extend deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of laken riley. this is an active case and i'll be careful about speaking to that case more specifically and refer anything specific to that case to law enforcement and obviously ice and the president
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and i don't have anything regarding to the president speaking to the family. it is heartbreaking. i can't even imagine what the family is going through. >> kayleigh: she didn't have anything, but he should call the riley gaines family today. >> emily: of course, he has loads of time, we know he and the vice president have barely anything on their schedule all the time, partly what feeds into the question americans have, what are you doing with your time? i have to point out, look at difference in approaches and perspective and paradigm that the trump and people with common sense have versus biden administration about horrific crimes and this entire narrative. they see laken riley as inconvenience against their narrative where illegal immigrant are newcomers. we love this, this enriches us and they see our plea for help to be racist.
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there is such a different lens they are viewing this. for us, it is travesty killing us. it is killing so many people. laken riley is just one of them and peter mentioned the undocumented part, the suspect in question wrote the ngo. paul mauro dug into it, there is phenomenon where illegal immigrant will get the name of an ngo and write it in, great, perfect. they call the ngo, they have never heard of that person. entire element of fraud that calls into question fraud on that legal or illegal status and feeds into the biden administration's hands that policies are working. no, they are not, you are being gamed. >> kayleigh: peculiar choice to put trump versus biden. they realize optics will be
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challenging for biden. here are optics yesterday, let me know if you see a difference. >> president biden: anyway, it is amazing. >> thank you, sir, time for remarks and briefer, invite you to our seats and we'll escort you this way. >> okay. we'll come over here with our friends from ice, and icro. >> good to see you, man. thank you. stand on my mark, my mark is back here. i'm told where i stand, little x's, be careful what i do here. >> kayleigh: has to standpoint on his mark, you watch trump take the lead and shake hands with border patrol. >> charles: if you had a next door neighbor whose family treated the grandfather this way, you would think, what are they doing? figure this out. maybe president biden, his will to stand there or maybe he and
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his wife because power corrupts, no matter what, such a magnet, you can't give it up, even ina diminished state, that controls everything, he won't give up his seat. that was scary what we saw and the neanderthal thing and climate change thing. reminds me beginning of the pandemic, these people don't believe in science. curious mind understands science is never settled, only people who settle for your gain, i wouldn't call anyone a neanderthal. apple gave up on ev cars, that climate thing is falling apart. it is just shameful. that was a concerning moment. a concerning moment for elderly american and people closest to him should be ashamed. >> kayleigh: it is all tone deaf
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and white house calling illegal immigrant newcomers. >> kara: words from 1994, like call me play book, not supposed to believe in evidence of your eyes ander00s, follow whatever they tell you is right. look at scholars like victor davis hanson who says first act is to break the law. instead of calling them newcomers, no, call them law breakers, words matter. they know this and use this to manipulate us. this is the truth, we have to stand for the truth and understand what is happening to america. those are two competing visions. trump shaking hands and joe biden wants to rule by the administrative state. trump is on the ground with the people, all you got to see. >> kayleigh: he needs to personalize this issue. i advise president biden, call for the nation to fix the problem and take action.
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say the victim's name, laken riley should be in the state of the union. coming up, liberal media demonizing white rural voters calling them a threat to american democracy.
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>> emily: lawyers are arriving at the atlanta courthouse, we're about to hear final arguments in a hearing that will determine if district attorney fani willis should be disqualified from handling the election interference case against trump and 18 defendants because of her romantic relationship with nathan wade. we will bring you the hearing live when it begins. in the meantime, turning to this, the liberal media appears determined to vilify white rural americans in an effort to take down former president trump. brace yourself for this recent clip, the guests claim white
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rural voters are a threat to democracy. that was the nicest thing they said, watch. >> why are white rural voters a threat to democracy? you would think looking at joe biden's background and donald trump, the opposite would be true. >> we layout interconnected threat white rural voters pose to the country and we have 30 polls. most racist, xenophobic geo-demographic group in the country, most conspiracy, obama-ism. they don't believe in independent press, they say the president should be able to act unilat roolly without the courts. they are white nationalist and
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knowledge violence is alternative to peaceful protest. >> emily: broad brush. >> charles: i wish i had half an hour. >> harris: you can have my time. >> charles: the narrative trump wants to be dictate and president biden ignores what president biden said about loan forgiveness. i group grew up army brat first half of my life and then lived in new york. i have lived all over this country and was in the military and i faced more racism in new york city than in alabama, north carolina, than virginia, than in north dakota. and the greatest threat to people being able to achieve things, particularly black
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people in my mind, people who think they are superior aren't people driving around with stars and bars bumper sticker in an old truck. it is people in buildings in manhattan on top floors who don't think black people are smart and won't hire them. a lot of them voted for obama, but they feel superior. they don't think we've got it. real quick, as far as threat to democracy, years ago richard pryer said what would japanese thinking when they bombed pearl harbor? they all went to school in california, we bombed pearl harbor and they will give up. he said, they never been to alabama. you heard about pearl harbor? uh-huh, going to clean their clock. the bottom line is character and something they push because fear is the only thing they've got
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left to hold black people back. remember what biden said, they going to put y'all in chains, i will never forget that, despicable. >> harris: one of the many things he said. >> emily: the dribble is -- he says power rural voters hold, title of book is "white rural rage" he says constitutes threat to democracy. if you are white and rural, you are a threat to democracy by virtue of your existence and have disproportionate voter power. >> charles: this combines two things democrats have been trying to do, we have a three-tier system in balance, they want to get rid of supreme court or diminish power and get rid of congress. you have small state says and two senators, why doesn't
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wyoming have two states and two senators? they want to rip up the constitution. >> emily: i grew up in california, people say that mockingly, but they mean it. >> kara: what does democracy mean in in context? we believe in democratic principles, it is we the people and they invoke christian nationalism thing and everyone saw the reporter from a different network who said these people believe their rights were given to them by god. yes, we have read foundational documents and declaration of independent and understand what this country was founded on and rights were given to us by god in heaven. this is clinging to their bibles and guns and deplorables, basket of deplorables and left tropes this out ands they are threatening democracy, have they
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come to think maybe this is democracy in action? >> emily: those two authors better get all their meat from the cow in their own yard and make their own clothes in their own yard and have everything that goes into their body and contributes to their lives from the big metropolitan city they live, rural voters are backbone of this country and provide for 99.9% of americans everything they consume and enjoy and i venture both of those two. >> kayleigh: i love you said that, i have spoken to beef and cattlemen during my time in the campaign and they are the kindest most caring bedrock of the country type people and they are described as white rural rage. may head went where yours did, white rural rage, and the pages of "new york times." christian nationalism, these tomorrows sound great when sipping coffee in academia in
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ivory tower, they make no sense, they are deeply offensive to anyone who loves this country. white rural rage is the new one. >> harris: look at something one guest last hour said. tw shannon used to be in the oklahoma legislature and had harsh words for the far left, particularly for rashida tlaib. if you want to go down road of racism, who has been censored for antisemitism comments more? hamas invaded and beheaded and tortured everything along the border in gaza. let's look how that started and where we are now and who is piping up with a lot of antisemitic and racist comments. look at the bastians of harvard, you only made the place better, you need to go lecture them. their leadership, who they left
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in place until the nation saw how racist they are and some leadership on our most valued ivy league campuses. i say valued because they are expensive, i should say valuation because of how much it costs to go there. it is interesting that this comes up and finger pointing comes up, no mirror moments where someone says, i went to this school and i believe the president did not need to protect jews a few weeks ago either. be honest and look at color that counts for everybody, that is green, some people in this nation can't afford food right now. >> emily: exactly right. we are going to alert this now, getting live pictures, gosh, of a truck hanging over a bridge right now in louisville, kentucky, more on this right after the break. prayers up.
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the firetruck and firefighters. this rescuer went down and did a miraculous thing. i just -- we couldn't believe what our eyes were seeing and so glad we broke out of commercial to let you watch this at this moment, i wasn't sure we we would catch it. over freezing cold water, ohio river, it is like hitting cement at that height. a motor vehicle collision caused this scene. bridge is shut down both
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directions. if you want to see faith in action, watch what this rescuers did. lowered down and pulled the driver out and dangling further above the ohio river. freezing cold temperatures, able to hang on to him, two of them in one harness. look at him twirl, maybe we'll see he might have been able to get a harness yearn this man. would have only had split seconds to do that. any more weight on the truck would have made it move. we can't see what they are doing to secure the truck, i don't know how you would, doesn't look like way to do that. gravity is so powerful where the truck is. look where the two are dangling at the lip of the bridge. they are going to make it. he's pulling his hand out. we pray. we pray for this scene. we watch this.
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we don't know the wind conditions. we don't know a lot other than the fact it is very cold and certainly that water in the ohio river is. emily, what are you seeing, you are pointing? >> emily: trying to get a read on the department engaging in this heroic rescue, i'm overcome and overwhelmed by bravery and intraing we are watching. this is intraing at its finest. our first responders are there in that instant. they are the 911 call for people who are watching their lives flash before their eyes. these are heroes and we're watching a heroic rescue in action. >> harris: got close again to lip of the bridge, we're unaware what keeps them baback, if that is wind, gravity, what they are trying to do. can they bring him in with some other sort of rope as we watch
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this? this started not long ago, 12:04, it is 12:42 and they have been working for a while. they are struggling to get them back to the lip of the bridge. man to the left center pulling on the rope. the harness, trying to pull him in as if they were mountain climbing and had fallen off a mountain. i will guess it probably feels that way. kayleigh, what do you see? >> kayleigh: putting my mind in the mind of the truck driver, i can't tell if it is a man or woman, i imagine someone doing their job on a friday perhaps thinking about going home to their family and your truck goes off the side of a bridge and you think it is the end. ingenuity of first responders show up. >> harris: louisville metro police have not been able to
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confirm anything more about the collision. this did involve other vehicles and so what happened after that collision and we don't have all context of that, there was somebody inside the truck cabin part of the truck hovering over the ohio river rescuer goes down from what we believe and emily was pointing out trying to figure out who is responding. this is a situation back near the lip of the bridge and unable as of yet to get pulled in, they are trying mightily to make that happen. clark memorial bridge, second street bridge, so close, feet almost on the railing, they can almost reach him. as i said, the lord is working a miracle before our eyes and i don't know how he continues to hang on. how they hang on to each other. this is louisville, kentucky.
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the water below freezing, i mentioned if you hit it at this height, it will feel like cement. they have the left foot of one of the men. you see the ropes. they are tethered to rescuers, harness. they have him. they are trying to pull him down. i wish we had sound to this. i can only imagine there have to be cheers. cheers to go with all the tears. they got him. they are both safe, god bless them. i hope he is not injured from the truck going over. as we learn more about that situation and where it led up to, we'll let you know, for now, more "outnumbered" in a moment. developed with vets.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. >> kayleigh: we are awaiting closing arguments in the misconduct case against d.a. fani willis and nathan wade. the two are accused of having improper romantic relationship that could lead to them being
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disqualified from the trump case. steve harrigan. >> steve: closing arguments just minutes away. does the judge believe the d.a. and prosecutor she hired or did they lie under oath about when their relationship began? we've seen three days of fiery testimony in the seven-week-long drama, which sidelined election case in georgia. defense attorneys used eyewitness testimony, text and travel documents. >> if they were not telling the truth about when the affair started, the judge can decide they were not telling truth about cash reimbursement. if the judge believes cash reimbursement didn't take place, back to square 1, financial conflict of interest that could get her disqualified and end the entire case. >> the defense is trying to use cell phone record from the prosecutor nathan wade that show
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average of six calls per day, 30 messages per day for a year before the two said their relationship began. the judge is likely to decide on whether to let the case go on or remove both the d.a. and prosecutor, back to you. >> kayleigh: we'll be watching. thank you. emily, the "wall street journal" said no matter what happens, fani willis's case has been damaged and to underscore that is fact republicans there in the legislature in georgia are putting together a panel to have subpoena power over records even if she is not removed from the case. >> emily: for her, this is the tip of the iceberg. there are efforts to hold them accountable and investigate use of taxpayer dollars and other things. i want to underscore role terrence bradley paid, nathan wade's former law partner, role he played was extensive. he corroborated essentially the
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plaintiff's argument, defense in original case saying this relationship started early and extent of the relationship and he endpaj gauged in testimony to that point. there were a lot of i don't recall and a lot of confirmation and revealed he was working, i don't want to say behind the scene, cooperating fully and working with trump's attorney, aiding on subpoena and aiding on which witnesses to call to round this out. as former law partner to nathan wade, came out swinging for the other side. >> kayleigh: he did, he has texts with ashleigh merchant, where he backs up and corroborate something robin yeartie said. he said my texts were speculation. >> harris: text messages were a mess for him.
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to say that you don't remember thousands of texts or whatever traded between the paramours, the lovers, fani willis and nathan wade is one thing. as your divorce attorney, the man who would have represented nathan wade in his divorce case, he would be keeping track of things he was saying about that relationship because of the relationship that he had with nathan wade as his attorney. it just seemed like everybody is messy, sloppy. if they handle their own personal affairs like that, that are legal and important, what are they doing with the trump case? and can they really go on and do their jobs with big shiny object as the entire world now knows we were playing footsie, when we should have been focusing on this case or with conflict of interest, that is at stake here. >> kayleigh: you have legal
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side, fani willis says the texts are inadmissible and the judge says it could be appearance of conflict, easy to meet or harder standard. much will depend on legal standpoint, the public says this is a huge conflict. >> i would go further than "wall street journal" and say this is not -- she has been compromised. she is not a good steward, her credibility is called into question. at this point, she has to recuse herself. the judge, i believe and we believe, my analytical team at heritage foundation, should recuse willis, wade and entire fulton county d.a.'s office. you have to at this point. to harris's point, mama frederick used to say if you are not faithful with small things,
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you can't be trusted with big things. they cannot be. >> harris: i consider marriage a big thing. called nathan wade a southern gentleman, i'm from the south and don't agree with that. southern gentlemen don't cheat on their wives. six minutes before closing arguments in this case. i am wondering what are they going to use for closing arguments? do we have time for that? >> kayleigh: we'll see about closing arguments, one thing clear, fani willis why didn't you recuse yourself and let this play out on national stage. i wonder if there is any auto critique in her head? >> charles: it is huge case and would have made her a national star and still could. a lot of people feel she is a victim. from more important point of view, such an ugly mess, such -- people have lack of confidence
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in the judicial system as it is and this will not help. >> kayleigh: looking at that courtroom, more "outnumbered" in just a moment. because i know there are so many of you who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and that's what you can get at newday usa. not flossing well? then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa!
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♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> okay, so this is clearly the most important day of what is happening in that courtroom. fani willis, she hired her lover to work with her. the question has always been since she put him on the payroll, and paid him more than any other prosecutor in her office, then he was heading her piles of cash as reimbursement, they said because she wanted, like, a dutch situation where she paid have her affair. and her dad backed her up without saying that black folk do that, very insulting. "america reports" now. the case is set to start. ♪ ♪


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