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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 1, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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east coast on friday, march 21st, and march is coming. >> ainsley: march 21st? >> steve: march 1st. i was thinking 29th yesterday. march is coming in like a lamb. that means it's going to go out like a lion. >> brian: good news we have the fox weather channel we don't need to check out the window we have the app. >> steve: do we really need window he is. the funeral for alexei navalny is underway as vice president threatens nuclear action in the west. general jack keane reporting for duty in about 20 minutes on this. >> and the tale of two border visit with the former president slamming the current one. >> you come to texas. this is now a war zone. and they view it as a war zone. and mexico is doing nothing to help us. >> brian: lawrence, yeah, that lawrence, is live in brownsville, texas, after the president's visit.
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>> ainsley: and where's the beef? new york attorney general letitia james suing a meet producer saying they aren't environmentally friendly. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. >> steve: and beef. >> brian: the fox news alert. the funeral for russian opposition leader alexei navalny just concluded. his casket is now headed to the cemetery in moscow where he will be laid to rest. >> ainsley: thousands of supporters are outside chanting navalny's name as they were paying respect to vladimir putin's fiercest critic. [chanting] great crowd there. navalny died last month in a siberian prison north of the artic circle. his family and world leaders blame vladimir putin and the kremlin for his death. >> ainsley: and in georgia, the funeral for laken riley will be
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held today in her hometown of woodstock. >> steve: police there say an illegal migrant from venezuela is the one who murdered the 22-year-old last week as she was out for a jog on the university of georgia campus. >> brian: madison scarpino joins us outside the church where the service will be held. madison? >> madeleine: good morning, family and friends of riley say she was the type of person who cared for everyone that she met and was a passionate nursing student. former president donald trump was at the border yesterday and said that he spoke with riley's devastated parents. >> beautiful 22-year-old nursing student from georgia was barbarically attacked, almost unrecognizable. while she was out on her morning run. she was a morning run. she was doing -- keep herself in shape. she was a beautiful young woman. she was a great person, best nursing student there was. >> riley's obituary says her
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smile was infectious. she spread joy everywhere she went. the vision will be at noon. and the funeral services start at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. ice says riley's accused killer jose ibarra came to the u.s. illegally in 2022 riley's death has created a lot of controversy on immigration in the athens community and across the country. just a few days ago, protesters repeatedly interrupted the athens mayor during a press conference on safety and immigration in the city. the protesters were frustrated about how the city handles migrants. but the mayor made it clear that athens is not a sanctuary city but the protesters they weren't having it and they still want the mayor to resign and this tragedy has a lot of people still shaken up who live uga. accused killer remains in jail in athens. lawyers are not asking for bail and unclear when he will appear in court next.
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back to you guys. >> steve: why isn't he asking for bail? is it because he is a flight risk and there is really no place for him to go? >> that is a good question. we are digging into that. it's not pretty typical that this happens. and we mentioned last hour that the district attorney will be bringing in a special prosecutor to prosecute this case. so we will keep you updated when we learn more. >> steve: all right, madison, thank you very much. >> brian: meanwhile the brother is a criminal, too. the brother -- the older brother. >> ainsley: the one he was living with. >> brian: brian not only green card. this guy is already breaking the law down there. >> ainsley: president trump spoke to the family. called them and that was part of his original or first remarks yesterday when he was down there on the border. >> brian: twhas the thing. the current president did not bring up the criminals that are coming across the border. he left that whole thing out. that's what has alerted people, especially here in new york city. it's not just the money. it's not that we have no room. it's a lot of these people are here to commit crimes.
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a lot of gangsters here. they have no interested in being americans. >> steve: ultimately the white house said it was two days ago you know what? going forward, maybe thee sanctuary cities should cooperate with ice. >> ainsley: now they are saying that. >> steve: yeah, no kidding. because it is politically an explosive issue. the border and that is where we are moving now because the current president and the last president both made split screen visits to our southern border yesterday. there's the split screen right there. >> ainsley: the 2024 hopefuls making stops some 300 miles apart. and biden toured brownsville, texas while trump got a firsthand look at eagle pass. >> steve: hitch edson is live at the white house with more. good morning, rich. >> good morning, steve, ainsley and brian. the last two presidents went down to texas to tour the southern border. both with very different approaches on how to address the historic surge in migration at the southern border. president biden went to brownsville, texas, toured the border there for some time. he and democrats are pressing
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republicans to follow through on the bipartisan border bill negotiated in the senate. accuse of win on the border issue. biden appealed to trump with-to-work with him and get that plan through congress instead of playing politics with the issue why don't we get it together and get it done. let's remember hot heck we work for. we work for the american people not the democratic party or the republican party. we work for the american people. >> the bill would spend billions on border patrol officers, asylum officers, detention facilities, immigration judges and cities around the country struggle to take in many of these migrants, quote, the bill also includes $1.4 billion for cities and states who are providing critical services to newcomers and expedite work permits for people in the country and qualified. trump toured the border at eagle pass. he and republicans argue biden can simply rescind the executive orders he signed reversing trump border policies.
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>> crooked joe is the blood of countless innocent victims. some stories to tell. so many horrible stories. three years ago we had the most secure border in history. >> officials say the administration is considering executive actions on the border. though the president announced none yesterday. this in a year that immigration is now surging to the top of the list of concerns that polls show americans have. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. >> steve: hey, rich, is yesterday the first time they referred to the migrants as newcomers because a couple days earlier this was our neighbors. >> i haven't heard newcomers before. it doesn't mean they haven't said it before. but, no, i hadn't heard that before. >> brian: rich, promise nia year from now not going to call them newcomers. let's not buy into that? they are not newcomers. what about freshmen americans? what about that? i want you to meet a new freshman american running with neck tattoos. >> steve: that would mean only
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here for four years. some of them wait 10 years for their trial year. >> brian: four year program. >> ainsley: lawrence is down where biden was. lawrence, you are not allowed to call they will illegals anymore. they are newcomers. >> lawrence: i'm going to stick with the legal definition of them illegal aliens coming to the country. there is a lot of talk about dreamers. this is what the narrative is going to be. we can't forget the americans their dreams are destroyed because ever the illegals killing them. that's the big story happening at the border right now. of course, president biden comes to a place where six crossings happened just the other day. actually, right behind me, there was some crossings, unfortunately, the president didn't get to see those crossings, because he was at an area where rarely do you see illegals coming across. the water is way too high. they cannot swim across. and as i told you all earlier, as soon as the presidential motorcade left, the boat that they used to stage this photo op. left as well because there
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is no border agents patrolling that area because it's not a high traffic area. so, you saw donald trump there with the texas national guard as well as texas d ption. showing you what can happen if you have a governor that is actually willing to secure the border. but, of course you are going to hear from the administration, that they have negotiated some deal with mexico. not that greg abbott is pushing those migrants back, guys. >> brian: the enemy of the border in some ways. remember they wouldn't let the former president of the united states stop the sanctuary city status and then yesterday that texas law that allow them to deport people who came across their border illegally? that got reversed. now they are going to repeal it up the ladder. it's going to end up in the supreme court. should a state have a right to protect the border, even though it's the federal government's responsibility? and then that report from bill melugin yesterday, our northern border infiltrated by organized chinese illegal immigrants or newcomers. >> steve: newcomers. >> brian: newcomers or freshman
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going to be gone in four years unless they take summer courses they can be done in three. >> ainsley: donald trump gets back in office. >> brian: they should turn around if he wins election the same day. the courts are not helping our security. >> ainsley: lawrence is there in brownsville and that's where president biden was. and then eagle pass, that's where donald trump was. and sean hannity was there and interviewed him and it aired last night. >> here's a clip of that. >> this border makes 2016 look like baby stuff. it's probably the worst border -- not probably. it's the worst border ever in the history of the world. there has never been a border where 15, 16, maybe 18 million people have already crossed. and i think nobody has any idea what the number is. you know, the got aways, they don't know what the got-aways are. what's going on with our country? i will tell you, you come to texas, this is now a war zone. and they view it as a war zone. and mexico is doing nothing to help us. >> steve: and when you look at what this administration is doing it looks like nothing is as well. that is why we have heard for the last couple of weeks it
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sounds like they may do some executive order to curtail asylum at the border. but, probably it would involve you have got to go through the ports of entry, which you know, probably should be recalled welcome centers for the most part to qualify for eventually having your case adjudicated. but that's not -- that's not going to solve the root issue. the root issue is they are able to go through mexico, run through willy-nilly until they hit our border and then they are welcomed. jeh johnson, former department of homeland security secretary was on our program yesterday. and he said, you know what? blame mexico. they really should be doing more. >> one of the things we need to do, which doesn't get talked about enough, is get the mexican government to do more on their southern border with central american. >> ainsley: definitely. >> we have 1900-mile border with mexico they have 300-mile border with central america. they don't have much of a border
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enforcement force down there. >> steve: they should do more, lawrence. >> lawrence: blame mexico. they are going to do what we allow them to do. we had a deal with mexico. the current president of the united states decided he was going to rip the deal up. we had a cooperation agreement. we have 20,000 mexican marines that were securing the border as well because they had an agreement with donald trump would would remain in mexico as well. you don't get to tear stuff up and then blame the other side on this. look, the bottom line is this. it is a war zone. it was so insulting for the president of the united states to come to our state of texas after he sued us for securing our border. the only reason why s.b. 4 is dead right now at the moment and we were expecting this to happen by the way. we knew the court was going to strike this down. we want this to go to the supreme court. because what we're saying is our state is being invaded. but, just imagine this: you got the president of the united states, that comes to the state of texas, sues us. takes credit.
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for what greg abbott has been doing to secure the border and say the numbers are down. because him and kamala harris have been negotiating with mexico. >> brian: yeah, right. >> lawrence: excuse me? >> brian: that's why he is trailing double digits every battleground state whether it comes to immigration. bloomberg has trump by 3. georgia up by 6. nevada up by 6. immigration matters to those battleground states. i think it's a degree of panic that would he say wachtsd those dueling pressers yesterday. because president trump, as you know, sean hannity had arranged that weeks ago. for that three weeks that interview was set and the president said i had no idea my friend was already lined up to go. >> ainsley: nobody believes that running for 369 the united states. his whole team knew trump was going to be down there. he picked the exact same day. he knows this is the number one immigration -- number one issue for americans right now. even democrats are concerned about it. what we're seeing down in mexico, when rachel campos-duffy was down there and talked to everyone and they are selling their cars and selling homes and
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having to pay cartel members thousands of dollars to come over. that's what we're going to see here in america. when we're allowing 18 million people to come in our city that are not vetted and then they get to our city and they are no bail laws. right back out on the street. they move to georgia. they kill nursing student who is doing the right thing. just trying to better her life. and they take all that away from her family. we're going to hear stories like this continuously if we don't close that border. and now they are telling spring breakers not even go to mexico because it's so dangerous. guess what? all those dangerous people are coming across the border, too. >> steve: that's right. >> ainsley: we are opening our doors to all these dangerous criminals. >> steve: yesterday, donald trump made it clear he would do stuff on day one. the question is what will the administration do because right now they are hemorrhaging voters. if the vote were taken today, i don't think joe biden would like to see how it all turns out. all right. it is. >> lawrence: so true. >> brian: final thought, lawrence? >> lawrence: no, no. i was just going to pick up where ainsley left off about the story. and it's not just the folks that
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are dying and the fentanyl. it's also the stories that we have been bringing for the last couple weeks of the rec centers being closed. the schools being closed. the housing in harlem being closed. by the way these are all democrat voters. these are people that have been loyal to the democratic party. the question is, brian, are they going to be loyal now? i don't think so. i don't think so. >> ainsley: all the gangs that are here. all those gang members from venezuela are ripping the pocketbooks off of women. >> steve: the newcomer gangs. >> ainsley: newcomers, right. >> brian: soon going to be, no joke, the bloods and crypts against the venezuelan gangs. we will watch shootouts in the streets. [laughter] >> brian: i'm not kidding. i wish i was exaggerating. they know exactly where to go and where to move in. >> ainsley: scary times. >> brian: 15 minutes after the hour. move into court cases the fani willis court hearing reaching a critical juncture. >> ainsley: fulton county judge will hear arguments whether she should be qualified from
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president trump's election interference case. >> steve: be interesting to see how the judge rules. >> todd: final arguments beginning at 1:00 p.m. today in the case to disqualify d.a. fani will police prosecuting former president trump. she had inappropriate relationship with nathan wade, the man she appointed to be special prosecutor in the case. now a new prosecutor could change this case's significantly. they could add or drop charges or toss out the case completely. it would also likely delay any proceedings until after the 2024 election. of former president trump's lawyers claim willis and wade began this romantic relationship before wade was hired. then lied under oath about the timing. now, they have acknowledged their relationship, said it began though in the spring of 2020 but -- 2022, i should say, has since ended. experts now say there could be a lot more on the line than just disqualification in this case. listen. >> because of their actions in
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court, because of their testimony in hearings and terrence bradley's testimony and some other testimony, they are in much more trouble for possible perjury and fraud on the court. i doubt that judge mcafee is going to rule today from the bench on all the issues that are outstanding around disqualification. >> todd: again, the final arguments will be held today at 1:00 p.m. eastern time. back over to you. >> steve: all right. we will see them probably live on fox. thanks, todd. >> ainsley: wildfire alert. at least two people are now dead as firefighters are battling several out-of-control fires still tearing through texas and oklahoma. >> steve: the so-called smokehouse creek fire is now the largest fire in texas history. it's torched more than a million acres in just four days. look at that. >> brian: all right, let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz for a fox weather forecast. hey, adam. >> adam: good morning. unfortunately, all that weather across texas continues to be bad if you are looking to fight these wildfires. let's dive right into it. as you are mooing at the
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smokehouse creek fire, the largest in history. 90 miles wide. over a million acres burnt. it's one of several fires across the texas panhandle that continue to burn here early this morning. it is going to be tough to fight these. yesterday we saw a little bit of snow on these wildfires. the temperatures are back up today. and it gets really breezy on saturday and sunday that could spread these wildfires. we have critical wildfire weather across the texas panhandle, across oklahoma. both on saturday and sunday as windy conditions are going to continue to help these blazes spread. those are your weather headlines. for now, i'm tossing it back inside to you, carley. >> carley: adam, thank you so much. we have a fox news alert to get to here. house republicans releasing the transcript from hunter biden's closed door deposition. the president's son doubled down that his father was never involved in his business dealings. according to the transcript, hunter says he put his father on speaker phone in front of business associates claiming he always answers the phone when his dad calls. of the president's son even brought up his battle with drug
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addiction and claims his dad never received any payments from a chinese-owned firm. a millionaire con woman pleads guilty after scamming the military out of more than $1 million. the doj says former army employee janet mellow created a fake business in 2016 that was supposed to help children, instead she used the funds to support her lavish lifestyle buying more than 30 homes and at least 80 cars and motorcycles. mello took a plea deal that could put her behind bars for more than 20 years. wow. billionaire elon musk is reportedly suing chapght maker open ai and ceo. he claims the company broke agreements by straying from original goal of developing artificial technology for the benefit of humanity not profit. musk helped start the company back in 2015 but stepped down from its board just three years
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later. and this little boy caught on camera bringing some country charm to hawaii state capital. 9-year-old timmy is a fifth generation farmer. he brought his pet steer timmy to try and show lawmakers the importance of agriculture in the aloha state. those your headlines, guys. look at that little boy and his cow. so pure, so sweet. so american. >> brian: carley what a perfect transition to our next story. you are a genius. >> ainsley: thank you, carley. >> brian: letitia james outrage people. filed a complaint against a farm for lying and being deceptive. exact quote. when companies falsely advise their commitment to sustainability misleading the consumers and endangering our planet. jbt green washing exploits the pocketbooks of everyday americans and the promise of a healthy planet for future generations.
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so, they don't like -- they don't feel as though the farm is good for the climate. >> steve: not just the farm. it's the world's largest beef packer. >> ainsley: suing them over emissions and green washing. they keep saying net zero pledge for 2030 and 2040. she says it's misleading and not heading in a direction. >> steve: this shouldn't surprise us. one of the big agenda items for the democrats is climate change. and so, you know. >> brian: it should surprise you environmental justice. >> the goal is zero, net zero emission. >> brian: her goal. >> steve: they say a footprint for creating essentially beef is responsible for 14.5% of the greenhouse gases on the planet. >> brian: thanks, cows. >> steve: what they are saying is hey, where's the beef? if the beef is there. that means they are creating a lot of stuff in the sky.
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>> ainsley: i wonder why she is suing them. is their company in new york? people who live in new york affected by climate change. >> brian: this is part of the reasons farmers rioting in germany, rioting in holland and france. they are trying to destroy the agriculture industry and the world. >> ainsley: they're applauded by our state democrats. earth justice, mighty earth. friends of the earth u.s. citizens champion for the environment. and stand dot earth. >> brian: here is what jbs just said we disagree with the action taken today by the attorney general's office. jbs will continue to partner with farmers, ranchers and our food system. yes, we like to eat. partners around the world to help feed a growing population while using fewer resources and reducing agricultural environmental impact. help sustainability feed the world is undeterred. this could be a bigger argument about the feasibility of these
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idiotic programs that these green lunatics are making us pursue. >> steve: brian, i predict millions of americans will not eat beef today because it is a friday in lent. >> ainsley: that's right. i wasn't yelling at you. i was yelling that the statement. >> steve: no, i know. something to yell at. >> ainsley: set your dvrs at 6:00 in the morning so you don't miss anything and don't miss brian yelling at us. >> brian: right, exactly. >> ainsley: right now the funeral for alexei navalny underway as putin threatens nuclear action in the west. >> brian: general jack keane joins us next. ♪ here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy
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general jack keane. he loves talking about war six weeks. in is responsive to what macron said in france maybe nato put troops in there to help out the ukrainians. what do you think the big picture is? >> nuclear weapons because it works. it's the reason why the biden administration took a knee when it comes to providing advanced weapons when ukrainians began to ask to are them in the first year of the war. it's because the policymakers feared russian escalation. that's the reality that we're facing so, that kind of worked. why wouldn't he keep brandishing it. of course he is going to do it. and what they would fear about macron's statement about providing troops, quote, unquote, he would fear french air power. the f 16s are coming to ukraine this year. hopefully if congress approves the funding. europeans will be providing them
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as well. that is going to begin to be a game changer and make russian ground forces very vulnerable and also military targets in crimea very vulnerable. >> brian: some small minded people saying this is a ukraine problem. we are already seeing indications that russia is going to do the same thing in the baltics. and in moldova. they find russian-speaking people in these countries, say they have to help them out. they provide protections, and they take it. now, a break away region in moldova has asked for help. they never left georgia. they have taken 18% of ukraine. you say there is movements now inside the baltic states this threat of russian expansion is more than real. it's not conjured up. do you agree? >> oh, yeah. absolutely. putin is dead set on breaking the trans-atlantic alliance. not necessarily with a full out invasion across the border and rush on the capitals of the baltics. we played those in war games.
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these really tough for us to deal with. but more likely the hybrid warfare he exposed to the world in annexing crimea were in a false narrative stirs up a population of russian minorities, a false narrative. there is no unrest. they create this unrest and they ask for assistance to stabilize the situation because the government is contributing to that unrest. in other words, the host government in the country. and in came russian forces to stabilize. remember, they didn't have any russian identification on them. we refer to as little green men. that kind of facade that they went through. but they are setting that condition part of moldova and also in the baltics there was a release in the german media just recently, a few weeks ago, a classified document produced by their intelligence services that indicate russia was fully setting the conditions in the baltics to do the very same thing he did in crimea in 2014.
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putin is dead set on expanding beyond ukraine into nato countries to bring those countries back in eastern europe into the russian empire. and why do we know that? how do we know that? he keeps telling us this. as he told us. >> brian: it's no secret. >> he was very concerned about ukraine and he wanted to bring it back into the russian empire. let's take him at his word. and let's respond accordingly. >> brian: i think republicans should understand that and forget about who is the president is or not is. and just focus on what is best for the country. our past is prologue. people should go to school on this. i think some of these people are standing up. it's just because it's president biden. but they have to know the right thing to do is to stand up to russia. it's in our best interest. general, thanks so much. >> yeah, you guys have a great weekend, thank you. >> brian: hey. coming up on one nation, speaking of the weekend at 9:00. greats show lined up. we have got the co-host quiz
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with the great carley shimkus and todd piro. find out who knows more about each other e marc thiessen, governor dan patrick and michelle that foye and dan pryor. try to fit it into one show. meet you there. go over to steve air national guardsman jack that sahara. he is expected to plead guilty on monday, according to a court filing as you remember the 22-year-old charged with leaking thousands of highly classified military and intel documents to gamers on the app. discord had some details had some details on the you began his remarks pushing his climate agenda in response to the wildfires that
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are scorching parts of texas. the idea there is no such thing as climate changes. i love some of my k neanderthal friends who still there is no climate change. my administration is going to keep building on the progress we have made fighting climate crisis. >> steve: the president went on to criticize congress for failing to pass a bipartisan border bill out of the senate. we told you he would do it and he did it. and wild video out of oregon. a car flies off a 200-foot cliff. see right there? police say this was all because of distracted driving. do you think? first responders were able to rescue the person behind the wheel. officials say that they are lucky to have survived. no kidding. those are your headlines, meanwhile, our top story duling presidential border trips yesterday. not everybody got a warm welcome. >> my agents. they are mad as hell. absolutely mad that president biden went to brownsville,
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texas, rather than going to arizona, rather than going to san diego, california, rather than coming to eagle pass. >> steve: lawrence is on the ground with texas dps lt. chris olivares who was at the trump event yesterday, and they are coming up next. ♪
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♪ >> steve: border agents are frustrated that president biden visited brownsville, texas, which is one of the least trafficked border towns on our southern border. while former president donald trump visited eagle pass which is the epicenter of the problems. >> i want you to know your agents, my agents, they are mad as hell, absolutely mad that president biden went to brownsville, texas rather than going to arizona, rather than
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going to san diego, california, rather than coming to eagle pass, texas, which has been the epicenter. what president trump has seen right here is he has seen how his policies have worked but he has also seen how he is can expand upon those policies once he goes back into the white house. >> steve: well, texas department safety lt. chris olivares was at the trump event yesterday and he joins us now with lawrence from brownsville, texas. so, lawrence, he was actually where the action was over in eagle pass. >> lawrence: that's exactly right, steve. let's bring in l.t. chris olivares. i was saying i have never seen brandon judd that fired up. obviously you know what texas dps is going through. border patrol. what was the mood of the former president being there and joe biden deciding to be here instead of eagle pass? >> well, first off, good morning, lawrence. it's always great to be with you. and, of course, you know i have known brandon ever started i started this situation. got to meet him.
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got to learn a lot from him. i have never seen him that fired up. especially about what has been happening the last three years. the contrast between the two visits. yesterday i was at eagle pass with the former president. you look at the two visits, you know, the president came to visit brownsville, texas, brownsville, texas at one point last year in may was ground zero. we saw thousands of venezuelans coming across. one thing that we were able to do is we shut down that area. we secured it. our national guard social. our state troopers. we put concertina wire along the river and shut down that area. we secured it. the president would have got to see that if you visited along the border and river. he would have seen those efforts state of texas go. to eagle pass where the former president was. we gave him a high level brief. we talked about the national guard, public safety threats, the cartels, talking about what really impacts the country. we have seen all these violent crimes from illegal immigrants have violent background should not be in the country the first place. most importantly laken riley,
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you know, just tragically lost her life at the hands of illegal immigrant should not be in the country in the first place. the president got to see that you know, he actually got to see, walk along the river. he thanked soldiers, troopers. got see firsthand what the state of texas was able to do at shelby park because we were able to seize control of that park. and now, ever since then. ever since january 11th, there has been 90% decrease in illegal border crossings in that area. the ones that do cross we arrest them and take them to jail for state crimes. >> lawrence: so crazy, l.t., the former president brought up this point so powerful. how many people are actually in the country. let's play the sound for the former president. >> this border makes 2016 look like baby stuff. it's probably the worst border. not probably, it's the worst border ever in the history of the world. never a border where 15, 16, maybe 18 million people have already crossed. and i think nobody has any idea what the number is you know, the got-aways, they don't know what the got-aways are. what's going on with our
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country. i will tell you, you come to texas. this is now a war zone. and they view it as a war zone. and mexico is doing nothing to help us. >> lawrence: the former president called a war zone and we said we don't know how many people are here. i mean, what's the number like? what are we hearing? >> that's one thing that keeps us up at night, especially law enforcement is that we don't know. we talk about the g got-aways 2 million. much more than that the millions of people coming across the border illegally the last three years. there is really no way of knowing. that's where we see these public safety and national security threats. but, one thing that really stood out it me, i want to add this from yesterday, the two visits is when the former president actually mentioned laken riley. talked about those national security threats, public safety threats, the safety and security of the american people and the country because how many more laken rileys are we going to see moving forward? how many people have we lost in the last three years not to the hands of illegal immigrants shouldn't be in the country in the first place with criminal background but also fentanyl
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poisoning. family and friends lost loved ones because of fentanyl poisoning. that remains to be a threat. if the federal government truly cares about the american people and about the safety of our country, they would actually take action today, not point the fingers not make excuses take action. have accountability and protect our country and american people. that's why you have to give credit where credit is due. that's with governor abbott, our dps troopers, operation lone star. what we have been doing the last three years. >> lawrence: i till peel last line of defense. we appreciate all you do to keep us safe. >> thank you. >> lawrence: send it back to you in new york. >> steve: we do indeed. lawrence and lt., thank you very much. mexico ever the so-called squad just returning from a secret trip to cuba. what were they doing there? and they had this to say about human rights. you'll find out. "fox & friends weekend" co-hosts aren't so sure about that and they're on tap. good morning, guys. you're next. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> ainsley: some progressive squad members are calling to remove cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism after a secret trip to the communist island. let's bring in "fox & friends weekend" crew we have pete, rachel and will. good morning to all three of you. >> will: good morning.
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>> pete: good morning. >> rachel: good morning. >> ainsley: ladies first i will start with you rachel. the state media down there did not report on it. we are just finding this out. >> rachel: yeah, we need to know. what i have learned from going to the border and seeing that secret hotel is that any time our government is doing things in secret, we ought to be alarmed. our radars should go up. look, the problem is -- the press is reporting that she, you know, met with potentially met with a foreign minister from russia. but the real problem is china. cuba is deeply in bed with china. china is gobbling up latin america. the fact that we have members of congress that are going to aid and abet not just in cuba but all over latin america, brazil, ecuador, everywhere, they are aligning with regimes, with governments in latin america that are aligned with china. china wants to be in our backyard. they are taking over the western hemisphere and this is, in my opinion, actually treasonous. we need to find out exactly what they were doing in cuba.
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>> ainsley: ilhan omar and jayapal led this group of 12. this is a country that abuses, they jail, they murder their citizens, it's a communist country. why are they supporting them. why don't they like this embargo that we have against this island nation? >> i think that was to me, ainsley, i don't know. ideologically they are sem pat particular co-with cuba. motivation why motivates these individuals see the speck in eye and fail to see the log in our eye. not just cuba, venezuela. anyone who has a leftist, fascist point of view like, for example, as rachel points out china: i think that is what is deep, deep underneath the surface. it appears there is a high level of coordination with cuba.
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as you said, ainsley, it's a break from the past where this has been celebrated and promoted this one done under the surface. that takes coordination in cuba. and it's probably -- and we think it is, to get kuhn off the u.s. state sponsor of terrorism, which, to this day, they still harbor people who have committed political violence right here in the united states. these are the people championed by the squad. >> ainsley: pete, they also are in bed with iran and russia. >> pete: yes i guess they went to cuba they wanted to see a preview of what their socialist would like like got their clutches on transforming america. everyone would be equitable. that means everyone would be poor. driving cars from decades and decades ago. you know, cuba is really good at banning political opponents and taking them off the ballot, they like that. so, maybe they are getting some techniques on how to do that better in america. cuba is really good at, i mean, rationing -- all the things it's
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a glimpse into the future and, of course they are coordinating with people that hate america. they would go to hamas and gaza right now if they could and find out the plight of hamas and how treat them beth. antithetical they live it out with the places they visit. >> ainsley: calls them the hamas caucus. he agrees with you getting a refresher course on communism to bring it back to d.c. rachel, excellent job on the border when you went down to that facility and they kicked you out. i was nervous for you. >> but you handled it beautifully. hopefully you are going to talk about in this weekend? >> rachel: yeah. absolutely. we're going to be talking about everything i did at the border. including that soft shelter that you see right there that i'm sitting behind. people walk across our border. they end up there. and then the border patrol picks them up and processes them. this is all part of a -- nobody who crosses the border is not human trafficked. this is a pipeline that we are paying for through ngos and
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through all kinds of other government funding. so, it's something we need to get to the bottom of. >> ainsley: i can't wait to see your additional coverage. we will be watching this weekend. thanks so much, guys. biden's white house playing the name game calling illegal immigrants newcomers.
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