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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 18, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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>> carley: kamala harris scared as heck trump may win in 2024. the article goes on how to detail trump is beating biden in all the key swing states. if you are running for office shouldn't you exude confidence? >> what are you going to be confident about? >> carley: we got. this we're going to win re-election. >> inflation. you have an economy in turmoil. off global turmoil. pakistan attacking in iran. you have israel vs. hamas. you have ukraine. look at all of this. what are they standing for? >> todd: ran out of time but joy reid talks about people voting for trump because of racial anxiety. david, i would like you to quickly walk us through your racial anxiety. >> the black woman with blonde hair culturally appropriated her hair is going to complain. >> todd: "fox & friends" begins right now, everybody. have a great day. ♪ ♪
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>> steve: thank you very much, todd and carley, 6:00 in new york city on this thursday, january 18th. and it is currently 21 degrees in new york city. >> lawrence: from maga surveillance to maga warning. an investigation is underway after the feds ask banks to search and filter its customers' transactions with terms like trump and maga. why the ceo of j.p. morgan chase shares this advice for the democrats. >> i wish the democrats would think a little more carefully when they talk about maga. this negative talk about maga is going to hurt biden's election campaign. >> ainsley: but it seems vice president harris missed that memo. why she says she's scared as heck of former president trump taking back the white house. >> brian: and, could you ditch your cell phone for a month italics? that's the challenge that could earn you $10,000. think about that for a second while i officially start the
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show by saying "fox & friends" is ready to begin because your mornings are better because you are with us who are friends. ♪ >> ainsley: to a developing story now, house republicans demanding answers from the biden administration ove quote, alarming surveillance over you the american people. >> brian: federal investigators asked banks to comb through transactions for terms like maga and trump. >> lawrence: those aren't the only phrases. financial institutions key in in the aftermath of january 6th. >> steve: to put it all together brooke singman written the story >> seeking answers from a former treasury official after the agency told blanks to consumer
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actions like trump or maga. banks were told to search for customer data for other key phrases including popular sports stores like cabela's, bass pro shops or dick's sporting goods. comb through customer transactions for book purchases including religious text like the bible and media subscriptions. allegedly said those purchases could indicate extremism. house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan who is leading this investigation says search of those transactions violate americans of constitutional rights. listen. >> so it was big banks looking and searching private transactions, using key terms at the suggestion of the federal government to find out what you're buying, spending your money on. scary stuff. all it looks like without any warrant, without any legal process. they undertook this as a way to identify domestic violent extremism. >> jordan now writing a letter
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to the former director of financial crimes enforcement network. through the customers suspicious charges on the basis of protected political and religious expression. in a separate letter asked fbi director wray senior official available for interview related to bank of america. that bank turned over customer data related to the purchases of firearms, hotels and airbnbs leading up to and after january 6th. so far the fbi declined to comment. >> brian: it's not just oh we are pursuing the answers januar. you are saying prior to january 6th people are looking for those key words. >> after january 6th. this all happened in the days after january 6th. of course we don't know if there was ever an end date to these severance. of course, i spoke with a number of sources who told me that these searches and the federal government reaching out to the banks and asking them to hone in on these key words like maga,
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trump, looking at dick's sporting goods and things of that nature. they say that was happening before the inauguration to make sure that was no type of violence. there's never an end date, i'm told from, sources who are familiar with these documents on the search of these terms so i think that's what jim jordan is looking for answers on from these officials. >> steve: so it was open-ended as to the end because they didn't know when somebody might be done with whatever they were doing. sounds like it was all part of the federal investigation. but, brook, this all happened during the trump administration. >> sure. it happened in the days after january 6th, of course, which was just two weeks, i guess, before the inauguration, januar. it is part of the trump administration, maybe the biden transition team. but i don't think that's really the issue here. it doesn't really matter which administration this is. i think what jim jordan is pointing to is the bureaucracy here looking into americans' private data. private banking data. the federal government going into the private sector and
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saying hey, turn over this data to us because we have a right to look through all of this. of course, if they were looking to prevent some sort of attack or something of that nature, of course that would make sense. jim jordan says americans' constitutional rights are being violated were and we don't know if they're still searching for these terms in americans' bank accounts. >> ainsley: let's say they would go into someone who was there january 6th and look at their financial transactions, especially zel, they really were searching zelle transactions. and look if anyone put in the memo key words, trump, maga and why dick's sporting goods and cabela's to see if they were buying supplies to take with them? >> wasn't just people there on january 6th. what thats what the reason for the search terms. >> ainsley: that's what they said the reason was. >> in terms of dick's sporting goods and cabela's and bass pro shops which neither of those businesses responded to fox
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news' request for comment on this report, the reason that banks were suggesting looking at transactions with codes related to those stores is because of what can you buy at those stormsst stores. whether it was firearms which jim jordan has said that's a violation of americans' second amendment rights. this is just a larger story here, i think. and we will keep following the investigation to try to get more. >> brian: executive branch. >> ainsley: basically we don't have any privacy. this is such an invasion. >> steve: thank you, brook. brook mentioned cabela's and bass pro and dick's sporting goods. >> lawrence: most places i shop at. >> ainsley: most people do. >> steve: do you know what bass pro, dick's sporting goods and cabela's sell? bear spray. there were a number of police officers, federal officers who were attacked allegedly and people convicted since then because they used bear spray.
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you attack a federal officerrage. -- i don't know. i'm suggesting they all sell bear spray. >> lawrence: i just don't understand why would they cast such a wide net for average day southerners as i said not only do i bank at bank of america. but i shop at all of these stores and i was nowhere near january 6th. it just seems like my number one question is is it still going on? the second question, was bank of america forced to give over this information or did they willingly give this other to the federal government, ainsley? >> ainsley: do they have to give it over what if you work at bank of america and say i don't feel comfortable sharing our customers' transactions. i want to protect our customers. >> brian: actually highlighted that they voluntarily and without any legal process allowed them to go in and look at all the records. if they could intimidate you, look, i could start doing an
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investigation. >> lawrence: information. >> ainsley: financial crimes enforcement network. fin sin. in order to terror financing and other financial concerns. >> brian: we took down al-qaeda and stopped funding hezbollah here at home. >> i hope they are looking at all these little jihadis marching around our streets in d.c. and new york and planning protests pro-hamas stuff. >> brian: who is financing what we are seeing now raiding of sloan kettering. who is paying these people? >> steve: did what this fin sen do, was it allowed by law your bank and other banks giving this stuff up and i don't know, jim jordan has put a lot of stuff
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out there but not a lot of details. we don't know if it was legal. and, if it was legal, apparently they can do it. when you sign into a new account, the terms of service, you know, you are going to abide by federal law. maybe this is one of them. we don't know. >> ainsley: look to see if you were purchasing books that had religious text. religious information in them. they look to see what magazines people are subscribing to to see if they're maga magazines. >> brian: talk about this election in 2024. what was most stunning to me, perhaps, iowa. not the result. we expected a big donald trump win. the way the other networks and other people characterize it. looking to diminish the former president right away. talk about the people that would support him. just could not wrap their head around the fact that people would still want to go back to the days in which inflation was low, security was high at the border, trade deals were being cut. and tax deals were allowing the economy to flourish. and when people started putting down maga again, and the president of the united states every other word out of his
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mouth is maga extremists. that struck somebody not known as political pundit and that's jamie dimon. looks as though he was impressed by nikki haley and if he was going to throw his support behind anyone it would be her. listen to what he said yesterday in davos. >> the democrats would think a little more carefully when they talk about maga. just take a step back, be honest. kind of right about nato. kind of right about immigration. he grew the economy quite well. >> china virus. >> tax reform worked. he was right about some of china. he wasn't wrong about some of these critical issues. that's why they're voting for him. and i think people should be a little more respectful of our fellow citizens and when you guys have people up here you should always ask the why this negative talk about maga is going to hurt biden's election campaign. >> steve: right after why he said why and jamie dimon said ask people why they are supporting trump. they support trump and he enumerated right there because of policies that he says donald
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trump got right. >> lawrence: what he is saying be a little more curious. do you ever consider why people are siding with donald trump? i know you want to label everyone as hateful and anti-immigrant. but don't you think when you have surge -- record black americans, hispanics, showing up at his events don't you think it's more than that it's a question, ainsley, that the media has. why are people supporting the former president? everyone can't be racist here. >> ainsley: right. right. you know, lawrence, when you go to these diners, border is an issue. the economy san issue. both of those were better under donald trump. when you have to choose between joe biden who doesn't stand up for our country. world leaders are not intimidated by him. they were with donald trump, when you see what vladimir putin did, to ukraine, after -- after donald trump left. when you see what happened in israel. when you hear china threatening taiwan, those -- that was not happening under donald trump. because world leaders were terrified of him.
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moms are worried about national security. i'm sure men are, too. we're worried about who is in this country. donald trump at one of the rallies this week said that there are terrorists in our country. we are finding people on the border that are on the terror watch list. all of these things were better under donald trump. when it comes to some people say we didn't like his rhetoric on twitter. when you think about protecting our country. that trumps, no pun intended, all of the other stuff that he was writing on twitter because we need a strong president. >> brian: he said he traveled the country and talked to people. and you got to separate the guy from his policies. and if you don't like the guy, that's fine. don't put down what they stand for. what it's done, by the way, if your objective is to have him lose, what it's done is made people more determined to back him and look past the things might bother them. that's what you are witnessing right now. this president has done the inverse of everything 45 did. 46 was determined to reverse it all. the policies are the best sales
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tool that donald trump has right now. world events are selling this president. >> steve: ultimately, then it becomes a binary choice. it's very clear where each of the guys stand. you like all of this? that's your guy. you like all of that, that's your guy. a lot of people don't like one of the guys. >> brian: but don't hate the person because they don't agree with you. that's his point. >> ainsley: first it was censorship. now they're looking at your bank account to determine what you are buying at a sporting goods store? >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> steve: as brooke said it was during the trump administration. >> brian: wasn't trump doing it. it was the treasury department pushed forward by the investigation arm of the treasury. it was separate from trump. you going to tell me. >> ainsley: investigating january 6th. >> steve: i'm saying it was trump years. part of the executive branch. >> brian: part of what we are trying to find out fbi going after the then president. what was going on. it seems like our fbi and even the cia was looking into our current president more than they were looking into outside
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threats. then the current president. now the former president. >> ainsley: all these people that are throwing donald trump in court this year, they are all democrats. they are doing whatever they can to stop this man. america is getting tired of it. we see this is supposed to be a free country. you are supposed to buy something at a store and not have the federal government look into bank account. >> lawrence: they are being attacked by extension of donald trump. so, because you agree with the former president. >> ainsley: exactly. >> lawrence: go after you as well. >> ainsley: went after the catholic church. they went after the tea party. all right. coming up, a new york city judge denies daniel penny's request to drop the charges over jordan neely's chokehold death. the latest in that case. >> steve: plus, the migrant crisis at our southern border is actually plunging denver's main hospital into debt big time after patients receive 1 # $0 million in treatments that they did not pay for. >> lawrence: isn't the inflation crisis hitting everyone? >> anybody want a coffee?
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it's on me. [laughter] all right? >> we're good. >> 6 bucks. but i will do it anyway. >> brian: the white house says biden was just joking around. he knew that smoothies are now $6. i could have told him. >> ainsley: brian, your coffee is more expensive than a smoothies. >> brian: i know. i like almond milk. >> ainsley: i will order now. ♪ ♪ that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪
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yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. and that has forced facilities to turn other patients down. meanwhile on capitol hill, the house is set to hold the final impeachment hearing today against homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. now to the latest developments in the investigation into the
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boeing 737 max 9 airplanes. the faa says the first 40 40 inspections are now complete. this follows a senate commerce committee briefing on the alaska airlines incident where that door plug flew off mid-air earlier this month. the chair of the committee says she plans to hold a hearing on the issue. here is a question. do you think you can ditch your smart phone for an entire month? the entire sigi's dairy is offering $10,000 and 60 cups of their signature yogurt if you can put your phone down for 30 days. those interested in the digital detox challenge must first submit an essay wow, okay. then 10 participants one month if you are send email with a
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smart phone you are not off to a food start. >> brian: thank you so much, carley. talk about that in the break. a new york judge denying daniel penny's request to drop charges as he faces up to 15 years for the death of homeless man named jordan neely. happened on the subway back in may. penny's lawyer says he acted in self-defense as witnesses report neeley behavinger rat particularly making threats before penny restrained him. lexy joins us now. this was a move bideny penny's team to just dismiss it. how did it go? >> they didn't win. while they didn't win the battle, they could still win the war. these motions are very, very hard to win. they favor the government. all of the inferences are supposed to be taken in favor of the government. the fact that they didn't win. it was expected. they even said -- the attorneys said it in their statement that they pretty much expected this would happen but they had to at least try. >> we did hear from some of the witnesses. they felt like they were under
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threat. that's key. >> that was my biggest take away reading the motion. they were actually able to cite grand jury testimony where people were terrified on that train there was a mother and child hiding behind a stroller. jordan neely is saying is he going to go rikers island. somebody is going to die today. he doesn't care if he gets life in prison. he was lunging at people. people on that train were terrified. >> brian: fast-forward to the case. say it was tomorrow. were people under threat and what was his intent. he was going to school downtown. he didn't get up in the morning looking to choke somebody. >> that's really the travesty of this whole case obviously including the death. the fact this has been turned into a racial issue. there is no indicia, not a shred of evidence that this was racially motivated in any way, shape, or form. he was trying to neutralize a threat. he has been smeared by some of the media. >> brian: hunter biden's laptop. it's been four minutes we
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haven't talked about it. it was real and authentic. what do you mean? didn't we kind of know this already as we put up the timeline of when we discovered it, when other outlets admitted it but now the doj confirms it. >> yes. we knew it all along. we have known it for years. the biden family said that it was russian disinformation. but, obviously, it was the real deal. and hunter has basically admitted that anyway. he sued rudy giuliani about the laptop and few other people associated. >> brian: including the repair shop owner. >> you have to wonder what is going through his mind how careless he was to drop off a laptop with that sensitive information to a repair shop. he doesn't make the best decisions. >> brian: starting to understand that what bothers me which is not a legal thing is you knew the family knew it was real. >> contactually. >> brian: current president looked in the camera and said 51 agents said it was classic misinformation. he knew it was classic my crack head son dropped at the local repair shop which he knew, too.
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>> another bone headed move he is trying to cover up for. hunter is in a cocoon. at the time outlets reported on it. twitter, facebook, people went after the outlets that were reporting on this. >> brian: people voted for the most part who thought it was russian disinformation. >> right. >> brian: they found out later it wasn't but the election is was over. great to see you again. we ran into each other in italy. >> we did by the trevi fountain. >> brian: amazing. pretty famous. >> yes. >> brian: quick note, sunday at 3:00 eastern time, i'm going to be on stage and hopefully you will be watching on fox nation, talking about what made america great, including i will end with teddy and booker t. two american icons, blazed a path to racial equality hopped back onto the "new york times" list thanks to you guys. fox nation sunday at 3:00. if you want tickets live brian nuclear armed pakistan launching retaliatory strikes on iran
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overnight. as the u.s. relists the houthis as terrorists no joke. pentagon says the israel conflict hasn't escalated. a live report. border is tom of mind with 2020 voter theft say they trust trump more than biden to handle the surge. we will talk a new hampshire residents and a mom whose son died of fentanyl poisoning about the crisis. the crisis. that story is next. (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season. choice hotels is a family of brands that helps you get the most for your money, so you can be any traveler you want to be. you can be a free, hot breakfast hero at a comfort hotel. yes! that's how you waffle! mr. “this script got a plot twist” at a radisson hotel. a business big leaguer. go for key. even the ultimate pool float inflator. with 22 brands — and the best value for your money —
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♪ >> brian: back with a fox news alert now. u.s. forces striking about a dozen houthi missile launch sites over in yemen overnight. you are seeing the video. that action coming after the iran backed terrorist group hit a second u.s. flag cargo ship in the red sea. in an act of retaliation pakistan says they have struck terrorist hideouts inside iran. lucas tomlinson inside washington. lucas? >> well, brian, it is getting noisy in the middle east and south asia with pakistan launching airstrikes just over its border to iran in an
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apparent tit-for-tat strike after iran launched surprise strikes inside pakistan a day earlier. iran launched ballistic missiles into northern iraq and syria earlier this week. the u.s. military also launching more strikes into yemen yesterday to destroy missile launchers u.s. central command says we are poised to strike again after those two u.s. owned cargo ships were hit in the red sea. >> we are going to continue to work with our partners in the region to prevent those attacks or deter those attacks in the future. we are also going to continue to work very hard to prevent the israel-hamas conflict to escalating into a broader regional conflict. >> tomahawk cruise missiles fired from submarine. third country launched strikes against iran's proxy groups since iran launched october 7th massacre. iran is not hiding support for the houthi rebel army inside yemen. foreign minister publicly declaring the security of the red sea is tied to the comment
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in gaza. and everyone will suffer if israel's crimes in gaza do not stop. all the resistance fronts will remain active. forces in iraq and syria attacked at least 137 times over the last three months by alana iran's proxy groups. president biden said last week he had delivered a message to iran and told reporters, quote: they know not to do anything. ainsley? >> ainsley: thank you so much, lucas. 53% of voters trust former president trump to do a better job than joe biden on immigration. but the biden campaign is still insisting the president has done more for the border. >> president trump had four years to do something on the border, and he did nothing. joe biden has gotten. >> okay. hold on. >> together. >> hold on, wait a second. you are not saying that the situation immigration on the border is better under the biden administration than it is under the trump administration? that's what you are saying. >> bret, what i'm saying to is you that president biden took office, sent a comprehensive immigration reform package to
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congress. they have refused to pass it. >> ainsley: the border is a top issue for our next guest who lost her son. he was only 19 years old to fentanyl poisoning in 2020. andrea joins us now with more. good morning to you, andrea. >> hi. good morning. thank you for having me. >> ainsley: thank you for speaking out about this because, as a parent, and she little is. she is only 8, i worry about this. all parents around the country do and, of course, it's affected you in a major way. what is your response when you hear joe biden's team saying he is doing better than donald trump on the border? >> there not truth to that at all. since joe biden took office, he opened the border on day one and the numbers show statistically over the last four years, the number of fentanyl deaths have continued to increase. the number of seizures from fentanyl in the united states have increased.
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>> ainsley: in new hampshire, our whole team is coming in new hampshire. it's a big issue. lawrence was in the diners, in iowa, and actually the border was a bigger issue than inflation. i'm sure we will find the same when we come to new hampshire. when you look at the statistics in your state, in 2015, new hampshire's drug overdose rate was the second in the nation. in 2017, it was an all-time high for your state at 490 deaths. and then in 2022, 486 deaths. that's only four shy of the all-time high. so it got a little better. but, only by four deaths. and these are lives we're talking about. this matters. what is your message? what do you think -- what happens the problem in new hampshire? why are the numbers so high and what's your message to the candidates? >> the numbers -- yep. the numbers are there. they are showing that nothing is changing. that the increases -- the increase of deaths in new hampshire is on the rise.
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being the -- -- being a city that has some of the highest overdose rates, i think that it's important the candidates come here and they are very aware and they are addressing -- addressing the crisis. >> ainsley: i want to talk about tyler, what he was like, what you miss most, what information can you tell us to prevent this from happening to other families. >> people need to sit down at the table and talk to their kids. we had heard about -- rich and i had heard about fentanyl. we didn't really know much about it. we were very uneducated. so there are parents across the country right now that are -- we are trying to educate people on the fentanyl crisis. two grains a salt is lethal. and most of the illicit drugs on the market now are all tainted
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with fentanyl. >> gosh. and did he just try something? did he buy it off the internet? >> i'm not sure. a lot of the issues are is being able to get into the phones i'm not exactly sure where it came from. but we still work on that every day. >> ainsley: i know you say you are taking a step back from your involvement at the national level. why is that? >> i was very frustrated with joe biden's administration. i feel like nothing has been done. i was really feeling like they don't care about can the numbers of people dying from fentd. >> ainsley: what would you like biden to do? >> i would really like joe biden, kamala harris, who is the border czar, to go down to the border and address the issue. instead, i see the federal
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government, when texas tries to take action to secure the border, now the federal government has a lawsuit against them. it's hard to understand. i know many of the candidates. i know president trump has said on day one he will close the border and he will address the fentanyl crisis and most of the candidates on the republican side have said that. that's a very, very important topic for me. we have the primary coming up next week here in new hampshire. so, hopefully, new hampshire will speak loud and clear. >> ainsley: who is getting your vote? >> you know, i was back and forth. we have had a lot of candidates come. you know, with a lot of the legal issues going on with president trump, you know, i was kind of watching to see how it plays out, but the numbers are really starting to show president trump has the lead, so i'm going to be leaning that direction. >> ainsley: okay. andrea, got god bless you.
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i can't imagine what you go through on a daily basis and i know what it's like to be a mom and how much you love them. >> it is the worst pain a parent will ever go through. all -- there is an army of parents across this country that we are speaking out and trying to make a difference so that we can save other children, other parents from going through this tragedy. that's very unnecessary. >> ainsley: may god bless you. >> thank you so much. >> ainsley: so much love to take you through this life. thank you. >> thank you so much. i really appreciate your time. >> ainsley: you are welcome. >> take care. >> ainsley: still ahead on "fox & friends." democratic leaders are fearing a potential trump win in november. >> i am terrified about what could possibly happen. >> i am scared as heck. we should all be scared. >> ainsley: this as rumors are swirling that michelle obama could sneak her way into the race. plus, we all remember the extreme covid lockdowns killing small businesses. >> our business has gone down by
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two thirds. >> without customers, we can't afford to pay employees. >> you know, when they come, in we still have a lot of people that are scared. >> ainsley: that's a reminder, right? and now in resurfaced comments the former nih director is admitting they didn't consider the consequences. charles payne is going to sound off on that, next. ♪ i just haven't met you yet ♪ ♪ just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler,
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what's going to happen in the next election i'm terrified what could happen our leaders matter. >> i'm scared as heck. [laughter] which is why i'm traveling our country. there is an old saying that there are only two ways to run for office. either without an opponent or scared. so on all of those points, yes, we should all be scared. >> steve: she is scared as heck. >> lawrence: i heard some people talking about kamala's interview yesterday that she was able to put sentences together. i think that's such a low bar for the vice president. all of this talk about michelle obama. at one point i said maybe she would potentially run cindy
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adams a long time columnist in the "new york post" don't be shocked in michelle obama sneaks her way into the 2024 race she sent surveys to top democrats about her running already. in the summer of 2022, she apparently met with hedge fund ceos in new york city to essentially take the temperature of the room. and she said i'm running and i'm asking for your support the obamas are nudging slow-mo joe as cindy calls him to drop out. >> you know, they have to understand and jamie dimon we talked about this at the beginning of the show. they have to understand the republican voter. the person who does like donald trump and why they do joy behar
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said on the view what could happen if god forbid trump becomes president again. what are you going to do to stop the crazies? she is calling trump supporters crazy that's when she said i'm scared as heck. we have to fight back against it. we have to earn the reelect. we two-to-communicate what we achieved. michelle obama saying on jay shetty's podcast she is terrified a what could happen. jim clyburn he said he is concerned about breaking through the maga wall. >> steve: probably not a coincidence they are all talking like that. >> brian: i read this cindy column blu blurbs. did she actually say to these ceos i am running and i'm going -- because that is the headline. i am running and i'm asking for your support they go on to say
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gavin newsom has run california into the ground no one looks at him as possible any longer. if she actually used that term, that is basically saying i'm in and it was a year ago in 2022. >> ainsley: said with the hedge fund ceos. they are in davos. maybe we could ask them about it today. >> brian: if she is in, the problem is the bidens and obamas, joe is not going to step aside. >> steve: no. >> brian: that's the issue. if she made clear i would run if he would step aside. >> lawrence: giving to me the perfect way to ask the question because she keeps saying she is fearful. if you are so fearful, then run then. run. >> ainsley: this race is in 10 and a half months. if you get in you should have gotten in. >> steve: perfect. less scrutiny. just runway. all they have to do is convince joe. >> ainsley: she has a great life. she has millions of dollars. she is raising her girls. does she really want to do that? maybe they are saying the country is more important than anything else.
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>> brian: everybody wants to be president of something once the kids leave. maybe she wants to be president of the united states. maybe get that garden going again. >> steve: 11 minutes before the top of the hour. carley has news. >> carley: overnight in los angeles police arresting a driver after a chase through multiple communities in los angeles county. at one point the suspect hold up outside a mall and tried to get inside. >> here we go. all of the sudden out of the vehicle, looks like we are out near a mall, they are going to run into the mall right now now he is running back outside. that's interesting. maybe the mall is closed. of the malls close at 9:00. >> driver then ran back to his car to continue and continued the chase. police later arrested him. look at that footage there though and the narration as well. a fox weather alert here. more than 40,000 in the northwest are without power this morning following another major ice storm. in oregon, downed power lines
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triggered a chase -- triggered a crash that killed three people. that storage is going to sweep across the country, the midwest and great lakes, bringing more snow to the northeast. senior meteorologist janice dean is here with the rest of our fox weather forecast. hi, janice, a snowy one. >> janice: yes a snowy one for the northern tier of the country and another artic blast is set to move. in let's take a look at the maps. take a look at new york right now. 24 degrees but it feels colder than that with the wind chill. feels like 14 right now. negative 8 in minneapolis. negative 14 in fargo. 25 balmy degrees is what it feels like in st. louis. the snow moving across the plain states, the ohio valley. and that's what we're going to be watching through saturday. i am concerned with ice from oklahoma city up towards chicago. and then the snowfall totals here in the northeast, you know, some areas could get 1 to 3. some areas 3 to 5. maybe you in new york city and then we could see maybe a bulls eye in central new jersey and across the appalachians as well
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as the great lakes. so, watching that one very carefully. i know brian kilmeade is probably going to be texting me about whether or not dawn should shovel the driveway, steve. back to you. >> steve: she should probably go ahead and get some advil right now because she will need it after she scoops. >> janice: hi dawn kilmeade we love you. >> steve: thanks, j.d. >> steve: the cost of stuff not a surprise to anyone. anyone apt coffee? it's on me. all right? smoothie? well, they're 6 bucks. but i will do it anyway. >> steve: smoothies are 6 bucks. holy cow. according to the white house, they are joking around. >> seemed to be surprised that the smoothie was $6 and how expensive it was. i'm curious. is the president now realizing the costs that americans are bearing. >> so when he went over to y'all
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to the -- to -- to the press corps, he was having a a good time and you saw that. >> the costs were so expensive. >> he was joking around. he was certainly joking around with the press corps. >> steve: someone who jokes around all the time charles payne. charles, the president was joking. he knows that smoothies are 6 bucks. >> i think honestly that the real story here isn't that he was surprised, necessarily about how much the smoothie is. i think what we're missing is the indifference. because. >> steve: great point. >> his policies have played such an impactful role in this inflation crisis. >> steve: right. charles charles one of the things i don't think people realize is, when we have a politician say hey, i'm going to do this for the people. like that $2 trillion covid aid that we didn't need at the time, when american households had, you know, their balance sheets were the best they have ever been. businesses balance sheets the best they have ever been. that money ultimately is designed to trickle its way up
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into the pockets of the top 1%. and along the way, we, the american people, pay the price for that now, in this case it was record high inflation, which by the way, prices don't -- have not come down. the rate of inflation has slowed but we are so far and so deep in the hole after 206 months. 26 months in a row where paychecks couldn't keep up with inflation. >> steve: i bet he did not know that they were actually 6 bucks because it took his neighbor up in delaware they were talking in the sunroom they said i had no idea $5 a pound. that was dollar ago. >> charles: yeah, yeah, yeah, he knows there is inflation crisis in this country. >> steve: he does. a lot of cost problems during the pandemic. now we hear from the former nih director francis collins. he didn't consider the extreme consequences of lockdowns. you would have thought and last week we heard, yeah. that 6-foot thing, not based in
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science. a again, it's indifference. they have agenda. wrapped the veneer of economics and science around it. none of that -- their agenda has nothing to do with economics and nothing to do with science and everything to do with control, everything to do with control. of course someone warned them. of course people knew there would be consequences. of course we knew this. we knew this. you don't lockdown people, particularly children and don't think there won't be consequences their agenda comes first and foremost before everything else. >> steve: absolutely. meanwhile, your agenda is you are having a town hall today at 2:00 on making money. it's called becoming unbreakable. >> charles: it is going to be the most amazing business special you have ever seen. i have got some things that have never been done in business tv before. by the way, the theme is about the roaring 20's. can we duplicate that in the 2020s what we had in 1920s? >> steve: great idea. charles charles i want people to watch it. the true secret why the market
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goes up. we alluded to it right now. >> steve: man, everybody has to work. 2:00 over on fox business. thank you, charles. one democratic congressman pulls out the theatrics over the border. that's top of the hour. >> if you keep pushing your bigoted h.r. 2, then also pass this bill. it removes the statue of liberty. without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. - i got the cabin for three days. it's gonna be sweet! what? i'm 12 hours short. - have a fun weekend. - ♪ unnecessary action hero! unnecessary. ♪ - was that necessary? - no. neither is a blown weekend. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you can fix problems before they become problems. - hmm! get paycom and make the unnecessary, unnecessary.
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what can i put down as your profession? thief! actress. she means actress. thief! [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now. >> lawrence: all right. it's the 7:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends"


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