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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  November 25, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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she feels like it was truly lifesaving.
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will: welcome back. we begin this hour with a fox news alert. egyptian officials say they've been given a list of the 14 hostages who have set to be released by hamas later today and have given that list to israel. this after 13 were freed just yesterday. joey: some of the hostages reuniting with their loved ones include an israelly boy that turned 9 while being held hostage. >> that's a beautiful sight. we're going live to alex hogan. >> good morning. we're expecting more hostages after a largest number of hostages were released yesterday than initially expected and ten foreign nationals working in israel and one filipeno foreign national and 13 expected israeli hostages and you mention, we're seeing some of the first videos come out of really incredibly heart warming reunions and families gathering. ohad, 9 years scold hugging his father running up to him in the
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hospital and his mother hugging his older brother. ohad turned 9 last month and thousands of people here in israel celebrated his birthday. there's three american hostages that are expected to be released through this deal of 50 hostages in the coming days and president biden asked about this yesterday and reporters putting more pressure on him asking whether we'll see them being released today. >> we don't know when that will occur but we're going to be expected to occur. we don't know what the list of all the hostages are and when they'll be released but we know the numbers when they're going to be released and it's my hope and expectation it'll be soon. >> and these are the hostages that are safely back here in israel now. one is 34 years old and her two daughters who is 4 and the other is 2 years old. danielle is 45 and her daughter amelia is 5 years old and ruth
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is 78 and a 54-year-old and a 9-year-old. hanna perry, 79 and yaffa adar who is 85. today will be a similar scenario to what we saw yesterday and the hostages given to the red cross in gaza before they're taken across the rafah crossing on buss and make way to egypt to undergo medical checks and transferred by bus or helicopters and medical facilities across the country depending on age and physical needs. they're trying to keep the families together as much as possible and it has been seven weeks of a nightmare and there's finally a sense of relief for the families who finally have their loved ones home. >> we are very, very happy to have those today with a lot of questions that need to be
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answered and whether they're alone, how they've been treated, if they had any contact with other hostages. >> we're starting to hear more and more about what they went through, what they're stories are and the other re-juneons and hugs of the -- reunions of the 6-year-old amelia and mom danielle. we heard from the doctors at hospital and main children's hospital, snyder children's hospital and mothers and grandmothers are able to stay together and have private room and separate wing of the hospital and doctors say they're trying to not ask any questions at this point and bring up stories they're willing to share and regarding last night how the first night is at home and contrary to popular opinion they might be sleeping well finally back on israeli soil but apparently it was a night of little sleep and too much excitement for the families to be back together and three hours up once again and celebrating to
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be reunited. back to you. rachel: thank you, alex. craig:t thanks, alex. good news full-timely. rachel: meanwhile indiana governor and former purdue university president mitch daniels and ripping moral -- what he calls moral confusion of colleges where anti-semitism has been festering in a washington post op ed. here's what he had to say. by the way, he said how october 7 revealed moral vac wety of higher education, that's the title of the piece and too much of those running the institutions have to their detriment spent adult lives closeted with people with views identical to their own but vastly different from a majority of their fellow st.s and came as a shock to them. their moral equivalence deatherring over israel's right to self-defense and outrage and
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it operated for too long and the group think america would benefit if that bubble were burst by the sudden discovery of a larger world of people. what ragaini great point and something that frabbingly a lot of conservatives have been noting during this period of time where we're seeing all these protest on campus, and different people being canceled for different reasons, conservatives have always known that their point of view has not been accepted on campus. that diversity of thought is the one thing you don't have and all the pucker for diversity in college universities. i think more speech is better. i don't think we should be censoring anyone but there's points of view that conse conservatives will tell you and i have kids that are in college and their points of view are not
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accepted without a lot of push back. joey: we were arguing offeree dfreedom of religion and greg gutfeld does a good job of put words, the left's idea they truly believe in free speech and if their cause is the most rye courthouse chows than any rule of a country we have within our rules is righteous and just and they can swatch free speech and take away aaron rodgers and robert squash free speech and take away the rights of the conservatives and reading the closing of the american mind allen bloom and pete's book battle for the american mind. there's so many works on this. it goes back to how colleges and universities had a very concerted effort to change the
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culture of america by bringing in the idea we're the oppressor and columbia lonizer -- columbia lonizer and evil and oppressive and colonizer. >> our youth believe our institutions are inherently racist, misogynies and neocolonn y'allism and the constitution is no longer value and i had need to be rebuilt in a new image. they're doing more damage from the inside like termites eating up the foundation than any threats from abroad. we need to wake up as a country to what's going on. >> these were two republican
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politicians. why the other hundreds upon hundreds of university presidents absolutely silent or to their detriment even more on the side of what it is, pro hamas on this. it makes to sense and break down the people that are ultimately paying for a college and university in many cases are the parents. are they on the side of hamas? i'd have to imagine if you worked two, three jobs to try and put your little boy or girl into a college or university, you look at what's happening on the college campuses and you're dumbfounded your money is going to this. rachel: why are they dumbfounded? we've known they're doing this for decades. that's why i don't send my kids to this kind of school and took me a bit to figure it out, made a mistake with the first one. figure it had out quick. to the best of my recollection where did she go? went to university of chicago; correct? rachel: correct.
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todd: you want to go to the best of the best of the best. my mom, i know you're watching and i don't mean to call you out on air, my mom's goal was to get my to ivy league school when i was in high school. that was her dream. yesterday talking to my mom about college expenses she said i do not want those two grand kids of mine going to ivy league school. look at that change. rachel: it's taken long for people to wake and you happen protest on campus are doing it but, boy, it's been going on for a long time. it's scary. joey: i don't want to push us away from this but growing up in college, it was all about football. not on the docket as an option. i was told stay out of trouble and graduate high school. on that topic of college, and football, former president donald trump is going to head down to south carolina and he's watching nikki haley's alma mater clemson take on what some of us call usc, university of
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south carolina in a big football game but the big story is where does nikki haley fit in running through this primary absent. donald trump on the debates and does she become the leading candidate and is that a challenge to donald trump or a pro for donald trump? todd: i'll take it. the fate of nikki haley's presidential campaign rests on a central question, being all things to all republicans. as the field narrows and haley's rise in poles represents a nerve nucleus romer sense of traditional republican at a time when donald trump dominates the party and effort to strike that l the two faction as she has since entering the race of february and the first major challenge and tram subpoena a test of whether -- tram subpoena a challenge of anyone can remain deep lyddited over central figure. i don't know if i 100% agree with the last part. rachel: me either. where's "the wall street journal"? i don't have an opinion. i have a poll? front of me.
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numbers that say 47% and other polls have higher. stirks i have an opinion on what should happen. people will write letters saying you're wrong, this shouldn't happen. i may be wrong it shouldn't happen and if republicans want to guarantee a win in 2024, they have to get all parties on board with a trump/haley ticket and brings more supporter b subburr ban women together and it's 12 years of control in the white house. joey: let me ask you a question, do you think donald trump as a nominee needs nikki haley on the ticket to beat joe biden? >> as of right now? no. todd: joe biden is floundering but you and i, all three of us
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well know the democrats have something up their sleeve come an election year, whether it's a new pandemic or whether the stock market rises 5,000 points over the course of 2024 because of institutional straying algorithms and the democratic donors do to make the economy look good. they have to be prepared and now it not the time for winning 2024 and politics isn't fun and if they want to guarantee a win, they'll come together. rachel: whatever it takes to win, a lot of people feel that way. one thing that donald trump i
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hope learned from the last administration is that he really needs people who have that america first vision, that really share his point of view and policy preferences and the fundamental differences and even though they're both republicans between nikki haley and donald trump. how do you feel on that, joey? joey: it's an important role and she's done a job in the primary primaries and how badly ron desantis has done and bad news for his campaign almost every day. rachel: still beating nikki haley in many polls. joey: momentum and direction. nikki haley running the slow steady race and thinking she was going to be out soon. not at all. donald trump is our nominee and i think maybe some fears that when he builds his cabinet and going along and influence the foreign policy, i don't want to
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see another war and worry about how she sees defense. either way, i'm excited for the next i did bait and we'll be talking about it together. and seeing what's left. who drops out next? rachel: we're turning to your headlines. the couple killed in the fiery crash near the u.s. can disa border have been identified as kurt and monica delaney. the two were both 53 and from western new york and capture the couple's bentley flying in the air and the mayor of niagara falls said the car could have accelerated due to a possible mechanical failure and could continue their investigation. pope francis is can eling activities due to a mild flu. the vatican says the pope would normally meet with vatican officials and private audiences on saturdays. this is the second time this month that the 86-year-old has
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canceled meetings because of illness and it's unclear if the meeting with the pontiff will remain. attorneys for the former ceo of the largest crypto currency exchange is asking a judge to let them leave the u.s. with money laundering charges and the ex-ceo reaches ten years in prison after reach ago plea deal and allows him to leave the country but he's a flight risk and federal judge expected to make a decision on this by monday. a new book about the royal family is claiming that there's no going back for princess kate and meghan. indicate no longer trusts prince harry meghan after the two bashed the royal family multiple times and the princess wales jokingly shivers any time she hears meghan's name mentioned and princess kate and meghan have in no communication since
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2019. joey: i made up my mind, i'm team meghan. todd: oh, wow. rachel: why? joey: she's a american that said heck to the monarchy. i can get down with with that. todd: i'm team kate. we should do a talking point on the royal family because let's face t boys love the royals. said no boy ever. rachel: i'm team queen but she passed away. she's no longer with us. i think they're all low key globalists. i don't like any of us. let's have the debate. todd: 36% of americans believe in the promise of the american dream. jackie deangeles breaking down the decline of what might turn it around. good morning. rachel: jackie, good morning. ♪
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todd: we have jack jim jordan deangeles here to react. this does not shock me in the least. what about you? >> i hate to be the financial grim reaper but i tend to come with that point of view. you talk to americans and say things are hard. the psychology of fear is very powerful, todd, and what do people worry about? they worry about money. that even translates throughout the household and trickles down to the kids. the kids worry when the parents worry about money. within this survey, one person, a 30-year-old in missouri, was asked how he feels right now about the economy. this is what he said, todd. he said we have a nice house in the suburbs and two car garage, but i'd will lying if i didn't say that money was tight no matter how good it looks on the outside, i feel we're a couple of paychecks away from being on the street.
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more and more people feel that way and push prices up 17% compounded since biden has been in office. their savings is dwindling and spending more on things they need and gets less for their money and more people are living paycheck to paycheck. you've got credit card debt that topped $1 trillion. that is a new record. todd: where you do lay the blame? >> basically the policies we've been seeing instituted here; right? the economy under president trump was pretty good. if you didn't like him as a person, if you didn't like the tweets, that's a whole nother conversation, but moat people said the american dream was alive and well. what is that dream? talk about that for a second. want to get married and move to the suburbs and put your kids through school and go on vacation a few time as year and home ownership with interest rates over 7%, more and more young people are saying i'll never be able to own a home. i don't have the money for a down payment and never going to
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make the payment with mortgage rate this is high. historically we've seen rates higher than this, but things were different and then prices would come down. that's not happening and it's all by design. todd: the mayorty of the american people think the game is stacked against them by the elites. >> so many people think the system is rigged from the fundamental side and how the administration is spending money and designing things. look, if you want a socialist kind of society. your view is what the biden administration thinks and we have collective success and collective wealth and you don't build personal wealth. and you don't need that to consider yourself successful. to a certain degree, they're getting kids used to living like this now.
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being able to feel like you're moving ahead. people want that and i don't care what president biden does or about bidenomics, people fight for that when it comes to 2024. we don't to want be venezuela. we want to be viewers of jackie deangeles' show. >> we want you to be that too. todd: big money show on fox business and programming that jack jim jordan doesn't know and i'm reaching out to be on the show. friday, december 1. bring in the new year and new month. todd: this is why we should plan in advance. happy holidays. still ahead, fox news alert and next wave of hamas hostages expected to be released in a matter of hours and threat of regional conflict continues to
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loom large with at least 73 proxy attacks on u.s. forces retired u.s. army brigadier general anthony tada is next. [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. [limu emu squawks.] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. rachel: we return with a fox news alert. 13 israeli hostages freed from hell, that's the cover of the new york post this morning. todd: we expect more hostages to be e are leased in a matter of hours but so far none of the americans be held have been released. joey: retired u.s. army brigadier general anthony tada joining us now. we love your perspective on the hostages be aureolessed in israel. >> happy thanksgiving, team, happy to be with you. six of the hostages were over
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70, four under 10 years old. it gives you the idea of the barbarism of hamas as they operate in gaza and southern israel so it's a good thing they've been released, always, but the deal is a bad deal for israel and the pressure from the united states on netanyahu is unbearable i presume and to release three terrorists for every one israeli hostage is not a good deal. but it mimics what the u.s. has done with iran; right? they paid $6 billion for six hostages to be released and have released -- have given up maximum pressure on iran, that led to all of this chaos in the middle east. rachel: general, i'd love for you to explain -- you laid out why you thought it was a bad deal and my heart breaks so much for those families and i would have given anything to have my little baby back, toddler back.
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i'd like you to speak to that and also to the fact that these deals did not include americans and what your take away is from that. what that tells us about our own level of diplomacy. >> yeah, so rachel, i think that any time you can get a hostage back, it's a great day. it's a great event, and those families have to be pleased with what's happening. but to not recognize the barbarism of hamas in holding these young children and old ladies and men is ridiculous. so it's a bad deal in that any time you negotiate with terrorists, you're going to end up giving away more than you get. that's what's happening here and netanyahu had to pause his momentum in gaza. when you're attacking as joey snows, when you're attacking
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through the momentum creating properties all its own, get the enemy to move and communicate and intelligence system picks up on them and feeds through success and more success and when you stop, it gives them a chance to rearm, refit and perhaps try to take more hostages and they see the success that they're able to have by bulling these hostages back. no u.s. personal coming back to us but biden takes credit for anything remotely positive that happens. todd: and the self-imposed restrictions that israeli put on their own fighting forces and complicate that with what you just said, general, that's really, really tough to fight a war under those circumstances. meantime, there's been 73 attacks on u.s. forces in iraq and syria since october 17 and that includes four attacks on thanksgiving day. all as north korea kim jong-un using a new spy satellite.
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all of this is happening because of joe biden's weakness on the world stage. whether it's what's happening in south korea, looking at our u.s. bases in south korea, kim jung jong-un or the attacks. what happens if and when a u.s. service member is killed in one of these attacks? what does joe biden do then? >> sadly i think nothing. he's in nantucket chilling out like antony blinken was in the hamptons chilling out during the afghanistan debacle. and you're right, this weakness, this infatuation with iran and willingness to give them billions of dollars and not enforce billions of dollars worth of sanctions and fund all this terrorism in the middle east is just an upside down foreign policy and for whatever reason they embrace islamic
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extremism and i know everything with president biden begins and ends with his own personal grand diazment and political power and way, way distant third is safety and security of the american people. so that's why we are today. rachel: yeah, there's also a lot of holdovers from the obama administration. this whole iran policy is very much around obama and his obsession with that negotiation. that's apart of it as well. general tata, thank you so much. joey: thank you, general. todd: officials identified the victims of deadly landslide in alaska and three members of a family were killed and two children, a 12-year-old and an 11-year-old are still missing. their neighbor that ran for congress last year also has not been found. financial victims of convicted killer alex murdaugh expected to speak at sentencing on tuesday and murdaugh admitted to
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embezzling money from customers at law firm pleading guilty to 22 financial crimes including money laundering, forgery and tax evasion and faces more than two decades in prison. the disgraced lawyer in prison on two life seasonses nor the deadly shootings of his wife and son. did you see this? peta facing bash lash of photos of turkeys on thanksgiving table on thursday. community notes feature letting the organization know turkeys aren't vegetarian. peta president responding saying last laugh is on people who cannot read because peta did not say turkeys are vegetarian. we said they would not eat humans and should show them the return courtesy. those are the headlines. should we show them the return courtesy, joey jones? joey: no. rachel: i just ate one. joey: the whole turkey? rachel: we just ate one.
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todd: you ate great for ealing the whole turkey. i had a little dark meat and look like i gained 30 pounds. you went next level there, joey jones. joey: if you've been on a farm, you get it. todd: understood. turn to rick reichmuth for the fox first weather forecast. your like i for naming things you eat? >> as long as i can eat it. naming doesn't matter to me. if you're trying to get home from thanksgiving, there's one storm going to be pro problematc across the central part of the country and northern parts of new mexico and storm throughout the day will eject into parts of kansas and that's the bullseye and some spots 6-8 inches of snow around there including places like dodge city up towards kansas city. throughout the night it moves towards the chicago area and if you have plans flying, we have problems from denver towards kansas city by tomorrow areas around chicago and then we've got more moisture coming here
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down around parts of the south and we need the moisture and new orleanss and over towards parts of florida and needing moisture in the west side of florida. sunday into monday and moisture making way into the northeast and bringing significant rain and about an inch or so in coastal areas here and that'll cause delays and snow across parts of the great lakes and first real lake effect snow event monday through wednesday and some spots here maybe 1-2-3 feet of snow and starting to get that snow coming in across parts of the great lakes as well. all right, guys, back to you. rachel: small business saturday and the gifts under your tree are american and patriotic businesses here as christmas is one month away. ♪
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we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪ home instead. to us, it's personal. [♪] we come from people we can be proud of. [♪] seeing all the places i come from, i know, if it's a serrano it's something to be proud of. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now.
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[sfx: cards shuffling] this holiday, weathertech gift cards are perfect for people to pick exactly what they want. laser measured floorliners that fit your vehicle precisely. keep your seats safe from messes with the child car seat protector. sinkmat protects under your sink. there's even something for our furry friends with the pet feeding system. order the weathertech gift card instantly for the holidays at ♪ ♪
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rachel: it's spall business saturday and what better way to celebrate than kicking off made in america gift series as holiday shopping season begins. we have the founder and owner of bunny hopkins. an awesome new kids toy and he
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joins us now. i saw this and immediately thought this would be fun for kids but especially for special needs kids. >> absolutely. this is all about promoting gross motor skids and child development and creative play. rachel: you were inspired by your own daughter wanting to play but again, this is all made in america. >> absolutely. my daughter was 2 years scold super active kid and that inspired us to do this business and created all the products so kids can be really creative and resilient growing up. rachel: these are sturdy, pass them on from child to child. i like toys like this that don't end up breaking and just getting thrown away later. these are ones that can be passed on. where are the products made at? >> they're made in atlanta, georgia. we have our own workshop and we make all our products locally. rachel: this is very interesting and these two are your most popular. >> this is popping north from the ram and this is the drop in
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the value. rachel: solid, american made and wood from appalachia and check them out at bunnyh over to you. joey: hope to see a demo on the wiggle board in a few minutes. i'm bringing in mark a gracie, the founder and president of bully tools. my daddy would say this looks a lot like work. >> yeah, a lot of tools are. joey: if you're begun that work, work smarter not harder and tell us about your tools. >> we make them for all seasons and all people from grandma ma's garden to farmer and contractors to homeowner and this shovel was independently voted and reviewed as award winning shovel and known as best shovel in the world. joey: things about the design to make it award winning. >> it's a much thicker steal and all american steal and --
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joey: i could prop it up. tell us about the tools and 100% made in america. >> we use the finest materials and made in america and well trained and motivated. actually name of the company is made in the u, sa bully tools. everything here in made in the usa and go to website and see how we make these. we go through so many tests and we run these over with tractor trailers, snow shovels. joey: cutting and eject molding and all these are manufactured and processed and mostly longhand led tools and tools to get out and work and work smarter not harder and everything i see here brings back a bit of trauma from my childhood and makes me excited to go out and do something. rachel: this is for kids. joey: do something with your hands and these are the tools. what else do you have for us? >> snow shovels and we can jump on and break them. they don't break. they don't fail. joey: i need tools that don't
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break. i can break anything. they can these out and get them from bully tools and visit todd, what do you have? todd: don't bring these on the plane and we can send them to you. >> a holt of gifts for the host. todd: our producers gave the segment on fire to the piro. how do you bring it into your home? >> flicker fire and indoor personal fireplace and go with rubbing alcohol and burns clean and no smoke or soot and burns clean and 5-ounce alcohol and ambiance. t maybe i should -- todd: maybe i should have done better in chemistry and look lighter fluid.
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anything works and 90% and turns into water vapor. todd: pretend that was a real flame and take this and open it up. first time i'm opening audiotape bottle and pour that in. how much? >> 3 ounces is great. then light it and you're done and snuff it out. todd: more info visit flicker and come up with the concept. you need a marshmallow and starting a very cold apartment and then many iterations later we end up with this awesome cement that's 3,000 degrees and on the nasa launch pads and going to be super safe at home and ambiance at home. >> this is a cement? >> yeah, wild stuff and super strong, super heat resistant and doesn't absorb anything and if you're bringing fire into your home and needs to be safe and take that totally seriously. todd: all joking aside, if you
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have kids like me, woosy candles they walk by and they fall over. that's not falling over. >> not going anywhere. todd: real tough and could burn themselves but that's on you, mom and dad. tell them not to burn their hands. i'm going to swallow this. and visit one of the biggest college faceoffs this season and undefeated ohio state versus undefeated michigan and it's all live today on fox and brady quinn live in ann arbor and michigan has cameras rolling. sorry, carley. sorry, carley. brady quinn after this. ♪ ev like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more.
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plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. that saved my life.
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joey: welcome back. it's college football saturday. later today it'll be a heated faceoff you do not want to miss. ohio state challenging michigan at home in a rivalry with everything on the line. both teams are undefeated so who's likely to earn their twelfth win and pomoxus ten will believe aspot in the playoffs? joining us now with analysis and predictions is fox sports college football analyst and college football legend himself brady quinn. brady, welcome to the show and tell us about this game and what
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we need to know. reporter: latest from actions from the head coach and he's serving for what was a videoed a scouting but is there enough versus a ohio state team much improved. joey: it's been a lot about defense this year and really the story of the conference and teams are known in the past few years arriving high powered offense as well and what's going to be the difference maker in the game between michigan and ohio state? running bam from ohio state and
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averaging 125 yards and he's provided a different spark and element that didn't santa claus rally him for a matchup and two digest difference makers in the game. joey: these are 18-25 year-olds and representing so much pride to the biggest fan bases in the country really and mentioned jim harbaugh not being there to scandal what's plaguing michigan and doesn't seem to be plaguing the team at all and they've been resilient and bounced back from all the news headlines and continue to win. reporter: it's been michigan affecting everyone and a gather vannizing everyone and play calling for the weeks and one you prepare all year for and not having much of an impact and it's the task at hand. joey: this game is huge and probably as an sec fan and probably the biggest game in the country every year. these two teams especially of
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late are at the top of the polls and is there any chance that the loser of this game still make it is to the playoffs? >> i think the loser would have to be ohio state in this case because they've played a more difficult schedule coming into this and i think if michigan loses, there's no way to make it in but ohio state with the tight loss having a small, small chance of making it in. but they'd need chaos to happen around the rest of college football and i don't see that taking place. joey: brady, you're at a place making college football history today and we're all going to tune in on fox and thanks for joining and yous giving us your expertise. reporter: thanks for having me. joey: don't miss it 12:00 p.m. eastern on fox. we have kt mcfarland and dr. nicole sapphire and more coming up. stay with ♪ y have to.
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5:00 am
joey: question start the brand new hour of "fox & friends" and beginning with a fox news alert. egyptian officials have been given a list of the 14 hostages who are set to be released by hamas later today and have given that list to israel. this after 13 were freed yesterday. rachel: some of the hostages reuniting with the loved ones for the first time including israeli boy turning 9 years old while being held hostage and got to hug his family for the first time in seven todd: good morning again, alex. reporter: good morning. we're one hour from the expected time of when to see the hostages start to be released again. there's concern of what exactly the numbers will be initially we had heard 14 israelis potentially freed, which would have meant the release of as many as 42 palestinians returned. now we're hearing that


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