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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  November 24, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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finish mission for the terrorists. i think over the coming days, this four-day period, a lull in the fighting and the cease fire, there's further discussions and could see another ten released for a day of truce. israel, in spite of what some eu states are saying, israel will finish the fight. i expect them to be preparing for that. >> arthel: we'll be here all weekend, dan. i'm sure we'll have you on throughout the weekend. thanks for joining us today. that's it for us. i'm arthel neville. >> kevin: i'm kevin corke. gillian turner is up next. have a great weekend, arthel. >> arthel: you too. thank you.
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>> i'm gillian turner in for martha. breaking right now on this special edition of "the story," we're learning more about the two dozen hostages released by hamas. here's red cross vans carrying them to safety a short while ago. among them, 13 israelis including young mothers like danielle and her mother, daron asher and her daughters. now, to the dismay of many people today, no americans have been freed as originally thought. president biden says he doesn't know as of now when they will be. meanwhile, prime minister benjamin netanyahu's senior adviser is standing by to give us more details. we begin first with fox team coverage, lucas tomlinson with president biden in nantucket.
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first, trey yingst on the ground in southern israel. >> here at the air base, some of those released hostages are receiving the first medical treatment in israel before they are taken to other regional hospitals. this has been a day of anticipation. so many across this country waiting to see if their loved ones would get to safety and if the cease fire would hold. this all started this morning at 7:00 a.m. local time. the cease fire went in to place. it was violated one time. it did hold. ultimately the 13 israelis were released in to the hands of the red cross. they went in to egypt and made their way in to israel. additionally there were a group of 11 foreign nationals that were released from hamas custody as part of a separate deal today. also returning to israel where they were met by embassy staff mainly from thailand. as this is taking place, there's questions about if this process will play out tomorrow. we're getting the names and the faces of these individuals that
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got out today. you mentioned the 9-year-old that marked his birthday in gaza. he was released with his grandmother. so many families from the small community that sits just over the border from gaza. dozens of people were taken hostage. 13 released. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's hopeful today that more hostages will get released tomorrow and had this to say about the situation. >> i emphasize to you the families to you and the citizens of israel, we are committed to the return of all of our hostages. this is one of the goal of the war and we're committed to achieving all of the goals of the war. >> this is a temporary pause in the fighting.
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a cease fire negotiated by the qataris. when that is done, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has made very clear that they will resume their campaign against hamas inside gaza. gillian? >> trey, a short while ago, president biden was asked by a reporter, he says he doesn't have any information about the condition of the remaining american hostages. have you heard anything on the israeli side from your sources there about the condition of the americans or any of the hostages in hamas captivity? >> so the short answer is no. the israelis didn't even have information on the condition of these 13 hostages that were released today until they made it in to the hands of the red cross. that's been part of the challenge here. in these negotiations, it appears that israel would push to ensure the red cross had access to the other hostages including american citizens inside gaza. that didn't happen.
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there was new pressure on the negotiation. but they went forward and the 13 were released today. my producer just handed me this right now. it appears at this moment, an update we're getting in just now, the israelis have received the list of the hostages that will be released tomorrow. this is a piece of good news. because the list was due earlier this evening. it was not delivered by hamas. again, we can confirm at this hour israel has received the names of the hostages that will be released tomorrow. if all goes as planned, we can expect to see a dozen or more released back in to israel as part of this larger cease fire deal. gillian? >> thank you. important news there, trey. we appreciate it. thank you. let's go live to tel aviv. ambassador mark regev.
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he's an adviser to prime minister netanyahu. let's pick up where we left off with trey. we hear that your side has now received the list of the hostages to be released tomorrow. can you offer any comment on the list? do you have any reaction? >> i haven't seen it yet. i have to tell you when we received the list yesterday, we kept it private. we didn't tell anyone except for the families involved. we asked them to keep it a secret. we'll probably do the same now. these lists are coming from the hamas side. we don't put them together. the agreement that the americans helped us negotiation, the agreement specifies the next four-day period we're going to receive 50 hostages. the focus is on children and women. and that's all i can say. we have to look at the list we received today and make sure
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that hamas is in fact keeping its part of the arrangement and the list does include women and children. >> mr. ambassador, did anything about the process unfold today take you by surprise or disappoint your side here? >> well, because we are -- have very low expectations of hamas, the mere fact that it worked today and we did get 13 israelis out, that is a pleasant surprise. there's something important that has to be said here. hamas released six elderly women and at the same time released children. a 2-year-old, a 4-year-old, a 5-year-old and a 9-year-old. now, hamas in all of its public statements said in their horrendous attacks were against military targets. their words, not mine. and yet they're releasing today
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elderly women and children under the age of 10, one as young as 2 years old. what does that say about hamas' lie that their attack on october 7th was against military targets? you can't take at face value anything that hamas says. they still despite the releases today deny that they attacked and murdered and kidnapped until civilians october 7. >> why is it, sir, that hamas decided to prioritize the release of elderly women and young children? certainly not for humanitarian reasons as they have claimed. what is your assessment there of the strategic reasons behind the decision? >> well, first of all, you're 100% correct. hamas is not morale organization or new boy scouts. they're a vicious, brutal,
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fanatical organization. we saw this when they invaded my country and burned babies alive and lined people in the air and just machine gunned them. terrible things. beheadings, rapes, terrible crimes against humanity. so they haven't changed who they are. they are despicable and they are really enemies of all humanity. if they have decided to cooperate in the release of hostages, it's because of the pressure they're under. who is applying that pressure? the brave young men and women of this israeli defense forces. our soldiers who have been delivering blow after blow. they are taking apart hamas' military team. hamas is desperate for a time-out. they want to see an end to the blows that the israeli military is inflicting on them.
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they know because we said it publicly, we will only agree to this sort of humanitarian pause if they release hostages. so we force them to release the hostages. that's a good thing. >> mr. ambassador, two surprise elements for the american public seemingly for the american government as well. that is that no americans were released. we initially had been under the impression that three would be released potentially today. also the release of these additional hostages, 12 thai nationals and one filipino included in that number. any sense of what went on with either of those developments? any sense of why that occurred? was your side taken by surprise of that? >> we weren't taken by surprised. we know that the thais were speaking to the iranians. as you know, iran is the primary funder of hamas.
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they have a 93% of hamas military budget comes from tehran. it's part of the axis of terror that includes the houthis, hezbollah. that's the axis that they belong to. it's clear if hamas asks iran too to something, they will do it. on the question about the americans, i'm hopeful that we'll see that young american girl freed. she fits in to all the categories. she's young. she needs to be prioritized. and i hope that she gets out very, very soon. >> the president, president biden said a few moments ago that he suspects october 7th happened when it did because he was getting very close, the u.s. was getting very close to a peace bridge with saudi arabia. do you share that assessment?
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>> we do indeed. the president is right. we have no doubt one of the reasons hamas launched their attack is the fear that israel and saudi arabia were about to normalize relations and establish peaceful ties between the two countries. and while the whole world, yes, america, canada, europe, everyone supports that peace break through in the middle east, for hamas, for iran, for hezbollah, for the axis of terror, that sort of peace break-through is an existential threat. why we all want to see peace and progress and prosperity and cooperation, they, iran, hamas, hezbollah, they want to see a new dark age. they want to see the middle east turn inward into this era of fanaticism, of extremism. of taking us back to a dark period in history. no, we have to defeat them, we
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have to unite with the modern and pragmatic arab countries and form a pro peace, pro cooperation alliance. that's what we stand for. we have to defeat hamas. >> i need to ask you, i'm wondering if you have any concerns that as hamas releases hostages, those people who remain in captivity potentially become more valuable hostages to the terror organization? >> so you're right in your question yet again. because if we celebrated today the release of 13 and the expectation is over the next three days we'll see another 37 hostages releases and that is the deal. they have to release 50 in the first four days, there are still over 100 left behind. it's bittersweet. we're happy for the families of those that have seen their loved ones return. we're with the families of those
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that still got loved ones stuck in gaza, prisoners of these terrible hamas terrorists. let me say here, we will not rest. we will not rest until every last hostage is released. it's an integral part of our operation, the release of the hostages and we will continue to apply military pressure on hamas. all the hostages will come home. >> mr. ambassador, thanks for taking time with us on this very important day. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> well, those 24 hostages released from hamas captivity today after 48 days, president biden says he doesn't know when hamas can be expected to free the americans that remain held. more on that next. my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it
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>> gillian: fox news confirms that israel has a list of hostages set to be released tomorrow. president biden said he didn't know when to expect americans could be freed. lucas tomlinson is in nantucket covering the president. what are you hearing from the white house, lucas? >> gillian, president biden has remarked just moments ago, said while this is just a started, he said this is off to a good start. none of the hostages freed today are american. president biden was very candid when he was asked just when are these american hostages coming home. >> we don't know when that will occur. we're go -- we expect it to
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occur. we don't know what the list of all of the hostages are and when they'll be released. we know the numbers that will be released. it's my hope and expectation it will be soon. i don't trust hamas to do anything right. i only trust hamas to respond to pressure. >> officials say there's up to ten americans that still remain captainive inside gaza this evening. president biden said that american diplomacy helped get the americans freed. over 200 remain captainive in gaza. 37 are supposed to be released in the coming days. biden thanked the amir of qatar and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the president says he expected more hostages to be released in the coming days and three americans and the little girl, abigail adan that just turned four today. >> hundreds more are getting in position as well ready to enter gaza to support the innocent
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palestinians that are suffering greatly because of this war that hamas unleashed. hamas doesn't give a damn about them. >> so forceful response from president biden. it's worth noting on thanksgiving day, u.s. forces in the middle east were attacked four times bringing the total to 73 attacks on our troops in the middle east over the past month. gillian? >> gillian: thanks, lucas. thank you. let's go ahead and bring in the spokesperson for the israeli consulate in new york. ambassador regev characterized everything as bittersweet. he said it's a wonderful day for the families and hostages that were freed and highlights the plight that is still ahead for the remaining people, israelis and foreigners in hamas captivity. how are you feeling? >> i think i described it pretty
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well. it is bittersweet. for me personally, i find some comfortable. some of the hostages that i already know very well from posters around new york city and some information that i read about to finally see them again and why know some are not all right and taken to a hospital for treatment. certainly a ray of light in this very dark time. yeah, we are also very concerned and worried for the more than 200 hostages that are still in gaza. we hope that the next few days we will see the release of more of them. we can't know for sure until they're actually crossing in to the border to israel.
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hamas has proven time after time that they're not following their words. >> gillian: i'm curious what you think of president biden -- i don't know if you got a chance to hear president biden's remarks a few moments ago. i'll play a sound bite from him here where he talks about why october 7th unfolded the way it did. why he believes not based on intelligence, he says it happened when it did. i'd like to get your response on the other side. >> i can not prove what i'm about to say. i believe one of the reasons why hamas struck when they did, they knew i was working very closely with the saudis and others in the region to bring peace to the region by having recognition of israel and israel's right to exist. >> does that assessment square with what you know about that
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day? >> 100%. we know about the linkage between hamas and iran. we know that for iran, the worst scenario is to have normal sayings between the two biggest foes in the middle east, saudi arabia and israel. so you don't have to be -- you don't have to have hard proof. you only have to have this proof about -- although we do have hard proof about the iranian involvement and what is their motive. i think that they did it intentionally because they wanted to create a public opinion problem for israel in the arab world. they're succeeding with it. we're seeing demonstrations of people in most of the arab
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countries including saudi arabia. in the long run, it will achieve the opposite of what they wanted. saudi arabia and the rest of the arab world now see very well, they see it in front of their eyes that we have the same enemies. even the houthis from saudi arabia's biggest enemies and attacking israel right now. what is more clear than the fact that there's one destabilizer in the middle east, it's iran and we have to unify and the against them. >> gillian: so we learned a moment before you joined us that the israelis had received the list of hostages that hamas claims to be planning to release tomorrow. would you characterize that -- how would you characterize that? is that a positive development or skeptical of it? >> it's a positive development in the sense that we see that they have and intention of
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releasing more hostages tomorrow. like i said before, we can't -- we can't really trust anything that comes from hamas. one of the women that was released today, she was already declared by hamas as deceased. so we can't take their word. we also heard there will be americans in this batch. there wasn't. there weren't. so we can't really trust it. we just have to wait and see until they cross the border. the government of israel also is not issuing any statement regarding the hostages -- hamas is stating that will be released. we don't want anybody to be disappointed and friend false information. >> gillian: okay. thanks, itay. we appreciate you being here as
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always. >> thank you. >> gillian: spokesperson for the idf says so far the hostages did not show signs of life threatening medical emergencies. very good news. coming up, we're going to disclose more of the details behind that reporting. but i'm also a mother of four. and as entrepreneurs, we weigh the cost of every decision. medical bills are no longer a worry for our family. so i can focus on my calling and our family. joining christian health care ministries was one of the best decisions we ever made. we're the blair family, and this is our chm story. choose your doctor without network restrictions. all at an affordable price. enroll anytime at
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has the names of hostages set to be released tomorrow. the first group released today are from israel, thailand and philippines. president biden says he does not know when american captives can be expected to go free. israel's former u.n. ambassador dan gillerman standing by. first we go to jeff paul. jeff, what can you tell us? >> gillian, we've been moved around a bit. we're in tel aviv right now. the israeli gift confirmed that they had a list of names who was coming on. they didn't want the names out there. they're in the process of calling the families of the hostages to let them know who is on it and who is not. it's a good sign to see that happening once again today. it really speaks to sort of the bittersweet nature of this whole ordeal.
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you've got 13 names again on that list today. that means there are more than 200 people that are not on that list. while there's a huge sense of relief for the families that have hostages coming back to their arms, it's a tough thing to think about that there's so many that are still being held in gaza. early this morning, 7:00 a.m., cease fire is a critical element of this agreement. aid is now coming in to gaza. things like fuel and cooking gas, things that they need to stay alive, hours later, we saw the first group of the hostages. 13 people. we know among that group, there are 4 kids with ages ranging from two years old to 9 years old. one of the kids, ohad monder turned 9 while being held captive. there's three mothers and six elderly women. we understand once that they got
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there to israel, they're being assessed and if they need the care, they'll be taken to the hospital. once they're well-enough, you can guarantee that israeli security will be want to talk to them to see what they saw and exactly what they experienced. gillian? >> gillian: all right, jeff paul in tel aviv for us this afternoon. thank you. let's bring in dan gillerman, israel's former ambassador to the united nations. today 13 israelis freed by hamas. they now have a list of who will be freed tomorrow. what do you make of it all? >> well, you know, this is a very, very horrible situation. i mean, on the one hand, we all are very, very happy to have these 13 women and children back. but on the other hand, we are faced with a vicious,
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hor 'dourves -- horrible enemy that plays with the lives of the hostages and conducted a psychological warfare by releasing a few, holding the others and keeping it until the last minute to know who will be released. it's inconceivable to think that they're holding a 10-month-old baby who was 9 months old when he was kidnapped. holding a 4-year-old girl who lost both of her parents, murdered by hamas. by the way, also an american citizen. they're not releasing them in the first batch. they're keeping them, they're playing, they're really, you know, torturing the families that are waiting anxiously. and this is a horrible situation
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that we have to live with because we want our people back. we want every child, every mother, every parent back in israel. we'll do all we can to make sure that it happens. at the moment, we're facing a very cruel enemy who is manipulating it and actually playing with the lives of babies and children to just gain another few hours of cease fire. >> gillian: the horror is unimaginable as you say. do you have a sense of what changed or what went wrong on the american side today? the american media had been widely told to anticipate the release of three americans today that obviously did not happen. what do you read in to that or what do you know about that? >> well, i think this is all part of this horrible an cruel
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and vicious game which hamas is playing. i wouldn't put it beyond them to keep the americans so that they have more pressure on the united states and, you know, maybe gain another few hours or another few days of humanitarian pause. the americans are obviously very precious treasure, which they're holding. they will do anything to play with their lives, to manipulate it, to keep them as long as they can because maybe they're more valuable weapon or more valuable asset in their position. i know the reason. but knowing how vicious and evil this enemy is, i wouldn't put it beyond them that this is part of their manipulation and consideration. >> gillian: we have to leave it
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there, mr. ambassador. thanks for taking time with us. your insight is very illuminating. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> gillian: also with us this hour is mike huckabee, former arkansas governor, republican presidential candidate. there's a lot to unpack. let's started with how do you feel about everything that we've seen happen today? >> certainly my heart celebrates the 13 people that are going home. thank god for that. they're going to get to see their families again. many probably thought that they never would. that's a wonderful thing. let's not kid ourselves. israel has not taken one hostage from gaza, not one. they could. they certainly are capable of going in and taking an equal number of hostages, but they don't. they're a civilized people. hamas does not represent a civilized people. they represent barbarians that
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in cold blood murdered israelis. what i'm very concerned about, gillian, we're seeing a trade of good people for bad people. part of the deal is israel has to let go of prisoners. these are not hostages. they terrorized people and did crimes. that's why they're in jail. they're going to get let go. they may go back and do more evil things. the people being held hostage and these being dribbled out one by one, they did nothing wrong. they just happened to be jewish. and that ought to concern every single one of us that this still remains an act of heinous terror against innocent people. >> gillian: they just happened to be jewish and living in
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israel. that was their crime. if you look out over the medium term, the agreement seems to be for every ten hostages, there will be -- freed by hamas, there will be a pause for a cease fire of a day. i'm not great at math. if you divide that by the 200 remaining hostages, we're looking at a month long pause in this war. does that concern you? >> it does. it just gives hamas more opportunity to fight ways to do damage not only to israelis, but let's not forget that hamas is doing horrible damage to their own people. they don't care -- >> gillian: governor, story. stand by just a moment. this is a helicopter that just landed at a fed call facility inside israel. we do not know who is on board precisely. there may or may not be hostages
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who have been freed today. we'll keep monitoring that as we continue talking to the governor. you can come back in, sir. sorry to interrupt your chain of thought there. >> no, i think watching the possibility of these hostages being released is extraordinarily important. i pray that every american hostage gets out soon. i hope that we're doing everything we can. i have to assume that we are to put pressure on hamas and qatar and the other countries that may have an opportunity to also add pressure to hamas. hamas is still the enemy. they're still the bad people. let's not forget what they did to people on october 7. we can never let that be forgotten. the brutal torture, the atrocities inflicted upon little babies, put in ovens in front of their families, elderly people in wheelchairs burned alive, women raped viciously in front
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of their own children. that's what these animals did. i don't want us to think that they're being so kind in releasing hostages. they're not doing this for humanitarian reasons. they're doing this to buy time. all we can do is pray every one of the hostages that gets out can supply some information and ultimate lid that israel does not lose its resolve to eradicate hamas and these terrorists for what they have done. >> gillian: journalists, the american public have been told to expect the release of three americans potentially today. that did not happen. what do you make of that? did something go grievously wrong? >> i don't know. i hope this is not another way that hamas is trying to put pressure so that the united states will instead pressure israel to take further steps of backing away. i'll be in israel next month.
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i'm going or as a part of a delegation to meet government officials. i've been going 50 years, this breaks my heart. all of the jewish people and the israelis want is a little sliver of real estate that is 1/644th of the their homeland that they wanted for 3,500 years. they want to live in security and piece. they earned the right to do that especially after the horrible things that happened to them in the holocaust. it's not too much to ask that they have a secure, same homeland. what happened to them october 7th threatened that sense of security. i think all of us in the world should do everything possible to stand with our jewish friends and the people of israel and to say we are not going to go weak and wobbly. we will stand strong.
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>> >> gillian: to say nothing of the collective addition of trauma upon trauma, the now anti-semitic protests that we're seeing spread far and wide across the united states, the middle east, western europe. difficult time for jews pretty much around the world. what do you make of the fact that this -- during this cease fire, all the military strategists say this benefits to hamas, none to the idf? does it strike you as highly imbalanced, crazy? >> i can't imagine the pressure on prime minister netanyahu and the israelily officials. the citizens saying please get our people out. at the same time, they have to make decisions that are in the best interests of the greater issue of israel, not getting into a habit of letting hostages
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become a reason to let go of terrorists out of their own custody and jails. that would be a horrible thing. that would invite more hostages, more terror. that will be the balance. i'm glad i'm not having to make that decision. the prime minister has to along with his cabinet. what a difficult position to be in that they're in. they need our prayers, they need our support more than anything. they need to know the civilized world and i use that term with emphasis, the civilized world is with them. yes, there are massive protests. yes, this is a protest in places around the world, they're pro tersing for evil against good. this is not a political issue, this is not the right versus the left. many people on the left that are pro israel. as they should be. but this is a real battle between good and evil. you cannot look at what happened
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october 7 and say yeah, let's talk about both sides. that is nonsense. it's unacceptable. this is about innocent people being slaughtered in cold blood. a nation defending itself and protecting its people from that happening again. >> gillian: for our viewers at home, governor, i want to reset the scene here. we're looking at live pictures at the schneider medical center in israel. what we saw is a helicopter land nearby. we saw people disembarking. they've been transitioning to a fleet of what appear to be ambulances on the ground there parked by people in medical emergencies-style vests. we don't have confirmation that these are freed israeli hostages. but there's every anticipation that this may be the case, which is why we're monitoring this activity. we'll keep you apprised of the developments as we see them
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coming. back to governor huckabee. i know you have experience leading americans, leading americans in crisis. wondering if you have some words of wisdom or a message for the hostages freed today for their families, freed today about moving forward through this traumatic time? >> enjoy every moment that you have with them. many of these families never thought that they would see their loved ones again. there's still 200 families that represents thousands of people who still wonder if they will see their loved ones again. we can't give up hope or quit praying and we also can't quit holding responsible those that have created this i have cyst. it's not israeli. it's not the jewish people. it's hamas. they're terrorists. they're evil people. we have to continue to treat them that way.
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>> governor huckabee, thanks for joining me. one of the vans here is on the move. we saw people transfer from a helicopter that landed nearby in to this van. i want to go ahead now and bring in jeff paul. he's in tel aviv. he has new information on the pictures that you're looking at live here. jeff, do we have confirmation that hostages are now on the move? >> what i can tell you about this, schneider medical center, this is a children's hospital. so this is where the kids would be taken to. so probably one of the most sensitive times right now here in israel because of the nature of the kids. these are kids anywhere from age 2 to 9. so you can imagine. some of them with their parents. it's unclear who is with them right now, what condition they're in. what i can tell you is that before all of this happened, before this deal went through, all of these -- some of these
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hospitals were informed that they'll be one of the hospitals that could get some of these hostages. in the preparation of that, they have run drills, prepares for this exact moment. so what you're seeing right now is this sort of methodical process that these doctorses, the nurses, the people driving the car have been preparing for this moment. you have to think about that. this is just day one. they'll be doing this hopefully and everything goes through again tomorrow, the next day and the next day after that. we also know that there's been some talks that if there are more hostages coming out, another ten, that they could extend that. so the hope is that this is a sort of well-oiled machine and that we can continue seeing this process play out here as they get more and more hostages out. >> gillian: the quite extensive services that the government will be offering to the hostages as they're freed, to their
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family members, we heard all kinds of public services will be provided to them to help them through this period, to help them sort of, i guess, recover through the trauma that they have endured. >> yeah. you have to think, too, especially about the little kids. through such an ordeal right now. even something as small as giving them a stuffed animal or a piece of candy. something to bring them back to where they should be, their childhood, having fun, smiling. >> the israel government and the idf here has extensive experience helping victims of terrorism, helping them to recover. jeff, stand by for us. we're going to go to a quick break here. we'll be back with more details and have more details about the transfer of hostages that we've been tracking for the last ten minutes. we'll be right back.
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>> gillian: an update now on u.s. forces under attack in the mideast. the pentagon confirmed that four additional attacks by iranian proxies happened thanksgiving they. that brings the total number to 73. nate foy joins us from london with the details.
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hi, nate. >> hi, gillian. thankfully no u.s. troops were injured from the four thanksgiving day attacks. >> kevin: it does reinforce the pattern that our troops are facing daily attacks and even from ballistic missiles. take a look at this most updated map showing you the locations of these strikes against our troops. you can see 36 attacks against our troops in iraq, 37 in syria. according to a u.s. defense official. all of these strikes since october 17. john kirby with the national security council has this message for the iranian-backed groups attacking our troops. >> these groups have a choice to make. they can stop these attacks and stop the threats to our forces in iraq and syria or they can face the consequences. >> one of these iranian backed
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groups is called hezbollah. they inspired the 2019 storming of the barracks. this group killed militants shortly after they lunched two short range ballistic missiles. that was at u.s. forces at the al-asad air base in iraq. the u.s. conducted two preplanned air strikes on their control facilities. you can see they hit to the west and south of baghdad. the terrorist group says eight middle and thes were killed in those strikes. iranian backed malitias have also launched a one-way strike drone after a u.s. air base in iraq this week. that happened on wednesday. so there's been five attacks against our troops in the past two days. you mentioned 73 attacks just since october 17. back to you. >> nate, before i let you go, i'm curious what you're hearing from your sources on the ground about the timing here. a lot of folks, the pentagon,
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the state department, the white house has alluded to the fact that this may or may not be released to the on going war in gaza. what are you hearing about that? >> well, it certainly appears to be the case. this group that the united states tar getted this week, you know, the treasury took some action against six individuals with sanctions that those individuals were part of hezbollah earlier this week. and this is just one of the groups that is funded by iran that is continually targeting u.s. troops. so u.s. security officials have said that eventually they don't want this to spark into a larger regional conflict. at the same time, we must defend our troops. these attacks coming since october 17. it appears to be related to the u.s. support of israel as they push deeper and deeper in to gaza. >> gillian: thanks, nate. this just in to the newsroom
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now. a protester heckling president biden out in nantucket where he just spent the holiday weekend. take a listen. [chanting]. >> gillian: let's bring in leo terrell, fox news contributor. civil rights attorney. seems everywhere the president goes, whether he's at the white house or on vacation, he's being heckled by anti-israeli protesters. >> that's allowed within the democratic party. over the weekend, you saw what happened at the new york library where palestinian protesters basically defaced a new york city library. how many people got arrested? >> one. >> gillian: including an american flag. >> it's tolerated, happening in these democratic cities.
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washington d.c., the defacing of some of the walls near the white house, the democratic national headquarters, the california democratic convention in california, this is what is happening. the democrats are basically in a quandary, gillian. there is a pro israel side, but there's a pro-palestinian side that basically dominates and allows the first amendment to be used for criminal activity. >> gillian: it's early to ask these questions. we're in the 2024 election cycle now. do you think the events today, no americans released, plays? >> it shows that joe biden has a policy of appeasement. israel is doing a very effective job and let's be very clear, it's great to get the hostages back. but israel needs to destroy hamas. and the democratic party last a problem.
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joe biden will get hurt in michigan. there's a lot of palestinians that want to stop israel from pursuing hamas. that is the ongoing problem. the other problem is this. again, i applaud the release of the hostages. but you can expect, gillian, that there's going to be a p.r. campaign to stop israel from pursuing their military goals. >> gillian: there will. leo, i know you were standing by with us. thanks for your time and sticking with us. we appreciate it as always. >> thank you. my pleasure. >> gillian: that is "the story" of friday, november 24. as always, "the story" goes on. martha will be back monday. i'll see you back here at 6:00 p.m. for "special report." "your world" starts right now.


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