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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  November 15, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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neck was slashed in a game. we have never seen this happen in sports. >> what do we want? when do we want? >> it schools in portland, oregon will remain closed for this historic strike. >> across iceland. >> it is going on there. >> sign that volcanic activity is on the horizon. [sound of explosions] >> ainsley: wow, fox news alert. israeli troops are going room to room inside gaza largest hospital after bloody street battles and going underground
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hunting for hamas terrorists. >> lawrence: it is really dangerous. they don't have the surprise they typically would have. the white house now publicly stating what the israelis have said all along. hamas is using medical facilities as command centers. >> i can confirm we have information that hamas and the palestinian islamic jihad used some hospital in gaza strip including al-shifa and tunnels under them to conceal and support their military operation and to hold hostages. >> brian: there you go. this targeted raid after the idf delivery of incubator, baby food and medical supplies to help doctors caring for palestinian civilians. we have a medical ship right off the coast. >> steve: i'm in the nation's capital a day after 300,000 peacefully rallied against antisemitism and for the safe
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return of the 200 plus hostages. we'll have more on the march for israel in just a moment. first to alex hogan live on the ground in northern israel. alex. good morning, increased tension here, a major attack takes place on the hillside. we ran downstairs to the bomb shelter. there is a camera able to see what is taking place. we saw 15 incoming rockets. you can see the smoke there. the hillside is the border of lebanon. rockets were fired from hezbollah. look at the south, major escalation in gaza as idf presses forward entering the achievements hospital, the largest hospital in gaza where idf said today is found weapons, ammunition and infrastructure inside the hospital. that is something we heard from the pentagon confirming that
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they believe hamas has been using some medical facilities as places to store weapons and potentially store hostages, as well. more will come throughout the day about what they find after this stalemate we've seen in recent days. the idf delivered much-needed supplies, healthcare system, food and baby formula. the idf in entering the hospital, there are alarming concerns from the un. they have not been able to get in touch with hospital staff thchl issic taking place as idf presses further into gaza. the defense minister says there will be no space for people anywhere, no safety until the hostages are returned. we are learning more about a biden administration deal that would allow iran to access 10 billion from iraq in electricity purchases. that is creating a lot of
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concern. as we see rocket attacks come here from hezbollah, we know that hezbollah is largely funded by iran. a lot of concern on that front as we continue to see attacks on u.s. military bases in the middle east. back to you. >> brian: did that being roet get knocked out by missile defense or iron dome? >> it landed, you are lucky if you get 10 seconds to make it to a shelter. with most of the town behind me evacuated, the iron dome not striking every single rocket missile that we see. we have seen soldiers stationed throughout the field in this area. right after we see incoming attack we hear artillery fire off, that is the idf locating where the launches were sent from and taking out the targets. within a few seconds we were able to hear the cross-fire
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attack and will likely hear that throughout the day. as hezbollah was firing on the north, there were hamas rockets being fired from gaza. the north is in a state of escalation, we are continuing to see that along the south. >> brian: unbelievable they still have rocket fire. >> steve: alex, you were talking about how the idf were doing targeted searches inside the hospital. i noticed on daily mail, it said they went, idf, israelis went in with an air horn and said all men 16 and above raise your hand and exit the building to go into the courtyard. there were 1000 guys that qualified. men hiding under the hospital taken outside, they were searched for weapons and guns and stuff like that, which just proves if they took 1000 young men out of the hospital this
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morning, that just proves that the hamas was using that as an hq. >> we heard from the idf that the main concern in recent days and reason for not going in sooner was the very real threat this would impact patients that are hooked up and cannot leave the machine they are on. the idf today says it was able to go in with tactical approaches and there were soldiers within the idf specifically trained for this to try to go in and find hamas militants and prevent loss of life from civilians trapped and unable to evacuate. we heard the idf trying to get the patients out, it is not possible for some that cannot be evacuated or unhooked from their machines. it will be interesting to see in the hours that follow, what exactly they find. we have some first images now coming out of what it looks
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like, artillery they found and military setup. it is important to note this is a major operation, this is where the idf says it has been able to locate the hamas stronghold and it was last night when the defense minister says the idf has taken control of the north while it also mentioned the al-shifa hospital was this crucial spot it needed to be able to enter. if the idf does fully manage to take al-shifa, it will be interesting to watch to see what plays out by this time tomorrow. >> ainsley: if they do, maybe they can go in the tunnel system and grab the hostages there. >> lawrence: the idf has been saying all along that hamas is mixing civilians within that hospital, but they still have their people there,as well, that mean harm to israel.
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look at this dark cloud of smoke in gaza. huge explosion. they are dealing with this methodical approach. they don't know who the enemy is sometimes. >> brian: i think another in the corner, another explosion. >> ainsley: yeah, look, fresh smoke. wow. >> brian: i thought that was a mountain, it is smoke. >> ainsley: so many people in america are praying for israel and support israel. yesterday was the rally in d.c. and that is where steve is. they were expecting, original permit for 60,000 and 300,000 showed up. >> steve: people were shocked how many did show up. i tell you what, it was perfect weather. it was a beautiful day in november and they all came here to show the world that we're standing with israel. same area, about 10 days ago, they had a pro-palestinian rally. there are more of us than you. and also, hundreds of thousands
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showed up right there, showed up here because what is going on over there. watch this. >> are you ready to stand for israel today? >> bring them home. bring them home. >> we stand with israel. >> steve: why did tens of thousands show up today in washington? for one reason, to send absolutely clear message that at this critical moment in history israel is not alone. >> there is no two sides here, this between the right side, god's side and savages who worship death. we are here, not with masks covering our face, it is not right or left issue, it is good versus left. our rallies compared to pro-palestinian rallies, are night and day. we're standing for our brothers and sisters.
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>> we are supporting israel no matter what it takes. >> steve: some people say that october 7 thing never really happened. >> my great grandmother used to say, you can't argue with a lunatic. >> steve: christians stand with israel, is that why everybody is here, to show we have their back? >> should be. i have religious beliefs, if i put away the bible, we should still stand with israel. >> it is so sad to see how many people are so willingly ignorant about all this and choose not to see this, we're here doing today is so important, we are able to show the truth and show jewish people are not going away, we are not going away. >> this is a moment we will tell our grandchildren about, people still in israel, we feel obligation to bring them home. >> these are your children. this is your daughter?
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>> this is my son. >> beautiful children. >> thank you. >> steve: i'm so sorry. >> thank you. >> i don't think we hear enough about the hostages on the news and we need to do everything to bring them home. >> at fox, we try to do a lot. nothing better than listening to fox news, the one media showing what is happening and getting the truth out. we pray for eventual peace, if you do not conquer hamas, who wants death and destruction, you will have more death. >> ceasefire is surrender. >> this is everyone's war, this is not debatable, these are savages, worse than nazis. >> i saw video yesterday with a baby bottle 10 feet from missiles, is this a normal thing? no, this is not normal and we need to stop this. >> these are savages and they are living in our country with
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us. anyone who doesn't speak out now, it is coming to your neighborhood right now. >> steve: you know, i worked here in washington back in the '80s and i've seen a lot of events on the national mall as people from all over the country gather for something. what i saw yesterday different. this was an existential threat. the people there just want to remind people what is going on there. i saw a story in the "washington post," a trainer from hackensack said we are here to show the world we won't be exterminated again. >> lawrence: great moment of unity. disappointed the president and vice president decided not to
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attend. i also notice the other networks didn't cover it as much temperature is not lost upon them that you covered the women's march and the other anti-marches, black lives matter march. they are saying that is okay. many are democrats and progressive and have stood with you. but they wonder why their march did not get the same coverage, especially when they had 300,000 speakers there. >> steve: i can't tell you how many people when we were -- ari and i were walking through the crowd with the camera, came to me and said, steve, from fox, thank you, your coverage is great, you are getting the word out. >> ainsley: there have been several messages, as well. it seemed like you almost got choked up and you look and your
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heart hurts for them. you know what they have been through and what they are going through on college campuses is what is happening in america. they are not getting the support. this is america. the bible is clear about the future of israel. it is the promiseland, they are god's chosen people. we are all god's children. we don't want any civilians to die. there was a ceasefire on october 6. then they stormed israel on october 7 and they are not getting the support they deserve. it warms my heart so many went down there. i follow my jewish friends on social media. they were posting wonderful clips of being at the march. it is emotional for everybody. >> brian: i'll bet you will see a big biopsy back. in the beginning, what is all this pro-palestinian, they deserve homeland and pro-hamas. this is beginning of the
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pushback. everybody was stunned in the beginning, i think it will turn around. i hope. the other thing, the speeches were really good. hakeem jeffries was excellent, speaking right after speaker of the house republican. you have van jones, he is working for president obama, not known as a right-wing activist talking about how proud he is of the jewish community. then you have debra messing, no left wing cause she is not supporting of, but yet front and center making a great speech. >> ainsley: house speaker joni ernst. >> lawrence: they said no ceasefire. no ceasefire. >> brian: to van jones when he tried to say we want peace. >> lawrence: jewish people have been saying we want peace. if we can't retaliate and hunt down the people, if you don't,
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they will do it. >> ainsley: steve interviewed a mom who lost two of her children. >> steve: two kids, they look to be in their 20s, she was heartbroken. to the point about the speaker was there, also chuck schumer, hakeem jeffries was there and an image, you don't see this in washington, that picture, they are holding hands. we are bipartisan on this issue. we have got israel's back. >> brian: except for the squad. >> steve: a lot of people said we are here, we like that the capitol dome was behind the stage to show our gratitude to the u.s. government, thank you for backing israel. >> lawrence: the issue, steve, that democrats, after they and i'm glad they showed up and glad we had a moment of unity. >> steve: it was great. >> lawrence: now they go back to perspective caucuses and talk to them and have to really understand and be willing to
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talk with their folks in their party about why they won't stand with israel and continue to protest. >> ainsley: we see pro-hamas rallies, i was so glad to see a pro-israel one. i hope they don't stop, i hope we continue to have these. >> brian: everyone couldn't believe it. the other thing to keep in mind, netanyahu says, i need bullets, out of ammo. guys, need weapons to fight, it is the israelis, get that done in congress. 16 after the hour. >> steve: that is right, in a couple of hours, president biden will meet with the chinese president xi jinping in a suddenly cleaned up san francisco. >> brian: expected to discuss a range of issues like trade, taiwan, rising tension between beijing and washington. >> ainsley: jacqui heinrich is live with what to expect. it looks cleaner now, right?
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>> it sure is. we have a lot of announcements we can confirm today. expected agreement to restore military to military communications, also that deal to stem flow of fentanyl is confirmed, there is also confirmation from china pressuring iran to stop widening the war in middle east and a working deal to mitigate risk with ai and nuclear warheads. don't expect too much tough talk from president biden. the administration thinks it is better if china sees it should cooperate with the u.s. and that protects u.s. interest even more. listen. >> president biden: we're not trying to decouple from china, what we're trying to do is change the relationship for the better. >> president biden will meet his chinese counterpart later today, gavin newsom gave him a warm welcome at the airport along with janet yellen.
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they both previously met with xi leading up to this summit as part of diplomatic dance to make it happen. just how seriously is xi jinping taking biden amid questions about viability in 2024? officials say biden will have this message today. >> i can tell you president biden intends to make clear to president xi, he will be dealing with president biden for next five years. how is he responding to that? >> these are tough diplomatic encounters. president biden has experience, they have known each other for a long time. >> china economy is on the brink and big draw for xi is appeal to business and draw in investment. house republicans are blasting two groups for selling the chance. mike gallagher says 40,000 may
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buy you a dinner with e zoo, but can't buy you a conscience. the biden administration will make sure xi jinping does not fall into any protest. press conference is upcoming today and we're watching for what biden says about china's biggest priority taiwan. guys. >> steve: lots of announcements. yesterday you were talking about how suddenly san francisco is so clean. they cleaned the streets, the homeless people are gone. i was speaking to your colleague, he told me last night according to his uber driver, they have taken all homeless people from san francisco and bussed them to oakland across the bay. just a couple days, they will come back. >> yeah, and you know what is
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interesting about the cleanup here. this is part of the u.s. effort to accommodate the chinese. they have been interested in making sure xi does not run into protest and want to know the details about what he will see from the windows, how many steps from the car door, he does not run into protest in his country and is treated with a certain level of respect and symbolism and making sure this summit happens. the chinese were highly attune to all details on what would xi be experiencing and whether that is satisfactory to china in showing respect. thissen clooup did happen in great part for the chinese president. >> ainsley: irony is many of the individuals, sad to see them walking around like that barely alive on the street. many are addicted to fentanyl.
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where does the fentanyl come from? china. irony not lost on us. thanks. >> brian: other big story, if you have 40,000 in your pocket and who didn't, you can have dinner with president xi tonight. he will have dinner with business leaders, you can sit down and talk to him about your business. that is what china is about, bringing business back to the economy. a lot of americans say it is not worth it and ceos are disappearing and intellectual property goes out the door. mike gallagher tweeting, are you going to bring up genocide and uyghurs at dinner and fentanyl and how you steam rolled hong kong. your roll in arming ukraine.
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>> ainsley: -- a lot of money. all right, still ahead, nine days with no school. all thanks to a portland teacher strike and parents left to deal with the mess. two of them are next. >> brian: plus, capitol hill or coliseum, senator throws guantanamolet down to the kidneys and one lawmaker called a smurf. griff jenkins coming up. there he is. 18 years from tonight, grant gill will become a legend. when he totally kills it at his improv class's graduation performance. knees will be slapped. suds will be sprayed. people won't know what hurts more: their cheeks, or their sides. that's why he's already keeping himself in-shape and razor sharp today with health tips and wellness tools from aarp.
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but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with verizon or t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. >> lawrence: this is ridiculous. for the ninth straight day kids who attend portland public school will be at home again thanks to a teacher strike. it is estimated two sides are $200 million apart. >> ainsley: we have shannon bream kennedy, single day, two young kids in the district and stefanie savali, a mom, four children in the district. good morning to both of you. >> good morning.
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>> good morning. >> ainsley: shane, start with you, single dad, what do you have to do? you had to go to work, what did you do? >> to start, i had them playing video games all day. that is not something i like to do, but i can't have them running around while i practice law. i had them playing video games, then i flew my kids to arizona to spend time with my mom. we don't know how long this will go. i sent them on a saturday, i wonder if school will start on monday, did i make the wrong decision? we don't know how long it will go. they are able to do things that don't involve screen time with mom. that is helpful. we'll see how this goes. >> lawrence: stephanie, you have fourth grader, eighth grader and 11th grader.
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you are getting it from all sides right now, right? >> it has been intense absolutely. >> lawrence: how is it impacting your children right now? >> my oldest is also enrolled in some college courses, for him, it's been challenging, he is not really in school, but has to focus on his college course. then my three younger girls are new to the school this year. they had been with their peer group for just a few weeks, several weeks, my oldest girl in eighth grade, it was a hard transition, it was challenging and all the progress feels it's been setback. frustrating for us. >> ainsley: shane, next week is thanksgiving, i assume the teachers and kids are out, i
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wonder if it will roll into thanksgiving. what are they striking about, they want more money? >> that is the biggest issue. other issues, they want cleanliness standard to be maintained in the school and temperature. but seems money is the biggest issue. if we can set aside cost of living increases, i think the district and union can come to agreement. they are just as wide apart on financial issues as when the strike started. it doesn't seem we are getting anywhere. i hope to have schools open after thanksgiving. doesn't appear we are getting anywhere. >> lawrence: there has been talk about them extending the school year during the summer and you said absolutely not. >> absolutely not.
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my eighth grader, i will -- i am not sure she is going back, she might home school if it continues. i've asked too much of her and i don't know what i would do to navigate the others, i'm not sending them to school, we have a short amount of sunshine here, im00 not making this up for them during that small treasure of time. >> ainsley: you moved from florida, would you think about going back? ron desantis wouldn't allow this to happen. so many things i came out here for and love about portland and so many things i did not anticipate. this has been hard. >> ainsley: god bless you both, being a parent is hard enough, to have your children home all day not getting education and how will that affect them later on. thank you. >> lawrence: thank you. >> ainsley: okay.
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>> lawrence: carley has headlines for us. >> carley: eight las vegas teens facing murder charges in connection with deadly beating of jonathan lewis, a 17 year old. the suspects are between ages of 13 and 17 years old. they fought lewis over a pair of stolen headphones and possibly a vape. officers are looking for two more suspects, lewis died less than a week after the attack. new jersey first lady tammy murphy announcing she is entering the race for bob menendez's seat. she is running for u.s. seat, she says to fight for family and democracy. menendez hasn't said if he will run for reelection. he did plead not guilty to federal bribery charges, accused of acting as unej ejsterred foreign agent.
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he received cash, gold bars and mercredez benz. this year jamalhinton and have met for thanksgiving dinner when wanda accidentally texted jamal, instead of her grandson. he accepted and now there is a contest to give two strangers the opportunity to share a meal with them and they can stay at her arizona home overnight, if you need grandma love, enter the contest. >> steve: i love that story. >> ainsley: the gift that keeps on giving every year. >> steve: yesterday historic day in the nation's capitol hill, nearly 300,000 on the national mall showing solidarity at the
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rally. former democratic congresswoman tulsi gabbard taking this video and saying absence of biden and harris was felt and she joins us now. why did you have to go? >> it was critical to me to be take advantage of the opportunity to stand in solidarity with the jewish people, to stand against this unprecedented level of antisemitism taking over the world and stand strongly against radical islamist terrorists and hamas who are a threat to all of our peace, security and freedom. >> steve: you were right out there with friends, i'm sure people you talked to talked about antisemitism. since the october 7 attack, antisemitic assaults on jewish americans have gone up 400%.
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i was talking to kids yesterday, they are afraid to go to school because something bad might happen. >> that was striking to me about being there with 300,000 people. i did not get that sense of fear in the crowd. you were there, as well, there is natural security concern. could someone potentially conduct a violent attack. >> steve: would just take one. >> and you would have mass casualty incident. i served in the army in iraq, this is what we prepared for. what i experienced was powerful, 300,000 people, feeling of hope, love, joy, appreciation for life and freedom. it is important to take note of the contrast between that versus the violent mob of pro-hamas
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protesters seeing all over the world who have to cover their faces as they go and graffiti walls and threaten and beat people up and kill people as they launch antisemitic attack. this is a difference between the rest of the world who values life and freedom and peace versus islamists who seek to kill anyone who does not adhere to their radical application of islam. >> steve: what is it like to work in congress where they are clearly on israel's side? there are a number of colleagues who are on the other side. they are pro-hamas for the most part. also rashida tlaib, fox news digital story, you can read about, part of secret social media group where members
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glamorize hamas in the battle with israel. that is the headline, look for it on fox news. does that surprise you? >> it is terrible, it doesn't surprise me. go back to ilhan omar statement about 9/11 as day when some people did some things. there are group of people within congress who are blatantly islamist terrorist apologists. that should not surprise any of us, they have made themselves known. what should be disturbing and surprising is how many people in my former democratic party, which is one reason i left are islamist apologist or afraid to be labeled islamophobia, they won't stand up and say what is necessary to speak the truth about the threat islamic terist ares, hamas, hezbollah, isis and other groups pose to freedom and peace-loving people everywhere. >> steve: now is time to stand up and yesterday was fantastic with 300,000 who showed up issue
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yesterday can't be the end. >> i hope they do these rallies for peace, love and freedom and life in cities around the world and we all need to stand with the jewish people and each other, it is critical. >> steve: still ahead, on this wednesday, arrest been made in connection with the tragic death of ice hockey star adam johnson, clay travis reacts to the shocking details next. first chaotic week on capitol hill. lawmakers bickering and nearly coming to blows, a live report as washington goes wild. >> kevin mccarthy walked by and elbowed me in the kidney as he walked by. >> i love to do right now. >> stand your butt up. >> you stand your butt up. >> i will not give your time back, you look like a smurf going around here and all this stuff.
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claimed kevin mccarthy punched him in the kid dee. griff jenkins is here in washington and joins us at the big plastic desk, what is going on? >> griff: washington's fight club got underway yesterday. unlike tladitional fight club rules, we are going to talk about it. in the senate, oklahoma mark wayne mullin challenging teamster president shawn o'brien to a fight after social media taunts. >> love to do it right now. >> you stand your butt up then. >> you stand your butt up. >> maybe you run your mouth in new jersey, this is a thug, mob boss, supposed to be intimidating, boss of teamer it ises. i used to get paid to fight professionally. >> griff: and former speaker mccarthy being accused of elbowing tim tim burchett in the
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kidneys. >> why did you elbow me in the back, kevin? kevin, you got any guts? jerk. go talk to him. >> you did so, the reporter said it right there, what kind of chicken move is that? you are pathetic, man. >> steve: heated exchange during house oversight committee hearing, chairman james comer likening jared moskowitz to living in a mushroom shaped house in the forest. >> you look like a smurf. >> mr. chairman, hold on. >> you have been proven a liar, mr. muammaro moskowitz. >> what is that? >> you have been proven a liar. by who, you? >> yes. >> some suggested they had to
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work longer hours and that seems to have gotten to them. what was fascinating, you were in the protest, i was in the protest and it was peaceful and inside sharp elbows and punches being thrown. >> steve: comer announced he would investigate the smurf crime family. >> griff: more to come, we'll bring it as we get it. >> steve: thank you. brian, back to you in new york. >> brian: police in england arrested suspect in the death of former nhl player adam johnson, who tragically died last month when his neck was slashed by the skate of an opposing player. here to react outkick founder clay travis. intent was to hurt, doesn't look
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like to kill. >> i think a jury in england based on the video i saw, looks like that should be determination by a jury to see whether or not a manslaughter charge is appropriate here. it seemed reckless to me. it is the only sport i didn't play growing up, i'm not an expert in what is and is not beyond the pail. watching this video seemed like reckless behavior and the intent was to injury him beyond the pail of the game itself. hockey is physical and violent game, even within the context of physicality and violence, there is a line past which a player should not go and when that individual with his skate thrust
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out went toward the other player, that seems like a move that is justifying of a manslaughter charge, which would allow, i believe in british criminal law, allow jury to determine whether or not there should be criminal consequences for the behavior. >> brian: i think the hockey world has to respond and say a tackle is not a tackle, certain. >> clay: i think everybody should wear a neck guard with how sharp these skates are and how open the neck is. you are on the ice and somebody skates by you, somebody could get a skate to the skin, as well. >> brian: hard enough getting guys to wear helmets, that would be interesting one. boxing, you are in there and there are fatalities in the ring, but no inat any time to
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kill. i guess they will figure out in british hockey where a lot of people go to get more years out of their career and it happened with adam johnson. >> clay: no doubt, there is fine line between physical and v violent and what is beyond the scone. in that circumstance, the charges are justified. >> brian: what is clicking on outkick? >> clay: getting ready for the patriot awards tomorrow. come down stretch of college football and n.f.l., tons of sports news including couple big schools, texas a&m and mississippi state looking for new head coaches, you ever get paid 76 million not to work? jimbo fisher not having a bad fall. >> brian: i get 76 million, i have to show up. don't ask me what year is going to be good, i got tickets to
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patriots and giants game. i will be alone and hear the play calls. thanks, appreciate it. go to carley shimkus, who has something else to do. >> carley: we are following a story in new york city, nypd still searching for this suspect, days after two police officers were attacked in a bronx subway station. the officers tried removing a group of men from the station on monday and they were seen hitting one officer in the head, two other suspects are charged with assault on police officer and resisting arrest. fox business alert, october producer price index released 20 minutes ago, another sign inflation is cooling down. wholesale prices drop, but rose 2.5% last year. retail spending fell last month
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for first time since march just as christmas shopping season takes off. move over elf on the shelf, new sheriff in town, sheriff office in florida announced sheriff on the shelf is back. the miniature sheriff watches over children to see if they are naughty or nice and reports to santa. sheriffs on the shelf are on sale for $20 and all proceeds go to charity. over to you. >> brian: positive view of law enforcement, i like it. still ahead, fox weather alert iceland bracing for a volcano. br brian yennis is next. and here is dana perino. >> dana: looking forward to that report, it is on, israel military operation to extract
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haiment from the al-shifa hospital, latest update from the team there. show of force for good in d.c. one of the organizers will join us this morning. president biden will meet chinese president today in san francisco, two favorite steve hilton and kennedy will join us, what it will take to get to grandma's house this year. bill hemmer thinks it is not a problem, see if he is right. all this and more at 9 closuring. 9:00.
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rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. (♪) arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. (♪)
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bur >> lawrence: fox news alert. thousands flee in iceland as officials in the country say a volcano could erupt at any moment. >> bryan llenas is live in iceland in the capital with the latest. bryan. >> look, iceland's meteorologist logical office says there is significant -- it is something iceland has not seen in 50 years. scientists say they will have 2 to 3 hours warning before they have to -- they can at least warn people to get out of the way. they have seen some 1,000 earthquakes in the last 24 hours breaking up roads around iceland. normally they see 60. an idea of what they're seeing
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here is unprecedented in the last 50 years. it is the bull's-eye here, 3700 people have had to evacuate that small fishing town. it is world famous for a blue lagoon. people got out. it is a small likelihood it could erupt in the ocean causing an ash and smoke situation that could affect travel as far as europe, guys. >> brian: i wish we had an iceland bureau where you could hide. be safe. janice dean has more. >> i have some maps to prove the seismic activity. let's look in the iceland area. we are expecting a volcanic eruption that is imminent. look at the past 48 hours. those are all little earthquakes. 2.7 magnitude and higher. a story we'll be following. it will be big news. forecast today across florida
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and the southeast we have at least a foot of rain in some of these areas across the east coast of florida and south florida. west coast another storm system there and then thanksgiving travel trouble. i know, this area of low pressure coming up towards this weekend and then next week we have many storms to watch. fox for your latest details. i'm traveling to the airport with you, brian, be on time. >> ainsley: they were talking in our ear. >> brian: we're going to the airport together. i'm going with janice. >> ainsley: coming up today live 9:00 a.m. mayorkas and wray will testify on capitol hill and biden and xi will hold a meeting. it's all live on fox. >> brian: believe her, she really wants you to. >> bill: thanks, guys, good morning. as you guys were talking about, in a matte


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