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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  August 14, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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you sound better than last week. that's all we can ask for. >> john: i started out sounding like trace adkins and kermit the frog. then i went to harvey firestein. now i'm in the david webb genre. >> or scarlett johansson as i said during the breaks. you ever heard her? >> john: set you remember dvr. see you tomorrow. >> see you tomorrow. >> martha: thank you. good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum. right now on "the story," we're hearing from the white house for the first time since the news dropped that there is now a special counsel in the hunter biden investigation case. critics slammed the choice of the u.s. attorney, david weiss as wildly inappropriate as he already orchestrated the now defunct sweetheart deal for the younger biden.
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just moments ago, the key question about the politics of all of this. watch. >> how can the white house assure people that the case involving the president's son is being handled fairly? >> anything that has been stated or said by hunter's representative, i'll have to refer you to his representatives. that's not something that i will respond to. what i can say and i said it at the top, the department of justice is independent. that is what the president believes. he believes this white house will not politicize the department of justice. this was done under the leadership of a trump-appointed u.s. attorney as you know. so i'm not going to add anything else to that. >> martha: i'd imagine we'll hear more along those lines. carl rowe and general tom dupree standing by with their analysis of this. first to david spunt live at justice department with the new developments here. hi, david. >> hi, martha. this is david weiss's first full week as special counsel.
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he's got quite a task ahead of him. he's had a major head start because he's been investigating hunter biden on several different fronts for several different years. the judge in the case where the plea negotiations broke down, she's givening the government until tomorrow at noon to give a path where he plans to go forward with this failed plea deal. hunter biden's attorneys in a filing late yesterday said while the tax violations, the two tax violations may go to trial, the diversion agreement on the gun charge is valid because it was signed in court. according to the document, the defendant intends to abide by the terms of the diversion agreement that was executed at the july 26th hearing by the defendant, his counsel and the united states. his parties have a valid and binding diversion agreement. it depends on what the judge will say, martha. right now it reads the government's response tomorrow and we'll see how the special counsel frames the diversion
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agreement. the same david weiss sat in court with hunter biden not three weeks ago. he was prepared to enter into a plea deal with him. critics say how can he do both within a three-week span? this could move to trial in the washington d.c. or california areas or both. even with news that weiss has a new title, one of hunter biden's attorneys does not expect new charges. >> if the now special counsel decides not to go by the deal, then it will mean that he or they decided something other than the facts and the law are coming into play. >> republicans began asking for a special counsel months ago are now upset about the appointment because it's david weiss. >> david weiss has to be held accountable for what he's going to do now that he's a special prosecutor, but he also has to be held accountable for what he's failed to do starting in 2018. >> one thing we can say for certain, this will delay the
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congressional investigation in to hunter biden. david weiss was supposed to testify late september, early october. likely that will be delayed, martha. >> martha: thanks very much. let's check in with jacqui heinrich. she was just in the briefing room. hi, jacqui. >> one thing i took away in this briefing, after asking the white house how they can assure people that dodge special counsel weiss is handling this fairly with now criticism coming from hunter biden's attorney, not just congressional republicans that long criticized weiss' handling of hunter's probe. she said that, you know, it's up to the doj whether or not weiss will go before congress and try to answer some of these questions and quell those concerns. doj said a couple weeks ago back at the end of july that they would support having weiss go before congress to settle any questions about whether this case has been handled fairly because they believe that any
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misinterpretations or otherwise will undermine public confidence in the doj. they would have a hard time now, i think, reneging on that offer to send weiss before congress even though he has been since appointed special counsel because they have also argued that weiss all along has had the ultimate authority in this case to bring charges wherever and whenever he wanted. so given their past statements that weiss has been -- had this leeway all along and they were going to offer him up to congress to answer questions, i don't know how doj now, even with that special counsel weiss being appointed this position, how they could reneg on that. the white house nevertheless did not want to dip a toe in to the water and say whether or not they would support that. they pivoted to doj. said that's up to them. they answered that question. so really not an answer. >> martha: thanks, jacqui. let's bring in carl rowe, former deputy chief of staff to george w. bush and a fox news contributor and tom dupree, former deputy assistant attorney
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general. welcome, gentlemen, to both of you. tom, let me ask you the question that jacqui is raising here. it would be different if you had this independent outside special counsel who was just taking on the case. perhaps there's an argument that he shouldn't go before congress. this is just a continuation of what's been going on all along. why shouldn't he be held accountable by the legislative branch in terms of what he's been doing and, you know, whether or not there's been an actual investigation and what is any different now. >> look, he absolutely should be held accountable. the decision to appoint a special counsel was good. the decision to select david weiss not so good. look, the white house has been hammering the point that he's a trump appointee. at this point, i care less about who appointed him. the question is does he have a commitment to pursue this investigation, get to the truth wherever it lies and bring whatever charges are appropriate. based on his conduct to the investigation, based on the plea
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agreement that he pushed that imploded in court, i don't have that confidence. so i think it's an open question as to how actively he's going to pursue this investigation and it wouldn't surprise me at all the he tries to reneg on this commitment to go before congress and explain himself. >> martha: the biden attorneys, hunter biden attorneys, say the prosecution -- that the doj reneged on their sweetheart deal. they're angry. they say they're not necessarily going to go to trial here. as far as they're concerned, this agreement is still on the table in one form or another. karl, the question is what the political impact is. i found this interesting in the sunday shows on "meet the press." this take from chuck todd. watch this. >> president biden's handling of the case has raised questions at a time when voters already have doubts about his age and political standing. biden brought his son to a state dinner two days after the plea deal that has since collapsed was announced. he's repeatedly defended him,
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denying wrongdoing altogether even though hunter biden's attorney has pled guilty. >> martha: karl, how do you think the american people look at this? >> they don't look at it well. the sweetheart deal, you know, the idea that he had a gun charge, didn't pay his taxes and he gets a walk. so this is one of the problems for both the biden administration and for the special counsel. special counsel is a guy that did this sweetheart deal. then there's a question of we now there was doj interference with this. remember when the whistle-blowers went to capitol hill? members of the justice department said that was off limits. they let a witness know that the irs was going to be talking to them in advance. they made themselves unavailable. we know there's doj inte interference. something is going on. finally the whistle-blowers, is
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there new information that we learned that might cause the special counsel to say i didn't know that. i didn't know that basically there was interference that discouraged us from receiving information about how serious these charges were. does that ring a bell with anybody? finally this. biden. didn't talk to hunter about his business dealings. the question is why not? hunter biden is running around on the world stage in 2015 getting paid vast sums of money by burisma. at the same time that his father is in charge of anti-corruption efforts on behalf of the u.s. government in ukraine. hunter's business partner is the bagman for the sitting u.s. secretary of state. why didn't job talk to his son and say son, you're creating problems for me here. go find a more honest way to learn a living than being hired by a corrupt company in ukraine that you know nothing about the country, the industry and
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corporate governance. >> martha: it's a great question. i would love to ask the president why didn't you stay clear. we need to talk tomorrow because this doesn't look good for you, doesn't look good for me. i think a lot of parents would have just seen that as an obvious conversation to have in this environment. so it's a good question for the president. why didn't you have that conversation. quickly, karl. >> one other questions, did anybody at the obama white house say you have to go over and talk to the vice president and tell him this is a problem and to do something about it. i bet you a dime to a dollar that was such a conversation. interesting to find out more. >> martha: there was some suggestions that there was a dissatisfaction, uncomfortableness with what was going on at that time. so speaking of this constant contention from the white house that they have always been hands off with this investigation, that there's no interference. the whistle-blowers said the exact opposite.
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let's remind everyone of this from the irs whistle-blower who said he saw felony charges present that could be brought in the hunter biden investigation and what happened? here he is. >> he led congress to believe that the case was insulated from improper influence because they were made by david weiss. that was not true. the just it's the department allowed the president's politcalling appointees whether or not to charge the son. >> martha: tom, your reaction to that and the fact that this is in special counsel land, could go on a long time. well-past the election. >> sure. it's a given that political influence was brought to bear on these decisions. there's no rationale explanations to how we got to the point where did. it doesn't surprise me and the whistle-blower had detailed testimony of how that political
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pressure was brought to bear. it was exercised from the white house, flowing through political appointees and bounced down to the u.s. attorney and people working on this case. it's evident that that's exactly happened here. >> martha: tom dupree, karl rove, thanks for being today. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> martha: former president trump is waiting for a decision from the atlanta grand jury this time, which could produce a fourth indictment surrounding the 2020 election. today the court posted the charges on its web site. oops! then quickly took the document down. jonathan serrie with the back story here from atlanta. what's going on, jonathan? >> yeah, hi there, martha. well, among the witnesses is atlanta journalist george cheetie. he walked in on a panel of alternate electors that tried to certify georgia's election for donald trump even though he was narrowly defeated by joe biden in the 2020 election.
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he was supposed to testify before this grand jury on tuesday. he posted on social media change of plans. i'm going to court today. they're moving faster than they thought. the grand jury heard from two stormer state democratic lawmakers. one that attended a post election hearing with mr. trump's personal attorney. in that hearing, rudy guliani tried to convince legislators to overturn the election based on discredited allegations of improper vote counting here in fulton county. the district attorney launched here investigation after a leaked january 2021 phone call where trump asked brad raffensperger to find enough votes to overturn his election loss in the state. analysts believe willis will leverage the broad racketeering laws against the former president and his associates as she has in other cases involving
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multiple players. >> before she became the top prosecutor, she became very well-known in atlanta for bringing racketeering charges against school teachers and educators for a test cheating scandal. >> on social media, mr. trump posted how can they charge me in georgia? the phone call was perfect. witch hunt. martha, a former georgia lieutenant governor jeff duncan, critical of trump, was initially scheduled to testify tomorrow but now a source tells fox news he's being called in today. back to you. >> martha: watching closely. thank you, jonathan. so despite all that, the former president landed at the iowa state fair with a big entrance over the weekend. an entourage of republican lawmakers from florida who are all backing him over their own golf, ron desantis.
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greg stube has filed articles of impeachment against the president. he's here next. celebrity sale i. with picture-worthy designer frames at a fly price from sofia vergara you're in my shot! sure to get my good side! get two pairs of celebrity frames for $89.95 for a limited time at america's best. book an exam today. pano ai chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... ...because t-mobile helps pano ai innovate, so they can stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't
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>> martha: former. trump and ron desantis headed to one of the biggest events the same day. they both visited the iowa state fair saturday. the former president brought nine former republican lawmakers that endorsed him over the governor, ron desantis. one of them, congressman greg stube will join us in just moments and also filed articles of impeachment against president biden. we'll ask about that as well. first to mark meredith live in washington. hi, mark. >> good to see you. former president trump is not shying away from the spotlight
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or the multiple cases he phases. a federal judge is warning him not to go too far. trump is criticizing the judges, the prosecutors and those trying to hold him accountable. as you mentioned saturday, he was in iowa campaigning with florida lawmaker whose are backing him over ron desantis. but trump is facing some restrictions about what he can share about the january 6th case. a judge here in d.c. warning him even though he's a presidential candidate, you should not expect special treatment. the judge telling trump's lawyers that he will have restrictions like any other defendant. the fact that he's engaged in a campaign will not enable him greater or lesser attitude. trump is still fund-raising off of the charges and taunting prosecutors to help him with his poll numbers to indict him one more time. one republican congress woman said he's strategy is working
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for now. >> he does get stronger as he gets indicted. that's why he's running away at this juncture. we'll see if he debates the other candidates on stage. i hope that that happens. >> as you know, that is the big question still out there. candidates are required to sign a pledge vowing support for the eventual nominee. trump signed it in 2015 for the first campaign. we'll see if it happens next week. >> martha: thanks, mark. let's bring in florida republican congressman, greg stube who went to the iowa state fair over the weekend with former president trump and also before he left to do that, he filed articles of impeachment against president biden. congressman, good to see you. have you here today. >> thanks for having me. >> martha: our reporter has been on the ground throughout, talking to a lot of the candidates. she talked to the former president trump. she also talked to your governor in florida, ron desantis. watch this. >> i think i'm the most likely
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to beat biden. i'm the most likely to get all of this stuff done. i have the ability to serve two terms and won't be a lame duck president on day one. >> martha: so these two were going at each other in various ways over the course of the weekend. explain why you're not supporting your governor and why you were traveling with the former president this weekend? >> i was honored to be with president trump and going to the iowa state fair. the following that he had there was absolutely tremendous. we got there shortly after governor desantis was there. i asked one of the gentleman that was flipping some pork chops is, what is the difference in crowd? he said there's not any comparison. the support is very strong for the president. the reason i endorsed him, he's the only republican candidate that is running that can walk in day one and fix these atrocities that the biden administration has caused in our country. he's been there before and will do it again. he supported -- i supported the
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america first agenda. >> martha: quickly on the impeachment articles, you know, how much support do you have for that and we've heard kevin mccarthy, the speaker say that he's considering launching an inquiry. why go straight to the articles before there's an inquiry? >> look, the oversight committee released some of the financial documents. we had devin archer's testimony a week or so ago. you put these things together along the ways and means investigation, irs whistle-blowerers, the investigations that we've done, you have real evidence of crimes. i feel like it's our obligation as members of congress to stand up for america. when we see crimes being committed by the president and while he was vice president, to file the articles of impeachment, i understand the process. jim jordan will get the articles and they'll make a determination as to whether they want to move forward or not.
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the speaker will have influence there. in his comments, he's been more open to an inquiry. you use the resolution to start the inquiry and go through that process. i 100% think we need to do that because of the clear evidence of the crimes that have been committed by joe biden and his family members. >> martha: thanks. there's obviously an investigation going on. a lot of people have a lack of confidence on how thorough that investigation is. at any rate, there's an investigation going on. that's what we're told from the doj. i want to take a quick look through iowa polls. it's interesting. the summer before a presidential election, things change dramatically over the course of the next several months. this is summer of 2007. you can see the iowa polls here. 2007. where we have mitt romney at 26%, rudy guliani at 14%. governor huckabee was all the way down to 8%. look what happens in the actual result in that iowa caucus.
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huckabee went to 34% and went right by mitt romney who later got the nomination, but huckabee won in high what. take a look at summer of 2015. scott walker was the lead candidate. this was summer of 2015. scott walker was at 19%. moved forward to january, he's out of the race. he was out the race by september. ted cruz managed to skim just by the hair of his chine chin chin, she has, past donald trump to take iowa. so how much do you think changes between now and then? >> i think the difference now is you have president trump who has been president, who is running again, who has a solid base. i've seen it in my own district. i've seen it across the country from poll after poll after poll. his numbers are increasing while people like desantis' numbers are decreasing. if you're one of the other candidates, you want the numbers
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to be shifting in your direction as you go to january in the iowa caucuses. there's not much time between now and january to move the numbers. he's winning in iowa. i think it was by 25 points in iowa. 30, 40 points in some of the other polls. that will be hard ground for some of these candidates to make up in that short period of time. >> martha: they're seeing that on the ground for sure. congressman, thank you very much. nice to have you here. >> good to see you. >> we're getting new images and they're truly shocking from hawaii, the devastation from these wild fires. look at this home which is just completely gone. we have seen nature work this way so often, just to sweep through and wipe out certain areas and leave other things standing in place. the death toll is now nearing 100. it's of course projected to climb sadly and the white house says that president biden will eventually speak to the nation about this disaster after he
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received quite a bit of backlash after this strange exchange yesterday. >> mr. president, any comments on the rising death toll in maui? >> will you talk about the hawaii response, mr. president? with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows.
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>> martha: look at this video. it's incredible. in the middle of the devastation on maui a catholic church still
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stands. wild fires wiped out most of the town and killed at least 96 people. that number is closer to 100. it's expected to rise as they get through this rubble. this is one of the deadliest fires in the united states in more than a century. look at how untouched that church is in the middle of town. the crews, as they continue to head through all of this wreckage, continue to report back on what they're finding. senior national correspondent, william la jeunesse reporting live for us from maui. hi, william. >> good morning, martha. big picture, 96 fatalities so far. many hundreds still unaccounted for. we don't know their identity because hoff the difficulty of going through the forensics and identifying who those remains belong to. that's why they're asking for dna swabs for relatives. the other part of the big picture, why wasn't the state of the art warning system
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activated? why didn't the power company shut down power when power lines began to topple? for the people, it's very simple. right? so are my friends or family still alive? do i have a job? where am i going to live in 40% of the people had no insurance. how do i put my life back together? i talked to many individuals. they say they have no idea how they will start over. >> it's been so hard. very hard. never i think in my life would i have imagined that we would have something like this. >> i can't not describe the feelings i get. >> now, there's been some tension here. let me explain. a lot of the local people don't feel the government has been as active and as fast as they should be with relief. so they wanted to get in with their cars and their boats and
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bring stuff. so from the police point of view, they're looking at what the they feel is a crime scene. they don't want it disturbed. we have the road blocks up. now they're going to institute a placard system. if you don't have a west maui address, you're not getting in. the search and rescue are going through the rubble, looking for human remains. if you disturb them, they turn to ash. they brought in the national guard to seal off roads. here's the police chief. >> so when we pick up the remains and they fall apart, so when the you have 200 people running through the scene yesterday and some of you, that's what you're stepping on. >> so the law firm that won a $13 billion judgment from pg&e from california, they helped file a class action lawsuit here for victims of this fire. martha? >> martha: thanks very much, william, with continuing
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coverage on this story throughout the day on fox. so also in iowa, vivek ramaswamy with this mic drop moment. watch. ♪ >> martha: harris faulkner joins us live from new york next. discover the ozempic® tri-zone. in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. and you may lose weight. adults lost up to 14 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family
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♪ you're just like a satellite ♪ (♪) ♪ like a satellite ♪ viasat satellite internet. learn more about our plans at >> martha: look at the corn fields of iowa. it's in the spotlight right now. really fun watching what was going on in iowa over the weekend. alexis mcadams did a great job talking to the candidates out there, which was fun as well. they fight over the attention of these potential voters in the nation's first presidential
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contest. vivek ramaswamy trying to hype up the audience of his version of eminem's "lose yourself." watch. ♪ >> martha: i watched that a few times over the weekend. harris faulkner joins me now. she's the anchor of "the faulkner focus" and kicking off democracy 2024 families and focus. she interviewed vivek's wife and now she's going to sit down with the first lady of florida, casey desantis coming up. great to have you with us. >> thank you. >> martha: it's so important for people to see the families. it rounds out the candidate. they go oh, i get it. i see them together. i understand. so tell us a little bit about this. >> to be honest with you, we've seen a lot of the families of
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the left but we haven't seen the conservative and republican families put in that same type of light. while i'm going to talk to everybody that i can from every area politically, it was important to start with conservatives. we've seen a lot of negative coverage of particularly the women. look how they have treated casey desantis. i remember how they treated seiarah palin. these are the people that the candidate goes home to each night. they get dragged on the trial. the conversations that they've had about leading this nation are together. you and i have been married to our guys for a long time. we live very public lives. our daughters, our sons come with us. they have a story to tell, too. if that is only being there and being part of the equation, it's worth the american public
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seeing. you hire the candidate, he brings with him the best support system that he has. that isn't always the people that he hires. >> martha: such a huge job. you need a strong wing woman or wingman in that job. here's mrs. ramaswamy. dr. ramaswamy, i should say. your discussion can her. watch. >> he just has this energy. i thought that guy seems interesting. i went up to him. you know, tell you the truth, harris, that conversation did not go very well. >> no? were you serious? >> martha: what is that about? >> she told him i just met another vivek. how on earth is that comment? so he walked away from her. they connected later and realized that they had a lot in common. they've been married eight years. the highlight of all of that, being with voters, you and i
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love to talk to voters because they have the real story. being in new hampshire was terrific. when they handed me the baby, i was like okay. i'm good. i don't know. i'm such a mom. it's been great. she has her own journey. they met when he was in law school, she was in med school. she had performed 11 surgeries the day before. >> martha: wow. casey desantis is already a first lady. this is her second term. so that story is something different. something deeper in terms of well, they both talk politics. it's interesting to hear dr. ramaswamy and why family didn't work for me and why biden's family is not working for me. she went there i'll go to florida for next and south carolina. going to get to meet miss francis, tom scott's mom. the woman with the beautiful yellow dress. it's going to be good.
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>> martha: such an impressive woman. their story is really cool. we look forward to seeing these. casey desantis is next and tim scott's mom. >> yeah. they go on through the season. >> martha: thanks, harris. >> good to see you. >> martha: good seeing you, too. crossing a cross the country we'll be seeing each other. coming up, elon musk and mark zuckerberg setting off confusion. what is going on with this bout? is this going to happen or not? how about this? is the inability to lose weight the fault of your biology or a lack of will power? the very interesting science behind this when we come back. your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain
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>> martha: all right. elon musk posted on x, zuck is a chicken and releasing a series of what he says are text messages with mark zuckerberg about their possible cage match. musk suggesting that a practice fight in zuckerberg's back yard would be a good idea, which has a ufc-style octagon ring. he said if you still want to do an mma fight, train on your own and let me know when we will compete. i don't want to keep hyping on this. decide to do it soon or move on. musk sent the messages in green saying, i will be in palo alto monday. let's fight in your octagon. i have not been practicing much. it's unlikely given our size difference, perhaps you're a modern day bruce lee and will somehow win. these are grownups.
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okay. so the fight over the fight goes on. who knows if we will ever see an actual cage match. billionaires with lots of time on their hands. musk hases will said that the drugs helped him lose 30 pounds. some doctors are saying the medications are proving that overweight people are right when they say it is not their fault. that weight loss is more about you're biology than will power. big piece in the "wall street journal" today on this. let's bring in dr. neshwat. let's put in the headline from the journal that caught my eye. and ozempic says it's biology over will power. what these drugs have proven is that patients are right. it's not their fault if they're overweight according to one doctor. doctor, what do you say about that? >> i just want to point out that
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those doctors work for the creators of ozempic so it's multifactorial. it's not just genetic. obesity is a combination of environmental factors, biology, yes. and also junk food. there are about 1,500 genes that are associated with obesity. because you carry that gene doesn't mean you'll express that gene. we don't want to blame everything on your genetics. that's not right. that's why people change their lifestyle, their diet and more active and they lose weight without the help of medication and drugs. interestingly, these medications were created ten years ago not for weight loss, but to help control diabetes. the studies on lizards venom is how they came up with this medication. it was found to lower your blood sugar and a bonus side effect
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was that it lowers your risk of heart disease, lowers your risk of stroke and root bonus of losing weight while you're on it. if catch is if you don't change your lifestyle, the data shows you will regain that weight. it's about lifestyle changes. making sure that you're active. you have 150 minutes of activity every week, getting enough sleep and good nutrition. >> yeah, is it safe for people to be on this forever is one of my questions. and who do you think is the best candidate for this kind of program if you think anyone is? >> yeah, that's a good question when it comes to safety. it's about risk versus benefit. if you're a diabetic and this medicine works well for you, yeah, you may need to be on it for life. and there are potential side effects. for example, small bowel obstruction, pancreatitis. some of the side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
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it's important to speak to your doctor. you always want to try the most natural regimen of activity and good nutrition. if you're a candidate, the best way to know is talking to your doctor. >> martha: thanks, doctor. we would love to take a shot and have it being taken care of. as always, there's two sides to this story. interesting the doctors work for companies. big surprise there. thanks, doctor. have a good day, this is so disturbing. two more dead whales have washed up. the numbers that this is happening in are unusual. that is a fact. so it's fuelling questions about whether or not the work that is going on in the oceans nearby, deep, deep drilling in to the ground of the ocean in hour coastlines is part of what is going on here that is causing them to wash up and die.
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>> martha: so this just keeps happening. now there's reports that two for hump back whales turned dead on east coast beaches as critics question whether a factor here is the offshore wind farms that are causing irreversible damage to marine life and to the bed of the ocean where they're drilling mostly to prepare for putting up these wind middles. michael shellenberger tweeting a link to the documentary that explores the research behind this possible connection. watch this. >> it sounds like they're pile driving. >> martha: imagine, right? if you're a whale who has been living in a different environment and that's what you hear every day. >> two whale deaths in two days.
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of course it's an john going controversy of what is causing so many deaths. on friday, a 30 foot dead wall washed ashore on long island. the ex-in day, another dead whale was spotted in the atlantic before it watched ashore in long beach, new jersey. according to national oceanic and atmospheric administration, 57 large whales have been stranded or beached along the east coast this year. since 2016, the east coast has seen the most whale strandings in the country. some new jersey politicians and animal advocates are blaming wind farm sonar mapping, which is used to build the wind turbines. that technologies was blamed more than 20 years ago after whales with bleeding ears were found in the caribbean. no definitive cause has been determined and noaa says there's no evidence proving the mapping is causing the deaths.
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now the biden administration has plans for 25 more offshore wind projects. new jersey congressman jeff van drew has been outspoken about his concerns about told fox news today every dead whale is a warning that she's should stop the projects. every dead whale is an admission that they do not truly care for the ocean or the millions of citizens that are worried about unknown impacts of air shore wind. the animal version of an autopsy will be performed on the two whales to try to find a cause for their deaths. >> martha: disturbing. lauren, thank you very much. good to see you. thanks for being here. most people just toss a coin in the trevy fountain on a trip to rome. one woman walked in to the fountain to fill up her water bottle. the witness that shot this said there's signs everywhere telling you not to do that. a security guard showed up. the woman apparently didn't understand why she was in trouble. the guard finally took her away.
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i wonder if she was going to drink it or bring it home as a souvenir. this is my question. perhaps she can let us know. all right. thanks for being with us today on a monday. here we go. a whole week ahead. the story goes on. we'll see you tomorrow at 3:00. "your world" starts in a few seconds. thanks for being with us. i'll see you tomorrow. >> can you say with certainty that david weiss is going to unearth any connections between the president and his son's business dealings? >> i'll continue what i've said before. the president was not in business with his son. >> the white house taking its first questions since david weiss was named special counsel in the hunter biden investigation. karine jean-pierre said nothing has changed. we'll ask north carolina republican dan bishop more. welcome. i'm charles payne in for


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