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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  July 31, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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hello, colonial penn? >> this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany, here with my co-host harris faulkner. joining us, tammy bruce and restoring editor and senior fellow for independent women's forum kaylee mcgee white and host of the doug collins podcast. new accusation that the biden
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doj pushed to stop that interview from happening, devin archer, one of hunter biden closest allies, served alongside henry tenon on burisma and helped fund rosemont seneca. devin archer is being interviewed behind closed doors with the house oversight committee. he is expected to talk about his time in business and say if joe biden had any involvement in hunter biden's dealings. meanwhile, the biden department of justice accused of trying to lockup devin archer ahead of today's meeting. i drnt think the federal government worked saturday, they did this is the. they sent a notice calling for devin archer's snsz sentencing
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to be expedited. james comer is calling foul play. >> the letter from the department of justice trying to nudge the judge to go ahead and sentence devin archer for something unrelated to what we'll be talking to him about tomorrow, it is odd it was issued on a saturday and odd it is right before he scheduled to come into have an opportunity to speak in front of the house oversight committee and tell the american people the truth about what went on with burisma. i don't know if this is coincidence or weaponization of the department of justice. >> this is after tuesday appeals court upheld conviction and then the saturday memo comes and archer saying harris through his attorney to be clear, mr. archer does not agree with that
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speculation. >> harris: i have a couple questions, talking off camera, why in the world would they not not only does he come in when he feels like it, nothing they are threatening to do to him for any of those times. you can't lie to congress, okay. my other question, what deal did lawmakers have to get him to come in this fourth time, to keep that promise and what deal did they make to keep him out of prison on saturday. i want to be delicate, people die in prison.
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put somebody who can take down powerful people and stuff can happen. >> all fantastic questions. get to what we're expected to hear today, "new york post," good reporting. this was in dubai, in december 2014, hunter biden having drinks with friends. two ukrainians joined hunter biden and senior executive asked hunter, can you ring your dad. hunter called his father, put him on speaker and introduced the people to joe biden by name. and said words like they need your support and they spoke in vague pleasantries and other interactions, archer is expected
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to testify. that is big, ringing in the vice president. >> it is. call dad. we've talked before. hunter biden is in this position, admission from early 2000 he was a drug addict and had no experience. that is the huge part here. another point and i agree with this question, was it negotiated him not being under oath. it doesn't surprise me they didn't hold him in contempt. they only go after republicans. now the question for democrats, democrats are going to have to answer questions because with treasury issues coming out with money being transferred, seeing
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this, democrats say what do you think about this. >> we are going to see joe biden brought into this and we don't have the full testimony, we'll get the transcript in a few days. vice president joe biden, archer is expected to detail other meetings, including dinner at a restaurant in paris, where hunter got out his phone and performed the same trick two dozen times in archer's presence. he is expected to tell investigators this. joe might be implicated. >> you don't need to do anything other than pleasantries, it is statement alone. you take that call and say hello. for democrats watching this, democrats, grass-roots democrats watching for the first time are
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hearing about it for the first time. legacy media, stenographers have not been briefing them or warning them and suddenly hearing about it when there is this kind of dramatic news and you add betrayal, nobody likes to be lied to, democrats or liberal, you do not want to be lied to. doesn't mean you don't care about your future or your children, you expect the government to be a little weird, it still is. people thinking about john f kennedy, the kennedy past and presence in this race. we knew things were weird, but this is outrageous, with everything involving trump, it was who was doing the bidding for trump? >> kayleigh: could hunter biden have called his dad unwittingly
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and his dad not know he was in a meeting with executives. archer says, according to expected testimony, quarter of the calls, he introduced his father joe biden. >> this man has intimate knowledge of joe biden's dealings, he revealed joe biden was the big guy in e-mails on hunter biden's laptop. democrats in the media have immediately tried to discredit anything devin archer has to say by attacking him and it is because his testimony poses a threat to the president of the united states. this goes to larger point about the doj, if this letter to the court was a normal proceeding based on the 2018 conviction of devin archer, the doj has thoroughly trashed its reputation and can't be trusted to handle basic court proceedings. no one trusted doj to handle this case at all temperature is
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not surprising people are raising questions about the timing. >> doug: last thing, look into, this brings up the issue, remember three or four years ago, we had impeachment over a phone call and we kept bringing this up. shocking that was happening and we were saying, wait, we have joe biden going to say, if you don't fire him, you don't get the money. we were bringing this up. >> harris: the whole world could see it, that was a conference. >> kayleigh: i will be reading this transcript in a few day says. president biden finally acknowledges hunter's little girl and his seventh grandchild in a friday news stump. owners, credit card debt piling up? great news. you can use your va benefit to pay off your high rate credit card debt with a lower rate va home loan from newday. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. so pay off your high rate debt
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>> harris: a long-time employee of president trump's mar-a-lago
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estate made his first court appearance in miami. olivera is being accused of trying to hide evidence. alexandria hoff has more. >> alexandria: the idea was mr. olivera would enter a plea. that did not happen today, he did not have a florida attorney with him. once inside, he requested to have more time local and the judge did grant that. new arraignment date set for august 10. he did have a d.c.-based attorney and that attorney said this. >> it is time for them to put their money where their mouth is. i'm looking forward to seeing what discovery is.
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>> olivera is third charged in the classified document case alongside with donald trump and a valet. the defense says he attempted to delete footage. special counsel jack smith brought three new felony charges against donald trump, willful retention of willful intention and two obstruction accounts. what was obstruction of justice? no tapes were deleted, he turned them over and cooperated. they would like the american public to believe in bogus charges. he told the crowd this. >> they are not indicting me, they are indicting you, what you
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are witnessing is continuation of the single greatest witch hunt of all time. >> plea was not entered today, the judge did advise bond will be set at $100,000, harris. >> harris: president biden timely acknowledging his seventh grandchild, she is four years old now. hunter biden daughter navy joan robert was born in 2018 and her addition to the biden family tree comes after years long case between the first son and child's mom. president biden refused to acknowledge navy as his own grandchild. now he is telling people magazine, our son hunter and navy's mother is working to preserve her privacy as much as
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possible going forward, this is not a political issue, we only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including navy. kayleigh, your thoughts? >> this has got to be the worst thing joe biden has done, destroying a little girl's self-esteem forcing her to grow up knowing her own father and grandfather wanted nothing to do with her until he was criticized by the media, that is a hole she will spend the rest of her life trying to fill. hunter biden went to court to ask so this little girl could not use his last name. think what that does to you when you realize your grandfather was the president of the united states and he did nothing and said nothing. some of the leftist media try to
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spin this and say, well, joe biden can't force hunter biden to be a father, but he can decide to be a grandfather and he didn't until criticized. >> tammy: this was after the plea deal for hunter biden fell apart, horrible news. the future looked strange and suddenly you say this. i think there might be internal polls they are looking at what is harming him. it is more cynical than being criticized. a lot of americans can relate to this, i am product of an affair, never knew my fath er. knowing what this was, even at first his denial he was the father, we know with d.n.a. she is and what their future is going to look like, we don't
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know, ultimately, this speaks to, you are correct, character of the individuals and character of joe biden and it is not good. it is bad. >> harris: makes me wonder if there are any others, integrity is what you are supposed to have, is when people are not watching you. >> doug: hunter goes and i'm trying to figure out all the money transfers, you go to court to get your child support reduced, something is not adding up. you fight against the name, biden didn't bring that up. i've been in politics and i'm cynical many times on this and i believe this was polling. he hsz a hard enough time coming down the steps and figuring out where to go. now i'm a granddad again.
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this past april, he said, i talk to my six grandkids all the time and now you are saying, is she invited to the white house? >> harris: yeah. >> doug: will she get a stocking on the mantel next to the german shepherd or i have acknowledged it, move on, nothing to see here. >> harris: if commander keeps biting people, maybe there will be room. four year olds can read and i will not say what she reads or whether or not she reads online. my kids, one of them were reading way too much, she was really gifted. they are learning to read for the most part and she'll see this as she gets older and the headlines don't change. >> kayleigh: it is not going away for her, the clips live forever. jonathan turley said imagine this little girl going on as she who must not be named.
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that is how navy has had to live his life. no evidence her father ever visited her let alone held her. there is no reason you couldn't have made contact. she wanted to take the biden last name, who was stopping this? polling, i would ges. "new york times" piece comes out july 3rd, truthful piece about navy biden and one line is two people familiar with discussions said aides have been told in strategy meetings bidens have six, not seven grandchildren. who is instructing aides? >> harris: who is asking the questions? maybe people who ask how are things behind the scenes, that is how we discovered aids are
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not happy. >> doug: is it biden or aides? >> >> this pivot comes after "new york times" published a column, july 3, criticizing biden. it goes to the point biden is worried about losing support from his own party members. he didn't care when fox was talking about this, but he did care when "new york times" turned onim had. new illinois bill that would allow nonu.s. citizens to become police officers. defund and put back with illegal? what? that new neighbor is hot! that's my husband... it's the inspire implant. he's not struggling with cpap anymore. all that rest is working wonders for him.
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>> harris: we know after all the defund and all of that, police forces are struggling to find new recruits. the state of illinois is taking controversial step to address that problem. governor prit zker passed bill to allow nonu.s. citizens to become police officer. individual who is not a citizen, but legally authorized to work under federal law is authorized to apply for job of police officer. california has a new law this year that let's noncitizens become police officers. mayor eric adams wanted to let noncitizens and illegals gain access to voting system. >> kayleigh: it is a trend we are seeing across the country. you must be a u.s. citizen to
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become a police officer. this is in illinois and saw it in california, notably, as going to break, two places are defund the police and have been to some extent. curious they are now filling this gap here. this was among 130 laws signed by governor pritzker, this is something that is a good sell, you do it on tuesday, wednesday or thursday. having come from the white house, do it when people tune into work. >> doug: taking out the garage on friday night. >> harris: the federal law in this country actually says you have to be a u.s. citizen to be a police officer or deputy. are states going around that in some legal way? >> doug: it appears that way, we get into this and dig into it more from a legal standpoint.
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trying to enforce the border, yet now look at this. here is an interesting point about this not been brought up. you will have noncitizens arresting citizens, have you thought about that for a second? >> harris: i have now. >> doug: i get some of this, heart of this, it is deeper narr narrative, let's continue to make illegal immigration or immigration pawn in which it is accepted and if you don't accept this, we see it on the southern border right now. >> kaylee: california allows illegal immigrants to get a drivers license and vote.
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requirements are more specific for this. law enforcement is vital function of the state, public service position, you are allowing people who do not have legal ties to our laws, they do not have foundation that ties them to it, allowing them to enforce law as if it is their own. these are privileged positions and there is no doubt it has something to do with recruitment. illinois recruitment gone through the roof, retirement rates spiked by 65% in 2021. >> harris: consider two weekends in july, 73 people were shot. a third of them killed. when you consider that number, who would want to be a police officer in that environment without every tool and everything there and the question is -- go ahead.
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>> tammy: only that speaks to heart of the concern here completely. when dealing with police officer, it is someone who knows the community, maybe born in the community, someone you went to high school with. they will be there with you and your family in the future or at least investment in the community. that helps with treatment and attitude because you are part of the community. there is division when technically you are still, look, you are a foreigner enforcing our laws against someone who is a u.s. citizen, that divides issue of trust. you are not u.s. citizen, that is impact for people becoming new u.s. citizens. this is regarding sovereignty. what is america?
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who is allowed to tell americans what to do? world health organization, the un? if we allow foreigners to be police officers, everything is up for grabs in addition to dynamic with voting and touched on nature, if they are being police officers and paying taxes, may as well be able to vote. >> harris: could this be short cut to asylum? asylum is not tied to work visa. you don't get to come here looking for a better job. however, you become a citizen through this process, i would imagine you have to eventually. >> tammy: we do that with the military, if you prove your worth to the country, in foreign theater in active foreign theater then we agreed you have shown commitment to the nation. there may be attempt and
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completely different dynamic to do the same with this. everything the democrats do, there is a reason, nothing is mistake and attached to larger agenda or wish fantasy about marxist goal and sovereignty, which is threat to world-wide left. >> harris: noncitizens are those in daca and everything else. >> doug: that needs to be solved, president trump talked about that. remind something, people say we are not doing anything in immigration. in 2009 and 2010, when democrats had super majority, they could pass anything and they upgraded banking and healthcare. >> kayleigh: and president trump offered deal on daca, they rejected. >> tammy: too useful.
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>> money. >> harris: elon musk had it with americans bashing the usa, his take on why we should all be proud to be an american. r-o-c-k in the usa, rocking in the usa. ♪ the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google
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also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪
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>> kayleigh: doug collins with the moves. all right. >> doug: scary. >> kayleigh: elon musk is critic of the woke culture impacting life in the united states and taking aim at americans who
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don't seem to love their country. musk spoke with gop vivek ramaswamy during a twitter space interview. >> we should be proud to be american, i certainly am. you know, sometimes it feels like quite a weird anti-american self-destructive element in elite circles, at some colleges and high schools, in a lot of cases they like teaching it is bad to be american. this is insane. >> kayleigh: tammy, i love he uses the words crazy and insane. this social experiment to teach children to hate the country they need the bolt underneath. >> tammy: this country is an idea and things are good, you have to be trained to think that
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you're the problem. this nation, it is a personal nation, it is about individualism, entrepreneurship, free market and you can accomplish what you want to say whachl do you say against that? say everyone is racist, america is bad, america does this to the rest of the world. you have not just colleges now, it is high schools, school boards for k-12 in general that move this through. something is wrong with america. you should be ashamed of yourself. everyone is racist, you should be ashamed of the neighbor, of the country itself. that is way to undermine this nation. the training is weak, house of cards for those who as well spoken at colleges, which i have. they start out angry, you are wrong and bad. two hours, without exception, people's minds are changed.
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the seniors, two hours of direct conversation collapses that and that is why they want censorship. i'm telling you, censorship, good back and forth, it is amazing because the argument of marxism is ridiculous and weak. as long as they can be heard and debates can happen, they can be defeated. with young people, it is happening. >> kayleigh: kaylee, gallup put out a poll and 18% of those 18-24 say they are proud to be american. compare that to just 2013, it was 85%, huge drop. >> kaylee: this is my generation and it is distressing, a lot has to do with pessimism, it is harder to save money, harder to invest and harder to buy a house than for our parents and many
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people strapped with thousands in debt and diluted to thinking they would never have to repay. you are right, it goes to deeper picture here is -- -- we were the one taught to believe we could deny basic facts about human biology and get away with it. we were taught to believe values america stands for. now you have young adults graduating and entering institutions and taking ideas with them. >> kayleigh: it started su subtlety, people were questioning american exceptionalism. >> harris: how long it takes to talk somebody out of their ideas, i imagine that is across
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the board. if we can lose patriotism in two-hour long dialogue, it has to be worth more than that to americans and before i leave this know plaet and i'm decades older than you are, i will do my best to make sure people know it is worth fighting for. >> you are. >> harris: i don't know how we got here so quickly, we can slow this train down with showing people the efficacy of hard work. no offense and i know it is not you, we do stories here on "outnumbered" about the lazy culture upon america, it is like new rash of the day. they want to do things where they can earn absolute cash with absolute little input. you get so much when you work hard and that is who we are as americans. >> doug: i've been sitting here and listening and this one infuriates me.
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certain time and it hasn't happened, subtle in elementary school and high school and college. question everything. question everything, fine. go back to truth and look at it. get truth out there. people are coming to this country longing for freedom and hope. nobody is worried about that in france, england or russia. we were based on an idea, but a house divided against itself will fail. i am tired of this country being judged on exceptions, being judged in a different era and way. i see this in military and serve in the air force, beloved air force and folks come and serve. if we go, the world is in deep trouble. take that one. >> kayleigh: yep, we live in greatest country on earth and that should not be controversial statement. so much for life and marriage,
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>> kayleigh: gen-0 and millennial adults, two in five call marriage out dated tradition and say high cost of weddings is why they are not saying i do and 85% do not feel marriage is necessary anymore. one in four ruled out ever having a baby. nearly 50% say they would rather focus on themselves instead. 47% say financial issues are why they don't want to start a family and 38% blame their worries about the state of the world. doug, what stands out and near lee half who want to focus on themselves and best thing i've done in my life was have my
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babies. >> doug: this is story of commitment and i think that is what we lack is commitment issue. i've been able to perform many weddings and one thing i say is look, this is about commitment, not about a feeling, love is an action, not an emotion. this is where we lose it in commitment. people fall out and get divorced, but it is commitment underlies family and faith. if i cannot have a commitment here, i don't have commitment to work or neighbors, that is secular god. >> kayleigh: i understand worries about finances, that is legitimate, to focus on the selfie instead of creator of self, we have a problem. >> harris: we don't have the fam family-y, it is the selfie.
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matthew 19:6, therefore what god has brought together, we know let not put asunder. if you tear that apart, it makes us weaker as a whole. a loved one can pass away, things sometimes don't work out, those two adults with that family must find way to keep everything together for kids. they might not have to be yolked, don't let them fall apart, society falls. >> kayleigh: what happens if we don't have marriage or kids? >> tammy: remarkable dynamic. think of a lot of people don't like organized religion, but faith is different. it requires need to look beyond
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yourself, and at the core of your questions, if you can't see beyond yourself, faith is difficult. almost a quarter of u.s. children under 18 live with only one parent. compared to the rest of the world, 7% and under, we are at about 23%. comes down to what is modeled? if you don't see a marriage or two parents, or don't see effort to work of how you're being raised, how two adults work together, that is what marriage is through highs and low, you will go on and not think that is necessary sore needs on to exist. it affected me. my mother worked carter years, underemployeed, but never home. i was on my own. it was television and now it is social media and influence in
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other places. >> kayleigh: kaylee, some people choose not to get married or have kids, different strokes for different forecasts, but this seems like societal shift in value. >> kaylee: this is dominant in young adults my age. i got married at 23 and they think why would you do that? it is the best decision i made and i'm thankful i did. young adults have been lead to believe that messenger and commitment hold you back. people are happiest when they pursue marriage and parenthood. a recent survey found 33% of married mothers said they were satisfied with their lives compared to 15% of child lsz young women and 60% of childless women more likely to say they
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experienced loneliness, those numbers speak for themselves. the fact young adult are led to believe they will make them unhappy, that is a lie. >> harris: interesting, i wonder how much was impacted by the recent pandemic and people who were not with anyone, spent that time away. vivek mothery talked about it. >> doug: i want to talk about something more spiritual, loneliness is the way satan separates us, we are lonely to influence and they separate us. >> anecdote is hug of a child. can't believe it. more "outnumbered" in a moment.
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>> part of the whole thing of people not wanting to be themselves it's that simple and grasped the fact he is weird and people are judging him. nobody judges normally a border collie. >> all i say, there is one go dogs, university of georgia. >> he looks real. >> don't forget to set the dvr. >> bill: top 2024 contenders, keeping close tabs on duelling legal effects to have have major implications for presidential bids. good afternoon, hope you had a great weekend. bill hemmer. gillian, nice to see you in d.c. >> gillian: john and sandra both off, this is "america reports." right now, a pivotal witness in the probe of


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