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tv   A Big Independence Day Special  FOX News  July 5, 2023 12:00am-2:00am PDT

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well, that is it for us. we'll see you back here tomorrow, 4th of july, everyone. >> happy fourth, you guys. one. my guys, it's american idol. later on, when got home on thiss day, our founding fatherss, pledge their lives, thei, their sacred small honor. >> a small band of patriots declared that we a people w created equal. a wonderful country was bornulau and a revolutionary idea sentean forth to all mankind. k >> wine dare not forget today
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that we are the heirs of thats first revolution. >> we are the keepers ofof flame of liberty. we hold it high tonighh tot fonr the to see. >> we will safeguard our valueas . we will teach our childrend to cherish and adoreador their o that they can build its future . >> we can make the years ahead the best years our has everne had. there is new ground to bew brokengr and new action to be b taken. america has always been greatest. >> when we dared to be great o together, we are part of one of the greatest story ever told. the story of america the ideals of july four, 1776 still speak l to all humanity, and the revolution declared that day goes on time legend.
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at the time of his death and the statue of liberty is not as shaken or less than a happy happy 4th of july. america, to all of you out out there, welcome to our bige independence day special celebration live herdae in new york city, where it is 80 degrees, very hot and humid. i might just be here tonight with joey jones, carly shimkus, and jimmy fallon. failla anm 2 hours ahead,includ including live performanceins, o guests and, of course, the fireworks. here we go. rk makeand course, what makes you proud to be an american? you're going to hear all the answerm s to those questions from all walks of life this evening. plus, my ver s ty personal jourt to sitting right here tonight to celebrate independence dau ay with you and my friends here.
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and what a journey it was. i can't wait. nashar wi wait to share that wie audience. and, of course, our nation's veterans, a groutions re'm p i' to be a part of, an enormous part of why we're ablewhe able to celebratee in in the land of the free tonight. we'll hear from america's bravest through the generationes and the sacrifices they've made on and off the battlefielde an's and no 4th of july would hot be complete without nathan's famous hot dogdog eating contet where i got a behind the scenes peek at what goes downwn befor m the competition. hey, girl, can you pass my usbuh one on one test? i had busch stadium in saint to grill the biggest fans of america's favorite pastime. see ifs of measure up ahead.>> r but first, we want to talk about about why we love the 4th offavo july, of course, in america. and our favoriteri. and what is there not to likein about celebrating america'sd birthday and reflecting on onlyn positive things about this country. unity and patriotism. favor you get one day a year to do itu and today's the day. oh, it's probably my favoritt ee thing about america is the
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spectacular possibilities of life hers . e. i really mean that. not to get all serious because i look like i get paid ine tr tequil a. but the truth is, everybody sitting here is an incredible story that's only possiblestorsn america. i'm a good example of a guy who was at one point driving a taxia gune. dresse now i'm sitting on a tv setd dressed like an affordable stripper. okay, that doesn'table happen in the wor other parts of the world. but usa, this one's for you, buu baby cali. and i said, welcome to jimmy. okay, just in case you don't really don'tt that's. that's pretty good, jimmy, right there. can i say i'm a little disappointed thau didn't t you bring the glitter thing or the sequins? it was the problem was, if i put on one of my normalut outfits, they would have absolutely thought i drank before this. and i'm nofits te vet. an i did it twice. sure. that i would. you know, i appreciatesaying i t to know how much we love this a country. jimmy and i actually coordinatend id our outfits and this is the best we came up with. i've got a declaration is t of independence. he's got the american flag. we are so happy to be here havingerican so much fun alread i mean, there's people gathered around. want to know who these people ar d aroundnge, what we're talking. we're talking about independence day. i like to say independence
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, not just 4th of july. independence day has an added connotatio n. that means we fought force, independence. and it's a it's a reminder right there in the name whenrthf you celebrate 4th of july, maybe you celebrate freedoms and liberty, but you als je o o celebrate fun, which is a big part of it. independence day is how we get those freedoms., liberties secured, and we get to talk and brag about some of those people tonight to. and obviously, we love independence day because we beatt >> and w the aliens.e no that's real. oh, have to looka. that land og opportunity. it's the land where alarms go offo , but it's the land of a opportunity for someone like me, an immigrantn came to this country at a very young age,engs six years old. i mean, english was not my first language. i usedh first ge, i us to run out ofy my classroom because my english was so badenh . and look at me. here i am i mean, only in america cang somethinhag like that. l how can i bring out the american point? dot english waane and yos not yt language and you speak much better english and still i think you both are good. te te
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okay, well, here inm new york city, i don't appreciate them giving me this this toptopic. the world's top competitive eater, joey chestnut joe, again, but not without some stiff competition from the weather. officials calling off the nathan's hot dog eating eatg men's contest due to torrential storms hitting the coney island area. yeah, but chestnut didn't let soggy weather bloc k him fromgnn his 16th title. the reigning champ urgedo once organizers to save the contest. and he went on to once again rg take home the gold after how uring 62 hot dogs in 10 minutes. this is actually kind of funny how this all went down becauseta . like you said, there was a bigsu thunderstorm that happened. the competition was supposed to happepposed noonn at noon.f a yeah. and all of it got delayed and then allsuddat a sudden wori out that it got canceled. and then there's this picture ol of joey chestnut, and he's like, it's storming. and he like it just blows up. o a bunch of reporters said that h hee was heard saying, i'm goint to get all the guys out here. l thi'm going to do the thing.
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good for him.m or and i don't know if it was him or not, but lo and behold, at 2 p.m., the contest went off. what a leader had an absolutet i leader. i mean, you put him there in the halls of, you know, n joe montana, john elway, joeyut chestnut, man, can we just like point out the obvioue pos, too? like, i love that they're pretending to care about anybody's health and atdog hot eating contest with this rain. somebody might get pneumonia, but go have 83 hot dogs in a minute. what could go wrong for your health? every year why you . i wonder, though, how has nobody else trained hard>>r. to beat the guy who made him somewhat harder? physical anomalyl anom. al you know, also what i thought was funny is i listen to a id podcastodcast couple of days agn and joey chestnut was being interviewed and he did say say t the weather does have an impact on his performance>> on hi got s he said that if it gets too hot, the buns dry out and it'sik hard to eat. if it's cold, the hot dogs with cold, it's hardan to eat. so it was perfect forecast,
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to be like 82 and overcast and it rained. so he didn't do 77, which wasin his goal. but he did. he k abou did still win what youis talked about. incredible. only in america stories. anyonegut rich could do anythin. this is a guy who just got rich and famous eating hot dogs, right? it doesn't go on in the name.>> no, it's a great photo. w one the girls competitioonition. well, only in america. oh, by the way, i will. you're going to see goe the then scenes of coney island and the nathan's hot dog eating competitio hotdon at that, beca i got a sneak peek beforetest the contest started and i tooken some dogs. nice. and i love your hat thank very nice outfit. i love that i saved it. that was a solid in the top.e wk yeah, that was pretty impressive. oh, i actually thought you working at nathan's because you got the same performance review i did last week. okaylast w. g of foo comes as a relief for you. well, speaking of food, every year, the 4th of july, there's s these websites that come out with the most popular item by state. so we have all of our states. i'm new jersey and apparently baked beans are the most popular. most you're from new york. col yeah coleslaw georgia baked beans as well. i don't know i georgif. n
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i believe that i'm just i'm in>c protest texahes i don't know.ld but i think you should convert the audience is in texas. it's a big proud beautiful patriotic state smokedtexas, brm so this is where it'oks at indiana buffalo chicken dinner. we're not talking about indiana, folks. we love our de r p,b we'll putd ca anything in a crock pot and we'll call it a dip. and you know a dip you kno what? it's for dinner. i had a dip last night for dinner. that is ho w roll in indiana and then your new place of residence, washington, washington residen really? or i still claim indiana. indiana's. what is the thing to pay for? i know with all the lobbyists money flying around dc. >> oh, of course. corn. of course. hey,e. can least brn i be cornb? i looked up some other states too. so alaska also girls al, iowa and minnesota, they both said red >>hite and blue fruit. what in the world? i wish i had a googltoe. so it's a sugar cookie top witht cream cheese frosting and fresh berrieoppes to make it look lik>
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the american flag, which i'm pretty. i don't feely bu like. that's barbecue. somebody stuffed the ballot box up. yeah. they don't think that anybody'>s favorite food is really baked beans you not love it but it's an excessive.y. i mean, it's an outside i favorite. it's hot. t's like ait's like an offensivd they don't get the accolades, but they win. i think hot dogs arees but winne the winter ever. so i hit the jackpot when they were like, did you get to coney island? was like, i absolutely can send us your photos. n n yoislandyour 4th of july ph we want to see how you arent t celebrating. celebr send them to 4th of julyat special at foxconn. that'secial at 4th of july, spet foxconn. and we're going to share so the show soy er you can see their picture on tv. oh, that will be verexcitingy. all right.ica' coming up, it is one ofs mo america's most massive patriot act celebrations. and abby horn of seconds getting into its spirit like ngo other. she's in provo, utah, with hundreds of thousands oitf. americans for america's freedom festival. that's next. t. and take a look at thispatrio spectacular display of patriotism from the united states military academti
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y for
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i think you will too. i could be winds of change now . hey, jim. welcome back to ou r bigindepe independence day, special celebration, festivitiesnd day underway all across the country and none bigger than america's a freedom festival in provo, utah. fox nation host abby hornacek,n
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along with hundreds of thousands of others joining in hoon the fun. how's it going, abby? >> oh, it cannot be going it better. we have had an absolute blast over the last several days at freedom fest. this morning we were at the grand parade but,dp there w where there are about 350,000 people in attendance. bu peoplt look, people here in don't just celebrate. on the 4th of july, they start celebratin stg on the first. that's when we went to stadium of fire. there was an f 35 flyover or a performance by journey. and the biggest stadiumt fi fireworks show in the country. but i want to talk about something we didre i night that truly encapsulated the american spirit. take a loot k look. we are celebrating the 4th ofat july in true american fashion im at a rodeo. this is the western stampede rodeo. and before it startsg to, i'm gg to go get a behind the scenes look. rodeo.
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tell me a little bit about this rodeo. so this this is the 68th year that we've had the rodeo here in west jordanin. it's we've gone from handvery tiny town t good sized city that if you have a rope in your hand. i do. think we are going to try this out.e f i think this is one of the mostm importanportant we have in life. absolutely. so will you show me how to do this? sure. okay. >> yeah. you go t it. you're a great teacher. look at that. so this is a saddle bronc horse, right? so red, rosy gilding and sort of. he's ready for if you want to climb on. i would love to do that. you just say outside. all right. >> ts do i lthat>>t. the most advanced thing i'vea done has just been rope a stationary plastic cow.el so this has got to be the mostce advanced thing. we're going to bear race o. >> oh, come on. come on, lucky.
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come on. on, let's go. there we go. don't worry, guys. i'm not competing tonight. r me rodeo is something that's been part of my life for. >> for my entire life. , bubut to have my family involn and then we have our closest friends are hereds with as well. >> and we really. we call it our rodeo family. why do you guys choosemerica to celebrate the 4th of july here? we believe in america. we lov, loved e america, and it's just ' part of what we do. >> beautiful countryreso p. co and we're so proud to fight for it. and the freedom, of courseur, freedom. okay. it all comes down to this. the rodeo is about to starto with mutton busting. that's going to be really fun to watch. scottsdale racing, bug broncos. so much to look forwar d. so here we go.
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half of the points com e fromints you as the rider and your technique and how well you do. and half oy f points actually come from the animal. and so going t you want to clime that's going to it's going to be hard enough to give you the best chance to win. of that's such a special experience. parts a but one of my favorites about that was talking to the gentleman who raised the dirtupr if you know who the sad father is and his role in the super bowl, it's thingr the same this for steve. the coolest part, though, is h e is a vietnam veteran who talked to me about the significance of the rodef heo during the 4th ofro july. take a listen. coming back from, nam, we didn't have that celebration, it'shis kind of helpis kind s ut through those things. so when they raise the flag, it's pretty garagey . so it's fun. and has having is that moment
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that's been special for me and being involved in the rodeor . >> our nation's heroes are truly who are celebratinating on this day because obviously without them, we wouldn't have eedom of the freedoms, the of speech, rea the freedom to come to things like this. themm and i bthank thellk know you guys have been playing soundbites from world war two veterans all show longit. t they truly have such a great perspective on life. perse ont this has been such a e time here, and i think i'm going to end the timlayinge by again. this is called freedom day. so we're celebrating freedom. we'rini hey, what's your name? dave. dave might have to go down. hey, sir. .welcome. we're going to do this. yep. win all right, guys, any tips for dn me? i'm going to i'tf i don't win, then you. you don't have to have me back to your racing game where you have y to feature horse across the line. so i need some tips. ism we i mean, with your athleticism, we all know that you're going to win more than me.
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oh, you're doing good at game time. i don't know. the game is rigged >> abb going. oh, there are. i mean, what's going on here? you know why you can't trust them'em. eep at? e can't trust. thank you for about it. you've got a couple of hoursosi the place closes. she writes about it. i'm going to practice. yeah. shs e. t up it showed us mutton busting. she went up ina weat a weatherns balloon this morning or a regular bowl of hot air , n. o yes, she did. well, abby, thank you so much. that was a fixed game. can we just acknowledge that was a fixed game? because she has a trick shot legend like she's. she's one of those, like, off the airplane. nothing bu t. it's not fair. yeah, that was. i would say it's not fair how talented she is. and also. soul a and sweet. okay, well, 4th of july is, ofnd course, synonymous sweet of coh ho with hot dogs. and what better place to pay homage than nathan's famouhomag. hot eating contest in coney island? >> check it out. ley: w what makes nathan's soha? n arou
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he's been around for 107 years. our hot dogs are madearse today the same as they were in 1916. this is the original flagshi19p of nathan's. the original one original stand was literally right behindhe odd >> how many hot dogs dou you usually sell on the 4th of july? thisy se particular restaurant n sell about on a typical july 4th. >> 10,000 hotdogs. dog >> that's a lot of dog. there is a reason we associate hot dogs with the 4th of july. the nathan's famous 4th of julyd hot dog eating contest. how did nathan's hot doghotdog contest get started? >> according to legends, nathan opened stands and there were a couple of, you know, patrons kind of who's the most patriotic on july 4th. so they said. . all right, let's settle it. that nathan's who beat the most hot dogs. thers settle ie something extrao about a nathan's hot dog? cwhat is it? >> i can't tell you.pecial i think seven people in the worle d know what's in it. it's the same recipe that we've been making it for 107 years.e same >> you want to flip a couple ofr dogs and i would love to write
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. i'm going to wor work.k. >> so tell me how to make a nathan's famous hot dog. okay. all we goto do to is just takeca a breath so we can hop over. you want a nicoldee golden brow? oh, well done. like that. al brl right. and serve. great job with those dogs. is so good. now it's time for me to clock out and have some family fun. this is brock's first amusement park experience. i think he's going to give itt 1 ten out of ten rave reviews. >> there's going to be a lot of patriotic people here on the 4th of july, huh? absolutely. the american dream in coneco thb island. >> it's the perfect man. give us a little bit of history about luna park. it gd it get started? so it's with the birth of amusements starting, the 1800s.e
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we had the first world war coaster ever built in america. >> the 4th of july is very special to you for. er, an a particular reason? i recall being young, my grandfather, my father,d my a is and my mom, my brother. it just had been the first experience of america's c celebratioelebn. can you set usa? usa?! did you? do you love america? yes, of course . >> do you love america? love. it. the >> we love america.ul amen. so what is the 4th of july meanh to you? >> it gives us freedom. you know, my was inthis the military. so is it his home living in gre thisat is country? >> this baby is going to grow to love the 4th of july. well, that was a fun day. ed i how about it? i loved it. and yeah, i god got t. to keep the hat, too.n never given that one up. but it wasbroc funk. to have ful i got to play rollercoasters at.
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all. o >> all the life. yeah, i think it's. i think it's great that you put your newborn on the cyclone. think that was great parenting. i love it. that was just between you and me t t was ju idding h. just kidding. he did not go in hiding, right? all right, guys. veryl jourt. my very, very personal journeyy to becoming a very proudand whnd american and what my family endured to get here. and here's a little more froms fox's visit to america's freedom festival in provto to, utah. and a patriotic performance from the legendary journeypatri >> wow. ooh. is don't you just love this time of year the 4th of july
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can be some people's favorite holidaherey. know it's right up there atw yo the top of the list for me. i just love how can think, th back on the wisdom of our founding fathers, the bravery ofy, the people who first came here, and all the ones who worked together cooperatively as much as we can to keep making this country a placs e of opportunity where you can pursue happiness and succesess and s and then whe can all rely on each other to try to do the right thing. everso happy 4th of july to everybody out there. happy 4th of july, america . >> i know sometimes it seems like we don't have a lot to celebrate, bu t we do. >> take a look around. breathe in the air. blo appreciate all we have in this great country and try nots me to blow your fingers off. >> i love you. what makes mude proud to be anrh american? everything. it doesn'to u ar matter who youe or where you're from. be if you work hard, you persevere. >> you can be whomever you want to be. whomeveo beit is the freedom tu what you want and do what you want and becom.e you are. can
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>> nowhere. july eight. i take it then, that you are ourselves among the afflicted? we don't consider ourselves afflicted. good to see you here. good to see you here. then let's get started. >> denture wears can go while wildly adhesive c by denture seals get strong day hold. thanks to gradual release technology go seven wildly adhesive. sure you remember the jewelry exchange has stackable bands 189 half carat anniversary bands 399 one carat 699 two carat three stone rings, 1490 thousands of gifts guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchange. >> direct. >> the most important document we have in this countrost impoyt even the constitution, although crucirucially important, it's the declaration of independence. it explains why we are who we
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are and whe y this nation,n. particularly this line, we arer endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rightcs . >> it's a line that obamaa an and biden and others cut out of the declaration when they read it. thiswhy read a crucially importt document. >>y impo july 4th. read the declaration. spread the word. >> this is what gives us our liberty in this fantastic country. of >> for millions of proud p immigrants like me all over this country, every single day is independence day. pendencey, my family and i movea to the u.s. when i was just six years old. my father left his very successful old jobr y succ in sm arabia to come here, the land of the free, because he and my mom m wanted to give their kids the best education in the world. the wowell, they quickly realizt would not be easy. my dad, pakistani degrees meant
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nothing here, so he burgers at jack in the box and sold clothes at the j.c. men'sut department just to put a roof over our heads. over. r meantime, put the right values in our heads. she taught us thhe e of prayer and the value of honesty and. but after finishinga a bachelor's degree and just two and a half years, my dad became a respected engineer at general motors, where he is finally, hopefully thinking about retiring. hat is hard work and sacrifice. that is what my parents taughtrr ,and they learned it from their parents who lost everythingo lost refugees. so believe me when i say there e isn't a day goes by that i don't think about how a little brown girl from a third world country who grew up in a very pooa veryr town, indiana, is now somehow sitting here in new york city, living her wildest dreams with my best. if you have drive, if you haveve determined action and you have
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big, big dreams, there is no place better than this shiningi. city on a hill. i think about that all the time. and i am certain 1,000% and certain that every immis, nt american acros the country thinks that every single day. how proud we arear to.e here be an american and how lucky we are to be here. it's incredible and to be sone. welcomed by everyone. i love my family. what i first of all, that made me emotional is there are a bunch of people at home that are experiencing the same emotions. that's a beautifula . and we became fast friends. when you started here atfayo th were some details in there that i didn't know. soo you're covering you're on capitol hill right now. hi and you went to taiwan and you covered the ukraine. p f and you're doing such an incredible job every single step of the way. i i'm proud of you. i can only imagine how your parents feel. efully my pare i'm my parentss e are proud. but i always you know, my bosses here at forefox,x alw
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give them credit. and i was always thanking them alwal them,lways tel like, you have made my wildest dreams come true. i meanmeanu talk, you talk abou, you talk about when i went i haoland, i have traveled all the world for fox and got to cover incredible storie s it' and people. and it just it's a it's a dream. it's a lifs it'e i could have r imagined where, you know, that ims the really the first. conversation we had. it was not really meaning to. but that'sreally mnd kind of tt conversation we had becoming friends. and what's so amazing about is in a place now wherewh everything you cover is through the lens of conservativeere , bo liberal, republican or democrat. but for your story and your and your understandingdemocratr country is through the lens of gratitude and pride. and i hope i hope a and know thateven t you're bringing some of that even to d.c. with the swamp as swampo they as it is to have anyone like you there who's just absolutely gratefult , call yourself an american. i hope some of that rubs off on on some of thos some trying to bring those midwestern values that i learned. and you do. and that's values and thank you for saying thatin we are best friends, because
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for it's a lot less often thathu i got those t-shirts made up. this kind of takes the heat off. yeah, it wasgot reallthost ysh. embarrassing for a few weeks there. it's very funny. i thought that was so beautifur . thank you for sharing that with us. well, there's a there's a really famou u fothat ws building here.ilding someone say it's the most famous building here in the big apple. it's calle h som the d empire state building, marking america'e s birthday with this 4th of july fireworks party that includes own nforgettable of julyfirewo . and our very own alexis mcadams is there aheadmcadam of the spectacle. and i think we're going to cut to her and she's going to telle us about it. there she is. there she is. tell us about her. red hope was about her yes. i saw you guys set utup. when i yeah, it's a pretty good set upw here. i saw yours when i was leaving the building earlier, but i thinilding earht becausek i e because check out this view. we're going to move in a little bit closer. here we arweare athee at the emh building getting ready to watch the country's largest fireworksn . and you can see the skyline here in manhattan. and thise in this ie al is wheu magic is going to happen in just a short time from nowte, 25 minutes of that nonstop fireworks show, which is a bigis
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to america. and what better place to watch it from than wat iconic empire state building. now, looking out here at the 86th floor is just a little bit of what we're going to see here. whng to sere but building is also having a pretty big 4th of july event, giving people panorami bigc views of new york city and annual macy's 4th of july fireworks. wh let'sit into it. what's in store this yearat you guys will for new special effect fw s to watch out for he a mile wide waving flag with red, white and. 30 different colors and shapes will light up the sky this r sky and it's going to be about a thousand feet high over she east rivert high. 60,000 total shells. just to give you an idea ofn id what we're looking wha here, o and there's 102 floors here of the empire state building. it's been named the number one attraction to years in a row by tripadvisor. so why not com rowe and check th out? i'm going to move in here just on this side so you guys can see as weler thil the view of the empire state building off this floor. thisvif th is going to cost $6 million for this fireworks display. so expect big crowds tonight.>>i >> we'll send it back to you. it's going to be amazing. alexa, thankt is you so much.yoe up next, country star chase
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matthew live here on set as weru to the big live fireworks show. here's his song, born for this cause. >> there was a few that didn't even bother with this song. >> boy buried in their bread every day in her say no way performed against me i shall prosper ever return avery to mystic river reading little to the and i heard you say don't lose your faith it is what it is because song you were through this fox nation is forever grateful to those who put this great country first and to show our appreciation. we're continuing to offer all active military and veterans their first year of fox nation for free stream all new shows that celebrate our country that you can only watch on fox nation.
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there's a whole set of stories that have never really been told before. what, you know, the korean war may not be the full story. this was really historic of the cold war. i hear eyewitness accounts from soldiers on the front lines of war was not only my calling, it was my duty to serve my country . plus binge the shows that continue to honor the heroes who helped to protect our nation. if you gave her a command, she would operate off of it. there no place on earth better than the united states of america. and it's worth fighting for it. >> if you're active military or a veteran, go to fox nation .com to receive this special offer. thank you for your service and we hope you enjoy your free year of fox nation. america is streaming and the whole world is wondering what's it going to take to stop this us cheap easy love we mark alex rose bloody ripping a rock star we can get younger players heard he did that go smart we have that time experience
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listen to what you're saying that he's world class what's it going to take to stop this u.s. team. they're more mass precision with scott. good luck with that, i want to partner up with someone who can go viral. wednesday, july 12. create your very own recipe videos for social media and go lights, camera, action and everyone a sense of humor might be different if allowed to make a suggestion. >> so my carolina to take over this sizzling showdown is going to be meme worthy. we did our best, though. we didn't do our best. you guys done. you wantedn.
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because cancer did when it did it, the me i did. >> and so i showed up for this♪ one. the patriotic mission of to towers continues this independence day paying off one mortgages of gold star ath and fallen first responders families. but that's not all. the foundation is alsodation i g a three time purple heart recipient his life bs back withd equipped, smart home. incredible tunnel to towersve w foundation ceo frank sillerit is live with here on the foxt square to tell us a little bitmo more about thi this. ful ho so, yeah, tell us about thisme brand new beautiful home for this recipient and how and howet incredible and what a journey it was to get here. well, as you jus>> welt this grt whatican hero, three purple
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heart, you imagine that what he did for our country and to be able to give him his mortgage free, smartgage fre on independence weekend is meant a loteant him. it meant a lot to him because he you know, joey, he served with so many heroes and we wane wanted to recognize him and thde battle that he went through on the field. but the battle he went through afterwardsward as. well, you know, frankly, we talk a lot about your mission at tunnethl to towers, the folks that you serve, the service members,errs first responders yu and their surviving families. i want to give you a secon secod i talk about how you do it. i know you have great corporate sponsors, buknt there are a lot of men and women at home who send a little bit of money every mont ho send h. se talk about all those millions of americans that support you all. well, we damericans thato have u and hundreds of thousands of americans, and most certainly becaussae of fox news. without a doubt, we couldn't do this work without fox news. that is 100%. and they don't need $11 a month. and moste $1h an of americans co that, i think. and it should be a promise that every american makes tha t, you know, when somebody goes
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to protect us and they give the kids a kiss goodby e, don'tdon' come home. whether they're a first responder or they're a service home, that we're going to ase americans, take care of the families that are left behinamilies d and. s fo and that's the promise that tunnel to towers foundation has made. and we get that doneun thadone with $11 a month. and it's incredible. redible. yand you paid off 31 ms for families in honor ofortgage independence day, and that's more than 31 people. that's family mey members child and their lives are forever changed because of the gift that you gavthve thee them throh donations of people who watch fox news and the generosity of so many. what is it like to do that forle these people who deserve who io much? well, i love talking to the families, but if you see the hat i haveut if yo on, i have all prote the branches who will protect us. so everyct us, service branch to is. i also have in here the fdny ha, the nypd and the ppd, because that's what we were born frofdn sacrifice that was made on september 11, 2001. and what my brother di of thd. m your brother. right. y brother and in the 7000 plus c women have died ever since. and the global war on terrortheo
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but to talk to these families, to let them know that we're there for them, that america is there for them, that we're praying for them, we want to bring some hope and positivityg fo back in their lives and let them know they're not forgotten. and it is veryow, very emotiona. it must be. it's amazing. y: must jimmyit's one of the be about america is this belief that we're all a part of somethinris this allg bigger th ourselves. and it's your foundation, i think, that serves as that serv that everybody watching at home can be a part of that thing and lift peoplt te when they need us the most for that. a big applause from me. a big applause big you thank yoo that. just $11 a month, lucky brother . he had two teeth out. all i'd love you all here. so nice meeting you for the first time. to you as well as you will remember everything that you do? that's right. thanks, frank. okay. we are excitednkng youfran to be joinedy tonight by a rising star in country music. himus new album, come get yourm memory is out now and climbing the charts here with a veryl special performance of my country tis of thee. chase matthew and michael
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trying to the swing land of their memory. >> oh, the ice land wheres my fathers died. >> land of the pilgrim's prideis from man every mountainside, man freed my native country. they land of the greens name. i'm down there like sing rules,
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diamonds and simple dreams. my ma with ram, sir, everything you like there. oh, michael tree to the swing band of liberty land where my father is. >> diamondof. boo boo boos. pride fromilgrim's every mounta >> oh, there ain't freedom. he beautiful, beautiful, bigic independence day special rolls on as america gears ups up fory.
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some big firework shows across the country. you're going to see themr goinge live ahead. >> hey, it's preparing. >> i am proud to be an abecaus american because i'm a loverding history. and i know what the founding fathers went through to makegh i country what people fought and died for, for this countrys . and that there's this eternal optimism inherently inetnamism>r americans. >> that's why i love being one. first of all, happy independence of ens , everybody. happy 4th of july. juat makes me proud to be an american is watching a 4th of july parade, watchinly parg gret veterans march in it, speaking as i often d o, to world war two veterans, and also seeing young people who make proud a to be an american and optimistic about the future of thf ouy so happy 4th of a july freedom and opportunity. two reasons i am proud to be an american. this 4th of july holiday. i am going to spend my timo spem
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celebrating the men and women of our military who defenddefen those freedoms every single day. happy fourth, everybody. >> enjoy. >> do you have trouble hearing conversations? are you constantly asking loved ones to repeat themselves? do you miss out on discussions or talking with friends? then you would benefit from nano hearing aids. don't waste thousands of dollars on expensive hearing aids or settle with the frustration cheap amplifiers. right now you can get two revolutionary nano cic recharge hearing aids regular $794 for just $297 or opt in to our payment plan of four easy payments. >> i love how affordable the nano hearing aids are compared to some hearing aids there as much as three, four, $5,000. >> don't be fooled by. higher priced hearing aids. the cic recharge is a true hearing, not an amplifier. it has rechargeable technology
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are you here to help us with our mission today? >> will they survive? will these five? >> the only one will make it to the end. stars on mars. mondays at eight seven central on fox. >> when america needs answers, brad baer asks the critical questions. why didn't we know anything about the fbi looking to president biden? would you accept a cease fire? why do you want to hold on to those documents? watch special report weeknights at six. >> fair, balanced and still unafraid. >> of course, we love the first amendment because it's all about freedom of speech and we love speec america. we love liberty, we love life. we love the pursuit of happiness. we love being able to celebrate whatever religion we want in this great country. ntryand we thank our soldiers s who fought for those freedoms. >> and it took most of my time . so i'm going to say i love i like love american style. i like the serie e americs and i lovey, the country. i also like our history.
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i love the fac ie t that we wor knickers and now we don't. >> only in america, hamburgers and sweet tea. >> god bless america. god and hey y'all, welcome back to our independence day special and country musisic artist chase matthew performing a beautiful rendition of my countrn ofy of e right here on fox square just moments ago. that's right. >> t hiss album, come get your y is already climbing the charts, makinghart him one of nashvilles biggest newcomers. despite a difficult childhood. d chase matthew joins us now. chase, we alluded to your stor . could you tell us just a little bit about how you went from where you were to where you are nowho where w? man, you know, everybody's ke their own journey, and i think it's one of the things where fighting and keeping your head up and just pushind u all the hard times, man, knowing that you've got a story on the other side of it that can motivatethat can mot peoplee your dreams, you know? and god's got a plan, man. i wouldn't be here without woulb and you say that you want m
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to put morals back in country music. whwhat you mean by that? well, you know, i mean, i think there's a lot of things thate sc peoplear scared to talk about,da you know, and, you know, god changed my life and i was raised at church and i know a lot of people weren't, but i feel like a lot of peopleed ta need to take a chance, a you know, trust the lord and see where he can take you. puo but you rightoof ri where you're supposed to be. i'm walking proof of that right now. and country music definitelyghwn we definitely did bring back god in our songs and not run from the fact the lord is with built this beautiful be honest fox send you out heree to tell me i need. is that what this is about? hey, we all needsus is t. we all need, all right?us. we all need god. lid is so amazing all of our lives and shows up at the perfect moments and takes us through ups and downs and, you know, go through all these different mazes. and at the end we kind of realize and have that ah thea-ha mo moment. okay, i get it. what do you think god was it. teaching you or what did you learn from your experience now that you're sitting hereou with us celebrating 4th of july and you're you've got this amazing careerfourth ou have t w yeah, it's you know, it's it's
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like i said about that, it'si le like it's a big journey. and i think i learned a lot about myself as wellt as . as m and god was trying to tell me, you know, how how strong i amn as my person, you know,f some and bringing myself out of some times where didn't think i would make it through. you know, we've all been there in our lives where we feel like we havoue to ourselves up to gel somewhere. yod, you know,ves it's one of m things really, where if you study yourself in the mirror long enough, you realize, man like, i've got it, i got a future ahead of me. i just got to keep my nose n to the grindstoneee. that's what i learned about you. you know how lucky you are to know thatthat's wha an induse the country music business that can eat you alivu kne, thatcounr you know who you are. yeah. and, you know, and i feel like a lot of peoply nesshat eat youf world have lost, you know, we feve to remember, too, dude, ilf you go every single day feeling like life is just going to beat you up, like ioing t f you go every day thinking, man, lord, i feel like i'm not doing something . right, man. just live your life how you feel, man. and the thing is, i mean, none of us perfect. we might drinkt none oct, we k . we might cuss a little bit, you know? hey, it's 4th of july. we know we're going to have ju party tonight, but we've got
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to keep going. live your life as best you can on that topic. it thire pros 4tudh of a july.>u we're proud to be an american. i'm sure you're proud to be a christian. ch a big part of your story. you're in nashville. how is that being received you'n that sometimes we worry is deluded? hmm. well, you know, i meanis dil, as people that are going to show you a little bit for being prouu d of where you came from and, you know, a whole new standard for yourself, too. r self, toand, you know, i feele i'm not here to make anybody else happy. i'm here happy here to live my journey here, you know? do you know this is yourr tv deg really? before we let you go, what's next for you? you already doo the brand old opry later? >> yeah, grand ole opry. how crazy, right?e so we.s, we just opened up the gates, man. are aby going crazy def on to where this year and definitely turning it up the just bought my first tour bus and kind of run the wheels offer up. so come see us.king we'll be there taking stage. let' s go wearing the boots. u you already know we're here ins, the boots on the 4th of july. and thanks for bringing your music to us. graduation. >> congrations. s all right. hou we got a lot more coming up next hour. jimmy goes to saint louio s. owi
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you your emails and a beautiful firework show in washington, d.c.gton, dc but first, let's go bradley beach, new jersey ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> carley: welcome back to the big independence day special celebration live from new york city. i'm aishah hasnie here with joem jones, carley shimkus and jimmy failla. >> we'll find out how you o celebrate 4th of july. >> carley: at the top of the
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list are veterans, we truly live in the land of the free because of the brave. abby hornacek spoknae with worl war ii veterans in provo, utah, to hear incredible stories. >> i'm so proud of our flag. and i'm -- i'm sorry. i'm so proud of all the kids that died with me. just proud of my country and again, the greatest pride is thinking the young kids who fought, those who survived, as well as those who died. just d a tragedy. >> joey: those s stories need t be told and we are luck and he
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blessed to hear the words from that man. oti wrote a book, "unbroken bon of battle," is available now. itd includes incredible storie of inspiring veterans that haveh been a part of my own journey. i have the privilege of callingr them my friends, not just my brothers. ontre amazing vet is aaron hill we went to eot bomb tech school together and as a chef, he was kept from the he was severely injured by anie d. he is about to run 135-mile racc across death valley, the hardeso foot race inrl the world. he will be the first deaf and li blind person to ever complete it. aaron told me all about the
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upcoming race. >> it starts at death valley and it goes 135 miles to the mount t whitney portalal trail head to e tallest point. and it's 48 hours, more or less. [laughter] >> of hot temperatures and some altitude change, as well. so going to be growing, but it is for a good cause. i like a challenge. >> joey: relying on a coke lar implant, aaron still cooks. see more of my interview with aaron onpi "home of the brave," airing next exhour.ey carley, , who makes you proud?l >> carley: incredible story, thank you for sharing with us. chad, who is with save our a
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al people get out of afghanistan. human suffering has happened because of it, but when the government fails us, there are men and women who are willing to put their lives on the line and go back to clean up the mess., the situation in afghanistan, it is horrific and so many men signed urnp to serve our government as interpreters, whoi we made a promise to and now they are living in hiding.horr it would be more horrific withouopt people like chad. >> joey: chad is amazing. aishah hasnie?om >> gershkovich e, evan bl gershkovich, ie. hope he return
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home quickly as hepr reports all the journalist workinabg in the united states d abroad and all over the world t anhed represents freedom of the press. this is one of the greatest freedoms the united states affords us, it really does not o exist ines the rest of the worl many countries all over the o world. i want to remind efrp, we are going about our daily lives, rememberie the freedoms we have and get to enjoy those here and we lose those when we get on a plane and go all over the world. evan was just doing his job reporting on ukraine and russia and now he's in prison. we should be praying for his return.te >> joey:ly absolutely. >> we absolutely are, i have an. uncle sam, thadeus mccartsky.
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it was a big deal growing up, i lived in levittown, it was built from post-world war ii soldiers returning home. i learned to love this country. it was baked into the cake when were younger, there was swag e towa being part of the thing th was bigger than you. there were momentless where it was about the whole thing. that is what i love about 4th of july. today is day to honor e-plurbus out of one. thank you, uncle sam, for teaching me that. >> carley: people say they have to may taxes to uncle sam, is he benefiting? m >> if he did, pittsburgh pirates would have a much better team. >> carley: he's still alive, that is awesome. >> he goes jogging and i think has out and goes to the bar.
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>> carley: do you go jogging? >> not a lot. if you're watching, this bud's for you. >> carley: we haveyo 4th of jul photos this is from jennifer and her two grandkids. >> she writes, our granddad served in the marine corps and taught us to be proud americans. >> joey: this is willow. from the -- okay, petralia family, happy 4th of july from p willow in adirondack pooch. >> aishah: this is linda. if you look closely, you might see flag shoes. i do, linda. i had flag earrings.g >> carley: this is from joey in new jersey, happy 4th fox
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familia. >> joey: tharet is awesome.e >> carley: chris and friends from long island wishing us a happsendy 4th.>> t >> aishah: keep sending them to us. >> carley: let's check in with f the fox family members, cant wait to see it. >> aishah: that is emily compagno, riding a tractor of s someor sort, like she does. >> carley: i think those are joe concha's kids.look >> carley: i know that because they look like joe. >> that is the heigseth family. >> carley: they are a team. and brian kilmeade's family there. any more? did we run through them? >> joey: i saw this picture on th e gram, awesome picture. >> first picture of clay travis without a beer in his hand is 4th of july.
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>> carley: i believe he was wearing a popsicle shirt.le >> carley: hs e wore that is fo and >> aishah: i could tell that was -- family they have niccae tee. >> they were very i heard we were getting photos from long island, i thought, this could end bad. >> carley: we filter those things out. >> we call it 4th of july.ewor fireworks in the nation's t capitol, right now, let's watch it live. >> here we go. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> a beautiful display in bad to celebrate our nation's 247th birthday more than 700,000 people gathered on the national mall to watch those fireworks and when i interned, i interned at fox news in dc and i lived very close to the national mall got to see that in person and it's an experience i will never forget. >> i haven't experienced it yet i live there now, been there for two years. we should take the show on the road and be there next year how about that. >> if we're going to take on the road let's take it to georgia weaver a nice fair ground and our grand finale isn't that good but it's good. >> jimmy: where i live in new york they've been setting off fireworks for like a month and a half now. i don't know when this became a thing, like the fourth of june, they start sending it off. >> joey: that was spectacular. >> jimmy: up next i hit the ground in st. louis missouri to
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ask fans of america's favorite past time if they really know america. >> can't wait for this. >> who wrote the declaration of independence was it thomas jefferson or george jefferson. is it america or' merica. >> whose barbecue would you rather go to first president george washington or the current president joe ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jimmy: st. louis hosts one of the largest independence day celebrations in the country. ahead of their 140th parade, i paid a visit to check out how they prepare for the big day. >> this is the 140th year of america's birthday parade here in st. louis.
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the theme this year is a better community for all. >> jimmy: i love that. >> it's about bringing the town together. having a great time. archie's our mascot. >> best fire work show in the country framed by the arch, it will be about 25 minutes and there will be thousands and thousands of people on the arch ground. >> jimmy: hey, hey, hey, i am outside of bush stadium in st. louis to find out how they celebrate the greatest country in the world. who wrote the declaration of independence thomas jefferson or george jefferson. >> oh, man, i got hit by a truck. i don't even know. >> thomas jefferson. >> yous girls are good man. >> george declared his independence from weezy said i'm out of here. >> moving on up ♪ >> jimmy: who's fourth of july barbecue would you rather go to the first president george washington, the current
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president joe biden? >> oh, george washington. >> yep. >> you're saying george washington. >> yeah. >> you guys are saying that because he's on the dollar bill. >> george washington and george washington. >> george washington for sure. he knows how to smoke. >> joe biden's having like a halloween barbecue. he doesn't even know it's like july 4th. >> george washington. >> are you worried joe biden might wish you a merry christmas. >> who parties harder on the fourth of july st. louis or new york. >> st. louis. >> probably new york. >> there's a lot of crazy people here but new york has a lot. >> what the hell is wrong with you. >> are you going to play for the cardinals some day. >> yeah, i might get drafted somewhere else, i'm really good. >> i love that. >> i'm kind of a big deal. >> jimmy: is it america or is it 'murica? >> 'murica. >> it's america. >> in missouri you say 'murica. >> give me the dam mic, 'murica.
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>> congratulations you won an all expense paid trip to chick-fil-a on the sunday of your choice. >> oh, wow. >> give me a happy birthday america on three. >> one, two, three. >> happy birthday america. >> happy birthday america. >> happy birthday america! >> jimmy: dude they were so rowdy in st. louis. >> lot of fox fans? >> jimmy: like fox news central. i was was yoiks and cardinals and they were heckling me. >> i love that kid was i want to go where the money goes. >> i didn't have time to show them all but i polled them on america or 'murica, about 99% 'murica. and the big question with who would you rather apologize on the fourth of july somebody who says america or somebody who says 'murica. >> yeah, apostrophe m-u-r-i-c-a.
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>> jimmy: speaking of parties i'm supposed to be off it's fourth of july, i'm starving i'm leaving the set to get food. i just pulled a move. >> joey: i need a hotdog, a hamburger. if you have any ice cream. >> jimmy: i'm leaving. i've made an executive decision during the commercial break. at over. i'll be back. i'm gone. good-bye. >> that's incredible. >> i really want a hotdog. >> jimmy goes to get food, right now the macy's fourth of july fireworks spectacular is underway. alexis mcadams joins us from the empire stated building with an incredible view. hey a lexus. >> wow. >> you can check it out over my shoulder and see this unbelievable fireworks display here in new york city this is one of the biggest, is the biggest in the entire country and we are with a lot of people who really don't want us standing here blocking their view but you can see why people paid big money to be up here on the top of the empire state building to catch a glimpse of this unbelievable view, thousands of hours that went
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into this make think special, a big salute to america here in new york city, it's been going on about five or six minutes, going to continue for about 20 more but millions of people come in just to get a picture of this just to kind of come up here and check it out and you can see why over my shoulder. i can't move off because we can't show the entire thing but it's pretty special. we'll send it back to you >> joey: that's awesome. >> that's better than the ball drop. >> joey: that's a good assignment for the fourth of july. >> that's cool. >> you have to work you might as well work there. >> thank you alexis. >> thank you alexis. >> up next, a key question this fourth of july, what is your favorite all-american movie? we're going to break down the top picks. >> plus talk about a buzz kill why los angeles is cancelling fireworks this year all in the name of climate change. ♪ >> family lawrence jones with special operation wounded
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warriors and we want to wish you a happy fourth of july. but as you celebrate, don't forget the men and women that paid the ultimate sacrifice so you can be free. remember, freedom isn't free. >> america is a country that believes in truth, believes it is worth pursuing, believes individuals can strive together toward a more perfect union. america is quick to defend those who cannot defend themselves and the first to offer a hand to those in need. if you live in america, you have won the lottery of life. ♪ ♪ ♪
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so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? it's the fastest mobile service around. with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only 30 bucks a line per month. that's hundreds in savings a year when you wave bye to the other guys. no wonder xfinity mobile is one of the fastest growing mobile services. you really shouldn't walk out the front door without it. switch today at
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what makes me proud to be snern what do we believe in, god, faith, family, country, the american dream, the idea that you can start anywhere and become anybody, anything, and the only thing that will stop you is yourself. that's what freedom is about. that's what we celebrate. that's what makes every american lucky to be an american and we should all be proud to be an american. >> i'm proud to be an american today and every day because we had really, really wise people
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set up our constitution, our declaration of independence, to ultimately remind us that we get our rights, our essential rights, from on high. the government doesn't give them to us and the government can't take them away. that was genius and revolutionary in its day and it's up to us to keep that promise of protecting them. so happy independence day, everyone. remember, it is america now and forever. ♪ >> jimmy: we got hot dogs. >> we got hot dogs! >> mvp have of this shoot right here jimmy failla. >> he went to three hotdog stands all across new york city to get us five hot dogs. >> i've been cut off at the two places closest to fox. >> i'm going to take both. >> you're done. >> thank you. >> if i'm sweating it's because i had to run four blocks. wardrobe told the guy up front not to serve me, i had to go to
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50th street to get this. >> this is my favorite fourth of july food. >> cheers. >> cheers. >> america. >> we're going to chew and talk at the same time now. we're going to talk about our favorite all american movies so carley we'll start with you. >> carley: my favorite all american movie is the patriot, of course, because it's about the revolutionary war and it's the perfect movie to watch today. if you're staying up late after you watch this show and the next one, watch patriot >> jimmy: mine is rocky four and not just because i'm eating like pauly on the set because pauly's the fat uncle who eats hot dogs and spends rocky's money. i could make a great pauly. >> joey: mine is independence day, isn't it everybody, the aliens came we defeated them. didn't we? we should invite them over to the barbecue. >> joey: the best piece since every president was in reagan was in that movie. hard to believe it's not real.
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mine throws back to an actual hero a general in the united states air force, his name you know him as jimmy or james stewart, mr. smith goes to washington, the whole movie is about pushing back on corruption, the number 2 is road house because any time you drive a monster truck through a car lot. >> i saw that when i was on ma turn tee leave. i think they were making a remake. >> joey: you can't remake road house. >> aishah: i'm surprised nobody picked top gun two. >> jimmy: was a great one. >> aishah: i didn't choose it because somebody else would. >> jimmy: do you want to know why it was popular? because the one movie that no one had to wear a mask. came out post pandemic and it was great. tom cruise is a super hunk. july 4th, leave it to california to ruin the fun. la cancelling at least five fireworks show because of
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environmental concerns. apparently fireworks pollute the ocean, but they aren't concerned about the millions of cars stuck in la traffic. i say this all the time. like if la and gavin newsome specifically really wanted to help the environment make u-hauls electric because there are so many u-hauls fleeing california. >> oh, good. packing up and moving out. >> this is very california and to me it reminds me of the new york city stove, like the pizza oven thing. >> gas stove, yeah. >> is that really going to -- one day of fireworks is going to change things for the environment? there's a lot bigger problems. >> we have patriots in southern california and here in new york city watching tonight, we know you don't live in freedom and we love you anyway, we're celebrating, we hope you make it next year even if they don't let it do in the home town. we can take you to dalton georgia we'll take you to the fairgrounds we have fireworks going on. >> i want to go to dalton
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georgia. >> we have more of your photos, this is jason a flight attendant he says he is happily working to get everyone home for the holiday even if the plane is empty. wow. >> that's why he's so happy he has nobody to put up with. >> this is con tessa's daughter brinley, happy as can be shopping for her favorite part about fourth of july, bomb pop. look how cute. jason got to take his family to gettysburg and he wants everyone to keep history alive today. >> the panorama is amazing there. >> here's eric in nebraska who had to work all day, he's hoping everyone else is able to beat the heat. >> hot one. >> would someone like to read matthew. >> this is matthew working in the va hospital in las vegas for our veterans wishing everyone a great fourth of july. thank you matthew we love you brother. >> jimmy: my girl josephine a is from long island, that's my hood
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aishah. josephine, strong island, says this is her 92nd fourth of july. >> god bless you. >> i deserve that. this one's for long island. >> saving the best for last. >> johnny joey this is for you. >> joey: there were five hot dogs and four of us, i'm sitting here with the fifth one, elbows are up, you know. look at this incredible fireworks display like you've never seen before as our big independence day special celebration live here in new york city continues. stay tuned. be right back. ♪ ♪ >> wa do we love about america? i love frontiersmen and pioneers risk takers and pioneers, i love the american spirit. >> i love the american dream, don't believe it when they tell you it doesn't exist. it's still here, still alive and it's made so many people's lives greater. why people are still clamoring to come to this country in 2023. so happy independence day to everybody. >> happy fourth! ♪
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♪ >> welcome back to our big independence day celebration and back now to provo utah for the nation's biggest stadium fireworks show at the stadium of ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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sky in provo utah and big thank you to abby hornacek who showed us how great provo utah is i didn't know. >> how about the great crew helping us light up fox plaza tonight. >> dealing with the bugs and the heat. >> lot of bugs, lot of humidity. >> we avoided the rain. >> yeah, we did. i had my concerns when they told me who was going to be on set tonight. not going to lie. you guys exceeded my expectations. >> joey: he doesn't mean it. hope you all celebrateed this amazing country's birthday with your family. i got to celebrate it with my fox family almost as good i hope you love this country and today reminded you of it. >> so grateful to be with all of you here reflecting on all the many many positive things this country means to all of us and has provided for all of our lives. you hit the jackpot when you get to be born american. >> jimmy: you have american privilege. >> joey: or work hard to become one. >> yeah. >> we hope you enjoy the show and are spending quality time with your family and loved ones
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and enjoying some time off. enjoy the rest of your night. >> joey: i had my 2.5 hot dogs. up next an inspiring interview with some of america's bravest heroes in a special we call home of the brave. so stay tuned and check it out. >> thank you so much for watching tonight. we are so happy you spent the fourth of july with us. happy independence day and happy


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