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tv   A Big Independence Day Special  FOX News  July 4, 2023 8:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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them, love them, and stand beside them because ultimately the greatness of our country comes down to the people that inhabit it, and what we pass to the next generation. i want to thank you both for everything that you've done and continue to do. thank you, guys. >> that's all we have tonight. we hope you've had a great independence day. god bless our country. ♪ ** ♪ >> on this day our founding fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. >> a small band of patriots declared we were a people created equal. >> a wonderful country was born and a revolutionary idea sent forth to all mankind. >> we dare not forget today,
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that we're the heirs of that first revolution. >> we are the keepers of the flame of liberty. we hold it high for the world to see. >> we'll safeguard our values. we will keep our children to cherish and adore their country so that they can build its future. >> we can make the years ahead the best years our nation has ever had. >> there is new ground to be broken. and new action to be taken. >> america has always been greatest when we dared to be great. >> together, we're part of one of the greatest stories ever told. the story of america. >> the ideals of july 4, 1776, still speak to all humanity. and the revolution declared that day goes on.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> happy, happy fourth of july, america. to all of you out there, welcome to our big independence day special celebration live here in new york city where it is 80 degrees and very hot and humid. i'm here with joey jones, carlie and jimmy. we've got a jam packed two hours ahead including live performances, special guests, and, of course, the fireworks. >> there we go. >> of course, what makes you proud to be an american? you're going to hear all the answers to those questions from all walks of life this evening, plus my very personal journey to hitting right here tonight to celebrate independence day with you and my friends here. >> what a journey it was.
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i can't wait to share that with the audience. of course, our nation's veterans, a group that i'm proud to be part of, an enormous part of why we're able to celebrate in the land of the free tonight. we'll hear from america's bravest through the generations and the sacrifices they have made on and off the battlefield. >> no fourth of july would be complete without nathan's famous hot dog eating contest. i got a behind the scene peek as what goes down before the competition. >> can you pass my history 101 test. i had busch stadium and st. louis, see if you measure up ahead. >> first we want to talk about why we love the fourth of july, of course, in america, and our favorite traditions, and what is there not to like about celebrating america's birthday and reflecting on only positive things about this country. unity and patriotism. you get one day a year to do it and today is the day. . >> it's probably my favorite thing about america is the
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spectacular possibilities of life here. i really mean that not to get all serious because i look like i get paid in tequila, but everybody sitting here is an incredible story of what's only possible in america. at one point i was driving a taxi and now i'm on a tv dressed like an affordable stripper. that doesn't happen in other parts of the world but usa, this is for you. >> welcome to jimmy, just in case you dont's work with him a lot. that's pretty good jimmy. >> can i say i'm a little disappointed that you didn't bring the glitter. >> if i put on one of my normal outfits they would have thought i drank before this and i'm not saying i didn't -- >> i appreciate it. >> if you want to know how much we love this country, jimmy and i actually coordinated our outfits and this is the best we came up with. declaration of independence. he's got the american flag. we're so happy to be here having so much fun. there are people gathered around. we want to know who these people are and what we're talking about. independence day. i like to say independence day,
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not just fourth of july, independence day has an added connotation. that means we fought for independence and it's a reminder right there in the name. when you celebrate fourth of july maybe you celebrate freedoms and liberty but you also celebrate fun which is a big part of it. independence day is how we get those freedoms and liberty secured. >> obviously, we love independence day because we beat the aliens. oh, no, that wasn't real. >> you have no idea. >> the land of opportunity, it's the land where alarms go off, but it's the lands of opportunity for someone like me, an immigrants, who came to this country at a very young age, six years old. english was not my first language. i used to run out of my classroom because my english was so bad, and look at me, here i am now, i mean, only in america can something like that happen. >> can i point out, english was not your first language and you speak much better english. i'm still kind of learning it. >> okay, here in new york city,
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i don't appreciate them giving me this topic, by the way, the world's top competitive eater, joey chestnut wins again but not without some stiff competition from the weather. >> officials calling off the hot dog eating men's contest due to torrential storms hitting the coney island area. >> but chestnut didn't let soggy weather block him from his 16th title. the reigning champ urged organizers to save the contest and he went on once again to take home the gold after devouting 62 hot dogs in just 10 minutes. this is funny how this went down. there was a big thunderstorm that happened. the competition was supposed to happen at noon. and it got delayed and then all of a sudden word got out that it got canceled, and then there is this picture of joey chestnut and he's like -- storming on coney island. >> elbows up. >> a bunch of reporters was heard saying i'm going to get all the guys out here and we're
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going to do this thing. i don't know if it was him or not but lo and behold at 2:00 p.m. the contest went on. >> what a leader. what an absolute leader. you put him there in the halls of, you know, joe montana and john elway, and joey chestnut, man. >> can we just point out the obvious, too, i love that they are pretending to care about anybody's health at a hot dog eating contest. don't worry about this rains, somebody might get pneumonia, but 83 hot dogs what could go wrong with your health? >> why has nobody else trained hard enough to beat the guy? can somebody try harder. >> physical anomaly. >> i listened to a podcast a couple of days ago and joey chestnut was being interviewed and he did say the weather does have an impacts on his performance. >> on his gut. >> because he said if it get too hot the buns dry out and it's hard to eat them. if it's too cold, the hot dogs get cold, it's hard to eat so it was a perfect forecast, 84 and
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rain. he didn't do his goal but he still won. >> you talk about incredible only america's stories. this is a guy who got rich and famous eating hot dogs. >> -- won the girl's competition as well. >> only in america. >> you're going to see the behind the scenes of coney island and the nature than's hot dog eating competition because i got a sneak peek before the contest even started, and i slipped some dogs. >> i love your hat. >> thank you very much. >> that was a solid dozen in the tongs there. that was pretty impressive. >> i thought you were working at nathan's because you got the same performance review as i got last week. >> speaking of food every year on the fourth of july there are websites that come out with the most popular barbecue item by state so we have all of our states. i'm from new jersey and apparently bake beans is the most popular. you're from new york, coleslaw,
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georgia, bake beans as well. >> texas? i don't know, i think you should convert. >> half the audience is in texas. it's a big, proud, beautiful, patriotic state. it's where it's at. >> indiana, buffalo -- let me tell you about indiana, we'll put anything in a crock pot and we'll call it a dip. this is for dinner. i had dip last night for dinner. that's how we roll in indiana. >> and your new place of residence, washington, d.c. >> washington. corn. i still claim indiana. indiana is home. >> with all the lobbyist money flying around d.c. -- >> of course, corn, of course. >> it could at least be corn bread. >> alaska also grows corn. iowa and minnesota, they both said red, white and blue fruit peacock. >> what in the world? >> which i had to google it, a sugar cookie top, to make it look like the american flag. i love those things.
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>> i don't feel like that's barbecue. >> i don't think anybody's favorite food is bake beans. >> isn't that a lot of proteins. >> my favorite is hot dogs. >> it's like an offensive line. they don't get the accolade but they win championships. >> i think hot dogs are everywhere. >> can you go to coney island, i absolutely can. >> we want to see how you're celebrating. send them to fourth of july special at we'll share some of them later in the show so you can see your picture on tv. that will be very exciting. coming up, it's win of america's most massive patriotic celebrations, and abbey horn is getting into the spirit like no other. she's in provo, utah, with hundreds of thousands of americans for america's freedom festival. that's next. >> take look at this spectacular display of patriotism from the united states military academy. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ es cracking] ♪ (tense music) ♪ one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief.
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aleve. who do you take it for? oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to our independence day special celebration. festivities under way all across the country and none bigger than america's freedom festival in provo utah. fox nation host abbey hornacek,
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along with hundreds of others joining in on the fun, how is it going, abbey? >> oh, it could not be going better. we've had an absolute blast over the last several days at freedom fest. this morning we were at the grand parade where there were about 350,000 people in attendance. look, people here in provo don't just celebrate on the fourth of july, they start celebrating on the first. there was an f-35 flyover. a performance by journey and the biggest stadium fireworks show in the country but i want to talk about something we did last night that truly encapsulated the american spirit. take a look. ♪ ♪ >> we're celebrating the fourth of july in true american fashion at a rodeo. this is the western stampede rodeo. before it starts i'm going to go get a book.
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tell me a little bit about this rodeo. >> so this is the 68th year that we've had the rodeo here in west jordan. we've gone from a little tiny town to a fairly good size city now. >> you have a rope in your hand. >> i do. >> we're going to try this out. i think this is one of the most important skills that we have in life. so will you show me how to do this? >> sure. >> okay. >> yes, you got it. >> you're great teacher. look at that. >> this is a saddle horse, a gelding. he's ready for you, if you want to climb on. >> i would love to do that. >> let's do it. >> the most advance thing i've done has just been rope a stationary plastic cow, so this will be the most advanced thing. come on, lucky, come on, lucky.
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there we go. ♪ ♪ >> don't worry, guy, i'm not competing tonight. >> for me, rodeo is something that's been part of my life for my entire life. but to have my family involved, and we have our closest friend here with you as well, we call it our rodeo family. ♪ national anthem ♪ >> why do you choose to celebrate the fourth of july here? >> we believe in america. we love america, and it's just part of what we do. >> it's a beautiful country and we're so proud to fight for it and the freedom, of course, the ♪ ♪ >> okay. it all comes down to this. the rodeo is about to start. that's going to be fun to watch. bucking broncos, so much to look forward to, so here we go.
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>> half of the points come from you as the rider and your technique and how well you do and half of the points actually come from the animal so you want to climb on one that's going to buck hard enough to give you the best chance to win. >> such a special experience but one of my favorite parts about that was talking to the gentleman who raised the dirt. if you know who he is and his role at the super bowl, same thing goes for steve. the coolest part is he's a vietnam veteran who talked to me about the significance of the rodeo during the fourth of july. take a listen. >> coming back from vietnam, we didn't have a celebration, so this kind of he is us to get through those things so when they raise the flag it's pretty dear to our heart. it's fun. having this, at that moment,
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it's been special for me, being involved in the rodeo. >> our nation's heroes are truly who are celebrating on this day because obviously without them, we wouldn't have the freedoms, the freedom of speech, the freedom to come to things like this so we thank them, and i know you guys have been playing sound bytes from world war ii stress, and it's been such a great time here and i'll end the time by playing a game. this is called freedom day so if we're celebrating freedom. what's your name? >> dave. dave might have to go down. we're going to do this. >> all right. guys, any tips for me? if i don't win then you dont's have to have me back. >> is that a horse racing game where you have to get your horse across the line. >> i need some tips. >> abby, with your athleticism
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we know you will win. >> she's good at everything. >> oh -- >> you know, you can't trust them. can't trust them. >> thank you so much. >> you've got a couple of hours until the place closes. >> i'm going to practice. >> she -- she went up in a weather balloon -- an air balloon this morning. >> abby, thank you so much. you're the best. >> that was a fixed game, can we acknowledge, that was a fixed game, these a trick shot legend. off the anne, nothing but net. >> not fair. how talented she is and also beautiful and sweet. okay, fourth of july is, of course, synonymous with hot dogs and what better place to pay homage than nathan's favorite hot dog eating contest in coney island. check it out. ♪ ♪ >> what makes nathan's so
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famous? >> we've been around 107 years. our hot dogs are made the same way as originally. the original stand is behind you. >> how many hot dogs do you usually sell on the fourth of july? >> this particular restaurant we sell on a particular july fourth 10,000 hot dogs. >> that's a lot of dogs. >> there is a reason why we appreciate hot dogs with the fourth of july. >> the nathan's famous fourth of july hot dog eating contest. >> how did the contest get started? >> according to legend, nathan opened his stand and there were a couple of patrons kind of arguing who is the most patriotic on july 4 so they said let's settled it, who can eat the most hot dogs? >> there is something extra special about a nathan's hot dog. what is it? >> i can't tell you. i think seven people in the world know what's in it. it's the same recipe that we've been making for 107 years. do you want to flip a couple of dogs? >> i would love to. >> i would love to.
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>> i'm going to work. >> so tell me how to make a nathan's famous hot dog. >> nice and gold en brown. put it in and serve. ♪ ♪ >> great job with those dogs. ♪ >> now it's time for me to clock out and have some family fun. ♪ ♪ >> i think we're going to give '10 out of 10. >> there will be a lot of patriotic people here on the fourth of july. >> absolutely. on coney island. >> how did it get started? >> starting in the 1800s, we had
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the first roller coaster ever built in america. [laughter] >> the fourth of july is very special to you for a particular reason. >> my grandfather, my father, my mom and my brother, having the first experience of celebration. ♪ ♪ >> can you say usa. >> usa. >> usa. >> usa. >> do you love america? >> yes. >> of course you do. >> do you love america? >> love it. >> we love america. >> amen. >> so what does fourth of july mean to you? >> it means freedom. my brother was in the military. so it's his home. living in this great country. >> this baby is going to grow to love the fourth of july. >> that was a fun day. >> i loved it. and, i got to keep the hat, too. >> never giving that one up. >> did you have fun? >> you got to see roller coasters and all the lights.
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>> i think it's great you put your newborn on the cyclone. >> i think that was great parenting. >> that was just between you and me. >> he did not go on any rides. >> up next, my very, very personal journey to becoming a very proud american and what my family endured to get here. >> here's a little more from fox's visit to america's freedom festival in provo, utah, and a patriotic performance from the legendary journey. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> don't you just love this time
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of year. the fourth of july can be some people's favorite holiday. i know it's right up there at the top of the list for me. i love how you can think back on the wisdom of our founding fathers, the bravery of the first people who came here, and all the ones who worked together cooperatively, as much as we can, to keep making this country a place of opportunity where you can pursue happiness and success, and where we can all rely on each other to try to do the right thing. happy fourth of july to everybody out there. >> happy fourth of july, america. i know sometimes it seems like we don't have a lot to celebrate but we do. take a look around. breathe in the air. appreciate all we have in this great country. and try not to blow your fingers off. i love you. >> what makes me proud to be an american? everything. >> it doesn't matter who you are or where you're from. if you work hard and you persevere, you can be whomever you want to be. it is a freedom to say what you want and do what you want and become who you are.
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in this country is not the constitution. it's the declaration of independence. particularly this line, we're endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights. it's a line that obama and biden and others it can out of the declaration when they read it. this is a crucially important document. july 4, read the declaration. spread the word. this is what gives us our liberty in this fantastic country. ♪ ♪ >> for millions of proud immigrants like me, all over this country, every single day is independence day. truly. my family and i moved to the u.s. when i was just 6 years old. my father left his very successful oil job in saudi arabia to come here, to the land of the free, because he and my mom wanted to give their kids the best education in the world. they quickly realized it would not be easy.
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my dad's pakistani degrees meant nothing here so he flipped burgers at jack in the box and sold clothes at the jcpenney's men's department to put roof over our heads. in the meantime my mother put the value of prayer, and honest and integrity in our heads. after 2 1/2 years my dad became a respected engineer at general motors. hard work and sacrifice, that's what my parents taught me and they learned from it their parents who lost everything as refugees. so believe me when i say, there isn't a day that goes by that i don't think about how a little brown girl from a third world country who grew up in a very poor down in indiana is now somehow sitting here in new york city living her wildest dreams, with my best friends, if you have drive, if you have
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determination, and you have big, big dreams, there is no place better than this shining city upon a hill. i think about that all the time, and i'm certain, a thousand person certain, that every immigrant american across the country thinks that every single day, how proud we are to be an american, and how lucky we are to be here. it's incredible. and to be so welcomed by everyone, i love my fox family. >> first of all, that made me emotional. i'm sure there are a bunch of people at home that are experiencing the same motions. that's a beautiful story. we became fast friends when you started here at fox. there were some details in there that i didn't know so you're on capitol hill right now. >> yes. >> and you went to taiwan, and you covered the ukraine war and you're doing such is an incredible job every single step of the way. i'm proud of you. i can only imagine how your parents feel. >> hopefully my parents are proud but i always, you know, my bosses here at fox i always give
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them credit and i'm always thanking them because i always tell them like, you have made my wildest dreams come true. you talk about taiwan, you talk about when i went to poland. i have traveled all over the world for fox and got to cover incredible stories and people, and it's a dream, a life, that i could never have imagined. >> that was really the first conversation we had. not really meaning to but that was the first conversation we had becoming friends. what's so amazing is you're in a place now referring you cover is through the lens of conservative or liberal, republican or democrat but for your story and your understanding of this country, it's through the lens of gratitude and pride. and i hope, and i know that you're bringing some of that even to d.c., as swampy as it is, to anyone like you there, who is absolutely grateful to call yourself an american. >> and i just want to bring some of those midwest values.
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>> and thank you, takes the heat off the t-shirts i had made. it was embarrassing for a few weeks there. >> that was so beautiful. thank you for sharing that with us. >> there is a famous building here, some say it's the most famous building here in the big apple. it's called the empire state building, marking america with the fourth of july fireworks party. an unforgettable view tonight and our very own mcadams is there ahead of the spectacle and i think we're going to cut to her and she's going to tell us about it. there she is. tell us about it. >> i saw you guys set up. it's a pretty good setup. i saw yours when i was leaving the building earlier. check out this view. we'll move in a little closer. we're at the empire state building. you can see the skyline here in manhattan. this is where all the magic will happen a short time from now. 25 minutes of that nonstop fireworks show which is a big salute to america, and what
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better place to watch it from than this iconic empire state building. now, looking out here at the 86 floors is just a little bit of what we'll see but the empire state building is having a pretty big fourth of july event. annual macy's fourth of july fireworks. what's in store this year, guys? four new special effects to watch out for. a mile wide waving flag. it will be about a thousand feet high over the east river 6000,000 total shells just to give you an idea of what we're looking at. 102 floors here of the empire state building. named the number one attraction two years in a row by trip advisers. why not check that out. we can move on this side, so you can see the view of the empire state building. this will cost $6 million for this fireworks display. so expect big crowds tonight. we'll send it back to you. >> it will be amazing, alexis, thank you so much.
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and 5x food seal. if your mouth could talk, it would ask for... poligrip.
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♪ ♪ >> the patriotic mission of tunnel to towers >> the patriotic mission of tunnel to towers continue thinned pens day paying off 31 mortgages of gold star and fallen first responders' families. but that's not all. the foundation is also now giving a three time purple heart recipient his life back with a fully equipped smart home. incredible. tunnel to towers foundation ceo frank -- is live with us here on the fox square to tell us a politi -- a little bit more about this. tell us how incredible it was and what a journey it was to get here. >> this great american hero, three purple hearts, imagine
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what he did for our country, and to be able to give him his mortgage-free smart home on independence weekend, it's meant a lot to him. because, you know, joey, he served with so many great heroes and we wanted to recognize him and the battle he went through on the field. and the battle he went through afterwards as well. >> thank, we talked a lot about your mission at tunnel to towers. the folks that you served, the service members, first responders, and their surviving families. i want to give you a second to talk about how you do it. i know you have great corporate sponsors but there are a lot of men and women at home who send a little bit of money every month and talk about all those americans who support you all. >> we do have hundreds and hundreds of thus of americans, most certainly because of fox news without a doubt, we couldn't do this work without fox news, a hundred percent, and they donate $11 per month, and most americans can do that, and it should be a promise that every american makes, when someone goes to protect us and
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they give the kids a kiss goodbye and they don't come how many, that, as americans, we're going to take care of their families left behind. that's the project that the tunnel to towers foundation has made and we get that done with -- $11 per month. >> that's family members, and children, and their lives that were forever changed because of donations from people who watch fox news and the generosity of so many. what is it like to do that who deserve it so much. >> i love talking to the families but if you see the hat i have on. i have all the branches who protect us, every service branch there is. i also have in here the fdny, because that's where we were born from, the sacrifice that was made on 9/11/2021.
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to let these families know that america is there for them, praying for them, and some positivity back into their lives and let them know they are not forgotten. >> there is this belief that wore all part of something bigger than ourselves and a reminder to everybody at home watching that they can be part of it. so for that a big applause from me. >> just $11 per month. >> love you, brother. >> so nice meeting you for the first time. >> you, too, as well. >> thank you for everything that you do. >> absolutely. thanks, frank. we're excited to be joined tonight by a rising star in country music. >> his new album is out now and climbing the charts. >> here with a very special performance of my country tis of thee, chase matthew.
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♪ ♪ ♪ my country tis of thee ♪ ♪ sweet land of liberty of thee i sing ♪ ♪ land where my fathers died ♪ ♪ land of the pilgrim's pride ♪ ♪ from every mountainside ♪ ♪ let freedom reign ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ my native country, thee ♪ ♪ land of the noble free ♪ ♪ thy name i love ♪ ♪ i love thy rocks and rilles ♪ ♪ thy woods and templed hills ♪ ♪ my heart with rapture fills ♪ ♪ like that above ♪ ♪ let music swell the breeze ♪ ♪ and ring from all the trees ♪ sweet freedom's song ♪ ♪ let mortal tongs awake ♪ ♪ let all that breathe partake ♪ ♪ let rocks their silence break ♪ let freedom rein ♪ >> beautiful, beautiful, the big independence day special rolls on as america gears up for some
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big fireworks show across the country. we'll see them right here live ahead. >> it's bret baier in washington. >> fans, in washington, i'm proud to be an american because i'm a lover of history, and i know what the founding fathers went through to make this country what people fought and died for, for this country. there is this eternal optimism inherently in america. >> first of all, happy independence day, everybody, happy fourth of july. what makes me proud to be an american is watching a fourth of july parade. watching our great veterans march in it. speaking as i often do to world war ii veterans, and also seeing young people who make me proud to be an american and optimistic about the future of our country. happy fourth of july. >> freedom and opportunity, two reasons i am proud to be an american. and this fourth of july holiday, i'm going to spend my time celebrating the men and women of
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our military who defend those freedoms every single day. happy fourth, everybody. enjoy. ♪ ♪ (vo) when someone is diagnosed with cancer, they need support. subaru and our retailers are there to help... by providing blankets for comfort and warmth and encouraging messages of hope to help support nearly three hundred thousand patients facing cancer nationwide. we call it “the subaru love promise.” and we're proud to be the largest automotive donor to the leukemia and lymphoma society. subaru. more than a car company.
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>> o ♪ o ♪ >> of course, we love the first amendment because it's all about freedom of speech. >> and we love america, we love liberty, we love life, we love the pursuit of happiness. we love being able to celebrate whatever religion we practice, and we thank the soldiers who fought for those freedoms. >> i like love american-style. i like the series, and i love
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the fact that we wore knickers and now we don't. only in america. >> hamburgers and sweet tea. god bless america. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to our independence day special and country music artist chase matthew performing his beautiful rendition of my country tis just moments ago. >> come get your memories, is already climbing the charts making him one of nashville's biggest newcomers despite a difficult childhood. >> chase matthew joins us. chase, we alluded to your story. can you tell us a little bit about where you were to where you are now. >> everybody is on their own journey. fighting and keeping your head up and just pushing through the hard times knowing that you've got a story on the other side that can motivate people to chase their dreams. got has a plan, man, i wouldn't be here without him. >> you say you want to put
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morals back in country music. what do you mean by that? >> i think there are a lot of things that people are scared to talk about. god changed my life and i was raised in church. i know a lot of people weren't, but i feel like a lot of people need to take a chance and trust the lord and when you do he'll put you right where you're supposed to be. i'm living proof of that bring god back in our songs and not rung from the fact that the lord will build us. >> be honest, did fox send you out here to tell you i need jesus. >> we all need jesus, we all need him. >> god is so amazing in all of our lives and shows up at the perfect moment and takes us through ups and downs, and, you know, we go through all these different maizes, and at the end we realize and have that aha moment, i get it what did you think god was teaching you or what did you learn from your experience as you're celebrating with us the fourth of july and you've got this amazing career
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now. >> you know, like i said earlier, it's a big journey. i think i learned a lot about myself, god was telling me how strong i was as a person and bringing me through some times where i didn't feel like i would make it. we have to beat ourselves up to get somewhere, it's one of those things where if you stare at yourself long enough in the mirror you think, i've got a future ahead of me, i've just got to keep my nose to the grind stone. >> do you know how lucky you are to know that in an industry like the country music business that can eat you alive, that you know who you are. >> yes, and i feel like a lot of people in this world are lost. we have to remember, too, dude, if you go every single day feeling like life is just going to beat you up, if you go every day thinking, man, lord, i feel like i'm not doing something right, man, just live your life how you feel. the thing is none of us is per fendt. we might drink a little bit. customer a little bit, it's fourths of july, we know we're going to have a party but live your life as best you can.
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>> on that topic, it is the fourths of july, we're proud to be an american. >> you're proud to be a christian. that's a big part of your story. you're in nashville. how is that received by an industry that we sometimes worry is deluded? >> there are always people that will shun you a little bit for being proud of where you kale from and holding a standard for yourself and i feel like, i'm not here to make anybody else happy. i'm here to live my dream. >> this is your tv debut. before we let you go what's next for you? the grand ole opry? >> how crazy, right? we just opened up the gates, map, we're absolutely going crazy on tour this year, and definitely turning it up. just bought my first tour bus, and we're going to run the wheels off of it. come see us. >> we'll be there taking stage dives. >> wear the boots. thanks for bringing your music to us. congratulations. >> we've got a lot more coming up next next hour. jimmy goes to st. louis.
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you were emailed a beautiful fireworks show in washington, d.c. but first let's go to bradley beach, new jersey. ♪ cycle musical ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big independence day special celebration live from new york city. i am action a with my friend johnny joey jones, carley shimkus, and jimmy. >> we will take you through cities across america to find out how you celebrate fourth of july. >> but first there are so many men and women who make us proud to be americans, at the top of
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the list are veterans. we live in the land of the free because of the brave, here speaking with world war ii veterans in utah, to hear their incredible stories. >> i'm so proud of our flag, a and -- [gasping] and i am so proud of all that have died with me. it just -- proud of my country and again, the greatest in thinking the kids who have fought, those that survived as well as those that died. it just, it's a tragedy. >> those stories need to be told and need to be documented. we are lucky. we are absolutely blessed to
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hear the words from that man. i wrote a book "a broken bonds and battles" available now. and the reason i want you to read it is it includes incredible stories. and stories of inspiring veterans that have really been a coherent part of my own journey. i really have the privilege of calling them my friends, not just my brothers. one of those amazing vets is truly incredible, his name is aaron hill, we went to bomb tech school together, and after a career that has a shift he wanted to be closer to the front lines and join the army to take bombs apart. he was injured in afghanistan by an iud, but his injuries have not slowed them down. he has sped up. he has about to run 135-mile race across death valley, the hardest foot race almost in the world. he will be the first 100% blind and deaf person to ever complete it. and told me all about the
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upcoming race. >> battle won 35 starts at death valley, and it goes 135 miles to the mount whitney portal, just the trailhead the tallest point and it is a 48 hours or less. of some hot temperatures and you know, some altitude changes as well. so it's going to be grueling, but it's for a good cause and i like a challenge. >> relying on a cochlear implant, he he still cooks. you can see more of my interview with aaron and inspiring veterans on "home of the brave" airing next hour. who makes you proud? >> first of all that's an incredible story and thank you for sharing with us pretty want to highlight to the cofounder of save our allies and extra dated thousands people from
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afghanistan, the way that we withdrew from afghanistan was a catastrophic error and so much of human suffering has happened because of it, but when our government fails us, there are men and women who are willing to pute
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whether we get on a plane and go somewhere else all over the world and evan was just doing his job reporting and sending the truth to the rest of the world what was going on in ukraine and russia and now he is in prison. so we should all be collectively praying for his return. >> joey: absolutely iewe absolutely are. i have an uncle sam. his name is thaddeus, he's 96 years old. he's a world war ii veteran. he actually served in general macarthur's honor guard. it was a big deal to us growing
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up because i lived in levittown which was the first suburb in a lot of ways built for post world war ii veterans built houses using the gi bill, drank beer swam in inground pools played whiffle ball but it was there i learned to love this country. there was something baked into the cake that there was a swag to be part of this thing that was bigger than you. life wasn't about the graham or your feed, there were moments that was about the whole thing and that's what i love about the fourth of july, today is the day to honor out of many one, but it's the whole thing that counts here in america and thank you uncle sam for teaching me that. >> a lot of people say they have to pay have to pay their taxes to uncle sam. he is he benefiting from that? y un>> they had the pittsburgh pirates that would have a much better team. he lives iuld n ambridge, pennsylvania. a >>li and uncle sam is demoraliz, us. he goes jogging and hangs out. he still goes to the bar. >> do a lot of you go jogging.n.
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if you are watching, this is for you. >> we have some fourth of july photos that wed would show, anm here they are.d this is from jennifer and her two grandkids. >> she writes, our granddad served in the marine corps and taught us to be proud americans. >> nice. >> i l i love it. >> and right there. >> this is willow, and happyy fo fourth of july from willow and adirondack, patriot. >> love to see it. this iw s from linda from new york, sent a picture of her homemade flag cake. where is her piece?cl anosd if you look closely you might see flag shoes. and oh, yes, i do, linda. i have flag earrings. >> and this is from joey in new jersey. and he writen s happy fourth.nk >> thank you, joey y family.
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>> and here is chris from long island, they are wishingju all of us a happy fourth of july fourth of july. >> happyam. fourth of july. t and keep sending them to us. >> now let's check in to see what some members of our fox family are looking at this fourth of july. we can't wait to see it. that is emily compagno writing a tractor of some sort as she d does. and -- are>> i think that those are joe concha's kids. you want to know how i know? they look exactly like joe. >> this is the pete hegseth clan. doing the family olympics. >> they are. and that's the sports team. >> ryan kelly's family right there. and are there anymore? >> oh, i saw this picture on thi 'gram. it's so great. >> that's the first picture i've seen without a beer in his hand to the fourth of july. >> i believe that he was wearing
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a popsicle shirt. >> he had the firecracker popsicle shirts. > h he wore that onia "fox & friends."eade >> you know how i could tell that was their family? jus they had nice teeth.from white nice teeth. >> w whoe have to commend everyy from long island who sent in a o photo, they were very presentable. as someoneinut who grew up on long island, the minute i heard we were getting photos from long island on the for the july lli was like, this could and ba >> we do have a producer to filter thosese things out. >> my people go hard. we>> call it the point fourth of july. >> we have fireworks goi going f in the nation's capital right now, so let's watch it live. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> big beautiful display in washington, d.c., to celebrate the 247th birthday. m moreor than 700,000 people gathered on the national mall to watch as fireworks. and when i was an intern at fox news in d.c. and i livedgot very close to the national mall i got to see that in person and it's al nen experience i will nr forget. >> i live there now. been there for two wes. should take the show on the road and be there next year. how about that. >> we will take it on the road, let's go to georgia, we have a nice little fairground on the grand finale is not quite that good, but it's good. >> i am from new york and they have been setting off fireworks were like month and a half. >> -- >> what's next? >>up n up next i hit the groundn st. louis, missouri, to ask fans
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of america's favorite past time if they really know america. ♪ ♪ >>aifo can't wait for this. >>lara who wrote the declaratiof independence? was it thomas jefferson or george jefferson? >> is it america or -- whose fourth of july barbecue would you rather ge woo to, george washington or the current president joe biden? m [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪other my kids are sports kids. we're always running from one activity to another. i'm still tonya, and i got botox® cosmetic, and this is like the first thing i've done for me in a really, really long time. my life is still crazy, it's just as full as it was before. just with less lines. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing,
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how can you sleep on such a firm setting? gab, mine is almost the same as yours. almost is just another word for not as good as mine. the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is now only $899. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. shop now only at sleep number. splash into savings with our 4th of july sale. blendjet gives you ice-crushing, big blender power on-the-go,
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so you can soak up the sun with a frosty beverage. enjoy 15+ blends before rapidly recharging via usb-c. and it even cleans itself with a drop of soap and water. stand out even when you're accidentally twinning with our kaleidoscope of colors. don■t miss out on our best deal of the summer. visit to order yours. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> st. louis hosts one of the largest independence day40th celebrations in the country ahead of their 140th parade, i paidth a visit to check out how they prepare for the big dayhi.t >>hd the 247th year of the
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birthday parade, the theme is ay better: community for all. and it's all about bringing the town together, so we are having a great time.>> >> best firework bs show in the country. and framed by the arch it will be about 25 minutes and there will be thousands and thousands of people on the arch grounds. >> i am outside of busch stadium here in st. louis to find out how they'd celebrate the fin greatest country in the world. ♪d ♪orge who wrote the declaration of independence? thomas jefferson jeffers or geoe jefferson? i ti got hit by a truck i don' even know. >> thomas jefferson. these girls are good. >> george declared his independence, he said baby i'm out of ou out of here. >>on u moving on up! > j who is >> whose fourth of july barbecue wouldrs you rather gt o to? the first president
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george washington, the currente president joe biden? >>shin george washington pressu. >>ng t i will say george washin. >> you are saying that because he's on the dollar bill. t >> george washington and george washington. >> george washington for he knows how to smoke. >> joe biden is having a halloween barbecue. he does not know that it's the july 4th. >> if he wishes you a merry christmas? >> merry christmas, happy holidays. >> who party is harder st. louiy or new york? >> st. louis. st. louis. >>f new york. there are a lot of crazy people here, but probably new york. >> will yoayu play for theh, cardinal someday? >> i might get drafted somewhere else, i'm really good.>> >> i love that. ♪ ♪ i >> is it america, or is it 'merica? >> 'merica. >> it's america. >> in missouri you say it
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'merica. >> you just won an all expense paid trip to chick-fil-a on theo sunday oicf her choice.e oh, wow. >> give me a happy birthday america on h parisap. one, two, three. >> happy birthday america! >> happy birthday, america! >> dude, they were so rowdy and st. louis. it's like fox news headquarters. i was getting a head because i was watching for the cardinals, and they wers e heckling me liki was a player.wa >>s i love that. >> i love that that kid was like i'm going to go where the money goes. >> i will be whoever i need to be. s >> did not have enough time, but i have pulled them on if it was america or 'merica. and it's 90% 'merica. w whito would you rather party wiu somebody says america or somebody says 'merica? we know the answer. >> 'merica.
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>> speaking the parties, i'm supposed ti'o be off, it is the fourth of july and i'm starving, i'm leaving the set tole get fo. i just pulled the move. >> i need a hot dog and a hamburger. >> are you taking orders? >> i'm leavingdu. i made an executive decision. it's over.ll goodbye. >> that's incredible. >> i really want a hotdog. >> while he does that and gets its food right now, the macy'srs fourth of july fireworks spectacular is underway. alexis mcadams joined us. live t from thehe empire state building h anwith an incredible view.he >> hi, alexis. >> you can check it out over mysh shoulder and youou can see thisk unbelievable fireworks c display here in new york city.d we this is the biggest in the entire country and we are with a lot of people who really don't want to stand here because we are blocking their view.ey but they pay big money to be upu here at thile top, and this is thousands of hours that went
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into this to really make it that pea special ancid it's a big sae to america here in new york city.s beut f and it has been going on for about five or 6 minutes and ison going to continue for 20 more.p and just to get a picture of this y and to come up here and check it out. so you can see why over myow t shoulder i can't move off can't show the entire'll thing, but it's pretty special. we will send it back to you. >> that's better than the ball drop. >> that's a good assignment for the fourth of july. >> that's cool, you have to worr you might as well work there. >> thank you for bringing us thoslexie images, alexis. >> a key question this fourth of july, what is your favorite all-american movie? we will break down the topic. plus talk about a buzz kill, while los angeles is canceling fireworks this year,work all ine name of climate change. ♪ ♪ >> family lawrence jones with special operatio >>unde hey, families, it's
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lawrence jones with wounded warriors and we want to wish you a happy fourth of july. as you celebrate, don't forget the men and women that paid the ultimate sacrifice so that you could be for you remember, freedom is not free. >> america believes in truth and believes it is worth pursuing, believes individuals can strive together towards a more perfectt union, americaho is quick to and defend those who cannot defend themselves and o the first to h to those in need. if you live in america, you have won the lottery of life. ♪ ♪ your bug spray should take out bugs, not keep out people. unlike other sprays that stick around, zevo goes from kill to clean in just seconds, plus it's safe for use around people and pets. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. beach defense®, from neutrogena® more protection. more sun. more joy. the suncare brand used most by dermatologists
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for themselves and their families. vital protection for all your days in the sun with neutrogena® beach defense®.
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♪ ♪ >> what makes me proud to be americansn, what dero we believ? god, faith, family, country, the idea that you can start anywhere anbed become anybody, anything d the only thing that will stopt you is's that's what freedom is about. that's what we celebrate. that's what makes every american lucky to be an american and we should all be proud to be d toamerican. d to be an american today and every day, because we hareald really, really wise peoe
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set up our constitution, our declaration of independence, tor ultimately remind us that we gem our rights, are essential rightn from on high. the government does not give them to us. and thke te government cannot te them away. that was genius and revolutionary in its day. d it's up to us to keep thatepen promise of protecting so, happy independence day, everyone. remember it is in america and forever. ♪ ♪ >> we've got hot dogs. >> mvp of the shoot right here,. take one and pass it down. >> to three hot dog stands all across new york city to get us five hot dogs. >> i've been cut off at the two places closest. youl take both when you're done. >> if i'm sweating it's because i had to run for blocks. they told mean not to get served
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anymore. i had to go through.>> >> this is my favorite. >> cheers. >> america. >> i doubt that works. >>we'r we will chew and talk ate same time now. >>es s we will talk about hers all-american movie. >> my favorite is "to the patriot" because without theluti revolutionary war" it is theh th perfect movie to watch today. so after you watch the show in the next one, watch "the pat patriot." >>g li minus "rocky iv" and not because i' paum eating like paue onset. i could be a great polly, can i make it? i nominate myself. >> mine is "independence day" is in it everybody's? the we defeated them, didn't we?o >> the best.e >> it is the best. >>ue. the best depiction of rean waots in that movie.
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>> mentor is a back to an actual hero, a general and you know him as james stewart , he started in "mr. smith goes to washington" and the whole movie is about pushing back , car abruption. and my number two was "roadhouse" anytime you drop a monster truck through an airport is pretty american stuff.uc >> i saw that on maternity leave. yes, i think that they are makingma a remake or they did me i tha remake.em >>ak you can't remake "roadhous" i'm surprised that nobody picke "top gun 2" i did not because io thought someone else would. >> you wanmet to know why it was popular? it was the one plane movie where people were not forced to wear a there were like i love this. movie!os it's great. super hunk. nothing is more american then a firework show on july 4th.r leave it to california to ruine the fun. come on! l.a. canceling at least five
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firework shows because of environmental concerns.ew apparently fireworksor pollute e ocean, and they are concerned aboue mit the millions of cars k in l.asay . traffic, i say thisl the time, l.a. and gavin newsom specifically wanted to help th e environment, make you hallsec electric, they areau so many new holes fleeing california. i mean, seriously. >> backing it up and moving it out. it feels very california to me. and it reminds me of theng. new york city stove pizza ovenl thing. it's like is that going to put one day a fireworks is going t change things for thegg environment?er >> we are patriots in p southern california and here in new york city that are watching us tonight a and we know that y don't live in freedom, but weve love you y anyway and we are celebrating. and i hope that you are able tom get to some fireworks next year even if theyf th don't like youo it in your hometown. you can come out to alton georgia.a t >> that sounds like a euphemism. >> i want to go to georgia!
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>> we have more of your m fourth of july photos we wanorto look at. this is jasos jason. he says he is happily working to get everyone and their family home for theto holiday.wo even iw.f the plane is empty. >> that's why he is happy.hi he has nobody to put up with. >> this is grimly, happy as can be, shopping for her favoritee part opaf fourth of july which s bomb pops! p look at how cute she is! jason got to take his family to gettysburg. that's awesome and he wants everyone to see history alive today. >> the panorama is amazing. >> here is eric and nebraska who had to work on the farm all dayo hoping that everyonepi else was able to be able to enjoy. s inom a very hot one. >> this is matthew working from the va hospital in las vegas for veterans wishing everyone a t fourth of july. : >> my girl, joseph came from long island. >> josephine from strong island
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says that this is her 92nd fourth of july. >> god bless you. >> youod should make the last hotdog. lonis>> saving the best for la. >>joey josephine, this is for y. >> there were five hot dogs and four of us, i'm sitting with the pit one open, elbows up. look at this, and incrediblefire fireworks display like you've never seen before the bigli independence dayve specialst celebration live in new york city continues. stay rightht back.>> >> what do we love about america? >> i love frontiersmen empiree nears, risk takers,ri entrepreneurs. t.>>i love the american spirit. >> i love the american dream, don' telt believe it when they t you it's does not exist. it's still here and alive and has made so many people's livese greater. it's why people are clamoring to come to this country in 2023. so happy independence day to everybody. >> happy fourth. ♪ ♪
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oh yeah, that is them. (that is howard) yeah, that's on howard's campus. ohhh, she's so powerful, she carried on the family legacy. we were blown away. (chuckles) i not only was a student and an undergrad, but i've been a professor there for twenty years, so it's really a special moment to know that i had a family member who over a hundred years prior have walk these grounds. it's deeply uplifting. yes, it is. we're walking in their footsteps. this is your summer to smile. to raise your glass and reconnect. to reel in the fun and serve up great times. to help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic summer of smiles event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while these summer savings won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today.
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the long-lasting scent of gain flings made it smell like dave was in his happy place... ...the massage chair at the mall. but...he wasn't. gain flings with oxi boost and febreze.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big independence day celebration, and back to utah for the biggest stadium firework show at the stadium of fire. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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fireworks lighting up the sky and utah, and a big thank you showinekg us how great to utah o i did not know. >> and what about this crew for lighting up fox plaza, fantastic job. and honestly, a lot of bugs anda humidity. >> win. e avoided the rain. >> we did. t i had my concerns when they said who was going to be onset. l i'm not going to lie.. you exceeded my expectations. >> i hope that you celebrated this amazing c country's birthdy with your family and i got to spend it with my fox family,eleb almost as good. ant d i hope that you love thiso country. >> i jusdat feel so grateful to here with all of you celebratinf america. reflecting on all of the many, many positive things in this country and what it means to all of us and has provided for ourjk lives. you hit the jackpot. you get to be born american. >> you have american privilege. >> you get it right here. y >>ou you make t your way here. >> we hope you enjoyhe the showy and we hope you're spending your quality time with your
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family and your loved onese rest and enjoying some time off. enjoy the rest of your night. i had my two and a halfup nex hot dogs. up next is an inspiring interviet anw with some of america's bravest heroes in a special we call home of the brave. so stay tuned and check it out. thank you so much for watching tonight. we are so happy you spent happy the 4th of july with us. happy independence day. and happy birthday, america. >> good evening. i'm pete hegseth. and tonight, fox newsand to is celebrating independence day by honoring americans that makek this country great. th who put itd women all on the line for us. >> there have been countless patriots going all the way back to 1775 on bridges in lexington and concorts goingd. heroes willing to sacrifice themselves for a basic principle that we shouldiv


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