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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 28, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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mother's day. happy mother's day! ♪ allergies don't have to be scary. (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain? and the congestion that causes it! flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good! >> can you explain? >> it is inn tirely normal. >> president biden's approval rating hitting an all-time low as he kickstarts reelection bid. >> when the direction of the company is not going in the right direction, look at who is in office and you might make a change. >> three dead and another hurt. >> soldiers returning from a training exercise when two helicopters collided. >> get to the bottom of it. >> on the rise nationwide. >> target stores have put
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shelves of inventory behind lock. >> ask you to run right with me. >> democratic senator joe manchin up for reelection. >> i lost one, won't lose another one. >> new york jets, jets, jets, jets, select will mcdonald. >> let's go. ♪ ♪ >> brian: felony counts of falsifying records conflicted by the lyrics because working for the weekend. >> steve: that is what we're doing. >> brian: what we're looking forward to. i know people very well that work through the weekend.
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if i feel too happy and elbulient, it will be at the cost -- >> steve: would you rather work the weekends or work the weekday? >> brian: i'm not sure. >> he does both. >> rachel: it's pretty fun on the weekend, it doesn't feel like work. >> that is sweet. reverse "outnumbered." >> i'm the lucky gal. >> brian: don't firefighters work 36 straight hours -- >> rachel: isn't that what they do? >> brian: they get it done and can open a dunkin donuts or -- >> that is what we do, brian. >> brian: are you surprised we don't have a pole because of how much we move. >> steve: we have a pole. it is a gallup poll, move on.
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they do that during the week. amazing transition. >> brian: that is a better shot than his hands. >> steve: he is not smiling, 37% is a historic low. he's been stuck in the low 40s. as bad as that is, will, ronald reagan was at 35 when unemployment was 10% and he bounced back up into the 60s and won reelection. >> ronald reagan offered vision to the country, inspiration about where the country was headed that i suspect allowed him to reboub. regardless when you are democrat or republican, that 37% that is among democratic primary voters that don't see sunny tomorrows.
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>> brian: think about the taped piece he rolled out. it is i am not donald trump. that is basically it. >> they're going to try to replicate the basement strategy of 2020. least amount of times voters see joe biden. they give the questions that he's going to be asked to him beforehand. they are prepared to rehearse this, play before the cameras, inflate perception of him. even though people feel it in their lives how difficult things have become and cultural rot that he can't defend the people feel. we have another poll, too, he has a challenge he shouldn't ignore at this point. kennedy jr. basically been nowhere, yet he's at 20%. >> rachel: with absolutely hostile media. i saw the interview on abc with
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him, they threw his family at him. joe biden never gotten anything. they censured the interview, they talked about vaccines and called him an anti-vaxxer and brought up the who and he said institutions are captured and they edited it out of the interview. the media is hostile for biden, what would the numbers look like for r.f.k. jr. >> brian: does it show the media is not in control? >> rachel: maybe. >> brian: people have other ways to get it, other ways to seek it out and we have a built-in great bs meter as americans. we know when people are full of it and people don't need to be led around. >> rachel: charlamagne said it
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is whack there may not be a debate. it's whack. >> brian: let's watch. >> aren't you embarrassed to be a democrat? >> i'm not a democrat. yeah, boy. >> i'm not a republican, either, though, i'm nothing. >> what about you, chris? you voting for biden? >> i think we could use a fresh person on the seat. >> it is whack the dnc won't do primaries next year. put biden up on the stage with r.f.k. and marianne williamson and let's have a discussion. >> steve: we both play chess, the idea of chess is to protect the king, that is what top democrats are doing. >> they know joe biden can only play checkers. he can't play chess. >> he's not playing chess.
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>> tic-tac-toe. >> steve: what i was going to say, the reason they don't want anybody else on the stage with him, you have 105-year-old joe biden next to bobby kennedy who seems like a spring chicken and he is 69. >> imagine if he was a spring chicken. do you think a person looks and says r.f.k. is -- >> steve: because gavin newsom could leapfrog him. >> brian: why are people waiting for permission? >> gerald ford, he challenged him and didn't win and it made him stronger. there has to be a vivek ramaswamy who is smart and articulate and realizes people's anxiety and says basically pete buttigieg of this cycle who may not win, but will make a name for themselves. shows you what a herd mentality
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the group has, rally around joe, they are obsessed with power. they hate trump. >> brian: i don't think they can do it. >> rachel: look at the republican side, every force is against donald trump, even in the republican establishment and the base propped him up to numbers we see right now, the powerful forces running this administration are the ones keeping gavin newsom out, the base doesn't have power. who is running this administration. >> brian: he thinks he has four years, let them fight it out, i will have different gel, slightly grayer hair. no offense. >> rachel: did you say mullet or gray hair? >> brian: do you think after seeing charlamagne the god -- do you think we should squat down? our posture is too good? glasses, too. >> steve: see, i --
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[laughter] >> look at that, zoom in on that fine-looking gentleman. >> steve: to your point, the party bosses and -- >> rachel: who are they? >> steve: a bunch on the democratic side. >> brian: they smoke cigars. >> rachel: who are the holdovers. >> steve: who is putting stuff on the teleprompter. >> rachel: he forgot to put in ireland. >> steve: tough question, where was i last week? >> brian: hardest. >> steve: figure gavin newsom, if joe biden were eliminated from the eshg eshg kwagz /* -- equation. >> gavin newsom should have responded chris christieshg. >> rachel: you don't pick the time, the time picks you. >> the democratic party sits in a wait your turn fashion, they
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may have that strategy because it went well, the establishment and base behind a certain candidate. >> rachel: he looks good, looks like a president. >> if he waits four years, he may get his turn. >> brian: only thing he doesn't have on the tip of my tongue, a good track record. i'm a terrible mayor, but i look it is part. >> will: that doesn't make him any different on the democratic stage. >> brian: i can't give you jared holis or governor of kentucky, i imagine they have positive qualities, they can try to prove themselves. >> guy like wes moore, is a democratic darling. >> brian: he is way to the left, have you listened? >> where is the democratic party? way to the left. >> steve: for the primary. >> he's doing efrg everything
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they want. >> rachel: that is why r.f.k. jr. has that lane, the opportunity -- >> he is the anybody, but joe lane. >> rachel: no, no. >> yes. >> rachel: yes, but fighting on the democratic side powerful forces and lots of people do not want him to run or say things he has to say, it will make an interesting race. >> brian: we're a focus group brought in from the mall, this is almost therapy. anything i want off my chest, now is the time. >> it is the time. >> steve: must be a very fancy mall. one problem facing this administration and particularly gavin newsom is crime out in will can. and in fact, at the san francisco flagship target store, as is the case in new york city issue at a target in manhattan, is take a look. that is not -- they don't have expensive d.v.d.s, $1.50
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shavers, everything. so much stuff behind glass, find somebody to unlock the door because everybody is stealing everything and nothing can buy anything. >> like ryker's island. >> rachel: this could be the commercial for gavin newsom. this is maybe why he doesn't, you need shampoo, deodorant, how long does it take to shop? >> brian: i went a week and a half ago. how many keys does somebody have, you think the janitor has a lot of keys toen clean the erasers. >> we joke, i've had to do this in new york city, go for a stick of deodorant, it is not easy to
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find somebody working. here is your average price $9 for deodorant, $11 for razors. >> steve: you are paying for security. >> will: paying for security. >> brian: spam is $4. >> will: this is one of the most important stories, what trust do you put in a poll? i put guilty stock. we have legitimate questions about the ballot box because of information about people going to the ballot box. most trustful thing is what people do with actions, they are renting u-hauls to move and locking up invaluables, not valuables, valuables and invaluables, those actions speak the world. >> brian: a u-haul story. i loaded the u-haul, i rented from a gas station, a knock-off
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ushg u-haul. i load it up and realize i lost the keys. i go back to the gas station, we have one set. never found them. had to empty the u-haul, one of the worst experiences. >> will: when was this? >> bryan: 20 years ago, i think about it everyday. >> steve: did you find the keys? >> bryan: no, they picked it up and never checked with me. >> steve: everything your daughter had was in the u-haul? >> brian: my whole family. >> steve: and you lost the key? >> brian: exactly. >> steve: has your wife ever let you forget that? >> brian: nope. >> go to the flagship. >> steve: you lost your life. >> brian: totally true. >> will: now to the news, brian kilmeade. >> bryan: trust me. >> trust him. >> steve: trust him with your news issue just not your stuff. >> "fox and friends" story hour.
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therapeutic thing. >> did rfp shut off or -- >> steve: even chris gave up, he sat down. >> brian: we don't have a floor manager anymore. >> steve: somebody entered the studio, will and pete stick around, the n.f.l. draft kicked off last night. >> brian: quite a few surprising moments, rachel. >> todd: the evening began with carolina manthers on the clock, watch. >> the carolina panthers select bryce young, quarterback, alabama. >> lots of qbs selected, first being bryce young. he is awesome, deserve it. houston texans snaring qb cj stroud, a reach, and alabama linebacker will anderson, jr. big shocker, anthony richardson
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heading to colts as number four pick. if somebody rises, somebody needs to fall. n.f.l. is zero sum game, this guy had to fall. kentucky qb will levis, after analytics said there was 92% chance he would be a top pick. maybe because he throws too many picks or puts mayonnaise in his coffee. will levis doesn't deserve this, the comeback story will go crazy. detroit lions select alabama's jahmyr gibbs, they have two seasoned running backs on their roster. thanks to make a wish, kyle stickles is going viral, watch. >> with the 15th pick in the 2023 n.f.l. draft, the new york jets, jets, jets, jets, select
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will mcdonald, linebacker iowa state. let's go, yeah! let's go. >> todd: to be clear, jets fans are not booing make a wish, jets are booing the selection. joe namathwill join us with his thoughts on the exciting first night. this says todd walks to the couch, i don't know where to go. >> rachel: we all scooted over. >> steve: you were being called to the couch to respond to the fact, rather than read the news, you were analyzing andjected personal opinion. >> will: a lot of opinion, do you disagree with it? ton of suits on the couch. >> thank goodness you are here? >> your analysis is spot on. i feel bad for will levis, a lot
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of people softening because he had a lot of nice people around him in the green room all night. i don't know how many girlfriends, three or four girlfriends with him throughout the night. >> you are not supposed to make your selection based on the green room, did you win games in college? will levis could be nice guy, overrated. >> brian: he had one good year and one year he wasn't. richardson didn't win many games, either. he has speed special can run. >> i have n.f.l. football, my gap of knowledge is on the -- >> one thing to add in sports is my nephew eric johnson has a game tomorrow, plays for the avalanche, he's on track to win the stanley cup with the avalanche. >> that is a hockey team. >> i wouldn't say on track to win again. congrats last year, they have a
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tough road. don't mean to shoot you down, there are a few -- >> that is my nephew, todd. >> like the first round, rachel campos duffy. >> rachel: he won it last year. >> todd: so they should give it to him this year. >> step off, that is my nephew. >> sent to your room. >> steve: go directly to 4a.m. >> thank you, todd. still ahead, sounds like joe manchin is getting defensive over his senate seat. >> i've been in many elections and lost one in my life, that was 1996 and i won't lose another, never have and won't lose one. >> rachel: governor jim justice is live with us after announcing his own run coming up. >> with baby dog. canned residence ♪ y. great - i invited a few more friends. ♪ residence ♪
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>> rachel: lucas tomlinson is live with breaking developments. >> lucas: second deadly collision in just the past month, this latest helicopter crash involved two army apache attack helicopters flying over alaska. it took place between anchorage and fairbanks. here is a look at apaches taken near the area in recent weeks. the pilot sits behind the
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co-pilot. this is an incredible loss for soldier families, fellow soldiers and for the division. the f wainwright is a tight community. i spoke to a cobra pilot who says mid-air collisions are the result of pilot error and he wants to see more spent on defense. rachel. >> rachel: the united states confirming two americans are dead in sudan as america pushes for an extended ceasefire while thousands remain stuck in the war-torn country. over 450 people killed and 4000 wounded since fighting began in april. marine veteran and founder of mighty oaks, joins us now.
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thank you for joining us this morning. give us your asesment of the u.s. response to the crisis in sudan? >> yeah, we have 16,000 americans in sudan registered with the u.s. state department. in reality, one in three typically register with the state department when they travel abroad so we don't really know the number. the crisis in sudan is horrible, but for americans, the white house response is worse. last saturday the embassy was evacuated, they took out fewer than 100 personnel. this is like a playbook straight out of what we saw in afghanistan in 2021. the state department announced they would not do further evacuations of americans and they need to self-evacuate or
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shelter in place. for history of the united states, we consider commitment of americans abroad to be a priority. we use what is called noncombatant evacuation or neooperation and this white house for the second time has given the noo-operation from the department of defense and complete disaster when typically see conditions deteriorate, the u.s. ambassador calls for new operation or immediate response to the 82nd airborne to get american citizens out, not just diplomats. that is what we're seeing here. americans. >> rachel: we used to be a country that never left americans behind. we left billions of weapons
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behind and now leaving bioweapons, chad. >> chad: the president of the you gets intel reports and people telling him what is going on, our government knows there are bioweapons there. there is a lab that has ebola and measles and they are threatening to release these things and the united states, everybody saying 16,000 citizens, we probably have 50,000 citizens there and we are about to have bioweapons released if they decide to do so and we are not doing anything to combat that and the world is at risk. >> rachel: it's frightening to think those bioweapons could be left in the hand of war lords. thank you for bringing attention to this and uwatching our national decline is depressing.
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thank you issue chad. coming up, wash out joe manchin, there could be justice in the senate. >> our chance right now, i'm officially announcing can dasy for the u.s. senate. >> rachel: governor jim justice is challenging the status quo him and his famous dog baby pickup join us next and broadway joe shows us his moves, practicing touchdown moves with the one and either joe namath, don't want to miss that. how do we decide what hotel to book? fear not, i got you. choice hotels has a hotel for every type of stay. like a comfort with the kiddos. spacious! that's what they all say. stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you book direct at
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raising you was no bed of roses. are you getting me anything for mother's day? go to oh my
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gosh! wow! gorgeous! i feel like royalty. thank you. happy mother's day. happy mother's day! >> ashley: back with headlines, a freight train derailing in wisconsin along the bank of the mississippi river leaving four people injured. the wreck sending two train cars into the water. officials say hazardous materials were on board, but they do not believe there is risk to the public. they are looking into the cause of the crash. the irs plans to hire 250 special agents who carry guns and make arrests in all 50 states under major duties on the
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agency job posting site. the irs says the agents must carry a firearm, be prepared to protect him, herself or others from physical attacks and without warning and use firearms in life-threatening situations and must be willing to use force up to and including the use of deadly force. bed, bath and beyond no longer accepting coupons after the company announced bankruptcy. big lots and the container store are accepting coupons for bed, bath and beyond. container store is running the promotion until may and big lots until may 7. those are headlines, brian, down to you. >> brian: u.s. over iran going overboard. iranian navy seizing texas-brown oil tanker in the gulf.
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according to financial times issue the move have believe to be prompted by u.s. order that tanker of iranian oil to china will be redirected this week. iran seized five vessels in the last five years issue but u.s. has not seized iranian oil. next guest is demanding president biden take action. here is ernest adams. the trump administration had a different policy against iran. >> they did. what we have seen under the biden administration, homeland security is in charge of seizing iranian oil, gas and that provides a revenue stream the u.s. treasury. 75% of that goes to victims of state-sponsored terrorism, this administration is not doing that and haven't done that in two
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years. i have a bipartisan group that i pulled together, we signed a letter, richard bluementhal, is my democratic lead on the letter and we're pushing the administration for answers on the iranian oil sanctions. >> brian: they get them back in the iranian deal, get the rebels off the terror watch list. let's not start seizing tankers and look the other way as they send drones into russia. >> yes, they talk tough in the biden administration, they may talk it, they don't walk it. of course we have this victims fund that is not being funded that should be for reparations to those that are victims of state-sponsored terrorism and iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism. >> brian: grantholm made it clear one priority is to get the
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vehicles in the army in the military electric. >> yes, this is the nontactical vehicle fleet, but the ultimate goal would be to transition everything to electric and the blowback that i have heard is fantastic actually, most americans understand this is a ludicrous idea to transition the vehicles and secretary grantholm was adamant that we could transition. we continue to enrich china because we know most of the parts, the engines, the rare earth that go into the batteries of these vehicles is all owned, controlled by china. we don't have those capabilities here in the united states. they don't allow for permitting or refining of minerals in the united states. they said, we're moving that
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direction. >> brian: real quick, you met with taiwanese president couple weeks ago, do they believe an invasion is imminent? >> they feel the pressure from china. they feel there will be a move made at some point and that is why the president is really strengthening relagszs with members of congress and others in the united states to make sure if they start to see a move by china that we are there to assist in whatever way, arming, training and who knows, a lot of hypotheticals at this point, make sure course of action are tight when it comes to taiwan. >> brian: and can't focus on building up military to match iran. >> stop the climate nonsense and focus on lethality of armed services. >> brian: a lot of interesting things in iowa. don't go anywhere, hall much
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famer joe namathjoining us. and jim jordan is running for senate and will join us live. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love. it's a noble service. and that's what we're all about.
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>> steve: welcome back. west virginia governor jim justice has announced he's running for senate, setting up a challenge to vulnerable democrat senator joe manchin. justice is just one of the most popular politicians in his state as the republicans look to retake the senate in 2024. keep in mind, joe manchin is a democrat. the republican governor of the great state of west virginia, jim justice joins us with his english bulldog baby dog. why did you bring the dog? >> jim: you guys requested it, more than anything, the end of the day, this little dog came along in the middle of covid,
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rode with me and to be perfectly honest, she's got an incredible demeanor, she makes peoplel smile. you look at that face and you got to smile. she loves everybody and i don't know how the message could be simpler than that, things were tough on a lot of people. >> steve: we remember baby dog and good to see you with her today. today is your birthday and you announced at the greenbriar that you will run for senate. the problem, between you and that job, joe manchin, i want you to listen to what joe manchin said yesterday when asked about you. >> i've been in many elections, many, many elections. i've only lost one in my life in 1996 and i won't lose another. never have and won't lose one. >> does that mean you will not run if you fear election?
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>> you just won't lose. >> steve: fighting words, governor. that is right. i will not ged in a debate about that, joe would be a formidable opponent. end of the day, i've done my deeds in west virginia. i would say judge me by my deeds. the end of the day, it boils down to it, joe has done things that have alienated an awful lot of west virginians, but no point getting into that at this point in time. i welcome joe manchin to come into the race if joe wants to come in, but end of the day, i think we'll be okay. >> steve: ultimately, it would be great for your resume to be the u.s. senator from west virginia, you could potentially help hand republicans the majority in the senate. how big a factor is that in your
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equation? >> it's everything. in all honesty, with me, and again, i don't care if anybody buys into this or not, from my standpoint, one thing, i'm a patriot and i love this country. the job i do, i serve. i don't want anything. i have never wanted anything. and i'll tell you the truth, every single time i speak, i will challenge you to find something that i knowingly know is not the truth. i will not do that. i believe our country is in real peril right now. look what the biden administration is doing, come on, absolutely could anybody think we're right at the border? right at immigration? right on energy independence? right on ukraine, right from standpoint of what is going on and i don't mean being in ushg yoo, i think that is where we
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should be supportive in every way, but just look what is going on with russia and china, absolutely look what happened in afghanistan. how could anybody that is reasonable and logical think this country is on the right path? all the woke stuff? letting parents, shunning parents away as far as education, it just goes on and on and on and on. absolutely, we need to take our country back and need majority in the senate, that is the sole reason i'm running. >> steve: i can tell you are running, you have it undo. baby dog has that look, looks like baby dog needs to take a walk. thank you for joining us from west virginia. happy birthday yesterday. >> thank y'all so much and thank you for everything you do everyday. >> steve: thank you, so long, baby dog. up next, the legend joe namath, joins us live. first the legend bill hemmer
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will preview the show that starts in 12 minutes. >> bill: breaking news on inflation numbers came out moments ago, standby for that. president biden has data points that need help and progressive ro khanna is here. what happens when numbers change in a big way? and teaching ai not to fire nuclear weapons, sounds like a pretty good idea, meet two lawmakers trying to make sure that happens. it is friday, come and get it. 12 minutes away, top of the hour. (psst psst) ahhhh... with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary spraying flonase daily gives you long-lasting, non-drowsy relief.
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>> brian: all right. night one of the n.f.l. draft kicked off with panthers selecting quarterback bryce young, number one pick overall, rachel. >> rachel: i can't believe i'm part of this segment. >> steve: speaking of legends, super bowl iii hall of fame quarterback joe namathjoins us right now, good morning to you. >> joe: good morning to you all. >> steve: he's laughing at us. where are you today? >> joe: i'm at home down in south florida.
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>> steve: great, we're in new york freezing. what did you make of last night's draft round one? >> joe: well, i enjoyed it, it was good to see bryce go first round and will anderson second and jets getting that outside linebacker mcdonald issue he's got speed. he's a beast and will influence the defense. >> brian: the big story this week was aaron rodgers coming to the jets, question is would he be wearing number 12, you said, he could, he said, i won't, here is rodgers on that. yeah, that was me pretending to throw, that was deception, i put this on my hip and throw the ball down the field. but he was deferential to you, joe. >> joe: you are right, brian, he's a topnotch guy, a lot of
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class and i appreciate what he's done and so do the jet fans, too. jet fans have been patient for a long time and aaron can get us there. we have a good team and with him at the trigger, boy, make the playoffs. we can win a super bowl. >> rachel, did you want to ask joe a question, did he like anthony richardson, or -- >> great question, rachel. >> rachel: aaron rodgers. >> he was not in there. >> rachel: why was that on the prompter? >> will: joe, take a look at the draft, you love bryce young alabama and crimeson tide, who else do you like and future for their n.f.l. career? >> the guys that were picked,
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there was studying that goes into this. i do not doubt all the guys chosen will be successful if lady luck stays on their side. injuries can come in to play. the question and i was surprised the quarterback from florida going so high. he did so. his passing is a question, he needs to improve accuracy, but all the guys that went first round, they are going to play, if lady luck stays with them. >> he likes your guy. >> he has a problem with accuracy, which is you troo. he hasn't played a lot. >> that could hurt you. >> as a quarterback? >> steve: joe, thank you for joining us. >> joe: thank you, have a great day in the big city. >> steve: thank you broadway joe and thanks to this delivery of great food from black tap, black
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tap has been here, visit >> what is that? >> thanks to the new york city lions for the gear. that good? >> yeah. >> we will be back on "fox and friends." ♪
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>> they'll go for eight hours this weekend. good job. thank you for joining us. join me on radio. >> we'll be on the brian, don't miss it. catch it. >> i'm paying attention to the show. we have five seconds left. >> bill: no one drafted there. good morning, everybody. mental acuity in question. the white house trying its best to convince americans the president is fit to serve. he is not doing them any favor. shannon is back, hello to you, my lady. >> shannon: great to see you. should we run some of those football drills? >> bill: they need some work. >> shannon: i'm shannon bream. this is "america's newsroom." president biden's announcement.


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