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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 26, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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raising you was no bed of roses. are you getting me anything for mother's day? go to oh my gosh! wow! gorgeous! i feel like royalty. thank you. happy mother's day. happy mother's day! >> explosive hearing on capitol hill this morning. witnesses planning to tell lawmaker the federal government is in a migrant trafficking operation. >> migrant children literally sold into slavery. >> taliban killing the isis terrorist who killed 13 u.s. troops. >> no accounting and no vetting of this entire operation. >> know ares are coming after biden's reelection with ai generated view of the future.
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>> r.f.k. jr. would like to see debates, but joe says no. >> hiding biden again >> >> teachers union boss, randi weingarten expecting to get grilled. >> teachers should have been back to work as soon as possible. >> aaron rodgers bids fare well to green bay. >> we are all excited to add someone of his character and ability.ndability.and ability. >> brian: that is billy joel singing "uptown girl" and it is appropriate. billy joel would have named it longer island, the indians would
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have or native americans, whatever we're calling them now. this was not written about christie mcpherson, it was written about elle mcpherson. >> ainsley: i was at a concert and christie brinkley was there on the front row and they shined the spotlight on her. she was in front of the stage on the end on the corner. and i love christie brinkley, as a child, i thought she was see gorgeous, still is. >> brian: whatever moisturizer she is using is working. >> ainsley: there are some ladies you want to know who the
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surgeon, i'm never going to yours. others, i want to know, just kidding, i don't know if she's ever had surgery. i was @ an event one time and she was walking the red carpet and she did it for a living masterfully, she was just comfortable. >> brian: i know how you feel, i thought ainsley first kiss was the highlight of the show, this is better. >> ainsley: it involves christie brinkley. >> steve: when i was going to journalism school, i adhire admired brinkley. we could go 57 more minutes on this, but should probably talk about the news of the day >> the first two years of the biden administration, there was no oversight from think can on
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what the biden administration is doing. now the republicans have won a majority, slim majority, today they're going to have a house judiciary hearing on the exploitation of unaccompanied alien children. you can see a child in that floating down the rio grande river right there. they are bringing in some whistleblowers, and one was volunteer that helped identify sponsors for minors coming across. it is about the minors today. when children are at the border, they are -- custody of the children transferred to hhs and they are united with a sponsor, usually a family member or parent. but in a lot of cases, it is not and they're in a hurry. we told you last week, according to estimates issue the federal government has lost track of
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85,000 child migrants, some being use for child labor and some are sold for sex and people are horrified. >> ainsley: that is so sad, imagine they are coming across alone and then sold to do child labor, work on roofs, work in factories or sold and living with a family and being sexually abused. this article was in february and the white house announced policy changes and there were warnings the biden administration was ignoring the findings. >> brian: they wanted to make sure the kids were not in this facility. the facilities have 150% capacity. what do you do to make sure this
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doesn't happen? move them through as quickly as possible, putting them on buses where you may or may not know where they are going. to order to not have overcrowding in the soft-sided facilities, you do what is happening with this administration. this is xavier baseras responsibility, mayorkas overseeing it and they are getting a complete pass. i guess the media decides we care more about the biden administration than children. i had to read this twice to see what country this is happening in. i never thought in this day and age, understand thises of kids would not be going to school, put in fields, working 17 hours per day, do not know the language or where they are going and we can't find them. this is a travesty and it is about to get worse because title 42 is evaporating in three
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weeks. jes jessica vaughn, shena rodriguez and this woman, tara lee rotus. >> steve: she is a volunteer in california at an intake center, identifying sponsored for minors. hearing 3:00 this afternoon in the rayburn building. fox news digital got a portion of her, ras. >> i thought i was going to place children in loving homes and i discovered children are being trafficked through a sophisticated network that begins with being recruited in their home country, smuggled to the border and orr delivers the child to a sponsor. some sponsors, view children as commodity and assets for earning
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income. we are witnessing explosion of labor trafficking, whether intentional or not, it can be argued that the united states is the middleman in a child trafficking operation run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children. obviously, money is being made by cartel and other. get them to the southern border and the u.s. will help us make money. >> ainsley: we have heard from other people. last week we heard from linda, she was in the emergency shelter and she said it was her job to vet the sponsors. she had two guys come in and red flags. she said i notified my bosses, one man wanted to sponsor three boys to work at my construction company and another was trying to sponsor two children who
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would love to have children to work off bringing them into america. she contacts the sponsor and within days one of the children was released to the man in florida. she wrote another letter and asked for response and no response and a few days later, she was let go. i still remember one that was far from his family in guatemala, he was working in a ware dollarhouse packing vegetables and he had not seen his sponsor in months. days went by without talking to anyone. he wanted to go to school. >> brian: we just saw video of a minor being left between two fences and cps coming to pick the kid up. number two, 15 days until title
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42, whatever you are hearing, you will not believe wla is happening. they expect 11,000 per day to flood our border and you see this kid being left there and the guy running away and border patrol come grab her. kids have debt they have to work off and get paid back off the labor, win for the evil people in this, not for the kids. >> ainsley: why did we hear about the kids when trump was president and not hearing about it now? >> steve: this is a win for the biden administration, who is covering this except for us? they are able to get as many into the country as quickly as possible. >> ainsley: these are human beings, these are kids. >> brian: the story in the "new york post" today -- >> ainsley: you are saying it helps biden because they are not reporting it.
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>> steve: of course. there are migrant programs to bring people into the country to work for crops, we've been doing this for decades. this problem with children happened before joe biden. there is a hotline kids can call to report abuse. if you're a kid and in this country, if i call and turn this store in, they will send me home and i will not make money to work off the cartel and can't send money back. they do not call, it is ugly cycle -- >> ainsley: remember sara carter showed us the wristband of how much you owe the cartel. >> brian: and talking about the tolls illegals are taking on neighborhoods, watch. >> every citizen in border cities are actually put in a very dangerous situation.
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we already see illegals crossing, not the ones turning themselves in to border patrol, talking about the ones just jumping and going around and walking through our neighborhoods and nobody in the biden administration can guarantee me these thousands of people are coming in for a better life. property taxes pays for the public school system and we have understand thises of kids that come through juarez that cross everyday to go to our public system. our ratios are very high. what they are going to do is bring them even higher. >> brian: full circle, not just the cities in el paso and border cities, in new york city, big story today, 32,000 illegals, minimum, about to get flooded with more, begging to work. they said they are not allowed to work in new york, i imagine
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every city and begging eric adams, let me work. if you are caught hiring an illegal, you can get shut down. they are walking around, eating and staying for free, they are in limbo, and can't get processed, it will take 10 years. total incompetence up and down the board. this morning, democrats outraged by dnc to not have debates despite challenge from two candidates. >> steve: white house dismisses concerns about joe biden's high age and low poll numbers. >> ainsley: peter doocy is live at the white house. peter. >> peter: next person president biden debates will be a republican candidate, his team has no interest in a primary debate and that has the other declared candidates accusing the dnc of tipping the scale in his favor too early. >> they have been indicated for
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a while there would be no debates. disappointed because i believe in democracy. the political party should stay out until primary voters have weighed in and whoever wins that is who the dnc or rnc should support. >> peter: robert f kennedy is saying, i have known and like joe biden for years, i look forward to engaging him in debates in townhall that is honest and transparent, a new era of dialogue. that will likely not happen publicly. after confusion yesterday, white house officials clarify the president will serve eight full years, if elected to air second term. >> just the same thing we heard in 2020, we heard that over and over in 2020. and if you look at what the president has done the past two years, he's been able to deliver
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and get things done. and republicans are trying to pull us back, not move forward. >> peter: typically campaign announcements are led by big rallies as a show of support and that has not happened yet and don't know if that will happen. >> steve: it could be a long time from now before we see him at a drive-in movie theater again. >> peter: i think they are trying to avoid the drive-ins this time, but we could. never know. >> ainsley: hand over to ashley for headlines. >> ashley: good morning. this is a disturbing story. an ms 13 gang member accused of robbing and dismembering uber eats driver in florida for no reason. he's called demonic and been accused of stuffing the victim's remains into trash bags.
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randall cook had just text his wife he would be home soon after making his last delivery. horrible. new reporting this hour from the chad pergram. president biden is lashing out on a proposal. >> president biden: same trickle-down dressed in maga clothing. only worse. if they do not get their way and biden doesn't agree with them, they will let the country default on debt. >> ashley: and encouraging sign if you are looking to sell your house. demand for home mortgages is up 5% over last week. the average rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage is about 6.5%.
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and et director steven spielberg blast idea of -- after making the mistake himself. >> the federal agents were approaching kids with firearms exposed and i thought i would change the guns to walkie-talkies. i should have never of worked with the film. >> ashley: spielberg argues directors who do this are performing a form of censorship. >> steve: and admits he's done it. >> brian: why is there not an et sequel. >> ainsley: confusing with r2d2. >> brian: thank you. so many "star wars" or -- >> ainsley: or another "gremlins." >> steve: i think elliot probably saw enough of america and not coming back.
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>> brian: he will pick another gal planet. >> ainsley: 17 after the top of the hour. the taliban taking out the isis terrorist who mastermind the attack on kabul that killed 13 u.s. troops. >> steve: staff sergeant hoover was one of the 13 and hein jos us on why the white house is taking a premature victory lap. he is next. greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at
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>> brian: fox news alert, taliban killing the isis terrorist that killed 13 u.s. troops in august of 2021 during biden chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan. our next guest, his son was a
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fallen sefrs servicemember taylor hoover. no one could be more sorry for your loss than everyone at fox and the los loss of taylor. your thought about getting the call that the would-be mastermind is dead? >> brian, it was fine. great. that is one less terrorist we have to worry about, especially if he was a planner. great. one less terrorist, i don't give a rip. i don't. >> brian: the taliban provided the security around the airport, which is stunning to say out
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loud and the taliban killed the isis-k, are you comfortable with that? >> you know, the security around the airport and having the taliban in charge of that, absolutely not. the war with isis and al qaeda and the taliban and to put our safety and security in their hands? what kind of screwed up, stupid plan was that? if they want to keep taking out each other, isis-k and taliban want to keep taking out each other, fine, go for it. that doesn't absolve this administration from doing the stupid things they did on this evacuation. >> brian: the president has not taken a briefing on what went wrong. they have not released the 85-page report that talked about
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what went wrong that day and a lot went wrong. and we have a spokesperson who will not admit it was chaotic. you, the father taylor hoover, what are your thoughts about that? >> frustrated, pissed off, sick and tired of the games. the president can't even say the 13 fallen heroes ' names. from john kirby, the nfc and secretary austin, to sit there and say it wasn't chaotic from his perch and secretary austin didn't think it was a problem, that everything was good. i don't know what they were looking at or what planet they live on, it sure as heck isn't this one. >> brian: in leaked documents, it says that the taliban, excuse
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me isis-k is plotting and planning to hit here and western europe again and we have gotten intelligence on that. i thought about you and the families wounded with taylor varga rodriguez said i had the bomber and couldn't get permission to take him out. >> that insensed me. i talked briefly with tyler. he is frustrated obviously in his testimony before michael mccaul and his committee. it just, what message are we sending? we have kids, another generation going to be defending this
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country, what does that say our own government and military won't back kids up when they know they have got a job to do and have that ability to do it. it doesn't send a 2k3wd message in my mind. >> brian: 100% agree. taylor will not be forgotten in your family and everybody at fox e. hope they got the right guy this time, last time they blew up a guy putting water bottles in his car. thank you. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> brian: staff sergeant taylor hoover was one of the 13 killed that day. may they all rest in peace. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling.
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everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. densify from crest pro-health. like bones, your teeth lose density over time. but, crest has you covered. crest densify actively rebuilds tooth density to extend the life of teeth. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. crest.
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5:30 am (in a whisper) if we use kevin's college fund, we can afford this house. the house whisperer! this house says use to find options within your budget. good luck young man. to each their home.
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>> ainsley: today on capitol hill teachers union boss randi weingarten in the hot seat as republicans will grill her over her role in keeping schools shut during the pandemic. the head of the second largest teacher union will testify whether she had a hand in changing the school's reopening, as well. we are learning she helped cdc
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with reopening guidance and spoke twice to the director in the weeks leading up that they were halting the full reopening and stayed in touch with her after the school memo went out. what will she say today? >> yes. she will be trying to of coer her tracks. i wrote about this last week. randi weingarten tried to erase the history, she pretends she wanted schools open as soon as possible. she was looking after teachers who they saw under terrible threat from covid and not spending much attention on american school kids and the fact they were out of education for this whole period. i think ronna mcdaniel -- randi weingarten will try to rewrite history. >> ainsley: she had atf pushback
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gaenz schools, reopening post-covid, pushed mask mandates on schools, when you look at scores, scores went down if you compare 2019 to '22, reading down three, math down eight points and reading down three points. >> it is amazing, the figures of american educational standards while she's been in post are unforgivable and weingarten decided standardized testing is the problem. that is like deciding you are not good as tennis and keep the net down. >> ainsley: how she keeps her job, i do not know. fauci said there were people not getting vaccinated then
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mandating, you had people on the fence saying why are you forcing me to do this. i think things could have been done differently and better on both sides. anybody who thinks what we did was perfect is not looking at reality, nothing was done perfectly. now he says this. >> this is more of the same, desperate attempt to rewrite what happened during that time. we have a certain amount of appreciation, you need a certain amount of latitude when they are going through precedented or once in a lifetime crisis. what fauci said, i never mandated it. >> ainsley: tell truck drivers that. >> we are in the middle of serious rewriting by people who want to cover their own backside from the misguided things they made us all do during that period. we've got it from fauci, from
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trudea. >> ainsley: they can't rewrite history, we all lived it. coming up, president biden has his eyes set on 2024, can americans look past his old age? how the white house issin spinning voter concern. clay travis on that and justin timberlake and tiger woods are set to work on a new project together, the luxury buildings they are putting up. that is coming up. like going hiking, just to hike to the bathroom. reaching for the bar, just to reach for pads. waiting for the sunset, just to wait for the stall. discover gemtesa. a once-a-day pill proven to reduce all 3 key symptoms of oab: leakage episodes, urgency and frequency in adults.
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thing we heard in 2020, we heard that over and over in 2020. if you look at what the president has done the past two years he's been able to deliver and get things done. >> brian: really? the white house dismissing concerns about president biden's age and low polling numbers.
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in his first press conference. >> ainsley: taking heat over the decision not to is have debates. >> steve: outkick founder clay travis joins us now, good morning to you. >> clay: good morning. appreciate you having me, as always. >> steve: you bet. age is just a number, but combined with the fact joe biden is no longer as charge as he used to be, put that together, what is going on here? >> clay: look, this is clearly a sign, if you combine with lack of interviews, i believe basically the fewest interviews any sitting president has done in generations, the lack of any sort of formal press conference even on state visits, they're clearly trying to hide biden and this is not new. in 2020, they decided to keep him in the basement and used covid as an excuse and now they will try to keep him in the
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basement and use the fact he is too busy to debate or it is unnecessary. here is the problem when you break it down. i think they may try to play and i tweeted this a couple days ago, may try to extend logic. pretend donald trump is the nominee, i see how the biden white house terrified of being on the stage donald trump or ron desantis or the republican nominee, in particular trump. i can see they will argue trump's ideas are so dangerous he is so disrespectful to our national democracy, that we're not going to allow donald trump the forum of standing on the stage next to the president of the united states.
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keep him healthy and if he can play at the m.v.p. level that he
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did just a couple of years ago when he won back-to-back m.v.p.s, he can or the new york jets, so i'd be very excited if i was a jets fan. i like the price of first rounder at 15. i think the risk reward is good for the jets, and i think if you're part of gangrene, j e. t s. this is a proud day for joan amos franchise totally differently. she is dead set against it, angel. go tell him what about that later, but in the meantime, talk about aaron rodgers. this is very interesting. he spent a week long retreat at this healing center down in costa rica. ceremonies include purging
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because clay appreciate you benedict ourselves, right? we appreciate ourselves to appreciate ashley to here with the news. so nice of you guys. thank you. we are going to start your headlines with this. chinese president xi jinping, having his first known conversation with ukrainian president vladimir zelensky this morning g pleading for negotiations between ukraine and russia, reportedly warning there is no winner in a nuclear war. chinese state tv reporting that she will send a special representative to you. crane to discuss a possible political settlement. dolinsky tweeting about the conversation, writing quote. i believe that this call as well as the appointment. ukraine's ambassador to china will give a powerful impression . um impetus to the development of our bilateral relations. officials believe at least one of the inmates who escaped from
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a mississippi jail, maybe in houston, texas, authorities finding a truck used in the getaway. this is police are aggressively searching for the four men. who got out by climbing through a roof last weekend. police also releasing new surveillance footage relating to the deaths of a man in jackson, mississippi. on monday. officials suspect he may have been killed by one of those fugitives. scary moments for people in orlando, but check this out. a black bear is just roaming the streets. looks like he's having a pretty good time. officials are warning people not to approach it. while it's not uncommon for bears to accidentally wandered into the city from the nearby river basin, they are actually quite scared of humans. i just hope nobody hurts it. i know they're dangerous, but they're cute. we're going to check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for a fox weather forecast. good morning, janice . good morning, ashleigh. and the sun has come out here in new york city, still little chilly across the country. let's take a look at those temperatures. where the forties
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right now, actually, no 51. we went up a few degrees with that sunshine coming out of the cloud cover, so temperatures still below average for d c. cleveland chicago, even atlanta , georgia across to memphis and up towards st louis. we have an area of low pressure that's moving in towards the southern plains behind it. snow up to a foot or more for the colorado rockies and then the severe storm threat from texas through the gulf coast in towards florida. heavy rainfall could cause flash flooding and we could see some large hail, damaging winds. isolated tornadoes today know where you're going to get those watches and warnings and as i mentioned, those cold temperatures are going to kind of linger, especially across the northeast over the next couple of days get even cooler as we get into friday, that's kind of the trend. as we head into next week as well. so much of the country feeling cooler than average as we get into the month of may next week, i can't believe it's steve ainsley and brian hopefully, the showers bring may flowers. we hope we did already up. i should have called you. my goodness. take a picture. i want to see that and
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i want to see you out there with your green thumb, right? cultivating planting gladiolas this weekend, right? exactly yeah, i got my box gladiolas, but it's amazing that tubes remember to come up in the month every year. they remember ? yeah god bless him. alright coming up. tiger woods is in sync. get it with justin timberlake how they're teaming up in the sunshine state to build a new luxury development. but first, let's check in with dana farina for what's coming up the top of the ainslie. i got it. just read it. it's a good one producers right it. they sure do. thanks, guys. well, a battle of the ages. young voters want younger candidates than biden and trump in 2024 37 year old gop candidate the vague promises mommy kicks us off today. dr anthony fauci admits something went wrong. in our covid response, dr robert redfield will be here to react. the taliban kill and isis leader will hear from a father who lost his son in the afghanistan bombing. he has a lot of questions, plus martha maccallum and what she's
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watching for when the head of the teachers union faces members of congress this afternoon, we'll see you at night. so why should you like me? i'm a hard worker with a five year plan. i like whatever sports team you do. don't funny business want to do is make your daughter happy. thank you wonder whether people with all the answers get all the answers . ask markham accountants and advisors next on behind the series. let me tell you about the greatest roster ever assembled monster, the outlaw. and you can't forget about the boss sometimes. you just want to eat your heroes subway series greatest menu of all time story. attic arthritis can slow me down now. tyrese helps me get going along with clear skin helps with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling and fatigue in just four doses a year after two starter dose is serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lower ability to fight them. they occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or
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symptoms, vaccine or plan to ask your doctor about sky reason to treat your skin and joint symptoms so you can get going. learn how abby could help you save. politicians can never agree. we don't always agree like you're into politics . it stresses me out. sleep hot . i sleep cool luxury. i like spending less. that's why we agreed on this. stop a mattress. maybe america needs a song. at least we'd be comfortable disagreeing. sucks to luxury mattresses made affordable. out here. you're more than just a landowner. you're a gardener. landscape er hunter. because you didn't settle for ordinary same goes for your equipment versatile.
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powerful durable cambodia equipment more goes into it, so you get more out of it. american journalist ivan gorshkov itch remains in russian custody tonight.
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you need it. with advocates. what a combination pop star justin timberlake and legendary golfer tiger woods are teaming up and no, it's not a boy band
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duo. the two are both backing a 600 acre luxury development of houses and stuff like that in wellington, florida, which is just inland from as you can see right there. west palm beach is going to include homes, shops, public parks. and an 18 hole golf course. they say it was more of the host of mansion global on fox business network . katrina campins. good morning, dear kid. katrina how are you? great to see you. okay so any idea how these two teamed up where they met when they said hey, you know what? let's get together. let's build some houses. you know, i've seen this for so many years. i've been selling real estate for 22 years and specifically in florida. we love love celebrities tied to real estate. right it's definitely a sizzle feature. so it doesn't surprise me, especially because florida continues to be the market that is driving us out of this quote unquote potential recession if you will, right. miami is on fire. tampa's on fire and wellington is an area growing up in florida that i love because you have the horses. you know it was a well
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kept secret for some time. it's no longer a secret, and it's so close to palm beach, so it makes sense that they would team up with the developer and basically build a community where did it's very much needed because we still have very low supply in the market, which is one of the main factors that's really driving this current situation where prices are not dropping drastically because we need supply, right. we only
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have 2.6 months of supply in the entire nation. florida specifically needs more supply because of the migration. and so i really look forward to this. i also love horses and filming mansion global around the nation. i noticed the one driver for a lot of people is they want land, and they want to have horses and they want a better quality of life. absolutely so tiger and timberlake are teaming up. of course, it's probably gonna be a year or two before anybody can move in. meanwhile you mentioned mentioned global season two tonight. it's kind of sea and ski, isn't it? it is and i'm really excited about this season because we worked really hard. we poured our hearts and soul into it, and we're starting in miami, which is very appropriate because miami is really driving the market now as far as real estate is concerned, but it's also where i was born and raised in telling really estate there for 22 years, and we're going to see two amazing properties one which is actually quite famous in its own right. it's 54 54 pine tree, and it's the owner of the faina district. you know they they basically developed the faina district home is now on
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the market and another modern masterpiece in bay harbor close to about harvard shops. plus you're also as we've been watching for the last minute you're in breckenridge, colorado. ah love breckenridge . the people are so nice. there's so much to do in addition to skiing and we really are going to feature two amazing property is one which has two oxygenated sweets. so for us floridians, you know that need a little bit of a minute to basically get accustomed to the elevation you have. these elevated fantastic suites, so just pumping the good air in there needed the oxygen. so the new season of mansion global kicks off tonight at nine and 9 30 on fox business, prime katrina thank you very much for joining us live. thanks for having me stepping to the side, more fox and friends and just a couple. the fight. start having
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♪ to get that is the ultimate family feud, that show. >> i have the radio show and then i will see you tonight at 8:00 p.m. stay within yourself whatever you do. >> in get dressed. >> 's you back here tomorrow. >> good money and who we go. the commander-in-chief presiden biden running for reelection on what route republican site say is a platform of polarization will have earned him a second term? it's a good week, it's wednesday . >> good morning, it is good to be with you today. are you ready? the president launching his campaign yesterday with a flurr of attacks on so-called maga extremist red republicans calling it an attempt to distract and deflect fro


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