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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 21, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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and that is a strategic failure that will be historic. the american people ought to demand the biden administration start racing to the space as the chinese have. >> neil: indeed, and they are racing along. thank you very much, gordon. a reminder, we will be exploring this tomorrow on my saturday show along with robert f. kennedy, taking on the president for the democratic nomination. all of that tomorrow. "the five" now. ♪ ♪ >> jeanine: hello, everyone. i am judge jeanine pirro along with geraldo rivera, lawrence jones, martha maccallum, and you saw his hand, greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." the hunter biden scandals are far more corrupt than you could ever have imagined. remember the infamous letter signed by 51 former intelligence
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officials saying the dirtbags first son's laptop was russian disinformation. well, it turns out that the biden campaign orchestrated the entire thing. ex-cia director mike morel revealing in sworn testimony that secretary of state, now secretary of state antony blinken, who was then a senior biden campaign advisor, led the effort to release that letter. republican jim jordan ripping into the revelation. >> that letter became the basis for keeping this information from the american people, and the other thing that was important we learned in that deposition with mr. morel, mr. morel was trying to direct who the biden campaign told him who to get this to in the media. it was that coordinated. that is the scary thing. it was a little political operation and the most important fact is, laura, it was false. >> jeanine: both joe and hunter used that letter as proof to dismiss the laptop.
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>> 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he is accusing me of is a russian plant. they have said that this has all -- five former heads of the cia, both parties, say what he is saying is a bunch of garbage. >> certainly, there could be a laptop out there that was stolen, it could be i was hacked, it could be that it was russian intelligence, it could be that it was stolen from me. >> jeanine: and now, there is another damaging development, on top of the irs whistle-blower. according to a new report, there is growing frustration in the fbi over why it is taking so long to charge hunter. investigators wrapped up the probe a year ago, and are just sitting on it. we are also learning that hunter biden's attorneys will meet with the doj officials next week. okay. now, you know, i want to start
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with the 51 intel officers and the fact that they knew, martha, that this was a political operation that they were involved in. their credibility was on the line. both republicans and democrats, former heads of the cia. they didn't care enough about truth and justice, and we found out afterwards that people would have voted differently that would have changed the election, possibly, probably, and yet nobody seemed to care. should we even worry about more? >> martha: you know, i went back and read the letter to remind myself what was in it, and it is so superior. it is basically, like, we have been around a long time. we understand the russian government. we know how their minds work. we know that you saw a laptop with a bunch of salacious photos on it and emails about for the big guy. but hey, we know what we're talking about. we are really smart, where jim clapper, john brennan, mike
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hayden, all of these people who have been around a long time, and going back to what you said, janine, they were asked to do this by the campaign and morel said we thought it would "help biden." they go on in this letter to say, we firmly believe that the american people have to be the ones who control the elections. they have to have the outcome, not a foreign government. we wouldn't want that to happen. meanwhile, these members of the government are trying to have a huge influence over what happens here and i will just finish by saying, in the heart of this letter, they say, look, the russians are sensing weakness. they don't think bi trump can w. they want him to win. and if biden wins, they want to weaken him vehicle they don't want to say, these 51 officials who are supersmart russia, and if that happens, russia will promptly invade ukraine. so, this just smacks of this sort of superior language and this whole letter, you don't believe what you saw, believe what we saw her, and now we know
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it had a political origin, not a deeply felt origin. it is not like they all called each other, you know what, guys, i am worried about this laptop we just saw. it came from a political motivation. >> jeanine: you know, lawrence, these guys, the head of the cia, many of them directors deputy, some of them, they know whether or not to confirm something is real or not real. all he had to do was look at that laptop and know what was in it, see emails, and contact people who might have written those emails. is the deep state as deep as we thought? >> lawrence: well, c, that is just the thing, judge. no one asked to look at the laptop. we are under this impression that these people are honest brokers, and they were, because it was all about getting their guy in. everyone knows it now. you know, judge, as someone who travels around the country and talks with the american people on a day-to-day basis, this republican primary may be over before it starts merely based on the issue of fairness.
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donald trump didn't get reelected because people didn't like his tone and tenor. what if it was justified? what if people were after him? what if the election as it relates to the information that was being disseminated wasn't fair? we already have polling data that says people would change their vote if they would have known the scandal between joe biden and hunter biden. and now we find out the intelligence community, the people -- the community, the people who have security clearances, didn't even ask about the laptop. and then the secretary of state was the political operative, i mean, that is some shady business. >> jeanine: yeah, and that is the intelligence community that caused so much trouble during the trump administration. but, you know, one of the things, geraldo, i am concerned about, now that we have this whistle-blower who is talking about the grand jury presentation, that is where the grand jury has been finished for a year, five years since they began the investigation.
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now, what we get is a whistle-blower has a lawyer that goes to congress and says, look, i want to protect my guy. he is a high-level irs guy appeared and what does hunter biden's lawyer come out and say? he comes out and he says, listen, if anyone, this irs agent, if anyone has committed a crime, the irs agent has. it is a felony for an irs agent to improperly disclose information. now, the irs agent hasn't said anything other than sent his lawyer out, and this is the america we live in. they want the guy who wants a whistle-blower protection to be prosecuted and not hunter biden. >> geraldo: i just want to remind everybody that i supported donald trump when this was happening. i supported donald trump until the day after he lost the election. and insisted that he did not. but i remember thinking, when the laptop -- this is too good to be true. the presidents on his smoking trpracticum he is with hookers,t
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was so, it seemed like a set up. i mean, could the sun be that bad? with the intelligence community not see through this? advice saw the letter, as martha recalls, i was, you know, very impressed with it. i was chagrined, oh, my goo goodness. >> lawrence: geraldo, they weren't. these were people that were around joe biden. they knew about his son. the obama administration even told -- >> geraldo: i wonder if that is true. >> jeanine: of course -- >> lawrence: from the obama administration telling hunter, as well as joe biden, you can't be doing this. the white house counsel office told them to knock it off when he was vice president. it has been the quiet secret in washington, how out of control -- >> martha: cocaine use, right? by that point, so it wasn't a secret. drug user.
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>> geraldo: i got all that. but to think that all of these names, this very impressive list -- >> jeanine: so is there a deep state of? >> geraldo: to thank all of them got together and said -- >> jeanine: they did. >> geraldo: basement politics, rather than some noble -- >> jeanine: is there a deep state? >> geraldo: is there a deep state? >> jeanine: yeah. >> geraldo: i don't know. what there is is shallow people who do everything for political gain. >> jeanine: and who are at the top of the intelligence community in the united states of america? greg, i want you to take a listen to this. >> we are supposed to believe that hunter biden and a drunken stupor dropped off his laptop. >> do you think stuff like that could have been planted in there and completely fake? >> i do. to me, this is classic, textbook soviet, russian crafted. >> for all we know, these emails are made up, or maybe some are
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real and others are fakes. we don't know. >> as i and some of my former colleagues pointed out publicly, it does bear the hallmarks of russian disinformation. >> jeanine: greg? >> greg: yeah, i mean, the claim in the letter is a hoax, it's a hoax, this was a deep state small lay. former cia director taking orders from the biden campaign to create a hoax. and then the story almost always ends there, but we never go further. that letter had to go somewhere, right? it was an exclusive for natosha bertrand, is that her name, at "politico"? how did she get the letter? how deep was she involved? because this is important. she was the same reporter who was behind the dossier. she pushed that thing so hard. she made it appear there for all of these outlets, i don't know if you guys remember this about the dossier, it was "business insider," it was "the
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atlantic," it was "politico." she was the sole author. but it sounded like it was going around and around and around. the result is not necessarily corroborating evidence because there wasn't any. she got a job at msnbc. they rewarded her despite the fact she was wrong and everything i do think, well, maybe you learn a lesson from that. but then this laptop hoax comes up, and they feed it to her. and why? because she was masterful at the russian dossier hoax. so, that is why she got rewarded. it should have set off the alarms. when she was behind that letter, when she got that letter first, everybody in journalism said, wait a second, that's the same person that pushed this dossier. she is wholly unreliable. and oh, wait a second, that is why she has it. that is why she has it. and then, yet, they all played along. to my knowledge, she still has a job. she is known as a national security reporter. how is that even possible?
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the two biggest lies on the last three years, she pushed! >> jeanine: you know, the sad part about all of this is it was interference in a presidential election. >> greg: should be illegal. >> geraldo: should have believed "the new york post." >> jeanine: it is a crime. up next, joe biden trying to impress the squad ahead of his big 2024 announcement by pushing environmental justice. ♪ ♪ hey, man. you could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance. so you only pay for what you need! whoo! we gotta go again. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse.
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>> it is really dolan after all of these years in public, sunglasses, chocolate chip ice cream. very dull president. >> lawrence: dole 2024.
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that does not make a great campaign slogan. biden is trying to fire up the radical left. rumors buzzing he will announce his reelection next tuesday with a low-key video. today sucking up to the squad by ordering every government agency to make environmental justice a priority. >> every federal agency must take into account environmental and health impact on communities and work to prevent those negative impacts. environmental justice will be the mission of the entire government. in two years, we are making real progress in the most ambitious environmental justice agenda in history. with this executive order, we will go even further. >> lawrence: so, we all know biden is taking a page from aoc's playbook. she is back pushing for the new green new deal. watch. >> we said we are not going to take crumbs, and we are not going to settle for that, that we need bold, big, climate action, and we need it now. these bills not only stop
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climate change, they tackle the intersecting crises of climate, economic inequality, and racial justice. >> lawrence: but it is not the far left biden needs to impress. only 26% of americans want the guy to run again. judge, i mean, that's alarming. >> jeanine: yeah, 26% of americans want him to run again. 56% of americans say that they are unlikely to support his bid in any event, and here is the thing, he has gone to the right. he has done what aoc wants but aoc can never get enough. for her to call this crumbs is ridiculous because the truth is, in the inflation reduction act, they had $369 billion to tackle climate change, okay? and in the infrastructure bill, they had another $50 billion to tackle climate change. and now, she wants another $900 billion, which puts us well over a half a trillion dollars, and i kind of feel like this is the covid school money, like,
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you never know where it is going and you never know who is getting it, and now they are talking about some kind of a credit system, where you have an environmental scorecard. you get credits for what you do or what you don't do. but here is the one question that i just want to posit. look, i believe in fossil fuel and oil and gas, and her like my gas stove, and i'm not cooking on an electric stove and i like my car, okay? but there is nuclear energy and there's other kind of wind and solar and all of that, but apparently even things like the wind energy doesn't have a zero impact on the environment. and so, you know, they've got to at least make it clear that everything has an impact on the environment, and whether or not these whales that are pushing up on the seashore are the result of some kind of problem in the ecosystem in the ocean, i don't know, but, you know, they can't
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make it like it is all of this and none of that. because, in the end, we don't even know the extent of the impact. people think if you plug in an electric car, that's it, it doesn't impact the environment. of course it does periods field well, greg, i question their sincerity. they allowed the people in east palestine to just brought. the president still hasn't been there. the environment is totally destroyed there. they claim it is safe to breathe the wear. i went down there. i couldn't breathe when i was there. the animals can't even drink the water there. they care about the environment but do nothing for those people? >> greg: they don't look like the people they care about. they are the wrong type of person. if you look at the words that they are using now, environmental justice scorecard, which will be run by federal chief environmental justice officer. what does that mean? what is does invite mental juste mean? aoc laid out perfectly, the environment is now tied to racism, which is what they did with tst come environmental social governance, it is a
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scorecard, and other scorecard that takes measure on how companies act responsibly. so the, they marry the environment to race because it couldn't be believed alone, the numbers weren't working. the projections weren't working. but you know what works? being scared of being called a racist. so, environmental justice, if you do not agree with it, you do not swallow the climate agenda, if you do not agree with aoc, you probably don't just hate the planet, you probably hate nonwhite people. as well. and the consequences of that, we talked about it before, with every aspect of life being filled with racism or injustice, the roads are racist we found out this week, pollution is racist, we just found out, cheap energy, fossil fuels, that's racist because it hurts nonwhite people. if you don't want to be looted, that's racist, too, because losing is merely a redefinition of justice. basically, you are telling people that you are sanctioning crime. you are sanctioning riots. that is why the politicians in
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chicago said as much and said that this was their way of evening the score because when you tell everybody and you program your brain with this language, that the world sucks and it is this group of people behind it, now it is in climate. now it is in climate. >> jeanine: what next? >> lawrence: geraldo, is greg right on this? >> geraldo: yes, he is, in part. but you have to go beyond it, lawrence. it is not environmental justice, it is environmental injustice. i always submit that poor whites are the minorities, along with poor blacks and hispanics that live near these chicken processing plants, these meat processing plants, these toxic waste dumps, these sewage places. >> lawrence: so why didn't they take care of the poor whites in east palestine? >> geraldo: i do not defend their action there, as a resident of ohio, it was horrible. they were very inapt. they did send epa director. are not going to defend them at all, though, they finally got around to it. the railroads had a problem much
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deeper than democrat or republican, there is a derailment every day, someplace in this country, we have to deal with. here is my political point. you saw the energy of gen z in the recent election in wisconsin, and in other political activities. if the republicans don't buy into fighting environmental, or environmental injustice, they are going to motivate those kids to vote the other way. they are going to drive the gen z out of the republican party forever. so, we have to be cognizant, not just -- we need the world to be able to sustain itself they are to be when i hear your point, but this is not -- you are out there, i am out there, this is not a top issue for them. this is not the issue. the reason why i don't think republicans are talking about this is because people want cheaper gas prices. they want the price of eggs to come down. they are not talking about making the price of energy go up. >> martha: what this is talking about is making government even larger, right,
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which costs more. you develop a new agency, right, that creates the opposite of environmental justice. we are to have an epa, environmental agency. it cost $12 billion a year. it has 17,000 employees that are part of the environmental protection agency. then we have a doj. you want justice, right. $69 billion was their budget for this year. they have 115,000 employees. so if you can't find someone who is already in the government to solve the problems that you are seeing, you've got another problem. creating another office, and other agency, is very unlikely to solve any of the problems that they address feared with regard to testing the effectiveness of these plans, like the wind turbine issue, the pentagon is now the most recent agency that is sounding an alarm about the wind turbine. they say it conflicts with military operations in a number of places. we know there is this question about whales and the health of the ocean.
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we know the fishermen are also impacted negatively by this. you have to ask yourselves, like, are they actually testing what works to make the environment cleaner? or are we creating new problems where there weren't problems, in some cases? >> lawrence: it is all about virtue, not about getting things done. coming up, democrats lose their mind after republicans move to protect women sports. ♪ ♪ diabetes can serve up a lot of questions, like, "what is your glucose?" and "can you have more carbs?" before you decide... with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. and lower your a1c. the number one doctor prescribed cgm. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at
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daughter's? >> not a simple democrat today wants to support women and women sports. >> who want to protect biological girls being able to fairly compete against other biological girls in the sports they love. >> there is a reason why title ix was created. there is a reason why there is men and women sports. it is about fairness. >> martha: so, zero democrats voted for the bill and the top one claims the whole thing is just a made up issue. >> and extreme mag republicans are trying to sensationalize any exist. if this is about elite sports competition, let's allow the relevant organizations involved in elite sports competition to do what they do. >> martha: okay. lawrence, is that a solution? should it just be left to the elite sports organizations? organization by organization,
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they should decide what should happen here? >> lawrence: absolutely not. i typically stay out of these type of issues because i say, just let people be. do what you want to do. but that's not protecting the women right here. i don't think people should give an inch on this issue. and honestly, i think they are taking the kindness of americans as weaknesses. a lot of americans believe, let people do what they want with their lives. let people go and what bathrooms they want. and then we get to hear, and we know this is wrong. i mean, just from a science -- we have a young lady that was just hurt this week because the ball was spiked at her head. that's going to be a lot of women that are injured in these sports -- >> martha: let's watch that. >> allowing biological males to compete against biological females is dangerous. i may be the first to come before you with an injury, but if this doesn't pass, i won't be the last.
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>> lawrence: this is crazy. where are all of the women -- honestly, this is not a man issue. you don't see a bunch of biological women trying to compete in men's sports. because they know they are going to lose. but we do see a lot of men that got there butts handed to them against other men because they decide they're going to be bullies against the women. the left talks about toxic masculinity. i can't see anything more toxic than that. >> martha: geraldo, what do you think? >> geraldo: i think it should be simple, without being specific, it can be simple. it is about common sense, right? it is about how you pick a jury. prudent, reasonable, normal, ordinary. is this logical? is this right? and i think that in this case, the republicans have the upper hand because the democrats are digging in their heels and creating a situation where this
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becomes a paramount issue, and it overwhelms so many. it is so emotional. the people are so frightened to get involved. it is not just about, you know, everybody is afraid to be called a racist, but worse than racism is a way as you are anti-trans. you are anti-trans. it is ridiculous. >> martha: exactly. that is now the offense of this, you know, these several months. we roll through these offenses that people get sort of labeled with and pigeonholed with. i don't know what the next one is going to become a janine come but this is clearly the one that is front and center right now and it is causing injuries and people to save, what about my rights? >> jeanine: the issue before us right now is not new. this started with bathrooms, what, five years ago? you know, when they want to the guys if they identified as a woman to go into a young girl's bathroom. this is about, to me, i have fought for women's rights from starting the first domestic violence bureau in the
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nation and on, fighting for rape victims, prosecuting those cases and all of a sudden there is a #metoo when you are like, gee, i'm glad you caught up, but then they stopped speaking, so it is more about political ideology than it is about reality, truth, and what's fair. but what i see going along the spectrum and i was looking up whether or not hakeem jeffries has any daughters. that is what i was on my phone a minute ago. what i see is women are being condemned. they are being disavowed. they are being erased. now there are women that are being used as crash dummies. female crash dummies. and i just see it as almost like the elimination and the subjugation of women in our society. i don't want a man who doesn't have breasts to tell me what sports bra i should wear. to me, that is disingenuous. >> martha: tell you which sports bra to wear, greg? >> geraldo: i like to go natural. i burned my speed 23 in the
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'70s. >> martha: it was big then. everything that is old is new again. going up, oh, so exciting, girls have more sports to choose from. and i was a kid it was like softball or tennis, you know? that expanded. now it is like each group sort of pushes -- you are no big deal anymore, we are now on to this group >> greg: this is a very funny day, in the sense that whe this is going on, mayor pete is proposing $20 million for female crash test dummies. and why? why? because female bodies are different. he just undermined their entire argument. he just said, you know what, they are not the average weight, the muscle mass, vastly different, so there is a legitimate reason for having different crash test dummies. they can't put the -- how can you not see this? just completely crushed their idea. by the way, this also proves another thing. how binariism is biological, so much so that if you come out
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with a sensible point of view as geraldo was saying, the republicans sound sensible, the entire other side goes against it. they don't even have an arg argument. he doesn't say it doesn't exist. there is this weird binary mentality, okay, if the republicans say only women have uterus is, then we have to say no, men can have uteruses. now you just got completely wacko land, but it is because we have to have one or the other. what do they do? they flipped title ix on its head. title ix was supposed to defend women, and the democrats can't even defend women anymore! >> jeanine: and they won't. >> greg: they won't! they are stuck in this prison of new -- this prison. and they can't get out of it and they would rather just throw women under the bus. >> jeanine: that's right. >> lawrence: they are the number one voters, too. >> martha: they are not in right now. >> jeanine: biden will ban any bill that bans -- >> greg: was amazing about
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this issue, when you talk about this issue privately with liberals, they agree with you. they don't agree with you when they are on tv. may be 100% of men are like, this is not but they don't say it because i don't want to get called names. >> lawrence: exactly right. >> martha: coming up next, the pentagon drops yet another mysterious ufo video. that's coming up on "the fastest." ♪ ♪ ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪
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♪ ♪ >> greg: bruno. >> geraldo: welcome back, time for "the fastest." first up, what in blazes is this? check it out. the ufo believers are going wild after the pentagon released a video of a mysterious orb buzzing fast over iraq last year. the military claims it has no clue what it is. what do you think it is, judge? >> jeanine: me?
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[laughter] i have no idea what it is, but here is the problem, there could be unintended cross fire. that is what they say. nobody knows what it is. but i can tell you, we have chinese, you know, running blues balloons over our country, they are in the middle of a war over there, who knows what is going . >> geraldo: you travel everywhere, lawrence. what is your ufo experience? >> lawrence: i mean, i've never seen one. >> geraldo: never ever? you don't use drugs. >> lawrence: in texas, in the countryside, i am waiting for the day that i see something out there. >> geraldo: you know, guess how many hearings that have been on ufos, now called unidentified anomalous phenomenon? >> martha: this was the second big one in 50 years. they don't like to talk about them because there are objects that they can't identify, right, it doesn't mean they are aliens, but there are objects that can't identify, but they don't like sitting on at the table and saying these are ufos, we don't know what they are, because it does not appeal particularly like you are
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talking in a position of strength. it looks like a baseball flying across the sky, basically. do you think you could possibly be a baseball? >> geraldo: my guess -- no, i don't think it is a baseball. my guess it is some drone-like thing, greg. >> martha: surveillance. >> geraldo: there is usually next when nation. >> greg: there is bureau i am so sick of these. stupid sightings. imagine if you had a dermatologist like this. we found that you will be oh come dermatologic object on your back. we don't not know what it is. shut up! don't tell me about it, we do not know what it is, shut up! >> geraldo: up next, talk about a massive screwup. millions of florida residents getting a rude awakening at 4:45 in the morning after a test of the emergency alert system accident i got sent to folks phones. you were supposed to run the television and your television was off, you didn't get it. i got one of these --
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>> jeanine: yeah, what happens, it's this crazy alarm, came on your phone and you didn't have your tv on. go ahead, lawrence. before moving right along. >> lawrence: geraldo, greg, comparing pimples on your back to ufos. on a serious note, desantis has come under a lot of fire because of this because he has been out campaigning for a presidential race that he hasn't declared yet. he better be careful with this vehicle if the people of florida ever feel like he is putting hin aspirations before them, it can be problematic. >> geraldo: he is on the cusp right now. one cranky legislator has a new bill, stop weight act. not woke. wake. he wants to outlaw all of these systems, accepted business hours. >> martha: remember 2017 in hawaii? people told there was intercontinental ballistic
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missile coming their way? that would be a little more upsetting than getting woken up at 4:30 five in the morning. >> greg: yeah, my wife was there. >> martha: hawaii? >> greg: everyone was in the lobby crying and i had a different response to this. i would be upset for a second, but then i would prefer to be upset because it is fake and upset that it is real. may i use another dr. analogy? >> lawrence: go. >> greg: hey, gutfeld, you got cancer appeared i go, crap. i was wrong. i could say, yeah, could be mad at the doctor but still a preferable situation and if was right. i will take the false alarm any day of the week because the real alarm means you are screwed. >> geraldo: those amber warnings are so -- >> jeanine: shocking. >> geraldo: "fan mill friday" up next. ♪ ♪ get powered by innovation refunds
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single episode of, martha? >> martha: "the last kingdom." >> greg: interesting. >> martha: "the last kingdom" is my favorite beard >> greg: that's like nine episodes. >> martha: a full length movie. it's so good. you have to watch "the last kingdom." >> greg: how about you? >> lawrence: fat and "yellowstone." >> greg: how about you? >> geraldo: "yellow jacket." somewhere in the hotel in hawaii, then italy? what is that? >> greg: "white lotus." the second season way better than the first. >> jeanine: for me, it is "breaking bad," "yellowstone," "downton abbey." >> martha: next question -- >> greg: wait, i get to say peer review said "mad men."
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i'm going to throw a wild card, a show called "peep show" by the guy who does "succession" now. and "friends" and "the office," don't have a choice, they are on 24/7 when you turn on the tv. would you rather be extremely lucky or extremely smart? judge? >> jeanine: smart. >> geraldo: lucky. >> greg: why? >> jeanine: you didn't ask me why. >> greg: you would tell me without asking. >> jeanine: you go. >> geraldo: so smart -- >> jeanine: go ahead. >> geraldo: i think karma is real. and a lot of things you can't control in life. and what you make of your life is what you make of random chance is. >> greg: that's a very good point. i agree. i would rather be lucky than smart because i think, smart, if you are smart, you are going to know when you are unlucky. >> lawrence: also, no one likes a smartass.
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>> jeanine: martha? >> martha: i would rather be lucky because you can be smart and really unlucky. and that is not really a great position to be in. >> greg: you've got to take the lock. >> jeanine: if you are smart you know when you need to move and not move. if you cannot rely on luck coming around every time he had >> greg: that is why you would choose luck. see what i am saying? you have a choice, i would take a look because you can build your smart spirit >> jeanine: i am not so smart, obviously. >> greg: all right, "one more thing" up next. ♪ ♪ lighting the way for all suvs to follow. this is the fully-electric, highly-advanced, eqe suv with digital light led technology. brilliant, inside and out. see your dealer for exceptional offers
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david angelo. kat timpf, tyrus. today's national day news. do you know what tomorrow is? tomorrow is national record store day. that's when you go and celebrate the 1400 independent record stores that remain in operation in the united states. i went to rough trade before the show and i'm going to show you what i bought. i bought a crap load i started with frank sinatra. probably greatest album in the wee smaller albums. greatest sound track judgment night where they marry metal bands. late 80s. they were first. the greatest beach boy album of all time. if you don't have this, you are dead to me. of course velvet underground cover done by andy warhol. you have got t rex. the guy who basically invented gram. then you have desmond decker one of the greatest reggae stars of
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all times. koton band i would recommend to everybody. that's in my bag. >> i hope you didn't break that one. >> greg: i have been breaking records. >> judge jeanine: clearly. all right ellie and sandy were both 81-year-old widows living in texas they became extremely close when both their husbands died and they decided that they would travel the world in 80 days. they began their adventure on january 11th and just finished this past weekend during three months of travel they rode camels in egypt threw coins in the fountain. took a selfie with a long tail mccongress. >> greg: watch your mouth. >> judge jeanine: in the valley and dog sled. their motto is age is only a number. they want to encourage. they are both 88. >> martha: i love them. >> judge jeanine: mu coming.
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ucock. >> lawrence: general tire 200 at 1:00 p.m. on fs-1 and ag pro-304:00 p.m. eastern time on fox. and then the big race sunday 3:00 p.m. only on fox should be great weekend. also, i got a big show this weekend. went to michigan to talk about the chinese involvement in a plant there. take a look. >> lawrence: they say there is no chinese involvement in this. >> we all know what's going on in the world with china's relations with russia and the spy balloons. i mean, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out why we should be concerned for everyone in the united states. >> lawrence: l.j. has you saturday at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. >> judge jeanine: geraldo? >> geraldo: one of the things having a career as long over 50 years kee keeping up with technology. social media is overwhelming. i decided to concentrate on twitter. they took away my check.
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>> judge jeanine: they did? >> lawrence: can i show you how to get it back. geraldo hearlgd lawrence showed me how to get it back but i have to pay money now. how much do you have to pay? >> martha: i lost my check too. only have 10 seconds. tom brady going to play for the dolphins? something to think about over the weekend. >> judge jeanine: that's it for us. we will see you back here on monday. have a great weekend. ♪ >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, several new twists in the hunter biden investigations. federal law enforcement officials tell fox news lawyers for the president's son will meet with justice department officials next week. this comes as a former cia official says under oath one-time biden campaign adviser and current secretary of state antony blinken played a key role in the effort to attribute the laptop scandal to russian disinformation. let's get details on all of this tonight from senior national


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